Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M78F. Substituted embryo .21.28.-.30.32.-.34.36.

When a woman falls asleep, a joker (usually a tiny boy) places an embryo or the entrails of an animal or something similar next to her to make the woman herself or others think she has a miscarriage or that her viscera has fallen out.

Tibetans, Tibetans (Amdo), Qiang, Ukrainians (Kharkiv), Nogais, Abkhazians, Terek Cossacks, Turks, Burish, Komi-Zyrians, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Buryats, Khalkha Mongols, Mongols Inner Mongolia (Ordos), Altaians, South Altai Tuvans, northeastern Yakuts.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the old man and the old woman decide to divorce, share the goat, pull it in different directions, the old woman gets the tail, the old man does everything else; she is going to throw away the tail, he calls her mom, promises help; steals good from a rich neighbor; he agrees to give her more if Tail steals a turquoise talisman from the king for him; The tail bandages the watchdog at the gate to replace the calf and vice versa, takes the weapons of sleeping guards, two sleeping watchmen and two maids are tied by pigtails, puts a bubble between two sleeping nuns, carries away the talisman; in the morning, the nuns accuse each other that another has a miscarriage; general confusion; The tail brings a talisman to a rich man, who shares his property with an old woman]: Macdonald 1931, No. 9:463-464; Tibetans (Amdo) [a single woman has a swollen knee, from the Frog jumped out, soon turned into a young man Dawa; he snuck into the landowner's house, killed guard dogs, put two black cauldrons in their place; brought the yaks out of the barn; where the landowner slept, there was turquoise lion sculpture, D. spoiled it, sprinkled crap with needles; put a sheep's stomach under the bed of the landowner's wife; one sleeping guard poured dry grass into his hair, another put a hammer in his sleeve; spoiled the door, put a stone above the doors; drove the cattle, began to scream; the owner woke up, wanted to grab the turquoise lion, pricked with needles; the wife screamed that she had given birth; the guards the fire lit up, one's hair caught fire, the other began to knock down the flame with his hand, hit him on the head with a hammer; rushed to the exit, slipped on the crap, the stone fell, killed the second guard; the landowner threw stones at the dogs to wake them up, but only broke the cauldrons; D. brought cattle home, healed well]: Tshe dbang rdo rje et al. 2007:206; qiang (RgyAlrong) [son of the king of the Upper Valley dressed up in dog skin, disguised as a lousy beggar, he came to the well, where the daughters of the king of the lower valley took water; the elders rejected him, the youngest did not drive him away, brought him to work for his father; when she slept, he put him down a horse embryo between her legs; the girl cried (apparently thought she had a miscarriage); the young man promised not to tell anyone if she chose him as her husband at the party; older sisters gave gifts rich suitors, the youngest to the poor; the beggar and his wife were driven away without property; on the way they see herds and fields, the husband says that maybe all this will be theirs; at home, in the image of a handsome man, he sits on the golden throne]: Jacque 2004:483-519.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Kharkiv, p. Nizhnyaya Syrovatka, Sumy University, 1885) [The son and father are walking along the road, they see a man carrying a goat in his hands, the son promises to steal it. He takes off his boot, smears feces, leaves it on the road, the traveler picks it up but does not want to wash the pairless one, then picks up another boot, also left by his son, ties the goat to the willow and returns behind the first shoe, meanwhile, the son takes the animal away. At home, Anton wants to get the first piece of the goat he has cooked, his father refuses him, he runs out of the house, shouts that his father stole the goat, he is allowed to eat first. Anton raises the goat's head above the bush, gives a goat's voice, and the owner of the goat finds out the loss, Anton admits that he stole the goat and is called to steal the horse. Pan tells the workers to protect the horse, they fall asleep at night, Anton transfers the first from the horse to the matitsa, the one who held his legs gives pegs in his hands, those who held the mane - yarn, leaves the bridle, takes away horse. Pan demands that Anton steal oxen and send them to the field with workers all day long. Anton shows up and shouts as if he sees a miracle, invites half of the employees to look at it, the other half to watch the oxen, the other half does not wait for the first to return and leaves. Anton takes the workers into the forest, returns quietly, takes the oxen, puts the tail in front of everyone in their mouths, leaves them alone with their tails in their mouths - the workers decide that the ox has eaten the herd. Pan realizes the trick, demands that he steal his wife. Pan surrounds his wife with workers, falls asleep next to her. Anton ties braids to the workers, throws up a pig's stomach, spills kvass, glues the workers' hair with resin, puts a deck instead of his wife, and takes his lady away. Pan wakes up, girls scream, blame each other, workers argue about who got dirty (?). Anton says he gave the hell his wife for 3 carts of pennies, and the man promises to give him a box of pennies if he returns it back. Anton weaves a rope by the pond, says to the line from the lake that he wants to measure the swamp in order to build a monastery, drive the devils out. He promises not to do that if they give up Mr.'s wife. The devil offers to resolve the dispute by running around the lake, Anton exposes the hare (like a son), wins, gets a wife, kicks the lord out, takes his place and lives with his wife]: Grinchenko 1895, No. 175: 214-218.