Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M75C. Treasures on the mountain, ATU 936. .11.13.-.15.17.27.-.33.

A person is offered to climb a rock or tree to get treasures. A return descent is not possible. Doomed to death, the hero remains alive.

Swahili, Kordofan, Nubians, Sudanese Arabs, Kordofan, Morocco (Arabs and/or Berbers), Berbers of Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Spaniards, Portuguese, Sicilians, Maltese, Arabs literary tradition, Qatar, Yemenis, Albanians, Romanians, Bulgarians, Greeks, Czechs, Russians (Terek coast, Olonetskaya, Pskov, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Ugric Russia, Ivanovo- Frankivsk, Poltava), Belarusians, Balkarians, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Bakhtiyars, Tajiks, Uzbeks (including Khorezm), Turkmens, Finns, Latvians, Mordovians, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Udmurts, Uighurs, Kyrgyz.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Swahili [when he dies, the witch doctor tells his pregnant wife to name her son Hassib Karimaddini; he reads his father's books; neighbors ask the boy to let go to help them carry firewood; finds a deep well with honey; when almost all the honey is taken out, the other boys refused to pull out HC, share the money among themselves; mothers say that the son was eaten by a lion, they take care of her; HC sees a scorpion, finds a hole through which he got into a hole, comes out; a palace, gold, pearls everywhere; the serpent sultan came telling stories; one about a man to whom the other offers a job: wrapped in the skin of a dead camel, a bird raises him to the rock, he must throw off the gems from there; after receiving the stones, the owner leaves; the man goes, sees the old man's house; he allows him to enter all rooms except one; the person has come in, there is a garden and river; three birds flew in, took off their clothes, became girls, swimming; the old man advises to hide the clothes he liked best, gets married; hid the clothes in a hole, but the wife finds them, flies away, passing them through a slave that her husband can follow her; he finds a wife; she dies soon; he dug a hole near her grave and stayed there; the serpent sultan sends HC home to his mother, warning that he will return and kill him; in order for the sultan (people) to recover, it is necessary to eat the meat of the sultan of snakes; the vizier beat HC, forced the snakes to show the way to the Sultan; he orders to give the vizier the first foam when he is cooked, take the second one for himself, Give the Sultan a third; the Sultan recovered, HC became a doctor, the vizier died]: Okhotina 1962:112-122.

Sudan - East Africa. Kordofan (language not specified) [the father tells his sons to learn the craft; the eldest became a tinsmith, the youngest became a silver jeweler; the man gave him a wand that turns tin into gold; suggested go to get good luck; the young man's mother warns that this is the man his father did not let him go with when he died; but the young jeweler invited him into the house; the man slept him He brought sleeping pills on a donkey to a deserted place, brought him to life; on the mountain, a tree, branches and chips of which turn tin into gold; a man stabbed a ram, told the jeweler to climb into the skin, the eagle brought it to the mountain; the jeweler threw off the branches, the man put them in a bag, loaded them on the donkey and left; the jeweler went to look for the descent; when the forest of magic trees ran out and the bones of the dead were no longer found, he saw a tower; the door fell, there were seven girls inside; they were the daughters of the king of genies; the eldest explained that that man lures young men to the rock every year to get magic chips; a year later, the peri sent the jeweler down to another eagle, they gave a sword; just as that man came with a new young man; the jeweler cut off the man's head, put the young man on a donkey and sent him home; he returned to the peri on the eagle, bringing his severed head; said that he misses his mother; having received gifts from Peri, he flew to her on an eagle, taking more branches of the magic tree; when he recognized his son, the mother, who was blind, saw the light]: Frobenius 1923, No. 8:73-81; Nubians, Arabs Sudan: El-Shamy 2004, No. 936*: 640-641

North Africa. Algerian Berbers, Arabs of Egypt: El-Shamy 2004, № 936*: 640-641; Arabs of Libya and Egypt [the blind sultan will see the light if he gets the medicine - green fish; Sultan's son and son the vizier catches her, but she asks her to let go and the Sultan's son lets her go; the Sultan orders him to be killed and bring his blood; the young man's mother persuaded the soldiers to bring gazelle blood to the Sultan; the Sultan's son meets a stranger and they become twin brothers; a Jew hires the Sultan's son for business: a bird brings him to the mountain, where diamonds {obviously he drops diamonds to a Jew, but cannot go down}; his sister helped him out; The Jew comes for him again, tells him to get a magic ring and treasures from the treasure on the mountain; the brother forces the Jew to return the young man, while the Jew remains on the mountain; on the same mountain, the Sultan's son got the princess; the brother offers to divide everything; pretends to cut the girl in half, she regurgitated the box and it contains a cure for blindness; her sister says that he is that green fish; the son of the Sultan marries a princess and receives the throne from his healed father]: Nowak 1969, No. 53:79; Tunisia [after his father's death, Hassan squandered his savings and then started a shop; the wizard Imbragim came and turned iron into gold, stayed overnight, put H. sleeping pills and carried it away in the chest; ordered the assistant spirit to deliver three camels; H. and I. came to the foot of the mountain; I. ordered H. to climb into the skin of the killed camel; the vultures took him to the mountain; there he found a sign; refused to give it to I. until he brought him home; I. left; H. weaved a rope out of the grass, went down; came to the castle of seven daughters the lord of the spirits, became their brother; the sisters leave for a month, the youngest tells them not to go into the same room; H. broke the ban, there are flowers and a pond, 10 doves went down, dropped their feathers, became girls; H. fell in love to the youngest, they flew away, he returned to the palace; the returning fairies taught me how to hide the turtledot feathers; the fairies persuaded the captive to marry H.; 3 years later, I. brought a young man again; the fairy gave H. a magical a sword, H. cut off I.'s head; telling the helper spirit to give three camels, returned with his wife to his mother, and then moved from Basra to Baghdad; the wife gave birth to sons named Nasr and Mansour; H. went for six months to visit the fairy sisters; showed his mother where he hid his wife's feather outfit, ordered her not to give it to her or let her daughter-in-law out of the house; she persuaded her to let her go to the bathhouse; the ruler's wife saw her and called her to her; all women show how they dance; wife H. says she would dance better if she had her feather outfit; the eunuch brought a chest full of her dress; wife H. put on feathers, took both children, flew away, shouting: let H. look for her on Wakwak Island; H.'s mother dug three graves, told the returning H. that his wife and children were dead; but H. dug up the graves, the mother was forced to tell everything; H. returned to the fairy sisters ; the youngest advised them to ask their father's brother; he took H., flew to the mountain on a flying elephant; then ride a horse to the cave; if there is a man in red, return, if in white, you will get a wife; a man in white leads him further; after his adventures, H. goes to the queen of the heavenly maidens; his sons recognize his father; the queen orders his wife X. to be beaten and thrown into prison, and he ends up in the desert; two sons wizards are fighting for their father's inheritance: a magic wand and an invisible hat; H. threw a stone: whoever brings it faster will give him wonderful items; takes them himself; frees his wife and sons, flies away from with them on winged horses; his army defeated the Queen's Soysky; H.'s wife forgave the queen; H. returned to Baghdad with his family, Harun Arrashid appointed him a vizier]: Stumme 1893, No. 2:13-39; Morocco (Arabs and/or Berbers): Mifsud-Chircop 1978:387.

