M78. Tiny boy, ATU 700.
.13.-.17.21.-.23.26.-.34. (.36.) .38.
A tiny little man performs a series of tricks, mocks people he meets and opponents.
Amhara, Sudanese Arabs, Somalis, Kabiles, Arabs of Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Kabilas, Berbers of Morocco, Spaniards, Portuguese, Basques, Sardinians, Sicilians, Catalans, Italians (Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Lazio, Marche, Campania, Molise, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia), Ladins, French (Gascogne, Dauphine), Walloons, Irish, Scots, British (until 16th century), Frisians, Germans (Grimms, Schleswig-Holstein, Austria), Palestinians, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Tibetans, Mustang, Lepcha, Bhutan, (Kachari), Shans, Arakans, Hindi, Punjabi, Santals, Telugu, Chinese, Koreans, Croats, Macedonians, Serbs , Slovenians, Romanians, Hungarians, Albanians, Greeks, Bulgarians, Gagauz, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Moscow, Ryazan, Voronezh), Ukrainians (Ugric Russia, Eastern Russia) Slovakia, Galicia, Chernigov, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Nogais, Adygs, Abazins, Ossetians, Terek Cossacks, Georgians, Armenians, Turks, Kurds, Tajiks, Persians, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Danes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Swedes, Latvians, Lithuanians, Lutsi, Seto, Estonians, Livonians, Counselors, Karelians, Veps, Eastern Sami, Komi-Zyrians, Bashkirs, Mari, Mordovians, Chuvash, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Altaians, Buryats, Mongols, Khakas, Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans, Dagurs, (Yakuts), Japanese.
Sudan-East Africa. Amhara [the woman has five stupid sons, she asks a smart one, even if she is an inch tall; Synzyro is born; brothers ask him to steal food from neighbors; neighbors think that chicken is swarming, S. brings food, brothers eat everything themselves; the same with the bull (S. hid in the bull's ear); deprived S. shouts that the thieves stole the bull, the brothers run away without eating; S. asks the rider to let him ride; says that the horse does not want to lead a stranger, asks to borrow his clothes, galloped away; asks an old woman to guard his horse, advises to tie the horse to his leg; the horse galloped, the old woman died; covers her body with clothes, in a rich house says he came with his mother; accuses the owners of murder, gets food and money; ate and burst]: Gankin 1979, No. 119:164-166; Sudanese Arabs [an infertile woman asked God for a son at least like a mouse; a tiny boy was born, named Mouse; he carries food to his father, sitting in a donkey's ear; he met thieves, shouted at them, they were frightened, threw their prey; The mouse tells his mother not to show what was taken from thieves; the thieves turned to the judge, who called the Mouse, but the thieves could not present the witnesses, the Mouse was released; one guest saw the goldware, the thieves came to take it away, but the Mouse put it in the face alone hot iron, the thieves did not come again; the mouse herded the sheep, they poisoned the king's crops, he called Mouse and his father, but the Mouse was so small that he was not noticed; he shouted to the guard, In God's name! , he got scared, dropped his sword, ran away; the same happened to the king himself; the mouse and father were left alone]: Al-Shahi, Moore 1920, No. 12:89-91; Somalis [two girls agreed to take their goats to the same place; one drove to another, fell asleep, the goats left; she followed in the footsteps, came across the Five-Bellied; he agreed to open his belly and return the goats, promising the girl not to do so to anyone tell; she told her mother; she fell ill; the mother went with the goats herself, the five-bellied came and ate the girl, his thumb remained, he fell into a vessel of water, the mother drank water, swallowed her finger, gave birth a boy the size of a finger; he led the herd to the pasture, sitting in a cow's ear; robbers have come; the boy screams that he is in a cow's ear, in a vulva, in a bull's horn, in a tree trunk; robbers cut his ear, break his horns, they cut down trees, they don't find anything; they're so tired that they left everyone and left]: Hanghe 1988:202-204.
North Africa. Kabila: Claudot-Hawad 2002 [a person wanted a son to be born even a pea; a pea (pois chiche - "Turkish peas") was born; he overcomes obstacles and becomes normal after swallowed by a lion and regurgitated by it]: 285; Rivière 1882, No. 2 [the man has two wives; he bought them wheat; one found a pea in it and the other a fingernail; each wanted at least such a son; one son Pois chiche (P.), another Ali gicher (A.); father gave A. to herd goats; the owner of the field began to scold the shepherd, but without seeing him, he left; the robbers came, A. went with them; climbing into the yard, became loud ask which cow to take; took the cow away, the robbers slaughtered it, A. shouted as if someone had come, the robbers had run away, A. brought all the meat home; asked his mother for a gut, brought it to the palace, climbed inside, the princess picked her up, A. began to scream, she threw it away, the lion swallowed her gut; began to speak in his stomach, the lion asked him to go out; A. rejects all the holes in his body, says he will get dirty; here the children have razors; I will shout that a lion is coming, they will throw razors, you will swallow one; A. cut the lion's belly and went out and the lion died]: 9-12; the Berbers of Morocco (southern Morocco) [a rich man has a tiny son Muhammad, named Katysh Litter (goat, sheep or hare); he came to his father's laborers and said that he had ordered to burn everything that had been cut; when his father returned, he could not find M., he climbed into the cow's ass; curses people from there; they bought a cow from the owner, stabbed them; M. moved into a cow's head; sold his skin and head to a Jewish caravan; M. began to shout "Beat the Jews!" ; Jews fled; M. brought the caravan to his father]: Stumme 1895, No. 6:85-86; Arabs of Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco: El-Shamy 2004, No. 700:372-373.
Southern Europe. Spaniards [childless spouses ask for a son like a pea; he is born; eats 90 loaves; in the donkey's ear he goes to the field to his father; an ox chases in the ox's ear; the ox swallows Pea, he asks To slaughter his father by an ox, promises to return 20 of these; the wolf eats the intestines, the Pea calls the shepherds, they kill the wolf, make a drum out of the wolf intestines, the Pea in it; the robbers take the drum when they hear the voice, they are frightened, Pea brings their parents their treasures; Pea's mother gives the robber water in a precious bowl, he recognizes her; at night, the robbers are going to enter the house through the chimney, the Pea boils resin, chieftain cooked]: Malinovskaya 2002:228-231; Basques: Barandiaran 1962a, No. 19 [grandfather sent Kukubiltxo to herd the cows; he hid from the rain under the leaf, the cow swallowed it along with the grass; he went out with the manure; his mother went to wash it, the river took them both away; the maid tried to pull them out, she was carried away too; the same with his grandfather], 20 [~that (21, 22); not a boy, but a Barachuri girl], 21 [ Barbancho is the size of a pea; his mother sends him lunch to his father, who leads the donkey in his ear; the boys think that the donkey is alone, they kick him, run in fear when they hear a voice; walks with the boys steal lard from a priest who has stabbed a pig; sitting in the pig's ear, screams loudly how delicious it is; the boys run away, afraid that they will be found; the priest comes running, B. hides in the grass, swallowed by a cow; Hearing a voice, everyone thinks that the cow is bewitched; B. gets out with the manure, returns home], 22 [an elderly childless couple gives birth to a tiny boy, Ukabiltxo; one day falls into a fat pot and with the blood of a slaughtered pig; another time it is swallowed by a cow with grass, he comes out with manure; then he rides a goose]: 82-83, 83-85, 85-88, 88-93; Italians (Piedmont, Lombardy, Tuscany, Umbria, Rome, Lazio, Marche, Campania, Molise, Abruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria, Puglia), Sardinians, Sicilians: Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 700:149-150; Italians: Calvino 1985 No. 91 (Florence) [pea boy]: 334-337; Crane 1885, No. 77 (Tuscany) [a carpenter always scolds his wife for being childless; a beggar gives her a hundred peas, they turn into children; her husband hits them with a stick, but alone the pea rolled off, became a tiny Cecino boy; he invites his mother to take dinner to his father; people think he is crazy because he talks to himself; he shows them C., leaves an ox on his horn goes to work; thieves try to steal oxen, C. raises the alarm, his father comes running, thieves persuaded him to sell them C.; they go to steal horses from the royal stable; ask C. to give the horses oats, a horse swallows C.; thieves killed two horses, pulled them out into the field; the wolf began to eat the horse's carcass, swallowed C.; C. calls a shepherd from his stomach, the wolf got rid of C.; thieves come to divide the money, C. repeats them words, thieves fight with each other, scared, run away; C. brings their money to his mother]: 242-247; Catalans [childless spouses dream of a son the size of a grain; a son is born; he delivers lunch father, swallowed by a cow; she was stabbed to death, or he came out with manure; swallowed by a fox (wolf, dog); goes out; swallowed by a goat, then by a wolf; by a pig, then by a rooster; frightens thieves, takes their money and brings parents]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 700:153; Portuguese [childless spouses want a son the size of a pea (garlic head; tomato seed; etc.); he sits in the animal's ear; frightens robbers; comes to the bazaar, no one sees him; etc.; washed away with rainwater into a cabbage bed, eaten by a cow (ox); answers parents from her belly; goes outside with manure, or the cow was slaughtered]: Cardigos 2006, No. 700:135; frets [childless spouses ask for a child the size of a thumb; a tiny boy was born; tells him to be put in a horse's ear to carry a cart; advises his father agree to sell it to two thieves who wanted to buy it; they let it inside the castle; but he made such a fuss that the robbers had to flee; the boy hid in the hay, the maid gave hay a cow, she swallowed the boy; the maid hears a voice from the cow's belly; the owner stabbed her, her stomach was thrown away, the fox ate, the boy from the fox's belly directs her to his house; screams to his father that he did not stab her together with the fox and him; all is well]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 42:118-120.
