Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M60B. Imaginary doctor: finishing off the victim.


The deceiver, promising to cure a wounded or sick person, finishes him off and eats him or offers a remedy that is only worse for him.

Sakata [turtle and chimpanzee], Kordofan [man and thief], oriya [jackal and fox], toraja [cat and bat], Georgians [bear and fox], Kurds [bear and fox], Komi-Permiaks [mouse and sparrow], Bashkirs [fox and bear], Tofalars [fox and bear], Nenets [crow (s) and fish; raven and seagull; owl and crow], Ents [raven and fish], chum salmon [mouse and old woman], Yugi [mouse and old woman], Turukhans [fox (fox) and fish], Ilimpic [fox and fish], Sym [fox and fish], Baikal [fox and fish] (but probably not Far Eastern) Evenks, Evens [fox and woman; sable and bear; fox and bear], dolgans [fox and fish], Nanais [crow and fish], tundra Yukaghirs [fox and bear; wolverine and bear], Chukchi [fox and bear], reindeer Koryaks [fox and bear], kereks [fox and bear], Asian Eskimos [fox and bear], Bering Strait inupiate [fox and bear], (tlingit [crow and killer whale]), catlamet [coyote and raccoon], curdalen [coyote and deer], passamaquoddy [rabbit and wild cat], pawnee [coyote and deer], kiowa [Sendeh and moose], natchez [vulture and rabbit], chiroki [vulture and rabbit], screams [vulture and rabbit], hichiti [vulture and rabbit], alabama [vulture and rabbit], koasati [vulture and rabbit] and rabbit], pomo [coyote and skunchiha], gosiyute [coyote and mole], navajo [coyote and skunciha], kayapo [anteater and jaguar].

Bantu-speaking Africa. Sakata [Turtle and Chimpanzee are friends; Turtle's pregnant wife wants to eat Chimpanzee's heart; Chimpanzee children tell Turtle that their father is ill; Turtle promises to cure him, tells him to leave him some, strangles, takes out his heart, brings them to his wife; the Hawk hides the Turtle in his headdress, goes to a memorial feast; after getting drunk, he shows the Turtle, he was also given a drink, and then the Chimpanzee children killed the Turtle ]: Colldén 1979, No. 145:310-312.

Sudan - East Africa. Kordofan (ethnicity not specified) [poor Said goes to sell his only ox to buy a goat or sheep and feed the children; the leader of the robbers says that this is a ram and gives the price of a ram for an ox; S.: but the tail is oxen! the robber cut off his tail and ordered not to argue; at home S. promises his wife to punish the robber; put on his wife's dress, came to the robber's house disguised as a woman; when they were alone, the imaginary woman asked show how the punishment mechanism works; as a result, the robber was hung by the leg, and S. began to beat him with that cowhide; took away a bag of gold; then S. sends his wife unnoticed each time find out what the robber is going to do; he wants a doctor; S. comes disguised as a doctor, hits the robber again and takes away gold; the robber tells his people to move him to a place where only a shepherd goes with herd; let them leave him a bag of emeralds; S. came under the guise of a shepherd, beats the robber again, took away the emeralds; the robber decides to dissolve the rumor of his death; let him be taken to the cave, leave the stock wine and food; S. came under the guise of a mullah, eats and drinks, reads the Koran; the robber sighed; the imaginary mullah: the dead man sighs, he will have to read for several days; the robber asks him for pardon; S. took the food and drink, cured the thief, they became friends]: Frobenius 1923, No. 21:241-251.

South Asia. Oriya [the fox fell ill, sent a jackal's friend to pick up the doctor; he did not intend to look for a doctor, but said that the doctor advised me to cut off his leg; cut it off and ate it; the second leg is the same; ear; the fox sees how the jackal eats her, asks not to eat her tail]: Mohanti 1975:54-55.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Toraja [the bat is looking for a doctor for a sick daughter (or a daughter for her mother); she does not like the voice of a buffalo, a horse, a pig, a goat, two species of birds; she likes the voice of a cat; a cat eats a sick one ]: Adriani 1898:359.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Georgians [the shepherd gives Lisa a lamb for forcing the herded lambs to disperse; the bear pretends to be a Fox, the Lamb unlocks him, he eats it; the fox sees the wedding, suggests To sing a bear, people beat him; The fox calls to treat him, burns him with a hot iron; offers to lie in the basket, derails it]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 20:57-60; Kurds [Lisa answers The bear, that it makes no sense for him to eat it, promises to take him to a place where there is a lot of food; leads to a cliff, offers to weave baskets and hide in them from enemies; in the basket The bear moves, rolls down a cliff; each next time the Fox pretends that it was not her, but another fox; at the mill she invites the Bear to climb the millstones, lets water in; go to the hospitable owner's house, holding the tail of a cow; people they knock out the Bear's eye with a stone; the fox promises to heal the eye, says she will temporarily take another one out, collides him off a cliff, eats a dying Bear while he is still alive]: Jalil 1989, No. 156:458-460.

