M7. Waiting for transport.
.19.-.22. (.23.) .24.55.-.
The character goes to the lower world, to the sky, to the country on the horizon, etc. and waits for someone to give him a ride to his goal. Usually, some animals/birds or celestial bodies follow by, and the last (often the Sun or Month) delivers.
Dobu, Vedau, (Kusaie, Marshall Islands), Gilbert Islands, Tuvalu, Maori, aka, (Rigveda), Dayaki Seas, Western and Eastern Toraja, Bantik, Minahasa, Nonama, Embera, Guahiro, shikuani, makiritare, arekuna, makushi, trio, oyana, (oyampi), yukuna, barasana, makuna, chikuna, shipibo.
Melanesia. Dobu [Kasabwaibwaleta has a skin disease; his mother gives him a drug; he sails to another island to his kula partner; becomes handsome; gets a precious shell, hides on his head under his skin with boils; the boy looks in his head, notices a shell, tells others; he is left on an island; he tells the tree to grow to the sky, climbs up; swims by the Kibi constellation, refuses to pick him up, says that his boat is full; the Pleiades give a ride; K. stays with heavenly people, marries, his son, playing, throws a spear, making a hole in the firmament, K. sees his native below the village, ties it to a necklace, a rope, goes down, falls on a bethel palm tree; the mother sees it; at this time they celebrated a wake on it; K. turns all relatives gathered in the house into various birds ; K. dives, emerges at Woodlark Island]: Fortune 1932:216-220; Vedau [the men went to get jewelry from their shells; when they arrived at one place, everyone went inland, and one went along the shore; he met a boy, he brought him to his father, who has low shells; the man called his companions; with low shells, people swam home; on the way they stopped at an unfamiliar shore to see which one is shorter; the last one {is it a boy who met?} was much longer than the others (he threw it to the top of the pandanus); he was thrown ashore and sailed away; he asked those who got up and passed {swam?} Take him past the star; Magamaia, then Deboroia replies that the next one will pick him up; Maratomton (Morning Star); Marathomt takes him to heaven; he stays with heavenly people, marries; their son has grown up, began to throw spears at coconuts on the ground, asks his father to make new spears; he is surprised, his son shows him the ground below; he weaves a rope, asks his son to lower him on it, finds himself on a coconut on his in the garden; his grown-up daughter saw him, his mother called him; the man invited those who left him to a feast, set fire to the house; their charred bones turned into flying foxes, whose voices are like cries of suffering]: Ker 1910:7-13.
Micronesia-Polynesia. Gilbert Islands: Maude, Maude 1994, No. 5 [Heavenly Kirata's daughter climbed a tree, a branch broke, fell from heaven to earth, became Nautonga's wife; they were born Nei Matanoko; when she was five years old, the mother left, telling her father not to expose the child to the sun; but the girl cried, the father exposed her to the sun, she calmed down, then began to scream even more; the father takes her east, the octopus holds the boat, N. cuts off his tentacles; they pass the country of the big-eared Tabonoto; they swim to the sea wall; the Sun says it's too hot, the moon takes the girl; now Nei Matanoko is visible there, weaving mats]: 75-78; Pateman 1942:119 in Luomala 1964 [Nautonga's little daughter screams she wants the moon and sun; he takes her to the edge of the sky, wants to give it to the Sun, but she screams it's hot; then to the moon; the girl screams it's cold, but her father leaves her on the moon; Mrs. Matanoko has been visible on the moon ever since]: 224; Pateman 1942:119 in Luomala 1964 [Nautonga's little daughter screams that she wants the moon and the sun; he takes her to the edge of the sky, wants give to the Sun, but she screams it's hot; then to the Moon; the girl screams it's cold, but her father leaves her on the moon; Mrs. Matanoko has been visible on the moon ever since]: 224; (cf. Kusae [cannibal Kot (spirit, forest people category) kills everyone; the chief decides to move to another island; the woman Newa does not have a boat; she consistently asks those who sail to take her, everyone replies that he will take the next one behind (the names of the respondents used to mean social groups - from highest to lowest); the last person picks up, but the boat starts to sink, he throws the woman away; she gets to the cliff, then to the island, breaks papaya seed on his head, gets pregnant because of it, gives birth to a son; he has grown up, swims in a boat to increasingly distant islands, sails to where K. lives, steals a banana and a rooster from his house; K. sees the peel floating, runs home, chases the boy to his house; in the evening N. asks K. to bring firewood; he sticks out his hand, immediately pulls out firewood; how as soon as they burn out, they are going to eat N. and her son, but N. does not sleep, each time asks for firewood to be put in the fire; in the morning K. and the boy began to fight; K. lifted the boy to the banana stem, and