Western Europe. French: Arnaudin 1967, No. 20 (Gascogne; extremely popular story) [elderly spouses are childless; the wife asks God to give her a son the size of a wheat grain; a son is born, his his name is PZ; his mother tells him to take the oxen to the meadow (var.: take lunch to his father who works in the field); when it rains, he hid under a cabbage leaf, swallowed it along with the grass; he gave a voice from there, old man he beat the ox, but threw the liver away, and the PZ was just there; an old woman picked up the liver; the PZ started screaming from there, the old woman threw the basket, the wolf swallowed the liver; then went to the herd of cows, but the PZ called shepherds; told the wolf to go to the house where the sheep were, but let him go outside; at night two thieves came there; when they heard the voice of the PZ, they ran away; the owner of the sheep came, also frightened; two women were frightened, but returned brought the PZ almost home; three thieves came, the PZ gave a vote, the thieves ran away, leaving the money; PZ returns to his parents]: 196-214; Joisten 1991, No. 47 (Dauphine) [{38 options}]: 268-284; walloons [y The lumberjack is a son the size of a thumb; he does not want to be called Jean Finger; his name was Jean-Shaloon; once he took his father to the forest lunch; on the way he began to play with other boys; seeing that he was late, ran through the fields and fell into the molehill and spilled everything; instead of eating, he poured earth into the pot; leaving his father a pot, ran home, hid in straw in a barn and swallowed by a cow; began to stab her from the inside with an awl, the cow fell and roared, she was slaughtered, her intestines began to cook, the grandmother hears Jean's voice from the cauldron; he was rescued]: Carnoy 1883, No. 9:329-333; the British (until the 16th century), Irish, Friesians, Dutch, Germans (Grimms, Schleswig-Holstein, Austria): Uther 2004 (1), No. 700:375; English: Jacobs 1890, No. 25 [When Merlin visits childless spouses, the mother asks a son the size of a finger; he is born, the name is Tom; playing with the boys on cherry stones, he climbs into someone else's pocket, steals them; beaten; falls into the dough, the dough is thrown away, picked up by a tinker, threw it, T . hardly returned home; the cow almost ate it; the raven took him away, dropped it, swallowed the fish, served it to the king's table; the king knighted him, gave him a mouse instead of the horse; the queen accused him of conspiracy, T. put him in a mousetrap, released the cat; he returned home on a butterfly]: 140-147 (translated to Kharitonov 2008:282-286); Paris 1875 [his father told him to drive the wagon, let the horses drive a straw; but he was in the furrow lost]: 32; Scots [Thomas the size of a thumb went for a walk, hail began, he hid under a leaf, swallowed him and the grass by a motley bull; his parents heard his voice, stabbed him a bull, but threw away the gut that T. was in; it was carried away by a fox, dogs bitten to death by a fox, T. ended up in the dog's stomach, but eventually returned to his parents]: Campbell 1809 in Paris 1875:33-35; Germans: Grimm, Grimm 1987 [childless spouses ask their son even the size of a finger; he was born, he was named Boy with a Finger; in the horse's ear he goes to take lunch to his father; tells himself to sell himself to two people they meet who are going to show him for money; hides from them in a mouse hole; hears thieves talking, offers to take him to open the pastor's pantry; deliberately makes a loud noise, thieves flee; he hides in a barn, a cow swallowed it along with hay; the maid hears a voice from the cow's belly, the pastor orders the cow to be slaughtered, the stomach was thrown away, it was swallowed by a wolf; MP invites him to enter a house with plenty of supplies; this his father's house; he makes a fuss again, shouts to his father not to hurt him; the wolf has been killed, parents are happy to return MP]: 118-122; Hubrich-Messow 1988, No. 45 (Baden-Württemberg) [childless spouses ask for a son At least the size of a finger; he was born, he was named Boy with a finger; he drives her in the horse's ear when it needed to carry something; his father agrees to sell it to two strangers; he hides from them in a mouse hole, they get it; they go to rob the pastor; they push the MP into the keyhole so that he can then unlock the door; the pastor wakes up, the thieves run away, the MP hides in the salt box; the maid threw salt to the cow, she swallowed the MP along with salt; when the maid milks the cow, she hears a voice from the cow's belly; the pastor also hears, the cow was stabbed, the stomach was thrown away, swallowed by a wolf; in the forest, the MP got out of the wolf's belly, but it was swallowed by a deer along with the grass;; he started screaming, the deer ran in horror, fell off a cliff and crashed; MP screamed until he died]: 78-80.
Western Asia. Palestinians, Iraq, Qatar, Dhofar: El-Shamy 2004, No. 700:372-373
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the old man and the old woman decide to divorce, share the goat, pull it in different directions, the old woman gets the tail, the old man does everything else; she is going to throw away the tail, he calls her mom, promises help; steals good from a rich neighbor; he agrees to give her more if Tail steals a turquoise talisman from the king for him; The tail bandages the watchdog at the gate to replace the calf and vice versa, takes the weapons of sleeping guards, two sleeping watchmen and two maids are tied by pigtails, puts a bubble between two sleeping nuns, carries away the talisman; in the morning, the nuns accuse each other that the other has a miscarriage; general confusion; The tail brings a talisman to a rich man, who shares his property with the old woman]: Macdonald 1931, No. 9:463-464; Mustang [the old man and the old woman have 9 goats; a young man came and praised old people - they live well, do not starve; in joy, the old woman gave him a goat; he came again, so he got 8 goats; when the old woman was going to give the ninth, her husband began to pull the goat, not wanting to give it back, the tail came off; the old man died, the old woman was going to cook her tail, he turned into a tiny boy, promised to bring his grandmother whatever she wanted; the old woman asked for flour; the tail boy brought a bag of flour from the king's palace, asks to open the door; old woman: come in through the hole; boy: I'll go in, but the bag won't fit; a barrel of oil (the same); the old woman asks for meat; the tail boy hid under a pile of manure in the field, where yaks grazed; three thieves who came to steal yaks were going to throw a stone into the heap; the tail boy tells not to throw, promises to help steal; brought a knife from the king's palace, thieves stabbed a yak and a female yak, a boy the tail asks him to give him the bubble, not bring it to him again; he puffed it, began to beat him and shout that he did not steal the royal yaks; the thieves thought that the tail boy had been captured by the king's men, threw the meat and ran away, the tail boy brought meat to his grandmother; decided to marry the princess; started screaming on the roof of the palace, the king sent the eldest daughter to find out what was going on, she did not see anyone; the middle daughter was the same; the youngest tail boy fell into the hem, demanded that the king give her to him as his wife, if he did not, I would laugh; king: please laugh; the tail boy laughed, the walls of the palace staggered; cry; a flood of tears flooded the palace, the king promised give up my daughter, but did not give it back; then I will leave; the tail boy went, followed by the whole palace; the king advises his daughter to ask the groom to drive the horse, when they reach the desert, she will trample him; but he grabbed his chest horses, unharmed; the princess had to put up with it; the king calls his daughters to the party, the tail boy tells his wife to stay at home, he will go; took off his skin, became a beautiful young man; the princess also went, came back earlier, she threw her skin into the fire, a piece stuck to her palm; her husband says that she burned her skin too early; he left for three years on business, his wife became a beggar during this time; when he returned, they did not got to know each other; then he only recognized her by a piece of skin in the palm of his hand; all is well]: Kretschmar 1985, No. 23:144-148; lepcha [the old woman asks her husband how many goats they have; he calls everything every time fewer; goats eat the leopard; the old man wants to slaughter the last one, the old woman only has a severed tail; she puts it in a box; the tail asks the old man not to eat it; fills the vessels with water, brings it firewood; goes to kill the king's three buffaloes; on the way he hides from the sun under a mushroom hat; the Prince of Sunrise and Prince of Call shoot the mushroom, the tail screams, they all three go to kill buffaloes; princes carry the dead buffaloes, Tail is a bubble of blood; warns princes to run away if he screams (which means danger); he screams when they are near his house; calls the king to a feast; after a feast, he notices his heads his own buffaloes; Tail explains that he wanted to teach the king generosity; the king agrees not to demand buffaloes back and give Tail his daughter if he can steal the jewelry from his box; at night the guards are sleeping; The tail replaced the dogs with sheep, bows with sticks; the king hands the box to the queen, goes to bed; in the dark, the tail, disguised as a king, takes the box back; gets the princess; unrecognized three times in In the guise of a handsome man, he comes to dance; the wife suspects the truth; finds a tail (an empty shell), throws it into the fire; the husband runs in, says that the wife was in a hurry, tells me to scatter the remnants, they turn into gold, people, cattle; The tail is made equal to the king]: Stocks 1925, No. XXIII: 383-387; Bhutan [the old man and the old woman decided to slaughter a goat but do not know how to do it; the old man began to pull the horns, old woman by the tail; the tail has come off; the old man eats meat in different forms and gave the old woman bones only once; the goat tail she put on the shelf laughs at her; she wants to bake it, but he promises to be her useful; came to the mill; there the girl poured ground wheat into the bag; the tail grabbed the bag, it could not be picked up; she went to call for help lift the bag, the tail took it away and brought it to the old woman; then killed the bull in the royal pasture, he brought it to the old woman, and put his tail into the quagmire as if the bull had drowned; the king's men began to pull his tail, and the tail boy (he is immensely strong) pulled him deeper into the swamp; everyone thought that the bull was gone; the king is a treasure; whoever can steal it will give his daughter and half the kingdom to him; the tail waited for everyone to fall asleep; fed the dogs with meat; took the dogs to the barn, the cows to the kennel; horses to the sheepfold, the sheep to stable; smeared the stairs with slimy juice; tied stones to the fringes of the guards' capes, put leather bags over their heads; carrying the treasure, shouted that it had been stolen; a terrible stir; the tail got a wife; she goes to a party where she sees a handsome man; on the third evening she remained on guard; her tail lost the appearance of his tail, became a beautiful young man; his wife threw her skin into the fire; husband: a little hasty; ordered to scatter ash everywhere; cattle appeared, a farm; but that is, ahead of schedule, all with a slight defect; garments have a torn seam or no collar; another rooster without a scallop, and some animals without a tail]: Choden 1994:109-114; (cf. kachari [the old man thought he had caught a lot of fish, but frogs were in the net; the old woman began to fresh them, but hid alone; when the old woman found her, she promised to be a good worker, to plow the field; He plows, sitting in the ear of an ox; shouts to the prince not to go to the edge of the field; he is furious, but finds no one, took the oxen; the frog rode to his estate, hides in the roof of various buildings, annoys, screams; promises to leave the prince alone if he gives his daughter as his wife; the prince gave him a large dowry; the wife invites her husband to wash himself not in cold water, but in hot water to wash off the warts; the thigh jumped into boiling water and died]: Grierson 1903c: 29-30).
