M81e2. It attracts people and animals .34.35.
By playing an instrument or otherwise, a character is able to attract an animal or person far away from him.
Khakas, Mansi, Northern and Eastern Khanty, Southern Selkups.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Khakas [a widow lives with a teenage son; the boy went hunting with onions, went into a hut; there are seven blind men, one plays chathan; they command to bring a bear; by the power of the bear's play brings him, he falls in front of the entrance to the hut, seven are slaughtering him; the boy cut him off unnoticed, took his right front leg; the mother beats her son for robbing the blind; the meat was eaten, the guy went again, this time the blind men called the moose, the guy cut it off again and brought his leg; the mother explains that Skinny made these seven eyeless, beat her son again with a rod; the third time the blind men called a white deer; the guy brought a leg, when the mother was away; she returned, waited for her son to fall asleep, beat him for a long time, and then took him out and tied him to a pine tree; the blind men pulled him out and brought him along with the pine tree, because they guessed that he was robbing them; they wanted to fry it and for that purpose they untied it from the pine tree; he also grabbed chatkhan and ran away with him; met three men dressed in white falcon feathers, white elk skin, tiger skin; the guy told them about chatkhan and showed them how to get a bear; he agreed to give them chatkhan in exchange for their skins, which allow them to turn into a falcon, an elk, a tiger; the guy flies, runs, wearing these three skins one by one, so he does not get tired; he hid his skins in a hollow, came to the khan; he promises another khan to give his daughter for him if he brings a silk shawl from his khanate in two days; otherwise the khanate will take away from him; the khanate to run to a good horse for half a month; the boy promises him to go there in two days; and the khan, who gave off his daughter, had a son capable of flying in a crow's plumage; the guy got there in half a day, changing his clothes, the girl gave him a handkerchief, he came back but fell asleep; the khan's son (the one who could be a crow) stole the handkerchief and cut off the boy's head; the three who now have chatkhan came; one took out from under the falcon shirts belt and revived the decapitated man with them; he demanded that the girl whose handkerchief be summoned; she came and showed the falcon feather, the hair of the elk and the tiger, which she took quietly; the khan himself shot son after learning about his crime; the khan groom received a bride and gave the guy his sister (the one whose handkerchief)]: Torokova, Sychenko 2014, No. 20:355-373.
Western Siberia. Mansi (Berezovsky District) [Ekva-Pygris is his grandmother's little boy; she does not tell him to go far; he comes to the home of a blind menqua, takes away fatty meat; then takes sangkvyltap (plucked chordophone), which menkv played; began to play, menkv went into a chuval, burned down, EP and his grandmother took his wealth]: Soldatova 2008, No. 3:112-113; Northern Khanty (p. Berezov) [the grandmother does not tell her grandson to run along the path behind the house; he goes there, the devil and the devil are blind in the dugout; they put the sword with the point up, a deer falls on it; the boy takes the meat out of the cauldron, the blind ask each other who ate it; the boy steals the devil's sword and musical instrument, puts the sword upside down in his house, the devils bump into it, the boy kills them; they killed before his father, grandfather and all relatives]: Kulemzin, Lukina 1978, No. 94:83-85; Eastern Khanty (b. Trom-Agan) [the aunt does not tell her nephew to go beyond the top, which is placed on burbot; the guy goes; the hut, the husband and wife are blind in it; they decide to eat; the old woman set fire to the resinous logs, and the old man became play a musical instrument, pointing his spear at the upper hole of the house; this time they decided to call a three-year-old deer; with the sound of the instrument, the deer raises to the clouds and throws it into the hole of the hut on the old man's spear; the old man and the old woman refreshed the deer, began to cook in a cauldron with seven ears, with six ears; the guy cut out a sharpened rod, strung fatter pieces, brought meat to his aunt; they leave, touched wife and husband's chin, everyone thinks someone else did it; the same with the moose; when with the bear, the guy even took part in ripping off the carcass; when he left, he did not touch the old people, but they guessed it was probably the son the man they once ate with all his relatives, leaving only his sister and little boy; the guy hears, finds a stone at home that covers his chest and stomach; he was picked up and it went away, threw it into the hole in the hut, but the old man's spear slipped over the stone, and the stone fell onto the bench; the guy started playing himself; first called his aunt, showed her the old men; then, together with his aunt, returned to himself, told her to light the resinous logs, and he summoned and pierced with a spear first the old man and then the old woman who killed his father and his parents; after that, the guy began to hunt animals by this method]: Chepregi 2015, No. 7:75-83; Southern Selkups [Pünegusse, who comes from the north, kills and eats It'te's parents; Ichite is raised by an old woman, tells him not to go far, he goes; on the lake a blind old man he catches fish in the boat; I. catches the fish, takes it away; the old man (in Tym, Tea he is P.) shamanite, tells the spirits to bring the offender; I. ties himself to the wall of the yurt; spirits bring the old man a yurt together with I. an old woman and a dog, the old man swallows everything; I. sharpens a knife in his stomach, cuts it, goes out with the old woman and the dog; the old man dies]: Donner 1915:40-41 (retelling in Tuchkova 2004:252-253).