Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M73. Excretion substitution: who is stronger, K1721. .21.

(.25.32.) .

Two characters compare their excrement or vomit to learn about each other's diet and decide which of them is the more powerful beast. One of them manages to replace the selections. (Traditions in which vomiting is substituted are greasy).

Lepcha, Tibetans (Paywan, Mordovians), Shuswap, Thompson, Lillouette, Puget Sound, Curdalen, Kiowa, Natchez, chiroki, screams, alabama, koasati, goshiyute, hicarilla, navajo, kuna, shikuani, warrau, kariña, trio, oyana, makushi, tenetehara, capanaua, kashinahua, rickbacza, paresi, bakairi, karazha , botokudo, mbia, kayua.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [an old tiger named Tsuden was hunting; the frog was scared of him, but climbed on a bump and asked where he was going to go; tiger: I'm hungry and I'll probably eat you; frog puffed up: I'm king frogs and I can jump any distance; we will compete to see who will jump across the river; quietly grabbed the tiger's tail, and when he jumped across the river and started looking for a frog in the water, called out to him; the tiger amazed; the frog offers another test - to compare vomiting; the tiger has not eaten anything for a long time and only regurgitated some water, and the frog regurgitated its tiger's hair (she had just held on to the tiger's tail); said that just yesterday she killed and ate a tiger; the tiger ran away; towards the fox; when she heard the tiger's story, she laughed and said she could easily press the frog with her paw; the tiger agrees to return, but only if they will contact the fox with their tails; frog fox: you did not repay the debt and did not bring meat; and are you taking this dog for me for lunch? the tiger fled, dragging a fox with him; if they don't die, they still run]: Shelton 1925, No. 2:21-25; lepcha [tiger and toad are friends, taking lice out of each other; tiger offers compare vomiting to see who has eaten what in recent days; does not take into account that both swallowed what they licked; the tiger regurgitates pieces of leaves and clay, the toad regresses the tiger's hair; the tiger is frightened (the toad eats tigers!) , runs away, meets a jackal, he wants to look at the toad, agrees to go only if the jackal is tied to him with a rope; toad jackal: it's been three years since you promised to bring me tigers, and Now you only lead one thing; the tiger rushes to run, dragging the jackal, he dies; jackals and tigers have not lived together since then]: Stocks 1925, No. 9:366-367.

(Wed. Taiwan - Philippines. Paywan [rabbit and pangolin {ant-eater} dug edible tubers; pangolin pulls them whole and the rabbit falls apart; pangolin advises hitting the arm; when they collect firewood and the rabbit does not find anything, pangolin advises cutting his hand; both times the rabbit asks why it hurts so much; leaving the tubers to bake, pangolin suggests diving - who will be under water longer; underwater, he digs a passage to the earthen furnace, eats all the large tubers and returns with the fish in his mouth: he lingered, chasing it; to find out who ate the tubers, pangolin offers to fix I need; whoever succeeds miserably ate the tubers, and whoever starts the wind {quietly} did not eat; the rabbit did it miserably, so he ate it; pangolin suggests that everyone hide in the grass, and the other set fire; dug a hole himself and hid; the rabbit burned; the pangolin cut off his penis and put it between his grinned teeth - on, eat]: Whitehorn, Earle 2003, No. 75:348-349).

(Wed. Volga - Perm. Mordva [the fox forced the bear to live; knocks its tail on the window as if her name was to baptize the child; she reached the tub with butter herself and began to eat; when she returned, she said that the child was named On the cob; then Half; Bottom; for the fourth time she washed the tub, put it upside down: the child was called the Tipper; finding an empty tub, the bear suggests comparing the litter: whose will be oily; the fox replaced the droppings with its tail; bear: it's your buttery feces, and I have black feces]: Yurtov 1883, No. 10:29-33).