Burma - Indochina. Burmese [every time a pregnant woman takes out a basket of rice to dry it, the Sun hides; she scolds the Sun; for this she gives birth to a son the size of a thumb; the son grows up and goes look for the Sun; takes the Boat (it stayed on the shore when the river dried up), the Bamboo Thorn (its brothers and sisters withered in the sun), the Moss, the Rotten Egg; tells them all to hide in his stomach; they spend the night in the Ogre's home; The thorn hides in the bed, the egg in the hearth, the Moss by the water jug; they hide the chair; the ogre is pricked with a thorn, the egg explodes into his eyes, he slipped on Moss, broke his neck; they they fight the Sun, the Rain comes to their aid, the Boat saves them when streams of water flow; people celebrate the defeat of the Sun]: Aoun 1957:69-72; the Arakan people [woman left her skirt to dry in the sun and forgot her for 7 days; the insulted lord ordered the woman's children to be no more than a finger; Ngalemá ("as tall as a thumb") was born; N. goes to fight with the lord; reduces and puts a fox in his bag, tiger, paddle, boat, wooden canopy; began to play the pipe where Vladyka's seven daughters came to swim; they told their father; Vladyka sent a rooster - ate a fox; a tiger ate a bull; a wave - N. sailed in a boat with with an oar; began to burn the sun - N. took refuge under a canopy; Vladyka made N. a wonderful young man, gave gold and his eldest daughter; N. and his wife returned home, and his companions returned to themselves]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 60:183- 191; monk [the pregnant weaver spread the yarn to dry, and the sun came out and then hid behind the clouds; the weaver scolded him, the Sun made the boy born as tall as a finger; he leaves fight the Sun, meets, comrades a pestle and mortar, a hammer, a duck egg, a corner; the sailor promises to take them to the Sun if they defeat the evil Bill, who bewitched the sailor; in Bill's house a mortar and pestle took refuge under the stairs, an egg in the kitchen, a hammer in a vat of water, a needle in bed, the boy hid outside the door; Bill pricked a needle, went to light the fire, the egg splashed ash into his eyes, In a vat of water, he hit a hammer, fell into a mortar, the pestle finished him off; when he arrived at the Sun, the boy called for wind and rain for help, returned home victorious, became a handsome young man]: Zapadova 1977:206-208; Shana [a childless woman wants a son the size of a thumb; a little Thumb is born; sitting in a mule's ear, leads him to the forest to his father; two people want to buy him, SME tells his father sell, promises to return; hides from customers in a rat hole; when he finds out that they are thieves, he goes out, promises to help rob a rich house; speaks loudly on purpose, the owner woke up, the thieves ran away; then a lot adventures; SME returns to his father, makes money]: Milne 1910:267-270.
South Asia. Telugu (Andhra Pradesh) [the woman's two sons are missing; the wandering sorcerer says they were swallowed by a boar; gives them six seeds of pepper, tells them to put them in a jug, call "Pepperseed"; will pop out a tiny boy; his mother asks him to release his brothers; PZ finds a sleeping boar, pierces his belly with a spear, frees his brothers; the mother married all her sons, shared the inheritance, the PZ received only a hut and an old buffalo; PZ went to the villages with a drum, began to sing, spent the night in the forest on a banyan; his drum fell, the robbers sitting below ran away in fear, the PZ ate, took the box; the robbers decided that the forest goddess Mohini was angry with them, because they did not give her anything, left; PZ brings the necklace in the box to the king, talks about the robbers; the king made the PZ the manager of the capital; the elders but the sons went bankrupt]: Zograf 1964:239-244 (=1976:181-185); Santals [the youngest of seven brothers planted a vegetable, the fruit became the size of an inch; he warned the wives of the older brothers that the one who ate him would give birth to him an inch tall boy (bitaram); ate one; Bitaram took lunch to his uncles in the field, almost everyone woke up; drove their cattle to a watering hole, they trampled them in the sand; the water washed him away; returning at night, he came across thieves, frightened them (they thought the spirit was talking to them), hid the gold; sent his father and uncle to pick up the gold; the Raja looked for thieves, saw gold near B.'s house, their father and uncle were imprisoned; B. ordered give him a basket to his mother, beg for a cat, pour flour into a bag; he made a saddle out of a bag of flour, rode a cat, told the bees to gather in another basket; Raja ordered B. to shoot, no one hit; B. released bees, Raja had to give her daughter and wealth; B.'s wife had a cow as a source of wealth; Raja's servants killed her but did not find gold inside; B. dried her skin, climbed a tree, dropped her skin on the thieves, they ran away, left the gold; B. asked the Raja to measure the gold, it stuck a little; B. explained that he had sold the skin; the Raja ordered the cattle to be slaughtered, but no one bought the skins; ordered B.'s house to be burned, B. hid in a hole; collected the ash in bags, told the merchant that they contained gold; the merchant exchanged it for bags of golden sand; B. took the measure from the Raja again; said he sold ash; the Raja burned down the palace, but no one wanted ash; B. they carried him to drown in a sack; the guards went away; B. told the shepherd that he was being forced to marry; the shepherd got into the bag, drowned; B. brought the herd; the Raja and his associates sat in bags, B. drowned them; he got whole kingdom]: Campbell 1891:25-33; India (translated from Hindi) [the woodcutter's childless wife prays at the Durga temple, she says in her dream that she will send her a cucumber; the old woman gives the lumberjack a cucumber, his wife owes it eat all in a week; the wife eats immediately, throws away the stem; gives birth to a boy with one and a half fingers with a pigtail in three fingers (MP); the mother goes to drown, but the MP asks for milk; the father sold himself to the king, the MP asks the tsar to special his father, who demands to bring a half in return; MP meets the frog prince, receives a broken half, as well as a bag, a pipe and saliva of a frog princess who will cure the princess of strabismus; the king orders seven thieves to be brought, the MP brings them, the king puts them on a stake; other thieves attack the capital, the MP sends an army of cats against the country of thieves, releases them from the scrotum wasps, from a needle pipe; MP marries a princess, his father receives a golden ax, the king hands the country over to his son-in-law, becomes a hermit]: Zograf 1964:245-251; Punjabi [childless woman laments, that there is no one to take her husband lunch in the field; the watermelon in the corner promises to take; rolled to her father, carrying a bundle of lunch; plows instead of her father, but fell into the manure; the woman comes to collect manure, says that she took the bulls Raja; a watermelon goes to the raja, meets, companions an ant, a panther, a tiger; the raja throws a watermelon to the goats, he tells the panther to bite them; the same goes to the bulls, the tiger bit; the elephant - the ant climbed into the trunk, the elephant died; the Raja brought the bulls back]: Bystrov et al. 1962:168-171.
China - Korea. Chinese [{many sources, definitely Han Chinese}; a tiny man chases a buffalo; runs away from a new owner and falls into a hole; swallowed by animals; does any housework; caught, they want to punish him, but he always runs away]: Ting 1978, No. 700; Koreans [a tiny boy told his parents he would go hunting; left without permission; the main tiger swallowed him; he began to stab it from the inside; the tiger killed other tigers and died himself; the boy brought the skin, sold it and became rich]: Choi 1979, No. 214:68-79.
The Balkans. Bulgarians [childless parents miraculously have many children (they come out of a chopped pumpkin; they come from grain poured into a vessel; etc.); there is not enough food, they kill them, the smallest one is saved (as tall as a finger; in one version, two are saved, adventures are distributed between them); the hero takes food to his father in the field; rides in the wild, getting into his ear; sold to robbers, takes their money; he is accidentally eaten with grass by a cow; when she is milked, he makes obscene noises from her belly; a cow is slaughtered, a wolf eats its entrails with the hero; he warns those against whom the wolf wants to attack, about his approach; the wolf dies (on the advice of the fox, after eating sand and drinking water, lay down in the sun), the hero goes outside]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 700:236; Gagauz [the old people have a (tiny) son; they sent him to herd a cow, she accidentally swallowed him; old people hear a voice from the cow's belly; the old man stabbed a cow, went to wash the intestines, the wolf swallowed his stomach; the boy screams the shepherds, the wolf is starving; the woman advises the wolf to eat sand, drink water, ride on the mountain; the wolf burst, the boy is out]: Moshkov 1904, No. 79:142-143; Serbs [the old man threw it net and caught a tiny boy; named Span; passers-by bought him, put him in his pocket, and he ran away; settled down for the night; thieves discuss how to steal oxen from a peasant; Span: take me too; loudly asks which ox to remove - black or white; took it out, the ox was stabbed, Span got a stomach, he went to wash it, got inside, the wolf swallowed his stomach; The span from the inside warns the shepherds that the wolf is about to attack the rams; tells the wolf to take him home; shouts to his parents - Wolf! the wolf was killed, the boy was taken out, clothes were sewn out of the wolf's skin; Span plows sitting in the ox's ear; the king saw, gave a lot of gold, gave Span to the queen; she fell asleep, Span ran away; the king killed the queen and hung himself by the legs ]: Eschker 1992, No. 6:45-49; Romanians (Bukovina) [the couple are childless, went to different sides of the street to look for a child; the husband found a mouse, they brought it home; the husband went to work in the fields; the mouse turned into a boy the size of a fist; took lunch to her father; while he was eating, he plowed the whole field; the boyar asked to sell the boy, who whispered to his father: Agree; the boyar began to pour ducats into his hat, and the boy he made a hole in it and put a bag at the bottom; the boyar put the boy in his pocket and went home; the boy relieved his pocket, made a hole and returned home]: Staufe 1843:42-50, 469-472; Croats , Macedonians, Slovenians, Hungarians, Albanians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 700:375.
