Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M57d1. Donor Bird. 21.23.27.-.35.37.


bird consistently gives a person magical objects (or gives one, with which he receives the rest) or consistently fulfills his wishes.

Agaria, Bulgarians, Russians (Tersky Bereg, Arkhangelsk, Moscow, Ryazan, Gorkovskaya; apparently, there are birds in other territories as well), Belarusians, Ukrainians (Poltava), Slovaks, Kalmyks, Adygs, Abkhazians, Karachays, Balkarians, Avars, Georgians, Persians, Tajiks, Bartangans, Turkmens, Sarykols, Latvians, Chuvash, Mtsordva, Mari, Udmurts, Komi, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Khalkha Mongols, Mongols of Ordos , Mongors, Oirats, Tuvans, Mansi, Nanais.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bhutan [the boy does not have buckwheat to sow; everyone gave him a handful, but the sparrows pecked the sown seeds; the boy found a sparrow nest and was going to burn it; the sparrow persuaded him to take pity, gave him a wooden cup in which any food is optional; a woman at the head of a large household has replaced it; now the sparrow has given a goat; if it is washed and petted, money falls off it; a woman changed again; the sparrow gave a baton; she drove the woman away until she returned it all]: Choden 1994:137-139; (cf. toto [orphan herds the master's herd, starves; old woman: in the left horn of the brown (red) cow there will be molasses, in the right horn there will be rice; the orphan is full, the rest is hidden in the hollow; the crane took it away; the orphan chased him; three days later, the crane stopped and told the orphan to come to him; let him throw a handful of mustard on his tail, and find it on this trail; following the trail, the orphan came to the old woman who told he was eating in the horns of a cow; she warned him not to enter the crane's house through the main entrance - they would kill him; let him enter through the side door, find a vial and ask him to give it to him; the crane agrees, told do not open the vial home; on the way back, the vial became heavier; the orphan could not resist taking out the cork; a beautiful woman came out and asked to marry her; the orphan left her in a tree and went to the village to pick up people (to bring his wife solemnly); the cannibal ate the girl, took her place, took her form; they began to live in their own house; a pumpkin grew, she prevented her from entering the house; the imaginary wife tore her out, but at the same time a pomelo tree grew in the place; the imaginary wife gave birth and left the child in the shade of this tree; the fruit fell and killed him; the imaginary wife cut down the tree; an old woman came and took what was left; in her house came out of the fruit girl; asked the old woman to bring betel, filled the vessel with gum and smeared it on the inside of the house where the orphan and witch lived; the old woman told the orphan everything, and when she saw the blood (i.e. bethel), he believed it; the old woman told me to dig a hole, push the cannibal into it; he cut off the cannibal's head, threw it into a hole and buried it; returned his real wife]: Majumdar 1991, No. 20:269-275).

South Asia. Khuntia Chokh [the wife scattered the rice to dry; the husband fell asleep, the sparrows pecked rice; the next day, the husband spread glue, the sparrows stuck, he killed them; one said he was the king of sparrows - let a man come to him tomorrow; a man received a cow that litters gold; spent the night in the house of a married daughter, who changed a cow; the sparrow king gave a pot always full of rice and lentils - the same; The king gave a rope and a stick; the daughter was tied and beaten, returned the stolen goods]: Elwin 1944, No. 6:124-126

Balkans. Bulgarians [the lark has a nest in the tree, the peasant is going to cut down a tree, the lark tells him not to do so, gives a stick that fulfills his wishes; the peasant invites the king to visit, he replaces him a stick; next time the lark gives a donkey that spits out the chervonets; the blacksmith replaces him; the lark gives a hammer, he hits the tsar, the blacksmith, they return the stolen goods]: Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1951:68-72.

Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [the old man began to cut the forest; bird: do not destroy nests, you will have bread and salt; at home the old woman sends bread and salt back: house and lake; carbas and gear; so that we they were afraid; the bird turned the old man and the old woman into hunting dogs, the hunters found them, let them fight wolves and bears]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:83-85; Belarusians [Wonderful gifts: man gets a magic tablecloth, a goat crumbling in gold (a mill from which gold falls), a wonderful baton; a thief replaces magic objects and an animal; a wonderful baton beats the kidnapper and makes him return gifts to the owner]: SUS 1979, No. 563:160-161; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the grandfather went to the forest, baled with an ax, the bird jumped out an iron nose, a wooden tail; gave a pot;" Pour it, pour it!" - there will be porridge, "Tough, be strong!" - will stop; the woman forgot about "Be strong!" , almost drowned in porridge; the neighbors collected porridge, Yagisnya changed the pot; the grandfather went back to the birds, she gave a bakery tablecloth; Yagisnya changed again; the third time the bird gave the dog; "Male, scratch it!" - he will eat flour, "Male, pomeley!" - it will tear it to pieces; my grandfather specifically told Yagisna not to say, "Male, pomelo!" ; she said the dog began to tear her up, the tablecloth had to be returned; the woman once also said "pomeli", her grandfather barely saved her]: Balashov 1991:33-40; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [a crane fell into the old man's trap; asks not to kill, leads to him, gave a bag; if "Two out of the bag!" , two people will jump out to cover the table; on the way home, the old man went to the godfather, who changed her bag; the crane gave another bag; those in it were beating her with a rod; the old man went to the godfather, began to beat her, she returned the first bag]: Onchukov 2008, No. 16:121-123; Russians (Moscow, Zaraisky U.; Khudyakov, No. 8) [two smart sons, Ivanushka is a fool; he was sent to guard peas; a sandpiper flew in, I. wanted to break his neck; he ordered better come to him, give him a magic tablecloth; horse shepherds send them to cows, they to pork; sheep; goose; ducks; on the way, Baba Yaga changed the tablecloth; the next time the sandpiper gave a horse when laughs, gold is pouring in; the same; for the third time, forceps; they spit Baba Yaga, she returned everything; now the brothers have stolen the tablecloth and the horse; I. and put tongs on them - they returned everything]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 54:151-153; Russians (Ryazan) [father and son lived, son was a fool; sends his father to the city to buy a washcloth to stuff film; father sowed peas; went, put the film; cranes fell for peas fly; the son caught one, wants to beat; the crane asks not to hit and gives the embroidered brand a tablecloth; the tablecloth was sewn on request and everything appeared; the fool let the crane go; went with a tablecloth to his aunt spend the night; tells not to say: tablecloth, turn around; aunt changed the tablecloth; the son comes a fool to his father, tells him to call the merchants; the tablecloth does not turn around: the fool caught the crane again, he gave a horse; if the horse tell me to stomp with one foot - copper money will fall; the other - silver, the third - gold, the fourth - precious stones; the fool let the crane go; went to my aunt, she changed the horse; the fool again to the crane ; he says that it is the aunt who is lying; gave the bag; the fool said: two out of the bag, three from the bag, come out; good fellows with whips came out of the bag; went to his aunt, tells me not to say these words; goes to take a steam bath ; the aunt said "two from the bag, three from the bag"; good fellows whip her, she returned the tablecloth and the horse; the fool comes home; tells her father to call merchants, gentlemen, rich men; the father called everyone; the fool shows a tablecloth, a horse and a bag; good fellows came out of the bag, began to whip the guests]: Khudyakov 1964, No. 9:76-77; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [the guy fell into the trap of kingdoms; asks to let go and go to her for a gift; on the way, the guy asks the shepherds whose sheep are; herons; the same goats; shepherd: take two goats and throw herons at the gate of the palace to the guard dogs; the guy asked