Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M60a2. The imaginary servant licks his heels.

.21. (.28.) .29.30.32.-.34.

The servant must lick the master or mistress's feet or wound. The hero comes disguised as a servant and instead of licking his heels, touches them with the animal's cut off tongue.

Tibetans (Amdo), (Eastern Ukrainians), Kalmyks (Orenburg traders), Nogais, Rushans, Vakhans, Yazgulyams, Bashkirs, Kazakhs (Aral-Irtysh watershed), Northern Dungans Xinjiang, Salars, Tuvans, Buryats (Western and Eastern), Dagurs, Mongors.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans (Amdo) [a mare gave birth to a boy, an old woman adopted him; with two friends he hides from the rain in a cave; they see three turtles fly in, become girls, pray, again flew away; the same day, August 15, the following year; two years later, the young men grabbed and destroyed the pigeon bodies, took the girls as wives; the wives withered; the young men watched the kite fly in, became a copper-billed witch, she drank the girls' blood, flew away, the mare's son managed to injure her with an arrow; the young men are following the bloody trail, the companions let the mare's son down, cut off the rope, the garuda picked him up; a local shepherd says that a witch was wounded by an arrow; another shepherd herds many goats; he is the son of a witch; replies that in order to tie goats, you must tell them "Contact"; to transport them across the river, you must Tell the river to retreat up and down, go dry; after bringing goats, he will lick the wound on his mother's back caused by the mare's son; the mare's son offers to remove his lice; the son of a witch: my neck is black a mole, my mother's strength is in him, be careful; the second part of my mother's life is at home in a needle in a salt bag; a mare's son crushed a mole {and apparently killed a shepherd}, put on his clothes, took his yak tongue with him; ordered the waters part, contact the goats; the witch takes him for a son, asks him to lick the wound; he explains that his tongue is hard because he did not drink water today; breaks the needle, the witch dies; leaving the witch's house, the son the mare killed a snake that was about to eat the Garuda chick; the chick explains to its mother that the man saved him; the mare's son asks to be brought to the ground; the garuda asks to prepare 100 bird carcasses and 100 wineskins with water; carries a mare's son across the sea; he forgives his companions, reigns, everything is fine]: Kajihama 2004, No. 28:117-123.

(Wed. Central Europe. Eastern Ukrainians (Poltava, Piryatinsky, recorded by L.M. Zhumchuzhnikov) [tsar {or prince; the narrator uses both designations alternately} goes with two sons; asks what would those made of three oaks; the elder: barn boards; the youngest: would hang princes on the oak tree; the king pushed him into the sea, he was swallowed by a whale, then swallowed carts with water and horses; the prince made a fire, became smoking a pipe, the whale jumped ashore; the hunters began to cut the carcass, the prince gave his voice, the hunters ran away, he got out, sat naked, because his clothes had decayed during the year he had been in the fish; at this time, the old king died, the eldest son reigned; the king must marry, the messengers saw a naked man; he said that his name was Ivan Golyk and the king would not marry without him; the prince {he is tsar} is traveling with IS; he does not order to crush the mice, allows mosquitoes to pump his blood, released two pikes into the sea; they come to the thirtieth kingdom, where snakes rule; on the stakes, the last 12 do not yet; the snake has 12 daughters, the prince liked the youngest; the serpent tells the mice to threshing 300 ricks overnight, spread the straw to the straw, the grain to the grain (IS tells the mice to perform); get a ring dropped into the sea (IS: the snake threw it into the sea itself; tells the pike to get it); shoot a hundred pounds with a bow; prince: it's shameful for me to shoot one, let the servant shoot; IS pulled on a bow, it breaks; ride around the horse behind 12 doors; IS: this is the youngest daughter; say you don't want to be ashamed, let the servant go around; IS hits the mare with a piece of bow, tells her to go down, fall and spread her legs; identify the bride among her sisters (the mosquito will sit on her nose); the prince received a wife, IS tells her not to trust her 7 years old; a son was born in the third year; the prince let it slip that he had done everything; his wife waved a towel, cutting off IS's legs, and her body fell into the forest; the legless fraternized with the armless; the armless brought him in a wagon to city; queen past, all yellow; legless and armless hid, grabbed the snake, forced to take it to the target water, became whole and healthy (the serpent first tried to slip them dead water, but they put a wand in it and burned down); IS returned and recognized his brother in the swineherd; hugged them; when the former prince drives pigs home, he must kiss one pig three times, otherwise he won't move; the princess is feasting with snakes and this is her signal that the swineherd is returning; IS took out tows and tar, made a whip, killed a pig, beat the princess until she gave up her snake temper and began to live with the prince]: Kulish 1857 in Pankeev 1992:84-99).