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Nogais [the old man wants the old woman to give birth to him a son; White Ear comes to the house, says that he is a son, tells him to be put between the horns of a goat, goes to herd goats; the riders want pick up the goats, the BU promises them to bring the bull bay; then he gets an ax and a cauldron (everyone is frightened when they hear a voice, they do not see the screaming one); the riders cook the bull; the BU persuades them to smear the head with bacon sleeping girl, put a butter churn on the second head, tie a pipe to the guy's lips, cut his beard for the old man, put a puppy and a kitten between two girls; when they wake up, they blame each other born freaks; BU returns without goats, an old woman throws him into the fire]: Nogai 1979, No. 31:144-147; Abkhazians [poor Samkyanyk asked the prince for a knife; he promised to kill him if he lost it; S. I lost my knife, called the children, they tore the grass, found a knife, but night fell, they came to the old cannibal woman; S.: I can only fall asleep if you take care of me, as my mother looked after me - she brought water in the sieve , cooked and fed; the old woman went to get water, S. woke up the children, told them to run, stayed himself; the sieve swelled, the old woman brought some water, cooked them; the old woman found S., put them in a bag, went for an iron stick; S. put a dog in a bag instead of himself, the old woman killed the dog, found S. again and went to get a stick (he put a rooster in his bag); ran away, promised the shepherd to cure his eye, smeared with lamb droppings, ordered him to sit until sunset, took the herd away; the old woman came, explained to the shepherd that he had been deceived; then S. tied oxtails to sticks and drove them into the ground: the ground caught the bulls; sent the owners behind shovels, at that time she hid the bulls among her sheep, said that the earth swallowed the bulls; the old woman said that S. was a deceiver; S. pretended to hold the cave vault, asked seven people hold it, he would bring seven stakes on their horses; the pursuers explained to people that S. was a deceiver; S. returned to his prince, mixed his herd with his own, taught the prince to forbid guests to go out at night into the yard; the pursuers came, they were fed, they fell asleep, S. stained them from behind with the contents of the lamb intestine, and put their intestines next to the old woman; at night everyone runs away with shame, the old woman thinks that her gut had come out of her, all the wealth remained with the prince; envious people advised the prince to send S. to deliver the adaui; S. ordered to make a strong cart, came to Adaua covered in black, ordered him to climb into the cart, locked the door, brought the Adaui to the prince; ordered him to open the cart, and he climbed onto the rock and jumped off it; the Adaus jumped after him and crashed]: Shakryl 1975, No. 72:326-333; Terek Cossacks (v. Ardon) [the old man and the old woman have no children; the old man wants to cut off chips, cuts off his finger; a boy appears out of him; he lives with the old people, remains the size of a finger; returning from mowing, hears the conversation of thieves who want to rob the priest; asks them to take him with them; goes with them at night to the priest's house; climbs into the lock hole, opens the gate; thieves take three horses and slaughter the ox; the boy climbs into the house, covers his butt with wet skin, puts the demand between his father's daughters, braids two clerks and inserts a pipe into the old woman's nose; then brings meat home; in the morning, the pop scolds from behind a wet blanket, his daughters argue which of them gave birth, and the clerks scream at each other from behind their braids; the pop tells the old woman to light the fire; she blows on the coal, the pipe plays; the old woman dances, pop screams]: Gusev 1893:363-366; Turks [because of his ill-conceived wish, the poor man gets many children the size of a pea; throws them into the fire, only one remains; getting into his ear a pea boy brings lunch to his father in the field; a cow cake fell on him; people collected a dung, began to drown it, the pea boy also burned down; options: the boy was eaten by a cow, he goes outside (through ass); giants find him; he puts a dead lamb between girls, ties two men with beards, dies laughing; thieves tell him to steal a cow; he says so loudly he's out the owner, but did not see anyone; he is given cow giblets and he hides in them; he was pecked by a rooster, then eaten by a cow; he climbed into giblets (into the dough), they (him) were eaten by a wolf; he screams from the wolf's belly, he is no one can get it; parents killed a cow, threw away the heart, and there was a boy in the heart, came out]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 288:332-333.

