Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M58. A trail or bush saves you from the heat. 43.48.-.50.

The earth is burning, the fire is chasing the character. A number of elements and objects refuse to cover him, saying they will burn or heat up; the last in the row shelters him. The earth cools down, the character leaves the shelter.

Twana, Skagit, Puyallup, Upper Chehalis, Koulitz, Kutene, Nomlaki, Miwok, Maidu, Northern Payut, Panamint, Goshiyute, Chemewevi, South Payut, Ute, Havasupai, Walapai.



coast is a Plateau. Except for coutene: see motive A5; Month-boy kidnapped by those living above the horizon; grows up, returns to people, destroys monsters on the way; someone sets fire to the earth; boulders, water can't cover the Month (they say they split, that the river is boiling); a trampled path covers him. Twan: Adamson 1934 [Blue Jay is sent to find the Month; fire behind him is on his heels; wood, rock, water respond that they burn, split, boil, cannot cover it; the path covers; the same episode with Returning Month]: 374-378; Elmendorf 1961, No. 5:33; Skagit [Mucha finds a baby, his wife is feeding him; the young man's named sister asks to be shot in the arm, accuses him of injuring him her; offended, he leaves; asks two women to sing, their singing lights up the ground; he asks the rock, water, the road, what they will do; Crack, boil, etc.; the spruce replies that she has only the top of his head will burn; he hides in a spruce tree; he makes a chain of arrows; it is short, he adds his bow; he climbs into the sky; he sees a man chasing an elk; it's Day, by evening he catches up with game, shoots; promises the young man his five daughters; at dusk, the young man sees a skin-covered skeleton, and another hunter, Night, chases him; he offers dead, the young man refuses; Night tells him to walk along the dark , and not along a bright path (Night needs light, but the Day itself illuminates); the young man hesitates, walks along the bright path; comes to the daughters of the Night; they smear him with the smelly smearing of the dead, he does not eat dead things; the fifth, the eldest the sister lies in the coffin; the young man copulates with her in the morning when the youngest four leave; the daughters of the Day come, the young man sees that he has made a mistake; goes to them, they wash it; the youngest says she is pregnant, others claim that she is lying; a young man makes a hole in the sky, sees his mother and younger brother; with his wife (who?) goes down a rope to the ground, taking edible roots (the origin of edible roots); the wife gives birth to Siamese twins; the Blue Jay woman separates them, they die; the young man and his wife return to heaven]: Hilbert 1985:33-41; puyallup: Adamson 1934 [see motif A23; creatures from the lower world kidnap baby of the Month; he grows up and comes back; five pot-bellied children sing; Month asks them to sing more, they say they don't want to die; he insists, they sing, the ground lights up; wood, stone, etc. cannot cover the Month, the path covers]: 356-360; Clark 1953 [The month rips open The belly of the Son of Fire, who turns into snakes; the Month kills them]: 145-146; Thompson, Egesdal 2008 [the girl just gave birth, left the baby in the thickets, went to the party; he was picked up by spouses from whom there was already a daughter; the baby grew up immediately; the girl provokes him to shoot her, he has to do it, she hurts, she screams, he leaves completely; gets to the Cougar woman, she is going to do it him by her husband, gives berries, but they are lizards; a crane woman helps him escape; he comes to a singing woman, she falls silent; he and the singer's sister ask him to continue, she sings, and this makes the earth light up; rock, water, road say that they cannot hide from the fire; Spruce says that you can sit at its top; from the top of his head he climbs into heaven with a bow and arrow; meets a dawn man, then Twilight man; each has five daughters, both inviting them; at the fork, a young man mistakenly goes to the Twilight House; his daughters grease him dead; trying to feed the dead flesh; he marries four; the eldest lies in a coffin-like box; Split Foot comes, the eldest takes him away; Dawn sends his daughters to bring the young man from Twilight; the daughters of Dawn and Twilight fight, in In the hands of Twilight's eldest daughter, the leg of Shattered Leg; the daughter of Dawn is