M57d4. Frost donor. .
A person receives a reward from a character who is associated with frost.
Ukrainians, Russians (Vologda, Voronezh), Terek Cossacks, Poles, Latvians, Lithuanians, Karelians, Chuvash, Buryats.
Central Europe. Ukrainians: Petnikov 1956 [frost beat the man with millet, he goes to look for Frost; unrecognized Frost gives a bag that gives any food; a rich neighbor exchanges it for 6 hives and a plow, but nothing gives; the man goes to Frost again, gets a silver bag; exchanges it from the rich man for the old one; the rich man gathers guests, devils jump out of the bag, torment everyone; the guests broke the windows, ran away]: 202-203; Samsonova 1914 (Poltava) [The poor widow cannot feed her children, she goes to beg. A white old man in black shoes asks her: "Why, babo, frost?" , she says, "God multiplies yogo." Frost liked the old woman's sincerity, he does not freeze her, gives her good things, she gets rich, builds a new hut, and takes care of the poor. A neighbor is trying to find out how she got rich. He goes to the same place, when asked by frost, he answers "I won't take yogo". The old man freezes it]: 317-318; Russians: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 95 (Vologda) [the old man's eldest daughter Marfa, stepdaughter, the old woman harasses her two with work, pampers her two; tells M. to be taken to the pine tree, pass her off as Morozko; at the pine tree, M. answers Morozko that she is warm, he wraps her in fur coats, gives a box with gifts; in the morning the old man brings M. alive; the old woman tells her daughters to be taken; they are rude to Morozko, they say that they are cold, they freeze; the old man brings the dead; the old woman swears, but puts up with her stepdaughter, marries her], 96 (Kursk) [the old woman tells her husband to take her stepdaughter to the cold; Frost gives her a fur coat for clever speeches, a dowry chest; the dog barks that the old man's daughter is being taken in gold, in silver, but the grooms do not take the old woman; the old woman tells her own daughter to be taken, she freezes; the dog barks that the old man has a daughter the grooms will take it, and the old woman's bones are taken; the old woman cries]: 140-143, 143-144; Baryshnikova 2007, No. 38 (Voronezhskaya) [Stepmother does not love her stepdaughter Natasha (a pleasing girl who is praised by everyone) orders her husband to take her to the forest, he does. The girl clears the ground from snow, sits under an oak tree. At night, Frost-Red Nose comes to Natasha and asks if she is cold. She says it's warm and that God brought Frost. Frost Blue Nose and Frost Grey Nose come. The girl is respectful to everyone, she answers the same. The eldest, Gray Frost, leaves the girl a coat, a shawl, galoshes and a chest of goodness, and the girl gets dressed. The stepmother bakes pancakes at her stepdaughter's wake, makes Natasha's dog bark about being taken dead and giving a pancake, but the dog barks that the girl is being taken alive and rewarded. The stepmother forces her husband to take her daughter Masha to the same place. At night, the girl talks disrespectfully to Frost, says that he "brought the hell", he hits her forehead, she freezes in the snow. The stepmother bakes pancakes again, retrains the dog again. The stepmother sees her frozen daughter, reproaches herself]: 162-165; Poles [many records all over Poland; the poor man (or two brothers) decides to go to God, or to hell, to St. Peter, to the wind that carried away the flour, to the frost; he gives a magic table; a donkey (chicken, sheep) from which money is poured, etc., and finally a baton or object from which Warriors pop up; the first two items are replaced by a kochmar (neighbor, etc.), but must give them away when the baton (warriors) begin to beat him]: Krzyżanowski 1962, No. 563:184-185.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Terek Cossacks [the rich brother lives in the city, he is lucky in everything; the poor is in the village, unlucky; the wife advises to go to his rich brother; he let servants on him; the man he meets gave a bag buckwheat and helped to plant arable land; but the morning frost killed buckwheat; the poor man came to Frost; he scolded his son for his prank, forgave him, gave the poor man a box with food in it if he wanted; the rich persuaded him to sell him the box, and the poor man soon ran out of money; now Frost gave a box with whips; the poor man exchanged it from his brother for the old one, saying that the new one also served wine; the rich man called the guests, everyone ran beaten; the poor man has healed well]: Baranov 1899, No. 4:211-221.
Baltoscandia. Latvians: Arys, Medne 1977, No. 563 [Magic table, horse and baton. The wind dispels the guy's flour (also: frost freezes peas), he goes to complain, gets a table that he sets himself (also: the guy gets gifts for his work). Returning home, the guy spends the night with the owner (rich brother), who replaces the magic table with an ordinary one, and the guy again goes to the wind to complain. The wind gives him a horse to scatter money and a baton in a bag that beats the thief. The guy gets the table and the horse back], 564 [The magic bag. The wind dissipates a person's flour (frost freezes peas and barley), and he sets off to find and teach the wind a lesson. The wind gives him a bag (tues, barrel) for food. The master takes money from a person (the witch replaces). The man goes to the wind again and receives another bag from him, from which warriors jump out and beat the kidnapper. The man gets the first bag back]: 302; Lithuanians [in order not to take care of his mother-in-law, his son-in-law left her in the field in winter; a man came up and asked if it was cold; she replied that let it freeze, now it's his time; Frost liked it, he gave her warm and beautiful clothes; when he found out, that man's brother, who stayed with his mother, took her to the field; she replied: let him die, frost; he would freeze her]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 112:278-279; Karelians [the frost froze the poor brother's rye, but did not touch the rich brother's field; the poor came to Frost, he gave him a torn purse containing any food; the rich brother persuaded him to sell the purse to him; the poor man came back to the Frost, got a beautiful purse; men jumped out of him, began to beat the man, he forcibly drove them back; the rich bought this purse too, called guests; the men beat everyone with iron sticks, (the rich man returned his old purse)]: Onegin 2010, No. 38:351-353.
Volga - Perm. Chuvashi [=Eysin 1993:78-79; the elder brother is rich, the younger Ivan is poor; he sowed peas, Frost beat him with hail; he grabbed him by the beard in the forest, Frost gave him an old bag; food is pouring out of it at home; the elder brother persuaded him to change the bag for two ricks of bread; Frost again beat the peas with hail, and a gold bag as payment; 12 pugnacious soldiers jump out of it; I. exchanged bags with his brother, the soldiers beat brother and his guests, then judges in court, judges left I. alone]: Marchenko 1993:325-326.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [the frost beat the poor man's harvest without touching the rich man; the poor man comes to the ice palace, eats to his heart's content, says he will blow Frost's head off; he gives a bag to ask for anything; drunk, the poor man sold his bag to a rich man; he comes to Frost again, he gives a bag with copper-faced fellows; the rich man buys it, calls the guests, well done begin to beat everyone, the guests ran away, the owner dropped it, ran from home]: Dugarov 1990:213-215.