Iran - Central Asia. Burishi [a rich man picked up a baby in wheat, named Dungpa Miru, he grew up, he was given a wife, but she gives birth to 100 sons with animal heads; DM shot a goat while hunting, but hit the same goat Someone else's bullet; two people came up, gave meat for promising to give their son or daughter if born; the name of the person who came up is Fasan Karaski, and he lives in the country of Yal Butot; his wife gave birth to a boy and a calf; DM brought him to FC ; when parting, the son tells his father to wait 12 months later on the roof with a cauldron: he will fall into him in a raindrop, let his wife drink and he come back; she is pregnant; the son speaks to her from her womb; left when she was sleeping; then a second boy was born; the first put it in his mouth, his mother cried out; the first son: if it were not for her, his whole body would be like iron, and now his armpits remain vulnerable; with everyone In the afternoon, Pangchu's first son weakens, and the second Bumliftan gains strength; the name of all hundred sons is Kiseré; the eldest of them Aba Kitung divided land and property between them, and P. received a cemetery, fording through river and miserable hut; did not allow him to be buried there; when AK wanted to cross, P. did not allow it, replaced his lionheart with a fox; after that P. received as much as everyone else together; king wants to give her seven daughters away; P. took the form of a lousy one; decided to take the eldest Langa Brumo; gave her a dormant embryo sleeping; she has to agree to marry P. so as not to be disgraced ; father and sisters are shocked by her choice; when other sons-in-law go hunting for the golden bull, P. goes too; LB and her stepmother secretly follow him, see him first take the form of a magnificent king, then hides the horse in his sleeve, becomes a miserable freak again; mocks his sons-in-law; climbs into the bull's ear, feeds him poison; dying, the bull says that he was predicted to die at the hands of Geser (Kiser); tells take the knife out of his ear, cut it; P. takes the golden tail and hooves; the sons-in-law find the skin, bring wool to the king, everyone says that he killed the bull, the king denounces them of lying; P. does not tell his wife that killed a bull, but gives the king a nut with its bone marrow; when the king and courtiers taste it, they taste great; P. gives the king a golden tail, hooves, bull horns; asks for one seed in return and a drop of oil, puts in a bag, the king's bins are emptied; Keeser left his forehead, conquered another country and took another wife there; at this time, King Pahardang Gaipo stole his forehead; she said that Bumliftan was vulnerable armpits; provoked him to raise his arms, the hidden warrior shot, but the arrow did not pierce Bumliftan through and he galloped away; but when the arrow was pulled out, he died (he had to drag it through his body forward, then the tip would not remain in the body); Keyser went to return his forehead, the rocks on the way; when he arrived at them, K. fires an arrow, only the tip of the plumage is crushed; slips on the horse, but its tail is clamped; K. wants to cut off the tail, but the Rocks promise to let the horse go if K. brings two boys on the head who gave birth to the kidnapper's forehead; K. comes unrecognized to King H.; there everyone pulls K.'s bow; unrecognized K. pulls the bow so that it shatters to pieces, they kill everyone but King H. himself; taking his form, tears the kidnapper to pieces; takes his treasures, the dev-servant carries them; cuts them off the heads of King H.'s sons, when they drive up to the cliffs, gives them the heads of the boys, they let him pass; he reigns with his wife LB]: Lorimer 1935, No. 4:102-179.