Iran - Central Asia. Uzbeks [the old woman baked a cake, began to argue with the old man which of them should break it, but the cake rolled, invited the herdsman to eat it, and rolled away from him, further to the dekhkanin, then to Lisa; she pretends not to hear the song, grabbed the cake that approached, ate the middle, put clay in it, brought it to the shepherd, received a lamb as a gift, brought her to her; went to mow the hay; in this time the Wolf ate the lamb, put his head on the threshold, legs four corners, went through the chimney; the fox sings, asks the Lamb to open it, he is silent; the fox set up a hot coal trap pit in the house, invited The wolf fell into a hole, burned, barely got out; the fox came to treat him under the guise of a healer, advised him to run in the thorny thickets, the Wolf felt even worse; under the guise of another healer, Lisa advised him to ride in ash, he is a little alive; under the guise of a third (urban, not from the mountains, not from the valley), he ordered to cut the ice on the river, water himself with cold water until morning; the Wolf died]: Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:11-15.

Volga - Perm. Komi-Permyaks [the sparrow went to plow, the mouse remained at home; sparrow: why is the porridge so tasty? mouse: I interfere with its tail; the next day the mouse is in the field, the sparrow is cooking dinner, stuck its tail, scalded it; the mouse: lie down, I'll cure it; bit it myself, made a boat out of the sternum, made a boat out of the sternum, swam along the river, sings about himself; reluctantly lets a hare; a fox; a wolf; when the bear sat down, the boat turned over; everyone swam out, the mouse is gone; the bear takes turns accusing everyone, they run away, and he swallows the mouse himself; she sings at him stomach: I sharpen the knife, I'll cut the bear's stomach, I'll go out; the bear asks to go out through the mouth, through the ass, the mouse refuses; the bear vomits, the mouse runs between his teeth, but he steps on it]: Klimov 1997:9-11 in Kippar 2002:169-172; Bashkirs [wolf asks the fox why it is fat; fox: herding cattle on the lake shore; wolf: how do you catch them? fox: lie down in the reeds and don't get up until you come close with a bang; sets fire to the reeds, the wolf is burned; the fox was lying in ash, pretended to be another fox; advised me to lie on the ice; the wolf froze, died ]: Barag 1989, No. 84:389.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tofalars [The fox says he is afraid of hunters, the Bear says he is afraid of hazel grouses when they take off; the fox offers him to fill the hole with people, promises to fill the other with hazel grouses; the bear returns wounded; The fox undertakes to heal him on a rock by the fire; asks him to move away from the fire, he falls, breaks, the Fox eats meat; tells the Wolves to sit on the ice and howl, God will send a bear; the Wolves are frozen tails; a man killed everyone with an ax, drove them on a sleigh]: Sherkhunaev 1977:237-240;

