Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

M57d2. The tree makes wishes come true.


The man was about to cut down a tree. It himself, or the creature living on it or in it, asks not to do so and fulfills the person's wishes.

Kabila, Spaniards (?) , Walloons, Qatar, Bulgarians, Russians (Karelia, Ryazan), Nogais, Estonians, Karelians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Maris, Udmurts, (Bashkirs), Kyrgyz, Buryats, Tuvans, (Chelkans), Nanais.

North Africa. Kabila (Mzabite) [the poor lumberjack has four children, his rich brother is childless; the poor begins to cut down yuyuba; the tree asks not to do so, gives a pot that is filled with whatever you want; the rich brother took it away; the tree gave a stick; she began to beat people; they forced the rich brother to return the pot and share the property with the poor brother]: Basset 1903, No. 11:30-33 (same as Basset 1897, No. 102:93-95, Mzab).

Southern Europe. The text was recorded in the Philippines by the Tagals, but the plot is European and the hero's name is Juan. Spaniards (?) [the mother asked Juan's lazy son to bring firewood; he swung a machete, asked him not to cut the tree, gave him a goat with silver falling from its face; the friend found out, gave Juan a drink, changed the goat; now the tree has given a net; if you throw it in a dry place, it is still full of fish; the same; an inexhaustible pot of rice; the same; a baton; she beat a friend and he returned everything; then the baton beat the pets Juana and they promised to hold him as head of the family; thieves came one day, and a baton beat them too; Juan married a beautiful princess]: Cole 1916:196-199.

Western Europe. Walloons [the woodcutter swings his ax, but asks him not to cut it; for this he gives a hand mill that gives out any food; a beggar who enters the house has replaced it; the tree gives a cat defecating in gold; same; gives a rod; the thief had to return everything]: Laport 1932, no.*563A: 64.

Western Asia. Qatar [a man lives harvesting firewood; one day he hits a tree, a genie jumps out; a man complains of poverty, a genie gives him a magic table; his wife wants not only food, but also clothes sends her husband back, but the genie refuses to give more; the man showed the table to the Sultan, who changed him; the genie gives him everything you ask for; the blacksmith changed it; the genie gives an ax, he attacks Sultan and blacksmith, they return the stolen goods]: Abu Shehab 2019:63-65.

The Balkans. Bulgarians [the lark has a nest in the tree, the peasant is going to cut down a tree, the lark tells him not to do so, gives a stick that fulfills his wishes; the peasant invites the king to visit, he replaces him a stick; next time the lark gives a donkey that spits out the chervonets; the blacksmith replaces him; the lark gives a hammer, he hits the tsar, the blacksmith, they return the stolen goods]: Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1951:68-72.

Central Europe. Russians [the bean is going to cut a linden tree, she asks not to cut it, promises a new hut; then the bean asks for wealth, nobility; when he began to ask for the kingdom, the linden tree turned him into a bear; therefore bear paws look like human hands]: Kuzmina et al. 2005, No. 7/21:107-108; Russians (Karelia) [the poor brother asked the rich man to cut his firewood; he plunged an ax into an aspen, she gave bread; they eat the week is not over; the rich brother found out (and apparently changed the bread; not very clear); next time a bag of money; then a bag with three fellows who whip; brother had to return everything]: Lyzlova 2013, No. 36:192-196: Russians (Ryazan) [man is dissatisfied with life; tells a passing lady; lady Destiny makes a man a master; a man asks to make him a tsar; Fate does by a bear]: Smirnov 1917, No. 240:644-645; (cf. Russians (Vyatka; most likely Udmurt substrate): Smirnov 1917, No. 124 [evil landowners and his wife frighten peasants, demand money; husband wants to be afraid of them even more and give more money; wife offers to turn into animals that no one has seen before; they turn into bears, live in the forest; the man saw them, was frightened; all the peasants went to see bears in a tree with sides; and called bears], 125 [bears used to be people; a poor man wants to cut down an enchanted birch tree; a birch tree asks it not to cut, promises wealth; the poor man does not cut; a new home meets him at home, a dressed wife, horses and wealth; the man goes back to the birch tree, she makes him a chief; an official; a governor; asks to be made king; the birch tree says that the king is God's anointed one, and refuses; turns a man and his woman into bears]: 378, 378-380.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais [the tree asks the old man not to cut it, promises to fulfill the request, he asks for firewood; the old woman complains that the firewood is small, tells him to ask for flour; the tree's leaves have turned yellow, it promises to give flour; the next day, the old woman says that it is snowing, it turned out to be flour; the old woman wants gold and silver; the leaves of the tree are almost opal; the old woman is afraid that they will now be robbed, tells me to ask the tree to be afraid of them; the tree's last leaves fell, it turned the old woman into a fox, the old man into a bear]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 107:467-468.