Volga - Perm. Komi Zyryans [a woman baked bread, accidentally cut off her thumb, he rolled under a broom, became a boy, offered to take the bread to her father's arable land; offered his father to plow; seeing how the boy with -his finger plows, the pop bought it; on the way he cut a hole in his pocket, poured out all the money, got out himself, collected money; met a man and offered to go slaughter popov's oxen, pick up the meat; boy-s- his finger asked for a knife and an ax in the house, killed and gutted the oxen; put the intestines next to the sleeping priest, manure next to the hit, his stomach next to the maid; they thought they had come out guts, stomach, crap]: Wichmann 1916, No. 32:92-94; Bashkirs: Barag 1992, No. 49 [the old woman was making dough, cut off her thumb, the boy Bashbarmak ("thumb") appeared; began to straighten a horse for my father, she swallowed it with hay; the horse was stabbed, his intestines were thrown away, the wolf ate them; B. screams from his stomach every time the wolf tries to attack the herd; the wolf is exhausted, the hunter shot him, took off his skin, B. got out, went to the place where the cattle were slaughtered, got a skin and a calf, spent the night in the same house; put his skin on the floor, the calf between the owners; they began to argue who gave birth to him, the old woman slipped on her skin, the old man at her; B. laughed so much that he died]: 99-100; Bessonov 1941, No. 60 [the old man and the old woman stabbed a goat, put their tail on the hearth ledge; the tail became a boy as tall as a finger ; his father put him on a camel and told him not to get down; Goat's Tail (KH) tears, could not get back in; the camel swallowed it along with the grass; the old man stabbed the camel, threw his stomach away; the wolf bit his stomach, KH jumped on the wolf, they ran, tired, they were killed by hunters; KH shouts that he was the one who exhausted the wolves; when the hunter sent his wife to scatter the horse, the KH screams that he would not; at night, the X covered the sleepers old people with a sebaceous membrane from the stomach of a slaughtered goat; put meat and feces between two sons-in-law, goat embryos between the old man's daughters; they accused each other of giving birth, sons-in-law - that the next night he got dirty, old people - that everyone pulls a fur coat, it bursts and breaks; the old man slipped on a goatskin, broke his leg; thieves stole goats; Kh invited the merchant to count the money hid in his cart, made a hole, all the money fell out; helped the thieves steal the cows, asked for only giblets; as the thieves brought the meat, made a fuss, the thieves ran away, took everything, brought everything to his own old people, grew up, got married, everything is fine], 61 [the old man stabbed the goat, put his tail on the stove ledge, a tiny boy appeared; went to herd the goats, clinging to the goat's horn; frightened thieves who wanted to steal the herd; in next time he rode a camel, crying, the camel swallowed it with grass; the old man stabbed the camel, threw away his intestines; the wolf gnawed the gut, the boy frightened the wolf; frightened the fellows who killed the wolf; hid in their house, eats secretly; stabbed a goat, put a kid's embryo on his daughters, feces for his daughters, well done, covered the old people with a sebaceous membrane; they blame each other; the boy with a finger robbed the merchant, went with thieves, helped them steal a cow; gave them to an old man, lived with him, said that they wanted to slaughter his horse; thieves stole and slaughtered their own horse; the boy with a finger returned to his parents, became a merchant] 62 [{another option; Thumb burst laughing}]: 289-293, 294-298, 299-301.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Syr-Darya) [the old woman asks her husband to bring her 40 lamb ears, eats, gives birth to 40 ears; they are at peace, the old people have nailed them, one ear is hidden; goes on a camel for salt; an old woman warns not to hide from the rain under the leaves, the ear hides, the camel swallows it; the old man cuts it but does not find his ear, throws away his stomach, it is swallowed by the wolf; every time he rushes to rams, his ear screams from his stomach; the fox advises him to run and sit on the ice; the wolf froze, the traveler killed him, took off his skin, his ear hid in his pocket; with this man two more, they stopped for the night, ear made a hole in the cup, ate everything, the owner's daughters are surprised (the guest must leave food to the owners); at night, the ear puts the lamb's head between the girls, ties his wife's braids to the owner's beard, the maid to the oil mill, the