Western Siberia. Nenets: Dixon 2017 (Vaigach) [the seagull is looking for a doctor for a wounded friend; the hawk replies that he is not a doctor; an owl: and she is not a doctor, but tells me to go to a crow; raven: I am a very good doctor; tells you to make a farce, leave it in it with the wounded, and all the seagulls gather around and shout loudly; the raven ate the seagull and flew away; the seagulls cried]: 437; Drannikova 2002, No. 94 (Arkhangelsk Region) [the seagull's brother is injured, she is looking for a shaman; the groom, the owl answer that they are not shamans; the raven undertakes to heal; ate the seagull's brother and flew away]: 190-191; Nenets tales 1939 [the fish lived on the ground, the mother fish fell ill, The crow came to treat her, told the children to go out, if her mother screamed, she was recovering; she ate her; the children threw her mother's bones into the water, she became a fish, hit the water with her tail, the sea flooded the ground, The crow has nowhere to sit, fell into the water, the fish tore it; since then, the fish have been living in the water]: 11-16; Elders 1930 (tundra?) [one seagull was injured, the other began to look for a sorcerer; met an owl and an owl, they refused; the raven said that he was a sorcerer, ordered to make a farce for the wounded; when everything was ready, he said to the second seagull, for her to stretch her neck and scream up; the seagull listens; the raven ate the wounded and flew away]: 148; Tereshchenko 1949 [Mother fish is sick, the Raven undertakes to treat her; tells her children not to enter when she screams; bites and eats; the fish went to live in the water; began to hit the water with their tails; the crow was washed away, he drowned; (either quail in Kupriyanova 1960, No. 2:30-31, or there is an independent but identical text)]: 126-127; Sangi 1989 [Owl's son marries Voronov's daughter; mother-in-law quarrels with his daughter-in-law, she leaves; marries Kanyukov's daughter; daughter-in-law is good but falls ill; the muselov shaman comes to treat her; instead eats her, runs away; Owls cry, since then they have not seen daylight]: 29-31; Entsy [The mother fish fell ill, the Raven promised to cure it; told the children not to enter when their mother screamed; ate the sick; the children of the fish threw themselves into the water, since then they have been living in water since; they pushed the Raven into the water, he drowned]: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 49:198-199; chum salmon: Alekseenko 2001, No. 144 [The mouse fell into the water, the Merganser began to laugh, his bubble burst, his mouse ate; people are ill with an old woman, the Mouse promises to cure, asks to put the old woman in a bag with her; The mouse ate her eyes, ears, killed her, ran away]: 256-257; Nikolaeva 2006 (pos. Kellogg) [The mouse found a kleinitsa, a needle, half a needle, a thimble, made them a boat and a pole to push off, a rain hat; suggests that Duck make a bridge; the Duck says let the Mouse be the first on it passes; The mouse falls into the water, the Duck burst with laughter, the Mouse ate it; invites the relatives of the sick old woman to cure her; she was stuffed into a bag with the old woman, she ate her eyes and ears, ran away; told mice can only walk at night]: 163-164; Osharov 1936a [The mouse swam along the river in a birch bark glue cooker; found a broken needle on the ashes (it can push off), on the second one, a thimble (her hat) on the third; sailed to the old man with a blind old woman; agreed to cure her if he put them both in a bag, tied them; tells the old woman not to scream, otherwise she will not cure her; ate her eyes, gnawed her bag, ran away; the old man found mouse, broke his legs, pulled out his eyes; the mouse rolled, bumping into trees, asking the trees who they are; Birch, Aspen, Pine, Rowan answer that they can not cure; Cheryomukha has cured; The mouse returned to her children, told them to go out only at night so that people would not beat them]: 115-117; Yugi [Mouse and Merganser (Taucher) built a bridge; Merganser Mice: you'll turn over! - You're the one who's gonna turn over! The mouse fell into the water, the Merganser began to laugh, his goiter burst, the Mouse ate it; came to people, there was a sick old woman, the Mouse undertakes to cure her, tells her to put them together in a bag, tie them; ate the old woman's eyes, she ate her ears, she died; The mouse asked to untie the bag, ran away, told her mice to go out not during the day, but only at night]: Werner 1997, No. 6:247.

