Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M60b1. The crow eats fish .35.37.

The crow promises to cure the fish, and eats it herself.

Nenets, Ents, Nanais.

Western Siberia. Nenets: Nenets Tales 1939 [fish lived on the ground, Mother Fish fell ill, Raven came to treat her, told the children to go out, if the mother screamed, she was recovering; ate her; the children threw her bones the mother became a fish, hit the water with her tail, the sea flooded the ground, the Crow had nowhere to sit, fell into the water, the fish tore it; since then the fish have been living in the water]: 11-16; Tereshchenko 1949 [Mother fish fell ill, The raven undertakes to treat her; tells her children not to enter when she screams; bites and eats; the fish have gone to live in the water; they began to hit the water with their tails; the crow washed away, he drowned; (or quail in Kupriyanova 1960, No. 2:30-31, or there is an independent but identical text)]: 126-127; Sangi 1989 [Son Owls marries daughter Voronov; mother-in-law quarrels with daughter-in-law, she leaves; marries Kanyukov's daughter; daughter-in-law is good, but gets sick; The mouse shaman comes to treat her; instead eats her, runs away; Owls cry, have not seen daylight since then]: 29-31; Ents [The mother fish is sick, the Raven promised to cure it; ordered children do not enter when their mother screamed; ate the sick; the children of the fish threw themselves into the water, since then they have been living in the water; they pushed the Raven into the water, he drowned]: Sorokina, Bolina 2005, No. 49:198-199.

Amur â€" Sakhalin. Nanais [the fish lived on land, has three children, she is ill, the crow has begun to cure her, asks her to leave the house and not enter, if the mother screams, the disease comes out; the fish screamed while the crow she did not eat it; the children found only bones; threw it into the lake; each turned into a fish, swam away from the lake along the river; the river flooded everything, the sea formed; the crow flew, fell, the fish ate it; the crow's bones turned into corals]: Sem, Sem 2020, No. 23:120-121.