Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue

Ethnicities and habitats

M81A. Vivid female ducks. 42.43.

The hero meets two blind women and makes them sighted. These women are birds (geese, ducks, hazel grouses, partridges).

Tlingit [ducks, geese], hyda [geese], tsimshian [ducks], heiltsuk [ducks], quakiutl [ducks], chickpea [duck], quarry [geese], thompson [hazel grouse], lillouette [ducks], pentlatch [ducks], comox [ ducks], upper coquill [partridges].

NW Coast. The Tlingit (Fort Tongass, far south of the Alexander Archipelago) [the killer whale stole Chief Schagattyno's wife; he went to sea by boat and dived; at the bottom he asks two blind duck women; those they say that they saw Killer Whale drag a woman; in gratitude, the chief cut the skin that covered their eyes, making them sighted; the episode is repeated with various ducks and geese; because the knife is dull, the eyes are dull birds of different species of different sizes; the crane hides the leader, for which he receives grass from him that used to serve instead of tobacco; with the help of the Sea Lion (he is a slave to Killer Whales), the leader returns his wife, emerges from her to the surface]: Dähnhardt 1909:503; Haida O. The Prince of Wales (and the Tlingits? ; the author has "tlingita-hyda") [Gunarh's wife washes the skin of a sea otter in the sea, Killer Whale takes it away; taking Marten and Swallow into the boat, G. swims to two algae rising to the sea surface, ties a boat to them; goes down to the bottom; cuts the skin in front of blind Geese, they see the light, show the way; the slave breaks the teslo, G. glues it together, he promises to help; tells another slave to overturn a pot of water put on fire; in the cloud, couple G. takes his wife; puts something like tobacco in the slave's mouth, the slave swells, closing the passage; Geese send G. along the same path, and the pursuers are told where they dug up traps; Marten takes G. and his wife into the boat; among the killer whales, one with a double fin; shouts that he, the slave, will continue to help people; G. and his wife return]: Beck 1989: 100-112; Tsimshian [chief Gulaxnisem hunted sea otters, and their herd also included whales {probably killer whales: so on}; for this reason, killer whales kidnapped G.'s wife; he went in search; salmon pointed the road after G. painted his cheeks red and gave him a narcotic root; the following were ducks, while all the ducks were blind; they showed the way after G. cut through their eyes, although he did it badly in a hurry {what was bad is not very clear}; the bridge guard, who sounded when giving a signal to killer whales, hid G. under his cape; in the house, the killer whales they had kidnapped Salzan's slave; he was cutting wood in a hurry: killer whales were going to fry G.'s wife to turn her into a killer whale too; he broke his stone ax, G. gave him a lot of narcotic root, and he didn't notice how G. passed; spat on the axe and it was whole again; S. had two wives, both minks; they smelled G., but S. told them to go about their business; G.'s wife was already fried on one side and washed on the other; brought water, S. poured her into the hearth, G. grabbed his wife and took her away, no one noticed it in the clouds of steam; S. lay down in the doorway, blocking the way for his pursuers, he was beaten to death; G. had a knife that brought him to the ground and then to upper world; there he killed two grizzlies and a snake, married two grizzly daughters; wanted to take them to the ground, but he was allowed to go down with only his old wife]: Barbeau, Beynon 1987, No. 54:175-176; Heiltzuk [Kanekelak meets blind women cooking; spits in their eyes, making them sighted; turns them into geese]: Boas 1916, No. 1:883; quakiutl: Boas 1895, No. XV.1 (nimpkish) [ Gyi'i goes to marry a girl whose father kills suitors; sails in a self-propelled boat with feathers and wings of seagulls; sails to his aunt, who gives him three stone tiles to tie to his legs and to buttocks; gives shells; G. gives these shells to a person who also helped with advice; he leaves them on the shore, since then there are shells to feed people; gave another person the same thing, but they are inedible shells; swam to four blind duck women, steals the roots they bake; each thinks the other has taken it, they fight; they smell it; G. spits in their eyes, restoring their sight; they they tell him that a girl and her father are about to come; G. ties an octopus to her face to look like an old man; a girl takes him as a slave, her brother doubts; in a boat, a girl tells an imaginary slave that must marry G.; G. throws off the octopus, appears in his form; the door to the girl's father's house slams shut, crushing the incoming ones; G. makes a false move and then slips; father-in-law offers to sit down, G. ties his stones, they break the tips that killed the other suitors; G. throws shells into the fire, extinguishes the fire; under the guise of salmon meat and berries, his father-in-law gives sisisutl meat and milk; G. pretends to eat hides pieces under her clothes; gets his wife, she gave birth in the morning; father-in-law calls to split the trunk, deliberately drops the wedge, asks for it; sees blood, but it turns out that G. quietly jumped out and waits for his father-in-law in boat; when they sail, G. throws coniferous needles and pieces of wood into the water, they turn into fish and dolphins, jump on his father-in-law, who dies; at the shore G. revives him, father-in-law admits defeat]: 135-137 (= 2002:307-310); 1910, No. 35 [Kanekelak goes to marry Dzavadalis's daughter; meets blind geese and ducks, a blind woman; spits in their eyes, they see the light, give him instructions; he breaks the vaginal teeth of D.'s youngest daughter with a finger, marries her; slips through the door, which usually pinches grooms; thrown on thorns, turns into an ermine; sent to split (?) wood; D. takes alder juice for blood, fluff for his son-in-law's brains; K. returns with firewood; his father-in-law is carried in a boat, causes a storm, his father-in-law dies, K. revives him]: 455-462; Wallace, Whitaker 1981 [ The converter goes, turns the people they meet; two blind women dig roots, one smells the Transducer; it restores their sight, turns them into ducks that always dig into the smelly mud]: 26- 27; chickpea [see motif L40; A snot boy shoots arrows into the sky, climbs a chain of arrows; makes two blind Old Ducks sighted; in gratitude, they advise him to follow a narrow path leading to his father's house, not along the wide path leading to dangerous animals; on a narrow path he should not eat a dangerous woman's food; he comes to his father, who gives him salmon and candlefish; when he returns to the ground, he places fish in rivers]: Boas 1916, No. 6:907-908.