M74B. Who ate the fat?. .10.-.17.27.-.32.35.36.
The character adjusts so that the sign that identifies the thief who ate supplies or who should be eaten is not on him, but on another character (smears with leftovers or with the secretions of your body of another, replaces secretions, etc.).
Hottentots [jackal], scythe [little man Hlakanyana], Fulbe [hare], Bari [hare], tsamai [mole], Somalis [jackals], Sudanese Arabs, Tigres, Berbers of Morocco, kabilas [jackals], Egyptian Arabs, Portuguese [fox], Galicians [fox], Spanish [fox], Catalan [fox], Aragon [fox], French [fox], Walloons [fox], Flemish [fox], Scottish [fox], Irish [?] , Harsusi [fox], Mehri [fox], Slovenes [fox], Croats [fox], Bulgarians [fox], Serbs [fox], Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Vladimirskaya, Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov) [fox], Ukrainians (Hutsulshchyna, Kharkiv, Kursk, Chernigov) [fox], Belarusians [fox], Karachays [fox], Avars [fox], Turks [fox], Persians [fox], Tajiks [fox], Latvians [fox], Lithuanians [fox], Estonians [fox] ], Finns [fox], Norwegians [fox], Komi [fox], Marie [fox], Mordvians [fox], Chuvash [fox], Kazan Tatars [fox], Bashkirs [fox], Mansi [fox], central Yakuts [fox].
SW Africa. Hottentots (Cape Province) [jackal and hyena are hired by the owner; the jackal eats fat, greases the mouth of a sleeping hyena; the owner beats the hyena]: Metelerkamp 1914, No. 5:47-52 ( narrated in Klipple 1992:16).
Bantu-speaking Africa. Xhosa [a long story about how the chief's wife gave birth to a little man Hlakanyana with the face of an adult, who brutally deceives many people and animals; eats meat, smears the mouths of others, those they kill; when he is chased by warriors, turns into an old woman, he is not recognized, he directs his pursuers aside; changes various objects and animals to increasingly expensive ones; walking with a person, consistently offers to throw away his spoons, knives, awls; when the visitors are fed, H. tells his companion that it is his fault, since he has neither a knife nor a spoon; invites the old woman to rejuvenate her and cook it first, then hers; himself sits in warm water, and when it gets hot, she puts an old woman there; feeds her sons meat dressed in her clothes; when her sons chase him, they turn into stone by the river; they are in their hearts they throw a stone across the river, H. runs away; asks Iguana for a flute, runs away with her, turns into a reed by the river; Iguana throws it in his hearts, throwing it across the river, H. runs away; suggests to Leopardiha takes care of her four cubs, eats one by one, shows the same thing several times, runs away]: McCall Theal 1882:84-110.
West Africa. Fulbe (northern Nigeria) [after filling their bins, the animals disperse during the dry season; The hare says he goes to a distant country, stays on his own, eats everything; The Jackal offers to go to bed - who The moonlight will fall, and the thief will fall; the hare calls the Squirrel to lie next to him; when the moon appears, it lies quietly at a distance; wakes others up, saying that the light has fallen on the Squirrel; she is killed]: Arnott 2000:103-106.
Sudan - East Africa. Bari [a woman tells her daughter to feed her grandfather, she forgets, her mother sends her for fruit; she climbs a tree owned by animals; animals stop under a tree and decide to eat the girl in the morning; the hare offers to save her for promising to give him chickens; takes him home, gets chickens, eats, collects blood, smears the face of a sleeping hyena; in the morning not everyone believes that she ate the girl; the hare offers to breed in the hole is fire, jumping over, the fallen one is guilty; everyone jumped and fell, the hare did not jump, ran away; together with the fox began to steal fruit from the tree; the owner made a sticky figure of the girl; the hare, then the fox beat her , stick; their owner beats, the fox screams, is killed; the hare is silent, pretends to be dead; the owner carries them in the basket along with the fruits; the hare eats the fruits, pretends to be dead again; the man puts them to cook in cauldron; the hare jumps up and runs away]: Meinhof 1921a, No. 78:310-312; tsamai [The mole and Guinea fowl have agreed to harvest together; The mole secretly eats grain in the bins, and when it's time for drought, there empty; The mole suggests that they compare their excrement when looking at the sky; replaces secretions; Guinea fowl still considers him a thief; then the Mole offers to set fire to the grass - whoever burns is the thief; hides in ground, Guinea fowl burns]: Jensen 1969, No. 12:383-384; Somalis [the shakaliha married a hyena; the lion let her guard her herd; she ate the fattest lamb, greased the lips of her sleeping husband; answered the lion that the lamb was eaten by her husband; the lion killed the hyena, the property went to the jackaliha]: Hanghe 1988:192-194; Sudanese Arabs, Tiger: El-Shamy 2004, No. 15:4-5.