he lifted him to rough stone; killed the Cat; his head was thrown into the sea, she sailed to the people who had left; various animals called to eat the body; people swam back; N. told her son to put half of the coconut north, the other to the south, The storm that arose from this sank all the boats except the chief and his wife, as they were the last to return; on the mother's instructions, they became fish of a species that they don't eat now]: Mitchell 1973, No. 80:237-239 ; Marshall Islands (Aylinglapalap): Erdland 1914, No. 7.1 [Liködaner in Woja tells sons that whoever rowing in his boat is the first to reach the east will be king (of stars); asks Antares take her into the boat; he does not take her, says he will take Scorpio; then Aldebaran, Orion's Belt, Bellatrix and Betelgeuse; the last is Jäbro (Pleiades), he takes his mother, overtakes everyone; Antares it turns out that he and the Pleiades never see each other {Scorpio and the Pleiades are on diametrically opposite sides of the celestial sphere}]: 210-211; Mitchell 1973, No. 2 [seven brothers rowing races from Woja Island to Jeh Island; whoever comes first will be king; the elder Timur breaks forward; their mother on the shore asks him for a ride, he replies that she will be picked up next; that's it; only the younger Jabro picks up; she teaches how to make the first sail, J. overtakes everyone; T. reached the other side of the island, but then saw that J. had already been made king; J. - Pleiades; T. said he would go south and they won't see each other again; became a red star that comes when the Pleiades rise {obviously Antares}]: 18-20); Tuvalu: Luomala 1973 [leaving a five-year-old girl, the mother tells her father not to see him showed her the sun; the girl cries continuously, stops when her father carries her out into the sun, then cries again; her father takes her to the eastern horizon, cuts off the tentacles of an octopus that grabbed the boat along the way; the boat is waiting at the cliff where the Sun comes before its journey across the sky; The sun is too hot, advises you to go to the Month; the month takes the girl; since then she has been visible on it, weaving mats]: 265- 266; Turner 1884:292 in Luomala 1964 (Nanumea) [a little boy Tapirinoko cries for sun; his father took him to the rising sun, but it was hot, the boy wanted to go to the moon; he was on the moon it's cold, but Luna convinced the boy to stay; now he can be seen there]: 234; Maori [older brother wants Hina, the youngest's wife; swims with him to fish; asks him to dive to get an anchor, cuts off the rope and swims away; the youngest asks various birds to take him ashore, but everyone refuses; in the end, the whale will take him; H. walks along the shore and asks the birds and fish if they have seen her husband; the whale shows where he is ; little brother kills an erased one]: Richer-Gravier 2019 (2), #107:71.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Aka (chrusso) [Ossin's older brother and younger Awa find a woman in the forest, fight over her, O. kills A., his corpse burns in a forest fire, a mongoose covers bones with clay, revives A.; so three times; O. finds A. climbing the swing; he says he is watching the fish dancing from above; O. wants it too, A. throws the swing with his brother into the river; O. hits the top of the Month, replies that the Sun it shines brighter, the Month throws him back into the river; at the top of the Sun Woman, O. tells her that the Sun is brighter; she promises to pick him up on the way back; on the first morning O. overslept, the next Sun picked him up on At dawn by his hair; at home, O. killed his brother, brought his wife back to life; A. came to life again, but left, found his wife elsewhere; he is the ancestor of aka, and O. is a bangny]: Elwin 1958b, No. 10:181-184 (=1958a: 165-168.
(Wed. South Asia. Ancient India [in the Rigveda (I, 105), the rishi (sage) Tritá was at the bottom of a deep co. etymology and the seventeen woman was tied to a wild stable for a golden chicken with chickens, a golden table; Negrlod; looks into the sky (first at night, then pre-dawn, morning), along which the Month, reflected in the depths of the waters, and stars float; T. calls out to Heaven and Earth to know its situation; asks for salvation for previous sacrifices made to the gods, begs Agni and Varuna for intercession, and finally receives salvation from Brihaspati. Rigveda commentator Sayan in connection with I, 105 reports about three rishis Ekata, Dvita and Trita, who were thirsty and were looking for a well; when the well was discovered and T. wanted water, the brothers were flattered on his property, they threw T. into the well and closed it; T. put together a hymn to the gods, miraculously received a catfish and was saved; in Mahabharata IX, 38, 8 et al., the following motives: 1) the existence of three brothers, born from ash from sacrifices thrown into the water by Agni, Ekata, Dvita, Trita ("First", "Second", "Third"); 2) the elders throw T. into the well; 3) T. escapes with someone's help]: Toporov 2006:480-483).
