M67. The trickster was blown away by the wind .
By stupidity or carelessness, the character causes a wind that blows him away. See the M66 motif (The Trickster emits a stream of intestinal gases).
Shuswap, Blackfoot, Assiniboine, Grovantre, Crowe, Santi, Kiowa, Arikara, Pawnee, Winnebago, Chirikahua, Lipan.
The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap: Teit 1909a, No. 33 [Snanaz catches the Wind in his snare, hides it in his clothes; the incredulous Coyote looks under his clothes, blown away by the wind; clings first to herbs, bushes, then to trees; falls into the swamp; S. saves him], 53 [Coyote wants the wind to watch the feathers on his magpie cloak swing; the wind blows him away; he has difficulty clinging to the reeds]: 702-703, 742.
The Midwest. Winnebago.
Plains. Blacklegs [most trees can't detain Napi (Old Man); he clings to a birch tree; cuts it with a knife because it ruined his game; still on birch bark stripes are visible]: Jossselin de Jong 1914 (piegan) [gophers bury each other in hot ash and dig up; the old man joins the game; lets the pregnant female go, bury the rest and do not dig up; eats baked meat; falls asleep, telling the anus to make a sound if anyone comes; the anus obeys the order, but the Old Man does not react; the Lynx takes the meat; the old man burns his anus with smut, finds the Lynx, stretches his tail disfigures his face; asks the wind to cool his anus; blown away by the wind; clings only to a birch tree; scolds her for ruining his pleasure, cuts him with a knife; since then, stripes on birch bark]: 10-12; Maclean 1893 ( blood): 166; Wissler, Duvall 1908 [N. tells the anus to watch the meat while he sleeps; meat is stolen; N. puts burning smut in his ass to punish his anus], No. 10, 23:27, 39; Santi: Wallis 1923, No. 18 [The spider asks raspberries first, then at the root, what their names are; Whoever eats me will itch their ass; Whoever eats me will emit gases; The spider eats, suffers from itching ; thrown into the air by a stream, torn to pieces], 24 [The spider tells all waterfowl to dance with their eyes closed; whoever opens, his eyes will turn red; kills birds one at a time; The swan screams in pain The dive opens his eyes; the Spider leaves the meat to cook, tells his ass to guard, falls asleep; the man tells the Spider's ass to be silent, takes the meat; the Spider punishes his ass, sits into the fire; his insides fall out; he eats them, mistaking them for moose giblets]: 84-85, 93-94; assiniboine; grovantre; crowe; kiowa; arikara; skidi pawnee; wichita.
The Great Southwest. Chiricahua; lipan.