North Africa. Kabila [the jackal and the hedgehog decided to grow beans together; they prepared a pot of butter and a pot of honey - they will return from work in the evening and eat; jackal: the neighbor has a child, we will have to go give him a name; went to the place where the pots were hidden, ate oil and honey, filled the pots with earth, anointed them with oil and honey residues on top; when he returned, he replied that the child was named bis auf dem Boden; during collection and The jackal adjusts the processing so that the hedgehog does all the work; suggests dividing: the jackal beans, the hedgehog is straw; the hedgehog is indignant; the jackal asks (his) brothers, who say: who will get to the barn faster, he will receive the grain; the hedgehog leaves his brother there; when the jackal runs up, the hedgehog (i.e. the hedgehog's brother) says that he has already reached; the animals award beans to the hedgehog; both argue who ate the butter and honey; man: lie down sleep with shards under him; ate by someone who would have them covered with oil and honey; in the morning the jackal got up and changed his shards; the hedgehog accused him, the jackal tried to hit and bite him, got all pierced; decided Don't mess with the hedgehog anymore, the harvest went to a hedgehog]: Frobenius 1921b, No. 4:13-16; Egyptian Arabs, Moroccan Berbers: El-Shamy 2004, No. 15:4-5.
Southern Europe. The Portuguese [The fox pretends to be dead, the fish merchant carries sardines, picks up the fox, throws them to the sardines, he throws them away, jumps, eats them; then the Fox usually invites the Wolf to teach him fish; ties a rope to his neck and the other end to a basket of stones; the Wolf dives for sardines, the Fox throws the basket into the water, it pulls the Wolf to the bottom; or the Wolf and the Fox stock up - a sheep carcass or oil; The fox says his name is to be the godson of a newborn, returns, saying that the child was called the Beginning; then Half, the End; if the sheep's carcass was stored, the Fox leaves the tail, suggests Pull the wolf; the tail "breaks off", the Fox says he knows nothing; suggests identifying the culprit - whoever has a sweaty ass ate; pees under the sleeping Wolf; or gives him shoes and takes footprints into the closet; or offers to jump on the axle of the cart, whoever has a heavier belly will run into it; the wolf jumps, the axis pierces it]: Cardigos 2006, No. 1:19-23; Galicians [while the wolf is fishing, the fox slowly eats the honey they bought; when the wolf discovers an empty pot, the fox offers to lie in the sun and see who has fat on his stomach; the wolf fell asleep, the fox moistened his stomach with water and said that fat came to him]: Contos 1972, No. 11:23; Spaniards [the wolf shows the fox a new home and supplies; the fox says her name is for her nephew's christening, asks the cubs to understand, promises to bring a pie with jam; eats wolf supplies, says that his nephew was named the Beginning; the cake was supposedly pecked by starlings; next time - Half; goldfinches pecked; third time - To the Bottom; no pies again - the confectioner the stove has fallen apart; the wolf calls the fox a liar, he no longer calls to him; but the fox slipped; they argue who ate the honey, the fox offers to look in the morning; smears honey on the face of a sleeping wolf; he believes that ate honey himself]: Shishlova 1971:64-69; Catalans [The Wolf and the Fox reap rye after receiving a pot of honey in advance; the fox is away three times - his name is to baptize the child; in fact eats honey; says that the child They called the Beginning, the Middle, the End; the Wolf accuses the Fox, he offers to lie in the sun - whoever has honey on his navel ate it; The wolf falls asleep, the Fox smears his navel with honey]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 15:6-7; Aragon [the fox and the wolf steal honey or butter at the wedding; the fox secretly eats everything, pretends to be eaten by the wolf (smearing honey on the wolf's navel, garlic, etc.)]: González Sanz 1996, No. 15:64.