Central Europe. Slovaks [a woman does not know who will take lunch to her husband in the field, dreams of a son at least the size of a pea; a pea turns into a boy; he brings soup and dumplings to his father, falls into a ditch, soup he spilled, he almost drowned in it, got out on the dumplings, collected them again, they were in the mud; brought them to his father, said that the dog had spilled soup, that there were poppies in dumplings; father did not believe it, wanted to beat them, Pea began to control with oxen, work has begun; the master wants to buy G. as a gift to his wife, G. whispers to his father to sell, he will return; on the way he made a hole in his master's purse, threw away all the ducats and jumped out himself, brought ducats to his parents; when soldiers came, hid in a pot; having enriched his parents, went on a journey; people carry iron on 12 carts, they cannot go uphill; G. suggests removing the mountain if that date he has as much iron as he can carry it away; moves the mountain, takes everything away; tells the forge to make a club out of it; in 24 days, 24 workers forged it; G. sat under the mushroom to fix his shoes, some person wanted to sit on the mushroom, G. stabbed him with an awl; the fire of 11 robbers; G. began to throw bumps into everyone's bowl as he brought it to his mouth; then went out, waved his club, the robbers took him to their place; he stayed to guard their parking lot, the wolf swallowed it, he cut it from the inside, went out; the robbers tell him to steal four oxen from the peasant; when he came to the barn, he made a fuss, the owner did not notice him, almost stepped on him; he threw him into the corner, took the oxen; furious that the robbers continued to laugh at him; they split the money and sent G. to wash his giblets to prevent him from giving him his share; by the river he began to beat giblets and scream: it's not me, but them; robbers ran away, G. took their money to his parents; but they had just died; during the funeral he fell into the grave, and the gravedigger refused to pull him out; he got out on his own, buried the gravedigger alive; became a robber again, came to the fire, which has 11 robbers; they argue when to make an chieftain; G.: the one whose club thrown up will be the last to fall; G.'s club fell only the next day and went into the ground; it was made chieftain, the club was hardly pulled out; the rich king has a watchman cock; at the same time, the king promises a daughter to the one who will destroy the robbers; G. ordered ten to carry his club, and he sat at the eleventh in his pocket, gradually filling his pocket with stones, so that the robber could hardly walk; G. threw his club and knocked down the rooster; got inside through the keyhole, opened the passage, cut off the heads of all the robbers who entered as they slipped it in, cut it off and took their tongues with them; another man brought their heads, the king was ready to give him his daughter; but G. showed his tongues; after the wedding, G. confessed, his skin burst crashly, appeared beautiful young man; happy wedding]: Dobšinský 1970, No. 30:161-170; Russians (Arkhangelsk, Karelia, Vologda, Voronezh, Ryazan), Ukrainians (Ugric Russia, Eastern Russia) Slovakia, Galicia, Yekaterinoslavskaya), Belarusians [Boy with a finger (Pea, Ox's eye): he is born wonderfully, helps his father on arable land; he is bought by a pan (pop, tsar), whom he annoys; after adventures (acting together with thieves, gets into the stomach of a cow, wolf) returns home]: SUS 1979, No. 700:175-176; Russians (Arkhangelskaya, Pomors) [husband plows, wife knits at home, sings: was if only my son had a fingernail; a tiny Lipunyushka appeared; volunteered to take the cakes to his father; asked my father to plow, sat in the ear of an ox; the master asks to sell; L.: sell, vaozmi has enough gold to fall asleep ; the master hoped that L. would plow, and he ran back to his parents]: Razumova, Senkina 1987:33-34; Russians (Vologodskaya) [the old woman cut cabbage, cut off her finger, threw it behind the stove; went out Boy with a finger: Where is Father? - He plows. - Let's take breakfast and help him plow; brought pancakes to my father; began to plow, getting into the horse's ear; tells me to sell it, if there is a buyer, he will return in the evening; the master bought it, the boy with his finger made a hole in his pocket, ran away; hears two thieves going to steal bulls from his ass; offers help; shouts loudly: which bull should I take, white or black? he threw a rope over the brown one; the thieves ate the meat, the boy was given the skin, he fell asleep in it, the wolf swallowed it; the boy from the wolf's belly: shepherd, the wolf wants to eat your sheep; the wolf is starving; the boy agrees to get out only if he takes him to his father and mother; the boy shouts that the wolf ran to the lead, the old man and the old woman killed the wolf, sewed the boy's skin coat]: Gura 1965, No. 18:229-230; Russians ( Moscow) [the woman pinched the splint, cut off her finger, wrapped it in a cloth, put it on the stove, baked pancakes; her finger became a boy, volunteered to take the pancakes to his grandfather in the field; offered to plow while sitting in the horse's ear; the master heard someone singing; the boy with his finger told his grandfather to sell it, then he would run away; he got out from their master's pocket; asked the robbers; they sent him to unlock the door from the inside; he did so; the robbers took the cow from the priest, stabbed it, left the boy in demand; the wolf swallowed it, the boy began to scratch the wolf from the inside, ordered it to be taken to his grandparents; they killed the wolf; everything is fine]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 63:180; Russians (Voronezhskaya, 1966, Sredny Ikorets village, Liskinsky District) [The old man plows in the field, gets tired, comes to the camp for lunch, a boy with a finger comes up to him, suggests help, climbs into his horse's ear and plows. The master asks the old man how his horse plows alone, he says, shows the Boy with his finger, the master asks him for a golden hat, but does not return it on time. The boy goes to the master, takes a bear, a fox and a wolf with him on the way. He asks his master to return his hat, he puts the boy with the bulls - they are eaten by the wolf, then the geese - eaten by the fox, and the horses - eaten by the wolf. The master puts the boy "in money", his handbag takes them away]: Kretov 1977, No. 19:36-36; Poles: Knoop 1916, No. 5 [parents have a tiny boy the size of a gadfly; when the father plows, the boy sits by the ox in ear and shouts at him; the rich man saw it, offered 100 thalers for the boy; the father realized that the boy was expensive, refused to sell it; he gave it to the landowner for 300 thalers; he began to wear the boy in his pocket; one day he found a bag of money on the road, put it on the wagon; the boy got out quietly, made a hole in the bag, slowly threw the money away, hid it in the hole, returned to his father; the father became rich]: 208; Krzyżanowski 1962, № 700 [Childless spouses dream of a son, a tiny one is born; he chases a horse or ox while sitting in his ear; allows himself to be sold and runs away from the buyer; helps thieves rob a house, but starts talking loudly; swallowed by a cow, stabbed to death, he gets out of his intestines; returns home with the help of a fox and a wolf]: 215-216; northern Ukrainians (Chernigov, Nezhinsky u.) [the grandfather went to plow, the woman does not know who will take the pancakes to him; a tiny boy appeared, carried it; there is no way to climb over a bump, he began to call his father; tells him that he can plow; the master wonders who is plowing and songs sings; the father does not want to sell the boy to the master, the boy advises to sell it; the master came home, unfolded his handkerchief, it is empty]: Malinka 1902, No. 70:355-356; Czechs: Uther 2004 (1), No. 700:375.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [a childless tinker complains to a gypsy woman that he does not have children; takes care of her family; a gypsy woman tells his wife to throw an egg into the wall, 40 men jump out of it, call the tinker is a father; he tells the gypsy woman to take them away; one named Kichkene hides, the tinker agrees to recognize him as a son; he brings pancakes to his father, sits on a bowl, tins jugs, plows, getting into the bull's ear; 40 -Azhdag's head closed the water, gives it every day for a bull; K. brings A. the yellow bull Sary-Bey, who took all the bulls from the villagers; asks him to leave his rectum; dumps the contents into bed S. and his wife; ties buckets of water to the backs of S.'s sons; S. and his wife fight, accusing each other of spoiling the bed; their sons jump up, knocking over the buckets; the pipe plays, K. laughs, everyone gathers watch; A. bursts with laughter, S. runs away from shame, peasants take back their property]: Birzgal 1992, No. 11:140-152 (=Zarubin, Zarubin 1991:30-40); Nogais [the old man expresses a wish, for an old woman to give birth to him a son; White Ear comes to the house, says that he is a son, tells him to sit between the horns of a goat, goes to herd goats; the horsemen want to pick up the goats, BU promises to bring them the bull bay; then he gets an ax and a cauldron (everyone gets scared when they hear a voice, they don't see a screaming one); the riders cook the bull; the BU persuades them to smear the head of one sleeping girl with bacon, put a butter churn on the head of the other, Tie a pipe to the guy's lips, cut the old man's beard, put a puppy and a kitten between two girls; when they wake up, they accuse each other of giving birth to freaks; BOO returns without goats, the old woman throws him in fire]: Nogai 1979, No. 31:144-147; Adygs (Kabardian people) [an old woman gives birth to a bunch of little men, throws them on the roof, where they die; one hides in a cup; the old woman is sorry she threw it away, the hid opens, his name is Kulatsu; he takes lunch to his father in the field; four robbers towards him; he asks to take him with him, climbs into the stall, shouts loudly what kind of ox to drive the bull out; robbers they tell me not to make noise; K. takes the cauldron, sitting under it, people do not