Eastern Siberia. Evenks {group not specified: Baikal?} [The fox calls to herd the old man's deer, eats them herself; he chases her, shouts to the old woman, She ate our deer; the old woman can't understand words, the Fox tells her, the Old Man told me to tie it to mine The tail of the knife as an ornament for a good job; tells the Wolf that she got his jewelry by rolling with ice; The wolf rides, he is in pain; the fox says that he has a thorn in his ass, undertakes to pull it out, pierces the knife ; eats the Wolf]: Sangi 1985:191-194; Turukhan Evenks: Vasilevich 1936, No. 1 (Tura) [The bird invites Lisa to jump on the ice of the lake; the fox fails; at the bottom, the mother falls ill; the fox offers to cure, tells the guys to get out, eats Magpie; invites Burbot to race; each time the other burbot in front is responsible; the fox rides a sled with an old woman, eats fat; tells the old man to bring the deer to the fodder; he kills them herself, eats them; the old man shouts to the old woman to kill isa; the fox explains that he tells her to tie fat on her tail; runs away; the old man let the dog go The fox is in the hole, the old man lit the fire, the Fox told the fire to leave her tail even a sleeve long; he left it], 17 (Erbogochen) [Lisa invites Kuksha to sail to kill people, tells her to sleep at the bottom of the boat for now; if from the plague will scream "father", let him shoot anyway; brings the boat to where they sailed from, Kushka kills his own children; invites Lisa to jump on the ice, she fails; says she is a shaman, proposes to cure the mother of fish, for this you need to put a pole up; climbs it to the ground, runs away]): 7-8, 19; Osharov 1936a (Upper Office, Baikit District, Western 1923) [The fox invites the Sorogam fish to cure their grandmother, tells them to cover him and their grandmother with a blanket; Sorogi children think that the grandmother is screaming because the Fox heals her, but he eats her, runs away; the Magpies cried, them eyes turned red]: 43-44; Ilimpic Evenks (Sovrechka) [Two magpies and their sick mother were sailing in a boat; they met a fox, who, promising to cure, ate the patient; magpies cried for a long time, their eyes were up to still red]: Duvakin 2013; Ilimpic Evenks (Western 1907) [The fox and the bird Kovshichan went up the river; at night the Fox turns the shuttles, K. does not notice that they are now swimming down; they see the herd, K. does not understand that he is cutting his own deer; when he learns about this, Lures the Fox to the fragile ice; the fox sinks to the bottom to the ulcers, they say that their mother is sick; the fox undertakes to shamanize, treat, says that the disease will scream; eats eggs, runs away; is hired as a shepherd, kills deer; the old man shouts to his wife to beat the Fox; she hears poorly, the Fox explains that her husband tells her to tie a bubble of fat to the Fox's tail; runs away; tells the Wolves that he caught fat in the river with his tail down; wolf tails freeze, Wolves tear them off; Fox gnaws bones, breaks a tooth; Wolves in the plague will make people laugh, one hoots an owl, mutters a hare; the Fox covers his mouth, Wolves beat him; the Fox invites the Bear to lie on on a cliff ledge, closer to the wall; at night he lies between him and the wall, asks him to move, the Bear falls; the fox eats bear meat; the girls carry supplies, the Fox calls to show the way, eats everything on the way; hides on larch, girls make a fire; the Fox asks the Fire not to burn it to the end, becomes small as it is now]: Vasiliev 1936, No. 5:258-262 (quail in Bulatova 1985:154-160); Sym Evenks [Konstantin Ilyich Likhachev, August 12, 2009; The fox stole something from Sobol; he invited her to slide down the mountain onto the autumn ice; rolled down first; the fox rolled down and failed; got to the fish; y the fish princess is sick with them; the fox called her to be cured, ate her; ordered her to be taken ashore; when the fish returned to the princess, there were only bones]: Davletshin, Duvakin 2009, personal message, No. 2; Evenks Baikal region [The fox promises to cure the hunter's wife; he returns, finds out that the Fox ate his wife; the Frog offers Lisa to swallow her, gets stuck in her throat, the Fox dies; the man marries Frog]: Voskoboynikov 1967, No. 4:26-27; Evens: Bolshakova, Chaiko 2015 [the bear was wounded, the fox says she is a shaman, will cure; tells the weakened bear to collect firewood, bring a big stone; heated the stone, put it on the bear's wound, the bear died; another bear found out about it, grabbed the fox by the collar; she tells her to let it go, otherwise the sun will hide it; the bear let it go, the fox laughs]: 9-11; Voskoboynikov, Menovshchikov 1951 [The fox demands that Kedrovka throw her eggs, threatens to cut down the tree; the Garandya bird explains that Lisa cannot do this; the Fox tries to grab Garandya, she takes her to island; then the episode with the Seals; the fox is called to guard the old man's deer, eats them, fills stuffed animals with grass; continues to deceive the old man; brings the Bear to him, the old man wounds him with an arrow; the fox takes heals, pulls out the liver, the Bear dies; binds the old man, leaves him to die; The mouse frees him, he kills the Fox]: 291-300; Novikova 1958 [Malma's wife (trout fish) is ill, the husband sends son for a doctor; Sobol is called to be treated, tells everyone to leave the yurt, ate Malma and ran away]: 27-28; 1987:8-17 [the fox demands that the cedar shed its eggs, threatens to cut down the tree; the Garandya bird explains that the fox cannot do it; the fox tries to grab Garandya, she takes her to the island; the fox tells the seals that it is going to count who is bigger; let the seals line up first, the fox runs over their backs to shore; invites the old man to herd his deer; eats them, fills their skins with grass, leaves them standing; the old man sees deception, shouts to the old woman to hold the fox, she explains that the old man tells her to feed her yucola and berries and nuts; yet the old woman grabs the fox's tail; the fox says that she grabbed the burned place, runs away; the fox says she is another fox, invites the old man to drag the sledge; says she's tired, sits on a sledge, the old man drags it; the fox eats dried berries, leaves his tooth; says he will go for firewood, throws away the ax; the old man tells his wife to sew shaggy pants, call all the animals to the yurt; dances ridiculously, everyone laughs, he sees a toothless fox; the exit is closed, the old man tells the fox to be beaten, and the old woman beats everyone; since then, the hare's ears are black, the ermine has a black end of its tail; the fox asks her not hitting is useful; offers moose to race, pushes them to the shore, they fall, drown; the old man offers to hunt wolves, the fox tells the wolf that he has caught fish on the tail, the wolf tails freeze , the old man killed them, ripped off their skins; the fox leads the bear to the old man, who wounds him with an onion; the fox promises to heal, pulls out the liver, the bear dies; the fox invites the old man to tie it, feed it; then binds the old man, leaves; the wolf, the bear refuse to untie - the fox did not order; the mouse untied; the fox was caught by an old man's crossbow]; dolgans [In the old days, animals and birds knew how to talk. One day, a fox hit the fire and began to burn. When it reached the tip of the tail, the fire went out. In summer, it grew wool like a flame of fire. The fox used to be gray. The fox became friends with the mousetrap and began to hunt together. She tricked a mousetrap into killing her deer and her family. Myshelov decided to take revenge. In summer they go hunting and approach a wide river. The mousetrap flies over, the fox runs after him and falls into the water. She deceives the fish, promising to cure their mother, but eats it, and climbs up the stick that the fish put in. Lisa meets a woman and asks for a ride to the plague. On the way, she starts eating meat carried by a woman in her bag. "What's the name of this area?" - the woman asks. The fox replies: "Plating." They're going further. "What's the name of this area?" - Polsumy. They're going even further. "What kind of area is this?" - Bottom!" - the fox answers and, having eaten all the meat, jumps out of the sledge. A fox meets a bear, pushes it off a cliff, eats its meat, and ties its fat to its tail. He meets a person, deceives him, he dies. Meets a wolf. Makes him put his tail into the ice-hole to gain a lot of fat. The wolf tore off his tail and decided to take revenge on the fox. The wolf makes foxes laugh and recognizes a liar by a broken tooth. Then he attacked the fox and tore it apart]: Ergis 1967b, No. 15:164.