for a magic tablecloth; at home the tsar took it away; then the heron gave a pumpkin, from which people with sticks come out; the tsar had to return the tablecloth]: Eremina et al. 1979, No. 40:220-222; Belarusians [the grandfather sowed millet, the crane poisoned him; orders grandfather to come for the reward, gives a purse with inexhaustible food and drink; when the grandfather and woman invited Mr., he took the purse; the grandfather came to the crane again, he gave a keg in which 12 fellows; they beat Mr. and his people, the pan returns the purse]: Romanov 1887, No. 50:271-276 (=Vasilenok 1958:59-67); Ukrainians (Poltava, Romensky y.) [The grandfather sends three sons to grind, then guard the millet, the elders fall asleep, the third, the "idiot" sees the cranes, grabs one of them, who asks him to be released in exchange for a goat that gives money. On the way back, he spends the night at the old woman's house, offers her money for idle time, but she refuses, she changes a goat at night. The guy comes home, shows the goat, she doesn't give money, he gets beaten. The next night he catches the crane again, who gives him a wonderful tablecloth, and the guy sleeps with his grandmother, who replaces her. It all repeats itself. On the third night, the crane gives a "kiyochok" (?) - he is lucky, everything repeats himself, the grandmother says the words, the kiyochok grabs her braids, the guy sees, asks for "more". The woman gives the tablecloth and the goat, the kiyochok beats her older brothers. The goat was sold, the tablecloth was kept, the kiochek was cut. They squeezed the millet, they no longer guard]: Gnedich 1916, No. 1520:47-49; Slovaks [the old lame raven demands that the ploughman give him an ox; the ploughman has to give him, gives the second one, the raven immediately eats them ; tells you to go to his castle for three days and three nights, where he will reward him; the shepherd asks if the debtor's man recognizes the debtor; calls the crows three times, but that is not the case; finally, he arrives; the shepherd advises to give up gold, take a hand mill; it gives any food; on the way back, the shepherd suggests changing it to a baton; the man replaced, and then ordered the club to take back the mill; the same with a sword, with a cocked hat (replaced, took back from the soldier, from the gunner, kernels fall out of the cocked hat); takes the handkerchief from the woman with which she revived the dead; the man resurrected with a handkerchief everyone from whom he took things away; the pan put the man's wife in prison, sent Haiduk to imprison himself; the man smashes, then revives the lord's people; the pan asks for a baton and sword - supposedly to defend himself against three kings; he himself attacked a man, he fought back with help cocked hats; beat Mr. and his servants]: Bogatyrev 1955:89-99.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kalmyks [the old man saved the magpie from the cat, went out; when she flew away, she left her pen, it would lead to her; when the old man and the old woman were very old and impoverished, the old man threw down his pen and followed him; the man he met ordered to ask the magpie for a foal to recover in gold; having received it, the old man took the foal as a gift to the khan, but the children replaced him; the old man goes back to forty, asks for a chest with an inexhaustible with food; the children replaced him again, the khan again ordered the old man to be beaten; the third time forty gave a mallet; she beat the boys first, then the khan, the old man took the foal and the chest]: Vatagin 1964:150-155; Adygs: Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977 (Kabardian people) [approximately like Kerashev 1957]: 78-82; Kerashev 1957 [=Maksimov, Kerashev 1953:182-186; an old man and an old woman caught a crane eating millet; he asks him do not beat, gives a bowl that fills itself with food; the old man feeds the whole village, the guy changed the bowl; the crane gives a horse defecating with gold and silk; the same guy changed the horse; the crane gives skin who throws a man up and does not let go; the guy is forced to return everything; the skin also punished those people from another village who scolded the old man when it turned out that the bowl he brought and the horse he brought ordinary; she threw them up until they swore not to hit the old man]: 265-268; Abkhazians [the bird cut down the forest on the old man's site and did all the field work, but collected