The coast is the Plateau. Vomiting. Shuswap [Owl says she eats people; Coyote also pretends to be an ogre, suggests comparing their vomiting but closing their eyes; Coyote regurgles grass, Owl pretends to be human; Coyote replaces vomiting, Owl is frightened; both turn into rocks, their mouths are wide open]: Boas 1895, No. I.2.10:9 (=2002:72); Thompson [ogre, Coyote (claims he eats people too)]: Teit 1898, no. 4:30; lillouette [like Thompson]: Teit 1912b, No. 8:307; Puget Sound [two var.; the cannibal sucks and eats everyone; Shodet suggests comparing vomiting to see who eats what; replaces vomiting; makes a fire, cannibal dies from the heat, turns into a rock from which water trickles]: Ballard 1929:120-121; curdalen [Grizzly shoots Rabbit in the eye, but he puts a bubble on his eye in advance; shoots Grizzly in the eye, he howls in pain; the rabbit comes to the woman, that daughter; the rabbit kills her, is fresh; the daughter's husband has a broken arrow, he realizes that his wife is dead; the rabbit runs, leaves the baked camas tubers behind him, for the victim's stalking husband to stop eating them; asks the Coyote to hide it; he hides a cereal plant in the knee; the stalker has a Grizzly dog; one of the advisers to the Coyote (his excrement) also turns into a dog, Coyote puts a knife in the back of his head; the Coyote quarrels with the Absorber Stalker, they decide to have their dogs fight, the Coyote dog climbs under the Grizzly, rips him off the stomach with a knife; the Absorber swallows the Coyote; there are many people inside, as if they do not understand that they have been swallowed; the Coyote tickles the Absorber's heart, he regurgitates him; the Coyote says he swallows people; suggests closing your eyes, regurgitating what has been swallowed; swaps people regurgitated by the Absorber and mice regurgitated by him; the Absorber swallows the Coyote again, he hurts his heart, inserting it into his mouth and nostrils hoops; swallowed people go out through them; Coyote tells the Rabbit to cut the giant's body, throws pieces, saying which one will give birth to which people; when a piece falls, smoke comes, a dwelling appears; blacklegs - from the leg, they are tall; ne perse is made of ribs, they have good heads (I mean, beautiful hair); the stomach is pot-bellied; the heart is curdalen, they are evil (mean); wiped their hands on the grass - they will be calm, they are poor ]: Reichard 1947, No. 2:68-71;.

Plains. Kiowa [Sendeh tells the four Cannibals that he also eats people, suggests closing his eyes and comparing vomiting; replaces it; advises putting hearts on the ground before attacking the village; pierces cannibal hearts with a stick, they die]: Parsons 1929a, No. 20:40-41.

Southeast USA. Natchez [The rabbit meets the Ogre; offers relief by closing his eyes, replacing excrement; the Ogre is confused; settling in for the night, the Rabbit warns that there are coals in the area campfires jump on people at night; when the Ogre falls asleep, the Rabbit sprinkles coals on the place where he lay, then sprinkles them on the Ogre; they cross the stream; the Rabbit jumps back, makes the stream turn into a wide river; the Ogre asks the Crane to stretch his neck like a bridge; reaches half, the Crane says that now his neck will break, the Ogre returns; so several times; the Ogre is on the other side]: Swanton 1929, #35:259-261; Chirokee [says he's an Otter relative; takes half of his excrement]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, #3:405-406; screams: Swanton 1929, No. 40 [Rabbit meets the Ogre; offers relief by closing his eyes, replacing excrement; the Ogre is confused; settling down for the night, the Rabbit warns that in this area, the coals of the fire jump on at night people; when the Ogre falls asleep, the Rabbit sprinkles coals on the place where he lay, then sprinkles them on the Ogre; he chases him, the Rabbit jumps over the stream, makes it wide, the Ogre stays on the other side], 41 [The cougar ate people, people asked the Rabbit to send him to the other side of the sea; the Rabbit tells Puma he knows where there are a lot of people, he eats them himself; as proof, he suggests comparing their excrement , replaces them; when settling down for the night, Rabbit warns that in this area, the coals of the fire jump on people at night; when the Ogre falls asleep, the Rabbit sprinkles coals on the place where he was lying, then sprinkles them on The ogre; he was burned, threw himself into the sea, swam to the other side and stayed there]: 42, 42-43; alabama [The rabbit meets the Ogre, they relieve themselves by closing their eyes, the Rabbit replaces excrement; At night, the Rabbit knocks a tree on the sleeping Ogre, and sprinkles himself with branches, says that this is always the case in this place; the same is true with coals - cold, hot on the Ogre; the Rabbit offers to jump across the stream; The cannibal falls into the water, takes him to sea, leaving the Rabbit with his bag]: Swanton 1929, No. 54:159-160; koasati [The rabbit paints his lips red, tells the Ogre that he also eats people; replaces excrement; at night, the Rabbit sprinkles himself with holobic coals, and the Ogre with hot coals; knocks down a large tree on the sleeping Ogre, and a small one on himself; offers to jump over the stream; after the fourth time, the stream fills with water, the Ogre takes away, the Rabbit remains his bag]: Swanton 1929, No. 55:205-206.