Malaysia-Indonesia. Dayaki of the Sea [hunting with a blowpipe, Siu got lost, found himself on the seashore; the beauty offered to take him to his house, became his wife on the condition that he would never kill the bird (she herself from the genus of bird spirits), gave birth to a son Seragunting; one day he cries, he cannot be comforted, Sioux violates the ban, his wife leaves; Sioux, taking the baby, goes looking for her, finds milk for the baby in the leaves along the way; on the seashore, seven boats with the son-in-law of the supreme god Singalang Burong consistently refuse to take him; a huge spider comes out of the sea, transports Siu and her son to his departed wife, she turns out to be Bunsu Katupong, the younger niece of the SB; local spirits threaten to kill Seragunting and his father, who is on difficult assignments; the last (previous ones are not specified) is to bring the best prey from hunting; half-alive dog Seragunting becomes healthy and strong, the spirits return empty-handed, and Seragunting chases the wild boar; the spears of the spirits bounce off the animal, and Seragunting easily kills it by throwing a knife; SB recognizes Seragunting as a grandson; one day he accidentally turns the SB pillow over, under it you can see their home on the ground; the SB lets Seragunting and his father go, teach military affairs and rice farming, and says that forests birds are spirits; they take on a bird's form on earth; father and son end up at home]: Gomes 1904:12-29 (a similar, shorter version in Perham 1883:237-240); Western Toraja [to take possession a good rich man, others buried him alive; he went to the lower world, where he was advised to go through seven villages to the horizon and continue with the Sun; he reached Topeteroe (Creator) replied that he was getting back to his wife, he finally indicated where to go; everything in this place was burned; the Sun said it was too hot, advised him to wait for the Month; the Month took him, told him to Morning The star take him to his house; at home, a man found enemies celebrating, killed them]: Kruyt 1938, No. 24:270-371; Eastern Toraja [to get rid of the husband of the woman he liked, the man brought he covered the hole with his skin to the place where the sun went down; he stepped on it, fell into the lower world; but the wife did not let the applicant come to her; gave the Sun a mirror to give it to her husband as a sign of her loyalty ; the husband tried to return with the Sun, but it is too hot; returned to his wife on earth with the Month]: Adriani, Kruyt 1950, No. 4:374-375; toraja [Deatanna descends from the sky on the rainbow, Polopadang is enough D., marries; she promises to leave him if he swears; their little son hits his father with a golden top, T. swears, D. and his son return to heaven across the rainbow; the white buffalo asks P. to pull out a spear from his back, takes him to the horizon; the sun is too hot to take P., her younger brother Months takes it; P. throws a golden top into the bucket of a slave who has come for water; the son recognizes the toy; the servants promise P. to return his wife if he 1) brings a basket of water (the eel lubricates the basket with mucus), 2) irrigates the garden (crabs dig a ditch), 3) fill four baskets by grain (mice fill), 4) eat all sweet potatoes in the field (pigs eat), 5) recognize his wife in a dark room (the cat meows at D.'s feet, the firefly sits on her hair); P. returns to earth with his wife and son]: Teselkin 1959:72-77 (= Braginsky 1972:85-89); bow [seven doves flew to swim, Kasimbaha hid one of them's clothes, got married; her name is Oetahagi; she has white hair on the top of her head, you can't tear it out; he pulled out her hair , the storm carried O., their son Tambaga remained; taking him, K. climbed the vine into the sky (the rat gnawed the thorns from the vine), fell to the east; the Sun is too hot, the Month helped to get to the sky; animals help find a wife, prove to her brother that K. is also immortal; T. grows up, goes down to earth. marries, comes from him a bow]: Spreeuwenberg 1845:25-28 in Lessa 196:123-124; minahasa [dogs Mamanua was surrounded by a wild pig when he came, Lumalundung was instead of a pig; agreed to marry him unless he looked in her head and vomited a special hair; gave birth to a son Walasendou; M. pulled out his hair, blood flowed, his wife disappeared in the fog; the bird brings M. and his son to the mountain, he climbs the tree, then the vine, the vine falls to the east; the Sun is too hot, the Month carries M. to the village; the fly shows where Father L.'s house; L. takes his son, leaves M. outside the door; the rat gnaws through constipation; L. eats only the steam from the prepared rice; M. eats the rice itself, dies; L. replaces his insides and eyes with stone ones, revives him, now he also feeds on steam, lives in heaven with L.; their son goes down to earth, finds an egg on a tree, breaks it, a woman in it, they have three sons and a daughter]: Wilken 1863:326-330 in Lessa 1961: 124-125.
