Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M75b1. Marco Rich, ATU 930.

.14.-. (.35.36.) .38.

A person (usually of high status) learns that a poor boy who is born will inherit his property or become king. He tries to stop it, but what he predicted comes true.

Tunisia, Morocco (Berbers and probably Arabs), Arabs of Egypt, Ancient Egypt, Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Corsicans, Italians (Tuscany, Basilicata, Calabria), Bretons, French, Irish, Welsh, Scots, British, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Switzerland, Austria), Friesians, Flemish, Qatar, Yemen, Iraq, Palestine, Lebanon, Aramaians, Kachin, Ancient India, Marathi, Sinhales, Chinese, Koreans, Albanians, Greeks, Macedonians, Moldovans, Romanians, Hungarians, Slovenes, Serbs, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Olonetskaya, Novgorod, Pskov, Vologda, Voronezh, Oryol, Tambov, Smolensk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Volyn, Galicia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia, Pokutye, Kiev, Poltava, Chernihiv), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Ossetians, Abkhazians, Abazins, Adygs, Karachays or Balkarians, Ingush, Gunzibs, Kyurins, Aguls, Udis, Tatas, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Turkmens, Persians, Uzbeks, Estonians, Setu, Lutsi, Livons, Karelians, Veps, Finns, Western Sami, Norwegians, Icelanders, Danes, Swedes, Latvians, Lithuanians, Mari, Kazan Tatars, Komi, Kazakhs, (Kyrgyz), Khalkha Mongols, (Eastern Khanty, Yakuts), Japanese (North Ryukyu ).

North Africa. Tunisia [1) The emir had a daughter and called a stargazer to predict her fate. He said that she would marry a poor man who was born with her on the same day, looked like her, and he lives near the palace. The Emir was upset, found it, bought it from his parents, put it in a chest and sent it to sail along the river. He was found by a farmer and his wife and raised as his own son. The Emir found it again and decided to get rid of it. He sent him to the palace and sent him a letter. When the young man stayed in the same house and fell asleep, the owner opened the letter and read: "Hang him as soon as he comes to you." The owner wrote: "Welcome him warmly." He was allowed into the palace, and the emir was already there. He decided to get rid of the young man for the third time. I sent him to get three hairs from Gulya's head, then he marries his daughter, otherwise he dies. He met a carrier across the river. Why did the boat sail slowly? Garden owner. Why did apples get bitter? A well. Why did the water disappear from it? The old woman ripped her hair out and found out the answers. The boat is a mermaid, you must sacrifice a bird on the river bank (!). Apples are tree roots. You should spray them with incense (frankincense). The well was filled with locusts. The young man did everything, he was rewarded, and he returned to the emir with three hair. He told him everything that had happened to him, and the emir decided to marry him to his daughter because this young man was the bravest and most worthy. "Bravery and high moral character are better than position and wealth!" ; 2) Once upon a time there was a king, and he had an unpleasant dream. He met a sheikh while walking in the garden, who explained to him his dream that he would have a daughter and the cook would have a son, and one day he would marry a princess. Then the king ordered the chef's wife to be killed. But the servants sent by the king felt sorry for her, took her to the forest and released her. She took refuge with a lonely old woman, gave birth there, and then took her child to the royal palace. The Queen did not have children and decided to adopt a boy. This is how Poval's son became a prince. Many years later, the first king came to see the second. He found out that the prince was the son of a cook and sent him a letter to the vizier in his kingdom to cut off his head. On the way, the prince fell asleep and the princess saw him, she took out a letter and copied it. Upon arrival, the prince married a princess. When the king returned, he demanded an answer from the vizier, then from the prince. Then the princess came in and explained everything and said that she loved him and couldn't live without him. The king had no choice but to bless them]: Al-Aribi 2009, No. 44 in Korovkina MS; Morocco (Berbers and probably Arabs), Arabs of Egypt: El-Shamy 2004, No. 930:621-623; Ancient Egypt [Pharaoh Khufu and the Wizards, Dynasty XVIII; knowing that a woman's son is destined to become a pharaoh, the current pharaoh cannot prevent this; text partially reconstructed]: Maspero No. 2:17-33.

Southern Europe. The Spanish (Murcia) [the king learns that his newborn son or a boy born to a poor man will take his throne; he (buys a newborn and) leaves him in the forest; eventually learns that the boy survived and grew up; sends him to the court with a letter ordering the death of the applicant; a dwarf or robbers replace the letter with an order to marry a young man to a princess; the king tries to get rid of son-in-law, giving him difficult assignments; (hereinafter ATU 461, the king recognizes his son-in-law, dies himself)]: Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 930:169; Catalans (including Mallorca) [the king sleeps with the poor man, sees in a dream that a boy born here that night will become his son-in-law; tells the servant to kill the newborn, but he leaves the baby in the forest; he was found and adopted by a knight; the young man became a valiant warrior; after learning about him of origin, the king sends him to the Queen with a letter ordering the death of the applicant; at the inn, the priest replaces the letter with an order to marry the young man to the king's daughter; the young man becomes royal son-in-law]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 930:188-189; Portuguese [it is predicted that a shoemaker's newborn son will become a merchant's son-in-law; a merchant tries to get rid of the boy; after all, a prophecy turns]: Cardigos 2006, No. 930:242; Corsicans [when the son was born, the father looked at the stars and replied to the person who arrived that he would be king; the one who arrived himself was king; promising to raise the boy, he took him and threw him into the waterfall under the mill; he was immediately picked up by a miller whose wife also gave birth to a boy; the adopter grew up hard-working and intelligent; his own son reproached him for his origin, a young man left home; stayed with childless spouses; brilliantly finished school, then went to college, where the prince himself studied; they became friends; when he saw the portrait of the "maiden of the three mountains of gold", the prince went looking for her, his friend is with him; in the hotel room in which they spent the night, there are two chairs; one has the inscription "The Legal King" and the other says "The Miller King"; the prince falls asleep, and the young man hears a voice from the magic he has revealed books: "Let's eat them, because they want to take the maiden of the three mountains of gold; she is guarded by lions, but at noon they fall asleep; she has to remove the pin from her head, then the witchcraft will dissipate and the girl wakes up"; they took them away a girl, but at night one of the sorcerers caught up with them and turned the young man into stone; the prince returns to that room, which now has only one chair with the inscription "The Legal King"; the book replies that it takes three days catch fish caught on the third day to fry and grease the petrified person with it; the young man came to life; the prince married the maiden of the three mountains of gold and handed the crown to the miller's receptionist]: Massignon 1984, No. 14:31-33; Italians ( Basilicana, Calabria): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 930:239; Italians (first half of the 14th century; Tuscany) [on the night when future Emperor Henry II was born, Emperor Conrad hunted and found himself in the forest; he came across a hut where G.'s father and mother lived, expelled for murder and hiding from the imperial authorities; G. was born in the hut that night; Conrad had a vision that the baby would become his son-in-law and would inherit the throne; K. did not know G.'s father, the Count, by sight, and thought he was a simple man; G. ordered the boy to be killed, but his servants spared him and reported that they had carried out the order; G. grew up and joined the court of K. ; having recognized G. by some signs and signs, K. sent him to his wife with a letter ordering him to kill the applicant; G. spent the night at the inn with a priest; in pursuance of God's will, he secretly removed these words from the letter, replacing them with an order to hand their daughter off for this burden; and so it happened; despite opposition from K., G. was crowned in 1040 and reigned for 17 years]: Villani 2019, books 4, 15 : 97-98.

Western Europe. The Bretons [the king is called to be the godfather of the gardener's son; the gardener says his son is marrying the king's daughter; the king lets the child in the glass cradle into the sea; he is picked up adopts a wine merchant, gives the name Charles; the king admires S.; after learning his story, he sends him to the Queen with a letter ordering the execution of the applicant; the tax collector at the inn accidentally reads the letter , replaces orders to take care of the giver; the king sends S. to the army, who defeats enemies; the king agrees to marry him if S. brings three hairs from the devil's golden beard; the devil's mother draws water into a barrel without a bottom, hides S., pulls his hair out of his son's beard, gives S.; the king dies; wedding]: Luzel 1995:40-46; Irish [the poor boy is predicted to marry the king's daughter; the king does everything to get rid of the boy, but what was predicted comes true]: Jackson 1936, No. 930:289; the Germans [the king drove through the village; he was told that the poor woman's son was born in shirt and he is predicted to marry the royal daughter; the king asked for the baby to be given to him; he put the child in a casket, threw it into the river; the miller caught the casket, raised the boy; 14 years later, the king visited the mill, found out that the boy was a foundling, understood who he was; asked to send the young man with a letter to the Queen; in a letter, an order to kill the giver before the king returned; the young man spent the night with the old woman in a brothel robbers; the chieftain read the letter, ordered the giver to marry the royal daughter; wedding; when the king returned, he demanded that his son-in-law bring three golden hair from hell from the devil's head; Ways ask the young man to know why the fountain of wine in the city square has dried up; why the apple tree no longer brings golden apples and even the leaves have fallen; on the river, the carrier asks when it will be replaced; grandmother is a feature turned the young man into an ant, hid it in his skirt; the devil falls asleep with his head on his grandmother's lap; she pulls his golden hair three times, each time says that she dreamed of this and that (about the fountain, apple tree, carrier), hell answers; under the fountain stone there is a toad; the roots of the apple tree are gnawed by a mouse; let the carrier give a pole to another; the young man gives news to the carrier only when he is on the other side; receives gold from the owners of the fountain and apple tree; tells his father-in-law that he collected gold on the river; the king set off himself, the carrier gave him the pole, the king stayed as a carrier]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 29:100-107 (= Grimm, Grimm 1987:95-100); the French [{very similar to the German version of the Grimms}; the king was driving through the village; he was told that the lumberjack's newborn son was predicted to marry royal daughter; the king asked for the baby to be given him, gave him gold; he wrapped the child in a cloak, left it on the river bank; 16 years later, the king visited those places and realized that the peasant's adopted son was that boy; sent the young man to his wife, giving a letter asking him to kill the bearer; the young man spent the night with the robbers, they replaced the letter with an order to marry the young man to the king's daughter; when he returned, the king orders his son-in-law should bring three golden ecus traits; on the way, the young man is asked to know why the wine fountain in the city square has dried up; why the apple tree no longer brings golden apples; on the river, the carrier asks when they will change; the devil turned the young man into a cricket; the devil falls asleep, the devil takes his ecu three times, he wakes up every time, the devil says she dreamed of this and that (a fountain, an apple tree, a carrier) hell answers; under the fountain stone there is a toad; a rat gnaws on the roots of an apple tree; let the carrier give oars to another; the young man gives the news to the carrier only when he is on the other side; the king himself went to get gold ecus, the carrier gave him the oars, he stayed as a carrier]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 461:147-149; Welsh, Scots, British, Friezes, Flemish, Germans (Schleswig-Holstein, Switzerland, Austria): Uther 2004 (1), No. 930:568-569

