Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M83. Who's older? ATU 80A*. .11.-.

Each character claims that he is older and appeared before this world or (Ingush) that his father was cosmic in size.

Congo Pygmies, Tumbwe, Baule, Gbandi, Anyi, Ashanti, Dogon, Berbers of Algeria, Berbers of Morocco, Tigre, Malgash, Irish, Iraqi Arabs, Arameans, Tibetans (written texts, Sichuan), Meitei, Ancient India (Puranas, Indian Buddhism), Himachali Pahari, Viets, Nias, Bali , Koreans, Miao, Bulgarians, Greeks, (Ancient Greece), Russians (Moscow), Kalmyks, Stavropol Turkmens, Balkarians, Adygs, (Abazins), Ingush, Kumyks, Avars, Lucks, Dargins, Lezgins, Aguls, Tabasarans, Georgians, Armenians (Zangezur), Turks, Turkmens, Persians, Uzbeks, Pashtuns, Kalevala, Karelians, Ingrians, Latvians, Kazan Tatars, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Mongols (Khalkha, Inner Mongolia), Buryats, Nenets, Evens, Tagish, Southern Tutchoni, Taltan, Tlingits, Inner Tlingits, Bellacula, Quakiutl, Comox, Sanpual, Mohavki, Hurons, mandan, hidatsa, santi, teton, cupeño, cahuilla, luiseno, pima, papago.

Bantu-speaking Africa. North Congo Pygmies [The Sun and Moon are arguing which ones are older (although they are the same age); Luna says she has many child stars and the Sun is a single mother; the Sun says she had there would be no fewer children if the Moon hadn't killed them; but now her children are human]: Trilles 1932:290; tumbwe [Fundimulindilindi hit the gong and the first man, Kasanga, came out of the sea, and after the second blow - his sister; after the third, a man named Goy, after the fourth, Kayumba Lusindoy; then Kayumba's wife came out; but he gave her to Kasanga as the eldest; Fumbi cut down pieces of wood and gave it away as fetishes present; taught me to get fire by friction; Goy and Kayumba began to argue which of them is older and should be the leader; Kasanga: You are older than me, so let me eat; but they could not; Kasanga pulled me out hair heads and cut it into pieces of different sizes; put them in the ground, they turned into plant seeds, from which cassava, corn, sorghum, peanuts, sweet potatoes, bananas, beans grew; after that the rest recognized Kasanga as the oldest and wisest]: Maes 1933:495-496.

West Africa. Gbandi [all animals gathered for a multi-day celebration, at the end of which three old men came to the settlement; their names were Toad, Snail, and Rhinoceros; dying the next day The chief called all the animals and asked them to choose a new leader; since the Toad, the Snail, and the Rhinoceros were the oldest, they decided to choose the oldest of them; each stated that he was the oldest , so a judge was appointed to resolve the dispute; Toad: so old that he saw a time when the world was covered with mounds, evil spirits lived in the depressions between them; Toad was forced to jump from one mound to another - this is how he learned to jump; Snails: When the world was still a ball of soft mud, no animal with legs could exist; the only thing you could move around was slowly crawling on its slimy belly, and this is how the Snail still moves; Rhino bird: it was born before the world was created; there was no dirt, no hills, no depressions, and when any of the rhinoceros birds He was dying, he was buried in his beak; "Look at my head, don't you see my mother's coffin there?" . The rhino bird proved to be the oldest of all in the world, became a chief]: Pinney 1973:3-5; sorco [in ancient times, Niger belonged to the giant Sallo crayfish, which lay on Safei Island between Timbuktu and Jenne; two Sorcos, Kassum from Jenna and Mai from Timbuktu, argued which of these cities is ancient and which of them owns Niger; decided to organize a river race; M. magically made sure that K.'s boat ran into a sharp stone; K. made a hole in the back of the boat (through which the water flowing through the hole flowed back) and magically made M. swim into the river sleeve, and a wave of sand and blocked his return journey; M. cast a spell, the water lifted his boat above the sand and returned him to the river; when Sallo saw this, he promised to swallow M. and K. and blocked their way near the island Safei; M. and K. dragged the boats ashore and went to their cities to warn people of Sallo's anger and find a way to defeat it; Sallo swallowed 120 boats sailing on the river; the oldest of all sorco, Mama Djennepu, said that it is possible to defeat Sallo by finding out who is the oldest living person in Niger; Mama Djennepu started asking different animals; pelican: I laid eggs when Jenna was too old recently founded; Mama Djennepu: the pelican is old but not enough; the jackal: the corpse of the first person buried in Jenna dug up; Mama Djennupu: the jackal is old but not enough; tommofirri (a small bird, serves for making magic potions {rhinoceros bird?} : When I was young, there was no land, and when my mother died, I could not find a place to bury and buried her in my head; after me, the chameleon is the oldest, because it crawled on the ground when it was still wet; Mama Djennepu: we now know who is the oldest and we can oppose Sallo; Mama Djennepu, M. and K. went to Safei Island, made sacrifices, threw magic remedies into the water cast spells and asked Sallo if he was alive; he replied: "No"; so Niger came into sorco possession]: Frobenius 1924:155-157; bini (edo) [Aluloxi (chameleon) and Owuwu (rhino bird?) began to argue which of them was the chief; Aluloxi said that when he was born, the earth was soft, brand new; Owuwu said that when he was born, there was no earth or sky, so when his father died, he buried him in his head; everyone believed Owuwu and said he was a chief]: Thomas 1920:222 (cf. Baumann 1936:188); baule [smelly Ant, Frog, Chameleon argue which of them got to earth first; Chameleon: the earth was not dry then, I had to move my legs carefully, I still do it pores; Frog: there was no dirt yet, jumped over cracks; Ant: there was no earth yet; mother died, could not bury it, had to carry it, hence the smell]: Himmelheber 1951b: 41-42 (translated in Himmelheber 1960:109-110); Western Dan: Fischer 1967:700 [1) The first creature created was the Rhinoceros Bird; his mother died, he looked for land to bury her, but there was no land yet; he reproached God for creating humans and rhinoceros birds, but did not create land; the rhino bird buried its mother in his head; God came down and created the earth; 2) at first the earth is not covered with forest, like liquid mud, it is impossible to bury the dead in it; the rhino bird buried its dead in its horn], 701 [Xra created the sky, then the rhinoceros birds; their heads were soft; their parents died from the heat of the sun; they are tired of carrying their bodies, the eldest of the birds offered to bury them in his head; God created the earth]; ashanti [animals ask the spider Anansi to decide which one is older; Guinea fowl has trampled a great fire, with Since then, the legs are red; The parrot made the first hammer, knocked on the iron, the beak became crooked; The elephant got a long nose, there was not enough material for others; Rabbit: it was not day and night; Porcupine: the earth was soft; A. himself: there was no land yet, I had to bury my deceased father in my own head; A. was recognized as the oldest]: Coulander, Kofi Prempeh 1957:9-11 in Zhukov, Kotlyar 1976, No. 56:132-134 (=Pozdnyakov 1990 : 44-46); Igbo [=Belcher 2005:286-287; Ogbughu (rhino bird)'s mother died, he could not find a place to bury her, buried her in his head, now he grew up on her; flying over the waters, he saw a man and a woman who copulated in the water; they moved and the earth appeared; the woman Ale merged with the earth, saying that the dead would be buried in the ground; therefore, cultivated plants grow out of the land and in it they bury]: Talbot 1932:25-27; anyi [chameleon and toad argue which one is older; chameleon: when I arrived, the earth was semi-liquid, so I still step cautiously and slowly; toad: when I appeared, there were only three mounds, you had to jump from one to another; and when these mounds disappeared into the swamp, the land took the form you remember]: Basset 1903, No. 82:198-199 (retelling in Dä ; hnhardt 1910:222); catch-up: Griaule 1938:47 [One day Earth began to argue with Heaven who is older; Amma, in anger, removed the pillar supporting the sky, the sky fell to the ground; only the old people survived, who became snakes; the Earth recognized the supremacy of Heaven], 51-52 [Earth said it was stronger than Heaven; the sky responded by depriving the Earth of rain; ants turned to the fortuneteller to find out why; he replied that Amma was actually stronger and older than Earth; they began to beat drums and hit with a hammer as a sign of Amma's superiority; he went down to the ground, it rained.]