The Northern Andes. Passing through the underworld, the Sun picks up a hero. Nonama [two people were born from a woman's leg; at night they turned into waura ("wooden dolls"), preserving their human appearance, killing people, drinking blood; asked their mother who killed their father; Snake ; killed all the snakes in the forest; El Sierpe (giant snake); rafted to Sierpa, but the guacamayo warned her, she crawled away; the brothers put firewood on the raft, the snake swallowed it; they put it between The jaws were pole, a fire was made in the womb; the snake was half-dead, one went out through the anus, found himself in the lower world, nothing was known about him; the other through his mouth continued to suck blood; the sky was close to the ground; man made clothes out of vegetable fluff, took off; a woodpecker flew out at sunrise, hit him in the face; the man fell, but managed to scar the face of the moon; fell where the sun went down; a boy was playing on the beach, gave the fruits from the caimito tree, said that his father owned them, he will be today; this is the Sun; came white, wearing a gold hat; promised to take the man home; the boy throws fruits into the water, the fish ate them; so distracted fish so that they would not eat the Sun; the Sun and man dived into the underworld; the Sun left him at the huts, promised to pick him up on the way back; sinculos (Spanish) "people without anus") said that the kuna wanted to kill them; the man began to make onions and arrows; the kuna turned out to be shrimps; now the "British"; they are crayfish; the man explained that these enemies are eaten in his world; went out of need, two boys asked them to have anuses, died; the Sun brought a man to earth; a man asked his deceased brother-in-law, who replied that he could not be cured; people decided kill the person who came so as not to drink more blood; they crushed the corn, mixed it with water, doused it at night, the man became a stone; he was smashed, the fragments turned into mosquitoes that fell into the water into leeches]: Wassen 1935, No. 8:133-137; Ambera [Buro-Poto was born from a tumor on a man's leg; he died; B. asked who killed his father; the Jaguars (los viejos thought B. would go hunting jaguars, die); killed everyone with arrows jaguars, a pregnant female remains, new from her; Snakes (the same with snakes); etc.; said that the father was killed by a snake, similar to cancer, but huge, lives in a pond, swallows whole people; B. put on a raft of firewood, made a fire in the monster's stomach, began to crumble the monster with a knife; killed an unborn cub, fried it, fed the others swallowed; swam out with a raft over the ass; killed the Moon; built the stairs, hand to the moon, there was a stain on it, the woodpecker cut off the stairs, B. fell into the sunset; the Sun took him on his underground journey along the river; there people who ate the smell, only B. ate, they asked make them anuses, died, B. revived them; crabs attacked, for underground people it was death, B. easily destroyed them; a few days later the Sun took it with it; a lot of food in a small basket; B. suck blood at night, kill women; they poured boiling water on it, it petrified, made corn grinders out of it]: Isaza Bravo 1987:128-130; guajiro [the man climbed into the hole for the battleship, ended up in the lower world; his wife followed him, they are descended from the inhabitants of this world; to extract a child, their women are ripped open; our world rests on their homes; the person who came to the lower world and gave birth to it inhabitants, met a golden man wearing a golden hat on a golden mule; it was the Sun; a man asked him to be taken to earth; the Sun ordered him to sit on a mule behind him; then planted him on a piece of wood in the sea , the man came home]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (2), No. 117:838-839 (cf. No. 76 [a man's relatives die, he grieves at his wife's grave; she comes on a horse, tells him not to meet her yet, they go together; their horse rushes through the darkness, over the sea; in a country overseas, a man lies in a hammock next to his wife, puts his hand on the beer and corn porridge brought to her, falls asleep; when he wakes up at noon, he sees next to him boa constrictor, a prickly avocado under his head; a man walks along the road in a deserted place, a tree tells him to move on; on the seashore he sees the Sun, he moves east, a fiery mirror in his hands, tells the man move away so as not to burn; lets you drink from an inexhaustible vessel; tells you to go further west; women (these are forest turtles) tell a person to leave, he brings them misfortune; bird boys are afraid of him, hide ; the same are the other locals; the lame (also a bird) sends to the old man; this is the Sun, he invites him to his house; in the morning he goes to do his daytime work; in his absence, puloi, the spirit of man's wife, comes, eats it; when the Sun returns, makes her regurgitate and revives man, dazzles her; since then puloi, that is, enchanted places, are dark and silent; man wants to go home, the Sun tells his daughter Take him away to the spider; when he reaches the great darkness, the Spider gives a ball of threads, tells him to follow him; the thread ends up unraveling in the cemetery from which the man traveled], 116 [the poor man lived only picking fruit; the Sun brought him bananas on his mule; the next time he sailed by boat, invited a man to sit in it; he wanted to help row, the Sun told him to sleep; brought him back to his wife in the morning; next time I brought him corn seeds, melons, pumpkins, beans]: 728-732, 837-838).