Amur - Sakhalin. Nanais [the fish lived on land, has three children, she is ill, the crow has begun to cure her, asks her to leave the house and not enter, if the mother screams, the disease comes out; the fish screamed while the crow she did not eat it; the children found only bones; threw it into the lake; each turned into a fish, swam away from the lake along the river; the river flooded everything, the sea formed; the crow flew, fell, the fish ate it; the crow's bones turned into corals]: Sem, Sem 2020, No. 23:120-121.

SV Asia. Tundra Yukaghirs: Kurilov 2005, No. 11 (Hallerchin Tundra, Nizhnekolymsky District) [resume in Gogolev et al. 1975:240; the bear says it is afraid of partridges, the fox says that it is afraid of partridges, the fox says it is afraid of nomads; fox brought many partridge heads, the bear - not a single human being, he himself was shot; the fox promises to cure the bear, put a hot stone on the shot; the bear died, the fox ate it]: 241; Kurilov, Varlamova 1986 (probably tundra) [the fox asked the bear who he was afraid of; he said a partridge because it suddenly flies out from under his feet; the fox admitted that it was afraid of a man; the bear said that he eats people like berries; promising to show a place with berries, the fox took the bear to the man; the man hit the bear with an arrow, he ran away; when he met the fox, the bear said that he had a stomachache; at home, the bear felt very bad, his children called wolverine; he began to shamanize; jumping, he noticed fat sticking out of the bear's wound; began to eat this lard; the bear accidentally hit the wolverine in his dying convulsions with his paw; he flew into the burning hearth, jumped up and ran away; at home, Wolverine's mother treated him: she cut out a piece of smoky suede, covered the burnt area with it, and sewed him up; since then, the wolverine's back has turned black]: 26 -29; Chukchi: Baboshina 1958, No. 20 [The bear attacks people, is wounded; the fox is called to treat him; puts hot stones in his wounds, eats a dead Bear]: 52-53; Belikov 1982 [Lisa says it's worse just a man, the Bear is like a partridge; the fox catches a partridge, the Bear is wounded with a spear; the fox offers to treat him, puts hot stones in his wounds; eats bear meat; tells the Wolf that she killed the Bear; ties his vertebrae to his tail, the Wolf runs away; the fox pretends to be sick, asks the Wolf to pour blood (this is an alder broth) into the sea; the Wolf drowns]: 30-34; Tyn'etegyn 1959 [the fox says he is afraid of people, the bear is like partridges taking off; the fox went to hunt partridges, the bear went to hunt people, returned seriously wounded; the fox promised to cure him, put hot stones in his wounds, ate bear meat]: 79-80 ; Bogoras 1902, No. 26 [The fox says that the worst thing is man, the Bear is like partridges; The fox catches partridges, the Bear is wounded with a spear; the fox offers to treat him, tells him to swallow hot stones; feeds bear meat]: 655; Van Deusen 1999 [The mice painted the sleeping Raven's eyelids red, he woke up, thought it was a fire; they tattooed his face with a girl; he looked into the water, thought it was there beautiful, threw her belt, then sleeping skins, then rushed himself; at the mouth of the river he changed his head with birds; at home Mitya asked where he got such a head; he said he would die, ordered him to be buried in an old dugout, leave a lot of caviar with him; the fox tells Mitty that her husband is alive and eating caviar; the fox went, smeared himself with alder juice, pretended to be wounded; the Bear came, said he was injured, Lil replied that and so is he; that he will cure the Bear by putting hot stones in his wounds; The bear is dead]: 68-69; reindeer Koryaks: Jochelson 1908, No. 36 [The fox meets the Bear; he says he is not afraid of people; Fox reports this to the hunters, they injure the Bear with an arrow; the fox comes to treat him; inserts a sharp hot stone into the wound; the Bear dies, the Fox brings his meat to the children], 41 [The fox makes an arrow out of urine, stool onions, injures the Bear, says that the Chukchi have attacked him; heals him by putting a hot stone in his wound; the Bear dies; the Wolf wants his share of meat, falls asleep; the fox ties bear bones to his tail, shouts that the Chukchi are coming; next time the Wolf finds Lisa and her relatives on the ice; they urinate, their tails freeze, the Wolf kills them; in the afterlife, the Fox revives his own; pretends to be half-blind and lame, The Wolf and the Bear don't recognize her]: 185, 188-189; kereki [mice are rolling down the hill; this is the yaranga where the Kala woman lives; she sews; something blocks the light; she thinks it's her cheek, eats her; then the second cheek is the same; when she saw the mice, she put them in a bag, hung them in yaranga on the upper crossbar; a fox lives next to her daughter Imyna; went to wander, hears crying; the mice teach: to