Western Europe. The French: Arnaudin 1967, No. 5.2 [the fox stole a pot of honey; together with the wolf, they decided to cultivate the land; they just started working, as the fox says her name is for christening; when he returns, he says that the child was called Beginning; then Half; End; in the evening, the wolf discovers the loss of honey; the fox suggests going to bed: whoever has a wet tail in the morning ate honey; at night, the fox wrote on the wolf's tail ; he had to admit he was a thief]: 82-88; Gennep 1933 (Languedoc) [The Fox and the Wolf found a pot of honey; the fox says someone seems to be knocking; his name is to baptize the child; returning, he says that called Quarter; then Half; Dummy; when he finds an empty pot, the Wolf promises to eat the Fox; he replies that the Wolf ate the honey; suggests going to bed - whoever the honey comes out on is eaten; the Fox smears the Wolf, while he sleeps]: 520-521; walloons [the fox and the wolf stole a pot of oil; they wanted to eat in winter, the pot is empty; the fox offers to lie with your back to the fire, whoever has oil on his paws ate it; wolf fell asleep, the fox smeared his paws, convinced him that he ate the oil]: Laport 1932, No. 15:25; Flemish [the fox lives with the wolf (and the bear); pretends to be called for a christening, eats oil; animals agree to identify the thief: lie warm; the fox oils the wolf's face and tail or is caught stealing]: Meyer 1968, No. 16:21-22; Scots [domestic dog, wild dog, wolf and fox they found a barrel of oil, buried it; the fox said her name was for christening; when she returned, she said that the baby was named Foveeal "under his mouth"; next time Half; then Licked to the end; they found that the oil was gone; the wolf was hung by the hind legs, the fox put oil under his face as if it had flowed out of his mouth; then the wolf and fox bought land and became farmers; when they sowed oats, the wolf chose roots, and when potatoes were planted, tops; the wolf began to steal potatoes; the fox advised me to read the name on the mare's hoof; she kicked him and killed him]: Campbell 1890 (3), No. 65:108-111; Irish [to will eat butter (honey), the character pretends to be called for a christening]: Suilleabháin, Christiansen 1963, No. 15:34.
Western Asia. Harsushi [the fox, wolf, leopard, hyena, vulture, and raven went hunting; the vulture flew away, the fox and the raven found nothing, the hyena found a basket of dates, the wolf stole the kid, the leopard killed camels; they gathered around the fire to cook meat; the hyena went to bed, told her to wake her up when everything was ready; the fox ate both dates and meat intended for the hyena, shoved bones and bones into her ass; in the morning told the hyena that she had already eaten everything herself, told her to relieve herself, bones and bones were under the hyena; the fox asked the hyena to carry it to the acacia, and then she would carry it; she jumped and started screaming that the hyena was tired; hyena: the fox was tired; but others rushed to the hyena and ate it; the fox offered to jump off the cliff - this is what their fathers did when they were circumcised; the fox and the leopard jumped safely, and the wolf broke his leg, he was eaten; the fox offers to jump off a high cliff, jumps; the leopard crashed; invites the fox to start eating it; the fox: eats when the leopard dies; eating the leopard, the fox told the donkey that she was dying of thirst; she allowed her to go inside through her ass - she had water in her stomach; the fox drank water, ate the donkey's insides, she died; the fox wanted dew to fall, then she will fill one wadi with blood, the other with milk; the dew has fallen out, the donkey's ass is softened, the fox has come out; tells the woman and daughter that they are called to be circumcised, and she is ready to guard their herd; the fox milked the goats filled the wadi with milk; stabbed them, filling another wadi with blood; arranged the carcasses as if the goats were grazing; the woman and the girl returned without finding anyone; the girl saw the goats slaughtered and shouted to her mother hold a fox; woman hears hard; fox: she screams that robbers are coming, let the woman give her the necklace, she will bury it and hide it; daughter screams again; fox: she tells you to give yourself to me; woman in rabies, the fox runs away, carrying jewelry; hangs it on a dry tree, relieves itself by throwing sand at excrement; tells the caravan that the tree makes jewelry; he gives his herd for the tree; warns that if he copes with the need near the tree, it will not give jewelry; the caravan waits three days, catches up with the fox; they come back, the fox tears off its excrement, says that this caravan is not held on; the fox brings its camels to places where there are many others; she is told that its camels may be trampled by local camels and horses; but the fox refuses to take its own; its camels are dead, she has received a big ransom for them]: Stroomer 2004, No. 2:5-17; Mehri [exactly like Harsushi]: Stroomer 1999, No. 99:279-288.