Llanos. Sicuani [a man is carried away by Tapirih; the Amazons kill her; one of them secretly husbands a man; he pours boiling water over a penis, the husband of the Amazons; returns home]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 83 [while hunting, Tapiriha runs up to a virgin young man, turns into a woman, says she will pick him up, becomes a tapiriha again, carries him away on his back; in the forest she does not tell her to copulate with her for the first time night; gives a vine infusion to drink to make his penis bigger; takes the young man across several rivers; find themselves in the country of women; they say they have found a tapir trail; Tapiriha asks if he has heard that Or, the young man lies that he is not; women trap Tapiriha, she warns the young man not to eat her meat; women kill tapiriha, look for a young man; a virgin who has not yet copulated with Irrabowáto (në), notices him in a tree, hides him from others; tells him to taste the meat of the murdered tapiriha; I. has "The Penis of the Earth"; the girl who saved the young man does not want to have sex with him, because he is not only her husband, but also the father of her and others women; I. regularly examines all houses; if he finds a male child, kills and eats; the young man stays with the woman, she becomes pregnant; lies to his mother about I.; when I. is in the central house villages, he is a penis protruding from the ground, women sit on it; when they leave, they cover it with a clay pot; the wife brings pepper for her husband to pour pepperwater on the Penis, gives him her clothes and jewelry; when a man lifts the pot, from there a stream of seed hits; he is warned not to let the seed fall on his face; fills his penis with boiling water and pepper; I. screams, women run away, but he is already dead; he has been buried; a man's wife gives birth to a boy, women hope that he will replace his common husband with him; she sends a man to his former family, otherwise the Amazons will kill them all; he crosses rivers, cries by the sea; Three different types of ducks consistently take him into their boat, telling him not to let the winds go; every time he does not hold back near another island, the ducks take off, he reaches the island by swimming; Tomá Ducks Mother liwa in the guise of a man with a long penis tells you not to look back, transports; he looks around, she quilts it with her penis for eating Tapiriha meat; he returns to his family; T. is not the moon, although many they think that the moon, because it shines], 84 [when hunting, Tapirih takes the young man in the form of a woman; for this purpose, he turns him into a tapir for a while; he crosses with him to the country of women; they kill Tapiriha; girl finds a man, hides; he refuses to eat Tapiriha meat; the girl says that their husband is their father, she does not want to have sex with him; Amazons kill boys; a man sees women Queues sit on the penis protruding from the ground; it is covered with a cassava push-up bag; the man takes it off, the sperm splashes into his face; he fills the penis with boiling water; the wife sends the man home; women revive the Penis, happy; various ducks, herons swim across the sea; their boats are their beaks; each group takes a person, leaves him in the water every time he blows the winds; the last is Tomalinae; her paddle - lightning, the boat is the pelvic bone; it puts the man aft, tells him not to look back; on the shore he turns around, sees her vulva; she is ashamed], 85 [Tapirikha takes the man, crosses lakes and rivers along the bottom; Amazons trap her, kill her; their name is Irboatowi, "People of the Earth's Penis"; twice a day at noon and in the evening they copulate with him; boys are killed, eaten; a man is found by a virgin; says that women copulate with every man while his penis is hard, then killed, eaten; his wife sends him home; three types of ducks take him successively, leave him in the water when he blows the winds; a tree tells him to go with their Mother Moon; her boat is her genitals, she tells him not to look; he watches, she whips him with her pubic hair; when she reaches, the Moon gives him a banana that can be used forever bite off; tells you not to look at the new moon; he looks, turns into a nightjar], 86 [agouti steals cassava from the field; the man catches her in a trap, she turns into a woman; takes him away; crosses the sea on the bottom, turning herself into a tapiriha and turning him into a tick in her ear; on the land of the tsaki-momobi women's community, tapiriha eats bananas and pineapples; women catch her in a trap pit, kill her; a girl finds him; a man lifts her up a vessel that covers a penis protruding from the ground; seed splashes into his chest; he fills his penis with boiling water; ducks of various kinds undertake to transport it across the sea, but throw it when it blows the winds; finally, ordinary people bring him home; after becoming the fruit of a palm tree, he sees his mother, she is old; he goes down, becomes human]: 309-321, 323-326, 327-328, 329-332.
