Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M61. Incitement to quarrel (in words), K1084, ATU 1577. .14.-.17.21.-.

The character provokes a quarrel by telling each of his opponents how one of them allegedly used hostile or offensive language towards the other.

North Africa. Arabs Algeria: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1577:866

Southern Europe. Catalans [a man tells two blind people he gave alms to one of them; each accuses the other of not sharing it, they are fighting; in fact, the man did not give anyone]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 1577:257; Spaniards, Italians (Lazio): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 1577:345.

Western Europe. Dutch, Flemish, Germans (no place of recording): Uther 2004 (2), No. 1577:316.

Western Asia. Iraq: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1577:866

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Apatani [Abo Tani tells grasshoppers that monkeys call them names, monkeys call them names; advises grasshoppers to get into the noses of monkeys, monkeys to hit the nose when they climb there grasshoppers; monkeys beat each other, kill, only one escapes; AT collects grasshoppers into a sheet, rolls it up; says Baro Piicha that he was covered with blood, the monkeys gathered, lifted him up a tree, wanted to throw it off, but he screamed, they fell and crashed in fear; BP believes the monkeys are picking him up and dropping him, he crashed]: Blackburn 2008:67-68; best [the bear made a dam to collect water and set the monkey to guard the place; when he heard that the water belonged to the bear, suitable animals were leaving; the tiger drank all the water; the monkey complained to the bear; he rushed at the tiger and they killed each other friend; the monkey makes flutes out of their bones; the partridge asks to let them play - let the monkey hold its tail if it is afraid that it will fly away; as a result, the partridge lost its feathers in its tail; became them demand back; in response, the monkey told her to give her 8 mitans (semi-wild buffaloes); partridge: no, you'd better be left without a tail]: Shakespear 1912:412-413.

Burma - Indochina. Karena [The hare comes to the Tigress's daughter, tells her mother that he is going to whip her with a stick; the Tigress chases the Hare and asks how he got into the bamboo thickets; he replies that backwards; The tigress gets stuck, the Hare beat her {maybe raped in the original}; next time the Hare replies that he is another hare, offers to listen to her grandfather's violin, the Tigress pinched her tail between two vines; the Hare invites the Tigress to go down to the well to listen to the frogs; tickles the Tigress, she waves her paws, throws the Hare away, he covers the well with stones; tells the white buffalo that the black wants it kill, black - what white wants to kill; buffaloes kill each other; The hare dances on corpses, runs into a horn, dies]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 182:492-494; bru [liar Tan says he's on his field the doe climbed; everyone rushed to catch, there was no fallow deer, T. was driven into the forest; T. to the monkeys: I will climb the tree, drop the fruits, and you will cut off the trunk so that the fruits pile up along the slippery trunk ; slippery monkeys cannot be climbed; T. eats ripe fruits, throws green fruits to monkeys; T. ran across the river, shouted that the flood was beginning, advised the monkeys to tie stones to their backs; the monkeys went along the reed bridge, T. brought it down, they drowned; T. collected them, began to fry them; a tiger came, T. threw him a few monkeys; the tiger agrees to carry T. on his back if he catches monkeys; towards him boar; T. tells the tiger to hide; tells the boar that the tiger wants to attack him, so it's better to attack him himself; after the fight, the tiger killed the wild boar; T. suggests taking the tree to carry the carcass: he will take the top, and the tiger by the butt; thorns dug into the tiger's neck; by the river T. sends a tiger to fry a wild boar for fire, points to the setting sun - this is the fire in my grandmother's house; a day later the tiger returned - there is no wild boar; T. says he brought fire from his grandmother himself; instead of meat, he gave the tiger a pipe - the meat went rancid because of your scream; the next day T. invites the tiger to eat its ears, gave the boars; cut off the tiger's ears; he saw that T.'s ears are in place, chased him; T. fell into a hole; says that his ears have grown; that the sky is falling; pokes a stick in the tiger's ears, tells him to throw the turtle out of the hole - the sky will flatten it; then asks him to eat it here, just don't throw it away; the tiger threw burning guns into the pit, since then the tiger has been striped; he came to the village, lied again about the doe, climbed onto the roof; threw pepper into the audience's eyes, ran away; stood on the old woman's shoulders to get honey from the hollow for her; he eats everything himself; the old woman bent down; T. hung his head in the hollow; people set fire to the tree; T. went up to the moon with the tree, seen there]: Nikulin 1976: 212-220.