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks (Orenburg merchants) [Zalta-Mergen-Baatr is vulnerable only in sleep, sleeps three days a month; a copper-billed witch on goat's feet and Ak-Sakal have been guarding his sleep for 377 years; Alachi Khan persuaded them skip it to Z.; horse Z. Zol-Tsookhor saved him by taking him to bed; Z. took the form of a 15-year-old boy, instead comes to Khan's daughter to lick her heels before going to bed, uses a severed dog tongue; while sleeping, accidentally time takes on its true form, the princess decides to marry Z.; the father settles them on the edge of the ulus; tells her sons-in-law to find out who is kidnapping foals; sons-in-law see how the born is carried away by a haruda bird, Z. (in the guise of a shepherdess) cuts off the foal's tail with an arrow; the khan sends his sons-in-law to find the kidnapper; Z. (in the guise of a hero) promises his older sons-in-law to get the foal from across the sea, for which he cuts off his thumb and forefinger from his right hand, cuts off the belt from the back; the winged horse Z. flies across the outer ocean; the white serpent eats the Garuda chicks, which she breeds every three years; Z. kills him, the garuda spits Z. in her mouth, making him three times stronger; she kidnapped foals so that one day a hero would come for them; carries Z . with the horse and foal back across the sea, the herd follows; the sons-in-law throw Z. into the hole; the horse Zol-Tsookhor tells the dogs Khasyr and Basyr to drive animals into the pit, the owner's two talking parrots to drive fresh into the pit air; runs to Nomin Khan, allows herself to be locked up; Khan's daughter finds out about the horse, asks for permission to ride, the horse takes her away; she has a 99 fathom braid, only she can get out of the hole; Z. takes the girl is the second wife; on the occasion of the return of her sons-in-law with a herd, Z. is in true form; at the feast she tells what happened, presents the severed tail of the foal, fingers and skin of his sons-in-law; orders shoot up, the arrows of his sons-in-law kill them; Z. returns home with his wives, it's empty; comes to Alachi Khan, takes his stolen wife and property; persuades his wife (now A.'s wife) to have her the child cried, asked his father to tell him where his soul is; a deer goes to the spring with three sparrows; Z. rips open a deer (he is grateful for relieving him of the burden), kills sparrows; unites uluses; finds in the steppes of his son, who fled from A., becomes a hero]: Vatagin 1964:39-60; Nogais [the old man raised the bull, left the ground; decided that he was strong, went to fight Elmavyz Shylpuvyr Shylpyk; shepherds offer to cut and cut the skin into pieces, the old man cannot; the same with herdsmen, shepherds; the mother of the SHSH tries to hide the old man, but the SHSH killed him; the wife of the murdered man gave birth to sons named Alsuvdyr and Soyun-Ali; they are playing with children, they have broken someone's arm, their mother advises him to break the arm of their father's killer; they ask their mother to fry corn, put her hand on the hot cauldron, she has to talk about his father; on the way they carry out shepherds tasks, etc.; they easily kill ShSH and his friend; SA goes home kindly, and A. comes to the shepherd, asks; he herds the herds of Khan, who lives differently side of the sea; says, "Break up, sea!" , goes over, then says, "Close up, sea!" ; licks the feet of the khan's three daughters with his tongue; A. kills the shepherd, puts on his clothes, comes under his guise, strokes the girls' feet with a cow's tongue; one day asks the girls for a comb, only the youngest gives it; A. puts her golden hair in the comb, returns the comb; the youngest falls in love with A.; the gardener gives Khan's eldest daughter rotten apples, the middle daughter is half rotten, the youngest is good; the wise men say that It's time to marry the daughters (the eldest has already faded); the khan tells his daughters to throw an apple at the grooms; the elders throw khans at the sons, the youngest at the shepherd; A. tells us who he is; wedding; A.'s mother is blind by tears, and when I saw him again, I saw the light]: Nogai 1979, No. 22:116-120.