The Balkans. Slovenes [the wolf plants grapes, calls for help from a fox and a hare, prepares a treat - honey; the fox pretends to be called for christening, eats honey herself, replies that they fed her well, the baby was named Cob; next time Seredyshek; Scrabyshek; honey is gone, Lisa says that it was eaten by the Hare - his tail is in honey; The Wolf chased, bit off the Hare's tail, now it's short]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:249- 250; the Croats [wolf, fox, hare cultivated the peasant's field, received a barrel of honey, agreed not to touch it until a certain date; the fox pretends to be called for christening; eats a third of the honey, replies that the child was named Cob; next time, the Middle; the End; when the Wolf and the Hare decide to try honey, the keg is empty; the fox suggests going to bed: whoever has honey on his body ate it; honey came out on the fox, but she smeared the hare with it and told the wolf that the hare had eaten the honey; he heard it and rushed to run; the wolf chased, bit off its tail; since then the hare tail is short]: Dähnhardt 1912:242- 243; the Serbs [the wolf and the fox found honey, agreed to leave it until the deadline; the fox pretends to be called for christening; the bear asks what the child was named; the fox: Begins; then Polovinash; then Ogrebash; when the wolf found out that there was no honey, he and the fox began to blame each other; the wolf suggests comparing the secretions; the fox replaced them; offers to jump over the fire, whoever falls into the fire is to blame; the wolf fell into the fire, burned; the fox lay down on the road, picked it up, she threw the fish off the cart, told the wolf she had caught it; smeared her head with bacon; told the wolf that she was even worse than he was; he took it to the ice-hole; she taught me to put the tail into the ice-hole and say, "Catch big and small fish"; the tail froze; in the morning the fox called people, they killed the wolf]: Zlatkovy2005:5:19-20; Bulgarians: Daskalova- Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 15 [a fox and a wolf (together with a bear, hare, hedgehog, etc.) hide a pot of honey (with butter; cook a cauldron of food); the fox pretends to be called for christening, eats supplies, then replies that the child was named Beginning, then Middle, End (or similar "names"); when it turns out that supplies are gone, the fox accuses the wolf (hare, hedgehog); to prove the charge, it replaces excrement]: 42; Klyagina-Kondratyeva 1951 [wolf, bear, fox, hedgehog, have prepared honey, spend the winter together; the fox says she is called for christening, rested the tub, said that the child was named Cob Tub; then Kadochka- half; Lick tub in the ravine; there is no honey, the fox offers to leave the house, whoever has honey on his tracks is a thief; says that there is a round dance in the sky; while everyone is watching, he erases honey from his traces, smears hedgehogs; hedgehog beaten]: 238-239.
Central Europe. Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Vladimir, Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov), Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina, Kharkiv, Kursk, Chernigov), Belarusians [ Midwife fox: a fox and a wolf (bear) keep honey (butter) in reserve; the fox pretends to be called a midwife and eats honey; she accuses the wolf and, to prove his guilt, spreads it on him, sleeping, belly with honey, which seems to have drowned out of it]: SUS 1979, No. 15:54; Russians (Arkhangelskaya) [the bear had a hut, the fox did not; the fox asked her to let it go; the bear had a bucket of oil; the fox she knocks and answers herself; says that her name is to babysit; replies that the child was named Zachinysh; then Seredysh; Scrabysh; the bear found an empty bucket; the fox offers to lie on the stove - who is their oil it will flow out; the bear fell asleep, the fox smeared it with oil; the bear believed that he ate the oil]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:13-14; Russians (Vologda) [the fox and bear have a barrel of honey (or oil) hidden away; the fox lies down on the bench: I can call her to give birth; knocks its tail - her name; ate butter; bear: what was the name? fox: With a cob; then with the middle; Scraped; there is no oil, the bear accuses the fox; she offers to lie down by the stove - the culprit will leak out of oil; she splashed water herself, told the bear that this is not enough]: Kuzmina 2008, No. 3:41-42; Ukrainians (Kharkiv) [Grandfather's rooster finds a wheat ear in litter, a woman's chicken finds a top, the grandfather grinds flour from the grains of the ear, the woman rubs poppy seeds with honey and flour, cooks a pie, puts it on the window to bake in the sun (poor, do not have a stove). The fox persuades the wolf to