understand where the voice comes from, they run away; having climbed into the cauldron, K. screams from there, the robbers also run away, K. takes their horses and property; together with other boys come to the witch; at night she hears her sharpening her teeth, screaming that at that time her mother fed them hot dumplings; chicken sauce; a witch cooks dumplings, cuts chicken and makes sauce; K. : at this time, our mother watered us, carrying water with a sieve; while the witch is going to fetch water, K. takes away the golden lintel; the boys ran away, and the witch grabbed K. and put them in a bag; while she left, K. put the cat in the bag, and he runs away himself, carrying the lintel; the witch killed the cat; K. offers the riders he meets to prop up the mountain, supposedly, it falls, steals their horses; tells the herd that he got horses where the Khan's village is being robbed; the herd runs there, K. steals the herd; the same with the herd of bulls and the shepherd; K. brings the mother's cattle; horsemen, herds, shepherds come to visit K.; at night he stains their beds with the contents of bovine intestines; they ran away, wealth remained]: Tambiev 1900, No. 5:31-33 (=Sokolov, Broydo 1936:117-120); Abazins [Little Thigh boy fell into a cow cake; the hoof the thieves' horse scattered it, thieves took ML with them; sent to the pen to steal bulls, he screams loudly which one to drive out; hid in the bull's ear; the shepherds came out but did not notice anything; ML brought the bull to the thieves; stole the cauldron at their request; he was sent get the millet; he climbed into the dog's ear, asked the owner to give millet; she decided what the dog was saying, ran away; ML brought millet; the rider drove up, the thieves ran away in fear, ML hid in a cauldron of meat; the rider began to take out the meat, ML called out to him, the man ran away; ML ate, returned home]: Tugov 1985, No. 108:310-311; Ossetians [Boy with finger: helps his father on arable land; master (tsar) buys a boy ; it helps thieves; gets into the stomach of a cow and a wolf]: Sokayeva 2004, No. 700:96; Terek Cossacks (v. Ardon) [the old man and the old woman have no children; the old man wants to cut chips, cuts off his finger; a boy appears out of him; he lives with the old people, remains the size of a finger; returning from mowing, hears the conversation of thieves who want to rob the priest; asks them to take him with them; goes with them at night to the priest's house; climbs into the lock hole, opens the gate; thieves take three horses and slaughter the ox; the boy climbs into the house, covers his butt with wet skin, puts the demand between his father's daughters, braids two clerks and inserts a pipe into the old woman's nose; then brings meat home; in the morning, the pop scolds from behind a wet blanket, his daughters argue which of them gave birth, and the clerks scream at each other from behind their braids; the pop tells the old woman to light the fire; she blows on the coal, the pipe plays; the old woman dances, pop screams]: Gusev 1893:363-366; Georgians [a childless old woman finds a tiny boy Cerodén ("the size of a finger"); he is called by a bull's story; the old man put him on a yoke, C. fell , he was washed away by rain, grabbed by a wolf, C. climbed into his hollow of his tooth, began to stab; mad in pain, the wolf promises to bring a lamb with a golden fleece; old people are happy]: Jaliashvili 1970:162-164; Turks [because of his ill-conceived wish, the poor man receives many children the size of a pea; throws them into the fire, only one remains; getting into the donkey's ear, a pea boy brings lunch to his father in the field; he fell on him cow cake; people collected a dung, began to drown it, the pea boy also burned down; options: the boy was eaten by a cow, he goes outside (through the ass); giants find him; he puts the dead lamb between girls, ties two men with beards, dies laughing; thieves tell him to steal a cow; he says so loudly that the owner came out but did not see anyone; he was given cow giblets and he hides in them; his the rooster pecked, then the cow ate it; he climbed into the giblets (into the dough), they (him) were eaten by a wolf; he screams from the wolf's belly, he could get no one; the parents killed the cow, threw away the heart, and there was a boy in his heart came out]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 288:332-333; Kurds [son of Nisko ("lentil seed") as tall as a little finger; insisted on taking lunch to his father, then plowing; fell into the manure and got lost; in the fall the girls went collect dung, carry bags, with one voice; they found no one; they poured out dung at home; N. turned into a rooster and on the roof of the palace began to shout that the padishah had not repaid the debt to Emir Mysr; the rooster was thrown into fire, and he filled it with water he had previously drunk; then the padishah ordered the rooster to be thrown into the room where the treasury should pick up coins and leave; N. swallowed gold, regurgitated at home, enriched his parents; the neighbor saw , began pouring water on her son and hitting him with a stick; he died]: Jalil et al. 1989, No. 29:278-280; Armenians: Uther 2004 (1), No. 700:375.
Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens: Alexandrova, Tuberovsky 1963 [the old man laments that he is childless; hears a voice from his camel ear; a tiny boy appears from there, calls himself his son; his name is Yarty Gulok ( "half an ear"); then many episodes]: 3-172; Sokali et al. 1955 [the wife gave birth to a son half an ear tall, Yarty Gulak; he went to his father's mill in a camel ear; went down to the grass, fell asleep on the grass, the camel ate it with grass; his parents killed the camel, did not find the son; the wolf swallowed it with guts; from the wolf's belly, YAG warns the shepherds; the wolf asks the Fox to help, she tells him to eat unripe grapes, the owner of the vineyard hits the Wolf, the YAG jumps out; on a basket of grapes, YAG arrives at the owner's house; at night he holds two guests by the beard; they accuse each other, fight; the owner fights with his wife (YAG held him by the beard, her braids); at night, YAG smears ishan's (mullah) pants with pumpkin porridge, puts jug covers on his daughters' heads, turban on his wife's head, calls for prayer; general stir; etc.; YAG receives sheep for promising to leave home, tells his father to pick them up at home; (beginning, including the wolf episode, pp.28-31)]: 28-39; Stebleva 1969, No. 44 [just like in Sokali, more episodes in the second part]: 225-237 ; Turkmen tales 1978 [literary retelling, many episodes]: 188-255; Uzbeks [poor Hasan's wife gave birth to a tiny son named Nokhotbay (nohot means "peas"); he himself brings lunch to his father in the field ; plows, climbing a bull; bai orders him to be thrown across the river into the ravine; at the head of the laborers, he kills the bay, takes his property]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (1): 248-251 (Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:83-86); Tajiks [a boy the size of a pea was born, he was named that; brought his father lunch; he squeezed most of the wheat in the field; on the way back, the wolf swallowed it; G. screams from the wolf's belly what he wants attack sheep; so several times the wolf became exhausted from hunger, G. fell out, could not get out of the ditch; asked the old man to hand him a staff; returned home]: Amonov 1972:200-201 (=1980:195-197; =Amonov, Ulug -back 1957:129-130); Persians: Aliyev et al. 1958 [=Rosenfeld 1958:94-99; dervish gives childless spouses peas, tells them to put them in good shape, every pea will become a child; the husband is afraid that so much he can't feed the children, sweeps the peas, the only one is left, this is a tiny boy Justic; he brings his father lunch, sitting in his donkey's ear; the bull's leg fails, there is a treasure; J. decides to take the gold to the padishah, but the mother keeps the gold for himself, puts garbage in his bag; when he sees the padishah, J. was confused, offered him a cake, the padishah threw him in prison, then let him go; J. brings his father lunch again; climbs an apple tree, catches a diva him, gives his mother to fry; J. pushes her in good shape; tells the wonder that he ate his mother; climbs a tree; tells the wonder that he climbed by rubbing his body with oil; the diva leans to the hearth, burns; J. brings his treasures to his parents]: 123-128; Rosenfeld 1956 [the lumberjack's wife asks Allah to give a child the size of a pea; gives birth to a boy the size of a thumb, he was called Pea; he drives a drawn horse, sitting on her head; tells the Oltz to sell it to two people he meets; hides from them in a mouse hole; hears a conversation between two robbers, leads them to the mullah's house, deliberately talks loudly, the robbers run away; G. goes to bed on the clover, the servant throws an armful to the cow, she swallows G., he speaks from her stomach; the cow is killed, the stomach is thrown away, the wolf swallows it; G. promises the wolf take him to a place where there is a lot of food; brings him to his parents; Father G. kills a wolf, gets his son]: 66-72; (cf. Persians [husband and wife ask God to send a baby; one pea flew out of the pot, became a girl; she and the other girls go to the field to collect spikelets; divas come, call them to their place; at night asks who is awake; Pea says that before going to bed, her mother gives her scrambled eggs and halva; divas brings it, G. wakes up the girls, everyone has eaten, falls asleep; the diva asks again, Pea replies that after dinner mom from the crystal mountain from the river of light always brings water in a sieve; when the diva reached the river of light, morning came, the girls took the diva's things, left; G. remembered that she had forgotten the golden spoon; the diva entered the house, he put it in a bag, went to get brushwood to carve G.; she made a hole in the bag, put a kid in a bag, hid in the corner; the divas beat the kid to death, opened the bag, saw his favorite kid; found G., asks how to eat it; she says that it is necessary to bake a cake, wrap it in it; G. pushed the diva into tone, he got fried, she took a spoon, returned to her mother]: Aliyev et al. 1958:223-225).