Southern Europe. Spaniards [the poor man went to work; a man gives him 3,000 reais, tells him not to ask; he has candles burning in his house, one is about to go out; he tells the poor man that his life is will end before the candle burns out; tells you to kill the horse, make a bag out of the skin; blowing on the paper, creates a ladder out of it, tells you to go up to the castle; the poor man has risen, there are bones everywhere; the owner orders to fill throw the bag to him with them; breaks the stairs; the poor man digs a way, enters a house where the table is set and the bed is ready; he eats and sleeps, but an invisible hand pushes him; the old woman says that he will not get out of her; gives keys, forbids unlocking one of the rooms; he unlocked, there is a man and a woman half turned into lions; they advise the old woman to look in her head, kill with a stiletto; who were in the room the prince and his wife take on a human form, tell them to flee, otherwise the lions will chase; the man came to the master, killed him, took his family and began to live with the prince whom he saved]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, № 325A: 122- 125; Portuguese: Cardigos 2006, No. 325A [brothers are hired by a wizard one by one and disappear; the youngest comes; the wizard sewed him in the skin of a horse, made the young man on top of the mountain or towers; there are treasures; the young man filled the skin with gold (or bones), threw off the owner, he left, leaving him to die; the young man met a giant (this is the enchanted king) with his daughter; only the wizard's book may spell them down; {once down}, he is again hired by a wizard who does not recognize him; he dies; {then the retelling of the episodes is so brief that it is impossible to explain the plot}]: 75-76; Pedroso 1882, No. 8 [the widow has three sons {then only two are active}; the eldest goes to look for work; hired a wizard; they jump to the mountain, the wizard killed the horse, told the young man to climb into the carcass, and, while reading a book, raised the horse to the rock ; there is gold and jewelry; when the young man filled the bags and put them inside the carcass, the wizard lowered the horse and drove away; the young man pulled out the grass, found the ring, opened the hatch; the stairs led to the hall where he lies giant; he says that before sunrise, three doves will come to swim in the pond, we must grab a white dove (the others are gray and brown); the young man has two feathers left in his hand, but the pigeons flew away; then he took a snare and caught a white dove in the morning; she turned into a girl; a young man brought her to a giant; maids and servants appeared, gave her clothes; the widow's youngest son went to look for the elder; the same happened to him , but he filled the bags not with gold, but with bones, threw a stone at the wizard, breaking his legs; as the wizard passed away, the giant freed himself from the spell, became a prince, his palace rose from the ground and found himself near the young men's mother's house; the other two doves also became girls, married a young man, and the prince married a white dove]: 33-37; Sicilians (Palermo) [{=Gozenbach 1870.1, #6:29-30?} ; the poor young man is starving; the Greek promises to support him well, and he will have to work only once a year; once a Greek brought a young man to a steep mountain; stabbed a horse and told him to climb into its skin; the eagle raised his skin together with the young man on the mountain; the young man was supposed to throw stones to the Greek, but when he saw that they were diamonds and gold, he guessed the trap, collected stones and went to look for a place to go down; found a hatch and found himself in the palace of the Sorcerer Savino; he was going to kill and fry a young man: he does this to everyone when a Greek sends for jewelry; the young man convinced S. that he had not thrown a single stone to the Greek; then he took him into service: each time to give each of the 12 an end 99 blows with a baton; one of the horses says that they were all human too, but S. bewitched them; let the young man hit the ground with a truncheon so that S. could hear blows, and horses will laugh; the horse says that in the morning 12 turtles fly to the pond, take off their clothes, become girls and swim; you have to hide the most beautiful clothes; the young man did so, ran and ran to his mother's house, the girl after him; the young man warned his mother not to let his daughter-in-law out of the house; but when the young man went to sell the jewelry brought from the mountain, the wife begged his mother-in-law to give her the hidden clothes, put them on and flew away with their necks; the young man went in search; three robbers ask to share the items they stole: an inexhaustible purse, speedboat boots, an invisible cloak; the young man pretends to wants to check if the objects are really like this, takes everything and disappears; finds himself again on the same pond and steals and immediately burns his wife's pigeon clothes; the wife promises to stay with him, but he must To kill a sorcerer and restore their human form to their horses - snatch three hairs from everyone; he does; it turns out that his wife is the daughter of the King of Spain]: Calvino 1980, No. 164:591-594; Maltese [young man hired a rich man; he sewed him in the skin of a horse, it was transferred to the top of the mountain; tells him to drop the gold, the young man refuses; var.: the wizard opened the magic book and carried the young man to the top of the mountain; the young man refuses to obey orders until the owner lowers it back; finds a wishful lantern and goes down by himself]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 936*: 386-387.

Western Asia. Arab literary tradition (One Thousand and One Nights) [the sage has no sons; he prays for a child; during a shipwreck he loses all books except 5 sheets; before he dies, he does not yet bequeath sheets a born son; stargazers predict that the boy will live a long life if he survives trouble as a child; the child does not learn a craft; grows up; he is married; woodcutters hire him; he finds a well with honey; woodcutters go to sell honey; leave the young man in the well; take his share; tell his mother that he is dead; the young man finds a hole from which insects crawl; in front of the palace; he falls asleep in it; wakes up to the hiss of snakes; the biggest one gives him a dish with a queen, a snake with a human face; the young man tells her his story; the snake promises prosperity if he listens to her; story Queen of serpents: before death, the king entrusts his only son to the nobles; the son finds a book from which he proofreads knowledge about faith and the prophet who will appear at the end of times; the young man orders to burn his father's corpse because he did not open this book to him during his lifetime; the nobles resist; goes to look for the prophet; wakes up on the island; sees snakes praising God; snakes are inhabitants of hell and are created in punishment for sinners; Gehenna sighs twice a year in summer and winter, spreads heat, and throws out snakes; giant snakes live in hell; on another island, a young man meets the queen of snakes; she is white colors; sends a greeting to the prophet; the elder tells the young man about the ring to which all creatures will obey; no one can remove this ring and cannot travel across the seven seas on which the coffin was carried its deceased owner; there is grass that needs to be smeared on your feet to cross the sea; only the queen of snakes can reach it; the elder puts two goblets in the snake cage: with milk and wine; feeling the smell of milk, the snake drinks wine, drowns in a cup; the snake shows herbs; each herb talks about its beneficial properties; people find grass, smear their feet, keep them in reserve; the snake reproaches them for wanting break the divine will by taking possession of the ring after the king; men are ashamed; leave; the son of a sage asks to bring him to the surface; the snake refuses; finds the owner of the ring; the king's son casts spells while the old man takes the ring; the snake threatens to burn the men, they do not notice it; after the second threat, the king's son is frightened and stops reading; the snake burns the old man; the angel saves the young man; the young man comes to the island from spices and jewelry; at night, sea animals go to the ground carrying jewelry; communicate with terrestrial animals; on another island, sea maidens perform the same actions; on one island, a young man they forbid eating fruits, because his ancestor has fallen from sin; he goes through seven seas; meets righteous genies who fight against the unrighteous; the king of the righteous talks about the seven layers of hell, dividing genies into righteous and unrighteous; genies cannot return the young man to his country; give him a magic horse; in the desert he meets an angel praying in front of a half-white and half-black board ; an angel, commanding day and night until resurrection; a young man meets four angels in the form of a man, a bull, a lion and a bird; ascends a mountain from where everything on earth is ruled; an angel from this mountain by God's will sends good luck and trouble; talks about the white and endless land of angels, about a mountain of ice and snow that protects the world from hell, about colorful lands for angels, about a snake that swallowed hell; a young man reaches the gate, guarded by creatures in the