Western Asia. Lebanon, the Aramaians [the king and the vizier walk around the city in disguise; a boy was born in a poor house; a vizier to the king: he will be your heir; the king buys a child and throws him into the river; a miller picked him up; the king and the vizier come to the miller, the vizier recognizes the young man; the king sends a letter to his wife, ordering him to kill the giver; the princess finds the sleeping young man, replaces the letter with an order marry her to him; vizier to the king: you can't escape fate; the king appoints his son-in-law to a high position]: Nowak 1969, No. 264:252; Iraqis [one sister married a rich, the other a poor brother; wives are childless; man has given dates to each one: now the wife of a rich man will give birth to a daughter and a poor man a son, the children will grow up and marry; the wife of a rich man promises that she will not allow this; while the poor man's wife is doing laundry, the wife the rich man put her baby in a box with money and clothes, lowered her down the river, and put the heart of a sheep in bed; he was eaten by a dog and the rich man's wife said that the dog ate the baby; the mother cried so much, that she was blind; the baby was picked up and raised by a peasant; every morning a gold coin in his bed; the peasant became rich; then died; his wife, dying, told her son that he was a foundling; the young man took the movable property and came to Baghdad; stayed in a wealthy house, not knowing that it was the house of his own mother's sister; when he saw that the visitor was rich, his daughter was immediately married to him; but he put his sword on the bed; explained to his mother-in-law because she wrote on all the dowry items: I wrote the year and I erased it; she told him the whole story; she had to show him his own mother; he told his wife and mother-in-law to serve her]: Bushnaq 1987:147-150; Qatar, Yemen, Palestinians, Lebanon: El-Shamy 2004, No. 930:621-623


Army of India. Kachin [the sage predicts a peasant son to be king; the king throws the boy in a chest into the river, he is picked up; the king meets the young man, finds out, orders him to carry the letter; he is ordered to kill giver; on the way, robbers replace the letter, the giver must marry the princess; the king tells his son-in-law 1) to bring three golden hairs of the naked; on the way, the young man is asked to know why the spring is dry, does not bear fruit a golden tree, how can a carrier across the river get rid of this job; an old woman (apparently nata's mother) pulls out golden hairs from a dormant nat, each time she says that in her dream she saw that the spring had dried up, etc. ; nat replies that it is necessary to drive away the frog that sat on a stone by the spring, drive the rat out from under the roots of the tree, the carrier must give the boat and paddle to another; the young man heard the answers when he became an ant; the greedy king he goes for hairs himself, receives a boat and a paddle from the carrier]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 31:109-114.

South Asia. Ancient India [in a collection of fairy tales by Dshanmini Bgarata (13th century), King Kuntal's minister wants to lime the child in which he predicted the king; sent him to the forest with a slave, but the slave felt sorry for the child; under the name Chandragazy, the boy grew up in the prince's house; the minister found out about this, sent a letter to his son with an order to give poison to the giver; C. fell asleep by the lake, Minister Vishay's daughter sent a letter (instead of visham, "poison", Vishaya), C. married her; in order to kill her son-in-law, the minister tells the slave to hide in the temple and kill the one who brings flowers; the minister's son undertook to carry them and was killed; C. received the crown]: Sumtsov 1894:20-21; Marathi [the king's son was born with 6 toes; this was considered an ominous omen; soon the king was killed by enemies, his wife rushed into the funeral fire, the boy was rescued by a maid who soon died; he was begging in the city of Kuntalpur; when he came to the palace, the brahmanas told the vizier that the boy would become king and would inherit the vizier's wealth; the vizier sent servants to kill the boy, but they spared him, they cut off and brought the sixth finger to the vizier; the boy was picked up by King Kulinda, his wife raised him and gave him the name Chandrahasa; when C. reached the age of 15, he decided to fight against the king's enemies; obtained wealth; king sent a part to the ruler of Kuntalpur, who is subordinate to him; the vizier arrived and recognized the young man; sent a letter to King Kuntalpur, supposedly to introduce him; the vizier's daughter found the young man sleeping, read the letter replaced the order to poison the person sent by the order to marry her; at this time, the vizier captured King Culinda and took his wealth; returning and learning that C. became his son-in-law, a former vizier sent two murderers to the temple and ordered C. to worship there; but the son of the former vizier told C. that King Kuntalpur urgently summoned him to marry his daughter and give him the throne; the vizier's son was killed; The vizier committed suicide by hitting his head against the column; C. asked the goddess to revive the dead, she did so and they improved; C. freed King Kulinda; in Maharashtra, this story is described in the sacred books]: Sheorey 1973, No. 7:42-47; Sinhales [the king takes a pupil; after the queen gives birth to a son, decides to kill him; bulls, wagons did not trample, did not crush the boy, he returned from the forest; the king sends the pupil with a letter to the potter to burn the giver in the oven; his own son asks the pupil to recoup for him, carries the letter himself, is burned; the king sends the pupil with a letter to another king; his the princess opens, replaces, the applicant is not executed, but married to a princess; the tsar transfers the property on death, does not have time to say that he DOES NOT GIVE all this to the heir]: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 95: 231-233.

China - Korea. Chinese [{some sources are probably not Chinese, but there are so many records that there are probably Chinese too}]: Ting 1978, No. 930; Koreans []: Ząng 1952, No. 56: (in Uther 2004 (1), No. 930:968-969).

The Balkans. Albanians [a rich man went to buy sheep, stayed in a poor house where the woman just gave birth; at night he sees three worlds (Greek moirs) enter, the eldest predicts that a boy born will marry the daughter of a guest staying at the house; second, that man will hire a murderer, but he will kill him, not this boy; the rich man bought the baby and left him in a hole in the mountains; and the eldest Mira began to bring a goat and give it milk; the shepherd wondered why the goat no longer had milk, found a boy, called Visoji'dhas (goat feeder), raised it; after 20 years, the rich man met a shepherd, I understood everything, sent the young man to his wife with a letter: let the servants chop him into pieces and cook him in a cauldron; the young man stopped under the poplar, dozed off, the second world replaced the letter with an order to marry him to the daughter of a rich man; he returned, decided to kill his son-in-law, hired the grooms to slaughter the first person who came to the stable; the third world appeared in a dream to the young man's wife, ordered him not to be allowed into the stable early in the morning; covered himself with a cloak find out how things are, he was killed]: Lambertz 1952:106-112; Albanians []: Dozon 1991, No. 13:97-108; Moldovans [boyar Marku Rich had a feast; the poor old man was driven away; he spent the night in a poor house; the hostess hears someone asking him several times at night about the fate of another newborn; says about the third that he will get all the MB's property; the woman reports this to the MB; he finds a home in whom the woman gave birth to the 13th child at this hour, convinces him to give him the newborn, throws him into the thickets; a childless farmhand picked him up; having learned about this, MB bought the baby, lowered him down the river in a barrel, him picked up by workers at the cloth mill; MB asks who makes such a good cloth, he was told a story about a foundling; MB sends a young man with a letter to his home, ordering him to burn the giver; a bee asks to drive the bear away, in gratitude replaces the letter with an order to marry the applicant to his daughter; when he returns, MB sends his son-in-law to the next world for the ring of his deceased mother; on the way, a man sitting in the river and thirsty, asks to know how long to suffer; from one barrel wine pours over the edge, the other is dissolved; in the ravine, pop asks for food, a snake comes out of his mouth; hungry people cannot carry food at the table to the mouth, they ask Beelzebub the Ancient how long they will suffer; the soldier at the gates of hell asks him to know how long he should stand; the old woman hides the young man, asks Beelzebub; he promises to bring a ring; the thirsty was a cruel and greedy rich man, to suffer forever and ever; the same pop Kalach is a cruel and greedy profanity; kegs: there are poor and rich; hungry at the table should feed each other ; the guard of hell will soon replace MB; the young man is back, MB went to check the limestone, became the guardian of hell]: Moldavian tales 1968:346-360; Macedonians: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991 [the merchant's son returns every time without goods; he spends the money given by his father to learn the art of wandering musicians and gamblers; his father sold it to another merchant; the guy warns that the person who bought it will repent; the buyer sent the guy on the ship, giving the sailor a letter for his wife: torment the guy with dirty work, starve him; I'll arrive myself in a month, let the king greet him with fireworks from cannons; on the way, the sailor everything lost cards, and the guy played back for him; for this he gave him a letter; the guy wrote something else: to benefit him and marry his daughter; and so it happened; the king heard the guy play, he was him liked it; the guy turned him against the merchant; when he arrived, the king does not notice any fireworks; when he sees his son-in-law, the merchant recognized his intelligence; the boy's parents came to the wedding, they also recognized the merits of their son ]: 296-302; Sumtsov 1894 [a merchant at the night heard three maidens of fate determine the fate of a newborn; one gave him 7 years of life, the other 12, and the third a lot of merchant's property; he bought a child and threw him into the ravine; the shepherd picked him up, called Nayden, raised him; the merchant sent him to his wife as if for money with an order to kill the giver; the old man copied the letter, Naydena married the merchant's daughter; the merchant orders people throw the first person to come for water into the well; his wife kept N., the merchant went to find out if he was abandoned, he himself was thrown into the well]: 15; Bulgarians (Lamsky District) [a rich merchant spends the night with a shinkar's wife; in that night, the shinkar's wife gave birth to a boy, died; one of the maidens of fate decided that the boy should survive and inherit the merchant's property; he bought the baby, left it in the hollow; the shepherd picked it up, called Gorcho ("forest"), raised him; the merchant takes him home, promising to kill him on his daughter, but preparing to kill him; tells the watchmen of the winegrowers to kill whoever comes for wine; the daughter did not let the young man in, the merchant went to cope, he was shot, G. married his daughter and inherited a fortune]: Sumtsov 1894:15-16; Hungarians [two wanderers went into the house of a poor man whose wife was giving birth; in the morning they seemed to drop their ring and left; the poor man caught up with them and returned them a ring; they christened his child and made the house full of food and wine; promised that the boy, when he grew up, would marry the daughter of a rich man next door, who was born the same night; the rich man bought from a poor man put the boy in a coffin, lowered him down the river; the miller caught the boy, raised him; the rich man accidentally saw him and understood everything; asked to send the young man to take the letter to his wife; in the letter an order to poison the giver; the old man changed the order to marry the sent man to his daughter; when he learns what happened, the rich man tells the young man to bring three flowers from the Flower King; on the way, the king asks to know why he is covered in ulcers; the other why he blind; the female carrier - why is she all with this boat; the wife of the "Flower King" hides the young man, asks her husband questions; to do this, every time she pulls out his sleeping hair (his hair is flowers), says that she I dreamed of this and that; 1) the sores will go away when a toad is removed from under the bread oven, a new oven is laid down, new bread is baked; 2) a blind person must remove the golden roofs, cover the rooms with shingles or tiles; 3) the carrier must bake good bread; the Flower King's wife warns the carrier to respond only after she has transported to the other side; the kings have awarded the young man; the rich man is reconciled with his son-in-law]: Ortutai 1974, No. 14:278-292; Greeks []: Dawkins 1916:493-501; Slovenes, Serbs, Romanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 930:568-569