Sudan-East Africa. Tigre: Littmann 1910, No. 7 [the animals gathered, slaughtered the cows, decided to give the last piece of meat to the oldest; monkey: I'm gray, so the oldest; fox: I remember when the monkey was born: everyone said that the baby was born gray; gets meat]: 7-8; Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2016 [the hyena, fox and monkey stole four cows; the fox suggested that the fourth be taken by the older one; hyena: I was born many years ago; monkey: the first day God created the earth and sky; fox: yes, I remember - I came to visit you on the occasion of your birth; the fox received the fourth cow]: 12-15; malgashi [ Guinea fowl and Rooster lived in the sky; when they were drinking tuaku, they decided that the youngest of them would go for more; to decide which one was older, the Sun told them to go down to earth; who would be the first to see the sun rise the older one; Guinea fowl flew up the tree, but the Rooster was the first to sing; the annoyed Guinea fowl ran into the field and became wild]: Rodman 1965:45.

North Africa. The Berbers of Algeria (Ouargla) [hedgehog and jackal found a date; hedgehog: let the older one of us eat; jackal: I'm 80; hedgehog: and I'm 97; then they found a piece of liver; hedgehog: the younger one will eat it; jackal: I'm three days old; hedgehog: and I was born at the moment; ate the liver; the jackal was offended and left]: Basset 1897, No. 76:30-31; Moroccan Berbers: Reesink 1977, No. 1B.2:24 in El-Shamy 2004, No. 80A*: 34.

Western Europe. The Irish [kite (hawk) of Achill talks to the wise Fintan; everyone says how many years he lived before the flood and how many after; F. talks about his misfortunes; Kite: I pecked your eye out; tells about many historical events in Ireland; in Ireland, the oldest may be a bush or tree that tells the interlocutor about what happened in his life]: Hull 1932:386-406.

Western Asia. The Arameans [wolf, fox and hare caught a lamb; decided to give the prey to the oldest; hare: I was born before God created heaven and earth; fox: that's right, I was present with yours births; wolf: you're both right, but don't my torso, claws and teeth tell me who's older than everyone else? fox and hare: they say very persuasively]: Belov, Wilsker 1972, No. 372:178; Iraqi Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 80A*: 34; (cf. The Old Testament [pious Job is rich and has seven sons and three daughters; Satan offers God to deprive I. of everything to test his devotion; I. is broke, his children are dying; he complains to God invites him to kill him; God lists his actions according to the structure of nature, ironically asks if Job was at the same time, if he knows how things work; Job repents, becomes rich again, and having many children, dies when he sees his great-grandchildren]: Job, 1-42).

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans: Yeongdong 1989, No. 40 (Buddhist story in written monuments) [Elephant, Monkey, Hare, and Hazel Grouse argue which of them should be honored as the elder; each points to a big one the tree and says he remembers when this tree was as tall as it; accordingly, the Monkey proves his seniority to the Elephant, the Hare to the Monkey, and the Hazel Grouse claims to have brought the seed of this tree in its beak]: 73 ; Cassis 1962 [as in Potanin, Raven instead of Hazel Grouse, tree as apple tree; Monkey sits on Elephant, Hare on Monkey, Raven on Hare]: 83; Tibetans (Sichuan) [Elephant, Monkey, Hare, Bird argue who older; The elephant remembers when the tree was small, the Hare - how it sprouted, the Bird - brought its seed; therefore, these animals are depicted one above the other: an elephant below, a monkey on it, then a hare, a bird ; the story is already in the Jatak collection of Pali Buddhism]: Potanin 1914, No. 14 (recorded in Sichuan from the llama): 408; meitei [at the end of Kali-Yuga, the Soubon bird called the birds to a feast; seats had to be taken seniority; an argument broke out about who was older; 4 contenders went to heaven to the main deity Taibangpan Mapu; the crow said it was born in the Langbachak era and watched the battle from its banyan nest on Kurukshetra field; the crane and the owl said they were born during the Hayachak era (treta-south) and confirmed how Ravana kidnapped Sita; the swallow said she was born in Hayeechak (Satya-yuga); arranged a nest on the seashore, and the waves swallowed it up along with the swallow's property and family; the swallow tried to drink the sea, tried to dip in it and dry the water, but then Taibangpan Mapu advised her build nests near human housing; TM awarded seniority to the swallow, the owl and the crane follow her in age, and the crow deprived the crest for unfounded claims by placing it on trees (orchid)]: Singh 1985:372-374 (similar variant in Oinam et al. s.a.)

Burma - Indochina. The Viets [two liars from different villages meet halfway through the road; each lies about a curiosity that the other is going to see, exaggerating its size many times (sweet potato and bridge); they They decide to chew betel, but they don't know who is older to take the betel first; one: when I was in my mother's womb, she picked a peach in the Tei-vong Mau garden (=Siwanmu); this tree blooms and bears fruit 3000 times years old, my mother planted a seed, now there are a whole grove of such peaches; second: my age is marked on a sign the size of a toothpick every year, there are 7 of them home and are still in Buddha's temple; both ask merchant; she says that her younger brother is Ban-ko (=Pan-gu); both recognize her seniority]: Nikulin 1970:100-102.

South Asia. Ancient India: Zimmer 1946 (Puranas) [Vishnu swims in the vast ocean; he sees the light approaching him, this is Brahma; he says he is older because he has given birth to himself; Vishnu replies that it is him has already created and destroyed the world many times; a giant lingam appears and grows up from the water; to find its end and beginning, Vishnu dives in the form of a boar, Brahma flies in the form of a goose to heaven, but to find the base and end of the lingam cannot; a niche opens on the side of the lingam, Shiva comes out, says he gave birth to both of them]: 128-130; Yongdong 1989, No. 40 (Buddhist tradition) [Elephant, Monkey, Hare and Hazel Grouse they argue which of them should be honored as the elder; each points to a large tree and says that he remembers when the tree was as tall as he was; accordingly, the Monkey proves his seniority To the Elephant, the Hare to the Monkey, and the Hazel Grouse claims to have brought the seed of this tree in its beak]: 73; himachali plowmen [the owl and the kite argue which of them is older; owl: when the world was first created, it was only she owl; kite: and I flew and sat on trees; owl: there were no trees then; the judge ruled in favor of an owl]: Dracott 1906:1.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Nias: Suzuki 1959:4 (southern Nias) [Latura Danö chose the lower world and his younger brother Lowalani chose the upper world; they began to argue who was older; L. threw stones, they did not cause LD harm, and LD began to rock the world, so that L.'s house collapsed and he recognized his brother's birthright], 8-9 [everywhere in Nias, Latura Danö either supports the land or borders it; in the northern and central districts people consider him pigs, which he eats when they die into the underworld; he is also connected to the moon]; Bali [Mngukuhan, Balinese theater play (lacon); god Guru in Marchukaņda sees radiance in the sea in his palace; there the hermit Kanekaputra subjects himself to austerities; those sent are unable to distract him; G. himself comes to him and says he knows that he wants to be equal with him; it is pointless to strive for this, for only the sun and moon appeared before him, G., and even earlier than them, heaven and earth; only Sang Hyang Wnang is older than him; the hermit laughs and says that SHV is not the oldest; asks what was created first during chaos; G. does not know; showing mercy, K. takes him to heaven, makes him chief over the gods; G. asks K. what he holds in his clenched hand; K. says that this is a Rthna dumilah treasure, which makes him insensitive to hunger, thirst, fire and water; warns that if you loosen your grip, it will fly away with an arrow; G. asks to throw it to him, tries grab, the treasure flies from heaven to seventh earth, where it is swallowed by the Antaboga serpent; K. asks him back, A. tells him to be transferred to heaven for this; K. says that this is impossible, A. is as big as the earth; A. curls up in a ring; the gods penetrate A. through his nose, ears and mouth, but just start fighting there; they try to take A. to heaven, but he disappears, finds himself at G.'s feet, belches the treasure box, but not he and others can't open it; G. breaks it, inside a three-year-old girl Ken Tisnawati and her palace; when she is 14 years old, G. wants to make her a wife; she demands that he take out clothes first, which is not wears out, food that satiates forever, and gamlan ktopyak; G. sends the jester Kalagumarang for them; he mocks the gods, they want him to become an animal; he pursues Dewi Sri, her Vishnu's husband shoots him, arrows, becoming vines, entangle his legs, he falls, becomes a boar; G. takes possession of T. by force, she dies; she is buried on the ground; a coconut palm grows out of her head, from genital rice, banana from the palms, corn from the teeth; Boar K. continues to chase Dewi Sri, who has now taken the form of Dewi Tisnawati, ravages rice crops; Vishnu pierces him with an arrow, his blood turns into insects and diseases that harm rice; the spirit enters the bodies of the children of the ascetic Puţut Jantaka; rice crops are ravaged by the god Pritanjala (guardian of the northeast) in the form of a bird, hides among arenga palm blossoms; these stems are cut off, the juice is harvested, this is how palm wine appeared; the children of the PJ ascetic are rat, pig, monkey, buffalo, all wild bulls, deer and other animals; they come to ruin fields; hardly defeated; monstrous brothers Sngkan and Turunan turn their penises into whips, tame a bull and a buffalo with them, and thread a rope through their nostrils]: Rassers 1959:14-19.