shepherd to the wormwood bush; shouts that the wolf attacked the sheep; each girl accuses the other that she has a miscarriage, everyone is fighting; the ear steals sheep to the elderly]: Divaev 1909:90-95; Kyrgyz [the tiny boy's name is Kuyirshik - a tail; he rode a camel to the city; on the way back it rained, K. hid under a leaf, the camel began to pinch the grass and swallowed K.; comes to the owner's yurt, and K. screams from the stomach: take purchases from the cart; the father stabbed the camel, the women began to clean their intestines, but did not notice K.; the wolf swallowed the camel stomach with K.; approaches the sheep, and K. raises the alarm from his stomach; the shepherd let dogs at the wolf; the wolf starved to death; K. got out and climbed onto the horse of one of the riders who were passing by; they came to bay; when everyone ate, K. stabbed the goat , took out an unborn lamb; tied the Bai daughters with braids, put an unborn lamb between them, covered the eyes of Bayu and his wife with gastric fat, tied wooden hammers to the door, raised the alarm: wolves stole rams; everyone jumped up, hit and quarreled; sisters blame each other: gave birth to a lamb instead of a baby; K. got on the guest's horse and returned home]: Muchnik 1944:68-69.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Tugutov, Tugutov 1992, No. 4 [the old man tore off the sheep's tail, which turned into a boy; the khan promised him his daughter if he stole his ring, which the khan keeps in his mouth at night; palace two dogs are guarded, two girls are at the gate, two more by the fire, the llama reads a holy book; at night, the tail boy throws sheep stegs to the dogs, finds the watchmen sleeping; connects the first girls to each other by hands, between the second he puts the sheep's cecum full of hot blood; puts part of the sheep's stomach behind his sinus; bile drips into the khan's mouth, puts sheep buds on the bed, raw skin on the floor; the khan jumps up , falls; hansha screams that her kidneys have fallen out; girls accuse each other of giving birth to the other; the tail boy married the khan's daughter], 17 [Buhe Langden-Bator - a thief in Northern Mongolia; Khan tells him to steal his ring, hides it in his mouth at night; BL gives salt to two guard camels, meat to dogs, stomach with blood between Khan's daughters, rectum sheep to Khan's bed; hereinafter as in (4); Khan allows BL to steal in Inner Mongolia]: 36-38, 68-69; Mongols: Mikhailov 1967 [=1962:96-98; the old man tore off the goat's tail, it turned into boy; steals noyon's ax, eats an ox; noyon tells his wife to steal a ring, tells his wife to hide it in her mouth; boy feeds meat to guard dogs, throws premature babies to sleeping maids lambs, lamb testicles noyona under the robe, lamam manure from the intestines of a ram, poured bile into the hansha's mouth to spit the ring; everyone blames each other; drowns the shaman in a wineskin with koumiss; noyon promises a reward for whoever takes the dead home; a boy takes a ferocious camel and an awl; when dogs rush to meet him, stabs a camel, he throws off the dead shaman, the boy pretends to throw him off too, that the shaman is dead now; the noyon gives the boy a herd, he returns to his parents]: 112-115; Potanin 1883, No. 166 [the old woman tore off the goat's tail, which turned into a boy; the camel swallowed it with grass; the old woman stabbed the camel, but threw out the cecum where the boy was; the wolf swallowed the gut; when the wolf approaches the cattle, the boy screams, Catch; the wolf asks the fox for help, she tells defecate at the crossroads of seven roads; the boy goes out, kills a sheep, puts a premature lamb between two sleeping girls, bacon from the peritoneum covers the old man and the old woman, liquid from The peritoneum is pouring between two guys; when the girls wake up, they argue whose miscarriage is; the old man and the old woman take lard for a fur coat, the old man beats the old woman for tearing her fur coat by pulling it towards themselves at night; boys too quarreled; the boy laughed, his ass cracked, he died]: 550-551; Mongols (Ordos) [old man's son Chulmun made a violin out of a horse's skull; father advised me to learn thieves better craft; C. came to two blind old men who handed lamb to each other; quietly took it himself, the old men began to fight; in the yurt one driver sewed, the other slept; C. quietly took the awl, pricked sleeping; the drovers began to fight; as a result, C. stole their bulls and took away their yurt; stole the mule, the owner caught up with him, tied a bunch of firewood to C.'s back, threw it into the river; C. got out, told the humpback shepherd of pigs that he