South Asia. Bødker 1957, No. 19 [The lion and the Ox were friends; the Jackal tells everyone that the other is malicious against him; they kill each other, the Jackal eats their meat; A2493.24; A2493.30.2, K1084.1.1, K2131; ( jataka 349)]: 12-13; lohar caste (Chhattisgarh) [jackal boar: the tiger insulted you, promised to eat you; the tiger: the boar said he would stab you with one leg; the boar killed the tiger, he was mortally wounded; The jackal waited for the boar to die, sat on a resinous stump, stuck; the hunter killed both]: Elwin 1944, XXIII, 13 in Zograf 1971, No. 3:30-31; the Bengalis [the lion told the jackal to get the elephant; he delegated these are mice: dig a hole, an elephant will come, fail, gnaw a tendon, an elephant will fall, die; a jackal to a lion: first a sacrifice in honor of father and grandfather; when the lion returns, the jackal says that a lion is not good for a lion eat someone else's prey; the lion leaves; the jackal to the tiger: the lion is preparing to attack you; the tiger thinks it's best to leave; the mongoose says the same about the lion, the mouse about the mongoose; eats the elephant alone]: McCulloch 1912, No. 18:148-151; Sinhalese [lion and bull are friends; jackal tells everyone that the other does not respect him and threatens to kill him; they fight, kill each other; jackals feast]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 18: 54-56.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Malays [a dwarf deer tells one bull that another speaks ill of him; says the same thing to another; bulls fight, one kills another; a deer sits on an anthill, ants during this time they stuck the person sitting to the ant heap; the deer asks the victorious bull to destroy the anthill; the tiger comes; the deer agrees to cook meat with him, sends him for leaves, to make shelter from the rain; the tiger asks why the deer is trembling; he replies that in anticipation; the tiger thinks the deer is dangerous, falls into the river; the deer gets the meat]: Skeat 1901:30-32.

Taiwan - Philippines. Visayas [a bird of prey flew between heaven and sea; to have a place to sit, the bird decided to quarrel between the sky and the sea; the sky said that the sea wanted to flood it, and the sea that the sky wanted to throw it stones; the sea began to rise, the sky threw stones; islands appeared, the sea fell back under their weight; bamboo sailed through the water; the bird pecked its two branches, from which the first man came out and woman]: Eugenio 1994, No. 26:74-75.

China - Korea. Chinese: Bystrov et al. 1962 [Mingjian Wenxue, 1957, No. 5, Appendix, Etiological Legends, III; Magpie and Raven quarreled over a grain, began to fight, lost the seed; it The Bat picked it up and ate it; told the Raven that Magpie called her names; then Magpie that the Raven called her names; the Magpie and the Raven became enemies; the Phoenix gathered all the birds; the Magpie and the Raven began to swear; Phoenix ordered to tell us how it was, each summoning the Bat as a witness; everything was revealed; the Bat began to live under the eaves of a person's home, flying out only at night so as not to meet birds; She stopped singing so that she would not be heard]: 267-269; Tishkov 1957 [Turtle Pine: The Tiger calls you names, threatens to break your shell, drink bile; Tiger: The turtle calls you names, threatens to drown you; the Turtle and the Tiger are fighting , kill each other; people cook meat, cut down Pine for firewood]: 53-55 (quail in Riftin 1972:33-36).

The Balkans. The Greeks: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1577:316

Central Europe. Poles [a man pretends to have given one of the three blind men a gold coin; they start fighting]: Krzyżanowski 1963, No. 1635I: 108; (cf. Russians (Moscow, the only Russian option; it's better not to take into account that any origin can be) [the man gives the blind man fifty dollars and asks for 48 kopecks for change; he starts shouting that he is being robbed; the man quietly takes the crutch from the blind man, but he gets home and in one; the man follows; the blind man takes out the barrel, pours money into it: he forcibly equalized 500; the man quietly took the barrel; the blind calls another: I rolled a barrel, and he went somewhere; the second is blind: for a thief and flour; I changed mine for bank notes, and sewed it into a hat; the man also took his hat, disappeared; the second decided that the hat was from his The first blind man tore off their heads, began to fight]: Afanasiev 1958 (3), No. 382:161-162).