more beautiful; the daughters of Twilight drive them away, but after 5 days the young man finds his way to Dawn; he is washed and fed; looking into the basket on the wall , the young man finds the youngest daughter of Dawn; stays in bed in the morning; when he finds out what is going on, Dawn marries him to his youngest; the young man accidentally makes a hole in the ground, sees his real mother below, who gave birth a new boy; Dawn agrees to let his son-in-law and daughter go, the Spider puts them in the basket; the boy's younger brother is blind, fat dog; the elder and his wife make him healthy and beautiful; as well as the boy's mother (she was blind); they were slaves to Blue Jay; he tells the youngest to wipe him off; in the presence of his older brother, the younger one puts hot smut in his ass, he flies away; the young man's wife gave birth to twins that had grown together; Blue Jay cut them, they died; their mother killed everyone in the village out of revenge (the name of the village of Flytown); the Spider took the couple back to heaven; everything they brought from heaven remained]: 78-83; upper Chehalis [five women breathe fire; the trail covers the Months]: Adamson 1934:168-169; Koulitz [Fire haunts a boy; Tree, Rock, Stream, Meadow, Rotten Log respond they can't help him; The trail provides refuge]: Adamson 1934:223; coutenay [Coyote wants to be chosen by the sun but rejected; when the real sun rises, the Sun tries to shoot it; the arrow burns and falls, the ground catches fire; Coyote can't hide anywhere but flees on a path where grass doesn't grow]: Boas 1918, No. 33, 48, 54:49, 67-69, 117-121; Clark 1966:142-143.

California. Nomlaki [Coyote's people come to the owners of the fire; Coyote himself has a leg; only a prickly manzanita replies that he will cut the abscess; the Coyote jumps on it, loses consciousness in pain, but He recovers; at a dance, his two wives, dancing with young men, hardly recognize him; two female sisters (probably not his former wives) fall in love with Coyote, take him to the dugout; those who come dance while the owners do not fall asleep; they steal fire; the Coyote asks for it and carry it; carries it in his hands, hides it in his ear, gets tired, drops, the world lights up; the Coyote gets tired of carrying his wives, they burn; a hill, a rock, a cave, water, cedar, pine tree say that they will burn or heat, they will not be able to cover it; fir hides at its top; when he comes down, he eats tadpoles, faints; Jay bites his eye; he wakes up and says that he will now be called "The One Who Brings Fire to the World"]: Goldschmidt 1951:395-396; mivok [a grizzly woman surrounds the Creator with fire; the water is boiling, the trees are burning, the rock is red-hot; a grass bump saves]: Dixon 1902, No. 2:49; Maidu [Coyote wants humans to be mortal, Creator of Earth wants eternal; puts Coyote inside a tree as punishment; Woodpecker makes a hole; Coyote asks for her expand, the Woodpecker gets scared, flies away; Gopher advises Coyote to go out in the fog, he does so (tree episode: 27-39); rain, flood; NW agrees to give Coyote a woman if he does not move that night; puts two flutes on its sides; at night, Coyote copulates with women, they disappear in the morning; NW wants a person to name a boy or girl, and in the morning they eat and walk; so that childbirth is easy, women copulate only after marriage, put the dead in the water to come back to life; Coyote wants childbirth to be difficult, for some children to die, so that the dead cannot be revived; tells his son bring water, bitten by a rattlesnake, he died; Coyote asks for a change of mind, NW refuses (discussing people's fate: 51-55); NW wanders, killing evil ones; Urine woman kills passers-by with her urine, NW is unharmed; the Raven and his younger brother sharpen knives to kill the NW; he asks me to see whose knife is better; killed them, came to their grandmother, put their bodies in the fire to bake, pulling out their penises, lay down by the stove with a log; she on a log with a knife, but he's gone, only appearance; he trapped her, killed her; killed a Grizzly woman; everything burns; he asks everyone if they will protect them from the heat; the water will boil, the stone is hot, the tree is burning, spurge - when the fire goes away, I'll stay standing; he hid under the euphorbia; NW made the sugar pine low, and the Coyote wrote it turned tall]: Dixon 1912, No. 2:27-69.