it herself the harvest; the old man wants to slaughter it, she leads it to him, gives a skinny horse, then a thin bucket, then an alder stick; the man explains that the horse weeds gold and silver, the bucket gives food, the stick will beat enemies; the old man called the prince to a feast, told everything, the prince ordered the wars to kill the old man, but he let a stick on them; the old man lives well]: Shakryl 1975, No. 40:208-212; Karachays [the old man caught in a black eagle trap; he asked him to let go, two or three feathers; the old man threw one, it flew, he came to the eagle for it; the workers advised him to ask for a wooden bowl, which could be filled if desired gold; on the way back, the old man tried to curl, then put the gold back; spent the night with the khan, who changed the bowl; the second pen: a short horse with all the offspring of black eagle cattle in it; the old man I tried to curl along the way; the cattle came out, but the three-headed emegen came to take them away; the old man managed to hide the cattle in his horse, promised to fulfill Emegen's wish when necessary; the khan changed the horse; the third time ask for a baton; she began to beat the khan and his sons, who returned the horse and cup; Emegen appeared, demanded the old man's daughter; he put a baton on him, but she stopped, and Emegen turned into a black eagle; he wanted to check whether the old man valued his daughter or wealth more; finding out that his daughter, the eagle left the old man all three magic objects]: Rumyantseva 1981:35-43; Balkarians (Western 1965) [someone is ruining a cornfield; old man Biybo guards, a bird with golden feathers arrives, B. grabbed it; she asks him to let go, gives the pen to call her; the wife beats the old man, demands a bird; he lets him go a feather comes to the bird in the wind, it gives a three-legged table on which any food appears; on the way, B. stops at people, the table is changed; next time a lamb defecating with gold (the same); the third time the bird gives a baton; the old man put a baton on the one who replaced the curiosities, he returned everything; the lamb brought gold and wheat at home, food appeared on the table; but the wife was still unhappy; the old man let him go a baton on her; after that, the old man's wife began to wear on her back]: Malkonduev 2017:422-425; Avars [the widow's son wants to shoot a pigeon, he gives him a magic tablecloth; the widow invites him to visit Khan, he buys a tablecloth; the dove gives a donkey, coins fall out of it; the young man stops for the night, the owner has changed the donkey; the dove gives sticks, they beat the khan, the owner, they return the tablecloth and the donkey]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 64:546-550; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 84 [the poor man sowed a seed, grew an ear, he sowed more, the birds began to bite, he knocked out one wing; she gave him a feather, tells him come, ask for what he wants; the old man teaches you to ask for an old tablecloth; she turns out to be a magician; a man calls the king and his army to a feast, who replaces the tablecloth; the same is the hand mill from which he falls gold and silver (the neighbor changed it); the same is a baton (she hits the neighbor, the king, they return the stolen goods)]: 86-90; Chikovani 1954, No. 26 [the wife went to the neighbors, everyone gave a handful of wheat, the husband sowed; when came to reap, birds pecking grain all over the field; the peasant curses them; the raven says that he invited other birds to visit, asks him not to shame, promises to fulfill any three requests; the peasant goes to him To look for Grandma Dev, he picked up her spindle, she indicated where to go; ordered to take only a hand mill that provides any food; contrary to his wife's advice, the husband invited the king, who ordered the mill to be taken away; The next time the peasant received a donkey from which gold (and any other goods) was poured; the same; a baton; she beats the king, he had to return everything]: 145-148.