form of a bull and a lion; only the messenger of God can open the gate; the king's son asks God to send a messenger; the messenger opens the gate; behind them there are two mountains and a sea half salty and half bland; a young man meets angels; a young man crying between two tombs; a sage's son asks again to bring him to the surface; snakes ask for him; the queen takes him an oath not to go to the bathhouse for the rest of his life; the young man tells his story: the king had no sons; the stargazers said that he would have a son only from the daughter of King X.; King H. agreed to marry; stargazers predicted misfortunes for his son after 15 years; at the age of 15, the son chased game; the game went to sea; after catching a gazelle, he went with his subjects to the island at sea; the father sent letters about his son to all islands; the prince went to land on the wrong island to which he sailed; sent half of the servants deep into the island, remaining in the boat; the prince was brought to the palace; the island belonged to monkeys; the monkeys sank the boat; brought the prince of meat; made his king; he ordered his servants to help the monkeys defeat their enemies; found a stove with a prophecy: whoever arrives on the island will become the sultan of the monkeys and will be able get off the island only by walking east or west in a mountain for three or four months, past enemies to the sea, the world around you, or to a river that dries up once a week, to a city where there is no supporter true faith; the young man decided to go to the city of people of unrighteous faith; the monkeys saw him in the ant valley leading to the city; chased; were killed by ants; the prince reached the city alone; in the city found out about a caravan in his land; hired a girl and a thousand dinars; received a payment in advance; he stabbed a mule on orders; took off his skin; separated his limbs; he was sewn into the belly of a donkey to make him recounted what he saw; a huge bird took the young man to the nest; he threw precious stones from the nest to the merchant under the mountain to show him the way; the merchant left without showing him; the young man found the palace; told the elder at the gate has his story; remains to live in the palace; he is forbidden to open one door; the owner of the palace has left; the young man opened the forbidden door; saw three girls dressed as cabbage rolls; fell in love with them; when they flew away, fell unconscious; refused to return to his country without them; a year later, the birds flew to the pool while the young man was sleeping; on the advice of the owner of the castle, the young man hid the clothes of one of the girls; she confessed to the prince in love; the owner of the castle took an oath of allegiance from her; decided to fly to the prince's country; the prince returned the girl's feather clothes; the girl with the prince on her back recognized signs on the ground; on the ground the prince recognized him two wars; they went to notify the tsar; the prince said that he would wait seven days; the girl met the prince's mother; the tsar ordered the construction of a palace at the place where they met; the girl by smell she found her clothes hidden under the floor of the palace; said goodbye to the prince; invited her to her city; flew away; the tsar attacked the neighboring king; the kings put the best knights to fight; Tsar K. called the neighboring king to help; the prince went to the battlefield; at night he went with a caravan to another city; the war of the kings lasted seven years; the young man came to a man with whom he already lived; was hired for the same job, that last time; this time he was sewn into a horse's carcass; he refused to throw stones from the merchant's nest; the owner of the castle said he did not know about the existence of the fortress, which the girl called her home; the bird girls also did not hear about this fortress; one of the birds took it to the king of animals; the king of beasts ordered to remember what was written on the boards; called on the animals to ask about the fortress; the beasts do not know; the king of animals sends the prince to his older brother; the brother does not know the fortress; sends him to a sorcerer and a monk, animals and mountains are subordinate to him, he has a staff of three pieces: meat and blood come out of one, milk from the other , the third is wheat and barley; he sent a young man on a giant bird that arrives twice a year; the monk did not know about the fortress; called all animals and genies; one bird said he knew where it was; a bird took the young man there; the father of the bird girl ordered each person to be brought to her place; marriage; they were carried into the kingdom of a young man; Tsar K. began to win the war; the prince's father decided to choke himself to not to be defeated; the prince's warriors on a flying bed went to defeat Tsar K.'s army; the princess stood up for Tsar K.; he was not killed; sent on a lame horse; one of the graves belongs to a bird girl, who was killed by a shark while swimming; another dug for him; the young man was waiting for his death; the son of a sage was walking by sea and found an island with a bird from paradise; the bird said: Adam took four leaves out of paradise to cover themselves with them, they fell to the ground, one of them ate worms and turned it into silk; the other ate gazelles, made musk out of it; the third was eaten by bees, made honey out of it; the fourth fell into India and appeared it is made of spices; the young man tells his story to a man on the island; asks him to be taken to Egypt; prays to God to get to death; closed his eyes; the man immediately carried him to Egypt; son the king once again swears that he will not go to the bathhouse; the snake returns him to his mother; the woodcutters give him half of their money; the young man becomes a rich merchant; refuses the bathhouse; the bathhouse attendant swears to divorce from wives, if he does not enter the bathhouse with him; in this case the bathhouse attendant agrees to take the sin; guards enter the bathhouse; take the young man to the Sultan; books indicate that only he can cure the king from leprosy; the hero does not know the cure; orders the hangman to beat him; goes to the well with the courtiers; summons the queen of snakes; the snake orders her to be hacked, as it is still inevitable; forbids him to kill her: tells him to do so that the vizier hacks her; tells her to collect the first foam from her cooking meat; the foam will cure the disease; instead of this foam, give the vizier another; drink the fourth foam and become wise; give the meat to the king; then give wine to the king; the king will be cured; the young man does as the snake told; the vizier who ordered the snake to be killed dies; the hero becomes wise; studies his father's sheets; learns all sciences]: Salle 2010 (2), nights 483-536: 43-111; Arab literary tradition (One Thousand and One Nights) [Persian praises jeweler Hassan's products, offers to adopt him, promises to teach him a better craft; mother H. does not trust a foreigner; the next morning, a stranger makes a gold bar out of copper, H. asks him to teach him how to create gold; this can only be learned in a Persian's house; they go to X.'s house, the Persian drinks it, puts it in a chest, puts money and jewelry in another, sends chests to the ship; the ship sails away; mother H. builds a tomb with her son's name and lives in it; H. will be killed in a thousandth if she does not betray his faith but H. refuses to worship fire, the Persian tortures him while they are on the ship; during the storm, the sailors blame the Persian, they want to kill him, he apologizes to H., the storm subsides; the Persian and X. descend to land, they ride camels; a Persian sews H. into a camel's skin, a bird lifts its skin up the mountain; there's firewood and human bones; a Persian asks to dump firewood, which is needed for alchemy; H. dumps firewood, the Persian leaves, leaving H. on the mountain; H. rushes into the sea, takes him ashore, where the palace of the enemies of the Persian, there are seven daughters of the genie; H. remains with them; a year later a Persian appears with a prisoner , who is going to be sent to the mountain; H. kills a Persian, throws his head into the fire; frees the prisoner; the girls leave for two months; H. opens the forbidden door; 10 birds arrive; H. hides; birds turn into girls; bathe; H. falls in love with the elder; bird girls fly away; H. withers from love; jeennia comes back, H. talks about everything younger, she promises to help; older jinnias they go hunting, the youngest advises H. to hide the feathers of the bird girl; the jeennias arrange their wedding; H. dreams of his mother, he goes to her; in case of difficulty, he must hit the Persian drum and camels they will take him to the gennias; to mother H.'s house, his wife gives birth to two sons; H. decides to visit Jinny, punishes his mother not to go to town with his wife; the wife violates the ban, goes to the bathhouse, she is seen by a slave Caliph, tells his wife; she demands that wife H. calls his wife X. to her place, dresses him up; wife H. says that she has feather clothes, let her mother-in-law give them back; the servant brings clothes, wife X. turns into a bird, takes the children and flies away - let her husband look for her on the Wak Islands; H. goes to the gennias for help; Uncle Jinny takes the horse out of the mountain, gives a letter; on horseback X. reaches