Central Europe. Czechs: Erben in Livshits-Artemyeva 2017 []: 103-112; Němcová 1990 [a wealthy merchant has a daughter Svatava; shepherdess Chestmir is 4 years older than her; they are children playing together; Father S. takes C. learning, sends him to distant lands; after 10 years he returns; father finds C. and S. together; promises to give his daughter only for someone who brings 3 golden feathers of a huge bird; C. comes to a city where people they complain: the healing well has become poisonous, it has a stench, let C. ask the bird why the other king's apple tree bore gold fruits, and now the king's daughter has almost dried up and withers at the same time; the carrier across the sea asks to know how long he will be a carrier; overseas, the old woman hid C.; she is the bird's servant; the bird senses the human being, but the old woman denies everything; when the bird falls asleep, the old woman consistently pulls out three gold feathers from her; each time she says that she dreamed of a parched well, an apple tree, etc.; bird: people have forgotten God, he has placed a spider in the well; if they bring it to God victims will kill the spider; the king put his daughter's lover page in prison, who buried a stillborn child under an apple tree; it must be dug; the carrier must jump off the boat before the passenger, he will take his place; C. jumped ashore, handed the words of the bird to the carrier from the shore; the page was released, the princess recovered, C. was rewarded; victims were made, the spider was killed; C. gave his feathers, married S., her father handed him business management]: 34-52; Slovaks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 930:568-569; Poles [the merchant despises the poor people in whose house he went to hide from the rain; hears sparrows saying that he has just a boy born to poor people will marry his daughter and heir to his wealth; a merchant invites a woman in labor to take her child to make him happy, she agrees, that is, she has many other children, and the husband has just died; leaves the baby in the hollow of a tree; he was picked up by a woman picking mushrooms; called him Znaida (The Foundling); at the age of 7, he kills a snake that crawled to the same merchant who slept in the clearing; from a conversation with Z., the merchant realizes that this is the same child, offers to adopt him; throws him under the mill wheel; the miller saved him, gave him alms to the collector, the boy went to the monastery and began to study; He saved the merchant from wolves for 14 years; he, realizing that Z. was in front of him, stabbed him, rode off on his horse; he was picked up by the merchant's wife and daughter and brought to his house; the merchant is leaving for 8 years on business; his wife Z. sends him to look for him, he accidentally saves him from the fire; the merchant sends a young friend with a letter to immediately marry his daughter as a giver; he was attacked by robbers; Z. accidentally picked up an abandoned one in the forest a letter, the merchant's wife gave Z. a daughter; the merchant hires people to dig a hole on the way to the apiary, they must bury anyone who falls into it; in the morning he sends his son-in-law to the apiary; he saves him from robbers on the way a woman, she turns out to be his mother; the merchant went to the apiary, fell into a hole, he was buried; Z. inherited his property and business]: Dombrovsky 1992:84-97; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Olonetskaya, Novgorod , Pskov, Vologda, Voronezh, Orel, Tambov, Smolensk), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Ugric Russia, Transcarpathia, Volyn, Galicia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Podolia, Pokutye, Kiev, Poltava, Chernigov), Belarusians [Marco Bogaty: a rich man is predicted that his heir and son-in-law will be the son of a poor man; a rich man tries to destroy him; sends him "to the next world"; on the way people he meets ask him to find out how long the oak tree stands, how long to carry the carrier; the hero carries out errands and returns with wealth; predictions come true]: SUS 1979, No. 461:136-137; Belarusians [ a wealthy merchant spent the night with a poor peasant; St. Ilya and St. Nicholas, in the guise of beggars, determined that a newborn lamb would be eaten by a wolf, and a newborn boy would inherit the merchant's wealth; the merchant fried the lamb, but the wolf took it off the table; the merchant bought the child and left in a linden tree hollow; hunters found him, raised him, he went to a merchant at a brewery, met his daughter; the merchant sent him to another factory with a letter to throw the giver into the cauldron, but he went to church, into the cauldron his acquaintance, who undertook to carry the letter, is abandoned; the merchant sends a young man with a letter for the second time, he goes to church again; the merchant goes to make sure that he is well cooked in the cauldron, abandoned himself; well done marries his daughters]: Dobrovolsky 1891:293-295 (retelling in Sumtsov 1894:12); Ukrainians [the plot is very popular; (retelling several versions)]: Sumtsov 1894:13-14; Western Ukrainians (Pokutye) []: Zinchuk 2005b, No. 93:455-460; Northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky U.) {the story, especially the second half, is confused and crumpled} [Rich Marco (hereinafter referred to as king, then Rich Marco again) tells the servants not to let anyone in: the Lord will come to him; unrecognized, the Lord has come , Peter and Paul; asked them to enter the kitchen; BM was angry with his daughter and she also spent the night in the kitchen; hears an angel fly in and asks the Lord what he would give the baby; Lord: BM property; BM went to the village where the baby was born, bought it, threw it into the snow and went home; the king picked it up, put it in a barrel and threw it into the water; the laundress picked it up; the king decided to take him away; sent him with a letter to the queen, in it the order to kill the applicant; the counter asks to show the letter, the guy just took it out, and the words in it changed to an order to marry the giver; the king sent the boy to the snake; the birch, the army, the fish ask where he goes; the guy replies to find out who is richer in the world; everyone asks to remember him as well {specific requests are not mentioned}; the snake mother hides the guy under the pillows, says he is the richest BM; the snake has arrived, his mother asks about a birch tree; a snake: Ivan Ivanovich, Mark's rich son-in-law, will take her away; on the way back, the guy told the fish that she should lie down until the end of the world; took gold from the army; the steamer transported him; the guy tells him not to transport BM when he arrives; seeing how much his son-in-law brought, BM went to get the gold himself; the steamer did not transport it, he drowned]: Malinka 1902, No. 23:291-293; Eastern Ukrainians ( Kharkovskaya, Kupyansky u.) [Marco the Rich's devils serve as workers; he called the Lord and St. Peter; they came in the guise of beggars; MB ordered them to be locked from the barns, then into the pigsty, the Lord blows the doors every time; MB tells them to go to the poor widow; she gave birth to a son at dawn; an angel asks the Lord what to give the baby; he replies that the baby will get all the MB property; MB bought the baby, put it in a stump and covered it with snow; the merchants saw that the child was sitting on a stump and green around grass; merchants picked it up, one person raised it; MB found out, sent a letter to his wife, ordering him to kill the applicant; the old man changed the letter with an order to marry the young man to his daughter; MB sent his son-in-law to inspect the farm - let him come to one place at dawn, and then the devils will strangle him; his wife did not let him in in the morning; MB went by himself, the devils strangled him; var.: after buying a baby, MB threw him into the sea; he swims and plays with golden apples; fishermen sell the baby to merchants; MB buys it again, throws it in a barrel into the sea; the boy was picked up and raised by monks; devils do not strangle MB, but workers throw him into a pot of boiling water]: Ivanov 1890:80-83; Ukrainians (Transcarpathia) [the king is lost, spends the night in the attic of a coal miner, his wife gives birth; hears angels predict a boy to marry the king's daughter, who was born at the same hour; wife the coal miner died during childbirth, the husband gave the baby to the king, who threw him into the river, caught him by a fisherman, called him the Swimmer; the king found out; the king gives P. a letter ordering him to kill the giver, orders him to take it Queen; on the way, the Mother of the Sun replaces the letter with an order to marry P. to their daughter; the king tells her son-in-law to bring three golden hairs from Grandfather Vseved; along the way 1) people ask to know why there is no water in the well, 2 ) the carrier - how long does he have to be a carrier, 3) people - why will he not give birth to an apple tree; the mother of the Sun hides P., her fiery son enters; she pulls his hair three times, asking questions; we must remove the carrier must put another frog in its place, remove the stone from the root of the apple tree; the owners of the apple tree and the well give gold and silver, the carrier P. informs lime after he moved him; the king also goes to Grandfather Vseved hoping to get rich; the carrier throws him an oar, reserves it for himself]: Verkhovyna's Tales 1970:272-277; Russians (Pskov) [the boy was born in a shirt with the inscription that he would be happy with Mark Bogatov; MB found out, bought the baby, left him in the snow; he was picked up by peddlers and brought to the same MB; he forgave them their debt, took the baby and let him go to sea into barrel; she sailed to the mill, the miller raised the boy; when he was 15 years old, MB was at the miller, he understood from a conversation who the young man was; sent him to his wife ("to the nobleman", "to the elmozhi") with an order throw the giver into the cauldron at the distillery; the young man stopped by the old woman, the robbers came there, replaced the letter with an order to marry the giver to the MB's daughter; when he returns, MB sends his son-in-law to bring three the hair of an ogre snake; on the way, a person asks to know why water has disappeared in the well, the carrier - how long it takes to transport him; at the cannibal snake, the old woman turned the young man into an ant, hid it in the fold of clothes and ordered listen; when the serpent comes and falls asleep, the old woman consistently wakes him up and asks him to solve the dreams she supposedly had; the snake explains; there is a toad in the well; the carrier must give the oars to another; the old woman the snake also pulled out three hair, gave it to the young man; the owner of the well took out the toads, rewarded the young man; he replies to MB that he took the gold across the river; he hurried there, the carrier gave him the oars; MB is still working carrier]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 15:32-36; Russians (Arkhangelsk or northern Karelia) [a childless old man caught a box, a boy in it; called it a Water Finder; the tsar hunted, stayed in the same house for the night; two women came: grandmother and godmother; she says to V. that he will marry the princess and sit on the royal throne; the tsar bought V. from the elderly, raised him; he wants to marry the royal daughter; the king: go to Grandpa Vseved, bring three golden hairs; on the way, the carrier asks what to do to stop being a carrier; the gardener why the garden has dried up; the man at the well, why it is no longer in it living and dead water; V. came to his godmother, she lives with Grandfather Vseved, and this Grandfather is the sun; she consistently pulls out the hair and asks questions; let the carrier jump out when someone will get into a boat; there is a frog under the roots in the garden; the well should be deepened; V. received a reward from the owners of the well and garden; when he returned and told the king, he went himself; became a carrier, and V. married him daughters and became tsar]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:50-54; Russians (Vologda) [wealthy merchant Marco had a daughter, he held a feast; "Everyone comes to visit me, but Jesus Christ did not visit me"; ordered He may come to lay carpets; soon a wanderer walked