Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M81B. Don't go after a stuck arrow. 41.-.43.45.46.

The character is warned not to try to reach an arrow if it gets stuck in a tree. He breaks the ban and gets into trouble.

Hay, Dogreb, Yellowknife, Chippewayan, Bellacula, Quarry, Shuswap, Montagnier, Blacklegs, Ponca.

Subarctic. Hea [at the beginning of the world, two brothers lost each other; ran around the sky in different directions, met as adults; the elder said he was the one who made the earth grow; created the mountain, told the younger enter it; the mountain split, the youngest came out as a child; the eldest, both younger; decided to destroy monsters; saw a rainbow (this is a web of a huge spider in which he is trying to catch the sun), went at her; on the mountain, the old man gave them arrows, told them not to pick up the ones fired, they would return to the quiver themselves; the youngest shot the squirrel, the arrow was stuck in the tree, the brothers climbed after it, the tree was getting higher, the arrow stuck hand in hand, they found themselves on a mountain in the sky; there were a lot of people there; the brothers made a fire, the mountain became a plain, people dispersed, began to speak different languages]: Petitot 1886, No. 9-10:123-130; doghrib [giant Naba-Cha caught and brought a Cree young man named Ithenhiela ("with-foot-caribou"); an elk named Hottah lived in N.'s home; ordered him to take a lump of earth, a bunch of moss, a stone, a branch; carried I. on his back to Big Water on west, where the good Nesnabi lived; tells you to throw objects behind, hills, swamp, Rocky Mountains appear; H. carries the young man across the Yukon; when he carries the giant, he drops, he drowns; I. comes to The person who gives him 7 arrows tells him not to go after them in the tree if the arrows are stuck; the young man climbs into the sky; two blind old women have taken the magic belt of the heavenly leader Hatempka; a young man comes to old women; copper blades protrude from their backs; he throws a bag of feathers between them; old women pierce each other; I. returns the belt to the chief, marries his daughter; the northern lights are "fingers I."]: Bell 1903, No. 3:80-84 (paraphrase in Clark 1960:99-103); Yellowknife [the giant gives two brothers male and female arrows that hunt males and females; tells them not to pick them up, they they come back on their own; the youngest shoots a squirrel, climbs a tree for an arrow, she takes him to heaven; he comes to an old woman; in the vagina of her eldest daughter a caress, the youngest a mouse; the old woman stains his face with soot, but in the morning he washes and his sisters ask him to lie between them; he falls down; the sisters go to look for their guest, meet a monster with one eye, one hand, mouth from ear to ear; this is Eziel is death; he promises to spare the young man if one of his sisters marries him - E.; E. is carried away by an eagle; the sisters take the arrows given by the old man to the lower world; the Thunderbird brings them to the seashore; their mother predicts that two brothers will marry them; Thunderbird brings a young man to earth; giants help sisters; both brothers and sisters come together]: Petitot 1886, No. 4:352-370; Chipewayan: Birket-Smith 1930 [two brothers come to the giants; when hunting, the giant wears them in his mittens; sends them home, tells them not to climb the tree for an arrow if it gets stuck; the eldest climbs, the tree grows, the youngest cries below, turns into a wolf; the eldest wakes up on the ground; comes to the old woman, her two daughters Ermine and Mouse laugh forever; the old woman smears the young man's face with soot; when it is washed, the girls stop laugh; he sleeps with the Ermine; in the morning the old woman and the Mouse make it fall into the ground; women go away; Wolves dig him up; he comes to women, sleeps with the Mouse; wolves eat the Ermine; he tears his clothes Mouse, mice jump out; he sews up his clothes, the Mouse becomes his real wife]: 92-95; Goddard 1912, No. 1 [the hunter climbs a tree for an arrow, ends up in the sky; comes to an old woman , marries one of her two daughters; misses her parents; goes down a rope, finds herself in the nest of a huge bird; a female brings darkness, a male brings light; chicks do not allow a person to be killed, they give him wings to fly across the river; tell him not to go at night; he goes, carried by another bird to its nest; asks her for a fire drill; burns a nest; saves a chick who helped him]: 46-49; Lowie 1912 [Cree is killed all, two brothers remain; they come to the giants, they give two arrows, tell them not to go after one of them if she gets stuck in a tree; one of the brothers breaks the ban, climbs a tree, goes to heaven; there winter; an old woman gives her two daughters for him; one has a mouse in the vagina, the other has an ermine; he sticks his hand, is bitten; falls into the ground, his wives dig him up; wolves tear the girl with ermines, tear him off clothes with mice in them; mice come out; mother-in-law lowers the young man in the basket through a hole in the sky; he falls into an eagle's nest; an eagle says his mother will fly like a cloud, his father will make a noise, like the wind; gives the young man feathers, he flies to the ground; the big eagle brings him back to the nest, but the eagles release him again]: 189-193.

NW Coast. Bellacula [Keldkap asks his sister for pubic hair, makes a snare; splits trees with arrows, kills a grizzly; his arrow gets stuck in a tree, he climbs after it; the tree grows, he hits the sky, puts a snare; the Sun falls into him; K. paints the Mouse, which helps it withstand the heat and free the Sun; K. descends the tree back to the ground; four female mice swing it over abyss, they throw them down; he clings to the rock, comes back, wants to pump them now; they refuse in fear]: McIlwraith 1948 (1): 635-638.