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the peasant sowed beans, the crow pecked everything, he caught it, she gives him three feathers, each leading to her if necessary; for the first time, the crow gives a pot that fills itself with food - the Shah took away; then the donkey that litters gold is the same; a flask in which guys with batons; the shah returns the stolen goods]: Osmanov 1987:170-173; Tajiks: Amonov 1980 [Pleshivets's grandmother hid snare, bald man began to catch sparrows, they ate them; once he caught a crow, he asked him to let him go, told him to go to him for a reward; on the way, shepherds herd crow herds; advise to ask for a donkey, from under whose tail is falling gold coins; the padishah sent an old woman to Baleshivets's grandmother, who found out about the donkey, the padishah sent the thief to steal it; the same: a block from which gold coins fly out when hit; dastarkhan magic; pumpkin with wasps; a warrior dies from every bite, a padishah gives magic objects to the pleshivets and a daughter, makes him a commander]: 101-107: Amonov, Ulug-zade 1957 [the young man catches in a trap, releases the heron; goes to her kingdom; the shepherd advises to ask her for a magic tablecloth; the padishah took it away; next time the heron gave a pumpkin, warriors came out of it, the padishah returned the tablecloth]: 94-96 (=Ulug- back 1967:175-179); Bartangans [the grandson of a poor old woman catches birds in a snare; a crow was caught, asked her to let her go, indicated where her home was; the grandmother scolded her grandson for letting the crow go; he came to to the crow, she gave a cow that gives oil; on the way, the witch sent bad weather, the guy spent the night with her, she changed the cow; the guy went back to the crow, she gave the donkey pouring money (the same); a millstone, giving flour (same); the crow gave a chest of bees; the guy brought it to the witch, opened it, and went out himself; the bees bit her, the guy took everything the witch stole]: Sokolova 1960, No. 7:40-44; Turkmens [ the crooked raven stole the shepherd's cheese; he caught him; the raven promised to give him a gift, called him to his place, gave him a magic tablecloth; the shepherd invited the padishah to a feast; he sent the vizier to take away the tablecloth; the raven gave a donkey, from whom gold coins are pouring in; the padishah also took him away; the raven gave a chest, with a mallet man in it; the padishah took the chest, the man killed the padishah, the courtiers, the guards, destroyed the palace; the shepherd told him return to the chest; took the tablecloth and the donkey]: Erberg 1953:7-11; Sarykoltsy [a man releases a crow caught in a snare, she gives a magic tablecloth; on the way home he spends the night in another house, hostess changed the tablecloth; the crow gives a stick, she hits the woman, she returns the tablecloth; now the king orders to give the tablecloth, sends an army; the stick has killed the entire army; the king gave man the kingdom, and he did king with a groom]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 61:463-465; Uzbeks: Ostroumov 1890, No. 5 [mother sends her son to buy thread, then bread; he buys a dog, then a snake; his mother drives him away; a snake He tells his father to ask for a samovar boiler, a magic tablecloth, a donkey with gold in his mouth, a baton; on the way back, Shaitan changed the cauldron, tablecloth, donkey; the boy ordered the baton to beat, Satan all returned; the boy marries the king's daughter, giving her treasures, his baton kills robbers], 6 [the young man caught and released the heron, received a magic tablecloth, the king took it away, the heron gave a pumpkin with warriors, they destroyed the king's army, the young man reigned]: 28-32, 32-34; Afzalov et al. 1972 (1) [the stork falls into the old man's trap, asks him to let go, his house is around the corner, everyone will show; the old man goes, asks the shepherds, herdsman, they say that they are grazing sheep, Stork horses; the herd tells us to ask for a squat as a reward; when they enter the house, the old man greets the Stork; he replies that he would have swallowed it otherwise; reluctantly gives a crust, she gives gold coins; an old man spends the night with a friend, who replaces a squat; the same: a magic tablecloth; a baton; a baton hits a thief, he gives a squat and a tablecloth; the khan wants to take it all away, the baton hits the vizier, the khan's army; wonderful items remain with the old man]: 76-80.

Baltoscandia. Latvians (Livonia) [husband and wife always quarreled and lived in a tub; a bird with lightning eyes offered to move them to a good home, taught them to summon her with a clap of their hands, and ask for what they needed; they moved to the manor's house, and then the husband wanted to be king and the wife wanted to be God; the bird brought them back to the tub]: Brivzemniax 1887, No. 136:277-278.