over the carpets, M. told him to go to the backyard; at night an angel appeared to the wanderer: the crippled wretched had a son; Jesus: he marries daughter M.; maid overheard, said; M. ordered the child to be thrown into the snow; but the snow parted around, the flowers grew, the merchants picked up the baby, said M.; he bought the baby, threw it into the sea in a smothered barrel; monks picked up; the monastery became rich; the boy grew up, began to sing on the kliros; M. saw, found out, bought, sent a letter to his wife to kill the giver; the wanderer changed the letter: marry his daughter; M. ordered the workers boil a pot of water and throw whoever comes at night into it; sent his son-in-law to check the workers; but the daughter persuaded him to wait until morning; M. went to check him himself, he was thrown into boiling water; the Kalekin son inherited everything wealth]: Burtsev 1895, No. 37:166-170; Russians: Afanasiev 1958 (2), No. 306 [breeder Marco Bogaty spent the night with a peasant; he had a son; angel: his name is Andrey, and happiness for him is Markino; MB bought threw the boy into the snow; the master picked him up, raised him; MB came to the master, liked the servant A. he liked him, asked where he came from; MB bought him and sent him home with a letter ordering him to kill; the holy father changed the letter by order to marry his daughter; MB ordered the workers who melt cast iron to throw A. into the heat as soon as he arrived; feeling unkind, his wife did not let him in; MB went by himself, he was thrown into the heat, he got it Andrey]: 444-445; Sumtsov 1894 (Nizhny Novgorod) [in winter, Mark baptizes the child and throws him into the ravine; merchants found him and brought him to M.; he borrowed the child from them for a debt, gave it to his wife Anastasia the Beautiful; M. threw him into a barrel into the river; the monks picked him up and raised him, his name was Vasily Beschastny; M. sent a letter to his wife to push him into a bubbling pot at a soap factory; the old man changed his content on the way {by order to marry daughters}; M. sends the WB to his friend Tsar Serpent to pay tribute for 12 years; then about wonderful meetings and questions (oak, river carrier, whale fish); the girl hides the WB, finds out the Serpent's answers to questions; WB returns with wealth; MB himself goes to the Dragon, remains a carrier forever]: 10-11; Tseitlin 1911, No. 16 (Arkhangelskaya, year of recording? Lapin parish, peasant woman) [Poor parents had a son, named Poor Boy. The mother does not know how to feed him and wants to sell it. A visiting wanderer orders not to sell his son, because he will become the princess's husband, but this cannot be talked about. The mother tells her neighbors and the king learns about the prediction. He offers his parents two hundred rubles, they can't resist and agree. The king puts the boy in a bag and throws him into the water. The bag is nailed to the miller's doorstep, who pulls out the boy and raises him to the age of 19. The king comes to the miller and asks where he, an unmarried man, has a son. He talks. The king writes a note to his wife and asks the boy to carry her. In a note, the king orders the boy to be killed The boy loses his way and goes to the robbers's hut, they feed him, give him a new note saying that the boy should marry a princess. In the morning they escort the boy to the road. The queen marries him to his daughter. The king is angry with the queen and orders the boy to snatch three golden hair from the cannibal hero. On the way, the boy meets a man who asks why the well is empty, a woman who asks why apples dry, and a man who asks why he can't transport people across the river step ashore. The boy promises to answer on his way back. He comes to the hero's house, he is met by a hero, he asks her to answer questions from people he meets, she hides her husband in a chest. The hero returns and senses the Russian spirit, the hero replies that after flying across Russia, he brought his spirit with him. He asks to "look in his head," she looks for and pulls out three hairs, each time she says she fell asleep, that's why she pulled it out, three times she dreamed of a man with an empty well, a woman with dried apples, and a man not setting foot on the ground. The hero explains that in the first case you need to kill a frog, in the second case, a mouse, and in the third, give another man a ruble and a steering wheel. The hero gives the boy his hair, he tells the people he meets what to do, they promise to thank him. The boy gives his hair to the king, refuses to continue serving him and refuses his daughter. A man and a woman give the boy a cart of money, the tsar and the princess beg him to return and the boy returns to them]: 17-19; Russians (Voronezh) [two wanderers spent the night with Marco Bogaty; his little daughter overheard what they were saying; after a while Ivan Beschastny was born, M. was called a godfather; he asked to sell the child to him and left him in the field in a ditch; he was immediately picked up and brought to M.; he abandoned a child in a barrel at sea; the monks picked up and learned information security; M. found out, bought it, sent a letter to his place with an order to cook the giver in the cauldron; towards him, the old man blew at the letter, it was replaced by an order to marry daughters; M. sent him to the magician; on the way, the oak tree asks him to know how long he will stand; two men in the boat, how long to be ferrymen; the whale on which people ride, how long to lie; the wizard's wife tells you to hide under the bed (otherwise the husband will eat it), asks questions herself; the oak will fall if you kick; whoever is left in the boat instead of himself will become a ferryman; the whale must regurgitate 12 (swallowed) M. ships; IB kicked an oak tree with treasures under it, he loaded them onto ships; M. ran to the wizard himself; the ferrymen left it instead]: Pukhova 2006, No. 9:63-64.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [merchant Abyl Aziz ordered to hit a maid who was pregnant with him; the servant stabbed her without noticing that she was giving birth; the shepherd picked up the child; three years later AA I talked to him, understood everything, bought the boy, put it in a chest, threw him into the sea; the fishermen pulled him out; after 6 years, AA visited them, understood again who this boy was, gave the money for him and sent him to his home with an order to kill the messenger; the boy was met by AA's daughter, rewrote the letter: pass off her daughter as a visitor; AA returned, told the servants to make a fire in the cave and throw the first one to come at him; wife told me not to go, AA went by himself, thrown into the fire]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 11; Abkhazians [Prince Nakharbey travels around the country, stayed with a poor man; the owner's wife gave birth to a son; one of the women jokingly suggests to marry the newborn for the daughter of the prince, who is visiting; N. took the boy, hung the swaddled man from a branch in the forest; the young man Shryn from the prince's retinue is outraged; the child was found by a shepherd, called Karshv (perhaps from named after Tsar Cyrus); the prince and his companions stay with the shepherd, who tells the story to K.; the prince orders to tie K., take him to the princess, gives a letter with him; Shryn lets a competent Turk read the letter, they they replace him with an order to marry K. to the prince's daughter; the returning prince orders his entourage to shoot K. when he goes to the spring in the morning; S. warns him not to go; without hearing shots, the prince went by himself and he was shot dead in the dark; K. became a prince, brought the shepherd's parents and family to live]: Shakryl 1975, No. 80:365-373 (=Bgazhba 1983:231-238); Abazins [Prince Sarym ordered the sky above village, roll barrels of water on them; once he went swimming, dived, found himself in an old man's house; he says that pregnant cook S. will give birth to a son who marries daughter S.; S. orders to take the cook to the forest and rip her stomach open; the hunter picked up and raised the fallen baby; when he found out that the young man had grown up, S. came to the hunter, pretended to forget the money - let the owner's son take a letter asking her to send money; in a letter he ordered the applicant to be killed; not far from the target, the young man fell asleep, the paper fell out; S.'s daughter replaced her with an order to marry her; since then Prince S. has stopped mocking people]: Tugov 1985, No. 42:108-110; Adygi [the prince dreams that his son-in-law will be the son of a slave; he orders to kill a pregnant slave; but the boy is born and picked up by a childless prince; many years later, the villain prince, while visiting the second prince, she finds out about this and sends the young man home with a letter ordering him to kill the applicant; the prince's daughter fell in love with the young man, changed the letter, married him]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. AA930=AT461:188; (cf. Adygs (Temirgoyevtsy) [Efendi Gassan collected medicinal herbs, saw a skull with the inscription "7 people still must die from me"; G. brought the skull home, burned it, tied the ash in a handkerchief and hid it; went to Mecca; his daughter Fatma went through medicinal herbs, found ash in her handkerchief, licked, became pregnant, gave birth to a boy; when G. returned, he fell in love with him, he was named Isaac; when I. was 12 years old, it was bought by a merchant, educated; childless husband and wife bought I. for triple the price; fearing for him, they are not allowed to go outside the fence of the house; he went out, the king noticed him, sent him with a letter to the boss fortresses; on the way, the princess called I. to her, read the letter (which ordered to kill the giver), replaced I. with an order to marry I. to the royal daughter; having learned about her son-in-law, the king decided that it was Allah's will, fell in love with I.; he sees the queen, the mother of her wife; says out loud that she wants to prove that she has not seen anyone else; men but her husband; the queen demands that I. explain; I. asks for the keys to him, found 7 chests, in each man; I. cut off their heads; the queen was executed, the tsar died, I. reigned]: Vasiliev 1905, No. 4:69-79; Karachays or Balkarians [Khan Iynaluk traveled, saw reading an old man; he replied that he was writing down destinies; I.'s daughter was prepared to be the wife of someone who would soon be born by a maid in I.'s house; I. threw the old man's book into the river, and ordered the maid to be executed; without regaining consciousness, the woman gave birth, and the child was picked up by the hunters of Khan Kazbek, I.'s friend; he gave him the name Saubar, fell in love with him as a son; I. sees K.'s young man, asks, understands what is going on; asks K. to allow S. to send S. with a note to his home; when he arrived late, S. fell asleep near I.'s house; his daughter Alakoz changed the order to kill the applicant with an order to immediately marry him to A.; after learning about the wedding, I. rides to kill S., but the horse suffered, tore the rider]: Malkonduev 2017:788-790; Ingush [the prince's daughter was born at the same time as the son of a bad poor man; people began to say that the children would grow up and get married; the prince came to to the poor man, refused to eat the treat if the poor man did not give his son; ordered the child to be cut into pieces and thrown into the hollow; the servants abandoned the child, but did not cut him; he was fed by a goat; the shepherd's wife is surprised where milk, she found the boy, raised it; there was a rumor that the poor man's son was alive; the prince came, saw a young man, died of a broken heart; the princess married a young man, they lived well]: Sadulaev 2004, No. 57:146-148; Gunzibs [Khan and Vizier travel, stay in a poor house; Khan's wife gives birth to a daughter, the owner of the house gives birth to a son, the vizier says they are destined to marry; Khan buys a newborn, a vizier at home gives it to another with an order to kill him; he stains the baby's diapers with chicken blood, leaves him at the edge of the cliff; the goat feeds him, finds him, raises him; he comes to the khan, the adviser recognizes him, Khan sends him to his home with a letter telling him to kill the giver; the young man comes, falls