Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M83A. He cries for dead children. . (.31.) .33.34.

The characters are arguing which one is older. After some people tell us how long they were born, the latter says that this and that happened in his memory at that time.

Tigre [fox], Koreans [hare], Kalmyks [fox], Stavropol Turkmens [hedgehog], Adygs [fox], Abazins [Fox], Balkarians [fox], Kumyks [badger], Avars [fox], Georgians [fox], Turkmens [Aldarkose], Uzbeks [peasant], (Estonians [tit]), Kyrgyz [Aldar-kose], Kazakhs [Aldar-kose; a Kazakh], Mongols [fox; turtle], Buryats [fox].

Sudan-East Africa. Tigre [animals gathered, killed cows, decided to give the last one to the oldest; monkey: I'm gray, so I'm the oldest; fox: I remember when the monkey was born: everyone said it was a child born grey; gets meat]: Littmann 1910, No. 7:7-8.

China - Korea. Koreans: Park 1991 [Tiger, Deer, Hare found a bottle of suri, agreed to give it to the oldest; Deer: I have been living for more than a hundred years, my skin has changed color three times; Tiger: sat under this oak tree with Heavenly sovereign; The hare cries, says that this oak was planted by his dead grandson; the Hare drank everything, the Tiger chased him, the Hare convinced the Tiger to let him go, because he saved Tiger's ancestor from Heaven's anger; promises The tiger should feed him roasted beans, tells him to close his eyes, sets fire to the grove around; leaves, supposedly, for honey; the Tiger swallows hot pebbles, thinks they are beans, dies]: 343-346; Ząng 1952, No. 17 [= Choi 1979, No. 38:16-17; Deer, Hare, Toad agreed that the oldest would go to the main treat at the festival; Deer: When the world was created, I helped nail stars to the sky; Hare: I made a ladder which the Deer climbed to nail stars; Toad (laughing): my sons made tools to nail nails and make stairs, but they died before they finished their work]: 33-34.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Fox and Wolf find oil, let someone older eat it; Lisa says that when she was little, Mount Sumeru was a tubercle, the Sundalai Sea was a puddle; cries; explains that she has at home three cubs, the youngest is the same age as the Wolf; the Wolf is pitiful, gives Lisa oil]: Basangova 2002:189; Stavropol Turkmens [(western teacher of Blagodarinsky City School A. Volodin; from materials from L.G. Lopatinsky); Wolf, Fox and Hedgehog find prey; agree that it will be eaten by the oldest; Wolf: 1001; Fox: when there was no sun and the earth was like a ball, she was seven years old ; Hedgehog (crying): When there was no sun and the land was just born, his two sons were stolen in the ninth year; gets loot]: Bagriy 1930 (1): 68; Adygs [Fox and Badger find a bag of meat; decide give it to the elder; The badger says that he was born when the earth began to freeze and the sky began to turn blue; the fox cries, remembers her son who died at that time; gets meat; they find a lamb, let the one who sees it eat interesting dream; Badger eats meat while Lisa sleeps; Lisa says she was Khan's daughter in her dream; Badger replies that he knew that Khan's daughter wouldn't eat dead lamb]: Aliyeva 1978, No. 76:347 -348 (=Huth 1987:305-306); Abazins [the wolf wants to eat a horse, but it suggests living together better; meets a fox the same; when it snows, the wolf offers to eat the horse, the fox offers to find an excuse; tells the wolf to say that he is one hundred years old; the wolf says the fox is crying: on this day a hundred years ago, her son drowned; the horse says that her mother wrote her birthday on her hooves; the fox says she did not can read, a wolf is hit by a hoof]: