Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M57d3. Wind donor. .14.-.16.27.-.32.

A person receives a reward from a character who is associated with the wind. Cf. Motive K175 ("The wind carried away the flour").

Tunisia, Italians (Tuscany), Corsicans, French (Upper Brittany), Moldovans, Lucks, Pashayas, Poles, Northern Ukrainians (Chernihiv), Latvians, Lutsies, Estonians, Veps, Norwegians, Chuvash, Kazan Tatars.

North Africa. Tunisia ["Mr. Ali Wind". Once upon a time, there was a poor man. Once he climbed a high mountain to ask Mr. Ali Wind for help. He gave him a magic chest filled with money. The poor man healed well with his wife and children, but when he went to the bathhouse, the bathhouse attendant changed the chest. Then it's the same with the magic plate. Mr. Ali Wind then told him about the bathhouse attendant and gave him a club. The bathhouse attendant gave everything away, and the poor man threw it away and said that he wanted to work in his bathhouse. He also told this story to his children and bequeathed them to work, not to be lazy]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 6 in Korovkina MS

Southern Europe. Italians (Tuscany: Mucello) [Geppone came to complain to the North Wind that it was destroying his harvest; the SV gave a magic box; the abbot of the monastery ordered it to be given to him for rotten grain; SV gave a gold box; the rector gave it in exchange for the first one; when he opened it, men with sticks jumped out and began to beat the monks; J. saved them by closing the box]: Calvino 2017, No. 83:389-392 (=Kotrelev 1991:94-97); Corsicans: Massignon 1984, No. 31 [mother and son were going to squeeze the barley, but it turned out that the wind had destroyed it; the young man came to the mother of the winds; her sons came; the guilty wind unleashed a bag from which it is possible get any food; the son told his mother not to tell anyone, but she chatted, the king took the bag away; then the wind gave a bag of batons; they beat the boy's mother; he said what kind of chatter it was], 74 [poor Tomasu planted potatoes, but the wind knocked them down; he came to the mother of the Winds to demand compensation; she gave the box, told them to open it only at home; any food in it; the wife let it slip, the rich godfather exchanged the box on a bag of wheat; T. went back to Vetrov's mother, who gave another box with batons in it; they beat the godfather; knowing that he would come to take revenge, T. tied Calebas with blood under his wife's clothes; "killed" his wife and revived him, having blown into the pipe; the godfather (having bought a pipe) stabbed his wife, but could not resurrect; M. placed the bees under an inverted cauldron, told his wife to say that he had gone to confess; the godfather also came to confess; T. on behalf confessor, tells him to knock on the cauldron in which the souls of purgatory, and then lift it up; the bees bit the godfather to death, T. took all his property]: 69-70, 163-166.

Western Europe. The French (Haute-Brittany) [the northeast wind cut off the man's entire apple blossom; the man threatened him and thought it helped when the wind subsided a little; showed him his ass, but the wind knocked down a man; made a fire to burn the wind, but the farm burned down, only the closet and bed remained; the man went to look for the wind; on the mountain there are 7 huts and a castle in which the winds live; a man compartmentalized an ear to the northeast wind; he gave him a donkey who weeds gold, a samoburan tablecloth, a magic wand, speedboat boots; when he died, the man left a donkey to his sons a tablecloth and a wand, and told his boots take him to paradise]: Sébillot 1894, No. 20:182-183.

The Balkans. Moldovans [the poor man grinded the grain, the wind carried away the flour, the poor man went to shut the wind hole; to meet the unrecognized god and St. Peter, he does not recognize them, they gave a magic nut; he spent the night in the hut, the hostess changed the nut; then God gave a donkey that defecates with gold (the same); a crutch; he beats those who replaced the nut and donkey, they are theirs they return; the poor man became rich, the tsar sent an army, the poor man put a crutch on the king]: Moldavian tales 1968:169-171.

