Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M75A. Revenge for falling from heaven .44.46.47.

The character lures a veteran to avenge his fall from the sky. Either the (potauatomi) shovel drops the character or leaves him on top to avenge being lured and caught.

Winnebago, Menominee, Western Ojibwa, Sauk and Fox, Kickapoo, Potauatomi, Ojibwa Steppe, Western Marsh Cree, Assiniboine, Omaha and Ponca, Koasati.

The Midwest. Winnebago [Wakjunkaga asks Vulture to ride him through the air on his back; he throws him from a height; V. turns into a dead moose, clamps Vulture's head in his ass; since then bald vultures]: Radin 1956, No. 17-18, 34-35:20-21, 35-36; menominee [like Winnebago]: Bloomfield 1928, No. 83 [Menapus asks Vulture to ride it; he drops him from a height; falling, M. sees his own ass in front of him; asks moose to turn it into an elk; killed by wolves, animals and birds gather for a feast; Vulture sticks his head into the elk's ass, M. clamps it; lets it go, but The vulture stays bald]: 233-235; Hoffman 1896:202-203; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 17:292-293; Western Ojibwa: Barnouw 1977, No. 11 [Venebojo turns into dead caribou; Vulture vanishes his head in the anus, M. catches him; dances, Vulture slips out, stays bald], 12 [like Winnebago; asks to teach him how to fly]: 89-90; Western Ojibwa: Blackwood 1929, No. 7 [Manabazoo asks a beautiful bird to carry it across the lake; the bird warns not to look down; he looks, falls into the water, gets ashore; turns into a dead animal; birds flock to peck at it; the one that carried M . through the air, sticks his head into the animal's body (obviously in the anus), M. jumps up, holding the bird's head; comes to the village; frees the bird; feathers have come off its head, the bird has become a bald vulture (turkey- buzzard); at night, M. joins the dancers; in the morning discovers that they were not people, but reeds swaying in the wind]: 339-341; Radin 1914, No. 6 [Nenebozho tells the Raven to call the Eagle to peck dead kingfisher, sturgeon; both times the Eagle suspects that it is N.; comes to peck a man's corpse; N. catches the Eagle when he sticks his head into his anus; since then, the Eagle's head has been white and bald]: 16-17; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 11 (Minnesota) [Manabozo asks a beautiful bird to ride it through the air; the bird warns not to look down; M. looks, falls into the lake; turns into a dead animal, clamps the bird's head at himself in the ass; turns a bird into a bald vulture]: 87-91; Western Ojibwa (Michigan) [Manabozo asks Wenange (like a blue eagle) to ride it; he leaves it on the edge of a cliff saying that he himself is in a hurry to the holiday; M. falls, falls into a hollow stump; two women named Bad Woman (PJ) and New Woman (NJ) cut a stump, believing that there may be a white porcupine inside; M. replies that this is him; the prostate expands the hole, the NJ tells her not to do it; M. tears off her suede clothes from the prostate, runs away; makes greaves out of it, but a toad is in them, M. throws it away greaves; sees the reflection of red berries, dives, hits his head in the blood against a stone, this is the first bruise; sees berries on the bushes, breaks branches angrily; takes the form of a dead moose; the last to peck carrion Wenange descends; M. clamps his head backwards, drags him with him, releases when his feathers have peeled off, since then the vulture has been bald; then see M65 motif]: Kinietz 1947:211-213; sauk, fox [ see motif B3A; after diving underground and creating land, his grandfather Sun calls Wi-sa-kä to him; V. asks Vulture to take him to heaven; he almost picked him up and deliberately dropped him; his grandfather picked him up the Tree him; V. asks Moose to catch Vulture; he pretended to be dead; first Wolves came, then Ravens, then Vulture; caught and led to V.; that colorful vulture feathers made the colors of the earth as punishment; his head became naked when the Elk dragged him; forced the vultures on previously flat ground to dig valleys, form mountains with their wings]: Jones 1901:235-237; kickapoo [Visakya asks the vulture to ride him on his back; he leaves V. at the edge of the sky; V. descends, becoming a leaf, falls into a hollow; the old woman makes a hole, shows her husband V.'s pubic hair, the husband agrees that there is a bear in the hollow; cuts a tree, V. runs away; pretends to be dead, clamps Vulture's head in his anus; since then, vultures are bald]: Jones 1915, No. 3:9-13; potauatomi [Visakya first hides under the carcasses of the dead animals, then turns into a dead moose; Vulture puts his head in his ass, V. catches him; other birds ask him to let him go; V. wants him to ride it; Vulture leaves V. at the top of the mountain; V. asks the Eagle to bring him a stick, kills the Eagle with it, goes down on his wings, falls into the hollow; people think there's a bear inside, they cut the trunk; V. gives them Vulture feathers to make a sacred package]: Skinner 1924 : 340-342; steppe ojibwa [Nanibozhu asks the vulture Wisnyange to ride it; he is tired, but N. demands to fly further; V. throws N., he wants to fall on the soft, and so it happened; turns into a dead moose (bull); when V. puts his elk's head into the anus, N. squeezes the sphinker; since then V. is bald, N. tells him to eat carrion]: Skinner 1919, No. 4:281-282; Western Swamp Cree ( northern Manitoba) [Wesukechak asks Eagle to take him to the cloud; the cloud begins to melt, the Eagle refuses to take V. back, he falls his head into the swamp; V. kills, gutts the deer (moose), hides inside; birds flock to peck carrion, V. grabs the Eagle; drags him with him, pieces of rotten meat fall on him, since then the eagle's feathers stink]: Clay 1978:60-63.

Plains. Assiniboine [Sitkonsky asks Eagle to take him with him; he leaves him on an icy mountain; when the snow melts, S. jumps, falls upside down into the swamp; turns into a dead moose; The eagle sticks its head into his anus (since then that color), S. grabs him and kills him]: Lowie 1990, No. 8:107; Omaha, Ponka [Iktinica asks Vulture to roll him across the sky; The vulture throws I. into the hollow; I. has raccoon skins with him, he sticks his tails into the cracks in the trunk; women cut a hole in order to get raccoons, I. goes out; pretends to be a dead moose, catches Vulture with his head pinched in his anus; since then, vultures are bald]: Dorsey 1890:77-78; iowa [like Omaha; Ishiinka screams from a stump to Sauk women that there is a raccoon in the hollow; first turns into a dead horse, Vulture doesn't believe; then an elk]: Skinner 1925, No. 27:486-487.

Southeast USA. Koasati [Vulture leaves Rabbit in the sky; Rabbit falls, comes to life; pretends to be dead; pulls out Vulture's feathers; Rabbit's mother whips Vulture]: Swanton 1929, No. 62:211.