Big Pool. Northern Payutes: Curtis 1976 (15) [Tavúu hunts rabbits, comes to a girl, sleeps with her; paints red eyes, hangs stones above the door; the girl's brothers come back, afraid of him; then they come in, take his rabbit away; he turns into a Rabbit, watches them fight to beat him; ties him by his hair, burns him at night; the girl refuses to go with him; he pricks her with a finger on the anus, throws it into the fire; the sun goes down before T. has time to get the rabbit he ran after; together with his younger brother (Little Rabbit), they go east; the sun rises, the arrows burn, T. He fires a fire drill instead of an arrow, breaks the Sun, throws bile into the sky, this is the new sun; it now walks not through the mountains, but across the sky; an avalanche of fire haunts the brothers; a stone does not save them, a tree, they hide under a cactus that only burns thorns; T. sleeps at the Vulture; swaps places with his son, at night the Vulture holes his son's head; T. suggests one by one shoot at each other; Vulture misses, T. kills him; the old woman replies that she is weaving the basket to put those who killed the Sun in it; T. invites her to try on the basket, climb into it, rips open the old woman with a knife; other women weave water baskets for supply when the Sun killers arrive and we hide; Show me! They entered the house, he burned them; people were swaying on the branches of the tree; the brothers also began to swing, told the branches to fly into the sky, the swaying ones crashed; people built a house under the rock; T.: why? - Hide from the Sun's killers; - Show me; everyone went in, the rock collapsed, crushing everyone; the brothers turned into big and small rabbits]: 143-147; Lowie 1924, No. 10 [the day is too short; The rabbit asks his maternal grandmother to give him food on the road, goes to the Sun; when they see the Rabbit, the Squirrels say that it is not clear who is going; the Rabbit kills them with an arrow; comes to the North Wind house in his absence, He hangs stones above the entrance, paints his eyes red; the people of the North Wind come in, get scared, rush away, hitting the rocks; he is given rabbit skins, he removes the stones; he is given the worst meat, but it turns out to be the best; they rush at him, he kills everyone, only the youngest hides somewhere, has become the new North Wind; The Raven (?) scrapes his claws, says he will kill Rabbit with them when he arrives; Rabbit sleeps in his house, swaps places with Raven's son, who kills his son with his claws at night; Rabbit invites him to shoot each other at friend; hangs his skin as a target, but he is unharmed; kills the Raven with the last arrow; Louse says he will kill someone from the west; Rabbit throws a lump of grass into his stomach; hears Louse say he will kill You can only crush it completely; The rabbit presses but does not find a finger; tells you to be lice; shoots at the Sun, the arrows burn, hits the Sun with a fire drill; removes bile from the corpse, throws it into the sky, the new sun will go higher and the day will take longer; the rabbit goes home, behind him is fire, he hides in a badger's hole, his neck burns; the same is in a stump; when under a cactus, he escapes from the fire; comes to his grandmother, she calls him husband; he copulates with her, marries her]: 224-228; Palmer 1946 [the sun burns unbearably; the rabbit (cottontail) goes to kill him; went east, tempered in the fight against various opponents; at the end of the world, he marked the place where the sun was rising to shoot, but the sun understood this and began to rise a little further south every morning; finally, the rabbit hit him with an arrow; a stream of fire poured in; running away, the rabbit asks the bushes and grass if they will protect him from the fire, but everyone says that it will burn completely; one of the shrubs hid it, only slightly burned, and the rabbit turned black only the neck; since then, this plant has been green, and when the sun gets hotter, it turns yellow; fearing a new attack, the sun has since risen a little differently every day from where it rose the day before]: 25-29; Powell 1971 [days are too short, humans don't have time to hunt; Tā-vu (Little Rabbit) goes east to kill the Sun; his arrows burn in the air; he wets the latter with tears, it hits the Sun; T. it gutts, bile throws it into the sky, it turns into a new Sun, which is higher, so the day is longer; the Sun haunts T., who hides in a hole, in a tree, in wet clay, but the Sun every time burns it; only under a thorny tree {apparently a cactus} that does not burn, T. escapes; the squirrel on the rock laughs at T., he pulls it out from under the stone, tears