Central Europe. Poles [lots of records all over Poland; a poor man (or two brothers) decides to go to God, or to hell, to St. Peter, to the wind that carried away the flour, to the frost; he gives a magic table; a donkey (chicken, sheep) from which money is poured, etc., and finally a baton or object from which warriors pop up; the first two items are replaced by a kochmar (neighbor, etc.), but must give them away when the baton (warriors) start to beat him]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 563:184-185; northern Ukrainians ( Chernigovskaya, Nezhinsky u.) [the wind spoils the rye, the woman tells the grandfather to go and carry the wind by the chupra; the grandfather did so, the wind paid off by giving a jar; I must say: open; the pot is full of good; the woman again sends his grandfather to carry by the chupra the wind; he gives a box; I must say: kiki from the box! kiki got out of there and let's beat the woman]: Malinka 1902, No. 33:309-310; Belarusians [the woman sent her husband to the mill to grind the rye; the grandfather brought flour, put it on the rubble, the wind took the flour away and scattered it; grandfather went to look for the wind, saw the hut, sat around the corner and began to turn; the wind asked not to do this and gave an inexhaustible piece of bread; on the way home, the grandfather went to the godfather, she changed the bread; the grandfather returned to the wind, he gave a ram, which is shaken off with gold and silver; the godfather changed again; now the wind has given a horn, I must say, A lot of things out of the horn; some people jumped out of the horn, began to beat the godfather; she returned everything; then Pan stole bread and lamb - it's the same with him]: Romanov 1887, No. 52:277-279.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Lucky: Kapiyeva 1974 [=Ganieva 2012b, No. 44:399-407; stepmother tyrannitis stepdaughter; red-headed cow Zaza gives that honey from the right horn, oil from the left horn; stepmother gives her stepdaughter a spin of wool, the whirlwind took away the wool, Z. says where to find what has been carried away; to greet people who harvest corals, gold, pearls, they will show the way to the mistress of the winds of the Chassages; from horses, take bones, give them to dogs, hay from dogs to horses; drink hay from the river, praise the sweetness of the water, the waters will part; C. will offer to shake her house, you need to clean it up; tear her dress, ruffle your hair - you need to mess, comb; C. waters the girl from the jug, her hair turns gold; the girl pulls wool from under C.'s pillow, runs away; everyone lets her through, the river gives her gold-heeled shoes; the stepmother sends her own daughter to herd the cow, she is rude to everyone, calls the water dirty, gives bones to cows, hay to dogs, turned everything in C.'s house upside down, she splashes water into her face, it is covered with warts; stepmother orders Z. to be slaughtered, she tells bury your bones under an apple tree; buried bones give a beautiful outfit to go to the wedding; one slipper fell into a stream, the khan picked it up, ordered him to try it on, found the owner, ordered him to be brought to the palace to take him to wife; on the way, her stepmother does not give her water, pushes her into the well, gives her own daughter's shoes, the khan had to marry her; the merchants pulled the girl out, she became a neck; the gardener hears her telling the trees in the khan's garden dry up; the khan catches her, she turns into a true bride; the khan expels the stepmother and her daughter]: 24-35; Khalilov 1976, No. 46 (village. Tabakhlu, 1836) [the same in a shorter translation in Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:54-62; the red cow tells the hungry stepdaughter to suck her horns, honey flows from the right, oil flows from the left; the wind blows away the wool, the stepmother tells her to find her and return; the cow teaches people who grind pearls, gold, corals to go to everyone, wish everyone the best, ask themselves, they will show the way to the wind Chassage; horses will have bones in front of them, hay in front of dogs, hay must change; call the muddy river oily, take a sip; Wind Chassage, Air Asiyat should ask for wool back; she will ask you to scrape the rooms, they must be whitewashed, cleaned; pull out your hair, tear them apart clothes - comb, wash; that's how it happened; the girl put her finger into the river, it turned silver, the river missed her {apparently parted}; the same was a bloody river, the girl called it honey, her finger became gold; C. poured golden water on her head, her hair turned golden; C. offered to sleep on a golden bed, wants to make the girl a daughter, hides her wool under her head; the girl pulled her out, ran; the old woman tells everyone to grab her, calls the river bloody, but they only give the girl even more; the stepmother plants her own daughter to spin hair next to the cow; the wind blows away the wool, but the cow teaches the wrong way ; the girl scolds the people she meets, gives bones to horses, hay to dogs, her fingers are covered with ulcers from the water of the muddy river; she tears her hair and clothes; she pours dirty liquid on her head, her face and body become covered with ulcers and boils; the cow was slaughtered, the stepdaughter buried her bones; asked them for beautiful shoes and clothes to go to the wedding; one shoe swam along the river; the prince found it, he was just right for his stepdaughter, the prince took her to his place wife; stepmother and daughter also went; the bride is thirsty, the stepmother gives her a drink, taking her eyes out; throws her into the well, dresses her daughter in her dress; the merchants pulled the girl out of the well, she turned into a canary; when she flew into the prince's garden, she asks the gardener to say hello to the prince and let the tree dry up; the prince sees that many trees have dried up; the canary was caught, the false wife told her slaughter, a tree has grown out of blood; dates fall on the prince, his wife is scratched by thorns; his wife orders to make a cradle for her child out of wood; the old woman's son picked up the chips, threw it behind the chest; they turned into a girl when she cries (?) , when she laughs, pearls, silver and gold horseshoes fall from under her feet; the cradle squeezed the child to death; the old woman's son fattens a lousy horse in the palace; the girl turns it into a painted horse; the king comes to see him, falls in love with a girl; girls are going to tell fairy tales, a true bride tells her own; stepmother and her daughter are tied to horses; wedding]: 109 -119).