asleep, the khan's daughter replaces the letter with the command to marry him to the khan's daughter; the khan admits that God's destined cannot be changed]: Berg 1995, No. 24:251-265; the Kurins [Sheikh oglu Shah Abas, in plain clothes, traveled with two ministers; the village foreman, his assistant, the mullah, denied an overnight stay: they are waiting for the king; the shepherd and his wife were sheltered, that night they had a son; the king sent for his clothes, ordered those who refused to be executed, and made the shepherd a foreman; on the way home, one of the ministers said that the boy was marrying the king's daughters; the king ordered the baby to be brought to him and threw him into the mill gutter; the child was stuck, the miller found him and raised him; six years later, the same minister identified the boy, the king bought him, hung him in the forest; two merchants took him out of the noose, brought him up; we must go to war, the young man goes instead of the miller, the minister smirks again; the king sends the young man with a letter to his home, ordering him to kill the giver; the king's daughter found the young man was sleeping, replaced the letter with an order to marry him; a year later a son was born; the tsar returned from the war; wedding; the young man succeeded Shah Abbas]: Lionidze, Sultanov 1892, No. 2:178-183; aguly: Maysak 2014, No. Sh7 [Mullah predicted to the merchant that his daughter would marry a shepherd. The merchant decided to prevent this: he forced the shepherd to divorce his pregnant wife, married her himself, and then stabbed her and took the boy out of her belly. Another shepherd found the boy and fed him goat milk. The young man, who had grown up, was met again by a merchant and realized that the child he wanted to kill was still alive. He asked the shepherd to give him the young man and sent him to his home with a note asking him to kill the young man. When the young man arrived at the merchant's house, the merchant's daughter fell in love with him and copied the note so that the young man would marry her. The merchant arrived and decided to deal with the young man by sending him to the orchard for grapes and ordering the guards to kill whoever enters the garden. The merchant's daughter gave the young man grapes from home; the merchant himself entered the garden, who was shot by guards], M20 [The old man predicted to the merchant that his daughter would marry the poor man's son. The merchant decided to prevent this from happening: he bought the woman who was to give birth to this boy and killed her. A shepherd found a boy who fell out of the woman's belly and fed him goat milk. The young man, who had grown up, was met again by a merchant and realized that he had failed to kill him at that time. He asked the shepherd to give him the young man and sent him to his home with a note asking him to kill the young man. When the young man arrived at the merchant's house, the merchant's daughter fell in love with him and copied the note so that the young man would marry her. The merchant arrived and found out that, against his will, the poor man's son had finally become his daughter's husband, as predicted]: 473, 473-474; the Udins [the wise men tell the king about the shepherdess who would take possession of him kingdom; the king finds him, tells the shepherdess's father to send his son to him, gives a letter ordering him to cut the giver's throat; the young man came, fell asleep in the garden; the shepherdess replaced the letter with a demand to marry the applicant on the king's daughter; the king had to give the shepherdess the crown]: Dirr 1904:86-87; taty [while hunting, Shah Abbas went incognito to the poor man; that same night his wife gave birth; the predictor Bahlul who accompanied A. said that daughter A. would marry a boy who was born; A. bought the baby and left him in the forest; the poor man picked up the boy; A. and B. went to him, B. understood everything, A. bought the boy again, tied him to a tree in the forest; Padishah Chimechin accidentally found him, took him to the palace and raised him; the young man went hunting, B. recognized him again; A. sent him with a letter ordering him to kill the giver; the young man fell asleep in the garden, daughter A. saw him, changed the letter with an order to marry her young man; a year later, A. and B. arrived; the wife advised her husband to give her father-in-law a dagger and offer them to cut off their heads; A. was forced to pardon her daughter and her husband]: Kukulla 1974, No. 37:268-273; Georgians: Bogoyavlensky 1894a, No. 8 (Imereti) [the witch doctor predicted that his property would go to the son of a poor neighbor; the rich man took the boy to the forest and left him there, but he brought up by a hunter, called him Foundling; the rich man went to the hunter's house, understood everything, sent the young man home with a letter; St. The spirit in the form of a priest replaced the letter: not to kill the messenger, but to marry his daughter; when he returned home, the rich man ordered the workers who were burning lime to throw into the oven whoever came before dawn; ordered send her husband to her daughter; she forgot, but told her father that she sent it; the rich man went by himself, thrown into the oven]: 65-67; Chikovani 1954 (Guria) [the rich merchant spent the night in a poor house; that night the owner's wife gave birth; flew in two pigeons; one says that at the age of 12 the boy will fall off a tree or drown; the other: no, he will get all the merchant's wealth that lies here; the second prevailed, the pigeons entered it in the book of destinies; the merchant bought the newborn, left the baby in a tree at the top of the mountain; the king's huntsman found him, the boy was brought to the palace, named Elovik; the merchant heard the name, learned the whole story, sent E. to his home with a letter, who ordered the giver to be killed; the old man he met read it, ordered the giver to marry the merchant's daughter; when he returned, the merchant ordered the servants to throw the first person in the morning into the oven to burn lime will come; the wife heard, tells E. not to go to the stoves, but to take a walk and return; the merchant himself went, thrown into the oven]: 214-217 (=1986:229-236); Ossetians [the poor man's son is predicted that he will be the heir a rich man; a rich man takes him away, leaves him in the forest, a deer has fed the baby; the prince's son meets him, takes him as a servant; the prince sends him with a letter to his wife, the letter is changed, the young man marries the prince's daughter; the prince dies]: Byazirov 1960, No. 186:103; Megrelia [the merchant invited guests, including God; God was late; a wanderer came at night, the merchant drove him away, he spent the night with the poor man; a son was born there; the wanderer, that is God, promised that the boy would transfer all the merchant's wealth; the merchant bought a newborn, threw him into the cave; the doe fed him, the shepherds picked him up; the merchant bought the boy again, threw him in a box into the sea; the fisherman picked him up, his name was Bertsula; B. became a clerk, made money; the merchant recognized him, sent a letter to his wife ordering him to cut off the applicant's head; B. replaced the letter with an order to marry him to the merchant's daughter; the merchant believed in God, after his death B. inherited everything]: Stepanov 1898, No. 6:18-21; Armenians [the magician writes on paper the fate of newborns, throws papers into the river; replies to the king that his a newborn daughter would marry a shepherd's son; the king bought a newborn boy from a shepherd, lowered him in a box along the river, picked him up by a miller; 15 years later, the king recognized the young man, sent him with a note to his wife, ordering execute the applicant; the young man fell asleep, the king's daughter replaced the note with an order to marry her off as a young man; the king returned and decided that what was written could not be deleted]: Kagan 1898c, No. 5:104-105; Azerbaijanis ( Elisavetpol Gubernia) [the rich merchant Aziz bought the black slave Mirza; the angel ordered his daughter to be married to him; A. decided to destroy M.; sent him to his brother Zorab with a letter asking him to kill the bearer; his wife gave M. her gold ring; on the way, a bare tree asks Z. why leaves do not grow on it; a rock - when the stream gushing from it, i.e. her tears, dries up; Z. felt sorry for M., ordered him to swim in the fountain, M. turned white handsome; treasures must be dug under a tree and under a rock; M. dug treasures, returned in the guise of a prince, bringing A. a letter from Z.; it says "You can't escape from fate"]: Bogoyavlensky 1892 c, No. 2:197-301 ( retelling in Sumtsov 1894:16-17); Turks: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 125 [the padishah learns that his heir will be the son of poor people who live nearby; buys and throws away a baby, but finds him ; the padishah meets and recognizes the young man, sends a letter ordering the death of the applicant; the robber's daughter replaced the letter with an order to marry the padishah's daughter as a young man; and so it happened; the padishah adjusts this for the young man to be trampled on by horses; he avoids death; horses trample on the padishah, who went to see if the young man is dead; var.: the padishah sends the young man to bring three golden hair to the line; on the way people they ask why wine has stopped flowing from the spring; why the tree has dried up; why do those sitting on a chair stick to it; the wife pulls out her hairs and gets answers from the devil; the padishah sticks to the chair himself] , 126 []: 141-143, 143-145; Kurds: Rudenko 1970, No. 33 [Mamed-Padishah and his vizier changed their clothes, went on a journey, stayed with a shepherd; his wife gave birth to him; vizier: this is your daughter's betrothed ; the padishah bought a child and threw him into the river; he was picked up by a miller; one day the padishah and the vizier went to the miller; the padishah bought the boy, left him in a tree to be eaten by animals; the boy was picked up by a merchant, taught languages; the padishah and the vizier recognized him again; the padishah asked what language he had not yet learned, the young man replied that it was Indian; the padishah wrote a letter in Indian from Vekiel ordering him to throw the applicant in soap factory; the young man fell asleep in the garden of the padishah, his daughter replaced the letter with an order to marry her young man; the padishah was convinced that fate could not be overcome]: 80-84; Shamilov 1967 [the wise men told the padishah that his the daughter will marry the newly-born shepherd's son; the padishah and the vizier, disguised as dervishes, stayed with that shepherd; the shepherd tells the guests how the old woman predicted the marriage of a newborn to her daughter padishah; a boy bought a padishah for gold worth his body weight, put it in a box and threw it into the river; the miller picked up and raised the boy; the padishah accidentally came to him, heard a story about a foundling, ordered him to send a young man with a letter to the palace ordering the applicant to be executed; the young man was met by the daughter of the padishah, replaced the letter with an order to marry her; when the padishah returned, he realized that the prediction fulfilled]: 70-76.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens (Geok-tepe) [Alexander learns that his son-in-law will be born to his slave; orders to kill the slave's pregnant wife; the son came out of the womb killed, was fed by a goat, raised by an old woman, the mistress of a goat; And . accidentally found the boy, sent him to the vizier with a letter ordering him to kill the applicant; daughter A. found the boy sleeping, changed the order to marry the applicant to daughter A.]: Samoilovich 1914, No. 4:534; Persians (Mazendaran, Isfahan, Khorasan) [the king learns that a son born to the poor will become his son-in-law; he buys a boy, tells the vizier to kill him; the vizier brings the blood of a crow; the goat fed the child, raised by a shepherd; the king met a young man, sent a letter to the vizier, ordered the giver to be killed; the princess changed the letter to marry her to a young man; the king realizes that you will not go against fate]: Marzolph 1984, № 930:172-173; Uzbeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 930:568-569

