Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M78E. Baby ear.

A tiny boy comes from an animal's ear, compared in size to an ear, his name is "ear".

Nogais, Turkmens, Kazakhs, Altaians.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais [the old man wants the old woman to give birth to him a son; White Ear comes to the house, says that he is a son, tells him to be put between the horns of a goat, goes to herd goats; the riders want pick up the goats, the BU promises them to bring the bull bay; then he gets an ax and a cauldron (everyone is frightened when they hear a voice, they do not see the screaming one); the riders cook the bull; the BU persuades them to smear the head with bacon sleeping girl, put a butter churn on the second head, tie a pipe to the guy's lips, cut his beard, put a puppy and a kitten between two girls; when they wake up, they accuse each other of giving birth to freaks ; BU returns without goats, an old woman throws him into the fire]: Nogai 1979, No. 31:144-147

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens: Alexandrova, Tuberovsky 1963 [the old man laments that he is childless; hears a voice from his camel ear; a tiny boy appears from there, calls himself his son; his name is Yarty Gulok ( "half an ear"); then many episodes]: 3-172; Sokali et al. 1955 [the wife gave birth to a son half an ear tall, Yarty Gulak; he went to his father's mill in a camel ear; went down to the grass, fell asleep on the grass, the camel ate it with grass; his parents killed the camel, did not find the son; the wolf swallowed it with guts; from the wolf's belly, YAG warns the shepherds; the wolf asks the Fox to help, she tells him to eat unripe grapes, the owner of the vineyard hits the Wolf, the YAG jumps out; on a basket of grapes, YAG arrives at the owner's house; at night he holds two guests by the beard; they accuse each other, fight; the owner fights with his wife (YAG held him by the beard, her braids); at night, YAG smears ishan's (mullah) pants with pumpkin porridge, puts jug covers on his daughters' heads, turban on his wife's head, calls for prayer; general stir; etc.; YAG receives sheep for promising to leave home, tells his father to pick them up at home; (beginning, including the wolf episode, pp.28-31)]: 28-39; Stebleva 1969, No. 44 [just like in Sokali, more episodes in the second part]: 225-237 ; Turkmen tales 1978 [literary retelling, many episodes]: 188-255.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Divayev 1909 (Syr-Darya) [the old woman asks her husband to bring her 40 lamb ears, eats her ears, gives birth to 40 ears; there is no peace from them, the old people have nailed them, one ear is hidden; goes on a camel behind salt; the old woman warns not to hide from the rain under the leaves, the ear hides, the camel swallows it; the old man cuts it but does not find his ear, throws away his stomach, it is swallowed by the wolf; every time rushes at the rams, his ear screams from his stomach; the fox advises him to run and sit on the ice; the wolf froze, the traveler killed him, took off his skin, his ear hid in his pocket; with this man two more, they stopped at overnight stay, the ear made a hole in the cup, ate everything, the owner's daughters are surprised (the guest must leave food to the owners); night puts the lamb's head between the girls, ties his wife's braids to the owner's beard, the maid to the oil mill, the shepherd to the wormwood bush; shouts that the wolf attacked the sheep; each girl accuses the other that she has a miscarriage, everyone is fighting; the ear steals sheep to the elderly]: 90-95; Kanbak Shal 1985 [ A childless old woman asks her husband to bring her forty ears; he brings camel ears; she eats them, gives birth to 40 boys the size of a camel ear; they drank all the milk, the old man kicked them out, and is left alone hid; asks his father to wrap him in a handkerchief, tie him to the horn of a white goat, herds his father's goats; the thieves stole the herd; the boy promised to help them, drove the herd home, brought the camel; they stabbed the horse, the boy ordered to put the meat on the camel, follow him; screams, the thieves run away in fear, the boy brings the camel to his parents]: 210-211.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Altaians: Garf, Kuchiyak 1978 [old man Kurana Gorbaty has a tiny son Kulakcha (his fist is an "ear"); he climbed into the ear of the goat Chadak-Pai, he ran, after him sheep, K. hid in a hole; C. tells Kurans work for him for three months for free; to get food, Kulakcha rides a horse to people who do not see him, but hear a song, give him grains in fear; he returned to his parents in the belly of a horse, which is his swallowed along with the grass; choked and regurgitated; takes with him a snake, a wasp's nest, a capercaillie's egg, comes to C.; he sleeps with two wives; Kulakcha stabbed a horse, threw a piece of meat to the couch; C. fights with wives - who eats lard at night? wants to drink sour milk, stung by a snake; touched an idol, he has a hornet's nest in his eye, C. is bitten, fell into a hole]: 111-118; Sadalova 2002, No. 37 [tiny Dyarym-Fist near the threshold of the house where my grandmother lived with grandfather, scattered garbage (apparently, put the last one), hung a mallet above the door, wrapped a snake around the vessel, placed a bumblebee in the place where the spirit figure stood, buried an egg in the ash, stuck an awl on the couch, he hid himself in the folds of felt; Grandma slipped when she came in, hit the mallet, was bitten by a snake and a bumblebee, an egg burst into her eyes, the awl pierced when she sat down, she ran out, slipped again Finally, hit the mallet; DK laughed, rode a camel, climbed under the leaves of the rain, the camel swallowed it along with the grass; he screams for the camel to be stabbed; the owners stabbed, the gut in which DK, swallowed by one of the seven wolves; when the wolves try to approach the prey, the DC screams, the wolves are starving; the fox tells them to eat fat falls; the wolves have eaten, cleansed their stomachs, the DC offers them three thieves serve; they send him for an ax; he hides in the dog's ear, asks the boy to give bone marrow; the boy tells his mother that the dog asks for bone marrow, the mother tells her to hack, the ax flies off, the DC brings his thieves; DK puts a parcel between two sleeping girls, ties a cecum to the pigtails of two guys, spreads interior fat over the old woman and the old man; everyone woke up, the guys started fighting, the girls - accuse each other that the other gave birth, the old man and the old woman - that the other tore their skins (they hear a crackling fat); DK laughed and dried up]: 361-365.