Iran - Central Asia. Pashai [for the eldest and younger sister on the daughter; the youngest is dead, the eldest adjoins the youngest's daughter; spins cotton and herds the cow; the cow tells her to feed her yarn, and a ball comes out behind her thread; one day the wind blew away some of the yarn; the aunt beat her niece, sent her to find her away; the girl complains to the North Wind; he tells her to go to his mother, let her pick up her black bowler hat, in red - cotton washed away; girl comes to a house in the mountains; wind mother asks if she will walk under or above the door, sit on the floor or chair, eat cheese or whey, lie on the bed or under the bed; girl replies that under the door, on the floor, serum, under the bed, the hostess does the opposite (puts her in a chair, feeds her cheese, etc.); in the morning she makes her beautiful, gives the cotton taken away, sends her home; the aunt sends her own daughter herds a cow, she beats her, the cow eats yarn, fills the girl's apron with manure; the wind blows away the yarn, her own daughter goes looking for her, scolds the North Wind, and says in his mother's house that she will pass above the door, sits in a chair, etc.; the mother of the wind puts her on the floor, etc.; tells her to remove the red pot, get the cotton out of the black one, the donkey's penis sticks to the girl's forehead; at home she tells her mother to slaughter the cow, then he will recover; the cow tells the orphan not to eat its meat, collect all the bones, bury it in the ash pan, come in 7 days; she finds seven doors there, followed by springs, honey, gold, shoes, clothes; she swam in the river, the water took away one shoe, the king's son finds him, promises to marry the owner; the aunt hides the orphan in the box, the rooster screams that she is there, the prince finds her, marries, a feast; Muslims were given cooked food, raw Hindus, Hazaras (they are Shiites) burnt]: Morgenstierne 1944, No. 16:100-109.

Baltoscandia. Estonians [the old man and the old woman found a handful of grain, ground it, but the wind scattered the flour; the old man came to the mother of the Wind to complain; the Wind came, found out what was going on, gave a goat with which gold was falling; on the way back, the old man stopped in a wealthy house, replaced by a goat; the same was a magic tablecloth; then the Wind gave a box of batons; batons began to beat the owner, he had to return everything]: Normann, Lä tt 1968:125-129; Veps [the mother scraped the last flour in the barn, the wind carried her away; the son went to the wind to return the flour; the wind sends to his brother, who sends to his father, the wind, the wind father gives the tablecloth a magic; on the way back, the boy spent the night in the house, the owner changed the tablecloth; next time the wind gave a millstone that gives you what you want; the same; the third time the wind gave a baton; it hits the owner, he returned everything; the master asked for a tablecloth and a millstone for a while, did not give it back; the guy put a baton on him and his guests, the master returned everything; the son and mother became rich]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 37:145-148; Latvians: Aris , Medne 1977, No. 563 [The magic table, the horse and the baton. The wind dispels the guy's flour (also: frost freezes peas), he goes to complain, gets a table that he sets himself (also: the guy gets gifts for his work). Returning home, the guy spends the night with the owner (rich brother), who replaces the magic table with an ordinary one, and the guy again goes to the wind to complain. The wind gives him a horse to scatter money and a baton in a bag that beats the thief. The guy gets the table and the horse back], 564 [The magic bag. The wind dissipates a person's flour (frost freezes peas and barley), and he sets off to find and teach the wind a lesson. The wind gives him a bag (tues, barrel) for food. The master takes money from a person (the witch replaces). The man goes to the wind again and receives another bag from him, from which warriors jump out and beat the kidnapper. The man gets the first bag back]: 302; Lutsie (West 1893) [husband and wife found a handful of grain, the husband grinded, tormented his wife, the wind carried her away; the man came to complain to the mother of the wind; she fed him and put her to bed; the wind came: what does it smell like? I did not do anything bad, but gave a goat that litters silver; on the way back I spent the night, the owners replaced the goat; the wind gave a magic table - the same; the third time the wind gives a box, sticks in it; beaten owners returned the goat and table]: Annom et al. 2018:278-282; Norwegians [a gust of wind takes the flour away from the hands of the poor young man; he comes to the North Wind to ask for flour back; he gives a magic tablecloth; along the way the owner of the inn replaces her; the young man's mother is disappointed; next time North Wind gives a ram (goat) defecating with gold coins, the same; the third time, a baton; she beats the hostess, she returns the tablecloth and the ram]: Dasent 1970:228-232 (same or very similar text in Suritz 1991:157-159).

Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [mother sent ten-year-old Ivan to carry grain to the field, he dropped the bag, the son of the Wind woman scattered the grain; his mother sent Ivan to Vetra's mother; she asks her sons which of them scattered grain; the younger one was to blame; the brothers asked his mother to give I. a pie, told him not to fix it on the way; he spent the night with his married sister, she broke the cake at night, gold, silver, sister pie fell asleep changed; the mother sent I. to return the cake; the sons of the Wind gave the goat, she defecates with gold, the sister changed it again; the third time they gave a baton; the sister, contrary to the ban, said, "Chysh, Chukmar, Chysh," a baton began to beat her, she returned the cake and the goat]: Marchenko 1993:322-325 (=Eysin 1993:43-45); Kazan Tatars [worker Khriton received flour from the bay, the wind took it away; H. came to the king of the winds to have him punish; he was frightened, gave a magic table; at the night, the table was changed; the same was a goat; the third time a chest; the owner of the house opened the chest, two fellows came out of it, began to beat him, forcing him to return the table and goat]: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956:105-107 (=Yarmukhametov 1957:171-172; =Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 73:297-298).