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Ossetians [sledges invite Syrdon on a hike, but do not give a horse, mock him; S. hides their flint; everyone goes to the Waig house for fire; they offer to sit on a sticky bench; sledges stick; S. asks to plant him on a barrel full of ash without a bottom; glue pours out with the ash that has fallen out; S. asks the Waigs what is important in the forge; everyone gives their own answer (anvil, ticks, etc.), S. cheers on the arguers, they fight, kill each other]: Libedinsky 1978:266-271; the Ingush [Aarhustoyans threw Botoko Shirtg's son into the cauldron, said that the boy fell by himself; BS came to the giantess's hut, promised to bring Nipple Sols and 12 other people; said that he had found prey; the giantess tied up the visitors, began to discuss with her sons how to slaughter them; BS forgives the Aarhus people, invites the giants to guess who is bigger (the giant bull was carried away by an eagle, ate it, sitting on the goat's horns, the bull's shoulder fell into the eye of a shepherd sitting under the goat's beard with a garbage, etc.); the giants quarreled and killed each other]: Dalgat 1972:298-299; Azerbaijanis: Bogoyavlensky, 1892c, No. 3 [a slave slays his wife against her husband and husband against his wife, a husband kills his wife, her relatives kill her husband, a slave runs away, taking jewelry]: 301-303; Nabiev 1988 [Tiger and Leo have been friendly since childhood; the fox tells Leo that the Tiger is going to kill him; he says the same thing to the Tiger; both fight and kill each other, the foxes eat meat; the Fox says the same to two hunters, but those They told each other about everything and killed Fox]: 240-243.

Baltoscandia. Latvians, Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (2), No. 1577:316; Finns [the fox tells the lion that the bear is going to attack him; the same thing says to the bear about the lion; the lion and the bear are fighting; the skin the bear has suffered so much that in winter he no longer wants to leave the hut; the lion has left our land altogether; the fox has ruined the house, now it is hiding in hollows]: Rakhimova 2000:163-164.

Volga - Perm. Komi [the goblin cannot quarrel between husband and wife; a woman takes it when the goblin promises her a fur coat; tells his wife that her husband hugged the girls on the porch; the wife, in grief, burned in ovens bread; tells her husband that his wife burned bread because she slept with her lover; the couple quarrel, the wife stabbed her husband with a knife; the bream gave the woman a fur coat]: Rochev 1984, No. 122:127.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats [a fox quarrels a bull and a leopard, they kill each other, it eats meat]: Eliasov 1959:148-152; Oirats (durbuts) [the tigress ate the cow and the calf began to raise; a calf and a tiger cub they lived like brothers; so people did not die, cattle did not fall; the fox had nothing to eat; said to the bull: the tiger wants to kill you; look in the morning: if it does not stretch and bend its tail, I lie; the same to the tiger: if the bull will lower his head in the morning and his gaze will change, then I lie; in the morning, the brothers noticed that everyone behaves as the fox said; killed each other; after that, people and cattle began to die]: Potanin 1883, No. 90: 353.

Japan. Japanese: Inada, Ozawa 1977 in Uther 2004 (2), No. 1577:316.

The Arctic. Bering Strait Inupiat [The fox goes after the partridges, the Bear promises to bring a man; the wounded returns; the fox promises to pull out an arrow, presses hot stones into the wound herself, feeds foxes with bear meat; tells the Wolf to fish with his tail down; he freezes off; the fox pretends to be another fox, the wolf dies, the Fox eats it; tells the Black Bear that the Brown Bear killed her son; they fight, both die, Lisa eats bear meat]: Jenness 1924, No. 16:44-45 (translated into Menovshchikov 1985, No. 138:334-337).