the mountain in which the mighty sheikh, gives a letter; he is allowed into the mountain; he is given a new letter and a case with firefighting accessories that can be used to summon the sheikh in case of trouble; H. flies on the back of the efreet, gives a letter to the king; the king explains how to proceed; Hasan is secretly put on the ship; after getting off the ship, H. hides under a bench; at night asks for protection from a warrior girl, she brings him armor; H. mixes with warriors; a warrior girl takes off her clothes, turns out to be an old woman; an old warrior commands an army of women, ready to help; tells how to get to Wak Island; H. goes with an army across the island birds; across the island of animals; across the island of genies; H. describes his wife to the warrior, the old woman recognizes the king's eldest daughter; H. must recognize his wife among other girls; he does not know if the queen is going to cut him head; the old woman intercedes; says that there is not a single woman left in the city but the queen herself; she must also appear to H.; he sees that the queen looks like his wife; she is her sister; queen orders to bring her sister with children; children are brought before their mother; the queen makes sure that the boys are the sons of H.; the queen beats her sister; talks about everything to her husband, the father of the bird girls; the sorcerer's two children they quarrel over a copper stick, which genies and invisible caps obey; H. invites them to race, picks up wonderful objects; invisible, goes to his wife, she is crucified and tied to her hair; H. opens to her children, unties his wife, the old woman opens the gate, the Ifrites give X. three horses; genie sticks defeat the queen's army, she is captured; X.'s wife stands up for her, reconciles; queen with they go to their city as an old woman; on the way they thank the king who put H. on the ship and both sheikhs; the sheikhs ask them to give them a wand and hat for their help; H. and his family visit the jinnias, thanks youngest, returns home]: Salye 2010 (2), nights 778-831:594-703; Yemenis [a man hung a sword from the ceiling: which of his sons can grab the sword; the sons of two wives could not, the son of the concubine grabbed; the elder wife poisoned the food, handed it over the son of the other wife to the son of the concubine; the bird, the dog tried it, died; the son of the concubine and the son of the second wife leave; they come to the city where Afrit kidnapped the princess and gives it away water in exchange for girls; the son of a concubine forces Afrit to bring him to where his lair is; kills him; frees 14 princesses kidnapped and hanged by the hair; after the king's death, people choose a new one the first person he meets; the concubine's son leaves his younger brother as king, leaves himself; the Hindu invites him to go to India; there he leads to the mountain, tells him to climb into the killed camel; the eagle will lift the carcass up the mountain, we must throw off the dry brushwood from there; once on the mountain, the young man sees three dead and half alive; he explains that the Hindu told them to throw off the firewood, but in fact gold lying everywhere; let him down; the young man jumped off a cliff into the sea, sailed to the island; there is the palace of the seven daughters of the king of the genies of the West; they make him a brother; when they fly away, they tell him not to go into the garden; he comes in, there is a pond, they swim in it, taking off the clothes of doves, seven daughters of the king of the genies of the East; he hides the clothes of the youngest; the daughters of the king of the genies of the West return, telling this girl to marry the young man; they transfer him to the city where the young man's brother is king; then he goes to see his father, but everyone is dead there and only his mother is alive; he is building a palace, telling his mother not to show his wife her pigeon clothes; a neighboring king kidnaps the young man's wife, tells her to dance; she says that if her mother-in-law brings her pigeon clothes, the dance will be better; the servants bring the clothes; the maiden flies away with the children, asks her mother-in-law to tell her husband to look for her on Waq Al Waq Island; At first, the mother lies to her son that his wife and children are dead, but he opens the graves - it is empty; the young man meets two sons of Afrit, arguing over the invisible Kufia, the sword and the staff (calls the genies helpers); the young man throws a stick - whoever brings it first will receive a kufia and a staff; puts on the kufia, becomes invisible, calls the genies to move him to Wak Al Waq Island; there he puts on the old genniha's chest; she tells me to contact the queen of the island - she knows all the women there; he does not find a wife among the audience; the queen put her in prison because she married a mortal; using the kufia, the young man enters the prison; his Sons see, wife agrees to return to him; genies defeat queen's warriors; young man and family return home, kills a Hindu, burns pigeon clothes]: Daum 1992, No. 13:130-145; Qatar: El-Shamy 2004, № 936*: 640-641.

Wed. China - Korea. The Chinese (?) [in China, the story has been known since the 8th century]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953:234).

The Balkans. Albanians [the peasant's son agrees to sit on a magic bird, climb the Crystal Mountain; drops his jewelry from there, but the people below refuse to let him down; the young man finds a goat the pen, cleans it; the three-eyed goat tells one goat, then the other to guard, one goes to graze, the other falls asleep, the young man cleans the pen imperceptibly both times; the third time the goat himself remains , takes him to his blind master; he lets the young man herd, does not tell him to take the goats to the edge of the cliff; there peri dances, the young man plays the pipe, the peri is the first to get tired, the young man ties her up, makes her eyes return owner; having seen the light, the owner gives the young man the keys, tells him not to unlock the twelfth room; three Beauties of the Earth fly into it to swim, the young man hides the youngest's belt, brings his wife home on a heroic horse, the key to the belt gives it to her mother; three years later, she goes with her daughter-in-law to the wedding, gives her a belt, her daughter-in-law flies through a smoke hole; the young man flies back to the mountain, the old man sends him to his older brother, who The oldest, he sends him to the spring, where the maids of the Beauty of the Earth collect water, the young man throws a ring into the jug, the wife and her sisters come to him, turn an apple so that their cannibal brothers they did not eat it; they smell it, agree to give it to their sister if the son-in-law 1) brings an armful of firewood, 2) a barrel of water larger than them (the young man pretends to tie the forest with a rope, digs up the entire spring); 3) catch a hare, get a nut; a young man falls on a hare from a tree, gets a wife]: Serkova 1989:55-57; Romanians [the fisherman's son agrees to let the king fish go; his father beats him, he leaves; meets a dwarf, takes twin brothers; a dwarf notices that one owner has a new employee every day; watches as he tells the employee to climb a rope up a tree, lower the basket of gems, place an empty basket back, drops the rope, the snake swallows the worker, spews gems into the basket; the dwarf hires the owner, refuses to climb again, saying that he is dizzy, the owner climbs himself, the snake swallows it, the dwarf receives gems, takes treasures from the owner's house for the fisherman's son; the princess married 99 times, the groom has only bones in the morning; the dwarf enters marriage, lies down at night in the place of the fisherman's son, does not sleep, kills a snake that crawled out of the princess's mouth; threatens the princess to cut her in half, she regurgitates three snake eggs, the dwarf breaks them; says that he is the king fish; the son of a fisherman with The princess is rich and happy]: Sadetsky 1973:212-220 (the same or very similar text in Nortines 1935:125-136); Bulgarians [a Jew hired an employee; at the end of his term of employment, tells him to climb into the skin of an animal, eagles take the young man up the mountain, there are precious stones; after overcoming obstacles, the young man returns to the Jew; "forced again and again"]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 936*: 350; Greeks (Epirus) [When the childless king finally had a son, he placed him in a glass castle with his teachers; one day a young man was brought meat and bone, he threw it, broke through the wall; the father had to let the young man go; he became a hunter; chased a deer, got lost, ate roots; a Jew appeared, brought him to the mountain, asked him to drop gold from it; to do this, he placed the young man in buffalo skin, the birds lifted him up the mountain, he threw off gold to a Jew; a Jew took the gold, leaving the young man behind; while digging roots, the young man found a passage, a staircase in it; she led to the palace, in which an old man with a beard to his knees; he teaches him to take from his pocket 40 keys, open one of the rooms with a stick in it; if you hit, any food will appear; the young man was full, his strength returned and he freed the old man; the old man took the key to the 40th room; said that behind him is the lake, where three fairies fly, they have already killed many