steal the cake, notices that it is not ready yet and offers to sleep first while the wolf sleeps, she eats the delicious filling, replaces it with feces (in the text "guess what"), then accuses him. He swears to "eat the earth," she suggests lying in front of the sun and waiting for wax on one of them's body, the wolf falls asleep, she steals wax from the apiary, smears it, the wolf admits that he ate honey, though and doesn't remember it, promises to give her her first loot. The fox lies in the way of the merchants, gives off a strong smell of "what is urine", they decide that she is dead, puts it on the cart, she gnaws through the cart and throws the fish on the road, runs away by herself. The wolf asks for a treat, she suggests catching fish herself, explains that you need to put the tail into the ice-hole, saying: "catch a fish.." The fox says "frost and frost, wolf host" nearby, says that it helps. He convinces him to sit longer when the frost gets stronger, shouts "pull", he cannot, stays on the ice, the fox reports about the wolf in the village, the residents come running and hitting him, he leaves his tail in the ice-hole and runs away. He jumps into a drawn sleigh and escapes. The fox in an empty hut is smeared with dough, lies down on the road, says, beaten so badly that her brain has leaked out of her bones. She asks the wolf to let her into the sleigh, after much persuasion, he lets her in, hears the sleigh crunching, she says as if she is biting a nut, the third time the sleigh breaks, the wolf goes to the forest for firewood to fix the sleigh , the fox eats the horse's insides, puts live sparrows there, and covers the hole under the tail with straw. The wolf decides that the horse has eaten too much straw, pulls it out, birds fly out, and the skin falls. The fox convinces the wolf that he cannot walk, he harnesses himself into the repaired sleigh and carries it, she says "the beaten unbeaten man is lucky", gets better when the wolf asks her again]: Afanasiev 1958 (1), No. 4:7-9; Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky district) [the grandfather dug a hole, her animals fell, each brought a ransom; the wolf - a hundred horses, a bear - honey, a hare - a bag of money, a fox - geese; the fox stayed with her grandfather; says her name is home; the child was named top; then Seredinka; Scraper; grandfather went to get honey - empty; each of the animals says he did not take it; fox: let's jump off the bench, whoever feathers ate honey; everyone feathered except her; grandfather drove everyone away] : Malinka 1902, No. 36:316-317.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karachays [The fox tells the Wolf and the Bear that he can even make a rope out of the sand, promises to get food; they find a wineskin with butter; Lisa advises hanging a wineskin on a tree, waiting in a cave the right time to attack a herd of sheep; the fox says her name to give a name to the khan's newborn son; when she returned, she said that she named the boy Bashlamysh; then Ortamysh; Jalamysh (beginning, middle, end); The Wolf offers to warm up by the fire, go to bed on the boards - under whoever the board becomes oily, he ate the oil; at night, the Fox changed the boards; the Bear chased the Wolf, he ran away; the Fox offers the Bear - let the one who gets to the den first get a piece of bacon; The fox replaces the lard with a stone, the Bear breaks his teeth; The fox pretends to eat honey, advises to put his head in the hive, the Bear was bitten by bees, he blind; the fox pretends to be the Hare, tells the Bear to go to the sound of the bell, brings him to the edge of the abyss, says he is ahead of the sheep; the wind pushes the Fox into the abyss, the bird grabs the bell, which is now Ringing behind the Bear, he moves away from the abyss]: Rumyantseva 1981:28-34; Avars [Lisa, Bear and Wolf have three jugs of butter and honey; Lisa says three times that she is invited to a birthday party Khan son; eats the contents of the jugs; when she returns, she says that her son was called "Neck", "Middle", "Bottom"; at night she vomits, she vomits the faces of the sleeping Wolf and Bear, who blame each other stealing, fighting, killing each other; The fox licked their blood]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 13:80-81; Turks [fox and wolf (sometimes also bear or camel) make supplies (honey, chicken, lamb); each fox once she says that her name is to give birth, eats supplies; when a wolf (wolf and bear, wolf and camel) finds out that supplies are gone, she and the fox lie in the sun; the fox has honey on her stomach, she smears the wolf's belly with it; the wolf chases the fox, it hides in the hole, the wolf grabs its tail; the fox says he grabbed the root]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 6:31.