Tugov 1985, No. 14:33-34; Balkarians [the horse runs away from the owner, asks the wolf not to kill him, it is better to get food together; the fox does the same; in winter, the fox offers the wolf to eat the horse, he doubts; she advises to say that today he, the wolf, is one hundred years old; cries, says that on this day her favorite fox died; the wolf recognizes her seniority; the horse says that his date of birth is written on his hoof; the wolf leans over to look, the horse kicked the wolf, killed the wolf; the fox ran away]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1983:10-13 (=Malkonduev 2017:717-718); Kumyks [y wolves and foxes are three chureks; the fox offers to lure the badger - there will be meat; calls the badger to the fair; suggests: who is the most truthful will eat all three chureks; wolf: I don't drink; badger goes aside, about drinking he can't even hear; he eats a chorek; who is older will eat the second chorek; the wolf does not know when Alibek-Haji appeared; the fox: I was a bride then, my fiancé went to war; the badger cries: my two adults my son died in that war; the second chorek eats; the third one who saw the most interesting dream will eat; the badger ate a chorek at night; the wolf and the fox say they were at a wedding in a dream; badger: I was not treated there, I came back and ate a chorek; the wolf and the fox are hiding in the badger's hole; he sees traces, asks the "brother" why he does not greet him; the wolf answers; the badger ran to the shepherd, who laid the hole with a stone]: Khalilov, Ottomans 1989:13-15; Avars [Lisa suggests to Badger: let the eldest of them eat lamb's leg; Badger: I was born when it was snowing, the wind was blowing and the global flood began; Fox: that day I received the news of the death of his two sons; eats his leg; later eats out Badger's intestines, who chases her, falls off a cliff]: Saidov, Dalgat 1965:122-123; Georgians [Bear, Wolf and Fox find dead they decide to give the horse to the older one; Wolf: I was born when heaven and earth were established; Fox (moans): my son died at this time; Bear: I am two years old, but I will eat the horse]: Kurdovanidze 1988 (1), No. 15:51.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [Satan asks Aldarkosa to deceive him; he says that he must go home to buy a deceptive tree, let Satan hold the wall for now, or fall; after waiting all day, Satan bounced, the wall did not fall; in the guise of a respectable elder, Satan came to the same place A.; the head of honor must be given to the oldest of those present; Satan; I was born a hundred years earlier than alive; A. cries : At this time, my youngest son, an adult boy, died; Shaitan and A. sowed onions; Satan chose the part of the crop above the ground; next time they sowed corn, Shaitan chose roots; Shaitan and A. went along deeds; agreed: one carries the other, and he sings; when the song ends, they change; Satan sang, carried A.; he picked up a stick like a dutar, began to repeat, te, and so on until they got to places]: Kekilov, Kosayev 1962:94-96; Uzbeks [Shaitan and Dekhkanin sowed corn, Shaitan chose what was below; the farmer took the cobs, left Satan stems; the following year they sowed carrots, Satan chose the tops; they found two pots of gold; the dekhanin offered to divide them, but Satan demanded that they be given to someone older; Satan: I am 170 years old; the dekhanin cries: my youngest son would now the same number; Shaitan invites each other to carry and sing songs - who is longer; while riding Satan, the dehkan sings "Tra-la-la" until Satan throws him off and runs away]: Afzalov et al. 1972 (2): 270-272.