Iran - Central Asia. The Rushantsy [the slave leads the horses to water, sees the reflection of three doves; they say that anyone who reports us to King Komiron will petrify; Comiron is surprised why the horses are thin, the slave asks him himself see; K. shoots the little finger of one of the doves, hands the kingdom over to a slave, goes to the desert; takes out a splinter from the tigress, both cubs hit the hair to call for help; changes clothes with a bald shepherd, asks how to behave; by the river he says "In the name of King Peri, let this river part; the waters diverge, K. crosses with the herd; each of the three peri tells the shepherd to rub it legs; two fingers are intact (K. scratches their feet with a cow's tongue), the third does not have enough little finger, K. puts it; when choosing husbands, the older sister throws a skullcap over the judge's head, the middle sister throws an elder, the youngest is a pleshivtsa; Peri's father tells the pleshives to bring a hundred camel bales of gold, he brings it; tells his servants to kill him, his servants spare him; the father sends the young to live in the stable; only K. hunts successfully, gives meat to other sons-in-law, stigmatizing them on their heads and butts; older daughters bring meat to their father-in-law, it is bitter, the youngest brings legs and heads, they are tasty; leaves a piece of manure on the plate; father moves them to the front room; the bald man plays polo with a golden stick, a golden ball; the father-in-law offers a reward, he takes his people, i.e. branded older sons-in-law; the older sisters understand that handsome and bald are one person; father-in-law gives him the throne]: Scribe 1954, No. 6:48-54; the Wakhans [the childless king decides to become a calandar; the other calandar gives three apples, let their wives and horses eat them and a dog; the first child, puppy and foal must be given to him; the king did not give anything to his unloved wife, but she found it on the floor, ate it herself and gave the horse and dog an apple seed; the wife gave birth to a gold-haired son Kokulzarin, dog - Laughing Flower Puppy (SC), horse - Horse Almond Flower (CM); calandar demands to be given to K.; the vizier tries in vain to replace him with the son of a lumberjack, then with his son; an old woman says K. that the calandar is an ogre, teaches him to push him into the cauldron; teaches him to pull a splinter out of the paw of the Winged Lioness, which has turned into the Mazendaran Forest; lions make him their brother, bring him to the mountain Kof; K. changes clothes with a bald shepherd scratching the heels of the king's daughters; K. spanks the elders in the ass with his calf tongue; the youngest notices the young man's face under a veal's stomach stretched over his head; sleeps with K.; older daughters throw bouquets of flowers at noble suitors, the youngest at the imaginary shepherd; sons-in-law go hunting, winged lions hunt for K.; K. gives meat to older sons-in-law, for which he puts them on their bodies stigma, takes a demand for himself; it is sweet, the meat is bitter; K. appears in its real form, shows stamps on his older sons-in-law, his lions smash attacking enemies; the king transfers the kingdom to Kokulzarin]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 18:199-213; (cf. Wakhans [the cat tells the sheep that today it will be stabbed and it will eat its fat tail; the sheep asks the cat to bring a knife, cuts off its fat tail, the cat opened the door, the sheep went to Mount Kof, gave birth to a herd of sheep and the boy May-Zman ("son of a sheep"); tells him to go to people; the Ministry of Health meets, wins, takes Chinorboz ("playing plane trees"), Kuboza ("playing with mountains"), Khdorgboz ("playing with millstones") ; companions come to an empty house, food is ready; they take turns guarding; a girl comes out of a crack in a pole, washes, paints the rest, puts a dish of food, turns into a needle, leaves back; the one left stains his face with mud without anyone noticing; when the MZ remains, he sprinkles salt on the cut, grabs the girl, the companions agree to take her as his wife; the Ministry of Health tells his wife to watch the fire; she I dropped a red bead, thought that the coals were turning red, but they were out; she saw smoke over a pile of stones, came, there were Barzangi; tells me to sprinkle the road with fried lice, then the dung in the hearth will catch fire; on the trail rides a goat, sticks needles into bread, tells the girl to dance on them, she hurts her legs, he drinks blood; the companions take turns guarding, everyone is afraid; the Ministry of Health hits with a dagger, kills 5 Barzanga's heads, the sixth under the stone, the seventh ran away, returned with the army; the Ministry of Health burns the hairs of the mother sheep, which heals its wounds and the wounds of his companions; the Ministry of Health orders him to be lowered into the hole under the stone, where the sixth head disappeared (satellites tried, but couldn't); Barzanga's shepherd below; the Ministry of Health asks him how to count the cattle (hit the tree, how many leaves did not crumble, so many sheep were gone), how to cross the river (say, "chuck", water they will part), where the soul of our grandfather, i.e. Barzanga (in the staff, if you break it on the knee, he will die), grandmothers (in the stones with which salt is crushed; hit each other, the wick will flash, blow it out), himself shepherd (with a large lice on the back of the head); the Ministry of Health suggests cleaning the shepherd's head, presses the louse, "pulls on the demand that was on the shepherd's head"; under the guise of a shepherd, crosses the