Baltoscandia. Estonians: Kippar 2002 (Saarema) [a rich merchant hopes that Jesus will visit him; he even built a glass house to the clouds; a beggar came, the merchant drove him away, his five-year-old daughter forcibly persuaded him allow him to spend the night in the bathhouse and give her bread; he began to talk to her gently; a white bird knocked on the window several times asking what the fate of such a child was born; the beggar answered; born now in Arista, he will become the merchant's son-in-law and inherit his property; the merchant hopes to lime him; when the boy became a young man, the merchant took him into service; the merchant's young man and daughter fell in love with each other; the merchant took the young man on a trip, sent it back with a letter to his wife: kill the bearer; that old beggar ordered him to show the letter, returned it; when the young man gave it to the merchant's wife, it says: marry the young man to their daughter ; the merchant who returned pretended to be happy; told the soap maker to throw someone who would come to the soap factory early in the morning into the cauldron, sent his son-in-law there; that old man told him to go later; the owner went to find out if his son-in-law had been abandoned into the cauldron, the soap maker threw him himself, his son-in-law inherited everything]: 16-20; Mälk et al. 1967, No. 65 [the king comes to the miller from time to time to chat; the miller has a young assistant; the king is told that he is destined to marry the king's daughter; the king writes a letter ordering the death of the giver and gives it to the young man; the robber replaces him with an order to marry the young man to the princess; when the king returned, he drove him away , but promised to recognize it if he brought three hairs of Satan; the young man set off; the sailor asks to know why his ship has not moved for 7 years; the owner of the birch tree why it does not flow more juice, although milk used to flow; old man - why did the water disappear in the well; the damn mother tells the young man to hide, and she pulls her son's hair three times and asks questions; the ship's captain must lure the king at him, and jump ashore and ask the king to throw his rod to him; the king will remain on the ship and the ship will sail away; a rotten root must be extracted from the birch tree; a toad at the bottom of the well; a young man told the owners of the well and birch tree what to do, returned, the king married him to his daughter; then he went to that ship himself; the ship sailed with the king, the young man reigned], 124 (Tori; story throughout Estonia, except western) [in winter, a rich landowner spends the night in a farm; the farmhand has just given birth to a son; a voice is heard: this boy will inherit the wealth of the landowner; he asked to give the boy to him, left him in the forest; many years later comes to the forester; he tells how he found a baby in the forest and now he has become a big guy; the landowner gives the forester money, tells him to send the adopter to his home with a letter; he orders to kill the applicant; the guy was met by an old man, went with him, replaced the letter with an order to immediately marry the applicant to his daughter; when he returned and found out what had happened, the landowner tells the lime-burning workers to throw the first one into the oven will come in the evening; sent his son-in-law there; he went to the manager; the father-in-law himself went to find out if the order had been carried out; the workers threw him into the oven; the son-in-law is happy with his wife]: 176-181, 404-405; set [the rich man drives out two beggars at home, giving them some bread; his little daughter hears eating, one tells the other that Ylm-ynnõlda Vassil, who is now born in the family, will inherit all the rich man's estate poor man; a rich man sends him in search, finds a large family in which the boy was born, but he cannot find a godfather, promises to become a godfather and take the child into foster care; takes him to church, the priest gives The boy's name is ylm-ynnõlda Vassil; on the way home, the rich man leaves the child in the wasteland; soon travelers come and say they have found a baby; the rich man puts the baby in a barrel, lets him into the sea; people overseas they find him and raise him; when EVE 18, a rich man accidentally comes there on business, hears a hated name, offers to marry his adopted daughter, but Eve himself does not say anything yet; sends EVE to his to his wife with a letter telling him to kill the one who brought it; on the way, the old man opens the letter, tears it up, draws up another with the order to immediately marry Eve to his daughter; when he arrives, the rich man finds out that EVE has become his son-in-law; he decides to get rid of Eve by sending him to hell with an assignment to find out who is richer: he or the lord of hell; along the way, a thousand-year-old oak tree asks to know how long it can stand, it finally wants to die; three people plow, each one acts as a ploughman, a horse and a plow, the furrow behind immediately disappears; they ask if they still have to suffer; a fish that serves as a bridge over the river and a carrier across another river everyone asks when he can be free; Eve comes to hell when the lord is not at home; the young woman he kidnapped and married hides Eve behind the stove; looking for a wife in the hair of the returning lord pretends to be dreaming and every time asking what it means; 1) the rich man is richer than the lord of hell; 2) the lord buried gold under the oak tree; 3) the ploughmen were stingy, they changed between, they suffer forever; 4) fish swallowed the ship with the crew, let it burp; 5) the carrier was a thief, let him find a replacement; Eve tears off the gold, the oak immediately dried up and fell; told the carrier what to do; told the fish to regurgitate the ship sailed away; the ploughmen were left to suffer; when he saw the gold brought, the rich man softened, but did not believe that the lord of hell was poorer than him; went to ask; the carrier jumped ashore and left the rich man for himself in by boat]: Sandra 2004:182-192; Lutsie (1893) [a beggar and his wife and a merchant spent the night in the same hut; the merchant hears angels asking God what happiness the child will be; God: will inherit the merchant's goodness; the merchant bought a baby from a woman in labor, wrapped it up, hung it in the forest for the branch; the king hunted, found the boy, raised him; he is smart and growing fast; the merchant bought the boy again, tied him to the wing of the mill; the miller started the mill: he does not move; he saw what the boy was holding, took the merchant bought the young man again, brought him to his place, the merchant's daughter fell in love with him, they got married, but the merchant wants to kill his son-in-law; sent him to hell; the islanders ask to know why they are plowing- they sow but bread does not grow; on another island: why do apple trees not bear fruit; on the third: why there is no hay; hell has a captive princess: there are fences of the head on iron stakes, only one stake is empty for your head; turned the young man into a needle, stuck it in her hair; says the line that he brought the smell of man with him; at night she pretends to wake up three times when she dreams, hell explains; on the first island, residents must cross on 4 sides; white stone must be dug in the apple orchard; hay harvesters must also be baptized; the young man took the trait's treasures, then received gold from the islanders; merchant gathered drunks, ordered firewood to be burned; whoever comes first in the morning, throw him in the heat; but the son-in-law talked to his wife, the merchant went to see, he was burned himself]: Annom et al. 2018:79-83; the Livs [the king sleeps in some that house; dreams that the wife gave birth to a daughter, and the poor mistress of the house gave birth to a son, and that these children would get married; the king bought the baby for 300 rubles, put it in a box, lowered him down the river to the mill; the miller caught him, named Kaarel the foundling; he grew up quickly; the king started talking to the miller, understood everything, asked for permission to send the foundling to his wife with a letter; the young man was stopped in the forest by robbers; the chieftain read that in the letter ordered to execute the boy; replaced it with a letter ordering the boy to raise and teach; 6 years later, the king returned, was surprised that the letter was like his handwriting; ordered the young man to bring 4 hairs or scales from his back devil; ask why one king has apples on one side of the tree and pears on the other; on the way the young man goes through three kingdoms; the first king asks the devil to ask why three fell into the ground castle and how to bring them back; second: during communion, his daughter's wafer fell to the floor, disappeared, the daughter began to dry; the third king: the wife gave birth, the daughter was stolen, where is she; every king sends to help the young man army; by the turbulent river, a young man finds paper, in which the instruction is: call the shuttle, he will transport it; the shuttle carries, the army remains on the other side; in the devil's house, the girl hides the young man; says to the devil that the smell - it was she who burned her hair; the sleeping devil consistently pulls out four hairs, each time replies that she allegedly had a dream about castles that had gone into the ground, etc.; the devil gives an explanation and falls asleep again; 1) the keys are under the threshold, you have to get them, the locks will return; 2) the toad took the bread under the floor, we must get it, let the princess eat the wafer; 3) the girl herself is the kidnapped princess; 4) on the other side where pears are, silver is buried, where apples are gold; the young man and the girl ran away, crossed the shuttle, the devil could not; the third, second kings promise the young man a daughter and half a kingdom, the third gives him the returned castles; the fourth, who has apples and pears, refused to dig himself; the young man took gold and silver almost everything for himself, abandoned the princess; married a kidnapped by the devil, gave the chieftain of the robbers the one from whom the wafer disappeared, gave the robbers wealth and castles; the city of the tsar who tried to destroy him ruined]: Setälä in Kippar 2002:54-61; Karelians: Evseev 1981 [merchant meets priest, who goes to baptize a child; he says that the child will become the merchant's son-in-law; the merchant buys the child from his parents, descends the river in a trough; the miller picks him up; after 17 years, the merchant visits the miller; realizes that this is the same boy; buys him, sends him to his home with a letter to his wife to kill the applicant; halfway through, the old man asks the young man to show the letter, replaces him with another with an order to marry the giver with the merchant's daughter; the merchant decides to lime his son-in-law; sends him to a distant city to ask if he has a lot of money; on the way, the young man is asked to know why the oak tree dries; where the keys to the barn have gone; when the carrier will be free from her job; a woman hides the guy in a chest, asks her damn husband questions; he says that the merchant has only half of the money on earth; the oak dries because the girl gave birth and buried it there is a child under him, a prayer service must be served, land must be sketched out; the keys in his pocket are at the very line (which gives answers); let the carrier say "In the name of the father and son and the holy spirit," push the boat away, that man will become a carrier instead; the soul is a feature in the egg, in the bird, in the box, in the chest, in the stone; the guy gets an egg, the hell dies; the carrier says that the guy is the first to return, learns from him how free himself from his duties; the guy gives the keys, tells how to revive an oak tree, returns rich; the merchant goes for his money, remains a carrier]: 287-291; Onegin 2010, No. 51 (Kalevalsky district) [a rich merchant stayed overnight in the poor man's house; in a dream, the old man tells him that at night the hostess will give birth to a son who will be your happiness; the owners have many children, the merchant bought a newborn and left in the forest in a tree; another merchant picked up and named the boy Antti Puujuara, who grew up; the first merchant came to the second, guessed what had happened, asked AP to send a letter to his wife; he was on the way fell asleep; two soldiers changed the order to hang the applicant by ordering him to marry his master's daughter and hang his dog to Hurtt; the merchant returned and, to get rid of his son-in-law, sent him to Pohjela's mistress, Louhi, ask how a person can achieve great happiness; on the way, a giant asks why he can't get off a tree; another asks where are the keys to his castle, where he can't get; an old transporter across the river of fire - how long does she have to do this job; daughter L. hides AP from her mother and asks her questions herself; to be happy, you have to work hard; the giant will come down and give her two bags of gold, if someone spears down the pine tree on which he is sitting; the keys to the castle under the bottom of the three steps at the gate; when an old woman carries a person, let her left heel push the boat away and tell the man replace her; on the way back, the AP taught the old woman, helped the giants, one gave the best stallion, the other gave gold; the merchant himself went for good, remained a carrier instead of the old woman]: 457-462; Stepanova 2000, No. 112 ( northern, Tunguda district) [The Savior spends the night in the merchant's house; they knock at night, the woman has given birth to a child, ask the Savior what share he will give; he tells the child to live his share; next time, the share of the owner of the house; the merchant bought the child and threw it into the snowdrift, another person picked it up, the merchant bought it again for a lot of money; raised it; let him go to sea in a barrel; the young man sings, he was nailed to the monastery shore, he began to sing in monastery; the merchant found out, bought him, sent him home with a note to be killed at home; the Savior changed the note to marry the merchant's daughter; the merchant tells his son-in-law to find out where his wealth is; on the way the bridge asks to know how long he still has to serve; the carrier - how much to work; the oak - how long to stand, it is already rotten; the son-in-law comes to the house without doors, the woman picks it up through the window, hides it; her damn husband comes; she seems to casually ask questions; her husband replies that when he hits the bridge with a rod, it will turn into ships, the oak will become gold; let the carrier leave him in the boat when he transported, he will remain in his place; the woman's husband promises to greet the merchant's son-in-law, gave him a staff; the son-in-law filled the ships with gold, gave advice to the carrier; at home, the merchant tells the workers to kill his son-in-law when he will go to give hay to the horses; the son-in-law lay down, the merchant went himself, he was killed instead of his son-in-law, his son-in-law became the master]: 186-188; the Veps [rich Marco is predicted that his son-in-law and heir will be the son of a poor man; rich man tries to destroy him, throws him at Onego, but the guy stays alive and marries his daughter M.; the rich man sends him to the snake kingdom, from where the hero returns with wealth; predictions come true]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 24:203; Finns [a rich merchant and two healers stopped in the hut of a poor man with many children; the hostess gives birth; the merchant hears the conversation of healers; the boy born will become the heir this rich man; in the morning, a merchant bought a newborn, saying he wanted to adopt him; left the baby in the forest; the hunter picked him up; named Antti; he was given the nickname Bitch; when A. grew up, a merchant stopped at the hunter's house, heard a story about a foundling, asked A. to send a letter home; in a letter, an order to hang the messenger on a birch tree; on the way, A. fell asleep; two schoolchildren replaced the letter with an order to marry A . on the merchant's daughter, and hang the old dog on the birch tree; when he returned, the merchant ordered A. to go to Pohyela Louhi's mistress and ask him where to find happiness; on the way, the giant asked him to ask why the fruits of his garden are covered with mold; another giant: where is the key to his palace; the third giant sits on a dry tree and asks how long he will stay in this position; an old woman in a boat: how long will she be carrier; Louhi's daughter hides A., asks her mother questions herself; a person will find happiness by uprooting the forest and cultivating the land; in the garden between snake stones; a key under the upper step of the porch; sitting on the giant must hit the ground with an alder stake in the tree; the old woman must leave the traveler in the boat and be the first to jump to the ground herself; on the way back, A. received gold from the giants; the merchant decided to go to Louhi, but remained a carrier]: Konkka 1993:130-141 (=1991:182-195); Western Sami: Klaus 1995 [rich Piera learns from a witch that his daughter will marry his shepherdess when he grows up; P. He lowers the boy in a barrel into the river, fishermen find him, he grows up; P. finds out about him, sends him to his home, gives him a letter; on the way, the young man falls asleep in the robbers' house, who reads a letter saying that the applicant must be killed, replaced by a letter asking him to marry the owner's daughter; the young man is married to daughter P., he goes to look for Stallo {it is clear from the following that P. sent him to bring three hairs C.); on the way one the king asks the young man to find out why he has no clean water in his well, the second - where to find the keys lost by the Queen, the third - where his daughter went, the ferryman - how many more people he needs to transport across the river; S.'s girl hides the young man, pretends to be dreaming, each time tells S., asking the appropriate question; he replies that rotten driftwood, keys under the bush, where the queen must be removed from the well, where the queen was with the king, the kidnapped queen is her, the ferryman must throw the one she is transporting into the water; the girl tells the young man to drink strong water, cut off the head of sleeping S., pulls out the hairs; the ferryman's answer They hand it over to S. by jumping ashore; at home, P. finds out that S. has a lot of gold left, goes there, the ferryman dumps it into the water]: 47-54; Lagercrantz 1961, No. 269 (Varanger) [the man went on business, went in to the house, there is a little boy; the woman said that this boy will inherit what the visitor owns; he bought the boy, left him on the birch tree and left; another person found him, raised him; the one who bought it found and sent the young man with a letter to his home; on the way he fell asleep; two clerics read a letter ordering him to hang the bearer on a birch tree, let the dog rejoice; they replaced him with another: hang the dog , and the young man to marry the owner's daughter; when he returned, he decided to lime his son-in-law, sent him to ask the giantess what the easiest job was; on the way, a giant who unsuccessfully breaks through the locked door asks find out where the key is; the man who burns a fire by the tree when he can leave; the carrier across the river - how long does he still have to do this job; the young man came to the giantess, her daughter's house, she asks her mother , and the young man listens; the easiest job is plowing; the key is on the threshold; you have to cut the tree into three parts and burn the middle one; the carrier must stand on the bow of the boat, be the first to jump ashore and tell him , who he is transporting, take his place; the young man received money for advice; the owner decided to go himself, still works as a carrier, and the young man plowed]: 73-79; Latvians: Aris, Medne 1977, № 461 [Three beard hairs are a trait. By God's command, the poor man's son should marry the king's daughter. The king wants to kill the child, leaves him in the forest, throws him into the water, but the boy is saved every time. Finally, the king sends him to the palace with a letter demanding his execution. An old man who meets on the way replaces a letter, and the young man marries a princess. The king, trying to free himself from his unwanted son-in-law, sends him to hell for three hairs from the beard of the devil. On the way, the young man is asked questions: why there is no water in the city, why the apple tree does not bear fruit, and who will replace the eternal ferryman. The devil's wife pulls out three hairs at night and finds out the answers. The king, wanting wealth, also goes to hell, but becomes a ferryman], 930 [You can't escape fate. God (Lyma) determines the fate of a newly born poor son - he must marry his master's daughter. Upon learning about this, the master buys the boy and brings him into the forest. Some people find him and raise him. The master finds the boy again, throws him into the water, but he escapes again. The master sends the boy to his wife with a letter demanding his death. On the way, the letter is replaced (rewritten). The lady gives her daughter to a young man. The master is still trying to get rid of his son-in-law, but dies himself]: 288, 333; Norwegians [the rich man refuses his daughter's grooms; goes to the stargazers to find out who she will marry; they are responsible for the miller's son, who is now born; a rich man buys a baby, puts him in a chest, descends him down the river; another miller finds him, adopts him; the rich man goes back to the stargazers, who confirm the previous prediction; the adopted child has already grown up, the rich man buys it; sends it to his wife with a letter asking him to burn the one who will bring it; the young man spends the night in the robbers' house, they replace the letter, the new one says that the wife must immediately marry a daughter, give the young man cattle and property; when he returns, the rich man sends the young man to bring three feathers from the dragon's tail; he stays with the king, the king asks him to know why There is no clean water in the well; another king asks to know where his daughter has gone; in the third castle, the queen wants to know where the lost gold keys are; the hunchback carrier wants to carry on his back travelers across the river; dragon castle across the river; the princess in the castle gives a drink of strong water, tells him to hide under the bed; when she goes to bed with the dragon, she asks him, saying that she had a dream of the question; the first king must pull the rotten stump from the bottom of the well; the second's missing daughter is the dragon's wife; the queen forgot her keys when she was lying in the bushes at the hour she knew; the carrier must throw another rider into the water, saying that he would now carry people until someone freed him; the dragon fell asleep, the young man cut off his head, took feathers, jewelry and the princess; the transporter listened with a story, asked about himself when the prince and the bride were already on the other side; the Queen is grateful, but told me to remain silent; the princess's father marries her to the young man; the first king takes out the stump, rewards young man; a rich man goes for the dragon's remaining treasures; the carrier dumps him, since then he is the carrier himself]: Dasent 1970:199-213; Swedes [predicted that a poor baby will become the heir of a rich man; he buys a child and leaves him in the forest or descends the river in a box (or leaves herds on the way, on the road, etc.); the child is saved and brought up; after identifying the young man, the rich man sends him home with a letter ordering the applicant to be killed, but the letter is replaced by an order to marry his master's daughter; then the father-in-law sends his son-in-law on an errand, hoping to be thrown into the oven; but by coincidence circumstances, the rich man himself or his son is thrown into the oven; or the father-in-law sends his son-in-law to bring three hairs from the beard of the devil; along the way, the young man promises to find out the answers to the questions he is asked; why the tree does not bears fruit, water has disappeared in the well, when the suffering of a certain creature living in the water ends, how to cure a princess when the carrier is released from her duties; the woman in the house is a devil pulls out his hair and gets answers to questions asked; father-in-law follows his son-in-law's path and stays working as a carrier]: Liungman 1961, No. 461:107; Icelanders, Danes, Lithuanians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 930:568-569.