Subarctic. Upper pieces [the fish disappears; the Raven goes downstream, sees that the Grizzly has built a dam; people beg the Raven for help; he tells the Seagull that the Eagle scolded her, promised to beat her; says Eagle that the Seagull scolded him and was going to beat him; the Seagull and the Eagle were fighting; after the Seagull regurgitated enough fish scales, the Raven reconciled them; smeared himself and the boat with scales, sailed to the Grizzly, said that people in the upper reaches are full of fish; furious that his dam is useless, the Grizzly destroyed it; the fish went up the river]: Deaphon et al. s.a.: 19-20; taltan [the owner of the fish candle does not give it to others; the Raven tells the Seagull that the Heron slander her; tells the Heron that the Seagull calls her names; they fight, the Seagull regurgles the swallowed fish candle; the Raven pours the fish into his boat, sprinkles wreckage on top shells resembling scales pretend to catch a fish candle himself; the owner believes that he allows the Raven to eat a fish candle; the raven swallows fish, flies into the chimney, regurgitates at the mouths of rivers; since then fish candle is everywhere]: Teit 1919, No. 1.4:203-204.

NW Coast. Tlingits: Veniaminov 1940 (3) [El went to travel, quarreled with Chaika and Heron, so he took out a fish candle]: 44; Kamensky 1906 [the owner of the forest kills everyone who comes for firewood; El asks Seagull why she is having fun, then replies that she has a candlefish, catches it and swallows it; El tells Heron that the Seagull is scolding her; the Heron fights with the Seagull, she regurgitates the fish, El takes her away, shows the old man, says that there are a lot of fish; after learning that he is not the only owner, the old man gives Al a candlefish boat, El releases it into the sea; people are fishing, one woman came late, Elle asks her come up if she wants fish; she enters the water, lifting her clothes, Elle pulls her hairs out of her mice, tickles them in the nostrils of the dead, they come to life, teaches people to make fire out of wood]: 78-81 (English translation. Kamenskii 1985:62-63); Alaska Native Writers 1986 [as in other versions]: 89-90; Krause 1989 [The Raven tells the Crane that the Seagull called him an empty long-necked bastard; tells Chaika as if her Crane called names; The crane hits the Seagull in the stomach, she regurgitates the herring, the Raven takes it away; smears the boat and himself with scales; fishermen believe that the Raven has a lot of fish, decide to eat its supplies; the raven rips off the moss on the trees, fishermen They believe that a bear is nearby, they run away; the Raven eats alone; returns bruised, says he hid from bears in a tree and fell]: 180-181; Smelcer 1992 [The Seagull and the Crane]: 33-34; Swanton 1909, No. 1 [The Raven Crane or Heron: The Seagull calls you Leggy, always wandering along the shore; Seagull: The Heron says you have a big belly and your eyes are red, because you always look at the sea, looking for something eat; The Heron kicks the Seagull alive; she regurgitates a large herring; the Raven swallows it, says, Just the Raven]: 14; haida [Grandma causes the ebb and flow, lying on her back and then raising and then lowering her legs; she kept all the fish in boxes in her house; the Raven tells the Seagull that the Crane calls her largemouth and loud; tells the Crane that the Seagull calls him long-billed; the Crane Hits the Seagull in the stomach, she belches the candlefish, the Raven picks it up, rubs the scales into his hat, comes to Grandma; she believes that the fish exists besides it, opens the box out of grief; since then, the fish swims in the sea]: Webber 1936:25.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [flint tips cover the Grizzly sisters's bodies like wool; Tiisa promises every Grizzly to marry her, they fight each other out of jealousy, the tips crumble; T. gives tips for their brothers, they scatter flint across the country]: Teit 1909a: 645; Thompson [the young man needs arrowheads; he separately tells two old men as if each of them calls the other by bad names; while they are fighting, a white stone for arrows falls from the body of one, black from the body of the other; after gaining enough, the young man tells the old people to make peace]: Teit 1898, № XXV: 76; sanpual [ the fire was in the sky; the leader gathers animal people, orders them to shoot at the sky, make a ladder of arrows; the arrows do not reach the sky; the woodpecker does not participate, makes a bow from the rib of an elk, arrows from the branches of the Canadian irgi ( Amelanchier arborea, serviceberry); tells the Golden Eagle that the Bald Eagle says nasty things about him and vice versa; Eagles fight, feathers fly, Woodpecker uses them to plumage arrows; to make tips, his grandmother sends him to the Flint and the Hard Stone; the Woodpecker tells everyone that the other speaks ill of him; The stones fight, the fragments fly, the Woodpecker uses them; when the chief again tells them to shoot at the sky, the Woodpecker hits, his arrows form a chain; everyone climbed into the sky, the Golden Eagle is ahead, the Grizzly is the last; he took a heavy bag of food, the lower arrows broke off, the Grizzly remained on the ground; in the sky everyone found fire; the owners chased, those who came saw that the chain of arrows was broken; the Eagle ordered each of the birds to put an animal on its back and lower it; Woodpecker (Sphyrapicus varins, Sapsucker) did not fly off, but jumped, broke his nose, since then he has been flat; the fish slipped off Magpie's back; he had arrows with him, they pierced his body, so the fish have a lot of bones in their bodies; chief and The grizzly shared the fire, gave Firefly and the Hummingbird, they smashed it around the world]: Ray 1933, No. 11:152-153; tillamook [The South Wind wanders, sees a whale carcass on the shore, there is nothing to cut it with; goes to Copper to man, says that Flint Nose spoke badly of him, says Silicon Nose that the Copper Man promised to beat him; they fight, pieces of flint fly off, South Wind makes a knife, cuts the carcass; Copper Man and Flint Nose realize they've been fooled]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:21-22; coutene [the hero needs flint for his arrows; he tells Flint that Diorite promised to smash it; same, but vice versa, says Diorita; stones fight, both fall to pieces]: Boas 1918, No. 105-107.