cured his hump with this bundle; the shepherd took the bundle off C.'s back, C. threw it into the river, took the herd; the king promises C. a daughter if he stole his ring; took the ring in his mouth, put the dogs at the gate Garja and Barge, at the middle gate of two old men, two old women at the inside, two girls at the door of their apartments; C. gave the dogs lamb, tied lamb kidneys to the braids of the elderly, a bladder with water on the hemms of the old women, a vessel of blood on the hemms of two girls; he dripped bile into the mouth of the sleeping king, he began to spit out, spit out the ring, C. took it away, ran away; the lamb kidneys began to beat on the backs old men who jumped up, each decided that the other was hitting him; every old woman accuses the other for peeing herself, every girl for giving birth to another; C. received a princess; she sleeps with another man; C. made a hole a bucket, sent his wife to water the horse, strangled his lover; pretended to notice him only when his wife returned; told her to invite a man; wife: he died; C. sent her to throw the corpse into the hole, hid there himself, called out to his wife, she returned in horror; again with another hole; the wife asked for forgiveness; C. brought the corpse to the house of the deceased, called out to his wife in his voice; she does not want to open it to her husband since he is sleeping with his wife C. imaginary husband: then I will hang myself; when I found the corpse, the wife decided that her husband hanged himself; C. lives well with his wife]: Mostaert 1937, No. 21 in Solovyov 2014; Altaians [tiny Dyarym-Kulak near the doorstep of the house, where my grandparents lived, scattered garbage (apparently, put the last one), hung a mallet above the door, wrapped a snake around the vessel, placed a bumblebee in the place where the spirit figure stood, buried an egg in the ash, He stuck an awl in the couch, hid himself in the folds of felt; Grandma slipped as she came in, hit the mallet, was bitten by a snake and a bumblebee, the egg burst into her eyes, the awl pierced when she sat down, she ran out slipped again at the end, hit the mallet; DK laughed, rode a camel, climbed under the rain leaves, the camel swallowed it along with the grass; he screams for the camel to be stabbed; the owners stabbed, the gut in which the DC was swallowed by one of the seven wolves; when the wolves try to approach the prey, the DC screams, the wolves are starving; the fox orders to eat fat falls; the wolves have eaten, cleansed their stomachs, DK invites three thieves to serve them; they send him for an ax; he hides in the dog's ear, asks the boy to give bone marrow; the boy tells his mother that the dog asks for bone marrow, the mother tells her to kill her, the ax flies off, DK brings it to the thieves; DK puts a bundle between two sleeping girls, ties a cecum to the pigtails of two guys, spreads interior fat over the old woman and the old man; everyone woke up guys began to fight, the girls accused each other that the other gave birth, the old man and the old woman that the other tore their skins (they hear the crackling of fat); DK laughed and dried up]: Sadalova 2002, No. 37:361-365; South Altai Tuvans [the elderly have a boy as tall as a kneecap; volunteered to go for a dung; hid from the hail under the leaf, the camel swallowed it; the camel was eaten by a wolf, a wolf boy the wombs shouts to the shepherds that the wolf has attacked the flock; the fox advises the wolf to drink water, run across the steppe; the boy came out with a droppings, clung to the tail of someone else's cow, brought it to his parents; alone he put a lamb under the floor of a sleeping girl's robe, the other with cow droppings; the girls accused each other that one had given birth to a lamb and the other had done it; both laughed, their guts burst, they died]: Taube 1994, No. 44:263-264.

Eastern Siberia. Northeastern (Indigiri) Yakuts [Baay Hara Khaan offers thief Kuturuk to steal a gold ring, if he steals it, gives his daughter and half of his wealth, otherwise he executes; at night K. comes and gives meat for dogs, enters through the window, leaves the last of the cow at the old woman's feet, BXX releases cow manure on the bed of his sons, puts a calf germ on his daughters, and in a vessel instead of oil pours water, BXX pours cow bile into his mouth, he spits out the ring he held in his mouth; BHX pours water into the hearth, sons argue which of them put in bed, daughters who threw the child away, the old woman instead of pants, he tries to pull the last one over his legs; BXX is forced to give her daughter and half of his wealth]: Illarionov et al. 2008, No. 32:339-345.