Baltoscandia. Danes, Icelanders, Livs, Counselors: Kecskeméti, Paunonen 1974, No. 700:235; Karelians: Konkka, Tupitsyna 1976, No. 34 [the man pinched a splint and cut off a big one finger, threw it behind the stove; in the morning the wife is going to take pies to her husband in the field, and finger from behind the stove: I'll take it; pop comes to the field, asks him to sell his son; the boy with a finger winks at his father - sell it; the pop put it in his pocket, the boy with his finger cut through the fools, threw away all the money and jumped out himself; came to the ass at night; forced workers and cooks to fight, hid under a broom; in the morning he was with garbage threw it away, swallowed the cow; they want to milk it, they hear a voice; the pop tells the cow to be slaughtered, they found nothing; the boy with a finger returned to his parents]: 279-281; Makarov 1963, No. 85 (Tver Karelians) [among the elderly no children; the old woman cut off her finger, put it in the stove; a tiny boy came out of the stove, took breakfast to his grandfather; sitting on the plow plows; the boyars ask to sell, the boy tells his grandfather to agree; on the way he spoiled pocket, ran away, fell asleep under a flower, it was eaten by a cow; she got sick, stabbed to death, her intestines were thrown away, the wolf ate them, came to the boy's parents to steal something; boy: grandfather, don't shoot, I'm in the wolf's stomach; came out of the wolf, the wolf was caught, everyone lives well]: 182-183; Swedes [childless spouses want a child, even the tiniest; a son the size of a thumb was born; he fits in the horse's ear, enters the cow's stomach; if swallowed, always goes out]: Liungman 1961, No. 700:192-193; Norwegians [a young man the size of a thumb goes with his mother to marry a princess; along the way has fun hiding in a horse's mane, ear, nose, swallowed by a cow; safely returned home or drowned in a bowl of porridge]: Hodne 1984, No. 700:151-152; Latvians [childless woman accidentally cut off a finger on his leg, asks his son even as tall as a finger; the finger turns into a boy, takes breakfast to the woman's husband, mows for it; the master buys it for a hat of money; the boy hides in a mushroom, eats it cow; the hostess hears a voice from the cow, the cow is slaughtered, the boy hides in the ham, gives the beggar; he is frightened of his voice, throws a ham, the wolf has eaten the meat; the boy inside the wolf screams that he has come to cattle; tells him to take himself to his father in the kitchen; father killed a wolf, son got out; live well]: Aris 1971:148; Lithuanians [a neighbor advises a childless old woman to cut off her little finger, throw it behind stove; in the morning, a tiny boy offers to take lunch to his father in the field; while the old man is eating, he climbs into the horse's ear, plowing like this; the master wants to buy it, the little finger tells the old man to agree; hides under the mushroom, master does not find him; offers thieves to help rob his master; asks loudly on purpose, the owners wake up; hides in straw, is eaten by a cow; hearing a voice from her belly, the cow is slaughtered, the wolf swallows tripe, a little finger from his belly warns the shepherds; tells the wolf to carry him to his father's court; there the wolf was slaughtered, a sheepskin coat was sewn out of his little finger]: Lebite 1965:250-254; Estonians [childless the woman wanted a son even the size of a finger; the father cuts firewood; the son carries them sitting in the horse's ear; three want to buy a boy, he tells his father to agree; refuses to sit with those who bought them in his bosom (hot), in pocket (dark), sits on the floor of his hat; ran away, hid in a rat hole; climbed into the landowner's pantry; thieves came, he raised the alarm; ended up in a stable, the cow swallowed it; the maid hears a voice from cow's belly; the cow was stabbed, the stomach was thrown away, swallowed by a wolf; the boy tells the wolf to go to the house where the father and mother have plenty of food; the wolf is full, overweight, cannot get out; the boy's father is his killed, found a son, made a fur coat for his son]: Mälk et al. 1967, No. 103:339-340; Lutsie (Western 1893) [the spouses are old, no children; the old man brought a mushroom leg from the forest, wrapped it, put it down on the stove; the leg became a tiny boy; went to harrow, sitting in the horse's ear; the merchant wants to buy, the boy to his father: sell it, I'll be back; the boy ran away, the cow ate him with the bath broom; the boy speaks from a cow's belly; the owners were frightened, the cow was stabbed, the giblets were given to the beggar, boy: where are you taking me? the beggar threw out the giblets, the wolf ate them, the boy from the wolf's belly warns those whom the wolf wants to attack; the wolf asks him to go out, but the boy is all the same: eat from his mouth, get dirty from his ass; tells him to collect wolves and come with them to his father, who has many sheep; go last, you will get the fattest; the wolves went into the empty barn, fell into the hole, the boy came out of the wolf's ass and locked the door; selling wolf skins, made a lot of money; feast]: Annom et al. 2018:283-286; seto [elderly spouses are childless; wife accidentally cut off her fingertip; wrapped it in a rag, put it behind the stove; husband went to harrow, wife regrets that there is no one to take lunch; a severed finger turns into a boy, says he will carry it; harrows sitting in the horse's ear; tells his father to agree to sell it to thieves; they sent him to steal meat, he began ask loudly whether to take fat or lean, they chased the thieves, the boy hid in the chaff, the cow swallowed it along with the chaff, he sings in her stomach; the owners hear, are frightened, they slaughter the cow, wash intestines in the river, a piece with the boy has swallowed it, it has been swallowed by a wolf; from the wolf's belly, the boy screams to the shepherds; the wolf has to agree to take him home; the boy jumps out of the wolf's nostril, calls his mother and father , they kill a wolf]: Normann, Tampere 1989:109-112; Veps [the old man chopped firewood, cut his finger, a boy with a finger appeared (M.); promises to bring his father bread for arable land; on the way he sat on a mushroom, a bear swallowed it along with the mushroom; M. refuses to get out of his ass just like that, tells him to take it home; when the bear entered the canopy, M. and killed him with a rocker; the next day he came to his father in the field, sat on plough to plow; the neighbor asked to sell him such a ploughman; M. tells his father to agree - he will then run away; the neighbor put M. in his wallet, came home - there is a hole in his wallet and pocket; M. returned to his father]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 25:120-122; Eastern Sami: Egorov 1959 [roughly like both versions in Kert 1961]: 94-95; Kert 1961, No. 47 [the old man accidentally cut off his thumb; the old woman washed his finger, put it in her handmade purse; her finger became a boy, ran to play, the merchant picked it up, his wife put the boy on a gold plate; when they went to bed, the boy tied their hair and poured it over their heads the dough and returned to the old man and the old woman; grew up big and became a good son]: 195-196; 1988 [the grandfather accidentally cut off the end of his thumb, gave it to the woman - a boy would grow up; she began to rinse her finger in a warm one to the water, he shouted "dad"; began to talk and walk; pop picked him up, put him in his pocket with a knife and purse, went on; the boy cut his pocket, fell out with his knife and money; brought him to his grandfather and woman, they were surprised - so much money; the boy slept for three days, went on a journey; the pop found him, now put him in an iron pocket, brought him home; everyone laughs how he feeds forty; they made the dough to bake bread for him, fell asleep; the boy put the dough between his ass and his wife, tied his daughter and maids, son and grandfather by the hair; in the morning everyone began to pull each other's hair; pop tells his wife to remove what was between them; the boy returned to his grandfather and woman; they bought a new house and began to live well]: 177-179.
Volga - Perm. Komi Zyryans [a woman baked bread, accidentally cut off her thumb, he rolled under a broom, became a boy, offered to take the bread to her father's arable land; offered his father to plow; seeing how the boy with -his finger plows, the pop bought it; on the way he cut a hole in his pocket, poured out all the money, got out himself, collected money; met a man and offered to go slaughter popov's oxen, pick up the meat; boy-s- his finger asked for a knife and an ax in the house, killed and tripled the oxen; put their intestines next to the sleeping ass, manure next to the hit, the stomach next to the maid; they thought that their intestines and stomach had come out, crap]: Wichmann 1916, No. 32:92-94; (cf. Kazan Tatars [Uther 2004 (1): 375 refers to Yarmukhametov 1957 - there is no such plot there); Mordovians: Evseviev 1964, No. 29 (Erzya) [the old man cut firewood, cut off his thumb; the old woman put her finger in the stove, began to bake pancakes; the finger became a boy with a finger, took the pancakes to his father, began to plow; the master wants to buy it, the boy with his finger tells agree; the master carried the chest, the boy with his finger made a hole, threw away the money, relieved himself, ran away; brought money to his father, the master's wife found crap in the chest]: 222-223; Maskaev 1966 (moksha) [old man I was going to plow, began to put the plow on the cart, cut off his finger; the woman wrapped her finger in a rag, put it in the stove; wanted to take my husband lunch; voice from the stove: I'll take it; in the field began to plow for my father; I was driving by English lord, marveled at the miracle, wanted to buy it; the boy with his finger tells his father to sell it; cuts a hole in his pocket, pours out all the gold, runs away; at home, the Lord took out a handkerchief to show the guests, and then only snot]: 254-256 in Kippar 2002:165-167; Chuvash [a childless old woman complains that there is no one to take pancakes to her husband in the field; a little boy emerges from the log; rides a mole, falls, his father finds him, glad; the boy sits between the horse's ears, plows; tells his father to sell it to the merchant, runs away from his pocket; sells it to the thief, not to run away from his pocket; the thief lets the boy into the hole to open the pantry door rich man; takes the stolen goods, forgets the boy; the cow eats him along with the oats, the boy speaks from her belly; the cow has been slaughtered, the giblets are thrown into the ravine; they are eaten by a wolf, the boy screams from his belly" hold the wolf!" ; the wolf runs, frightens the thief, the boy comes home on a horse with the goods stolen by the thief]: Eisin 1993:262-255; Bashkirs: Barag 1992, No. 49 [the old woman was making dough, cut off her thumb, a boy Bashbarmak ("thumb") appeared; began to straighten his father's horse, she swallowed it with hay; the horse was stabbed, his intestines were thrown away, the wolf ate them; B. screams from his stomach every time the