make the bag fall, we must promise to fill it with mouse oil; the fox released the mice, was left alone, which died; the fox filled the bag with shiksha branches; told the mice to go home; let everyone migrate, leaving them in their original place sheep carcass; at home tells Ymynne to cook alder bark; feces returned with firewood; got an answer from the stone who released the mice; the fox says she is sick; gives tiny alder feces, says it illness, asks to go to the mountain and throw it away; she came up from behind and pushed the feces off the cliff; eiders are swimming on the ice floes; the fox asks to take her for a boat ride; they say that the boat will disappear; seagulls take; the seagull fitted the fox's wings; tells her not to sneeze when the sun rises; the fox sneezed, fell into the sea; swam on a log to the shore; went to bed with her eyes out and velv to guard her; the old Kala woman got out of abyss, poured water on the sleeping one; the fox was angry with her eyes for not guarding them well, ate them; went to look for new ones; berry eyes are not suitable, everything around is red; made new ones out of ice floes; shot at sleeping bear; she herself offers to cure him with hot stones; the bear is dead; the fox's daughters ate meat; the fox imposed the vertebrae on a rope, tied a sleeping wolf to the tail; shouted what was behind him toothy and fanged ones are chasing; the wolf cut off its tail against the bushes; the grandmother sewed a new one, but it is no longer fluffy; and the parts of the fluffy fox ordered her daughters to sew; now the tip of the fox's tail is white, and the fox is black; The sea used to be clear; after the fox fell into it, it became salty and muddy]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 116:364-371.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos: Menovshchikov 1985, No. 18 [Bear and Fox hunt together, Bear kills Moose; Fox offers to sleep first, hides fat, says Raven stole it; Bear notices how the Fox gets fat from under the kitchen; the Fox explains that it eats its giblets; the Bear kills itself; when he sees another Bear, the Fox turns the carcass over with the uneaten side, says that it mourns his comrade ; says he is most afraid of people, the Bear replies that partridges; people shoot at the Bear; the Fox promises to cure him by putting hot stones in his wounds; the Bear dies; the story of mourning a friend is told to the Wolf; he kills a mountain ram, agrees to sleep first; The fox ties a stone to his tail; the wolf runs away with his tail cut off, the Fox eats the ram], 137 (recorded from Asian an Eskimo living on the river. McKenzie) [the fox asked the wolf to put its tail into the ice-hole to catch fish; the tail froze; the wolf bit it off, chased the fox; the fox put the leaves in front of her eyes, pretending to be blind, and said that she was another fox; met an elk, led him to a steep cliff, the elk slipped and crashed; after eating it, the fox met a bear wounded by arrows; promised to heal by pressing a hot stone to the wound; the bear died, the fox ate it]: 51-54, 333-334; Jenness 1924, No. 14 (from an Asian Eskimo married to a woman from the Mackenzie estuary) [Lisa advises Wolf to fish in the lake with his tail lowered into a crack in the ice; Wolf you have to gnaw off the tail; the fox puts leaves over her eyes as if she has snow blindness, pretends to be another fox; calls Moose to a steep cliff, where there is supposedly a lot of food; he slides, breaks, the Fox eats it; The bear is injured by hunters; the fox undertakes to treat it, pierces a hot stone point into the wound, the Bear is gasping, the Fox eats meat]: 43-44; Bering Strait inupiate [The fox goes for partridges, the Bear promises to bring a man; the wounded returns; the fox promises to pull out an arrow, presses hot stones into the wound herself, feeds the foxes with bear meat; tells the Wolf to fish with his tail down; comes off; the fox pretends to be another fox, the wolf dies, the Fox eats it; tells the Black Bear that the Brown Bear killed her son; they fight, they both die, the Fox eats the bear meat]: Jenness 1924, No. 16:44-45 (translated to Menovshchikov 1985, No. 138:334-337).

(Wed. NW Coast. The Tlingits [The Raven decides to become a woman to find a husband to feed; the Killer Whale family is looking for a wife, believe that the Raven is the daughter of a chief named Sister on the High Rock (i.e. the seagull); At night, the imaginary wife steals fish, loses her labrette; says that the labrette flies into the pantry herself; they believe her; says she dreamed that everyone slept and her husband never woke up; people are scared; at night Raven kills her husband with a sharp stick; pretends to mourn his body; says that her husband bequeathed to take his corpse away, leave the widow to mourn, not look at her, but leave her food; this is how the Raven lived for a long time , eating at the expense of killer whales]: Smelcer 1992:13-14).

