Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M7A. Thrown in the water .

Birds or animals take the character into their boat, but take on a zoomorphic appearance and leave their passenger in the water (after he breaks a ban). (It is significant that the boat or raft only appears to be artifacts, but is actually the bodies of the corresponding birds or animals, or it is an ice floe; cf. Motive M31).

Itelmen (coastal Koryaks), Kereks, Chukchi, Asian Eskimos, Shikuani, Makiritare, Barasana.

SV Asia. Itelmen [the fox wanted to marry; found wormed fish that had swept away the eggs; sat down and shakes it like a child - she is very pregnant; she eats worms herself; two loons are swimming along the river; the fox asks her to take it, calls himself the wife of a loon; loon: I am not a father to your child, his father is swimming behind; seagulls are swimming; the fox calls himself the wife of a seagull, sat on rafts; seagulls agree to fly; fox: what? seagulls: we say: swim carefully; seagulls flew up in a deep place, the fox was in the water, barely got out; lay down, taking off her skin and taking out her eyes, fell asleep; the raven Kutkh came up and poured water on it; the fox now naked and blind; she is called out by blueberries that pick themselves up; she makes eyes out of blueberries (all blue); the same from lingonberries (all red); from shiksha; finds her dried skin; soaks in a puddle , wears]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 166:506-508; (cf. Coastal Koryaks (Alutortsy) [Kutkinnyaku's raven insists that the Crab ride it; Crab puts it on his back, takes it to sea, dumps it, K. drowned]: Kibrik et al. 2000, No. 4:26-28); kereki [mice are rolling down the hill; this is the yaranga where the Kala woman lives; she sews; something blocks the light; she thinks it's her cheek, eats it; then the second the cheek is the same; when she saw the mice, she put them in a bag, hung them in yaranga on the upper crossbar; a fox lives next to her daughter Imyna; went to wander, hears crying; mice teach: in order for the bag to fall, you must promise fill it with mouse fat; the fox released the mice, was left alone, which died; the fox filled the bag with shiksha branches; told the mice to go home; let everyone migrate, leaving the sheep's carcass in its original place; at home tells Ymynne to cook alder bark; the feces returned with firewood; got an answer from the stone who released the mice; the fox says she is sick; gives tiny alder feces, says it's a disease, asks go to the mountain and throw it away; she came up from behind and pushed the feces off the cliff; eiders are swimming on the ice floes; the fox asks to take her for a boat ride; they say that their boat will disappear; seagulls take the fox into their boat; the seagull got along the fox's wings; tells her not to sneeze when the sun rises; the fox sneezed, found herself in the water; sailed on a log to the shore; went to bed, taking out her eyes and telling her to guard her; old Kala got out of the abyss, poured water on the sleeping one; the fox was angry at her eyes for not guarding them well, ate them; went to look for new ones; the eyes made of berries are not suitable, everything around is red; made new ones from ice floes; shot a sleeping bear; she offers to cure him with hot stones; the bear is dead; the fox's daughters ate meat; the fox imposed the vertebrae on a rope, tied a sleeping wolf to the tail; shouted that He is chased by toothy and fanged ones; the wolf cut off his tail on the bushes; his grandmother sewed a new one, but it is no longer fluffy; and the fox ordered her daughters to sew parts of the fluffy; now the tip of the fox's tail is white, and the fox is black ; the sea used to be clear; after the fox fell into it, it became salty and muddy]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 116:364-371; Chukchi (Zap. ABOUT. Baboshina) [eiders are swinging on the ice floe; the chanterelle also wants; the eiders warn that it will fall into the water; they swam away; the seagulls agreed to take the fox; the wind blew and the ice floe fell apart; the chanterelle hardly swam to shores; began to dry clothes; guillemots invite you to swing on the ice floe; the chanterelle refused, ran into the tundra]: Gribova 1980:.

The Arctic. Asian Eskimos [the fox asks the rowers to take her to the kayak; the rowers in the first and second kayaks ask them to wait for the next one; the third fox picks up; it sings and hits the tambourine to make the road appear short; suddenly she felt cold, was in the water, and a flock of teals was flying away; the fox swam to the shore, something was pulling back - the tail; on the shore, the fox spread its skin, took out its eyes, began to dry; the raven pecked eyes; the fox put on the skin, still looking for her eyes]: Menovshchikov 1969:20-22 (=1985, No. 16:51-52).