Southern Venezuela. Makusáni hunted in the forest, chased the frog, it galloped away, he got lost; the forest chicken (gallineta) looked like a pretty girl, invited her to her house, did not tell me to touch it her; M. tried to get along with her, she became a chicken, flew away; M. came to the river; Otter (perro de agua) took him to his house if he did not look forward or back; M. looked Through his fingers, the Otter left him in the water; M. climbed the tree to sleep; Nuna (Month) saw his reflection, realized that he was not in the water, but in the tree when M. spat; brought him to heaven, married two daughters; sends for firewood, the wife admits that his father will eat him; he throws sand in her back, she thinks wasps, rushes to run, M. runs the other way, comes to Shi (Sun); N. looks for M., Sh. says that this was not the case here, drives N. away with heat; M. marries one of Sh.'s two daughters; S. gives a wind gun, tells him not to look through it; M. looks, sees his house, mother; his wife also wanted to look, both were on the ground in M.'s house; M. hides his wife under the basket; when he left, her mother found her, began to beat her; M. reconciled them; all three returned to heaven at S.'s house, live there now]: Civrieux 1959: 119-120 (=1980:119-120 {pagination is correct!}).
Guiana. Arekuna: Arellana 1988, No. 69 [On the Frog Creek, a man tries to catch a croak to eat it later, but the Waromá frog grabs it, drags it upstream, leaves it on an island in the middle of the river ; he consistently asks various waterfowl (names only in Pemon) to transport him ashore; the first two say their boats are too small; the third has a huge snake with him, the man himself afraid; the Duck replies that although her boat is big, it has many of her children; finally, the Sun picks him up, carries him downstream in a boat; the man does not know who is in the boat, sings "burn, sun, your hammock son"; The sun directs its rays at him, the man almost burns; then the man asks the sun to wear a hat, the sky is covered with clouds; the Sun squeezes the man at the mouth of the river near Cayman; he sings wants to grab a man's hand to dance together, but he breaks out and comes to the place where the Quail (Coturnix coturnix) dance, but they flew away; then he came to the Guinea Pig and tried to grab her by the hand broke out (everyone a person meets sings or repeats something, shouts); then the chikí birds also flew away; then the Monkeys (ran away); then cuchicuchi; then the Fox; then the Deer; finally, I met Makunaima, who drew a vulva and penis on the ground, M. sings something in connection with both organs; the man catches up with him three times, he breaks out three times; when he returned, the man sang all the songs that heard]: 172-175; Koch-Grünberg 1924, No. 13 [Kalapijéima tries to catch a frog sitting on a tall tree; it drags him to an island in the sea; leaves it under a tree where vultures nest ; they stain it with their excrement; it's cold; K. asks the Morning Star to give him fire to take him to heaven; he refuses, because when K. dried manioc cakes in the sun, he dedicated the offering not to him, and to the Sun; the same episode with the Month; the Sun takes K. into its boat, tells his daughters to wash it, cut it; when he wears a feather crown, a silver hat, and ear jewelry made from the elytra of beetles, it gets hot; gives K. his daughter, tells her not to cheat on her; K. leaves the house of the Sun, falls in love with the daughter of the Vultures; in the morning he becomes old and ugly; if he stayed with the daughter of the Sun, he would be forever handsome and young; now people's youth and beauty are short-lived]: 51-53; makushi [two brothers hunt frogs, kill them with a club; one decided to catch with his hands; the frog grabbed his hand, then his neck, dragged her to the island; there is a lonely tree where birds nest; a person spends two or three months there, eating only clay, drinking water; boats sail by, ignoring requests for help; only the Sun takes a man into his boat, tells his daughter to smear his lips with pepper to regain strength; asks where he lives, the man pointed east; the Sun brought him there, he still lives healthy there]: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 13:87-88; trio: Koelewijn, Riviere 1987, No. 9 [younger brother warns the older brother not to catch the frog whose voice they hear in the forest; the elder tries to catch it, she becomes huge, takes it to a rock in the middle of the river; the evil spirits passing by, the Month (Nunnë), Venus (Urutura) refuse to help; the Sun (Wei) sails in the boat, it has a lot of roasted meat; he makes stairs, brings the young man back to his mother]: 49-52; Magaña 1987, No. 20 [a man tries to catch a frog, it drags him to a rock in the middle of the river; Month, Urutula star, tokoro bird, diseases, wind under various pretexts, they