Volga - Perm. Marie: Sabitov 1989, No. 461 [Marco Rich: A rich man is predicted that his heir and son-in-law will be the son of a poor man; a rich man wants to destroy him, throws him in a barrel into the river; the son of a poor man is brought up in a monastery; a rich man meets him again and sends him a letter to his wife; a letter ordering him to kill the poor man's son has been replaced by an old man, and the poor man becomes the rich man's son-in-law; the rich man sends him "to that light", on the way, people he meets ask him to find out if the whale fish will soon move; how long it takes to carry the carrier, etc.; the hero carries out errands and returns with wealth; predictions come true]: 29; Chetkarev 1941, No. 33 []: 272-276; Tatars [Karunbay's younger sister fell ill, he lodged her in a bathhouse; he also sent a poor old man to spend the night there; he gave the girl medicine; someone asks whose happiness to give the newly born son of a peasant; old man: Karunbaya; a recovered sister told K. about this; K. bought a newborn, hit the ground and left him; brothers Ibrahim and Yakub picked him up; got rich, the boy grew up; K. met them, started talking, understood everything; bought a young man from them, supposedly to marry his daughter; tells him to bring gems from an overseas mountain; a carrier across the sea asks to know how long does he have to be at this job; the old man in the cradle: how long should he hang like this; a diva came to his daughter, who turned him into a needle; the diva returned, she asked him; those old people will be free if three times to cast a spell and spit; while the diva sleeps, his daughter sends the young man up the mountain; on the way back, the young man teaches the transporter to read the spell: whoever he is transporting will take his place; K. went himself for gems; turned into a carrier; a young man married his daughter, inherited wealth]: Zamaletdinov 2008b, No. 32:256-261; Komi [a wanderer tells poor spouses that their newborn Ivan will become king; the wife speaks to her neighbors, the king buys the child, puts it in a bag, throws it into the river; the baby is caught, raised by a bachelor miller; the king asks him, understands everything, sends the young man with by a letter to the queen, it ordered I. to kill; in the forest, the robbers read the letter, replace it; after reading the letter, the queen gives her daughter to I.; the king tells her son-in-law to bring three hairs from the ogre's beard; digging along the way the well asks why there has been no water for ten years; bird cherry - why it dries, does not bloom; the carrier - why he works as a carrier; his wife hides I. in the ogre's house; consistently pulls out the hairs of the sleeping husband; he tells a dream about a digging well (you need to remove the frog from the well), bird cherry (kill the mice under the roots), the carrier (you need to give the paddle and the whole to another, jump out yourself ashore); on the way back, I. sets up the merchant, who becomes a carrier; kills mice and a frog; these three were the brothers of an old woman; she is grateful, gives a ring; the king orders I. to be executed, he orders the ring send an ax to kill the culprit; the axe kills the king, I. reigns]: Doronin 2004:27-32.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Lin Lin, Ustin 1959 (Xinjiang) [Khan learns that a peasant's son is predicted to marry a khan's daughter; tells him to throw the boy in a box into the river; the box finds a miller; Ada reaches 18 years of age , the khan sees him, sends him with a letter, it says to kill the bearer; the robber replaces the letter with the command to marry A. to the khan's daughter; the khan demands three hairs from the head of the king of the genies; the city guard asks why did the spring dry up, another city - why did the apple tree dry up; a boatman crossing the lake to the city of gins - why it is not replaced; the grandmother of the king of genies turns A. into an ant, hides it up his sleeve; He pulls a hair from his sleeping grandson three times; says three times that he had a dream, in dreams questions from those whom A. met; gin: under the source of a toad, under an apple tree, a mouse, a boatman must hand the steering wheel to a person in red coat; A. kills a toad and a mouse, tells the khan to wear a red robe to take treasures beyond the lake; Khan becomes a boatman]: 299-305; Tursunov 1983 [Khan Shalkan sees a man recording in a book of human destinies; finds out that his daughter will marry the son of a slave to a neighboring khan; lends a pregnant slave, throws her off a cliff; poor spouses care for a boy named Zhanbolat; only he Solves the Khan's dream; when he learns that J. is not the son of the elderly, S. guesses his origin, sends it with a letter to the vizier, he must kill the applicant; the khan's daughter replaces the letter with a command marry the applicant; S. came to terms with fate]: 231-234; Sidelnikov 1952 (Turgay district) [=1971 (1): 71-82; the vizier invited the khan to wear simple clothes, go see how the people live; in a poor yurt, his wife giving birth; the vizier says that the boy who will be born will become the son-in-law of the khan and his, the vizier, the ruler; the khan bought the boy, put him in a chest, threw him into the river; the fisherman picked him up and raised him; the khan and the vizier again they are wandering; the vizier points to one of the boys playing: he will be the khan's son-in-law; the khan bought the boy again, sent a letter to his younger vizier, in a letter an order to kill the applicant; but the vizier felt sorry for the boy, kept him; the young man matured; the khan recognized him, wanted to execute him, but then enemies attacked and the khan went to war, leaving a letter with a new order to kill the applicant; the young man fell asleep, his khan's daughter saw and replaced the letter with an order to marry her young man; gave birth to him two sons; three years later, the khan returned; ordered the vizier to burn in the oven the first person who would come to the bakery in the morning; in the morning sent her son-in-law to check bakery; but the son-in-law stayed to listen to the birds in the garden; the khan went to see for himself whether his order had been carried out; thrown into the oven; the young man was made the new khan]: 237-241; Sidelnikov 1962 (2) [khan traveled incognito around the khanate; in one village told him that the boy who was born would become Khan's son-in-law; the khan persuaded the poor man to sell his son, ordered him to be thrown into the river in a box; the miller picked him up and raised him, his name was Ada; when he accidentally arrived there, Khan understood who the young man was and sent a letter to his wife; in the letter an order to kill the messenger; at the night, the robbers replaced the letter with an order to marry the sent man to the khan's daughter; the khan returned and sent his son-in-law bring three golden hair from the head of the prince of giants; on the way in one place, the guards ask to know why the spring has dried up; in another, why the apple tree no longer brings golden apples; the carrier on the lake - when he is on shift; the old woman turned A. into an ant, hid it in her sleeve; wakes up the sleeping giant three times, each time pulling out her golden hair and asking a question; giant: there is a toad at the bottom of the spring; the roots of an apple tree chews on the mouse; the carrier must hand the paddle to the man in red clothes and leave; on the way back, Ada received an award from the owners of the spring and apple tree; Khan said that the lake has a treasure, but it is necessary to come for it red clothes; Khan became a carrier]: 36-42; (cf. Kyrgyz [in winter, a farmer lost to Khan in Toguz-kumalak (playing with balls on a board), who demanded grapes; Kalak, the son of a farmer, told the khan's son that his father was bitten by a snake; - It doesn't happen in winter snakes. - And grapes too; the khan praised the boy, forgave the loss, but decided to get rid of K.; took him to the city, told him to walk; K. told the cook that the khan likes to eat beshbarmak with a spoon and a spoon it must be heated; the khan took a spoon and shouted "Kaalak!" (cry of fear); K.: I'm here; Khan tells K. not to let go of bridles, otherwise thieves will steal horses; K. sold horses, went to bed with bridles in his hands; Khan wrote a letter on K.'s back to his son with ordering to kill the messenger; on the way, K. made something like a skullcap out of honey and millet, put it on his head; pretended that his hat was edible and food did not run out; sold it to dice players for one of them, erased what the khan had written from his back and ordered him to marry the khan's daughter and give the half khanate, because the khan allegedly lost everything to Kalak; the khan ordered K. to be put in a bag, drowned; wife warned; K. made a scarecrow, which they drowned; told his wife to cry as if for a dead person; he bought sheep himself, said that he had brought them from the bottom; there was paradise, he met his father and grandfather, rams were a gift to Khan from them; there is only a cauldron and bricks for the hearth; the khan's son jumped into the river with a cauldron tied to his back, followed by the khan, both drowned]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1977:175-179).