river; grandmother asks bring a sheep, a goat, he brings a ram, a goat; says he has mixed everything up in the sun; breaks his staff, blows out the wick; sends cattle upstairs to his companions; tells him to drag himself, but does not tie himself; those they cut off the rope; a forest has grown out of a thorn in the leg of a Simurg bird; the Ministry of Health frees Simurg; her children think that a man wants to kill her, she explains everything; she tries to raise the Ministry of Health to the ground, supplies were not enough , he throws meat out of her hand, but she comes back; the next day, from her leg, they reach the ground, Simurg belches, puts back pieces of meat from the Ministry of Health; gives two feathers - turning him into an old man and a young man; under He looks like an old man comes to his companions, becomes young, kills them with a dagger; lives with his wife]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 12:153-163); Yazgulyam [the servant complains to the king that every day there are three doves say that whoever does not tell the king about them hurts his teeth, head, etc.; the servant is slightly alive and the horses are losing weight; the king puts on his servant's clothes, goes by himself, shot off his little finger, goes for with doves, takes out a splinter to the tigress, the cubs promise to help him; Bald herds the cattle of the king's daughters; explains what to say to make the waters of the river disperse and come together again; rubs it at night legs for the girls; the king drowns the shepherd, pulls a goat bubble to look like Bald; the older sisters rub their heels with a bull's tongue, they think that Bald's hands are rough; he puts the youngest torn off little finger; the eldest daughters put flowers to the heads of the son of Kadia and the son of the vizier, the youngest to the head of Pleshivy; the tsar tries in vain to destroy him (drowns, hangs him upside down); orders to bring 40 camels with gold (tigers bring); older sons-in-law cannot get anything hunting, tigers hunt for Bald, he gives meat to his older sons-in-law, puts stamps; tripe soup is the sweetest, but it contains manure ; the tsar moves his daughter and Pleshiv from the stable to the house; playing ball Bald appears in her true form; shows the stigma; receives the throne]: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 19:213-223.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs [the old man crushed seven beetles, thought he was strong, went to fight the devas, the mother of the devas swallowed him; his wife gave birth to sons Alsudar and Kirsudar; they asked for hot kurmas, hold her mother's hand, she had to tell the truth about her father; the brothers follow their father's footsteps, easily eat sheep carcasses, etc., make their skins (the father could not cope with it); they kill devas, their mother belches their father; A. marries, inherits the property of the devas; K. goes on, kills the shepherdess, puts on his clothes, takes his veal tongue with him; the shepherdess must lick the heels of the king's three daughters; he rubs their veal heels with their tongue; princesses send apples to their father: the eldest is dried up, the middle one is half-dried, the youngest is rosy; the king understands that they should marry; the older sisters choose princes, the youngest is a shepherdess; they are placed in a barn; the king is ill, he needs wild goat meat; K. summons his heroic horse, kills a goat, makes its meat poisoned, its entrails are healing, gives it to other sons-in-law for the right to put a seal on their buttocks; only the king's youngest daughter's soup is better; the same series of episodes again, K. cuts off his older sons-in-law's little fingers; only K. defeats enemies; everything is explained, K. gets the throne, makes his brothers-in-law servants]: Barag 1988, No. 43:292-305.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Aral-Irtysh watershed) (judging by place names - Mount Begazy - Karaganda district) [Koblandy's batyr robbed the khan, killed his young son Karaman in a duel, captured the people; remained an old man covered in a cauldron and a boy covered in straw found K.'s bow; it was worn by two strongmen, and the boy picked up one; found a foal for himself; the old man named the boy Talas-pai, and his horse Koschu-gar'at; three days in a row, when T. leaves, three swans rip off the old man's face, tear his fur coat, beat him; K. put on the old man's clothes, went out by himself; squeezed the swans, but they put him on themselves, took off, but he jumped off; shot at they, a gold ring fell; having prepared meat for the old man, K. set off; met a shepherd; he replies that he was herding Kadyr Kana's cattle; I must say, "Cross, cows," they will cross by themselves sea; "Get attached, calves"; "Get it, cows"; Kadyr-kan's youngest of three daughters licking her soles; T. killed the shepherd, dressed in his clothes, sat on his bull, did as the shepherd explained; he cut off the cow's tongue, in the girl's yurt, he stroked her feet with it; maiden: did your tongue crack? T.: yes; began to stroke softer; the girl does not tell them to go to where they swim tomorrow; he went; they flew in the guise of swans; the youngest noticed the shepherd's golden crest, realized that it was T.; in the evening she pomped, they slept together; girl: how to let my father know that I want to marry; T.: bake three loaves: burnt, half-burnt, good; Khan told daughters to choose their husbands themselves; the youngest chose T.; Khan gave them a small yurt; upset by his daughter's choice, the khan fell ill; the doctor: you need saiga meat; the brothers-in-law did not get anything, T. gave them meat, but the