Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M6. Night with a partridge. .57.59.62.-.64.66.-.68.70.73.

A young man or girl is forced to spend the night in the forest. The forest hen (Tinamus sp.) has a fire, shelter, and/or hammock. It allows you to use them, but after the hero or heroine does something wrong, she flies away, taking fire with her, the hammock - everything related to culture.

Southern Venezuela. Makusáni hunted in the forest, chased the frog, it galloped away, he got lost; the forest chicken (gallineta) looked like a pretty girl, invited her to her house, did not tell me to touch it her; M. tried to get along with her, she became a chicken, flew away; M. came to the river; Otter (perro de agua) took him to his house if he did not look forward or back; M. looked Through his fingers, the Otter left him in the water; M. climbed the tree to sleep; Nuna (Month) saw his reflection, realized that he was not in the water, but in the tree when M. spat; brought him to heaven, married two daughters; sends for firewood, the wife admits that his father will eat him; he throws sand in her back, she thinks wasps, rushes to run, M. runs the other way, comes to Shi (Sun); N. looks for M., Sh. says that this was not the case here, drives N. away with heat; M. marries one of Sh.'s two daughters; S. gives a wind gun, tells him not to look through it; M. looks, sees his house, mother; his wife also wanted to look, both were on the ground in M.'s house; M. hides his wife under the basket; when he left, her mother found her, began to beat her; M. reconciled them; all three returned to heaven at S.'s house, live there now]: Civrieux 1959: 119-120 (=1980:119-120 {pagination is correct!}) ; sanema [Colchester 1981:72-74; the young man went to the otter people, fell behind them; met a tinama girl; she invited him into her hammock, but flew away when he tried to have sex; told him to wait three days but he left, climbed a tree above the river; the Month came, saw the reflection, began to catch; the young man spat, the Month looked up; brought him home, told his wife to bake cassava for meat; the son of the Month told the young man to run , showed three roads - to the stars, to the vultures, to the Sun; the young man came to the Sun; when the Month came for him, the Sun baked it with its heat; now there are spots in the month; the Sun gave a sarbakan, told him not to look; The young man looked through him, flew out with a dart, fell outside his house; his mother did not recognize him, wanted to copulate; he said who he was, she was happy]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 324:568-570.

Guiana. Wapishana [there was no fire or clothes, people were freezing; a young woman sleeps in the forest; a Maam bird (Tinamotis elegans) owns the fire, warms her; she brings Maam home as a husband; her father asks son-in-law and daughter, why does the daughter collect firewood; they do not answer, the father-in-law is angry, Maam returns to the forest, takes her fire with him; phosphorescent mushrooms are called "Maam fire"; (the text is called "Origin" of fire", so apparently Maam had fire at first, but people took it away)]: Farabee 1918:113-114; oyampy [two man's wives get stuck in a hollow sucking honey; he cuts off their heads, which turn into frogs; spends the night with two women; goes to urinate, they fly away]: Grenada 1982, No. 45:285.

NW Amazon. Chikuna [the girl sees the canopy and goes to bed under it; the canopy turns out to be the wing of an old partridge woman who soon flies away]: Nimuendaju 1952:149; yagua [wandering through the forest, a man sleeps in a partridge hut ; spits when she smells her anus; the partridge flies away with her hut]: Powlison 1959:13; 1972a: 81; 1993 [warriors go to take revenge on enemies; they hit a toad along the way; this is Vatachara's shaman; warriors rape his wife; two do not participate, see V. weaving a basket; he says it is an eye basket, tells those two to settle away from the others at night; in the guise of a bat, he extracts from the saints eye; in the morning, the curves decide to turn into bakers; some become a howler, birds, deer, anteater; two go home; one warns the other not to break a fruit tree branch, that breaks; V. shouts that he was bitten in the heart; eats fruits with people, spits bones, says they are eyes; warriors understand that they ate the eyes of their comrades (the origin of delicious palm fruits ungurahui); at night, V. in the guise of a bat cuts off the leg of a broken branch, who throws it into the river, his leg turns into a caiman, the one-legged continues his journey; climbs a tree for night monkeys, satellite explains that these are mushrooms; the one-legged turns into a toucan, flies in front, showing the way; The squirrel lures the rest to cross the ravine on a log, the end of which does not reach the other side; the log - anaconda; a man jumps, swallows; finds a live Deer inside; they cut the anaconda from the inside with piranha teeth when it comes out in the sun to digest food; the anaconda chases them, they throw it into the river calebasu, the anaconda is immersed in water; man is bald, birds make new hair out of bast, the monkey dyes it black; every night a person spends with another animal, everyone warns of the next meeting; the Partridge's anus stinks, the man spits, the Partridge flies away, carrying the fire; the man plugs the anus with a swab; he thinks it's the Partridge that bewitched, grateful to man, when he removes the tampon; the turtle mumbles that it will eat poisonous rhizomes, the man turns it into a turtle; the termite falls from the tree to crush the man, he manages to dodge tells the termite mounds to be on earth ever since; copulates with the Frog, who warns that her husband Battleship is jealous; the battleship calls a man into the hole, hoping to leave him in the lower world; a man climbs on tree, Battleship causes the wind, you have to get down; a man comes to the Wild Pigs Festival (a series of episodes); to Agouti (kills them); home to his wife and sons]: 97-118.