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols (Khalha) [the childless Khan Solombo Lama predicts that his property will go to a poor boy; S. takes the child into foster care, buries him alive in the snow; an old woman found him, he grew up, got married; S. found out, told the young man to bring the soul of the deceased out of hell; the wife gives her a bag of eyes (give it to crows), a bag of veins (women), salt (a cannibal camel); on the way, a woman asks why her horns; people - why does the temple they build collapse; man - why he stuck to the boat; gives his eyes, veins, salt; passes between the golden and silver mountains; the master's wife is kidnapped young man's sister; hides in a hole under the hearth; the wife asks the returning ruler why those people were punished (the woman did not give milk to the poor man, the temple builders used to be robbers; the boatman profited from transporting people); you can take some gold and silver from the mountains; in the morning Vladyka left, his sister told me what he had learned, gave the soul of the deceased; he brought S. gold and silver; S. himself went to hell, torn to pieces on the way]: Mikhailov 1962:137-141 (=1967:161-166).

(Wed. Western Siberia. Eastern Khanty (Trom-Agan) [{explicit Russian borrowing}]: Chepregi 2015, No. 5:68-74).

(Wed. Eastern Siberia. The Yakuts [Lord Hara-Haan was once told that a poor man had a better son than him. He didn't believe it, but he still threw the beggar into jail. Her son Udalets was born there. When he grew up, he broke the prison and went free. Hara-Haan summoned the guy Udaltz and ordered: "Find out why the sun has faded. If you do that, you'll be honored and praised. If not, I'll take my head off." The daring man, being with the younger sister of the sun, heard them talking. The sun says: I kissed the world's best beauty, Aala-Kuo, she slapped me in the face, which is why darkness surrounded me. Aaly-Kuo said: Lucky Daredevil should kiss my lips. This is what the younger sister of the sun called the guy who overheard their conversation. Returning, Happy Daredevil told Hara-Haan about this. He flew to her in the Arat Sea and returned with her beautiful woman to the kingdom of Khara-Khan. When the king saw her, he immediately died. The daring man from Aaly-Kuo healed happily]: Ergis 1967b, No. 139:194).

Japan. Japanese (North Ryukyu, entry 1) [the prince gets lost hunting, stays in the hut of a coal burner whose wife has just given birth; at night he hears the conversation of the gods: the newborn will be his heir; The prince pretends to adopt a boy and rafts him down the river; the fisherman picked him up, the young man achieved fame, the prince made him heir]: Ikeda 1971, No. 930:207.