it to pieces; people attack T., that takes off and hangs their skin, they shoot at it without harming T.; he comes to their house, paints their faces with red stripes, people who come run away in horror; for promising to wash off the paint, the old woman gives his daughter; the hunters who come fry rabbits and T. a piece of his tail; their meat is lean and their tail is a fat rabbit; people rush at T., but he leaves his skin to them and runs away; burns the attackers in their house; his wife cries, and he throws her into the fire; these people were Red Ants; Chief Lice says that the Killer T is coming; T. kills him and many of his people with a stone; Vulture says that T. is coming, he will kill him with his claw; unrecognized T. comes, says he has not seen T. anywhere; at night he changes places with Vulture's son, he kills his son; T. invites Vulture to shoot at each other , takes off his skin, arrows hit it without causing harm to T.; with the last fifth arrow, T. kills Vulture; burns the corpses of him and his son; the chipmunks mock T.; he comes unrecognized, tears them up the chief to pieces, kills everyone else; the old woman feeds T. cold porridge; he asks him to be warmed in a bag over the fire; she also asks to warm her, he burns her; at home some want the day to be always and ask T. to go fight the Sun again; T. objects because people should sleep with their wives and have dreams; people talk in dreams; in the morning T. tells who to bring water, who should eat firewood, etc.; says people should eat only once a day; it is believed that the speaker in a dream turns to T.]: 227-229; panamint [while the Rabbit is sleeping, the Sun counts his vertebrae; the rabbit goes to kill him; asks for different bushes, how they burn; one replies that his leaves are burning; under him the Rabbit digs a hole; the arrows fired in the Sun burn; the rabbit hits him with a fire drill; the earth heats up, the Rabbit hides in his hole, only his neck is burned; when the earth cools down, the Rabbit makes a new sun from the heart of the old, a month out of his kidney; Squirrels scream that the Rabbit killed the Sun, hide under the rock; the Rabbit breaks the rock, kills Squirrel with a stick; comes to children, cooks porridge from seeds, feeds children; offers to climb on juniper; bends over and lets it go, children fly off and crash to death; people rush to kill The rabbit, he hides under the rock, runs away; the old woman weaves a waterproof basket; the rabbit gets inside; then offers the old woman to climb, braids the hole, rolls down the mountain, the old woman dies; the old woman cleans the prickly pear fruits from small thorns; they do not fall into the Rabbit's eyes; he blows into the eyes of the old woman, she goes blind and dies from the thorns; two women throw a rock on the Rabbit, he is alive; throws on them , they die; he comes into the house, paints his face red, people get scared; at night he burns everyone with the house, pulls out one woman; she tries to burn him when he climbs under the rock, he is unharmed; burns it under a rock; Mountain Sheep says that the Rabbit who killed the Sun is coming; he throws them a potion to smell, ask them to throw them back, they fall off the cliff after them, crash; at home, Rabbit's mother says that the rock crushed his food; he throws away the rock, pulls out the seeds]: Zigmond 1980, No. 72:233-236; gosiyute [The sun was close to the ground, it was very hot; the rabbit went to kill him; first the Sun sees it, unharmed; then the Rabbit dug a hole, hid; the arrows burn, but the Rabbit took the stone out of his belly, killed the Sun with it; the earth caught fire; the rocks and trees respond that they are burning, burning; the bush protects, under him the Rabbit makes a hole, only his back is burned; he caused hail to cool the ground, made himself new eyes out of hailstones to replace the burnt ones; the Forest Marmots girls laughed at the Rabbit, he made them killed; comes to his two aunts; they are afraid to make a fire, collect water; The rabbit hits trees, water with his magic stone, which he pulls out of his stomach, since then trees, water do not rush at people; Rabbit pushed back the rock that crushed the seeds, now the aunts could take them]: Smith 1993:21-22; chemewevi [The sun was bigger and hotter than it is now; the rabbit went to sunrise; ran into two children- Rabbits (one Cottontail, the other Jackrabbit); they said that they approach Immortal Water, she rushes at them, they run away, and then drink from the puddles left by the water; the Rabbit told the children to provoke Immortal Water to attack, threw a stone at it, splashes formed all freshwater bodies; Immortal Yuka Sate