Central Amazon. Munduruku: Kruse 1949, No. 33 [Peresuatpë went hunting with his older brother; he went into the bushes; P. shot the tapir, missed it; this brother took the form of a tapir; his grandmother advised him next time pull the tapir inside through the ass; the hand got stuck, the tapir ran, P. pulled out his hand when the tapir relieved himself; along with the tapir, P. ended up on the right bank of Tapajos; local people killed the tapir, cut it into pieces, P. saw it sitting on a tree; those people mistook him for a bee nest, began to poke his pole, on the advice of a parrot, P. described the pole, the Indians began to lick urine, thinking it was honey; to cross back Through Tapajos, P. called a caiman named Uàtippanpàn'a; first smaller caimans sailed out, P. rejected them; on W.'s back was grass and trees; the caiman regurgitated, P. compared the aroma to the smell of uruku; finding himself on the shore, shouted that W. stinks, he was furious, dived, the palm tree on his back broke; at night, the jaguar called P. by name, he asked what he wanted, fell asleep; the next night, the inumbu chicken, P. broke all her eggs, three left, since then Inambu has laid three eggs; the next night P. sleeps in a hollow; Jaguar wants to bite off his finger, P. gives him the finger of a dead monkey; this is how Jaguar got and ate everything fingers, then liver; left; the next night, the Jaguar promises to bring a stone; P. leaves his bowel movements in the hollow, climbs a tree; the innocents are responsible for P., the Jaguar throws a stone into the hollow, finds crap; the caterpillars prevented sleep the next night, P. handed over half, now these caterpillars are few; P. sees two girls in a palm grove; agrees to marry; they ask not to be afraid of their father; he came, P. ran away; P. sleeps with Jaguar's wife; during the day he replies that he did not see her; when he ran away, he screams that he had slept with her; the Jaguar accidentally caught not at P., but at the Anteater, who scratched his eyes; Jaguar's wife made him new eyes out of resin , Jaguar's eyes have been shining ever since; P. asks Mother Rain to throw his bananas; she throws the peel; he threatens to shoot, replies that he will cover himself with a banana leaf from the rain; he shot, it has begun to rain, P. is wet ; The Inambu woman plays the flute, her hammock has fire; he refused to lie down with her, she flew away, taking the hammock and the fire; P. took the bone out of Jaguar's throat, who showed him the way home; his mother painted him uruku, P. died of a strong smell]: 642-646; Murphy 1958, No. 29 [Akainoatpyo is his nephew, Karujuribo is his uncle; K. turns into deer and other animals, A. cannot kill them; Grandma A. advises him kill a tapir with his hand in his ass; tapir - K.; he jumps up, drags A. through Tapajos, frees him, emptying his stomach; advises choosing a third crocodile with growing on back with trees; now the name A. is Perisvat; P. rejects two smaller crocodiles, swims on a big one; lies that the crocodile's belching is fragrant; jumping ashore, shouts that it stinks; at night Inambu prevents P. from sleeping with conversations; P. breaks her eggs, since then the Inambu has laid only three eggs; P. kills a monkey, sleeps in a hollow; this is Jaguar's lair; he demands that P. give him parts one by one his body; P. gives the monkey's limbs and liver; leaves excrement responsible for himself, climbs a tree; Jaguar devours excrement instead of P.; P. spends the night with a man whose leg bones are deprived flesh, pointed; he tries to pierce P.; when his leg pierces the tree, P. ties it with a bowstring; frees it in the morning; copulates with Jaguar's wife; he chases P., P. turns into an battleship, Scratches Jaguara's eyes out; Jaguar makes new ones out of wood latex, since then they shine; P. spends the night by the Inambu fire; refuses to lie down in a hammock with her; she flies away, carrying fire; P. hits both with his hands and feet into the hunter's trap; he leaves the old woman to guard the prey; the old woman falls asleep; the ant, the bee, the wasp, the monkey free P.; the hunter beats the old woman in anger, she turns into a bird; P. returns to her grandmother; dies when she rubs his uruku]: 95-102.