China - Korea. Chuan Miao [when P'an Ku was 800 years old, he married a 16-year-old; promised to give his wife to someone older than him; 1,000 years old Ho T'ai demanded a wife for himself, but a man of 1 million appeared. years old; his wife's sister offered to spray her with manure dust to look like an old woman; P. said it was his mother; explaining how old she was, she said she planted a tree that can be seen on the moon, made the Yangtze riverbed, made Yao's mother pregnant, existed before heaven; the million-year-old refused to demand that his wife P. be given to him]: Graham 1954:224; Koreans: Park 1991 [Tiger, Deer, The hare found a bottle of suri, agreed to give it to the oldest; Deer: I have been living for more than a hundred years, my skin has changed color three times; Tiger: I sat under this oak tree with the Heavenly King; The hare cries, says this oak was planted by his dead grandson; the Hare drank everything, the Tiger chased him, the Hare convinced him to let him go, because he saved the Tiger's ancestor from Heaven's anger; the Hare promises to feed him roasted beans, tells him to close eyes, sets fire to the grove around; goes away supposedly for honey; Tiger swallows hot pebbles, thinking they are beans, dies]: 343-346; Ząng 1952, No. 17 [=Choi 1979, No. 38:16-17); Deer, Hare, Toad agreed that the oldest would go to the main treat at the festival; Deer: when the world was created, I helped nail stars to the sky; Hare: I made a ladder for the Deer to climb to nail stars; Toad (laughing): My sons made tools to nail nails and make stairs, but they died before they finished their work]: 33-34; (cf. "Chinese" {the preface says that "there are 52 peoples in China"; the text is almost certainly not Chinese} [the wolf and fox have found a piece of meat; the fox suggests tying it to the wolf's tail, and she will see to the meat is not lost; slowly bites off the piece; then offers to give it to the older one; wolf: when he was born, the mountain was the size of a bump, the lake was a puddle; the fox cries: at this time it buried youngest son]: Osipov, Riftin 1962:78-80).

The Balkans. Bulgarians, Greeks: Uther 2004 (1), No. 80A*: 71; (cf. Ancient Greece [a fox and a monkey walked and argued which of them was more notable; when he saw the grave monuments, the monkey cried: either the tombstones of my ancestors; the fox: but none of them will be resurrected to confirm your words]: Gasparov 1968, No. 14:).