wolf tries attack the herd; the wolf was exhausted, the hunter shot him, took off his skin, B. got out, came to the place where the cattle were slaughtered, got a skin and a calf, spent the night in the same house; put the skin on the floor, the calf between owners; they began to argue who gave birth to him, the old woman slipped on her skin, the old man at her; B. laughed so much that he died]: 99-100; Bessonov 1941, No. 60 [the old man and the old woman stabbed a goat, put their tail on the cornice of the hearth; the tail became a boy as tall as a finger; his father put him on a camel and told him not to get off; Goat's Tail (KH) tears, could not get back in; the camel swallowed it along with the grass; the old man stabbed him the camel, threw out his stomach; the wolf bit through his stomach, the KH jumped on the wolf, they ran, tired, they were killed by the hunters; the KH screams that he had exhausted the wolves; when the hunter sent his wife to scatter the horse, The KH shouts that he will not give; at night, the farm covered the sleeping old people with a sebaceous membrane from the stomach of a slaughtered goat; put meat and feces between two sons-in-law, goat embryos between the old man's daughters; they accused each other that the other gave birth, sons-in-law - that he got dirty the other night, old people - that everyone pulls a fur coat over him, it bursts and tears; the old man slipped on a goatskin, broke his leg; thieves stole goats; KX suggested the merchant count the money, hid in his cart, made a hole, all the money fell out; helped the thieves steal the cows, asked for only giblets; when the thieves brought the meat, made a fuss, the thieves ran away, the farm took everything, brought everything, brought everything to his old people, grew up, got married, everything was fine], 61 [the old man stabbed the goat, put his tail on the stove ledge, a tiny boy appeared; went to herd the goats, clinging to the goat's horn; frightened the thieves, who wanted to steal a herd; the next time he rode a camel, tears, the camel swallowed it with grass; the old man stabbed the camel, threw away his intestines; the wolf gnawed the gut, the boy frightened the wolf; frightened the fellows, who killed the wolf; hid in their house, secretly eats; stabbed a goat, put a goat's embryo on his daughters, feces for good, covered the old people with a sebaceous membrane; they blame each other; the boy with a finger robbed merchant, went with the thieves, helped them steal a cow; gave them to an old man, began to live with him, said that they wanted to slaughter his horse; thieves stole and stabbed their own horse; the boy with a finger returned to his parents , became a merchant]: 289-293, 294-298.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Divayev 1909 (Syr-Darya) [the old woman asks her husband to bring her 40 lamb ears, eats her ears, gives birth to 40 ears; there is no peace from them, the old people have nailed them, one ear is hidden; goes on a camel behind salt; the old woman warns not to hide from the rain under the leaves, the ear hides, the camel swallows it; the old man cuts it but does not find his ear, throws away his stomach, it is swallowed by the wolf; every time rushes at the rams, his ear screams from his stomach; the fox advises him to run and sit on the ice; the wolf froze, the traveler killed him, took off his skin, his ear hid in his pocket; with this man two more, they stopped at overnight stay, the ear made a hole in the cup, ate everything, the owner's daughters are surprised (the guest must leave food to the owners); night puts the lamb's head between the girls, ties his wife's braids to the owner's beard, the maid to the oil mill, the shepherd to the wormwood bush; shouts that the wolf attacked the sheep; each girl accuses the other that she has a miscarriage, everyone is fighting; the ear steals sheep to the elderly]: 90-95; Kanbak Shal 1985 [ A childless old woman asks her husband to bring her forty ears; he brings camel ears; she eats them, gives birth to 40 boys the size of a camel ear; they drank all the milk, the old man kicked them out, and is left alone hid; asks his father to wrap him in a handkerchief, tie him to the horn of a white goat, herds his father's goats; the thieves stole the herd; the boy promised to help them, drove the herd home, brought the camel; they stabbed the horse the boy ordered to put the meat on the camel, follow him; screams, the thieves run away in fear, the boy brings the camel to his parents]: 210-211; Marchenko 1993 [a childless old woman milked the goat, she knocked over the bucket , the old woman tore off her kuyirshyk (tail), he turned into a son; rode a camel to get salt; hid from the weather under a leaf, the camel ate grass, swallowed it; the camel was brought home, the old people hear K.'s voice, the camel was stabbed, the Wolf ate his giblets; when he approaches the herd, K. screams from his belly, calls the shepherds; the fox advised him to sweat, sit on the ice, sit until morning; The wolf froze, the travelers killed they ripped him off his skin, quietly took K.; stopped for the night; K. blew out the fire, ate everything; others began to blame each other; went to bed; K. put the slaughtered ram between the guests, the master's daughters tied braids, put a cauldron on the owner's head, hung a tripod above the door, stuffed nails into the ground at the door; shouted that wolves were coming; the owner hit the cauldron, tripod, sat on nails, screamed; the guests accuse each other that the other turned into a ram, girls - that the other is holding her by the braids; everyone is fighting; K. burst laughing]: 81-84; Kyrgyz [childless spouses have only five goats and a camel; once A boy with a finger lurks between the horns of a black goat; the old woman said that if she had a child, she would feed him foam from milk; MP asks to be her son; herds goats sitting between the horns of a black goat ; rides a camel for salt; he swallowed it along with the burdock; the camel returned home, the old man stabbed him, hung his gut by the yurt; the wolf swallowed it; when he approached the flock, MP began to scream to the shepherds ; the wolf died of hunger; the traveler took off his skin, MP got under the saddle, tells him to go faster; at the bus stop he steals an awl, then stabs the horse; he threw off the rider, MP returned to the old man and the old woman on it]: Broodny , Eshmambetov 1968:77-80 (=1977:216-217); Kyrgyz [the tiny boy's name is Kuyyrshik - tail; he rode a camel to the city; on the way back it rained, K. hid under the leaf, the camel became pinch the grass and swallowed K.; goes to the master's yurt, and K. screams from the stomach: take the shopping from the cart; the father stabbed the camel, the women began to clean their guts, but did not notice K.; the wolf swallowed the camel the stomach along with K.; approaches the sheep, and K. raises the alarm from his stomach; the shepherd let dogs on the wolf; the wolf died of hunger; K. got out and climbed onto the horse of one of the riders passing by; those came to bay; when everyone ate, K. stabbed a goat, took out an unborn lamb; tied the Bai daughters with braids, put an unborn lamb between them, covered the eyes of Bayu and his wife with gastric fat, to he tied wooden hammers to the doors, raised the alarm: the wolves stole the rams; everyone jumped up, hit and quarreled; the sisters accused each other: she gave birth to a lamb instead of a baby; K. sat on the guest's horse and returned home]: Muchnik 1944:68-69.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [old man Kurana Gorbaty has a tiny son Kulakcha (his fist is an "ear"); he climbed into the ear of the goat Chadak-Pai, he ran, after him sheep, K. hid in a hole; C. tells Kurans work for him for three months for free; to get food, Kulakcha rides a horse to people who do not see him, but hear a song, give him grains in fear; he returned to his parents in the belly of a horse, which is his swallowed along with the grass; choked and regurgitated; takes with him a snake, a wasp's nest, a capercaillie's egg, comes to C.; he sleeps with two wives; Kulakcha stabbed a horse, threw a piece of meat to the couch; C. fights with wives - who eats lard at night? wants to drink sour milk, stung by a snake; touched an idol, he has a hornet's nest in his eye, C. is bitten, fell into a hole]: 111-118; Sadalova 2002, No. 37 [tiny Dyarym-Fist near the threshold of the house where my grandmother lived with grandfather, scattered garbage (apparently, put the last one), hung a mallet above the door, wrapped a snake around the vessel, placed a bumblebee in the place where the spirit figure stood, buried an egg in the ash, stuck an awl on the couch, he hid himself in the folds of felt; Grandma slipped when she came in, hit the mallet, was bitten by a snake and a bumblebee, an egg burst into her eyes, the awl pierced when she sat down, she ran out, slipped again Finally, hit the mallet; DK laughed, rode a camel, climbed under the leaves of the rain, the camel swallowed it along with the grass; he screams for the camel to be stabbed; the owners stabbed, the gut in which DK, swallowed by one of the seven wolves; when the wolves try to approach the prey, the DC screams, the wolves are starving; the fox tells them to eat fat falls; the wolves have eaten, cleansed their stomachs, the DC offers them three thieves serve; they send him for an ax; he hides in the dog's ear, asks the boy to give bone marrow; the boy tells his mother that the dog asks for bone marrow, the mother tells her to hack, the ax flies off, the DC brings his thieves; DK puts a parcel between two sleeping girls, ties a cecum to the pigtails of two guys, spreads interior fat over the old woman and the old man; everyone woke up, the guys started fighting, the girls - accuse each other that the other gave birth, the old man and the old woman - that the other tore their skins (they hear a crackling fat); DK laughed and dried up]: 361-365; Khakas [childless old people decided to slaughter their only sheep; when the old man fell asleep, the wife fried and ate the sheep's tail alone; the old man was offended; after a while the old man hears the child's scream; called him a tail born from a sheep's tail; the boy began to hunt with with onions; two other boys began to persuade him to go steal; told him to go into the house - he is small; the boy shouts loudly: which lasso to take; the khan's soldiers woke up, the tail hid under the arcana, then slowly took out the lasso; the thieves took out the ox; sent the tail behind the ax; he again: which one should I take? they did not find him again, he brought an ax; they sent him to remove the skin from the ox; the same thing; he was given only his lungs; he started hitting them and shouting: why did he steal? He answers in a different voice: it was not me, it was the boys who stole; the boys ran away, ate his tail and returned home; the khan arrived; the tail cut off his stallion's lip, it was cooked; the khan ate, was satisfied; He did not find an ox; he was going home; the khan's daughter: probably the father found an ox, his horse laughs; then the khan sent a letter to the boy: to appear neither equestrian, nor on foot, not on the road, not off-road, neither dressed nor