Big Pool. Gosiyute [a coyote meets a bear; everyone replies to the other that they are not afraid to walk this path; the coyote invites the bear, with his eyes closed, to regurgitate what he has eaten to see how many people he has eaten ate; eats regurgitated bear, and then belches himself; the bear believes that the coyote, like him, is a mighty cannibal; the coyote advises the bear to go to the top of the hill; there he will see a man with onions, but be afraid of him no need; the bear went; the coyote got there earlier and shot a bear who came up; taking off his skin, the coyote fell asleep; when he woke up, heard a noise, thought it was flies; then he saw someone (they were some birds ), who took their eyes out of their eye sockets, threw them at the tree, shook the tree, their eyes came back; the coyote said he also always played this game; the birds wanted the coyote's thrown eyes stayed in the tree; blinded, the coyote went to the river; there were girls on the other side; they guessed that the coyote was blind, but he denied it; they surrounded the bison, the coyote shot him; took off his skin crooked; said that since girls of different heights (and this was not the case), he wants to make the hut taller on one side and lower on the other; not seeing the entrance, he did the other; when asked why, he explained that there are enemies around, you need to have two ways out; at night he met both girls, depriving them of their virginity; seeing larvae in the coyote's eyes, the girls ran away, putting an anthill under his head; when he woke up, the coyote followed the girls' footsteps; one threw a rattle into the canyon, the coyote ran to the sound, fell, broke his leg, began to eat his bone marrow; sister's husband {wife's brother?} the coyote brought him home and asked him to play for him; the coyote won back everything he lost and won against everyone; his sister's husband put the eyes of a mountain ram in him, and the coyote began to see again]: Smith 1993:17-21.

The Great Southwest. Vomiting; Coyote, cannibal. Hicarilla [Cannibal Owl]: Goddard 1911, No. 27:225; Opler 1938, No. 16 [The cannibal owl tells Coyote he hunts people; he suggests regurgitating what he has eaten with his eyes closed; replaces vomiting, says that the Owl regurgitated the grasshoppers and he regurgitated the human; the owl believes that he swallowed the grasshoppers along with the water; the Coyote suggests making the Owl a good runner by removing the legs; cuts off the meat from the Owl's legs; offers to stretch out her legs, breaks them with a stone; The owl throws her club at him, she returns three times, does not return the fourth time; Coyote tells Owl to live in the shade, at dusk; var.: Coyote with Owl are in the steam room; Coyote cuts off the meat from the Owl's feet, pretending to cut off his own and then his flesh recovers]: 288-289; Navajo: Haile 1984, No. 14:70-71; Matthews 1994 [Coyote invites the giant to unclog his stomach before entering the steam room, regurgitating its contents into pieces of bark and closing his eyes; the giant regurgitates meat, the Coyote of worms, replaces the bark; as soon as the giant regurgitates meat, the Worm Coyote, replaces the bark turns away, Coyote eats his regurgitated meat]: 227 (note 83); O'Bryan 1956 [12 hunting brothers have sister Ataed'diy ini; she promises to marry only the one who kills the giant; the giant walks slowly, to him It is rare to catch a person and put it in his basket; the Coyote tells the giant that he will make him as fast-footed as he is; in the steam room, both drink vomit, each burps into his vessel; Coyote has grasshoppers , the giant has meat; the Coyote replaces blood vessels, explains to the giant that because of these grasshoppers, he walks slowly; quietly puts a deer on his leg, cuts it in half; lets the giant feel first a severed leg, then a kiss, the giant believes that by cutting and coalescing his leg, the Coyote gained strength; he allows his leg to be cut off, the Coyote takes it away, says A., who killed the giant; she puts a new one condition: first she kills Coyote, then he must come to life; Coyote hides his heart and lungs in a hole under the hill, wrapped in a black wind; she kills him, he comes to life; so 4 times (heart and lungs are wrapped in the blue, yellow, white wind, burrows lead east, south, west, north); Coyote marries A., teaches all his tricks; A. hides the Coyote under the blanket, the brothers smell; the brothers leave the house for his sister and Coyote, building a hut for themselves; brothers cross the canyon in the rainbow, and are forced to move the Coyote; mountain sheep had horns full of bone marrow; one of the brothers killed a ram, the Coyote wanted horns for himself (they are received by the murderer); when the brother cut off the horns, the Coyote made the horns bony; the traces of trying to cut them off are circular rings on the outer surface; (option: The Coyote tries himself cut off the horns, hit them furiously on the ground, the canyons of the Mesa Verde district form); the brothers turn the meat into a small ball, tell them to take it to their sister, not put it on the ground on the way; the Coyote puts the ball turns into a bunch of meat, Coyote doesn't know what to do; insults swallow people; two spiders quietly weave the wall behind the Coyote, he can't jump over it, swallows kill him, make stripes of skin forehead bandages, since then swallows have a band on their forehead]: 40-44.