Iran - Central Asia. Persians [the fox came to visit the crane, it poured wheat on the stone, ate everything himself; the fox called the crane, poured flour into the water, poured it on the stone, licked everything itself; promised to show the crane a game , put his head in the mud under the stone; the crane put the fox on his back, flew up, threw it away, it fell and went into the mud; the shepherd pulled it by the tail; the fox: I wanted to dig my father's treasure here, you prevented it, Now give me one sheep; he brought a fat one, but the fox did not like it and she took a skinny one, sat on horseback and rode it; everyone says that she is going to a mantis; wolf, hyena, bear, leopard, boar, lion join; the sheep died, it was cooked; at night the fox ate the meat, put the bones in the wolf's ass; let's jump over the ditch - whoever loses bones from his ass ate; fell out of the wolf's ass, killed, laid down into the cauldron; the fox ate the meat, the bones in the bear's ass; then the same with all the animals; the fox and the lion remain; the fox pretends to eat its eyes; the lion let his eyes be pulled out; the fox: our fathers jumped over this cliff; lion jumped, crashed to death]: Romaskevich 1934a, No. 45:227-230; Tajiks (Surkhan-Darya) [wolf and fox live together; have prepared roasted meat; harvest has come; fox says padishah's wife calls her to name the child; eats half of the meat, replies that the child was given the name Miner; next time she finished the meat, the child's name Lizhi No-Lizhi; for the third time she ate the supplies left in the house, filled covered the jug with her crap, covered it with clay on top; the child's name was Clay clay; the wolf and the fox began to argue about who ate the meat; the judge ordered them to lie down in a hot frying pan; the wolf was tired of work, fell asleep, and the fox shifted fat from under his feet under the wolf's feet; the judge ruled in favor of the fox]: Levin et al. 1981, No. 327:256-257.
Baltoscandia. Latvians [wolf, bear, hare, fox came to mow hay; the fox pretends to be called for christening, eats honey brought by the bear, replies that the child was named Pochy; then Half-empty; The last one; advises you to sleep first, then eat honey; smears the wolf's mouth with the remnants of honey; the bear rushed after the wolf, the fox and the hare laughing, the hare's lip burst]: Arys 1971:54-56; Lithuanians [8 options; the fox came to live with a wolf and a bear {Lithuanian bear zh.r.}, at that barrel of honey; says three times that she is called for christening; the names of the newborns are Verkhushka, Seredinka, Donyshko; to find out who ate honey, suggests comparing bowel movements; put grated bird cherry next to her and to the wolf, and smeared honey on the bear's ass; the bear is puzzled, the fox ran away]: Kerbelite 2014, No. 19:55-56; Estonians [before Ivanov's Day, a fox, a wolf and a bear stole two barrels of butter; one was left in reserve; fox: my name is for christening; ate butter; the child was named Kuhjake; next time Half ( Pooleli); Empty (Tühi); on Ivanov Day, all three went to get the stored oil; fox: let's lie in the sun, whoever has a shiny nose ate the oil; the bear immediately fell asleep; the wolf wiped his nose thoroughly, also fell asleep; the fox smeared the wolf's nose with oil residues; when the bear and fox woke up, they began to shame the wolf; he ran away, no longer meets the bear and fox]: Jakobson 1987:70-72; Finns: Rakhimova 2000 [the bear, the wolf, the fox, the hare picked the berries, the bear left half for breakfast; the fox ate them, put one berry in the wolf's mouth, the bear killed him, ate half; the fox ate the remaining half, put a piece of meat in the hare's mouth, the bear killed him, ate half, warned the fox that if it eats the remaining half, he would kill it; the fox ate it, dug a way out of the hut, the bear has time to grab her by paw; she says he grabbed a stick, put a stick on him, ran away herself, told people that there was a bear in the hut, they killed him]: 166; Goldberg 1957 [the wolf and the fox began to cut down the forest to build a field; a pot of butter; the fox pretends to be called for a christening, goes to eat butter; says the child was named "Traute einmal"; next time "Glaubte zweimal"; "Three times made him happy" (Glückte dreimal); when the wolf went to the oil, the pot is empty; the fox offers to lie on a rock in the sun, from which oil will melt; the wolf fell asleep, the fox smeared his face with oil; the wolf believed that he was to blame; when fallen trees were burned, the fox stood and said that it did not allow sparks to fly into the forest, and the wolf carried branches; then he said that it must ensure that the birds did not peck the sown seeds]: 9-14; Norwegians [the fox and bear have oil; the fox says her name is for christening, leaves, eats oil; smears the bear's tail or nose with leftovers as if he ate it]: Hodne 1984, No. 15:25.