(Wed. Baltoscandia. Estonians [The crow (male) marries Sinitsa; she replies that she is small, because she is still young, will grow up later; asks her to entertain her; Raven says that his uncle had in the village last year a bean grew up, on which snails crawled to the clouds for water; Tit: and last year I saw peas that grasshoppers climbed into the sun to light pipes; Raven: 3 years ago, it was so windy in that village that people got on all fours and got up only a few months later; Tit: and 5 years ago I saw mills spin so fast in the wind that you can't see the wings; Crow: 10 years ago, the frost made everything spruce trees broke in the forest; Tit: 12 years ago, when my third son died, it was so cold that the hostess's stove froze for the test, and the cauldron was boiling on one side and covered with ice on the other; The crow decided not to marry Sinica since she is so old]: Jakobson 1987:39-40).

Turkestan. The Kyrgyz [Aldarkose and Shaitan caught a fox; decided to give it to the older one; Shaitan: when I was born, the sky was the size of a dish, and the earth was a saucer; A. (crying): my younger brother died at that time; he gets the fox]: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1981:246; Kazakhs: Malyuga 1970 [Aldar-Kose and Shaitan found a purse, agreed to give it to the eldest of them; Shaitan says that he was born when the world was seven years old; A. cries, remembered his deceased son, who was the same age as Shaitan; takes his wallet]: 144-145; Potanin 1983, No. 101 (Bayanaul District, Pavlodar Region) ) [it rained, the girls threw firewood, rushed into the yurts; Aldar-Kose's daughter covered the bundle with her hem and stayed sitting on it; Jerenshe Sheshen decided to marry her son, but did not ask for a name then and began to look for it; began to ride with his son and beat him: he does everything as you tell him; everyone is surprised, and the AK daughter says that's right; he married her son; DS decided to face AK; he walks near the hill: Khan ordered find out where the middle of the earth is, and the measured stick stayed at home; DS let the horse go get the stick; when leaving, AK says: the middle of the earth is a blue hill (now it is a saying, "jerdyn ng orthasy kök tube"; AK and Satan killed the beast together, the elder will get the loot; Satan: When God created light, I was seven years old" AK cries: my son was born that year, now he would be big like you; Satan gave the loot to AK ]: 364-365; Sidelnikov 1952 [Tulen and Kulan devils turn Aldar-Kose into one of them, go to steal; they find a gold bar in the hollow of a dry tree; decide to give it to the older one; T.: When I was born, the earth was the size of an island, sweaty, palm; K.: the earth had not yet been separated from the sky, the baiga in honor of my birth had to be arranged on the clouds; A. (cries): On this baiga, my youngest son fell through a rotten cloud, fell to where the ground was later made; then A. hits the devil, takes gold]: 152-157; 1962:304 [Aldar-Kose and the snake find a bar of gold; they agree that it will be taken by the older one; the snake says that it was born when the sun was the size of an ear and the earth was sweating; AK cries, says that his elder died at that time son; receives gold], 306 [Bukhara and Kazakh find a snuffbox; agree that the eldest of them will take it; Bukhara says he was born when Venus first appeared in heaven; AK cries on this day his eldest son died; picks up a snuffbox].

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Mongols: Jamtsarano 1904 (recorded by C.J. Zhamtsarano in Russian in 1904 in Urga by Ilbek Gabzhi, 58 years old, in Gandan, the text was kindly sent by D.A. Nosov) [Turtle, Fox, Wolf found a jug wine, let the older one drink; The wolf replies that he is 100 years old, the Fox is 120, the Turtle cries, says that it remembered its sons, the eldest 120 years old, the youngest is 100; the one who is faster drunk will drink; the Wolf - gets drunk from the smell, the Fox from the sight of wine, the Turtle from the word "wine"; decide to jump who's next; the Fox jumps further than the Wolf, the Turtle clings to its tail, falls on; the Wolf and the Fox decided to eat the Turtle ; she agrees, but she has no hair, the upper meat is dirty, needs to be washed; she was thrown into the river, she swam away]; Osipov, Riftin 1962 (Inner Mongolia) [Wolf and Lisa found meat on the road; Lisa offered to share him in a secluded place; the Wolf wanted to carry the meat in his teeth; the Fox said that this way the Wolf could eat it, tied it to his tail; while the Wolf was running, the Fox bit off, ate half; offered to give the meat to who is older; The wolf says that when he was born, the mountain was the size of a bump, the lake was a puddle; the fox cries, saying that her son died and he was the same age as the Wolf; takes meat]: 78-80; Potanin 1881, No. 28 [Wolf and The fox found lard on the road; the fox offered to take it to the mountain to eat it safely; the Wolf brought lard, Lisa said it was not enough for two; let the older one get it; the Wolf said that when he was small, Mount Sumeru was like a marsh bump, and the sea was puddled between bumps; the fox cried, said she remembered how she had three foxes at that time, the youngest was the same age as the Wolf; the Wolf was ashamed ran away]: 168; Buryats [Wolf and Fox find a sheep's stomach with butter; decide to give it to the older one; Wolf: was small when Sagte-Sumber was a mound, the sea in a stream; Fox cries: her three children died, the youngest was the same age as Wolf]: Barannikova et al. 2000, No. 8:59.