Central Europe. Russians (Moscow) [wolf, fox and bear found a piece of pork, decided to give it to the older one; fox: I was a virgin then when Adam and Eve were gone; wolf: I was gray when I was not white light; the bear ate pork and left, but the wolf and fox were left with nothing to sell broken bricks]: Vedernikova, Samodelova 1998, No. 7:36-37.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Fox and Wolf find oil, let someone older eat it; Lisa says that when she was little, Mount Sumeru was a hill, the Sundalai Sea was a puddle; cries; explains that she has three at home the youngest is the same age as the Wolf; the Wolf is pitiful, gives Lisa oil]: Basangova 2002:189 (=2019:93); Stavropol Turkmens [(western teacher of Blagodarinsky City School A. Volodin; from materials from L.G. Lopatinsky); Wolf, Fox and Hedgehog find prey; agree that it will be eaten by the oldest; Wolf: 1001; Fox: when there was no sun and the earth was like a ball, she was seven years old ; Hedgehog (crying): when there was no sun and the land was just born, his two sons were stolen in the ninth year; gets loot]: Bagriy 1930 (1): 68; Adygs: Aliyeva 1978, No. 76 (Kabardian people) [=Khut 1987:305-306; Fox and Badger find a bag of meat; decide to give it to the elder; Badger says he was born when the earth began to freeze and the sky began to turn blue; the fox cries, remembering his son who died at that time; gets meat; find lamb, let someone who has an interesting dream eat it; Badger eats meat while Lisa sleeps; Lisa says she was khan's daughter in her dream; Badger replies that he knew that Khan's daughter will not eat dead lamb]: 347-348 (=Aliyeva, Kardangushev 1977:14-15; =Huth 1987:305-306); Kerashev 1957 [the fox is friends with the pig; steals chicken; suggests that it be eaten by someone older; the fox says it was born when there was almost no sushi; she went out with the foxes to the islands so that the children could play in the grass, half the mice, and so everyone ate fish; the pig cries: it swam with the piglets in a solid salty ocean; only later did scraps of land appear; the fox agrees: let the pig eat the chicken; the fox steals the chicken again: let the person who has seen the best dream eat; the fox dreamed that she was the queen and that, when they brought the fried pheasants, the pig went somewhere; she replies that it decided to eat the chicken, because after roasted pheasants, the fox is unlikely to want it; after that, the fox and pig became friends]: 294-296; (cf. Abaza [the wolf wants to eat a horse, but it suggests living together better; meets a fox the same; when it snows, the wolf offers to eat the horse, the fox offers to find an excuse; tells the wolf to say what to him a hundred years old; the wolf says the fox is crying: on this day a hundred years ago, her son drowned; the horse says that her mother wrote her birthday on her hoof; the fox says she can't read, the wolf is hit hooves]: Tugov 1985, No. 14:33-34); Balkarians [the horse runs away from the owner, asks the wolf not to kill him, it is better to get food together; the same is the fox; in winter, the fox offers the wolf to eat the horse, he doubts ; she advises to say that today he, the wolf, is one hundred years old; cries, says that her favorite fox died on this day; the wolf recognizes her seniority; the horse says that his date of birth is written on his hoof; the wolf leans over to look, the horse kicked the wolf, killed the wolf; the fox ran away]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:10-13 (=Malkonduev 2017:717-718); Ingush [Wolf, Fox and Hedgehog found food (kaisarilg), decided give to the one with the tallest father; Wolf: the mountains were waist-deep for his father; Fox: his head touched the clouds; Hedgehog: didn't your father, Lisa, say that something soft touched his head? - He said. - It was my father's pants; the Wolf offered to race; the hedgehog rolled down the mountain, did not run, took the kaisarilg]: Malsagov 1983, No. 155:292; Kumyks [the wolf and the fox have three chureks; the fox offers to lure the badger - there will be meat; calls the badger to the fair; suggests: who is the most truthful will eat all three chureks; wolf: I don't drink; the badger goes aside, he can't even hear about drinking; eats a chorek; who is older will eat the second chorek; the wolf does not know when Alibek-Haji appeared; fox: I was a bride then, my fiance went to war; the badger cries: my two adult sons died in that war; the second chorek eats; the third will be eaten by the person who saw the most interesting dream; the badger ate the chorek at night; the wolf and the fox say they were at a wedding in a dream; badger: I was not treated there, I came back and ate a churek; the wolf and the fox is hiding in the badger's hole; he sees traces, asks the "brother" why he does not greet him; the wolf answers; the badger ran to the shepherd, who laid the hole with a stone]: Khalilov, Osmanov 1989:13-15; Avars : Saidov, Dalgat 1965 [The fox suggests to Badger: let the eldest of them eat lamb's leg; Badger: I was born when it was snowing, the wind was blowing and the global flood began; Fox: that day I received the news about the death of his two sons; eats his leg; later eats out Badger's intestines, he chases her, falls off a cliff]: 122-123; Khalilov, Osmanov 1989 [Wolf, Fox, Mule are comrades; Lisa offers Wolf to eat Mule; tells me to say he is many years old; they agree to eat the younger one; Fox: I raced when Adam and Eve were married; Wolf: When Noah built the ark, I helped carry boards; Mule: My age written on the horseshoe of his hind hoof (Fox persuaded him so to speak); Wolf leans to see Mule kill him with his hoof]: 35-36; Lucky [Fox and Jackal found a dead chicken; Fox replies that at 15 She participated in the campaigns of the prophet Noah for years; the Jackal says that her son was killed on this campaign, she gets the chicken; they find a lamb's head, whoever has a better dream will eat; the fox sees a feast; The Jackal replies that she also saw Lisa feast, so she ate her head]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 34:125; Dargins [winter has come, Horse, Wolf and Fox decide to eat the younger one; Lisa says she was born during Noah's time; Wolf, that he was a young wolf cub at that time; The horse says that his birthday is written on his hoof; Lisa says he can't read, the Wolf bends down, the Horse kills him with his hoof; the fox praises their parents who did not send her to school]: Osmanov 1963:16 (=Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 21:98); Tabasarans [Lisa suggests that the Wolf should eat the piece of fat tail found by someone older; The Wolf says that in When he was young, he participated in the battle at Mount Karaul; the fox cries, she lost seven sons then; in the morning, the Wolf says that he was at a feast in his dream; Lisa says she is jealous because she only ate a fat tail]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 28:115; Lezgins [the wolf wants to eat the fox, she offers to eat a mule together; the wolf doubts - he is our old friend; while the wolf is gone, the fox teaches the mule to say that his age is recorded in him on his hoof; the wolf returns, the fox offers to eat the younger one; says that Adam and Eve participated in races during the wedding; wolf: when Noah built the ark, he helped carry boards; mule: my age is hooves; fox to wolf: I'm old, I can't see anything, see for yourself; the mule kicks the wolf to death, the fox is killed]: Khalilov, Akhundov 1989:35-36; aguly [famine has come, Lisa decides to go to Shirvan; Wolf, then Loshak joins; when they reach the border of Dagestan, they decide to eat the youngest; The wolf says he was born under the prophet Noah; the fox: when God created man, she already had a white beard; Loshak speaks that the owner wrote his birth time on his hoof; Lisa says that he is short-sighted, let the Wolf look; Loshak killed him by kicking him; Fox: I said that lying would not be good; she and Loshak would not go any further go, the Fox began to eat the killed Wolf]: Dirr 1922, No. 39:163-164 (=1920, No. 39:163-164; in another translation Maysak 2014, No. D1:468-469); Georgians [Bear, Wolf and Fox find a dead horse, decide give to whoever is older; Wolf: I was born when heaven and earth were established; Fox (moans): my son died at this time; Bear: I am two years old, but I will eat the horse]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 15:51; Armenians: Melik-Shahnazarov 1904 (Zangezur) [Wolf, Fox and Camel find a bun, agree to give it to the elder; the Wolf says he was on the ark with Noah, the rest of the wolves died; Fox - what God created her first; Adam and Eve considered her an example of an intelligent animal; The wolf asks why he did not see her on the ark; Fox: I was not with animals, but at Noah's feet; at this time Camel says that his they hold the child, picked up and ate bread]: 112-113 (transl. Dirr 1922, No. 45:172); Orbeli 1956, No. 140 (according to Vardan Araveltsi, 13th century, Cilicia) [the wolf, fox and horse did not find food, decided to eat someone under the age; wolf: I am the wolf Noah took into the ark; fox: I'm 10 generations older, I'm a fox that God created; a horse: "My year of birth is recorded on my hoof"; the fox tells the wolf that he went to school - let him see; the horse hit him in the forehead with his hoof, wolf barely alive; fox to wolf: there is another line here, read it; wolf: we are from a family of butchers, we don't know the letter]: 141; Khanzadyan, Nazinyan 1979, No. 193 [trans. Lilit Simonyan; camel, fox and wolf found gata (sweet biscuits) on the road, decided to give it to the oldest; Wolf: when I was born, there was no peace: fox: I had a son, he created the land; camel, realizing that both are cheating and he will not get the gata, he took the gata and, chewing, said: Do you think the camel is a child?] , 227 [per. Lilit Simonyan; Camel, mule and fox found a loaf of bread (unleavened ritual bread) on the road; decided to give it to the eldest of them; Fox: when there was still a flood before Christ, but when Adam and Eve were born, I am papers He wore them back and forth, did a lot of things; Mule: I remember how you did your work, only then Adam and Eva were looking for a horse to ride it, so when they found it, they drove me; The camel realized that he would not be allowed not a piece, I leaned down, picked up the bread: since you're lying so well, I can {lift it high}, go, take it away]: 515, 575; Turks [bear, wolf and fox found meat, decided to give it to the oldest; bye wolf and fox boast about their age, bear picks up meat]: Eberhard, Boratav 1953, No. 6.V: 31.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens: Kekilov, Kosayev 1962 [Shaitan asks Aldarkosa to deceive him; he says he must go home for a deceptive tree, let Satan hold the wall for now, or else fall; after waiting for the whole day, Satan bounced, the wall did not fall; in the guise of a respectable elder, Satan came to the same place A.; the head of honor must be given to the oldest of those present; Satan; I was born a hundred years earlier all living things; A. cries: at this time my youngest son, an adult boy, died; Satan and A. sowed onions; Satan chose the part of the crop above the ground; next time they sowed corn, Satan chose roots; Satan and A. went about business; agreed: one carries the other, and he sings; when the song ends, they change; Satan sang, carried A.; he picked up a stick like a dutar, began to repeat, te te, and so on until we get to the place]: 94-96; Stebleva 1969, No. 11 [The Crow, the Fox and the Mouse became friends; Lisa found a large cake, offers to give it to someone who is older; The mouse says she is 16 years old, the Raven is 29, The fox points to the tree; when she was young, this tree turned green for the first time; gets a cake]: 38 (=Coat Fair 1980:5-6); Persians (Sindiban Nama) [wolf, fox and camel found the pumpkin - let it will be eaten by the oldest of them; wolf: Hindu, Tajik and Turk know that my mother gave birth to me a week before God created the earth and sky; fox: I was standing next to the woman in labor and lit a candle; camel: it's clear that with I couldn't be born with such humps and neck yesterday]: Hull 1932:386; Uzbeks [Shaitan and Dehkanin sowed corn, Shaitan chose what was below; the dekhkan took the cobs, left Satan stems; on the following year they sowed carrots, Satan chose the tops; they found two pots of gold; the dekhanin offered to divide them, but Satan demanded that they be given to someone older; Satan: I am 170 years old; the dekhanin cries: my youngest son would be the same age now; Satan invites each other to carry and sing songs - who is longer; sitting on Satan, the dehkan sings "Tra-la-la" until Satan throws him off and ran away]: Afzalov et al. 1972:270-272; Pashtuns [camel, bull and lamb found an armful of grass on the road; the lamb offered to give the grass to the older one, and the older one who remembers his age; says that his family is from King Ibrahim; bull: I come from bulls harnessed into a yoke by Adam; the camel ate the grass: I am the biggest, which means I am many years old]: Lebedev 1972, No. 31:238.