Honduras vs Panama. Kuna [The Turtle invites the Jaguar to compare their bowel movements with his eyes closed; replaces; the Jaguar offers to race, the Turtle puts his relatives at a distance]: Chapin 1989:89; Scherzer 1997 [The Jaguar asks the Turtle if that meat eats certain animals (lists); suggests comparing the excrement; the turtle puts some of the Jaguar's excrement under itself; the Jaguar says they are friends]: 13-15; Wassen 1934b, No. 5 [The Jaguar mocks the Turtle because it eats grass, not meat; the turtle suggests comparing their excrement, asks the Jaguar to close its eyes, changes excrement; Jaguar asks why the Turtle has a stained hand; she replies that she accidentally smeared herself]: 11-12.

Llanos. Sicuani [The anteater offers Jaguar to relieve himself by closing his eyes; replaces excrement; the Jaguar waits in ambush to kill the Anteater, but he kills him with his terrible claws; therefore Jaguars are afraid to attack big anteaters]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 79:291-292.

Guiana. Warrau: Roth 1915, No. 160 [the turtle tells the jaguar that it is no worse than him; suggests comparing excrement, replacing it; offers to race, exposing other turtles at a distance; invites each other to paint; the jaguar did it badly, the turtle painted the jaguar beautifully; stole the necklace from the sleeping jaguar; he offers to fight; the turtle asks for a delay; disappeared], 161 [jaguar with the anteater agrees to compare their excrement; the anteater tells you to close your eyes, replaces excrement, the jaguar believes that it was the anteater who ate meat; they got into a fight, the anteater killed the jaguar with his powerful paws]: 223-224, 225; Wilbert 1970, No. 183 [The turtle pretends to eat meat; the ashamed Jaguar explains that it ate the leaf by accident]: 410-411; carinha (Guyana) [The anteater speaks contemptuously of fangs Jaguara says he eats meat himself; offers relief with his eyes closed, replaces crap; Jaguar offers to fight, the Anteater kills him with his powerful claws]: Roth 1915, No. 161:225; trio [anteater, jaguar]: Magaña 1987, No. 27:137; oyana [Jaguar suggests that the Anteater compare excrement to see who eats what; the anteater suggests closing your eyes before it, replaces cal, laughs at Jaguar for eating ants]: Magaña 1987, No. 91:52-53; macushi [The Jaguar invites the Turtle to race; its relatives placed at a distance are responsible for the Turtle ; The turtle claims to hunt tapirs; the Jaguar suggests comparing their excrement; The turtle shows the Jaguar stars, at this point replaces the secretions; the Jaguar believes; the turtle goes first to hunt on tapirs; says Tapira that he can only drink from a vessel; this vessel is Tapir's penis; Tapir lets her take it in her mouth, the Turtle bites it off; pierces poisoned arrows into an already dead tapir; He throws poison into a portion of the Jaguar, he dies; the turtle sings that she has a necklace of jaguar teeth; the Jaguar's wife wants to kill her; the turtle replies that it will only die in the water; swims away; next time he speaks Jaguarihe, that a tapir runs down the slope; lowers a stone instead of a tapir, Jaguariha is killed]: Soares Diniz 1971, No. 15:88-92.