Volga - Perm. Chuvash [someone poisons the peasant's peas; four sons take turns guarding; the elders fall asleep, the youngest Pleshivy Ivan waited for the cranes, began to whip them, caught one; he asked him let him go, told him how to find him; when I. came, the crane gave him a parcel, told him not to open it home; the old woman invites him to the bathhouse, stole the parcel; the same was a self-propelled sleigh; the crane gives a horn, tells him Don't let go of your hands; the Cossack hits the old woman from the horn, she has to return everything; there were 4 girls in the bundle; the brothers almost got into a fight over them, but the Cossack pacified them; they played weddings]: Chuvash tales 1937: 109-114; marie [someone ruins a pea field; older brothers fall asleep, younger Toimet hides, leaves a mead, a crane descends, eats peas, drinks, gets drunk, T. catches him; the crane gives for himself a chest that shows everything; the pop replaces the chest; the next time the crane gives a goat that defecates with gold when it bleats; the pop replaces again; the crane gives a stick that beats the deceivers; T. beats the priest, he returns what was taken away; beats the brothers, they recognize the merits of T.]: Aktsorin 1984:182-187; Bashkirs: Barag 1989, No. 47 [the old man brought a chock, began to stab, a bird jumped out, ready to perform desire; the old man asked for firewood; the old woman tells me to ask for something else (food, become a merchant); after she wanted to become a queen of the forest, the chock and everything asked for disappeared, and the old people turned into forest shurales - horned, covered with hair, with green beards]: 214-216); Khusainova 2014 [1) the old man catches and releases a crow, which promises a reward for her release; a counter shepherd advises to ask for a donkey spewing gold; in the village he is replaced; next time, dishes filled with food; a baton; she beats the boys who changed the donkey and the dishes, she returns the stolen goods; 2) the crane bites peas in the field, the pelvis catches it; releases it in exchange for a magic tablecloth; the old woman replaced her; then the crane that sprinkles gold; the same; a baton; she hits the old woman, she returns kidnapped; brothers want to kill Taz, baton hits them, Taz drives them away]: 62; Mordovians [most likely the donor is a bird, like most Volga-Perm groups]: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 563, 564:232; Udmurts: Kralina 1960, No. 61 [Ivan is poor, he goes to look for Inmar to beat him; an old woman in a forest hut gives him a ram, which, if you ask, turns gold; on the way back, a merchant replaces him; next time the old woman gives a magic tablecloth; the same; the third time she gives a bag from which soldiers jump out; they hit the merchant, he returns everything; I.'s domestic do not believe that he brought something something valuable; he lets soldiers at them, they got off the stove, saw gold, ate well], 62 [the crane pulls peas in the field, the father tells the sons to guard; the eldest, the middle can't catch the crane, the youngest Ivan caught it, he gave him a magic tablecloth; on the way back, the old woman changed her, the brothers beat I.; he caught the crane again, he gave him a baton; she beat the old woman, she returned the tablecloth; beat the brothers Ivana], 65 [three pigeons gave the soldier a pipe from which an invincible army, an inexhaustible purse and an invisible handkerchief come out; the king steals it all; in the forest, a soldier eats fruit, turns into a beast, then eats others, becomes man; gives the first fruits to the king, promises to cure him, beats him, makes him man, drives him away with all the courtiers, remains in the palace]: 167-170, 180-183; Komi [the wife sent the poor brother to work; on the way he went to a rich man who kept a tavern, but he did not give him a drink; the poor stopped in front of a dilapidated bridge, the raven told him to go; the man crossed, and on the other side an old man asked to transfer it back; the man transferred it, the person he met gave a lamb whose wool was pouring gold; the poor brother boasted to the rich, who replaced the ram; the same was a magic tablecloth; on the third once the old man gave a bag from which two fellows with batons jump out; they beat the rich brother, he returned everything, the poor man healed well]: Plesovsky 1975:125-131.