Baltoscandia. Kalevala. Rune 3:52-65. [Väinämöinen learns wisdom and becomes famous; Jukahainen goes to compete with him in knowledge; claims that he was at the creation of the world, but V. denounces it in a lie; it was he, V., who dug up the depths of the sea, put a vault of heaven and lights on it; then Ë. causes V. to fight with swords; V. turns YE.'s things into objects of nature with a song: a sleigh is a talnik, whip - reeds, horse - rock, bow - rainbow, arrows - hawks, dog - boulder, hat - cloud, mittens - flowers, jacket - cloud, belt - stars; V. drives the song YE. into the swamp; he promises to give V. bow, a boat, a horse, gold, a field, finally pass him off as V.'s sister Aino; V. lets him out of the swamp, YE. goes home, tells all his mother; the mother is glad that V. will become her son-in-law, but her daughter cries]; Karelians: Evseev 1950, No. 11 [Jukahainen harnesses, rides, collides with Väinämöine on the road, is arrogant; V. asks what he knows; he replies what he was when the first sea was plowed, they created mountains; V. replies that no one saw Y. at that time, sings, immersing him in the ground; replies that he himself has a lot of gold and silver; frees Y. when he promises to give his sister], 50 [ Youkahainen and Väinämöini ran over each other; Y. says he was the first to plow the land, created fish backwaters; V. drives him into the swamp, does not take the stallion, releases him for promising to give his sister], 67 [Yo. says that whoever has more knowledge will stay on the road; V. says that he dug fish holes, put shoals of air, took out words himself; drives Y. into the swamp with a song, does not take gold, a horse, lets go for promise to give his sister], 79 [young Yogamoyni collides on the road to Väänämöini; he drove him into the lake with a song; does not take a horse, gold, agrees to take his sister], 81 [same; V. says that he cut the fields with a hoe, dug holes for the fish, made a vault of heaven, obtained thousands of words], 93 [Annie asks Väinämöini where he is swimming; she does not believe that catching salmon, shooting swans at the Tuoni River, to the lowlands of Manala; he admits that he came to Pohjola to pick her up; A. tells the blacksmith that the one he married for three years is being taken away; Ilmoillini forged Sampo, Väinämöini slept the old man and old woman Pohjola; Yogamoyini shoots V., who falls into the water, swims for 6 years, lies snag for 7 years; then he forges a golden maiden, she freezes his side; V. and Y. collide on the road, V. drowns Y. with a song in the swamp, says that he dug fish holes, dotted the sky with stars; lets go for promising to give his sister; the girl's mother is happy]: 44-45, 114-115, 147-149, 174-175, 178-180, 207-211; Karelians [The fox offers the Bear to the pot of oil found was eaten by the one who remembers the most; says he remembers old deeds; The bear says Lisa is only three years old, takes the pot for himself]: Evseev 1981:224; Ingrians [wagons Väinämöinen and Joukamoynen collided on the road; young J. asks if V. remembers how the sea was plowed, the bottom by the sea was burned, stones were collected; V. replies that he did it; let him give in the one who loses the singing competition; V. singing turned J.'s clothes into the edge of the cloud, the horse into a seal, the saddle into a duck, made his hat swim in reeds, turned the whip into reeds; J. asked to take it off a spell, he promised his sister for this; when he returns home, he is angry and grieves that he gave his sister to the old man, but their mother is happy]: Kiuru 1990, No. 12:53-55.

Volga - Perm. Tatars [Fox, Badger, Camel, Wolf, Horse decide to eat the younger one; Camel: Allah created him with Adam; Fox: she taught children in Noah's boat; Wolf: guarded this boat; Badger: treated people in it; The horse says she has a receipt under her hoof, kicks the Wolf, runs away; the Camel agrees to be eaten when Badger promises to resurrect him in the spring; the Fox persuades Badger to eat heart, Wolf chases Badger, Fox eats the best meat at this time; tells Wolf that he teaches children; Wolf trusts her two cubs; she asks him to come back in six months, eats cubs; pretends miller, offers Wolf to lick flour, lets water, Wolf hit the wall; Fox offers Wolf to learn how to weave a basket, wraps it around, people take it away]: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 5:31-35 (=1992:22-26).

Turkestan. The Kyrgyz [Aldarkose and Shaitan caught a fox; decided to give it to the older one; Shaitan: when I was born, the sky was the size of a dish, and the earth was a saucer; A. (crying): My younger brother died at that time; he gets the fox]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981:246; Kyrgyz [Jerensha rides a horse and sees a man measuring the land; it was Aldarkos; he looking for the middle of the earth, asking permission to sit on D.'s horse to see further; galloped away, and D. stabbed himself out of grief; A. decided to take D.'s wife, offered to transport her across the river in a boat; she pretended that I agree, but she will transport the child first; did not come back; A. met the devil; they found a piece of gold; A.: let's give it to the elder; hell: I was 700 years old before the creation of the world; A. cries: I had a son, yours peer; hell gave gold; A.: I'm afraid of delicious food; hell: and I'm prickly rose hips; A. crosses the ditch, splashes from under your feet; hell: you're not ours; A. quietly throws sand under your feet a line: and from under your feet splashes; the devil stole bread and meat; A. pretends to be afraid of them, hides in rose hips; the devil throws him bread and meat; fearing rose hips, left]: Muchnik 1944:42-43; Kazakhs: Malyuga 1970 [Aldar-kose and Shaitan found a purse, agreed to give it to the eldest of them; Shaitan says that he was born when the world was seven years old; A. cries, remembered his deceased son, who was the same age as Shaitan; takes his purse]: 144-145; Potanin 1983, No. 101 (Bayanaul District, Pavlodar Region) [it rained, the girls threw firewood, rushed into the yurts; Aldar-Kose's daughter covered the bundle with her hem and stayed sitting on it; Jerenshe Sheshen decided to marry her son, but did not ask for a name then and began to look for it; began to ride with his son and beat him: he does everything as you tell him; everyone is surprised, and the AK daughter says that's right; he married her son; DS decided to face AK; he walks near the hill: Khan ordered find out where the middle of the earth is, and the measured stick stayed at home; DS let the horse go get the stick; when leaving, AK says: the middle of the earth is a blue hill (now it is a saying, "jerdyn ng orthasy kök tube"; AK and Satan killed the beast together, the elder will get the loot; Satan: When God created light, I was seven years old" AK cries: my son was born that year, now he would be big like you; Satan gave the loot to AK ]: 364-365; Sidelnikov 1952 [Tulen and Kulan devils turn Aldar-Kose into one of them, go to steal; they find a gold bar in the hollow of a dry tree; decide to give it to the older one; T.: When I was born, the earth was the size of an island, sweaty, palm; K.: the earth had not yet been separated from the sky, the baiga in honor of my birth had to be arranged on the clouds; A. (cries): On this baiga, my youngest son fell through a rotten cloud, fell to where the ground was later made; then A. hits the devil, takes the gold]: 152-157; 1962:304 [Aldar-Kose and the snake find a bar gold; they agree that it will be taken by the older one; the snake says that it was born when the sun was the size of an ear and the earth was sweating; AK cries, says that his eldest son died at that time; receives gold], 306 [Bukhara and Kazakh find a snuffbox; agree that the eldest of them will take it; Bukhara says he was born when Venus first appeared in heaven; AK cries, died that day his eldest son; picks up a snuffbox], 306 [a resident of Bukhara and a Kazakh found a wooden snuffbox on the road; agreed to give it to the older one; Bukhara: I was born on the day when I first appeared in heaven Venera; Kazakh is crying: my eldest son died that day].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Buryats: Barannikova et al. 2000, No. 8 [Wolf and Fox find a sheep's stomach with butter; decide to give it to someone who is older; Wolf: was small when Sagte-Sumber was a mound, the sea was a stream; Fox cries: her three children died, the youngest was the same age as Wolf]: 59; Potanin 1919a, No. 68 [four animals by the tree argued which one was older; Elephant: when he was a cub, the tree was in the form of a bush; Monkey: in in the form of a rod; Hare: in the form of a leaf making its way out of the ground; Bird: planted the grain from which the tree grew; the animals remained friends; the Buryats have images of these animals drawn or cast in silver (monkey on elephant, hare on monkey, bird on hare or tree), they ensure peace and quiet in the family]: 81; Khalha Mongols: Yeongdong 1989, No. 40 (Buddhist story in written monuments) [ Elephant, Monkey, Hare and Hazel Grouse argue about which of them should be honored as the eldest; each points to a large tree and says they remember when the tree was as tall as they were; respectively, the Monkey proves his seniority to the Elephant, the Hare to the Monkey, and Ryabchik claims that he brought the seed of this tree in his beak]: 73; Jamtsarano 1904 (recorded by C.J. Zhamtsarano in Russian in 1904 in Urga by Ilbek Gabzhi, 58 years old, in Gandan, the text was kindly sent by D.A. Nosov) [Turtle, Fox, Wolf found a jug of wine, let the older one drink it; the Wolf replies that he is 100 years old, the Fox is 120, the Turtle is crying, says that remembered her sons, the eldest is 120 years old, the youngest is 100; the one who gets drunk faster will drink; the Wolf gets drunk with the smell, the Fox from the sight of wine, the Turtle from the word "wine"; decide to jump who is next; the Fox jumps then Wolf, the Turtle clung to its tail, fell on; the Wolf and the Fox decided to eat the Turtle; she agrees, but it has no hair, the upper meat is dirty, it must be washed; it was thrown into the river, it swam away]; Potanin 1881, No. 28 [=Potanin 1886, No. 28:29; Wolf and Fox found lard on the road; Lisa offered to take it to the mountain to eat it safely; Wolf brought lard, Lisa said it wouldn't be enough for two; let the older one will get; the wolf said that when he was little, Mount Sumeru was a marsh bump, and the sea was puddled between bumps; the fox cried, said she remembered how she had three at the time fox, the youngest is the same age as Wolf; Wolf ran away from shame]: 168; Mongols (Inner Mongolia): Osipov, Riftin 1962 [Wolf and Fox found meat on the road; Lisa offered to share it in a secluded place; The wolf wanted to carry the meat in his teeth; the fox said that this way the Wolf could eat it, tied it to his tail; while the Wolf was running, the Fox bit off, ate half; offers to give the meat to the older one; Wolf says that when he was born, the mountain was the size of a hummock, the lake was a puddle; the fox cries, saying that her son died and he was the same age as Wolf; picks up meat]: 78-80; Coyaud 2012, No. 76 [fox, wasp and frog found a piece of butter; a fox: whoever jumps into the hole and jumps out of it will take it further; the frog clung to the fox's tail and is farther away; then: who is older; wasp: I'm 100 years old; fox: I'm 1000 years old; the frog cries: my eldest son was as old as the fox is now; my youngest grandson is like a frog now; fox: the one who gets drunk faster will get oil; wasp: from one glass; fox: from the smell of alcohol; frog: from talking about alcohol]: 215-217.