Volga - Perm. Komi [the fox and the wolf (bear) keep honey (butter) in reserve; the fox pretends to be called a midwife and eats honey; accuses the wolf and, to prove his guilt, spreads honey on him while sleeping belly that seems to have drowned out of it]: Korovina 2012, No. 15:73; Marie [a bump fell on the hare, he rushed to run, replies to the squirrel that the war is going on; then the fox, the wolf, the bear; the animals ran to hut and began to live; the fox went to look for meat, met a strange beast; told others that she would invite him to lunch just to have fatty meat; let the hare meet, the rest would hide; the bear under the shop, the wolf behind the stove, the squirrel on the crossbar, the fox on the floor; the cat climbed onto the table where the meat was, saw the fox's tail move, snorted; the animals ran away in horror; the cat left, the meat was over; decided to eat each other; ate a squirrel, a hare; a fox: let's stab the one who wakes up in the morning with greasy lips; greased the wolf's lips; the bear crushed him; there was no fire; the fox showed the bear the moon, told him to climb the spruce tree, take a splint and light it; teaches you to jump, then it will get it; the bear fell, crashed, the fox ate it]: Tudorovskaya, Eman 1945:95-97; Mordovians [the fox imposed on the bear to live; knocks its tail on the window, as if her name is to baptize the child; she reached the tub with butter herself and began to eat; when she returned, she said that the child was named Cob; then Half; Bottom; for the fourth time she washed the tub, put it upside down: the child was called the Tipper; when he found an empty tub, the bear suggests comparing the droppings: whose litter will be oily; the fox changed the droppings with its tail; bear: it's your buttery feces, and I have black feces]: Yurtov 1883, No. 10:29-33; Chuvash [an acorn fell on the rooster's head, he rushed to run; hare: what's the matter? rooster: wedding, noise and din, something fell on their heads; let's go together; fox, wolf, bear join them; went into the hut; ate a rooster; then a hare; at night the fox greased the wolf's lips; in the morning: who finished eating a rooster? The wolf has oily lips, it was eaten; the fox extinguished the fire, sent the bear to go for the fire - the grandmother lit it (points to the stars); the bear climbed the oak tree; the fox tells him to climb higher; the bear fell, ripped his stomach; the fox eats bear meat, lives in the house]: Chuvash tales 1937:213-214; Kazan Tatars [a fox and a bear have prepared a tub of butter and honey; the fox pretends to be called for christening three times; returning, replies that the child was named Pochatushek, Half, Scraper; when the bear finds the loss, the fox suggests going to bed with his stomach up; smears the sick bear's stomach with oil and honey, he remains ill]: Yarmukhametov 1957:191-194 (=1970:238-241; =Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 2:25-27); Bashkirs [Bear, Wolf, Dog and Hare have a cow, prepared butter; Lisa calls herself an orphan, she is allowed to live; she goes out, knocks on the window, says in a false name that her name is on the occasion of the birth of a badger; she is told this, she leaves, eats butter, when she returns, says that the badger was named Pocob; then Seredochek; Scrapers; when they want to fry potatoes, they find an empty jug; let everyone lie by the fire, the oil will come out on his stomach; the fox collects oil from her stomach, pours it on the Bear; he asks to check again; The Wolf, the Dog and the Hare are pretending to fall asleep, everyone can see; the Fox is being chased away]: Barag 1989, No. 85:389-393.
Western Siberia. Mansi [the old man makes a boat, the fox advises the boy to be put under the boat to show him how to do it; the old man lays, cuts the boy with an ax; the fox gets into another boat, finds it unnoticed eats various supplies; accordingly answers questions about the names of the reaches (a bunch of sturgeon gills, a bunch of rolls, half a loaf of bread); comes to the old man, turns into a boy, lives with an old man and old woman; allegedly goes away for the child's christening three times, eats fat from the krinka himself, replies that the child was called "krinka's neck", "middle", "bottom"; the old woman suggests lying on the stove, on which the fat will boil; the boy wiped himself with dust, rubbed the old man with fat; and now the Fox lives well]: Lukina 1990, No. 194:501-503.
Eastern Siberia. Central Yakuts (2nd Nakharinsky Nasleg of Megino-Kangalassky Ulus) [The Fox and the Wolf live together; the fox is slowly eating up a supply of hayak (sour ice cream butter); when leaving, he says every time that goes to visit; offers to put her asses in front of the fire to find out who ate the hayak; the Wolf falls asleep; she cleans off the foam that comes out of her ass, smears the Wolf's ass with it; both curse each other]: Ergis 1964-1967 (1), No. 3: 35-37.