M65A. A squeaky tree. .24.44.-.46.
The trees are creaking in the wind. Hearing a creak, the character climbs a tree and gets stuck. See M65 motif.
Malaysiaâ€"Indonesia. Semang [Tak Chemempes turns into different people and objects to kill others; promises to a group of men to circumcise them, cut off their genitals, push them into the river; then kills their wives; two crossed trees creak in the wind; PM sticks his hand between them, gets stuck, dies]: Evans 1937:234-236.
The Midwest. Winnebago; menominee; chippewa; ojibwa; timagami ojibwa; algonquins; oriental crees; crees; sauk; kickapoo; potauatomi; steppe ojibwa; steppe crees.
Northeast. Wyandot.
Plains. Crowe; Teton; Omaha & Ponca; Iowa; Sheena; Arapahoe.