Baltoscandia. Estonians: Järv et al. 2015 (southwestern Estonia, Tõstamaa) [a farmhand (or rather a poor tenant, saunik) was too lazy to go to the forest, went to the neighboring pasture, began to cut down an old tree (from sacred grove); a gray head appeared from under the root: why are you cutting? man: wife, children; old man: go home, there is already a woodpile; the man decided to go back to the tree with an ax, ask for the barn; then let him be full of goodness; then become a judge; landowner; general; when asked to make him king, the old man got angry and made him a bear; and his wife, having inherited all his wealth, married a noble gentleman; he met a bear and shot him]: 35-36; Kreutzwald in Talvet 1991 [ the birch tree asks the lumberjack not to cut it, because it is still young, she has children; then trees of all kinds; an old man in corn clothes thanks for the pity for his children, promises that he will have nothing lack, but he, his wife, children should not want too much; gives a golden rod, they have to wave over an anthill, a hive, a tree, etc., everything will happen; when her husband returned, his wife began to scold him, he He called bars, they beat her; the family healed richly; but one of the descendants wanted the sun to go down to warm his back; the sun went down, burned him and the whole house; the trees were frightened by the heat and no longer talking]: 156-164 (=Põder, Tanner 2000:92-98); Karelians (Kalevala District, 1938) [the tree asks the old man not to cut it down, promises to do good; the old man tells his wife, she sends it cut down a tree; the third time the old man has to fulfill the old woman's wish; the stump asks the old man to take it too; he replies that he cannot uproot the stump in winter; then the stump gives the old man a golden head; the old woman wants to sell it, the old man is against it; the head tells his relatives to fill the house with food; next time with clothes; now the old woman wants a hut; the hut is ready, and now the head wants the old woman got her a bride; one girl agrees, at night the head turns into a guy; the mother scolds her daughter, she has to tell the truth; then the head disappears; the old man goes in search, old the widow explains where to go to grab her son; the son enters the hut, the old man jumps on him, falls, the son disappears again; the old woman is the same; the wife goes, grabs him, but the husband disappears again; the widow promises help, but tells her sheep to be sheared; the old man on horseback says that sheep will fight wolves, wool must be picked up; the widow sends her to the Lord of the Sea for a trough; the rider brings a trough, the woman gives him money ; the widow tells me to bring birdo from the forest; the husband brings the birdo to the widow himself, stays with his wife]: Concca 1959, No. 30:134-141; Latvians [the trees began to ask the man not to cut them; he went to the linden tree, she promised make him a landlord; then king; the third time he asked him to be made God; Lipa told him to stand on all fours and made him a bear; after that, God forbid trees to speak]: Dähnhard 1907:222; Lithuanians [there are 106 Lithuanian versions of the ATU 555 plot; the wishes of the elderly are fulfilled by a caught goldfish; a pine/birch/apple tree/beaten stump intended to be cut down; an old man/beggar taken for the night; most often, people who have expressed excessive desires turn into dogs]: 180.