refuse to take it with them; the sun takes him to its boat, carries him ashore]: 135-136; oyana [The toad drags the hunter to a rock in the middle of the river; the bird offers to move it he goes ashore, but he is afraid to meet the Toad again; the Sun takes him to his boat, carries him ashore, gives him food]: Magaña 1987, No. 70:48; (cf. oyampy [two men went hunting birds, settled on a platform; Woo (underground creatures in the form of giant sloths) appeared from the ground, and looked at the head of one of the men rolled off his shoulders ; another hunter shot, but the arrow for Woo was like a fly bite; a man descended down the hole to the lower world; Woo's children replied that the parents were fresh on the kinkaju River (i.e. the killed person); the man asked he directed children, like weapons, at them, tearing their heads off; then killed adults Woo; lived for two months stealing peanuts from the Sun's garden; the children of the Sun tracked him down, trapped him; man lived by the Sun until the next new moon; the Month came, asked to sell a pet; The Sun reluctantly gave it so that the son of the Month could play; the Month brought the man to earth; since then it has been known what is underground]: Grenada 1980 : 322-324).
NW Amazon. Yukuna [Kawarimi's older brother sends younger Maotchi to the tree for parrot eggs; asks four times what they are; each time he hears my daughter-in-law; breaks off the branch, M. falls into the hollow; K . leaves, takes his wife M.; parrots carry M. food; when they fly away, M. crawls with an ant inside the trunk below; asks the Aguti woman for help, promises to lie down with her; she cuts a hole in the trunk with an ax, The last blow breaks M.'s spine; heals, but since then people have back pain; they lie down in her hammock; she starts eating it with her anus; bites the bottom of his body; he asks for food from the garden mother of his children; Agouti returned, said that his wife scolded her; next time Agouti in the form of a man, his wife gave her food; M. returns home, first asks her son not to tell his mother; pulls out a hole in the garden to the lower world, this hole in the center of the world; sends his son for K.; jumps into a hole, climbs out a vine; K. jumps, falls, screams, Hlopok, hlopok; M. screams, Stone, stone; picks up his wife; K. waits, the Sun's boat sails past the underground river; his crew Kojopana and Lu'uina, black with the heat; K. waits for the boat of the Month, the little brother of the Sun; K. kills flies, the Month says it his sailors; stopped to eat, the Month asks for a top with fish, K. sees an anaconda; The month gets it himself; the cauldron, the plate - curled snakes; the calebass - the wasp's nest; the tapir bone The month cut off K.'s tip tongue, he turned into a toad; K. refuses to marry the daughter of the Month; he brings him to a little, where women want to copulate; the old woman's vagina swallowed him, the Month pulled him out; K. met in the forest a woman; she says she was bitten by a jaguar, but her wounds were from a bat bite; K. healed her; the mistress Maloki said that the woman was too young; she gave her to an old woman who turned young at night, they have a son; grew up, they are going to eat him, he is a deer; a penis (grandfather) in the form of a hemp with a worm inside warns K. that they want to eat it; the son has been killed, his mother is eating him too; all the exits from the little one screams when K. tries to get out; he runs away through a hole in the roof; wasps bite her pursuers, they come back; K. comes to the Month; the pet owner is a big grasshopper; copulates with her sons; K. at the festival animals; closes his eyes, finds himself on the ground in the form of an umari fruit; falls, turns into K., sees his sons; kills a brother and unfaithful wife; see motif K1, I14]: Jacopin 1981:69-130 (fall to the lower world, the boats of the Sun and the Month at p.79-80); Barasana [Manioc-stick Anaconda (MA) is the half-brother of the current Sun, the son of the Ancient Sun and his wife Sky; Mako is his younger brother, single; standing on time with a tapir, left traces; suggested that MA dig a tapir trap hole, MA fell into the underworld on a tree by the river; Month, Morning Star, striped water snake, big and small otters (they are rowers Suns) swim silently, or answer that the Sun ("MA's mother's son") swims after them; Sun grebe (Heliornis fulica) takes it but leaves it in the water when it blows the winds; the Sun takes it into its boat; tells them to dive for a deck of fish; MA says that there is only an anaconda; while the Sun is diving, the Monkeys, the Squirrel, the Otters (they are the Sun's rowers) tell them to take the matter out of the Sun's bag, the Sun was going to burn them with MA; gagging the anaconda's mouth and anus, the Sun lifted it up, poured out fish of all known species; the fish pot is a poisonous snake; MA