swam in the air, the children called her, she rushed at them, they chipped small pieces from her; the Rabbit ordered Yucca to be provoked, threw a stone, she broke into pieces, from which all the yucca plants with edible fruits come from; a crack in the rock where the late mother put the rabbits seeds, closed; The rabbit spread it apart, took out all the edible seeds; all the shrubs tell the Rabbit that they are burning, one says that only its leaves burn, the Rabbit makes a hole under him; first The Month rises, the Rabbit lets him pass, the crows that fly out before the sunrise of the Month sit down for the Month; the Sun rises, the Rabbit hits him with a stone, beats off a piece, the ground lights up; he hides with two rabbits under a non-combustible bush; The sun has been less hot since then]: Laird 1976:152-154; southern payutes: Lowie 1924, No. 15 (Shivwitz) [The rabbit notices that his shadow has become short and his skin is pierced; decides to take revenge on the Sun; comes to two boys, asks them to light a fire; they are afraid that trees (wood) will take their parents away; the Rabbit sends them for firewood, but the trees go to them; the Rabbit tells them to go to it , throws a magic stone, it crumbles small; now it is safe to make a fire; makes the seeds available; before that they have been crushed by a boulder; promises boys that they will not will suffer if the ground catches fire; meets girls, tells them to blow the chaff in his eyes, blows towards him; now he blows them in the eyes, they die; the man makes an arrow, replies that the Rabbit is coming, he will be his kill; The rabbit offers to put a hot stone on each other's chest; he is protected by another stone, kills that man; the woman makes (obviously weaves) a vessel basket, says that the Rabbit goes and kills people; offers to weave so that they take turns inside the basket; gets out easily, walled up a woman in a basket, kills her; girls on the rock laugh; he throws his pebble at them; asks to throw them back; they all fall after them and crash; they eat up the Coyote field; the villagers kill many rabbits, but not the Rabbit; he hides in a hole, everyone climbs after him, he gets out, collapses the ground on those who hide, they die; the Bear digs a hole, says he will hide in it from the Rabbit; the Rabbit offers to hide one by one, kills the Bear; all trees say they will burn in a fire, but shrubs - it will only burn from above; The rabbit breaks the Sun with a stone, hides in a hole; the trees burn, the Rabbit runs further, makes a hole under the bush; gradually burns; when his eyes burst, the water spills, cools the earth; the Rabbit's body gathers again; he comes to those boys, his brothers, they are unharmed], 29 (Moapa) [The rabbit walked, killed people, went east to fight with By the sun; the shrub said that it burns only from above; the rabbit dug a hole under it; hit the Sun, hid in a hole, everything is burning around; caused snow, the earth has cooled down]: 142-147, 198; Utah : Lowie 1924, No. 33 (Southern Utah) [The rabbit walked around killing people; he had two cedar cone necklaces (?) ; The bear replies that he is digging a hole to hide from the Rabbit; The rabbit offers to try, puts an arrow in the hole, the Bear attacks it, dies; fills a scarecrow, drags it like a dog; rolls it drops of sweat in two balloons, throws a woman with children on the rock to smell; tells them to throw it back, they fall after them, break; two boys turn to the Rabbit, calling him the Inverted Quiver; that's the name the one he likes, he killed those who called him the Rabbit; the boys say that their mother crushed the Rock; the Rabbit moves the rock; ask them to make a fire; they say that the trees prick them; the rabbit hits cedars, says that now even children and women will be able to use them as fuel; the same applies to water; now the water does not fall in a wave on those who want to take it; the Sun calls the Rabbit Rabbit, who in rabies; The spider masks it with its web; arrows burn before reaching the Sun; the Rabbit beats off a piece of the Sun with a club, the earth lights up; the tree, the stone, the river respond that it will burn, burst from the heat , will boil; one grass says it will only burn from above; The rabbit dug a hole under it, only his neck is burned; the rabbit comes out, all its dicks are gradually burning; at night the Sun sent snow, the earth has cooled down; The sun has turned the Rabbit into a rabbit, now even children will hunt him]: 59-62; Powell 1971 (Moapa) [(=Powell 1881:52-56); Ta-woats sleeps with his back to the sun, burns; goes revenge; along the way kills various people (animals) waiting for him to arrive but do not