young men; the young man persuaded him to give the key; the old man: the youngest is the most beautiful, she bathes after her sisters, we must take her clothes; you can't let her at least touched the edge of her clothes; he allowed her, she tried to pull out her clothes, but failed; the young man asked for a horse, the old man gave him a flying man; on the way they stopped to eat; a dervish came up, asked for food, said that his stick hits the head on orders and kills anyone; the young man asked to hold the stick, told her to kill the dervish, took the stick; this dervish was the brother of a winged maiden; the second brother came in the form of a Jew; came and then disappeared; the young man asked him to see the invisible hat, sent a stick to kill the Jew; the fairy says that no one will help her now; the king is happy that his son has returned; he gave his wife's clothes aunt to save; his wife asked her for clothes to dance; after receiving and dancing, she flew out the window, telling her to look for her in the glass city; the prince returned to the old man, who gave a letter to his father, and he - to her mother; the mother gathered the birds, the last to deliver the old Schnapphahn, who knew about the glass city; when the prince was carried, the supplies ran out, the prince cut off the meat from his own leg; in the city of Haji said that the local king was at war with another; the young man promised to defeat the enemy alone; the prince's stick killed all the enemy warriors; the king gave off his youngest daughter as the winner; she did not want to at first, but when she found out that it was hers husband, was happy; they returned to the prince's country]: Kretschmer 1919, No. 61:287-296.

Central Europe. Czechs [poor Tunda was hired for a hundred gold a month; there is no job; at the end of his term, the master takes him to the sea, hits the water with a twig, the waters part, they go dry to the castle, T. climbs through the window, master tells you to throw money, T. refuses, the window shrinks and closes; someone black shows 99 corpses of those whom the master lured earlier; because T. did not take the money, black leaves him to watch a pair of horses and goat; T. asks for cards, then his wife; tells him to snatch three feathers from one of the three swans who will come to swim; the swan turns into a girl; T. asks for permission to see her parents, the owner allows, but does not advise; at home, T. opens the chest he has brought, the wife grabs her feathers, flies away; T. returns, the goat takes him to the pond where the swans swim; the witch sends her daughter Amalka, that T. puts him to sleep every time the swans do not wake up, they fly further and further; in the last castle, the princess (this is T.'s wife) throws the ring, T. catches it three times with her sword, each time she leaves; the princess finds, the spouses unite; T. cuts it down heads for a black lord and a goat, they turn into king and queen]: Bogolyubova, Talova 2000:307-317; Russians (Olonetskaya, Pskov, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Ugric Russia, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Poltava region), Belarusians [Golden Mountain: the hero is hired by a rich man as a worker; a rich man takes him to the golden mountain, gives him a sleepy potion and sews him in his skin (corpse) animal; birds take it to the mountain; the worker mines gold there and dumps it to the owner; he leaves the worker on the mountain; the worker escapes and later does the same to the owner]: SUS 1979, No. 936* : 239; Russians (Teresky Bereg) [the pop hired a worker; two months later he leads him to a copper mountain, sewed up the drunk in cowhide, the bird lifted his skin to the mountain, the worker woke up, got out, the pop tells throw copper, a man zipun covered three birds from the thunderstorm; the chicks ask the mother not to kill the man, she agreed to lower him to the ground; the man was again hired to the ass (still the same, silver mountain); for the third time, at the Golden Mountain, a worker sewed his priest in his skin; he found a nest, ruined it, the bird pecked him; the worker married a popadye; I was at the wedding, I drank honey beer, flowed down my mustache, did not get into my mouth]: Balashov 1970, No. 28:94-97; Russians (Pskov) [the old man hired Ivan Sinilnik to work; he brought him to the mountain on a ship, killed a lion, took out his intestines, ordered him to climb inside, the bird lifted the carcass up the mountain, the old man asked to throw down the jewelry; left, and I. stayed on the mountain; came to the castle, there were three girls; they gave the keys to 12 rooms, but no need to enter the 12th; he went in; there was a garden and a pond, 12 girls flew in swim; the first three girls advise you to hide the dress of the one you liked; he did so, married the girl, her name was Annushka; Ivan brought her home; the cooks told the princess; she praises the beauty of A.; And .: it would be even more beautiful if in her dress; the princess told the cook to bring a dress; A. put it on and flew away - let I. look; two argue over a flying carpet and an invisible hat; I. asks for him test, puts on a hat and flies on the carpet to where A. is; she is there in a hole for marrying an Orthodox; I. took her and returned home]: Chernyshev 1950, No. 18:41-44.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Balkarians (Western 1958) [Arabian, his young wife Ariu; he chased and wounded a deer; he reproached him: why did he ruin his life? there are black clouds in the sky, Arabian does not return for a long time; when he returns, Ariu looks at his ring, but it is still black; women in the country do not give birth; finally, the ring has brightened, the clouds have cleared, the women have become to give birth; Arabia has a son, Zharykbiy ("hot" means "joy"); he grew up with six peers born on the same day; the same deer is being chased, driven into the sea, dragged into a boat, the boat was carried away; some of the companions died; J. and the rest entered the land of monkeys and are forced to fight against lions; they are fleeing, monkeys and lions are chasing; A. crossed the river, his companions drowned; the merchant adopted A., told his youngest daughter not to leave him alone; despite the merchant's warning and his daughter's pleas, A. hired a merchant who promised gold and a daughter; his daughter was immediately given a choice; she says that those who left with her father did not return ; the merchant orders to slaughter the horse and get into the skin, the eagle will bring it to the rock, let J. drop the gold; after receiving the gold, the merchant left; J. killed the eagle, ate its meat; found the path, came to the forest, then to the tower, an old man in it; he went out; said that he was the leader of the birds, would go to the meeting, try to find out how J. could return home; while he was away, three eagles flew in to swim, shed their skins, and began girls; J. hid his youngest's clothes; the girls spoke to him, put him to sleep, took his clothes and fled; the same again; for the third time, the old man tells him not to give up his feather clothes until he returns; J. did not give the youngest's clothes, married her; homesick; his wife in the glare of an eagle brought J. to his native land; the rider says that he is one of those who have been looking for the missing J. for 40 years; J.'s wife tells his story ; the sun was in the sky, the ring brightened; J. began to live with his wife in the tower, hid her clothes under the foundation; the wife found her clothes and flew away; he found them and returned them; his wife herself ordered her clothes to be burned in the fire]: Malkonduev 2017:179-198; Balkarians (Western 1955) [the khan's son has three friends; they decided to travel; there is a forest and a mountain across the river; two disappeared during the crossing; the khan's son and a friend killed two tours, captured, the local ruler (wild animals are his cattle), threw them in prison, wants to execute them; his youngest son released them; the Khan's son's companion was shot dead while fleeing; the Khan's son himself met a girl; married; met a man who offered a job: slaughter the horse, climb into the carcass, the eagle will lift it to the rock, we must throw off the gold; the khan's son saw the bones, did not throw gold; he hardly got out of the cave; the man takes him to him; when leaving, forbids to unlock one room; the young man unlocked; there was a milk lake and a golden tree; three pigeons flew in, took off their clothes, became girls, bathed in a milk lake; the owner of the house explained that they were three daughters of the king of jinns; advises to hide clothes you like; the girl fell in love with him; when the young man asked, she transferred him to his father's kingdom; enemies attacked; the girl turned enemy warriors into gravestones; revived for a promise not to come again; the young man hid his pigeon clothes in a chest on the roof; his wife was offended that he did not trust her, easily took her clothes and flew away; the young man went in search; her father was the king of jinns ordered a young man to be delivered to him, scolded his daughter; the young man and his wife returned to their homes]: Malkonduev 2017:179-218; Georgians [the young man cries over the grave; tells the peasant that he is Tsarevich Dzhigan; he sailed with friends in the boat, it was brought to the shore of the country of monkeys; they broke the boat; there were no horses, they rode dogs; only