The coast is the Plateau. Quarry [the young man's arrow gets stuck in a tree; he climbs after it, ends up in the sky; makes a snare out of his string, the Sun falls into it; a boy and two types of mice cannot approach because of the heat; the red mouse manages to gnaw through the bowstring; the sun continues its journey, the young man descends to earth]: Jenness 1934, No. 65:248; shuswap [The old grizzly woman lives alone; makes a daughter out of resin, she melts in the sun ; made of stone - sinks; from clay - dissolves in water; from wood - the girl stays alive; she is kidnapped, taken to the river by the Trout Man; her children come to play at their grandmother Grizzly's house; hide in the river in front of her approaching; she leaves the excavator, hanging her clothes and basket on her, creeps up to the house, splashes a potion on the children; the boy remains human, the girl turns into a dog; the young man's name is Chickady; one day he hits a dog; she admits that she is his sister, runs away to the mountains; his grandmother warns him not to climb a tree for a stuck arrow; he climbs, finds himself in the sky; meets his husband (or father) money; he tells how to get the chief's daughter; Chickady lives inside the old man, going out at night; the chief promises a daughter to whoever knocks an owl off a pole; magically deflects arrows; Chickady knocks down an owl; at night, his wife finds out that her husband is young; Chickady kills many deer, others none; people separate Chickady from his old body; Chickady lives with his wife in the upper world, then turns into a Chickady]: Teit 1909a, No. 28: 691-696.

Northeast. Montagnier: Desbarats 1969 [see motive J1; A monster kills Shakabish's parents and his sister; S. kills a Monster; kills cannibals (see motive K34); kills a cannibal, marries her two daughters (they are human); his sister tells him not to go after a stuck arrow; he climbs a tree, it grows to the sky; at this time his sister is kidnapped; he goes down, kills kidnappers and a boy born to a sister; first a wife of Shch., then a sister, then he climbs a tree into the sky himself; Shch. sees his sister's vagina; falls asleep on the path of the Sun; he burns his clothes; Shch. asks his sister for ashistuka ; she gives a rope; No; pubic hair; Yes; S. makes a trap, the Sun falls into it, it becomes dark; the Sun agrees that Shch. stays in the sky, he frees him; Shh. to the lunar disc; his two wives and sister are like stars at a distance]: 58-63; Jesuit Relations 12:35 in Lowie 1909a [this is the earliest fixation of this motive]: 140 (note); Savard 1979, No. 1 [Katshikuasku kills Tshakapesh and his wife; their daughter finds a boy in her mother's womb; his name is also T.; does not tell him to go where K. lives, he pretends to be afraid, goes (the episode repeats at the beginning of every new one adventures); black, polar bears, Matshuo (like K., a particularly scary bear) take turns coming out, rejected; K. comes out, says that killing him is as difficult as hitting a certain tree, rock; T . breaks a tree, a rock with arrows, kills K., finds his father's hair in K.'s stomach, turns it into moss on conifers; brings K.'s head to her sister, does not tell her to eat; the sister eats, cannot open her mouth; T. opens her mouth, says only men will eat bear head; T. is swallowed by a huge trout; tells her to grab the bait in her sister's forest, sister cuts the trout's belly, T. goes out; people offer T. to hunt a huge beaver, who always drags hunters to the bottom; T. kills a beaver, brings it to his sister; marries two cannibal daughters; they warn not to eat human fat , which their mother will offer; the cannibal offers to fight, T. kills her by throwing her against the stone she threw her former sons-in-law against; T. brings her wives to her sister; mistapeut people play ball with a bear's head, kill every newcomer by throwing it; T. hits his head; a man wants to captivate T., make his sister's husband; T. brings him to his sister's husband; people swing on a swing over the abyss, victims fall into a boiling pot; T. tells the feathers to float, tells his sister's husband to invite those people to gather at the cauldron when the fat pops up; turns the cauldron over them; T. plucks everything for himself hair, leaving it on her head, eyebrows and eyelashes; people used to be covered in hair; now T. is cold, sister is sewing her first clothes; T. shoots a squirrel, sister gets stuck in a tree, it grows, he climbs into the sky; puts a trap on the path, the Sun falls into it, it gets dark; The Squirrel, the Mouse can't come up because of the heat, the Shrew gnaws through the trap; it's light again; T. returns for the family, they all climb into the sky, then he makes the tree small again; he goes to live on the moon, sends his son-in-law to the Morning Star]: 4-11.

Plains. Blacklegs [husband warns his wife not to look at the monster who asks Where to enter? ; she looks, enters - without legs, her insides can be seen through her body; the woman offers him food on various pieces of her clothes, he agrees to eat on her stomach; rips it open, throws one The baby in the ash is Chief Ash (Z.), the second to the outside, this is the Chief Stuck in the Back (S.); each time the hunter finds things scattered; both boys play his arrows; the father leaves while turning in a stick; grabs both boys, recognized by them; Z. tries to revive his mother by throwing arrows over her; S. revives, saying that the boiling pot will now tip over; the father does not tell the hoop to roll east; the brothers roll, the hoop rolls into the old woman's house; she tries to strangle the brothers with smoke, they scatter the smoke with a pen, return home; the father does not tell them to shoot west; their arrow hits the beavers; the brothers live beavers, they forget about home; the father sticks a row of arrows on the shore; the boys come out of the water to collect them, the father grabs them, is recognized by them; the father does not tell you to shoot at one bird; they shoot, the arrow gets stuck on tree; Z. climbs after her, disappears somewhere in the sky, his clothes and shoes fall down; S. turns into a crying baby, picked up by an old woman, she calls him Fat Tummy (J.); he regains his former appearance; the chief promises to give one of his three daughters for the one to shoot the partridge; J. shot, the arrow crow (V.) changed arrows, marries his elder, J. his younger sister; 2) who traps a black one fox; J. catches, V. puts in his own, gets his middle sister; J. gives himself, his wife, a gorgeous look; turns bison cakes into bison, kills them; snow on his leggings turns into cherries, snow V. just melts on leggings]: Josselin de Jong 1914:38-52; ponca [{link to p.607 unknown source}]: Boas 2002:662.