Western Siberia. Nenets (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) [see B2A motif; old man Tirniy-Vesako (Universal Old Man) quarrels with an old woman, who is older, they diverge in different directions; the old man cuts down a spruce make a boat, it turns out to be the meta of the top of the head of the plague Yandey-Wesako (Old Man of the Lower World), they fight, Y. wins, T. buys his life, promising to give up his son, to do this, leave his knife for which the son will come; after the adventures, Yav-Mal (the son of an old man and an old woman, the main character of fairy tales) comes to the plague of his parents, hears the Old Man saying that he has gone beyond seven heavens, and the old woman goes down seven eternal permafrost that the youngest son separated them]: Pushkareva, Khomich 2001, No. 1:89-109.

Eastern Siberia. Evens [the hare was as big as a bear; met him on the trail, said that the bear was younger and should give way; bear: your teeth haven't sharpened yet and your claws haven't grown; hare: when I born, the mountain was with the heart of a mountain sheep vazhenka; bear: and when I was, she was off the stomach of a squirrel; the bear rushed at the hare, ripped off, the hare became small and cowardly]: Robbeck 2005:197-198.

Subarctic. Tagish [Ganook owns water; the Raven (Yéil) argues with him which of them is older; they are in boats, G. puts on a "fog cap", J. loses his orientation, admits that he is younger; puts excrement on him, they melted warm, G. believes that he is dirty, runs away to wash, J. drinks all the water with the fish, flies into the chimney; G. tells the spirit of the hearth to grab him, J. becomes out white in black]: McClelland 2007 (2), No. 36c: 203-204; southern tutchoni [The raven came to the owner of the water, they began to argue which one was older; the raven began to tell stories, the owner fell asleep, the Raven took water into his beak, flew away, spit out water, creating lakes and rivers; the last batch was salt water]: McClelland 2007 (1), No. 1a: 17-18; taltan [Raven claims he remembers when the rocks were rotten ; Kanu'gu does not remember this, admits Raven's seniority; K. causes fog when he wears a hat; the crow has to admit he is younger]: Teit 1919, No. 1. 16:212-213.

NW Coast. Tlingits: Kamensky 1906 [El sails in a boat to meet him in a Kanook boat; E. replies that he was born when the land had not yet been moved; K. says he was born when he left the liver is below; E. admits that K. is older; K. took off, put his hat behind him, the thick fog covered everything; E. cried, admitted that K. was stronger]: 66-67, 76 (English per. Kamenskii 1985 [Ganook, Yéil]: 57-58]); Holmberg 1850 in Smelcer 1993 [Thunderbird, I've been since this world stands; Raven: I was before the river flowed from the lower world; Raven Agrees that the Thunderbird is older; to prove his power, the Thunderbird causes fog; The Raven gets scared]: 33; Smelcer 1992 [no details]: 45; Swanton 1909, No. 1 [Thunderbird, I've been since the great river came out of the ground; The Raven: I was before this world became known; the Thunderbird produces fog, the Raven in the boat does not know where to sail, agrees that the Thunderbird is older]: 8; Inner Tlingit [The Raven argues with someone who is older; he puts on a hat, everything falls into the fog, the Raven can't find him; this one lived in peace long before the Raven]: McClelland 2007, no. 168b (i): 734; bellacula: Boas 1898:61-62 [The sun sends down two Ravens and their sister Raven; they have a box with the sun; the Raven offers to open the box to his younger brother, who objects that this is the elder's business; the elder breaks the box, freeing the sun; comes to the Eagle, asks how long he lived; he replies that he is long, that he is older than the Raven; the Duck (SAW-Bill Duck) gives the same answer], 90-95 [The Raven marries a widow, he likes her daughter; he asks various trees how they burn; thuja replies that her sparks fly off to women's genitals; the raven advises the girl to cure the burn by planting on a plant in the forest; hiding, exposes her penis, she sits down; the raven is not invited to the party; pretends to be sick, secretly comes up, screams, tells her sons to sprinkle ash on it as if he had not left the house; says that those screams mean enemies are approaching; people leave, the Raven eats holiday food; asks the Deer when he is fattest; leads to the meadow to the edge of the abyss; says that he, the Raven, was already when the mountains began to grow; The deer replies that it was when the Sun was just beginning to give the world its current appearance; the Raven pushes the Deer off the cliff, eats; when he enters an empty house, sees fish stocks; tells the sisters everything load into the boat; invisible hands beat him and his sisters; The raven goes to the guests, asks for return visits; the bird cuts his leg with a stone knife, from there caviar falls; the seal holds his hands over the fire, drips fat; another bird sings, fills the box with berries; the raven only hurts himself, there is excrement in his box; he sails to the Salmon; tells the sisters to hole the boats; asks the chief's daughter to help carry food to his boat, takes the girl away, Salmon in leaky boats can't chase him; at home tells his wife to make his hair as long as hers; she warns that salmon hanged to dry will get entangled in his hair; as it happens, the Raven screams that he does not want to catch them again; the offended wife jumps into the water, all the salmon come to life and swim after her]; quakiutl [Senle: I, son of the Sun, descended from above; brave Heiltsuk: How long have you been in this world? Senle: Ever since the mountains were built; Heiltzuk: And I've been since seaweed appeared on the sea; they've been diverging]: Boas 1910, No. 2:7-9.