Volga - Perm. Marie: Sabitov 1989, No. 555 [Wonderful tree: fulfills all the wishes of a poor man (good household, important rank, etc.); when he expresses a desire to become a bailiff, that's it disappears, the poor man turns into a bear; (many texts)]: 34-35; Chetkarev 1948 [the firewood is over, the wife sends her husband to the forest, he is going to cut a linden tree, a voice from the hollow asks not to cut, says that firewood already at his house; so many times, a person asks for more and more (house, cattle, money, headman, foreman; when he asks to be made a bailiff, i.e. a big master, to ride in the downy feather bed, wakes up in the den as a bear; "the bear is a lordly breed, descended from the back"]: 89-91; Anderson 1935:11-15 in Kippar 2002 [the poor man goes to the forest to cut down Christmas trees to build a house; the spruce says that for you don't need to cut it down, mark the plot and go to bed; in the morning the house is ready; he is back with an ax to the spruce, you need a yard; then money; came again: everything is there, no respect; spruce: now people will be afraid of you, and you people; the man has become a bear, the bears are shy]: 117-118; Udmurts [the old man wants to split off a splint from the birch tree, it promises to fulfill all his wishes; the spouses are getting rich; the old woman tells the old man to ask for something something terrible for everyone to be afraid of them; they turn into bears; (the origin of bears)]: Radimov 1922:5-14 (=Klabukov 1948, No. 44:129-131); (cf. Bashkirs [the old man brought a chock, began to stab, a bird jumped out, ready to fulfill his wish; the old man asked for firewood; the old woman every time tells me to ask for something else (food, become a merchant); after she wanted to become a queen of the forest, the chock and everything asked for disappeared, and the old people turned into forest shurals - horned, covered with wool, with green beards]: Barag 1989, No. 47:214-216).

Turkestan. Kyrgyz [the old man went to buy firewood, began to cut down a tree; a golden bird flew out of the tree, asked not to cut, promised to do whatever he wanted; the old man asked to bring him so much home firewood so that he could heat plenty; in the morning, the doorstep was full of firewood; a few days later the old man went to cut the tree again and asked for a white yurt; then wished to become a bay, have herds of white cattle; Información suplementaria the old man wanted to become a khan; cut down the plane tree, but the bird did not appear; returned home - there is nothing there; only the old woman says: greed will not do well]: Sabyr uulu 2008:41-42.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Buryats [the man who made wooden dishes began to cut the birch tree; she asked to stop, promised to fulfill his wish, he wanted to become a merchant; then a king; because only birch knows that he is not a king, sent servants to cut it down; the birch tree tells them to stop: their king has become a bear; when meeting a bear, you must say "Tsar Man, give way"]: Dugarov 1990:329-330; Tuvans [ the golden bird asks the old man not to cut down the tree in which she lives, promises to fulfill every wish; he asks for firewood; the next day he asks for a white yurt; white cattle; the old woman asks her husband not be greedy, but he wants to be a khan; there are no birds, the old man knocked down a tree, and the next morning they have their old black yurt full of holes]: Hadahane 1984:53-54; (cf. Chelkan residents (p. Kurmach-Baigol, recorded during trips made between 1934-1952) [the orphan boy was starving and went hunting; he chased the squirrel, which hid in the hollow of a stump; the boy began to cut it; the squirrel asked what he needed; the boy replied that he wanted to eat at least one to his fill once; the squirrel told me to go home and go to bed; when the boy woke up, it turned out that instead of an open, smooth place, a small house with a roof appeared, and instead of clothes made of leaves, he was wearing clothes made of matter; the boy took the food out of the oven and ate; then went to the same stump and began to cut it; the squirrel asked what he needed now; the boy said: "Now, in addition to eating, I need a house, let it be a big house with three or four floors, let there be a lot of people there, and let there be a shop on one of the floors"; the squirrel told me to go to bed; when the boy woke up, he saw a three-four-story house on one of the floors there was a shop, but there were no people leaving or entering it; the boy went to the stump, knocked on it and told the squirrel that he wanted to be a great merchant; the squirrel also fulfilled this wish; the boy again went back to the stump and told the squirrel he had decided to be a great deity; the squirrel agreed and told him to go to bed; the boy did as she said; when he got up, he was just like at the beginning, dressed in leaves and in a hut; the boy went to the stump, but no matter how much he knocked, the squirrel did not come out; the boy split the stump and scattered the chips, but the squirrel never came out]: Baskakov 1985:103-104).

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [at the request of his wife, the poor old man went to buy firewood; asks him not to cut the tree; the next day all the firewood is covered with firewood; then the wife sends the old man to the tree for food; clothes; the old woman wants the tree to be in their yard; in response, the tree drops a log on her when she goes out into the yard; the old woman tells the old man to cut down the tree; after that, firewood, food, clothes, all immediately disappears]: Sem, Sem 2020, No. 69:327-334.