D. reached the country where merchants from India come every two years; the merchant suggests a thousand gold and a girl for work; brings him to the foot of the mountain, tells him to climb into the womb of a refreshed horse; the eagles raised the carcass on the rock; the merchant orders to throw down precious stones; D. managed to go down, came to the old man, the king of birds; he leaves D. to guard the house, tells him not to open the door behind which the predators; D. opens, there is a garden, three doves flew in, became girls, began to swim; the old man returned, D. asks to marry one of them; he orders to steal the shirt of his youngest, Shemsibano; the doves arrived a year later, D. took a shirt and married S.; the old man advises wearing the shirt until his wife gives birth to a child; D. hides it in a chest, his wife finds it, flies away, tells me to look for it in the city of Gevher; D. comes to that merchant again, but climbs into the horse's carcass without taking off his clothes or giving the merchant "for storage" gold; finds it again king of birds; only one bird knew about the city of Gevher; D. came to Father Sh, he is king there; two years later, D. and S. go to see his relatives; the wolf killed S., now D. cries at the grave; dug another, lay down in her, died; violets grew up and covered with stems]: Chikovani 1986:495-502; Armenians [the young man was hired by a rich man; he sewed him into a camel's skin, the birds took him to the mountain, the top of which is covered with gold and gems; the young man threw down the precious stones; the owner left, leaving him at the top; the fox led the way down; the young man got to the house where three pigeon girls lived, married the youngest; burned his wife's wings, she disappeared; he put on iron boots, went to look for it, found it in the same house under the mountain]: Gullakyan 1990, No. 936*: 45; Azerbaijanis [Techmuz Shah has a son, Jagan Shah; once he went with seven friends to ride a boat, the storm took her to unknown lands; D. for seven years was the king of monkeys who fought against half-humans (they split in half, then merge into one); his companions were captured and eaten; finally, D. came to the copper land of Miss; there a man promised clothes, gold and a beautiful daughter for a small job; he gave a slave as a daughter; brought D. into the forest, ordered the horse to be slaughtered, to climb into her entrails; birds carried the carcass to the rock; in the morning a man ordered him to throw precious stones, loaded him on the arba and left; D. came to the old man who was guarding King Solomon's birds; he forbids him to enter one room; there's a pool; three doves flew in, threw off their blankets, became girls, swam, flew away; the youngest Gulzar felt that there was a person nearby; the old man explained that next time peri they will arrive in seven years; we need to watch and pick up the clothes; G. moved D. to his father's country, had a wedding; G. hid his shirt in a hole, a building was built above it; but G. found a shirt, flew away, told to look for her in the country of the peri Shah in the fortress of Gavgariham; D. returned to Miss's country, came to the old man in the same way as the first time; he sent him to his brother, who has not 300, but 600 birds, and he sent him to another, who has 900 birds; only the oldest, who can no longer fly or walk, knew where this fortress was; the old man fed it, she brought D. to the throne of peri Shah; for leaving G., her father, D. twice a day he hung her by the braids; arranged a wedding for D. and G., they returned to earth; D. destroyed the attacking army of the Shah of China, took his father's throne]: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935:355-372; Turks [man (prince) went broke; hired a merchant; he tells him to climb into the animal's carcass, the birds lift it up the mountain; the man drops diamonds from there; the owner leaves, but the worker manages to get out of the trap; comes to another country and marries a princess (this is the country of the padishah of birds; swan maidens arrive once a year, he hides her feather clothes); after the wedding she runs away (finds clothes and flies away); he returns to Diamond Mountain; only the oldest bird knows where his wife is; after adventures, he helps his father defeat enemies and becomes a padishah]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 187:233-235; Kurds: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 14 [(end of a long story); Padishah's son Mirza Mahmood was hired by a rich man; he takes him to the seashore, tells him to slaughter his mule, gives him sleeping pills, sews him in his skin, the eagle takes him to the island; the rich man tells him to throw precious stones - then he will show the way; tells him to look back; there is a hole and bones of people, one person is barely alive; MM made his way down the fox hole, came to the old man; saw a portrait of a beautiful woman, fell in love; old man: I'm also young, but I grew old because I love her; explains that there is a lake on the mountain, three doves will fly, throw off their feathers, become Gurias; you have to hide medium clothes; MM returned the clothes after that as Guria promised to be his wife; he comes to her father's town; guria: if (another) person's hand touches me, I'll fly away; wedding; once MM's wife was taken to a party; as soon as her hand touched her hand another dancer, she became a dove and flew away; MM hired that rich man again; asked him to come closer and killed him with a stone; MM hid Guria's clothes again and burned them; returned home with her], 28 [rider on The mule caught up with the rider on horseback, drove together; saw a whip on the road; whoever has suffered more hardships in life will receive it; the story of an equestrian; he went to work as an employee; the old man invites him to marry at his daughter; at night he leads his son-in-law to the well, asks him to go down and get the precious stones; threw the rope and left; around the bone of the dead; the young man dug the way out; he came unrecognized to that old man, he again gave his daughter; the son-in-law pretends to be afraid to go down into the well; the old man went down himself, the young man threw the rope; the old man's daughter and daughter-in-law, whose husband died, agreed to become his wives; the story of the mule owner; the rich emir does not understand why his horses are dying; the groom tells him to pretend to be asleep and secretly follow his wife; the emir rides after her unnoticed; sees her hugging an ugly arap in the desert; cuts him off head, ready to forgive his wife; she hit him with a wand, turned him into a dog; comes to live with good owners; they guessed who he is; gave him the heart and liver of a cow, this restored him to his human appearance; mistress tells him to come to his wife incognito under the guise of a merchant, quietly pick up the magic wand; with it, the emir turned his wife into a mule; this is his mule; the horse gave him a whip]: 167-185, 272-278; Rudenko 1970, No. 59 [Ali releases a huge fish caught in the net; his father kicks him out; the man hires him for 40 days, he will only work for the last of them; the owner sews Ali into the skin of a bull, the Simurg bird picks him up the top of the cliff, tears the bag, flies away; Ali drops diamonds to the owner, who leaves him on the rock; Ali rushes into the sea, a grateful fish saves him; a year later Ali is hired by his previous owner, his He does not know, Ali offers him to get into the skin of the bull himself; promises to tell him how to get off the cliff if he drops diamonds and gives him a note to his wife to marry Ali; the owner jumps into the sea, dies, Ali marries his daughter; a woman giving away golden tareks was presented as a monster, gave birth to a piece of meat, it was cooked, fat turns plates into gold, she gives them away; asks why the master in Baghdad breaks his saddles, and Akhund cries as he looks at the tree; the saddler says that he is just learning to make saddles; one of Akhunda's wife was peri, shed her snakeskin, the other burned it; his wife, Then two sons became pigeons and flew away; Ali married the owner of the plates]: 218-222; (cf. Lezgins [the serpent asks the poor man to give him one of his three daughters; the eldest, the middle refuse, the youngest Tavat Khanum agrees; the serpent asks him to step on his tail, turns into a young man named Garden- Eskander; the old woman persuades TX to ask her husband how to burn his skin; the third time he replies, TX burns it on onion peel, SE disappears; three years later she comes to the spring, sister SE gives her water, she throws her ring into a jug, SE recognizes it; explains that the locals are Azhdaha, the old woman wants to marry it off as her daughter; on their wedding day, SE and TH run on a wind horse; throw razors behind (mountain razors), salt (salt mountains), barley (barley to the sky); TX mistakenly pours water from the jug forward, the sea overflows in front of them; the horse moves to the other side, the old woman sinks; SE leaves TX in the cemetery, on The merchant is hired for two hours; he cuts the horse, puts SE inside, the parrot bird brings the horse's carcass to the rock where gold and yakhonts; SE frightens the bird, does not throw gold to the merchant, comes to the old man; he tells huge birds take SE to his wife; SE finds TH, the tsar is amazed by his wisdom, gives him the throne]: Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:158-164).