Llanos. Sicuani: Wilbert, Simoneau 1992, No. 83 [see M7 motif; Tapirih takes a man; Amazons kill her; one of them secretly takes a man as a husband; he pours boiling water over his penis growing out of the ground, her husband Amazons; a man's wife gives birth to a boy, women hope that he will replace his common husband; she refers a man to his former family, otherwise the Amazons will kill them all; he crosses rivers, cries seashore; Ducks of three different species consistently take him into their boat, tell him not to let the winds go; every time he does not hold back near another island, the ducks take off, he reaches the island by swimming; Mother Tomáliwa ducks in the guise of a man with a long penis tell them not to look back, he carries them; he looks around, she quilts it with her penis for eating Tapiriha meat; he returns to his family; T. is not the moon, although many people think that the moon is shining], 84 [the beginning is about (83); various ducks, herons swim across the sea; their boats are their beaks; each group takes a person, leaves him in the water every time he blows the winds; the last is Tomalinae; her paddle is lightning, the boat is the pelvic bone; she puts the man aft, tells him not to look back; on the shore he turns around, sees her vulva; she is ashamed], 85 [start about like in (83); three species of ducks take a person one by one, but leave him in the water when the winds blow; the tree tells him to go with their Mother Moon; her boat is her genitals, she tells him not watch; he watches, she whips him with her pubic hair; when he reaches, the Moon gives him a banana to bite off forever; tells him not to look at the new moon; he looks, turns into a nightjar], 86 [ it starts about (83); ducks of various species begin to transport a person across the sea, but throw him when he blows the winds; finally, ordinary people bring him home; after becoming the fruit of a palm tree, he sees his mother she is old; he goes down, becomes human]: 309-321, 323-326, 327-328, 329-332.

Southern Venezuela. Makusáni hunted in the forest, chased the frog, it galloped away, he got lost; the forest chicken (gallineta) looked like a pretty girl, invited her to her house, did not tell me to touch it her; M. tried to get along with her, she became a chicken, flew away; M. came to the river; Otter (perro de agua) took him to his house if he did not look forward or backward; M. looked through his fingers, the Otter left him in the water; M. climbed the tree to sleep; Nuna (Month) saw his reflection, realized that he was not in the water, but in the tree when M. spat; brought him to heaven, married him two daughters; sends for firewood, the wife admits that his father will eat him; he throws sand in her back, she thinks wasps, rushes to run, M. runs the other way, comes to Shi (Sun); N. looks for M., W . says that this was not the case here, drives N. away with heat; M. marries one of Sh.'s two daughters; S. gives a wind gun, tells him not to look through it; M. looks, sees his house, mother; the wife also wanted look, both were on the ground in M.'s house; M. hides his wife under the basket; when he left, her mother found her, began to beat her; M. reconciled them; all three returned to heaven at S.'s house, live there now]: Civrieux 1959: 119-120; 1980:119-120 {pagination is correct!}.

NW Amazon. Barasana [Manioc-stick Anaconda (MA) is the half-brother of the current Sun, the son of the Ancient Sun and his wife Sky; Mako is his younger brother, single; after being a tapir for a while, left traces; suggested MA dig a tapir trap hole, MA fell into the underworld on a tree by the river; Month, Morning Star, striped water snake, large and small otters (they're rowers of the Sun) swim silently, or answer that the Sun ("MA's mother's son") swims after them; Sun grebe (Heliornis fulica) takes it but leaves it in the water when it blows the winds; the Sun takes him into its boat; tells him to dive for a deck of fish; MA says that there is only an anaconda; while the Sun is diving by itself, the Monkeys, the Squirrel, the Otters (they are the Sun's rowers) tell them to take the matter out of the Sun's bag, the Sun was going to burn their MA; by plugging the anaconda's mouth and anus, the Sun picked it up, poured it out of fish of all known species; the cooking pot is a poisonous snake; MA only pretended to eat this fish extracted from the anaconda; the Sun releases clouds of fire, MA turns into a spider, hides; he releases the substance that he took out of the Sun's bag, and a feather crown lights up, he recognizes him as a brother; see motif K1]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 6A: 287-293.