Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M74E. Divides by biting off piece by piece .13.14.29.

Two characters ask the third to share something edible between them. He bites off a little bit from each of the halves, because one or the other is slightly larger. As a result, it eats everything.

Tigres, Berbers of Morocco, Kurds.

Sudan - East Africa. Tigre [two cats stole cheese and asked the baboon to divide it equally between them; he bites off each half consistently because it is slightly heavier than the other; cats ask to give it to them The rest, they agree to the sharing, but the baboon keeps biting off until it's eaten everything]: Beaton 1947:147-148.

North Africa. Berbers of Morocco (Western 1950) [two cats found the cake, asked the cadia to divide it; he sent it to the monkey; the monkey divided the cake and weighed it; one half was slightly heavier than the other; the monkey bit off it; now the other half was bigger; as a result, the monkey ate everything]: Leguil 1988, No. 35:237-238.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. The Kurds [two cats stole a head of cheese and ask the monkey to divide it between them; she weighs half on the scales and bites off more; now this half is lighter; the scales are balanced, when the monkey finished the cheese]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 178:488.