The Midwest. Menominee: Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 18 [Meanyabush (=rabbit) young Pike: Old Pike promises to beat you; old: Young Shuka promises to carve you out; pike fight, kill each other; Myanyabush eats plenty; falls asleep; Wolves steal what's left], II30 [as in No. 18, protagonist Mink]: 293-294, 405-407; chippewa [Mink to one Pike: the other you say eyed; she replies: Her teeth are like a saw and a long muzzle; Mink passes; pike fight, kill each other; Mink cooks fish, falls asleep; people passing by steal it, put it down instead of guts filled with stones, Mink breaks her teeth against them]: Barnouw 1977, No. 37:152; Ojibwa [Mink sets old and young Pike against each other, they kill each other (short version)]: Jones 1916, #39:385

Northeast. Naskapi [Wolverine tells Char (fish) that Salmon said he swam into Muskrat's ass and enjoyed it; Char replies that Salmon loses consciousness if he tries to copulate with his wife; Wolverine transmits these words to Salmon, etc.; Char and Salmon fight, kill each other; Wolverine cooked them, put them in a bag, fell asleep; Muskrat replaced fish with stones; Wolverine ate stones; Muskrat I also tried to gnaw stones, broke my teeth]: Millman 1993:33-34.

Plains. Assiniboine [Sitkonsky asks the partridge chick what his name is; Chicken; asks again, he says his name scares everyone; S. defecates on him; Mother partridge takes off, S. falls into the river; Laska asks him to catch fish; S. says to one that the other calls it names; fish fight, one kills the other, S. finishes off the winner; Laske gives nothing; he stole fish; S. says to Thunder that everyone treats both of them badly; Thunder causes a flood; everyone without wings drowned, after the flood S. revived everyone]: Lowie 1909a, No. 14:110-111; teton [at first The Turtle is huge, agile and powerful; Mad Bison tells the monster Iya that the Turtle intends to destroy him; I. and the Turtle fight to exhaust each other's strength; Mad Bison tells everyone that he will win if will increase the onslaught; Thunderbird promises the Turtle offspring if it becomes an enemy of a water monster (Thunderbird's opponent); offer accepted]: Walker 1983:233; Crowe [Rabbit offers Coyote, that the first to fall asleep is used by the other for anal sex; The rabbit sleeps with his eyes open, wakes up; then the Coyote falls asleep, the Rabbit gets together with him, runs away; the rabbits fall out of the Coyote's ass, he catches with their blanket, they turn into excrement; the Coyote gives the soiled blanket to the Rock; it starts to rain, he takes the blanket back; the Rock rolls after him; the Coyote consistently tells Bear, Bison, Moose that The rock called them names, speaking ill of their appearance; everyone rushes to the Rock, killed; the Nightjar easily breaks it (the origin of amulet stones around the world); Coyote explained that the Rock said that Nightjar little nose and big mouth]: Lowie 1918:37; Arikara: Dorsey 1904d, No. 57 [Coyote sees a rock on the mountain, asks his name; Runs fast; Coyote offers to run racing; The stone reluctantly agrees, asks to be brought to the top; first the Coyote is in front, but the Stone is rolling faster, sticks to his back, refuses to get off; the Coyote carries him, the Stone is made getting harder; Coyote tells Bull-Bats (birds, apparently