khan only got worse; T. kept his saiga intestines, from which the khan recovered; Khan's winged black mare brings a foal every day, it is carried away by the Alyp-Kara-Kush bird; the older sons-in-law fell asleep, T. shot, cutting off the foal's tail and the bird's silver feather with an arrow; older sons-in-law they took the tail, but did not give it back to T.; T. brought it himself, put it near the khan's yurt; on horseback, Kozu-Gar'at drove to the yurt, an old woman with 7 heads came out; T. did not eat, but invited him to his place; alone from the food human; they exchanged salt and agreed not to harm each other; T. reached the bai-terek tree, with a bird on it, he shot it, only his horse could carry the carcass; he was caught up by a girl, the daughter of a bird, offered to fight; three days later he defeated her and married her; prisoners in her house, they released them; after spending the night with an old woman with 7 heads, they moved on; T. saved the snake from the fire, which gave him the ability understand the language of animals; towards the bay horse - the horse's brother T., she ran away when Koblandy took everything; T. appeared to Khan in his real form; he called his daughter clever and himself a fool; T. came to his father , he was already starving; his grown-up son went to take revenge on Koblanda; before the fight, T. and Koblanda began to ask each other; it turned out that their mothers were sisters; they reconciled; came to take revenge on Ir- Kosai, defeated and killed Koblanda and son T.; T. and he have equal strength, they reconciled]: Potanin 1916, No. 11:73-79 (=1972, No. 6:123-130); salara [in a mountain village, a mare swallowed a flap of red fabrics, gave birth to a boy, he was named Atentsigen Masymu ("a child born by a horse"); he became a hunter; he was an excellent archery; one day in late spring and early summer he stopped on the river bank and became smoke came out of the crevice to sing. "Hey-hey-hey, what kind of little guy is this freaking out here? If a passer-by, then go your own way, if you are looking for relatives, let's get to know each other"; a young man in white clothes came out of white smoke; M. said he was looking for relatives, offered to become sister cities; the young man took the name Dashitentsigen Dashidagu ("a child born from a boulder"); young men came to the forest, saw fog come out of the grove; M. shot, a young man came out, also became a sister, his name was Agaishitentzigen Munigu ("child born from a tree trunk"); the brothers began to cook; three white doves sank to the lake shore, removed their plumage, turned into girls, threw themselves into the water to swim; these are celestials Guni Ana, Ie-ana and Yulutusa-ana. ("Sunny Maiden, Moon Maiden, and Star Maiden"); the brothers took their clothes; the girls agreed to marry them; three married couples returned home and began to enjoy life; but G., M.'s wife, suddenly she became gloomy and taciturn, and frowned, refused to explain why; one evening her fire went out; she saw smoke from the chimney in the distance, went to ask for fire; old woman Mansikhanyer was in her house ( nine-headed demon); gave fire, but put sesame seeds in her pocket so that they would fall through the hole on the road; began to come to G. to comb each other's hair; G. began to think how from her to get rid of it, told her husband; was the first to guard; Dashidag; he turned into a pillow and sat on the doorstep; Mansikhanyer came, sat on the pillow; when she left, D. complained that it was terribly heavy, he was nothing could not do it; the next day Munigu turned into a broom; Mansihaner swept the yard with it; G. told her husband that Mansihaner could only be defeated by cunning; Masymu hid and shot only when Mansihaner turned into a nine-headed six-armed blue-faced fanged monster; Masymu and Mansihanyer began to fight, Mansikhanyer went to a hole under the mill; Masymu ordered him to be lowered on a rope; G. broke the mirror and gave it half; in the lower world, M. met an old man who told him not to scream; M. shouted, a tiger appeared, M. killed him with a sword; elsewhere M. was attacked by a boa constrictor, he shot him and hacked him; they were two Mansihaner commanders; M. exchanged clothes with the shepherd, drove cows and sheep; Mansihanier: "Go faster, faster! Finish eating and go to lick your wounds faster"; M. 8 heads wounded with an arrow enjoyed being licked by shepherds; M. prepared cow tongues in advance and began to stroke Mansikhanyer's wounds with them; she screamed from The sword hurt, and M. hit her sword, but Mansihanyer slipped out and ran, and then rushed at M.; feeling that M. was stronger, she emitted a cloud of black smoke, rushed to run, but M. pointed a mirror at her light and killed with arrows; I heard a scream, an iron cage came up, inside the eagle, asking for release, around the bone; this is the real Mansikhanyer nest; an eagle flew in, the eagle first hid M. under the wing, then told his mother who saved him; the eagle agrees to take M. to the ground, tells him to harvest 100 sparrows; the last sparrow was not enough, M. cut off the meat from his leg; met his wife they recognized a friend a friend in half of the mirror, so changed from exhaustion; Dashidag and Muniga forced G. to work when she refused to be their mistress; under the guise of a beggar, M. offer to entertain them with archery; pierced both with one arrow; people are prosperous, M. and G. are happy until old age]: Chen, Wang 1989:420-439; Dungans (Changji, Xinjiang) [the old woman only has a horse; once returned - she was wearing a boy, he was a Brother Horse; he went on a journey, broke a rock with an arrow, from there Brother