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [the old man went to buy firewood, began to cut down a tree; a golden bird flew out of the tree, asked not to cut, promised to do whatever he wanted; the old man asked to bring him so much home firewood so that he could heat plenty; in the morning, the doorstep was full of firewood; a few days later the old man went to cut the tree again and asked for a white yurt; then wished to become a bay, have herds of white cattle; Información suplementaria the old man wanted to become a khan; cut down the plane tree, but the bird did not appear; returned home - there is nothing there; only the old woman says: greed will not do well]: Sabyr uulu 2008:41-42; Kyrgyz [ the hunter caught a gray hawk (kök-karchiga, KK); he asks to let him go, promises a valuable gift; the hunter goes to the hawk; on the way, shepherds, herding countless flocks of KK, advise asking for a smoky cauldron; KK (in human form): you say, "The cauldron is full" and it will contain any food; on the way home, the old man stopped in the village, telling the children not to say, "Kazan, fill up!" ; they changed the cauldron; the old man went back to the KK, which gave the chest from which the cattle came out (the same); the third time, the KK gave a beater (tokpak); the children immediately say, "Hit, mallet!" , I had to return the stolen goods; the old woman could not resist at home and said, "Hit, mallet!" ; the mallet killed her]: The Muchnik 1944:72-74.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans (Ak-Khem) [Karaty Khan took everything from the poor; the old man and the old woman feed on what falls into the snare; one day an old man sees a golden eagle pecking a partridge that has fallen into the snare; not became angry; the old woman at home was outraged: the eagle should have been shot; the same the next day; on the third day the old man is ready to shoot the eagle, but he calls himself the eagle king, let the old man come to him at Mount Arsyi; the old man came there, got a horse and a saddle that creates any food; at home, the old woman went to brag about K., who changed his saddle; next time he changed his saddle; the next time he gave a torba; the third time the eagle fired an arrow, which herself flies to the target and returns; the old man let her go to Khan; he begged him not to kill; the old man made Khan a shepherd, Khansha a maid, distributed cattle to the poor]: Taube 1978, No. 43:227-233; Khalkha Mongols [ the poor man pulled a fox, a wolf, a magpie out of the well; the fox and the wolf refused to help him; the magpie gave a wineskin filled with koumiss; the khan took it away; the magpie gave a baton; she began to beat the hansha; the khan had to return the wineskin]: Mikhailov 1962:33-34; the Mongols (Ordos) [Saikhan-hu ("beautiful boy") went west; decided to spend the night between the cows; jumped on the cow to steal; rode it all night; in the morning it turned out to be a tiger; he tried to grab a branch, tore it off, but it turned out to be the head of the Abyrga-Mogay snake; every new king in the city dies the next day; lama: the king will be the one who comes to the tiger who drives him with a snake Abyrga-Mogay; people stole S. from the tiger with a noose, he grabbed the tiger's tail and tore it off; S. became king; someone spoils bread on arable land; S. went, sees a tree, under him tigers stood on top of each other to eat apples; the lowest tiger without a tail; S. called him short, he fled, the others fell and crashed; S.'s father became impoverished; caught a goose, broke his leg, the goose promises three lands; S. let go, the goose disappeared into the sea; an old man came out of the water: it's not a goose, but Losun Khan; we must ask him for a black black donkey; this donkey is littering gold; the Chinese replaced him; then L. gave a broken kettle, he cooks any food, the khan took the kettle; the third time the old man received bones, they ask who to beat; old man: except for the black donkey and the broken one, hit everyone; the bones killed everyone; the bones killed everyone; the old man took the donkey and the teapot back]: Potanin 1893, No. 21:181-184; the Mongors [the bird gives the poor a magic basket, then a tree on which gold and silver grow; the landowner takes everything away, but from him magic items lose their power; the bird gives a baton, it beats the landowner, the poor man takes the selected]: Stuart, Limusishiden 1994:169-170; Oirats: Potanin 1883, No. 95b (burguts) [old people only one foal; the magpie pecked his back; the old man chased her, she went to heaven, then back to the ground, he