only pretended to eat this fish extracted from the anaconda; the Sun releases clubs fire, MA turns into a spider every time, hides; he releases the substance he took out of the Sun's bag, and his feather crown lights up, he recognizes him as his brother; see motif K1]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979 No. 6A: 287-293; macuna [the younger brother is single, wants an older wife; creates a huge tree with a parrot nest, invites his brother to climb in to make feather hats for the holiday; throws away the thin tree that his brother climbed on, goes to live with his wife; the eldest one upstairs is starving; asks the anaconda for help; the anaconda replies that he will climb to eat it, but he asks him to climb his tail forward he goes down the anaconda, escapes; then his younger brother pushes him into a hole, he falls into the lower world, taking the form of cotton wool, finds himself on a tree branch above the river; looks human again; ducks are swimming along the river different species; each replies that her boat is too small, the next one will take it; the last duck is the Sun, his boat is like fire; the sailors there are howler monkeys and squirrels; the sun lights the river, older brother turns into a spider, does not burn, the Sun recognizes its virtues; sailed to the wife of the Sun; while the Sun is gone, man does everything wrong (collects coca by leaves, cuts trees on the site, and does not give do it yourself with an ax, eats mojojoy from a palm tree - these are Sun workers); the Sun's wife considers it necessary to send him to earth; Tapiriha tells him to turn into a tick, carries, delivers animals to small; while sleeping, Tintin copulates with her; she checks all penises to find the culprit; on the advice of others, Tintin sprinkles ash on his penis, not found; man removes hunter arrows from animal bodies, which he can easily see; they also think he cures them for diseases; at the beginning of summer, everyone went for flying ants, the man realized that he was on a familiar land; children recognize him, they say that his mother is pregnant with uncles; a man creates a pond with fish, sends his younger brother and other people to collect poisoned fish, burns them in a pond with force received from the Sun]: Århem et al. 2004:521-528; chikuna [ a lonely young man is fishing; the sun swims up, takes him into his boat; the young man does not feel the heat, but realizes who is with him; they are already swimming in the sky; the sun is fishing pirarucu, baking with its heat; they they stop to eat; the sun asks why the young man eats so little, hits him on the back of the head, the young man belches many cockroaches; this was the reason why he could eat little; the sun collected bones and scales, made fish out of them again, it swam away]: Nimuendaju 1952:142.
Montagna - Jurua. Shipibo: Gebhaert-Sayer 1987 [at night, the sun boat sails underground from west to east]: 51, 371-372 [(No. 23); returning home, the hunter climbed into the hole for the battleship and saw its light at the end; came to the river; in the evening I wanted to return, but the hole closed; before dawn I heard voices passing by in the boat, he was not taken; there were four people in the second boat, including the Morning Star; in the big The Sun came to the boat; three people were aft and on the bow, the first had their faces burned, the second had their backs; at noon they stopped to rest, made a fire; the Sun asks a person to catch fish on the lake; he meets people sailing in boats returns empty-handed; the Sun explains that they were fish, throw a harpoon at them; after hesitation, a person does so, each of them turns into fish; the Sun's satellites they eat and drink huge portions; while a person sleeps, the Sun removes his intestines, they float on the water; now man also eats and drinks a lot; the Sun squeezes a person outside his house; they wonder that he is so voracious, drunk, he told me everything, he has a fever, he lay down in the sun, died]: 371-372; Roe 1991a [a man grabs the battleship by the tail, he drags him to the lower world; standing by the river , he sees boats going upstream, asks him to take him with them; Yantan Huistin (the bright star in the east is Regulus or Venus), many other stars say he will freeze with them; Sun takes him into his boat; he is planted on his bow to burn only his back; a member of the Sun's crew sitting aft has his face burned; at noon, the swimmers stop for lunch; the other stop is in nadir; The sun takes out a person's entrails so that he can eat more; man sees his guts swimming, turning into aquatic plants; without entrails, he is now able to eat and drink as much how much the Sun; after bringing a person to earth, the Sun forbids him to talk about what happened; people are surprised that he can drink so much without getting drunk; he explains why; soon dies in the sun]: 23- 25.