Stone came out; then Brother Elm came out; they cultivate the land, hunt; someone in the house then cooks and cleans; they take turns guarding, two fall asleep; when it's Brother-Horse's turn, three white doves arrive and become girls; he asks them to marry him and his brothers, but first again become doves; invites brothers to choose; takes the rest for himself, the doves become girls; the cat came, stayed, mischievous; the women slapped him, for which he put out the fire and left; the women went to look coals; the shepherd says that the fire is owned by a nine-headed monster, let them go to him; the maids took them deep into the cave; the monster has a human body and 9 heads, all but the central one, are blind; he orders to give fire and a bag of beans; it has a hole, the beans woke up on the way back; the next day, the monster followed this trail, sucked women's blood; then the eyes on his other heads see; so many days; Brother horse notices that the wives are losing weight, they tell him everything; the Elm Brother is the first, then the Stone Brother, both are afraid; The horse brother hits the monster with an arrow in the eye, he runs; The horse brother lets the shepherd go, comes to a cave under his guise, taking sheep's tongue with him; the shepherd must lick the monster's damaged eye; the horse brother strokes him with sheep's tongue, the monster hurts; he says his tongue is rough because he has a cold; then kills the monster, cutting off all its heads; distributes the monster's property; his brothers want to take possession of everything themselves; lead the Horse Brother to look at the lotuses, push him off the cliff; he fell on the lotuses, alive, but unable get back; healed the swan's wing, he lifted it upstairs, the flight lasted three days and three nights; he returned home a year later; he was not recognized, his wife did not recognize him, he cries; he takes his bow; the brothers say that only Brother Horse, who fell off a cliff, could pull it; he shoots at the stone, Brother Stone disappears into the stone; shoots at the elm tree - Brother Elm returns to the tree; since then there are stone steps in the gate, and elm trunks cracked; Brother Horse's wife stayed with him, and two other women put on their pigeon clothes and flew away; people near Mount Bogotá have loved white pigeons ever since]: Shujang Li, Luckert 1994:111-118.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans: Potanin 1883, No. 84 (Buren-Gol river) [old man Tyumendey saw felt floating along the river; it turned into Jelbag, grabbed the old man by the beard; let him go when he promised their three daughters; the old man and the old woman gave their daughters bottomless buckets, sent them to pick berries, migrated; after filling holes in the buckets, the girls picked berries; they saw a stranger in the yurt, realized it was J.; went out to yard, ran away; threw a comb (turned into a forest), a bar (into a rock); J. cut the road with an ax; a beaver by the river asks the girls what his tail, ribs, teeth are; they praise him, he carries them; J. says that they are worms; Beaver tells him to pick up stones, drops him in the middle of the river, J. drowned; Beaver told his sisters to climb three spruce trees; three fellows passed by, married them; older sisters promise their husbands sew clothes and covers; the youngest is to give birth to a boy with a golden head and a silver neck; the elders throw the boy into the lake, replace him with a mole; he bites his returning husband; the husband breaks his wife's arms and legs, gouges out her eyes; she is left alone; she consistently maims three rats that treat their paws and eyes with grass; a woman is treated with the same grass, recovers; cannot lure her son out of the lake; catches for the third time, leaving a bow and arrow on the shore; gives his milk, tears into his eyes, he recognizes her as his mother; his name is Yer-Saru; seven geese are flying, and when they scream, his mother cuts off her ear and nose, lip; E. shoots, the arrow returns with a human finger; E. meets a khan's shepherd named Buzakai Tarakai, who refuses to marry E. his daughter; E. kills him, takes his form ; the khan orders to catch the calf, E. cannot, the khan beats him; tells him to finish the cows, the cow is not given, E. says, "Milk", the milk is milked by itself; the khan orders him to lick the soles of his boots, went to bed; E. smeared them sour cream, dogs licked; gives seven daughters for Jety-tas (Seven Bald Men), but the youngest marries the imaginary B. (i.e. E.); she is more beautiful, only there is no index finger; E. 1) brings a mountain goat's father-in-law, whose outer meat is bitter, the inner meat is sweet (and the second time vice versa); 2) brings three horses Tengri Khan (follows them into the sky along the rainbow); 3) Khan orders to bring a foal, which Khan Garida steals from him every year; E. knocks off the tails of the foal with an arrow and Khan-Garide hides; The Jetytas tell the Khan that they have knocked off their tails; Khan Garide asks E. not to kill him, gives the entire herd of foals and carries his fluff as a sign that he has been killed; the Jetytas are digging a hole, E. falls into it; his horse brings Mengu-kyz, who makes a rope out of her braids, pulls E. out; he returns to Khan in his true heroic appearance, shows his hidden tails; whose an arrow fired into the sky will kill the shooter, falling, that liar; the Jetytas are killed with their arrows; E. and his wife visit their mother; the horse kicked and killed her; she was buried]: 341-348; Hadahane 1984 [Er Saryq has a horse Ege- Shyrban; mother asks not to go to sunset, his father left and never returned; ES