The coast is the Plateau. Comox [A raven with three sons sail in a boat, shoot birds; The seagull kills more birds; explains that her genus is older; the Raven disagrees; the Seagull causes fog, the Raven loses its way, recognizes the Seagull's primacy]: Boas 1895, No. 5:77-78; Sanpual [Grizzly killed everyone, he had a dog; the Coyote came, he killed him too; the fox revived him from his bones; the Coyote asks for advice from his excrement, They say they will be his dog and flint; a dog with flint claws has appeared; she jumped into the Grizzly's mouth, tore his insides, came out of his anus; the Coyote tells the grizzly to be only occasionally in the future someone was killed; comes to Ice, there is an icicle boy on his head, his parents are Ice on his head and Ice-on-skirt; the Coyote froze to death, the Fox revived him; the Coyote asks for advice from his excrement, those they say that he is always in trouble, the Coyote threatens to wash them away with rain, they promise to turn into resin, let the Coyote bring it to the Ice House; the resin burns, the Ice melts, the Coyote tells him to freeze only in the future some lonely travelers in the mountains; Trout, standing on the ice, invites everyone to fight, kills the Coyote; the fox revives; the excrement turns into salmon fat, the Coyote splashes it, his legs freeze to ice, Trout can't knock it down, he throws it on the ice, it goes into wormwood, becomes trout; Coyote meets a stranger; they argue who should call whom older or younger brother; stranger invites Coyote to move the mountain, then back, move the island; Coyote does; move the island back, move the mountain again; Coyote can't, but a stranger moves; says he's God, Coyote acknowledges his seniority]: Ray 1933, No. 14:160-162; Thompson, Egesdal 2008 [a stranger calls Coyote a younger brother, he objects that he is an older brother; a stranger suggests that he move the mountain, get it back, move the island on the river; the Coyote does it all, but that's where his power ends, he can no longer move the mountain and the island; the stranger moves, says he's God, Coyote recognizes his seniority]: 151-153.

Northeast. Mohawks [see motive B1; man tells Maple Escape that he created the earth; both try to move mountains by willpower; Escape moves, man cannot; admits defeat, becomes Escape Assistant]: Hewitt 1903:333-335; hurons (viandot) [an unlucky hunter hid from the storm in a hollow; there is a dwarf woman sitting there with a child, the hunter grabs her; they argue who is older; she says she remembers how people climbed the rocks during the flood; he asks where she lived when the sticks became rotten; these are rocks with holes; she does not know about it, agrees that the hunter is older than her; her arms do not bend at her elbows; the hunter has bent hers, she thinks her arm is broken; he does not want to give her the child; she says her husband will kill her; the hunter gives the child in exchange for hunting luck]: Barbeau 1960, No. 15:17-18

Plains. Mandan: Bowers 1950:347-348 [A lonely Man walks on the water, sees a Flower with blood in it; the Flower says PTS is her son; PTS tells two Ducks to dive four times, they bring four from the bottom a piece of land; he scatters it, there is land with trees; OCH picks up his phone, comes to the First Man (this is the Coyote); they argue which one is older; PTS pierces his spear into the ground, symbolizing two ducks that have brought the earth, and the IF lies side by side; PTS comes to this place four times; the last time, many years later, the spear has almost fallen, only bones from the IF; but the IF has revived, proving that it is older; they go to build land together; because the OCH tube was two halves, Missouri in the middle of the earth; the OCH created the land north of the river, the IF to the south; the ground was very flat, and the IF created irregularities to make it convenient to the bison sneak up; created buffalo; PTS domestic cattle, IF bison are wild], 361-364 [A lonely man walks on water, sees a flower, decides he was born from it; someone says, I'm your father; PTS meets The First Creator; both ask the Dive to get silt from under the water; PTS gives half of the land brought by the Dive to the First Creator, creates the eastern, masculine, even side, livestock, PS creates the western side, female, crossed, bison; they argue who is older; decide that the one who will stay dead longer; PTS puts a stick for himself, PS lies down as a coyote; when a few years later, OCH thinks with pity about a long time the dead PS and takes out his stick, the Coyote is resurrected, proving his seniority]; mandan, hidatsa [A lonely man walks on water, finds some land, breaks a reed, there is blood; This my mother; and the tobacco blower insect is my father; meets the First Creator; both ask the Dive (Mudhen) what he eats; I dive to the bottom under the mud; The dive brings silt four times, PTS and PS each take half; PS makes land south of Missouri, PTS to the north; PS has created mountains, rivers, and PTS creates a plain; they argue whose land is better, then which is older; PTS sticks a rod with feathers into the ground; if he takes it out before the PS dies, it means he is younger; finds decayed PS bones, takes out the rod, the PS comes to life; PTS turns into a Coyote]: Beckwith 1938:7-9; hidatsa [like mandan, hidatsa; two var]: Beckwith 1938:13, 15-17; teton (oglala): Beckwith 1930, No. 16 [Oya sleeps raising clouds of dust with her breath; people send Iktomi to him in horror; he pretends to eat people too; Oia claims that he came from earth and sky; Iktomi replies that he was its creator; asks what Oia is afraid of; The sound of whistles, tambourines, etc. ; Iktomi pretends to be afraid of the same thing; Oia attacks camp, falls dead when he hears noise and whistles], 16a [like (16); Two-faced Anuk-Ite is seen outside the camp; AI's corpse is burned, from Golden spoons fly out of fire; but there is nothing at this place in the morning]: 435-437; Walker 1917 [Iktomi sees people swallowed by him in Ia's stomach; Oia says he appeared immediately after creation earth and sky; Iktomi replies that he was the creator; Oia recognizes his seniority; replies that he is afraid of the sounds of tambourines, flutes, rattles; Iktomi leads him to eat people warning those to make noise; Oia is paralyzed, people break his skull, burn his corpse]: 190-191; Santi [Spider and Stone argued about which one is older, who is younger brother; Spider: I was at that a time when only water existed, but how did you walk on water? Stone admitted defeat]: Wallis 1923, No. 1:59.