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [see motive L78; the hunter brings a white seal, asks his wife to wash the carcass; she enters the water, the marine inhabitants carry it away; the husband dives, makes blind (women?) sighted along the way -geese; Satsan cuts a tree to make the kidnapped woman fins; the husband tells the wedge to split; repairs; for this S. pours water into the fire; the husband takes his wife; S. prevents the pursuers from leaving the house, Geese throw sharp stones in front of them; see motif B3A]: Jenness 1934, No. 8, 30 [Ayasa comes to two blind women; they have sharp elbows; he throws his cloak between them, they pierce each other; he replaces their tips with normal hands; makes them sighted]: 141-143, 191; Thompson: Teit, No. 2 [at the beginning of time, Coyote makes a son out of clay; he bathes, dissolves in water; from resin, melts into sun; made of white stone - lives, his name is Nlixentem; Loon and Duck give him daughters as wives, one dark-skinned, the other is light; Coyote turns their excrement into eagle chicks, asks his son to climb for they go to a tree, tells the tree to become tall, in the clothes and appearance of his son comes to his wives, takes a bright one, drives the dark-skinned one; N. walks along the heavenly plain, pulls out large edible rhizomes, from The wind blows holes, these rhizomes are stars; he goes into an empty dugout, takes the basket, the baskets attack it; he puts the basket back, tells the baskets to become people's servants; the same episode in the dugout mats; awls; ridges, birch bark vessels; N. comes to two blind old women; they eat rotten wood, pass food to each other, N. intercepts it, old women quarrel, accusing each other; feel a man, they say he smells bad; N. turns them into two types of hazel grouses; comes to the spider spouses, they call themselves his grandfather and grandmother, they lower them to the ground in a basket; N. finds a faithful wife and son; Coyote's people are starving, Raven discovers N. who has returned, gets meat for his children; people force him to confess where the meat comes from; they return to N., celebrate, ask him to take his second wife back; N . sends the Coyote for the carcass of a dead deer, the Coyote falls into the river, swims to the dam, followed by two sisters holding salmon; turns into a wooden plate; eats food, throws the plate into the fire, Coyote turns into a baby, sisters adopt him; in their absence, he breaks a dam, releasing salmon into rivers; goes downstream; asks three or four girls if they want salmon, the youngest answers, Yes; he sends his penis across the river, the end stays in the vagina, the girl gets sick; the Coyote carries salmon across the rivers; a group of girls replies they want mountain sheep meat, not salmon; in this place, the Coyote creates rapids; under the guise of a shaman, comes to the sick person, asks everyone to sing loudly, leave him with the girl in the steam room, copulates, removes the end of the penis, girl recovers; Coyote creates fake berries on the bushes, negotiates with the Grizzly to eat her supplies first, then him; runs away, the berries dry up]: 21-29; lillouette [started like Thompson; blind women they feed on rough sand; send the hero to the Spiders, who help him return to earth]: Teit 1912b, No. 8:308; pentlatch [the young man fires arrows, they pierce one another's tail, he turns them into a rope, climbs it into heaven; comes to her grandmother Kalmar, who gives him tar; comes to the Ducks, they are blind, they give him roots, he splashes them with water, they see the light, fly away; one remains to say so that he does not give a hand to his older, middle sisters, they have teeth in the vagina, but gives his younger one; he comes to three sisters, sleeps with the youngest; the older ones give him fish bones, the youngest gives him good food; the girls' father agrees to give the youngest]: Thompson, Egesdal 2008:90-96; comox (chatloltk) [two brothers make a chain of arrows, climb to heaven to marry the chief's two daughters; steal food from two blind old women; make them sighted, they turn into Ducks; they advise you to look for an old one-legged man; he gives 1) flat stones under you to sit on the porcupine bench, 2) put the rods in the vaginas of wives to break them vaginal teeth; brothers have been married safely; since then, women have vaginas without teeth; see motif K27]: Boas 1895, No. 3:65-68; upper coquil [Noise-under-ground and Big-Fat are talking about that the ocean overflows; people get into boats, but boats and oars turn into snakes; to prevent this from happening, they had to be smeared with crap; at the top of the mountain, a young man, a girl, escaped in a boat An old man comes, with his wife, daughter and son; the Red Squirrel brings fire to the back of her head, so she has a red head; after a while the waters have come down, the survivors are married, repopulated the earth; the Coyote comes to a woman, tells her daughter to bring water; she is afraid that Cancer (crawfish) drags those who come for water; Coyote insists, the girl is coming, Cancer grabs her, Coyote turns Cancer into cancer, it has been cooked and eaten; two blind women push acorns; the Coyote slowly picks up a handful; the blind feel it; he cuts through their eyes, turns them into partridges, tells them not to grind the acorns, but to speak out while sitting on a branch; man says that they don't go across the river, there Ostrog kills people; Coyote turns it into a salmon jail; the River Oyster woman lies on her back, offers to copulate, bites off men penises; Coyote turns it into a river oyster; Deer tries to hook Coyote, Coyote tells him to be a deer, deer are hunted]: Jacobs 2007:132-135.