The coast is the Plateau. Katlamet [The raccoon rejects all types of food offered by his grandmother, wants acorns; eats all supplies; the grandmother hits him with smut, he climbs on the hawthorn; she asks to throw berries at her; he throws her at the mouth is a lump of berries with thorns, it turns into a partridge; the Grizzly asks to paint it just as beautifully; the raccoon pours hot resin on it, runs to the Coyote; he says he has already swallowed the Raccoon; offers them Each grizzly swallows five hot stones; inserts an empty reed, the stones fall out on the other side; the Grizzly dies; in winter, the Raccoon steals Coyote's supplies; he dresses as an enemy warrior, hurts him; under the guise of treatment, pulls the Raccoon's intestines out; eats it]: Boas 1901a, No. 17:142-154; curdalen [Coyote and Deer live together; Coyote advises her not to go to graze at night; himself secretly follows Olenikha, wounds an arrow in the stomach, runs home first, sprinkles ash on his blanket as if he had been sleeping under him for a long time; when Olenikha comes, Coyote offers to cure her; tells his wife Krotiha heat the steam room; does not take out the arrow, but makes the wound deeper; the deer dies; the Coyote cuts off her head, kills one Deer, the other runs away; four sons and Coyote's daughter eat venison, Krotiha does not eats; Coyote wants to kill her, saying she ate all the camas tubers, but she hides in a hole; Coyote pretends to look for lice from her children, kills, eats all sons, little daughter stays; Coyote stays looks at the flying geese, they fall to the ground, but then fly away unnoticed; left alone, Coyote eats him, does not give his daughter; sees Krotiha, she hides in a hole; looking inside, Coyote sees his own sons, the daughter also goes there, the hole becomes tiny; the Coyote lies, the case of how Krotikha and the children eat]: Reichard 1947, No. 5:86-89.

Northeast. Passamaquoddy [The rabbit pretends to be Governor; tells the guests to close their eyes while he sings; injures the Wild Cat; comes to him disguised as a doctor; does not heal, but causes an even deeper wound]: Leland 1968:218-219.

Plains. Throw off pawnee: Dorsey 1904b, No. 60 [about 1906]: 246-253; 1906, No. 124 [Coyote asks the Protein to feed him; The squirrel allows its testicle to be cut off, and pecans fall from there; tells him not repeat the trick more than four times a day; when the wife cuts the Coyote for the fifth time, blood flows; the Squirrel heals him; the same with the Beaver (cuts the scrotum, oil flows on a piece of bark, turns into a pemmican); Bear lets you cut fat out of his thigh; Coyote cuts deep, kills, roasts a bear; trees creak, Coyote threatens to kill them, his hand gets stuck between trunks; coyotes eat meat; Coyote asks the doctor, how he will treat the leader's wounded son; kills him with a club, puts on his clothes, kills the leader's son with a hot rod, cooks and eats his meat, gives him to the snake; she almost choked, with difficulty said that the Coyote ran away; asks the Vultures to ride him; they throw him into a hollow stump; the Coyote rashes raccoon tails from the quiver, sticks him through the holes, the women cut the stump to get raccoons, The coyote pretends to be angry; when he comes to two women, he kills their child; the chief throws a Coyote into the fire, and a hairy man jumps out, he has not been heard from again]: 439-445; kiowa [ Sendeh hurts Losiha; comes to treat her, eats fat from her wound; he was allowed to bury her, and he roasts and eats her]: Parsons 1929a, No. 12:31-32.