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Marzolph 1984, № 936* (Mazendaran, Khorasan, Markazi, Isfahan, Azerbaijan) [like the Bakhtiyars; grateful fish pick up a hero]: 174-175 Osmanov 1987 [Wolf, Leo, Eagle marry three daughters of the deceased Shah; their brother Malek-Ahmad is hired by a Jew; he feeds him for 39 days, tells him to slaughter a camel on the fortieth, climb inside; birds carry MA to the mountain; a Jew orders him to throw off precious stones, leaves; MA comes to a dirty old woman, washes her; this is the mother of divas, she asks her sons not to kill him; he opens the forbidden forty-first door; there Yusuf Shah Peri is thirsty; MA gives him water, that breaks chains, gives its seal, flies to Mount Kof; outside the forty-second door, a garden and a stream, MA steals the clothes of one of the three pigeon girls; the wife gives birth to two boys, the divas bring them down to the ground; the wife asks his clothes, tells him to come to Mount Kof for them; MA again hires a Jew unrecognized, kills him by throwing a stone at his head from the mountain; divas forgive him, but do not know the way to Kof; among the husbands of the MA sisters, only The eagle manages to help: the bird's mother knows the way under his command; asks him to take fat tails and wineskins with her; the meat runs out, the MA cuts off a piece of the thigh; when he reaches the goal, the bird puts the meat back; MA shows Yusufu is sealed, he sends his sister, her husband and sons to earth with gifts; without MA, there is drought, hunger; MA is shah, abundance comes]: 243-250; Bakhtiyars [in the morning the baker throws leftovers to the fish dough; the merchant promises him 40 days of comfortable life for completing one assignment; leads to a mountain, kills a cow, tells him to climb into the skin, the bird picks it up and carries it to the mountain; the baker untied the skin, saw jewelry around; the merchant promises to show him how to go down if the baker drops them to him; then says that it is impossible to go down, picks up the jewelry and leaves; the baker: it's better to rush down the mountain to the river and be eaten by fish than on the mountain by vultures; grateful fish picked up the baker, carried him ashore; the baker changed his clothes so that the merchant would not recognize him and hired him again; asks him to show how put on the skin, ties it up, the bird takes the merchant away; the baker promises to show how he got down if the merchant drops his treasures; then says that there are two ways out: stay on the mountain or throw himself into the river; the merchant rushed into the river and drowned]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 58:344-348; Tajiks: Amonov 1972 [a young man comes to an old man who promises forty days of bliss in one day of torment; spends forty days with his daughter; the old man tells the young man to kill a sheep, make a wineskin, climb inside; the bird takes him to a rock with gold and precious stones; promises to tell him how to go down if the young man drops his treasures; leaves on a rock; a young man jumps off a cliff into the water, he is rescued by a crocodile he used to feed bread without knowing it; the young man pretends to be the twin of the missing person, history repeats itself; the young man pretends to be a fool, telling the old man to show him how to get into the wineskin, ties it; promises to tell him how to escape if the old man drops his treasure; leaves him to die on a rock; marries]: 38-44; Grunberg , Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 3 (Sistan) [the tsar and vizier stopped at the shepherd's house to wait out the snow; the shepherd's son Otai slaughtered all 7 goats for them; the vizier invited O. to visit him later; O. arrived, but realized that the vizier himself is poor; turned to God; heard a voice: to dig there; found treasures and a source of water; set up a hospice where everyone was gifted; the dervish is dissatisfied: the girl Ty is much more generous; O. came to T.; she promises to explain where her wealth comes from if O. finds out why the mullah proclaims Azan on the hill, laughs, and then cries; mullah: find out why a young man on the shore cooks pilaf, treats everyone, and treats the leftovers throws into the river; young man: find out why King Ahmad carefree puts the throne in the square, tells us to amuse and treat the people; the king tells, promising to execute O. after that; king: he agreed with his wife not remarry if the other dies; the wife wrote that she was dying, the king scoped himself, and she returned healthy and slept with the black slave; O. ran away; the young man's story: he was hired for 40 days rest and work 1; the owner tells him to get into the skin of a bull; vultures lifted him to the rock, the owner tells him to throw gems down, took them away; the young man rushed into the river and swam out; fish: this is for kindness Your father, who saved me from a drying puddle; the young man returned unrecognized to that man, asked me to show me how to get into the wineskin, asked me to drop the stones, and left the owner to die on the rock; now he generously feeds everyone and throws pilaf into the river; the story of the mullah: a bird took him away, became peri, told him not to be surprised; she gave her first son to a lion, threw the second into the water, gave the third to the wolf; the mullah became object; Peri told the lion, the water and the wolf to bring the children, they were already grown up; then she took the mullah and left it on the hill; every day she arrives, the mullah laughs, and then disappears and he cries; Ty's story: she is the king's daughter, who fed the guests kimiyo grass, they turned into gold, he grew rich; she fed the grass to her father, ordered them to make many precious things out of gold, became fabulously rich; Otam and Tai got married]: 39-52; Uzbeks: Konovalov, Stepanov 1986 [(a plug-in story in the story, according to which the tsar demands to know why such people do this, they will say if the hero finds out about others, etc.); a young man is hired by a merchant who promises to feed for 11 months for free, only for the twelfth; brings him to the seashore, feeds something there, the young man wakes up inside his wineskin; sails to him to the shore covered with precious stones; picks up a wineskin of jewelry, the bird takes him away, the young man is left alone; in a dream, the old man tells him to cross the bridge; when he wakes up, he crosses the bridge to another the shore, the bridge behind it falls into the water, turns into fish; unrecognized, the young man is hired by the same owner, gives him a sleepy potion; marries his widow; bakes cakes every day and feeds them fish]: 134-138; Ostroumov 1890, No. 13 [the tsar went blind; the eldest son took money from him, the middle land, and the youngest went for medicinal land that heals blindness; the old man and the old woman tell him to climb into the horse's skin, the eagle will take it to the mountain, in 2 years it will lower it, it will be necessary to catch the horse, it will bring it to the healing land; on the mountain, the prince fed the eagle's chicks; when the eagle lowered him and he caught the horse, he and the horse the fish swallowed; in the belly of the fish, a girl kidnapped by a diva and also swallowed by the fish; she had the healing soil taken from the diva with her, she gave it to him; they