nightjars) that Stone called them names; he, Coyote, allegedly promised to tell them about it, and then Stone jumped on his back to prevent him from doing so; Bull- Bats began diving on the Stone, making a specific sound, the Stone split; Coyote called Bull-Bats, saying they ruined his hair with fragments of stone; Bull-Bats told him to go his own darling], 58 [Coyote comes to dancing people; it's Rabbits; they get giblets out of the fire; when Coyote gives them an eagle feather military hat (a status sign), the Rabbits agree to share the secret they throw red willow branches into the fire, sing, the burnt branches turn into bison giblets; after eating, Coyote asks for his hat for a minute, runs away with it; Rabbits scream that the trick with the branches will not work he has more than three times; on the fourth branch they simply burn; the Coyote spews rabbits out of his ass; tries to catch them with his cape, but they turn into excrement; gives a soiled cape to the Stone; it starts to rain and hail, the Coyote comes back for the cape, it turns out to be clean; the Coyote carries the cloak; the Rock rolls after him, the Coyote asks two Bull-Bats birds for help, says the Stone talked about them bad; he supposedly, Coyote, promised to tell them about it and he now wants to kill him; Stone called Bull-Bats the ugliest birds with short beaks, wide mouths, short legs, dirty; Bull-Bats split the Stone with their intestinal gases; it was the only Stone everyone else in the world came out of it; Coyote decorated Bull-Bats with white clay], 59 [Coyote suggests to Rabbit that whoever the first to fall asleep, the other uses it for sex; the Coyote does not understand that the Rabbit sleeps with his eyes closed, falls asleep in the morning; when he wakes up, he spews rabbits out of the ass, catches them with a blanket, they turn into excrement ; he gives a dirty blanket to the Stone, when he returns, sees that it is clean, takes it away, it is dirty again, he returns it to the Stone; looking around, he sees that the blanket is now clean and painted; so four times; After that, the Stone rolled after the Coyote, who asks the male and female Bull-Bats for help, says that he called them names; they tell Coyote to climb a tree where their chicks break the Stone with intestinal gases; The coyote ate the chicks, who call their parents from his belly; they kill the Coyote the way they broke the Stone]: 143-144, 144-147, 147-148.

(Wed. Southeast USA. Screams [The rabbit tells Boa that the Crocodile wants to kill him; the same, but vice versa, says the Crocodile; both agree to measure their strength in pulling the vine; their powers are equal, they become friends, both live in water; The rabbit asks the Crocodile if he wants to see the Trouble; he expresses a desire; the Rabbit sends him to the dry grass and sets it on fire; the Crocodile gets burned; drives the Rabbit into hollow, goes after the ax, leaving the Owl to guard; The rabbit offers Owl tobacco, sprinkles tobacco juice into his eyes, runs away]: Swanton 1929, No. 54:51-52).

(Wed. Mesoamerica Quiche (African source) [Elephant and Keith want to exterminate small animals; The rabbit asks one thing first, then the other to help him get the cow out of the mud; they collide, quarrel, fight; small animals rescued]: Peñalosa 1996, No. 291:61).