recognize him; all trees say they are burning, the smallest hides T. under its roots; T. breaks the Sun to pieces, the world lights up; T. goes out to the unfrozen ground, burns; his tears cool the earth; the sun has been rising and setting ever since]: 78-80; Smith 1992 (White River) [The sun was hotter than it is now; the Rabbit (Cottonwood) has gone to the east; he had two names, the simple one was Tawuc, and another; when the grass (weed) called him with a simple name, he hit him with a club for it; he met the Bear, who replied that he was digging shelter; he heard that T. goes and kills people, we have to hide; the Rabbit asks to show hits; says that the Bear will probably stick his nose out to look at him at last; the Bear sticks out, the Rabbit hits him with a club; meets two boys; they say that they do not have a mother; Boulder did not want her to collect roots and crushed her; they say that they are afraid to make a fire and drink water, for they frighten with sparks and splashes; the Rabbit tells them to kindle fire, sparks burn boys' faces; Rabbit hits the bush, says that from now on even old women will be able to use the bushes as fuel; the same with water, hits it, now everyone uses it; the boys turned to Rabbit, calling him a good name; Rabbit is happy; Boulder rolls, revives the boys' mother; now it is the Gorlin family; the Rabbit is waiting for the Sun in ambush, but he passes by; The Rabbit asks the Spider to cover it with a web; the Sun hits with a club, the world lights up; the rabbit runs, asks who will hide it; the trees say they will burn, but the bushes (rabbitbrush) say that the fire will come from above, they will not suffer; the rabbit digs a hole under the bushes, escapes; there are dark spots behind his ears where the fire burned him; today's black stones are burned in that fire; this story was told at night after the children fall asleep]: 54-57.

The Great Southwest. Havasupai [people come to the Sun to play; it gives guests corn porridge from the eye fluid of killed people, beans from the kidneys, pumpkin from the intestines, human instead of venison, tears instead of drinking water; after tasting this, people lose, the Sun kills them; the cougar tells Coyote to collect flint arrows and fragments in a bag, throw them towards the sun; he does not take the fragments, so in the village Only old people, not children, have been reborn; two Squirrel Brothers ask Badger to dig an underground passage to the Sun; he digs badly, crooked; the same prairie dog, ground squirrel; Pocket Gopher digs; Squirrel brothers, Puma, Coyote get through the passage to the house of the Sun; he tells 1) to split the moose horn (The squirrel splits); 2) tells the daughters to supply water, porridge, meat; only the Coyote drinks and eats it (others understand that all this is from the bodies of the dead); The sun tells daughters to sharpen their vaginal teeth; The squirrel inserts the horn of a mountain sheep, breaking their teeth, then the Coyote and others copulate; 3) the Sun's antelope loses in the run the elder Squirrel deer; the Coyote cuts the Sun, but does not tear out the heart, but only cuts off his hand; fire haunts everyone; stones, water cannot hide animal people from the heat; ants hide underground ; Rabbit's back is burnt (the origin of dark spots on his skin); a fly, then a bee, reports that the ground has cooled; those who hide come out and turn into animals]: Smithson, Euler 1994:62-69; walapai [wife and two daughters by the sun; they kill suitors with their vaginal teeth, their father eats their bodies; Coyote told two brothers, Makwitia (elder) and Kah a waga; so that the Sun is his did not notice, M. asked the Coyote to dig the underground passage; he did not dig it, the other digging animals continued, the gopher finished; the Sun offers dried meat to those who came; M.: this is the man who eats will eat will be defeated; The Sun offers a race, the loser will have his genitals cut off; the daughters of the Sun undressed and put themselves on display; Coyote is ready to rush to them; M. stopped him, began to copulate himself , putting the horn of a mountain ram on his penis, broke off their teeth, although the girls bit with all their might; since then, the head of the penis has been red; after that, the others met with the girls; M.'s people brought the ball first; Coyote cut off the sun's testicles; he jumped in pain, the earth caught fire, all animals and plants died; The Rabbit (Cottontail) asked the sedge if it would burn at all; no, it would only burn from above; the Rabbit hid at it is under the Norns, only the back of her head has been burned, since then there has been dark hair]: Kroeber 1935:272-275.