goes, kills a monster with an arrow; at this time, three wild geese fly over the yurt, asking if ES is at home, if his horse is tied Ash; mother was so surprised that she cut her nose with a knife; the geese are flying again, S wounded one in the paw; goes in search; asks the old man to let him slaughter one camel; that: if the khan finds out, it will be bad; but allows; another shepherd with calves; asks ES to drive them to the khan; they ran away by the river; khansha: is it really difficult to say "Khan's cattle, wade across the river"; ES says the calves cross; the khan has eyelids to the nose, he raised one finger, told the servant to serve whey; hansha: the cows are not milked; ES milks, they do not give milk; hansha: "Is it really difficult to say, leisya, leisya, khan's wealth"; milk poured; at night khan tells lick his heels; ES cut off his tongue from the cow's carcass; Khan asks why it's hard; Es says it's from whey; Khan tells us to feed ES with cream; ES cuts off the dead dog's tongue, Khan liked it, he fell asleep; ES marries Khan's youngest daughter; Khan tells seven sons-in-law to save the foal; the mare gives birth every three years, the Khan Hereti bird takes it away; the sons-in-law are sleeping, ES shoots, the bird drops the glowing feather; the khan orders bring the bird itself; ES goes to the lower world, there are three poplars on the island, with nests with birds; mangys came out of the lake, the chicks screamed; ES climbed into the throat of the mangysu, ripped it apart, jumped out; it rained, a bird XX arrived, ES asks her to return the foals; she tells her to prepare food, throw it in flight; they flew, XX releases 9 horses from his nostrils; ES met his older sons-in-law, sat on the carpet, fell into a hole, the sons-in-law took the horses away; the horse ES runs to his wife, tells everything; the wife pulls him out; the khan tells everyone to shoot up; the son-in-law's arrows kill them, ES is unharmed; gets half the cattle, with his wife returns to her mother]: 59-65; Buryats: Barannikova et al. 1993, No. 7 (western, right bank of the Angara) [Kharasgay Mergen goes to fight with an old woman and her 7 grandchildren; bars on stakes around her house; she asks to open his armpits slightly, sucks XM's blood, but not all; he sees boiling poison, throws it at it, kills it, finds living water, revives bars; kills a hare, inside which the key, the key falls into the water, the fish he gets it, says that a suction box containing the souls of 7 quails, the grandchildren of an old woman; he crushed quails, his grandchildren died; came to the possession of Shazhgai Khan, took the form of a local shepherdess; another said that he would have to lick the heels of the khan's daughter; HM pulled out his veal tongue, took it with him; touches her heels, the girl hurts, XM says that he hadn't eaten oil for a long time, she feeds him with oil; the same the next evening ; Khan's 6 daughters are married, the seventh middle is not, XM wants to marry her; the mare must bring a wonderful foal; 6 brothers-in-law fall asleep, XM takes shape, shoots an eagle that grabs a foal, that dropped the foal and the feather; HM (becoming a shepherdess again) gave them to his brothers-in-law, ripping off a piece of skin from their backs; sons-in-law explain to the khan that it was the eagle that tore them; XM again turned the flint into a horse, hunted them He gave many animals to his brothers-in-law, taking his ears and giblets; the khan ate meat brought by his brothers-in-law, fell ill; after eating the giblets given by the shepherdess, he recovered; Khan gave XM his middle daughter, but put them in a barn; tells you to get a bear; this is Sh.-Khan himself; HM brings the bear in chains, the khan is barely alive, tells him to let the bear go; XM appears Khan in his true form, gets a daughter and wealth, talks all about his brothers-in-law; on the way home XM met the 12-headed Shara-mangadhai, who defeated him, threw him in an iron wagon to the bottom of the sea; XM's wife reports this to his sister Aga Nogohon; she leaves her to guard the house, dressed and armed brother, meets his horse; he, becoming an eagle, went to heaven to Ehe Malan's grandmother; she raised one eyelid with forceps, sees a horse, sends him to Esege Malan (supreme deity, head of 55 Western Tengriyas), he orders to save XM (send him milk, bread and clothes); the fish pushed XM out of the sea, the sister sprayed it with live water, gave him milk and bread, he came to life; HI and his sister go through the mangadhai estate of the red wild boar; go through the frog valley, turning into frogs, the bear valley, becoming bears, broke through fighting people; these guards respond to mangadhay that they did not see anyone; HM and sister return to his wife XM, XM has a son, the family multiplied, wealth increased], 18 [Jebzhenei (originally "old man Jebzheney") is a poor orphan; came to Sharaldai Mergen to ask where to find his betrothed; he was lying in his house in in the form of a snake; replied that this is the daughter of Labanda Khan; J. finds a foal, he becomes a horse, on which J. comes to the old shepherd, asks him; he says that he drinks strips from washed buckets, licks the heels of the khan's daughter; J. puts on the shepherd's clothes, strokes the heels of the khan's daughter with calf's tongue; when he stroked the rough side, she jumped up; they agreed to marry; the girl has a fiancé Shazgai Mergen; J. turned his red horse into a black horse, warning his betrothed; Khan invited his daughter to choose a horse, she chose a black horse; her son flew away on it; SHM, Shagshaga Mergen Taizha took away J.'s wife when he was hunting; J. caught up with him; SMT