caught everything; the magpie bought her life by giving a cow that gave a huge amount of milk; khan found out, changed; next time she gave a horse's head (skull) giving whatever you wanted; the same; gave an iron pestle; the khan wanted to take it away, the pest killed the khan, his family and associates; the old man took everything], 160 (darhats ) [the man caught a bird, then the animals began to come by themselves, the hunter became rich; the wife met with the merchant, who asked to cook a bird, her two sons accidentally entered, the youngest ate his head, the eldest ate his head, the eldest wing; their mother began to beat them, they ran away, lost each other; the youngest lives with an old woman, sells hay, paid for him at exorbitant prices; Noyon's daughter lures him to her, got him drunk, he regurgitated precious ones first stones, then the bird's head; Noyon's daughter threw it away, he returned to the old woman, happiness is gone; the young man leaves, undertakes to judge his father arguing over his inheritance: who will get the invisible hat that performs a box of wishes and a staff with which you can walk on the water; he threw a stone, told me to race, took possession of things, came back to Noyon's daughter, she took everything again, leaving only a staff; he came to live with to another old woman, pretending to be sleeping, saw that it was a shulmusikha with one eye in her forehead; pretended to wake up, shulmusikha took the form of an old woman again; replied that the flowers on her box made her wishes come true; fell asleep; the young man burned her eye with a hot staff, ran away, crossed the sea with the help of a staff, shulmusikha rushed after her and drowned; the young man came to Noyon's daughter, turned her into a horse by the power of flowers, maids as donkeys; promised Noyon to find his daughter if he gave him her box; it contained all the magic objects; the young man restored Noyon's daughter to human form, but left only one eye; gave the second one after how he got Noyon's daughter as his wife; noyon made him a senior dignitary; he found father and mother, made his father a boss, his mother a maid; his older brother caught forty, agreed not to kill, she became a girl, her the father gave a piece of cloth, it fulfills wishes, the fabric was changed in the ail; then he gave a baton, she began to beat the deceivers, they returned the matter; servants and cattle came out of it]: 355-358, 535-539; Tuvans [ the golden bird asks the old man not to cut down the tree in which she lives, promises to fulfill every wish; he asks for firewood; the next day he asks for a white yurt; white cattle; the old woman asks her husband not greedy, but he wants to be khan; there are no birds, the old man knocked down a tree, and the next morning they have their old black yurt full of holes]: Hadahane 1984:53-54.

Western Siberia. Munsey: Lukina 1990, No. 182 (b. Yukonda) [the capercaillie asked the hunter to let him go; the young man's mother is dissatisfied; the young man went there - the capercaillie turned into an old man, put food in the back and a golden circle on top; the young man hung it on the house, City The Old Man Hero stole; the same twice more (silver, copper circle); the fourth time the young man hit the old man and took his magic stick, killing the Old City Hero with it]: 467-468; Kannisto 1951, No. 4 ( upper Lozva) [the nephew lives with his aunt, hunts; offered her to sow grain; someone ruined the field, the nephew grabbed the crane; he asks him not to kill, to go where he will fly; there is a house in it, an old man in it with the old woman, the old man gave him a squirrel skin, his nephew brought her home, in the morning the house was full of furs; the mayor came to ask for flour; asked for a skin; the next morning no fur, nothing; the nephew goes to the same house, gets an ermine skin; the same; a wolverine tooth; goes to the mayor to ask for flour, puts a wolverine tooth in a bag, puts all the flour of the bins in the bag; the head gives the skins, for which the nephew returns part of his flour; he's rich again]: 41-47.

Amur - Sakhalin. The Nanais [the crow has a nest in the tree, she asks the old man not to cut the tree, gives a winnower, which gives grain and flour; the chief's servants took the winnower, the crow gave a sieve (the same); gave a mallet, she hits servants, they return the kidnapped; one day the old people woke up - two beauties and a mergen are sleeping on the canals; Mergen brought all residents from the village of robber servants to the village; the old people have healed in satiety]: Kile 1996, No. 44:395-399.