Southeast USA. The bear invites the Rabbit, removes the fat from his side; the Rabbit tries to repeat the trick, is wounded (see the M38 motif); the Vulture comes to heal the Rabbit, asks them to be left alone, eats them. Natchez [The bear cooks a piece of its own meat; cuts his stomach, pours fat into a bean pot, feeds the Rabbit; he invites the Bear to his place; wounds himself with a knife, the Bear calls the doctor- The vulture; he tells him to leave him with the patient, opening a hole in the roof; eats the Rabbit, flies away; animals shoot after him, shooting a hole in the nose; he is only happy]: Swanton 1929, No. 30:254-255 (= 1913, no. 5:198); teals: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1964:26-27 [Vulture comes to treat a sick Rabbit; eats, flies away; Turtle shoots arrows at Vulture, but it is not known whether it has hit], 27 -28 [The bear fills the beans with fat that flows from the cut he made on his god; The rabbit tries to repeat the trick, injures himself; The crow, the turtle say they can't heal; The Vulture causes treat the Rabbit, asks to leave them alone, eats them]; screams [The bear called the Rabbit to visit, tells his wife to cook peas; cuts his leg between his fingers, there is no fat; then less often his side, fills the peas with spilled fat; the Rabbit calls the Bear, cuts between his toes, then stabs the knife in the side, is seriously wounded, falls to the ground; the Bear calls the Vulture Doctor; he tells him to leave him alone with the wounded; Rabbit's wife asks why he is screaming; Vulture replies that she is treating the wound; four days later, the wife finds her husband's gnawed bones]: Swanton 1929, No. 61:55-56; hichiti [ The bear calls the Rabbit to visit, fills the beans with the fat that he has cut out of his body; the Rabbit calls the Bear; stabs a knife in his stomach, is seriously wounded; the Bear calls the Vulture Healer; he tells him to leave him alone with the patient; replies to the Bear that the Rabbit is screaming because he is afraid of treatment; the Bear finds the Rabbit's gnawed bones; tells an orphan young man to shoot Vulture with a bow; kills, hangs over with fire; since then, the vultures are yellowish in color]: Swanton 1929, No. 35:111-112; Alabama: Martin 1977:39 [The bear calls the Rabbit to visit, cuts out fat, the wife roasts the beans on it; the rabbit calls A bear, injures himself; the Bear leads Vulture to be treated; he tells him to be left alone with the patient; replies that the Rabbit is screaming because the treatment is painful; flies away; the Bear finds the Rabbit's bones, shoots Vulture, since then he has wide nostrils]; Swanton 1929, No. 59 [The bear calls the Rabbit to visit, takes fat out of his body, refills the peas; the Rabbit calls the Bear, tries to repeat the trick, hurts himself; the Bear brings the Vulture Doctor, who tells him to leave him alone with the patient; replies that the Rabbit is screaming because the treatment is painful; flies away; the Bear finds the Rabbit bones]: 162-163; koasati [The bear calls the Rabbit to visit, cuts out its fat, roasts, feeds the guest; The Rabbit calls the Bear, cuts himself, is seriously injured; the Bear brings the Vulture Doctor; he tells him to leave him alone with patient; replies that the Rabbit is screaming because the treatment is painful; flies away; the Bear finds the Rabbit's bones; Vulture is shot, hit in his beak, he screams that he is happy, now he has at least something off his nose hangs down (not clear - decoration?)] : Swanton 1929, No. 61:210-211

California. Pomo [The Coyote marries one of the two Skunny sisters; the other has a leg ache, he takes her to the forest to heal, roasts her; the Eagle takes the meat to the tree; the Coyote asks him to throw something; he tells her to throw something to him; he tells The coyote close his eyes, throws inedible, the gallbladder bursts in Coyote's mouth]: Barrett 1933, No. 60:242-243.

Big Pool. Goshiyute: Smith 1993:8-11 [The Tree Mite called the Coyote "having sex with his own daughter"; Coyote began to trample on him, but he only grew up; Coyote wrote on Wild Hen's children, them his mother frightened him, he fell into the river; at night someone steals Coyote's edible cane (Cattails), which he cooks; the Coyote asks all parts of his body one by one; the penultimate is his penis, the last is his additional penis; he replies that the Mole stole; the Coyote waited for the Mole, stabbed him; Mole's mother calls Coyote (not knowing who he is) to cure his son; he pretends to suck the wound, sucks fat himself; in the morning killed both Mole and his mother with a knife; then see motives F9A, J12], 39 [Mouse's mother called Coyote to treat her son; he pretends to be a shamanite, sucked fat from the patient, and then ate his mother.]

The Great Southwest. Navajo [Coyote (iha?) asks Oleniha what she did to keep her children in beautiful spots; they should be trapped, a fire should be lit at the entrance; the Coyote's children died of the heat; the Coyote shoots Deer in an ambush, says that people shot, offers a cure; but made the wound swollen, the deer died]: Haile 1984, No. 2:31.

Eastern Brazil. Kayapo: Wilbert, Simoneau 1984a, No. 87 (shikrin) [Vidal 1977:258; Jaguar tells the Frog his voice is louder; the Frog croaks along with all the other frogs, but there are few other jaguars in the forest; frightened, the Jaguar runs, attacks a branch with his eye; the anteater calls to heal, completely pulls out his eye; Tinamu makes Jaguar a new eye out of wax; he finds the Anteater, eats his legs, so his legs anteaters are thin], 145 (pau d'arco) [Nimuendaju MS; The toad replies to Jaguar that he is not alone; calls his own, their cry is so loud that the Jaguar flees and attacks the branch with his eye; Anteater offers to cure him, but he also takes out the second eye himself; the forest chicken Jaguar (Cripturus sp.) makes Jaguar new eyes out of wood resin; the Jaguar caught up with Muraieda, cut off the meat from his front legs, now they thin]: 438.