became a lark, J. became a hawk, CMT with grains, J. a chicken or a rooster, pecked grains, returned his wife]: 117-141, 225-231; Dagurs [the couple has seven daughters, two of them blind ; their father leads them to pick wild grapes, leaves them blind; by evening they realize that their baskets have no bottom; in the morning they hear chirping, they climb a tree, there is something round and soft, they eat it, they start see the light; after washing in the stream, they see better; they come to the golden and silver wells; after drinking from there, they fully regain their sight; after eating fruits from gold and silver trees, they become pregnant; they come to an empty house full of supplies; the son of the eldest Aletannenbo, the youngest is Mengongnenbo; young men grow up, meet an old man, he says where to find flying horses; they tame horses, return to their mothers; demon comes out of the ground; threatens mother A. that she will eat her if she treats M. well; since then she has been feeding M. with garbage; M. leaves, exchanging arrows with A.: if it rusts, the owner is dead; on the way M. is the same demon, M. hits him with an arrow; by the river, a Tuoku shepherd herds rich Su's sheep; they must be driven across the river, saying, "If the river stops for a minute, then I won't be angry"; in Su's house, he In the evenings, she licks his wife's feet, gives him a cow cake; M. puts on T.'s clothes, sends the horse to graze, pretends to forget the words that make the waters of the river disperse; Mrs. Su utters them herself; The imaginary T. shouts to her from the other room that he is eating a cow's cake; strokes her feet with the cow's cut off tongue; says that his tongue is rough with herbs; the mistress tells him to drink butter; he cuts off the dog's tongue , Su is happy, goes to bed; six daughters of rich Su are married, the seventh youngest is not; he will pass her off as someone who bends an iron rod; only the imaginary T. bends; Su has to give his daughter; sick, his bear bile and meat will cure; M., in his true form, catches, returns on horseback, sees older sons-in-law; they ask to sell them a bear; he burns their butts with a hot copper cauldron; but these Su's son-in-law brought no better; the imaginary T. kept part for himself, cooked it, his father-in-law recovered; his sons-in-law dug a hole, invited M. to the races, M. and his horse fell into a hole; the horse flew to heaven to the Jasper Emperor, his daughter lowered her braids, M. got out of them; M. recovered from her potions; sees that A.'s arrow is rusting; with his wife on horseback she is rushing home; the heavenly maiden also descends to him - her father drove her away helping a mortal; she cured A., married him; and A.'s mother died earlier]: Bender, Su Huana 1984:110-125; Mongors: Todayeva 1973, No. 10 [childless old woman prays for a child; God sends her a son; her black mare gives birth to a stomach, there is a boy in him; children tease him, he tells the old woman to fry wheat, clamps hot grains in her fist, she is forced to admit that she did not give birth to him; he goes to look for parents, brothers, sisters; shoots a stone, a young man comes out from under it; a Tree comes out from under the tree; three brothers hunt, someone cooks in their house; Stone, Tree fall asleep, son The mares grab three doves who turned into girls; the most beautiful smears with soot, the Stone and the Tree choose others, the beauty goes to the Mare's son; the women forgot to leave food for the cat, he put it out with his tail fire; the wife of the Mare's son comes to the nine-headed old woman for fire; she gives fire and an armful of yellow flowers, tells her to throw it along the way; in the absence of husbands, she comes to suck women's blood; Stone, Tree remain guard, numb with fear; the Mare's son cuts off the old woman's eight heads, comes to her dungeon; she tells the boy to lick her wounds; the Mare's son tells them to stroke them with cow's tongue, the old woman screams in pain; then as a dog, the old woman goes to bed, says that it will be warmer on the iron bed; the Mare's son and the boy put her in the cauldron, cover her, burn her; the brothers live well with their wives]: 289-295; Schrö der 1959 [an old woman's black mare gave birth to a piece of meat, a boy was inside; he grew up; the children say he is the son of a mare; he asks his mother to hold hot wheat with her hand in her hand, the mother confesses that he son of a mare (SK); he goes on a journey, meets, takes Stone Brother, Wooden Brother as companions; they take turns cooking; KB and DB fall asleep, at which time the cooked food disappears; when it is the UK's turn, he sees three doves, they took off their feather clothes, he married them to himself and his companions; he took the most beautiful one for himself, but smeared her faces with soot so that her companions would not choose her; his wives did not leave food for the cat, she extinguished the fire; KB's wife came to old Mangudze, who gave her a bag of rapeseed with her, they sprouted, rapeseed bloomed, and M. came to the house where KB's wives used these flowers. DB and SK; drank their blood, they are losing weight; husbands take turns guarding; KB says that a 9-headed old woman came, he was frightened; the same was DB; SK cut down 8 heads, M. ran away; SK followed, asks the shepherd, how he drives cattle; you have to hit the gong, then eat sugar, lick M.'s wounds; SK kills the shepherd, under the guise of a shepherd, drives cattle, strokes wounds with rough cow's tongue, that's rude; then canine, M. she falls asleep, the UK cuts off her head; brings cattle and treasures, brings her home; the corpse has been burned]: 102-115.