got out of the fish, returned to the prince's father, who He saw the light, the prince married the girl he had brought; his brothers killed him while he was swimming, the corpse was thrown into the river; his wife became a dove, found a corpse, revived him with live water; revived her husband's brothers executed by the king; they forgave]: 79-81; Uzbeks in Khorezma [the poor man hears how bai is ready to feed the employee forty days in one day of work; bai sews the worker into the skin of a slaughtered bull, tells him to wait for a huge bird will bring him to the mountain where gold and jewelry are born; the worker drops the bayu treasures, sees people around the bones; bai leaves him; in a dream, Sheikh Nejm-ed-Din Kubra tells the worker to follow the fox, who knows the descent from the mountain; "at the end of the legend, the situation with the search for jewelry repeats itself, only this time the buy himself is on the mountain; he remains there, but the wealth goes to the employee"]: Snesarev 1983: 154-155; Turkmens: Kekilov, Kosayev 1962 [the merchant hired Mirali for a lot of money, offered to go down to the well and fill the bags with everything, the edge of his bones; picking up the bags, he began to pick up M.; putting it in his mouth churek, let go of the rope; M. dug a passage to the bank of the Amu Darya; the fish he saved as a child picked it up; M. came unrecognized to the same merchant; pretended to be afraid to go down into the well; the merchant himself went down and filled his bags; M. pushed him into the well; the bags contained gold-bearing sand; M. brought it to Sultansoyun; when he saw the sand, he first ordered M. to be thrown into prison, but when he noticed the gold, he asked forgiveness]: 43-45; Sokali et al. 1955 [Mirali and Sultan-Soyun argue who has suffered more (he will receive the gold bar they found); M. tells how the employee did to bay; he fed him for five days, then sewed him up at the cliff in bull's clothing, the eagle was lifted to the rock, buy ordered him to drop the gems from above, left; M. grabbed the eagle, which lowered it down; M. told Bayu that he had found descent; bai wanted to climb the rock himself, where he died; the SS rides his wife at night to a diva who teaches her witchcraft; the diva turns him into a black dog; after many trials, the mullahs return him to the SS appearance; he turns his wife into a donkey]: 188-194; Stebleva 1969, No. 38 [bai promises the orphan that he will eat 40 days and work alone; asks to remove the skin from the bull, climb into it; birds take him up the mountain, he drops bayu pieces of gold, buy leaves; the young man jumps into the river, the fish takes him ashore; he changes clothes, hires the bay again unrecognized, asks him to show how to get into his skin; promises to show how to get into his skin go down if bai gives him off his obligation to give him his property, wife and children; leaves him to die on a rock]: 198-200.

Baltoscandia. Finns: Uther 2004 (1), No. 936*: 579-580; Latvians [Golden Mountain. My uncle sells his nephew to an old man. He gives the boy a sleepy potion and sews him into horse skin. Birds take the boy up the mountain, where there are many treasures. The boy drops his treasures, but the old man doesn't help him get down the mountain. For the second time, the maid replaces the potion, and the birds raise the old man on his head. He drops his treasures and asks the young man to help him go down the mountain, but the young man does not listen to him. Marries a maid]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 936*: 334.

Volga - Perm. Mordva [the old man promises poor young man Rav-Zholdyamo gold on top of the mountain; tells him to climb into the horse's carcass, the raven brings it to the top of the mountain, the RJ frightens him, lowers the bags of gold to the old man, who then burns a rope; RJ kills a kite chasing three ducks; they lower RJ to the forest hut, turn into girls; RJ hides the youngest's dress, marries, brings her mother's wife; she gives her a duck outfit, she flies away; three old brothers consistently send RJ to each other, showing the path of a flying duck; the eldest gives a flying carpet and an invisible hat, teaches a crow who is going to deceive eat a duck; RJ returns home with his wife]: Samorodov 1972:132; Kazan Tatars [a poor young man is hired by an old man, that month feeds him well, gives him a new girlfriend every day; leads to grief, sews them in the stomach of a dead horse; birds raise the carcass up the mountain, the young man drops marble stones; the old man loads them onto the cart, leaves; on the mountain, the young man meets the padishah of animals and birds; he forbids open one door; the young man opens, sees the sea, three doves fly in, turn into girls; the padishah of the animals promises that in a year they will arrive again, tells them to hide the clothes of his beloved; the young man hides brings her wife; the young man is sad around the house, the wife brings him there; finds his pigeon dress, flies away; the young man again hires unrecognized by the old man, comes to the padishah of animals; he tells the old bird take the young man across the river of fire to the city of divas; he finds his wife, stays with her]: Zamaletdinov 1992:162-168 (=2008b, No. 10:102-108); Bashkirs [Umyrzak is hired by bay, does not work for a week; then bai ties him by the mountain in the skin of a calf, two vultures lift him up the mountain, tear his skin, fly away in fear; buy tells him to throw gold and precious stones down, leaves W. to die on the rock; the vultures bring the wolf, W. climbs into his skin, grabs the birds that have returned, they bring him down into the valley; unrecognized, he also hires him by the same buy, wraps him in his skin, tells him to drop the gold, leaves to die on a rock]: Barag 1990, No. 45:111-115 (=Yukhma 1990:65-72); Marie, Udmurts: Uther 2004 (1), No. 936*: 579-580.

Turkestan. Uighurs: Reichl 1986, No. 16 in Barag 1900:450; Uther 2004 (1), No. 936*: 579-580; Kyrgyz [thieves stole a flock of orphans, beat him; the golden eagle brought him to a nest on a rock, where gold and gems; merchants ask to throw them off, refuse to help the orphan go down; the orphan managed to get out, came to Peri's possession; the old man tells not to unlock the seventh door; the orphan unlocks, there is a lake , plane tree, three doves flew in, shed their plumage, became girls, swim; the orphan hid her clothes alone, she became his wife; her father demands 1) to separate black millet from white millet (the bride does); 2) build a glass palace, inside a lake of butter and a lake of milk, etc. (same); 3) recognize the bride among three doves (she trembles slightly); a girl and a young man fly away in the form of birds, the father's guard in the form of a gyrfalcon next; the fugitives are millet, the guard is a rooster, snake fugitives, they crawl into the lake, they became fish there, the guard returned; the father chased himself, but the fugitives in the form of butterflies had already crossed the border of the Peri's possessions; became human; the young man went to the ail, leaving the girl waiting; the boar fatally wounded a girl; the young man was supposed to stay awake at night, fell asleep, Peri's father killed him, took his daughter's flesh; residents found the body of a young man holding a butterfly's wings to his chest]: Ledenyov 1987:115-121.