California. Kupeño [Tumayowit and Mukat create the world; quarrel over which one is older; T. wants death; goes to the lower world, taking her children with him; because of this, people are mortal]: Strong 1929:268-269; Cahuilla: Bean 1972 [Temayawet and Mukat argue which they are older; M. wins]: 171; Curtis 1976 (15) [In the primary darkness, two creatures appeared from red and white lightning; they began to feel parts of their bodies, naming them from crown to toe; Múkat easily reached the smoking pipe, and Témayawut had a hard time; everyone said he was older; they took out two (red and white) crickets, pupae, lizards, mudhen, told them to put off the night; those few they pushed it away; the brothers took out the rod, made a pole out of it, told all the snakes to wrap around it, all the spiders attach a web to it; climbed up the pole; the bottom from which they got out was menstrual blood; from their hearts they created earth, sky and water; created stars; the earth rotated, they sent ants into it, it froze; M. created the sun and T. the moon; the people created by T. had the membranes on the fingers, too many eyes and ears, the noses and mouths are out of place; T. wanted death and M. wanted the dead to come to life; T. decided to leave, taking his creations; the Moon woman stayed with M., taught people archery and dance]: 106-110; Strong 1929 [inside the cluster of darkness - male and female; created by Temaīyauit and Mūkat; they got outside and began to argue who was older; M. took out a black pipe and black tobacco from his heart, and T. took out a white pipe and white tobacco; to light the pipe, M. took the sun out of his heart, but it fell and rolled into the darkness; M. took out the Western light, T. east, they lit the pipes; the smoke from M.'s tube formed clouds; M. said he lowered the tube and picked it up himself, T. did not see it; T. said he picked up the phone and lowered it himself, but M. found it; so it turned out that he was older; they removed the central pillar of peace from their hearts, but he did not stand; they created all the snakes to support him - they could not hold him back; two mountains were the same; then spiders; they covered him with webs and the pole was established; they climbed to the top of the table and saw clouds of smoke below; these are all kinds of diseases that originated from where M. and T. were born; M. and T. decided to create shamans to treat diseases; M. extracted from their heart was black, and T. was white, they put it on the top of the pole, but it fell down; then they took out black and white spiders, they entangled the earth with their web; the ants spread it, and the whirlwinds made it it's fast; but the world was swaying because ants were too light; then around the earth, M. and T. created an ocean, placing two water demons and all aquatic creatures in it; the earth stopped swaying; they placed the sky, but it swayed in the wind; they fixed the sky with their saliva, stars; T. created (always: took it out of his heart) a coyote, and M. created an owl; making man, M. worked slowly and diligently; and T. turned out to be a man with belly and face in front and back, with eyes everywhere, hands like dog paws; T. managed to make three times more such freaks than M. created the moon; T. and M. argue; T. wants people not to die, or they came back, cleared of the mortal smell; there is not enough food, let them eat the land, if necessary, we will expand it; M. objects every time: let people die forever, otherwise the earth will overflow; offended T. decided to go underground, taking his creatures; wanted to take both heaven and earth, but M. did not allow it; this shuddered the earth, forming a rugged relief; when the sun appeared, M. people created by M. spoke different languages; when the sun came, the dog stopped speaking; Luna (she is a woman) divided people into a coyote fratria and a wild cat; everyone offended the rattlesnake, but M. gave her a poisonous tooth; invited people to shoot at each other, many were killed; M. made a hole in the ground for the souls of the dead to go into it; the Moon was a beautiful naked woman, sleeping separately from the others; once M. touched her ( No details, but it was "the Creator's terrible sin"); the moon fell ill and disappeared; but then reappeared; people decided to get rid of M.; the lizard peeked where he was relieving himself, the frog swallowed it excrement; M. fell ill and died; the coyote ran after the fire, but at that time the fly received friction fire; the coyote jumped over the surrounding fire, grabbed, carried and ate M.'s heart; at the site of the burning, M. grew up strange plants; the shaman caught up with M.'s spirit and asked what it was; M.: tobacco grew out of my heart, pumpkins from my stomach, melons from my pupils, corn from my teeth, wheat from nits, beans from sperm; all others vegetables are also from parts of his body; after Coyote ate M.'s heart, he fell ill; then he rolled reeds into a ball, swallowed and regurgitated all diseases; from sea cane (and whatever else he needed get it out of the sea) made an image of M.; people, singing mournful songs, put him on the fire and burned him (funeral ritual)]: 130-148; Luisenho [Kivish Atakvish is first in the void; Wykut Piukut ("whitish-gray") appears, creates two creatures that recognize each other; according to some informants, they are a man and a woman born from two eggs; Wykut Piukut leaves; creatures argue which of them is older; a man sighs a woman to sleep, makes her a mother; ashamed of what he has done, turns into heaven, and she creates earth from a small piece; gives birth to people stone vessels, wampum, bear, eagle, funeral pole, pine, oak, etc. (15 titles in total); lies down with arms and legs spread out; it is the earth]: DuBois 1908:128-132.

The Great Southwest. Pima [at the beginning, the Doctor of the Earth sailed in the void; scraped off the dirt from his body on his chest, put it in his palm, and for the fourth time it turned into our world; created a bush (greasewood ), told the little ants to live on it, they were of no use; then the white ants began to work, expanded the land to stand on it; created the Noo-we Vulture from the shadow of his eye; created water; He placed a frozen piece of ice in the sky, making the sun (north, west, south; when to the east, it turned out right); the same with the moon; scraped off the dirt from the body again, made a man and a woman; people multiplied, began to kill and eat each other; ZSH brought down the sky on them, together with N. he was on the upper side, he created people again, they were still babies; brought down the sky again; for the third time people began to smoke more babies; on the fourth they turned out to be the same as it is now; at first the earth is tilted to the west; N. began to fly, created valleys and mountains with his wings, the water stopped flowing down immediately, the land became habitable; The male sun met the woman moon, who gave birth to a Coyote son, left him in the bushes on the ground; he grew up and came to ZSH; from the north came a man who called himself Big Brother; he was told that they were older, but in order not to quarrel, they agreed to call him that]: Bahr et al. 1994:53-58; Russel 1908 [see motive I75; Coyote and Earth Doctor argue who first appeared after the flood; then admit that it was Big Brother, who becomes the master of the world]: 213; papago: Olsen Aguilera 2005 [during the flood, Big Brother escaped with animals in a large vessel; advised Coyote to climb into bamboo trunk; both escaped; they began to argue who was older than them; Coyote said that when he came out of bamboo, the water was four tops, and the SB was up to the chest, which means he was older; the SB created the souls of people; Earth The sorcerer did what others did not like; he went to the ground, sent diseases; the Vulture (Buitre Moreno) could make the water in the pond boil; killed the SB four times, and the fourth time it did not come to life after four days; he rose to the sky, then to the sun, met ZK, they began to think about how to kill the Vulture]: 156-159; Underhill 1946 [dark at first; Earth Creator (NW) and Yellow Vulture (HS) meet four times in the void, everyone forces the other to create peace; the NW took something out of his heart or rolled dirt off his skin, put it in the palm of his hand, from which a green branch, greasewood, grew; the louse on the plant produced resin and this NW created the land; he sang, bored it, it became flat; he placed birds (clouds) and shamans on the ground, on the mountain tops; when the earth spread out, shamans and mountains spread everywhere; The Earth expanded to the dome of Heaven; I'itoi jumped out, said he was the son of Heaven and Earth; he was small, bearded, gray, or blond; from the northwest, a Coyote came out from under the bush; the earth swayed, Coyote, I. and JS they were unsuccessfully confused to fix it; this was done by two Spiders, connecting heaven and earth with a web; all the mountains were inclined to the west, all the rivers flowed there; the JS flew by, waving its wings, gave the mountains a variety shape, rivers flowed in different directions; NW splashed water north, west, south, east, moon and sun appeared; spit out stars like saliva; created people from his body, she began to fight; he and I. sent the flood; for this purpose I. created Handsome Man, who became pregnant with all the girls, each gave birth the next morning; the sorcerer made the Handsome Man himself give birth; he left the child, he began to cry, his tears flooded the earth by the flood; the NW escaped on a magic rod, I. in a large vessel, the Coyote in the reed, the JS pierced the sky; some people became birds, clung to the sky with their beaks; others became trees, took root; others with the dog climbed to the top of the mountain, turned into stones there; traces of foam on the water can be seen on them; NW and I. agreed that whoever appears first after the flood is older; the first NW, then I., the last Coyote; but I. made sure that he was considered the eldest; all three began to sculpt new people; those made by the Coyote are shapeless, thrown overseas; the NW's made are also shapeless, and I.'s people - real; NW and I. began to argue; NW tried to pull the sky down, then fell through the ground, spreading diseases; I.'s people became pima, papago, apache, maricopa; I. made papago his people, taught culture (bow and arrow, house-building, drinking ceremony); I. retired to the cave; people, especially maricopa, kicked a defenseless rattlesnake; I. gave her poison; she bit maricopa, he died; he was burned (with Maricopa has been cremated since the dead); the Coyote stole the heart from the funeral fire; a hole in the ground opened, from there water or wind; closed when two boys and two girls were thrown at it; this is how they arose Santa Rosa ceremonies; the cannibal stole children, she was strangled with smoke in a cave; I. killed the ogre eagle, feathers for witchcraft; the monster sucked everyone into himself; I. let himself be sucked, killed the monster, freed swallowed; I. grew old, began to attack the girls during the adulthood ceremony; people killed him three times; on the advice of the Sun, JS managed to kill I. with an iron bow (gun); 4 years later, I. revived, went west; I. created deer, an evil shaman drove them into a pen; two brothers paid a shaman so that everyone could hunt; JS is scalped, so bald; I. sometimes returns from the underground world]: 8-12.