Eastern Amazon. Tenetehara [anteater, jaguar]: Snethlage 1932, No. 3:377-378; Wagley, Galvão, 1949, No. 34 [two Anteaters stick their faces in their thorns; a Jaguar does the same thing, goes blind; another time argues with the Anteater, which of them kills more animals; the anteater suggests defecating with his eyes closed, replaces secretions; seeing his excrement, the Jaguar left and died of grief]: 159-160.

Montagna - Jurua. Capanahua [Jaguar wants to eat Rabbit; he says they are related; Jaguar suggests comparing excrement; Rabbit shifts some of the jaguars; Jaguar jumps over the ravine, Rabbit clings to its tail, also finds himself on the other side; The rabbit cannot growl; puts a toad in his place, hides in the fruit peel; the Jaguar eats the toad, almost got poisoned to death]: Schoolland 1976:24-26; Kashinahua [The rabbit puts some of Jaguar's excrement under himself; he is forced to recognize him as his equal]: Ans 1975:67-68.

Southern Amazon. Anteater, jaguar. Bakairi [The anteater offers Jaguar to relieve himself by closing his eyes; replaces bowel movements, tells Jaguar that he ate termites and he ate meat himself; then the Jaguar suggests that the Anteater kill the tapir; he is not Maybe; the Jaguar kills the tapir himself, roasts the meat, gives the anteater crap tapir; he goes to look for water to drink, pees, fish swim in his puddle of urine, he brings them to the Jaguar; he believes that the Anteater found water, also goes to drink; the anteater picks the meat in the basket, picks up the jatoba on the palm tree; eats meat, the Jaguar throws the bones; the Jaguar sends biting ants to the palm tree, it does not help; then the wind calls, it breaks the palm tree, but the Anteater runs away; the Jaguar comes, the Anteater says the Little Anteater ate his meat; scratched Jaguar's eyes, ran away; Aguti found the Jaguar's eyes, returned it to him; the Jaguar caught up An anteater in his house, ate his legs; the Termites cured the Anteater; the Little Anteater left a vessel with poison in front of Jaguar's house, he opened it, died]: Steinen 1897:330; Rickbacza [Jaguar sees two tiranídeos birds pull out each other's eyelashes to make pastinha on his head; asks him to do it too; they tell him to close his eyes so that his hair does not get into them, tear out his hair on his head, pull out and they swallow their eyes, climb a tree; the Jaguar grabs the Turtle's tail; he stops laughing, the Jaguar thought it was a piece of wood, let it go (then caught and ate it); caught the curiango bird (Caprimulgí deos); he asks him to pull out only short feathers, leave long ones, promises to jump into his mouth; relieved his need; Odontophorus guayanensis birds insert Jaguara into the eye sockets of palm fruit seeds Maximiliana regia (or tucum); Jaguar sees again, chased agouti, his eyes fell out; the birds glued them with resin; chased the tapir, fell out again; glued them with fresh resin; grateful Jaguar painted them genipa, he no longer hunts them; he began to fight with the Anteater, the forces are equal; to compare who eats which animals, we decided to compare excrement; the Anteater changed, the Jaguar does not believe, but he is afraid, they parted]: Pereira 1994, No. 8:93-99; paresi: Pereira 1986, No. 25:320-321.

Araguaia. Karazha [like mbia, Jaguar and Anteater, zap. Baldus]: Baldus 1952:486.

SE Brazil. Botokudo [like mbia, Jaguar and Anteater, zap. Baldus]: Baldus 1952:486.

Southern Brazil. Kaihua [The Jaguar and the Anteater agree to relieve themselves by closing their eyes; the Anteater replaces excrement; the Jaguar is surprised that, with such small eyes, the Anteater is such a good hunter; The anteater advises Jaguar to narrow his eyes by rubbing them with a thorn; he pierces his eyes; Inambu agrees to change his eyes with Jaguar; for this reason, jaguars do not hunt inamba]: Schaden 1947b: 121-122; mbia [Jaguar negotiates with the Anteater to compare his excrement; he suggests closing his eyes, replacing excrement; Jaguar is scared]: Baldus 1952:485.