naked; the boy wrapped himself in a net, sat on the wheel of a cart, walked along the side of the road; the khan, cursing and surprised, drove him away]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 43:577-581; Tuvans: Khadahane 1984:33-35 [old man Kara-Sal has a son The height of a finger is Ertektey-ool; he took the bull from Karata Khan; he tells him to steal the pearl - if he can, he will forgive; K. put up guards, but everyone fell asleep; E. tied the hair of two warriors, threw food to the camels and dogs, covered the llama with warm skin, replaced the oil in the bucket with water so as not to light the fire; tickled the khan, he sneezed, the pearl fell out of his nose, E. took it away; shouted that there was a fire; the warriors began to fight each other with a friend, llamas too (because of the skin), the fire went out], 87-89 [Bureldey greedily stabbed the last ox, ate everything himself, gave the old woman his peritoneum, drove her out; the raven asks to give his peritoneum; tells him to go across the pass , there the horse's head grazes the goats, gets into a mortar; you have to kill her with a bronze pestle, pick up the goats; the old woman brought the goats, the old man almost starved; once he sneezed so much that the goats ran away, the old woman left his tail in her hand; he became a boy; hid in the sheep's fur, screams that he is an evil spirit; Karaty Khan stabbed the ram and threw it away, the old woman got the meat; two brothers asked for help punish K .; the tail boy hid in the ox's ear; the same as with the ram, the brothers stabbed the ox, but the boy was given only the liver and lungs; the same with clothes; the tail boy dressed richly, began to scream, a hundred brothers stole the ox K.; they abandoned their horses and ran away]; South Altai Tuvans [the elderly have a boy as tall as a kneecap; volunteered to go for a dung; hid from the hail under the leaf, the camel swallowed it; the camel swallowed it; the camel eaten by a wolf, a boy from a wolf's womb shouts to the shepherds that the wolf has attacked the flock; the fox advises the wolf to drink water, run across the steppe; the boy came out with a droppings, clung to the tail of someone else's cow, drove it to to his parents; one sleeping girl put lamb under the floor, the other with cow droppings; the girls began to accuse each other that one had given birth to a lamb and the other had done it; both began to laugh, they their guts burst, they died]: Taube 1994, No. 44:263-264; Buryats: Tugutov, Tugutov 1992, No. 4 [the old man tore off the sheep's tail, it turned into a boy; the khan promised him his daughter if he stole it a ring that the khan holds in his mouth at night; two dogs guard the palace, two girls at the gate, two more by the fire, the llama reads a holy book; at night, the tail boy throws sheep stegles to dogs, finds the watchmen sleeping; ties the first girls together by the hands, puts the sheep's cecum full of hot blood between the second; puts part of the sheep's stomach behind her sinus; bile drips into the khan's mouth, puts bile on bed sheep buds, raw skin on the floor; khan jumps up, falls; khansha screams that her kidneys have fallen out; girls accuse each other of giving birth to the other; the tail boy married the khan's daughter], 17 [ Buhe Langden Bator is a thief in Northern Mongolia; Khan tells him to steal his ring, hides it in his mouth at night; BL gives salt to two guard camels, meat to dogs, stomach and blood between Khan's daughters, the sheep's rectum to the khan's bed; hereinafter as in (4); the khan allows BL to steal in Inner Mongolia]: 36-38, 68-69; Mongols: Mikhailov 1967 [the old man tore off the goat's tail, it turned at a boy; steals an ax from noyon, eats an ox; noyon tells his wife to steal the ring, tells his wife to hide it in her mouth; the boy feeds meat to guard dogs, throws premature lambs to sleeping maids , sheep noyona testicles under his robe, lamam manure from sheep's intestines, poured bile into hanshi's mouth to spit the ring; everyone blames each other; drowns the shaman in a wineskin with koumiss; noyon promises a reward to someone who takes the dead man home; the boy takes a ferocious camel and an awl; when the dogs rush towards him, stabs the camel, he throws off the dead shaman, the boy pretends to throw him off, that the shaman is dead now; noyon gives the boy a herd, he returns to his parents]: 112-115; Potanin 1883, No. 166 [the old woman tore off the goat's tail, it turned into a boy; the camel swallowed it along with the grass; the old woman stabbed the camel, but threw out the cecum where the boy was; the wolf swallowed the gut; when the wolf approaches the cattle, the boy screams, Catch; the wolf asks the fox for help, she tells him to defecate on the crossroads of seven roads; a boy goes out, kills a sheep, puts a premature lamb between two sleeping girls, lard from the peritoneum covers an old man and an old woman, liquid from the peritoneum pours between two guys ; when they wake up, the girls argue whose miscarriage; the old man and the old woman take lard for a fur coat, the old man beats the old woman for tearing her fur coat, pulling it towards herself at night; the guys also quarreled; the boy laughed, his ass cracked, he died]: 550-551; Dagurs [a childless old woman was making noodles, cut off her thumb, tied it in a rag, put it on the table, her finger became a boy; carried food for her father in the field; he hears a voice, thinks it is a spirit, returns home; when he finds out what is going on, he leaves home, not wanting to deal with perfume; takes a bag of food with him, the boy hides there; answers his father; he throws bag, goes away, but it turns out that the boy is on his arm; on his leg, etc.; the old man cuts off his arm, leg, etc., finally hurts his heart; the boy returns to the old woman, they live well]: Stuart et al. 1994:111-112.
(Wed. Eastern Siberia. The Yakuts [little old man Byt-Byt had eight wives; when food supplies ran out, his wives took him to the yard; he asked the Wind to carry him hunting; he brought him, the old man hung on a branch of the bush; the elk swallowed it along with the branches, he ripped his belly, came home; the wives cooked the meat; the old man walked along the edge of the bowl, fell into the soup, died; the blind old woman ate soup, swallowed the old man]: Ergis 1964-1967 (1), No. 53:181; 1967, No. 141:195).
Japan. Ikeda 1971, No. 425A [I. Because parents wanted a child too hastily (C758.1; T553), he turns out to be a boy with a finger (F535.1); he leaves his mother's body in an unusual way, through the thumb or lower leg (T541; V52); in some cases, the son has been silent for many years (L124.1). II. It is easy to control the horse while sitting in its ear (F911.3.1), and when the father is fishing, he finds his son in its belly (F913). III. (1) After staying overnight in a wealthy house, the boy enters the master's daughter's bedroom or asks him to be left there, smears her lips with chewed rice, accuses her of stealing his rice, forcing him to marry him]; Toropygina 2010 (Otogi-zoshi Issumboshi, second half of the 16th century) [an old man and an old woman lived in Setsu Province; the old woman had no children until she was forty; she went to Sumiyoshi Shrine and begged for a child; a boy one sun (3 cm) was born, so he was named Issumboshi ( Baby in one sun); when he was twelve or fourteen years old, I. went to the capital, where he was taken to his home by one of the state advisers; the adviser had a daughter who I. liked; I. recruited rice, put it in a tea bag, and when the girl was sleeping, he poured rice into her mouth, and then accused her of stealing; the counselor got angry and kicked her daughter out; I. said he was taking it with him; when they sailed by boat, they were hit to the island; there were two lines, one of which held a hammer to fulfill his wishes; the devil put I. in his mouth, but he got out of his eye; this went on several times; the devils were frightened and, leaving everything behind, fled; I. grabbed the hammer of fulfillment, wished to be tall and became as tall as an ordinary man; then I. and the girl returned to the capital, where the emperor granted I. a high rank]: 230-231.
(Wed. SV Asia. Forest Yukaghirs (p. Ridiculous, Verkhnekolymsky District): Kurilov 2005, No. 36 [ivy (a soul that moves into a newborn) of a person, becoming a blade of grass, rose from the Lower Earth to the Middle Earth; it was eaten by a mouse, the mouse was swallowed by Lenok, Lenka - osprey; a live mouse jumped out of Lenka's stomach, the owl grabbed it, ate it, a blade of grass fell to the ground, became human; this is how the person escaped and lives]: 309; Nikolaeva et al. 1989 (1), No. 20 [The old louse causes the wind , carries him into the talnik, the Elk swallows it along with the bars; he cuts the Moose from the inside with a knife, goes out through the hole; brings the meat of the victim to his two wives; cooks it, falls into the cauldron, dies; the youngest wife hanged herself from a tree, the eldest turned into a dog; an old woman picks her up; the old woman's son feeds her; looks after her; she shakes off her skin, turns into a woman, cooks food; the young man grabs the woman marries (=Kurilov 2005, No. 32:301-303)], 33 [as in (20); old partridge, Moose swallows it along with the leaf; wife - Old fox woman; dies when she sees that her husband is cooked]: 67-69, 17-119); Zhukova, Prokopyeva 1991, No. 8 [the old woman cooked the last piece of meat; the old man, deciding to eat it alone, asked for snow; the old woman ran out, the old man did not let her go back; she found a palace, three gold ones rolled into it dog heads; an old woman killed them, took possession of wealth and large livestock; once she visited an old man; he was starving, the old woman took him with her; the old man ate day and night; when he decided to lose his mind, the old woman sent him over the mountains; he did not have time to run and sat down in the middle of the camp; all the deer and cattle ran away; the calf was the last to run; the old men grabbed his tail, he came off; since there was no food, they decided it cook; we tried to throw it into the fire several times, but he jumped out and shouted: "Oh, oh, it's hot!" ; the old woman wrapped her tail in a cloth and said to him: "Be a little thief"; the next day she turned it around, there was a little man lying there; every day he grew bigger, turned handsome, and became steal cattle from a rich neighbor; the rich man announced that he wanted to see the thief, and that if he stole his gold ring, he would give half of his wealth; at night, the Tail Boy went to his house; stabbed several calves, threw them to chain dogs; took off the saddles with the riders and attached them to the fence, driving the horses out the gate; at those sleeping by the fireplace, the old women replaced the oil in the cups with water; when the rich man snored and opened his mouth, the boy saw that the ring was inside; the guy poured water into his mouth; he spit out and screamed for light; the old women splashed water, the fire went out; the rich man called the guards, who are sitting on the fence; the next day, the guy returned the ring to the rich man, and the rich man gave him half of the wealth]: 148-150).