Eastern Amazon. Hissing [the men went camping; the latter put his hand in a hole in the ground, his hand was pinched; in the morning, a bearded and hairy demon (one of the informants identified him with the Sun) threw his rod kar, that finds the prey himself; the man pretended to be dead; the demon carried him in the ant basket; the man twitched, the demon stabbed him, he pretended to be dead again; the demon put the basket outside the house, his son found it empty; the man hid in the hollow, the Kari found it; the demon filled the entrance with a stone; the rodent animals made a hole, the man went out, climbed the tree; the demon sent the snake, the man threw it off; the demon went to get the ax, the man ran away, jumping on the trees; saw two caimans in the river with bushes and an imbauba tree on their backs; one drove to the other side; the demon ordered to return, but the caiman swam on; released gases, told him to be called a fart, then a freak; the man replied that the caiman was beautiful, etc.; the man called him a disgusting fat fart when he was on the other side; came to the inumba, who had three hammocks for her two wings and legs; contrary to the ban, he lay down in a hammock, it broke off, the inambu flew away; spent the night in an old house, heard singing at night, saw a skull in the morning, took it to a place where he would not wet it rain; tapiriha married to a jaguar, did not let her husband eat a man; he heard melodies in the forest; came to two other tapir spouses; then home; his little son had already grown up; the melodies he heard were a man taught people]: Nimuendaju 1922:390-393.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua [see motif F18B; Naimbo builds a staircase, the end reaches the sky; the storm breaks it, takes N. far from the village; on the way home he meets various creatures; at night he hears a voice birds, sees fire, finds a spinner girl; when she tries to make love to her, she turns into a bird, carries her fire; this continues several times, she flies farther and farther across the lake; N. continues the journey]: d'Ans 1975:214-232.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Chacobo: Kelm 1972, No. 3 [After the world fire, Nowa Pashawa escaped, climbed into the battleship's hole; he is afraid of the voice of a turtle and a grasshopper, goes with the Anteater; he brings little tinama, says it's the fire, asks me to tell him if he needs to light it; but the NP does not say, the tinama is flying away; the anteater brings a big tinama, the NP sleeps peacefully at night; he comes to Agouti's house, he gives him chichy, says that corn with his mother's fields; NP spied - Aguchi makes chicha out of his snot, NP did not drink; Agouti took him home, told him not to laugh; NP saw his genitals, laughed, Agouti told him to look for his own way; The woodpecker took her mother to the house; she first thought it was her son's ghost; he ordered as many clay vessels to be made as people died in the fire; three days later skeletons came, each taking a vessel; soon everyone had a head, but there were not enough vessels for two old men, they had to wait; but their wives left them because they could neither drink nor sleep without heads; two Pulsatrix sp. birds flew in; other people told the women that these are their husbands; since then, people have not been reborn after death], 4 [about like in (3); the hero runs away from the tapir man; there is a lake in front of him, asked the caiman to translate; he wanted eat the rider, but the man managed to jump off and grab hold of a branch; then the episode with Aguti, Anteater and Tinamou, Woodpecker and returning to his mother; the dead come (not burned in the fire, but any), an old woman looking for her husband, he doesn't have a head; she gives him a calebastic head but he doesn't have a mouth; she takes off her calebass to pour chicha, but her husband turns into a bird; since then people have died forever]: 223-225, 226- 229.

Southern Amazon. Inambu (kayabi: tinama) is carried away by a hammock and fire. Waura [man killed nightjars; they moved his hammock to the middle of the lake at night; he gets out, goes to birds singing in the forest; wants to climb into Inampu's hammock; she says that the hammock can't stand it, the fire will go out; and so it happened, Inambu flew away, taking the fire; The falcon took the man to his mother's house, she is happy]: Schultz 1966:128-130; kayabi [like a vaura]: Pereira 1995, No. 4:41-42; Rickbacza [like a vaura]: Pereira 1973, No. 7:43; 1994, No. 3:52-53; paresi [the partridge man agrees to share the fire if the girl sleeps with him; she refuses, he flies away, she manages to rip his feathers out of his tail]: Pereira 1986, No. 16 : 255.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert 1978, No. 56 [the man got lost, saw fire in the distance, he was with an Inambu, a blue bird nesting on the ground; Inambu allowed him to warm up on the condition that the person did not blow on the fire; before dawn, the man froze, began to blow, the inambu bird flew away, taking the fire; the man heard a song, went to his voice, it turned out that the tapir's skull was singing; he began to fry the tapir, burned himself, became a tapir himself; the brother went looking for him, I came to a place where all tapirs go out to wander around the world; tapirs have a holiday, everyone is standing around, in the center of tapir and tapirih, the tapir has the head of a missing Indian in his hands; the brother managed to turn missing; when he returned, he taught people the songs he heard from tapirs; his tapiriha wife is still looking for a husband], 152 [(Lukesh 1968:60-63); Kayapo attacked a village of other Indians, but they They killed the attackers, only Tčakamandapá escaped; the monkey asks not to shoot, promises to bring C. to his house; but she often stopped looking for food, C. went by himself; the same with Tapir, with the Deer; at nightfall, he met a bird, with fire under its feathers; the bird allowed it to warm up, but warned it not to push; when C. moved, it flew away; then returned; in the morning C. came to the river, Cayman offered to transport it; in the middle of the river he offered to say that he had a nasty face, a thick belly, and a tail like a saw; C. replied no; at the shore he grabbed a branch, shouted to Cayman that he fat; The heron shot the fish with a bow, hid C. in the basket under the fish; Cayman could not find C.; the fox asked C. not to shoot, took C. to the house, C. spoke about his adventures]: 158-159, 363-367.

Southern Brazil. Mbia [when a hero makes a fire]: Cadogán 1959:159.