Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M83B. Whose sleep better? ATU 1626. .13.-.17.23.27.-.33.

Two (or more) characters agree to give food to whoever has the best dream. One talks about a feast he went to in a dream (or says he was in a different world), the second admits that he ate everything alone - he was sure that after the feast, the first one would not qualify for food (which someone who finds himself in a different world does not need food).

Somalis, Afars, Malgashi, Morocco, Arabs of Egypt, Spaniards, Catalans, Portuguese, Italians (Tuscany), Sardinians, Irish, British, Flemish, Dutch, Germans, Himachali ploughmen, Slovenes, Serbs, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Gagauz people, Romanians, Hungarians, Albanians, Greeks, Slovaks, Czechs, Poles, Russians (Karelia, Vologda, Gorkovskaya, Pskov, Tver, Voronezh, Kursk, Smolensk, Tambov), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Ugric Russia, Podolia), Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Adygs, Ossetians, Ingush, Kumyks, Laki, Avars, Tabasarans, Tatas, Armenians, Kurds, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Finns, Estonians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Icelanders, Kazan Tatars, Chuvash, Mordovians, Kazakhs (Turgay), Kyrgyz.

Sudan-East Africa. Afar [three travelers stabbed a goat; two big ones laugh at the little one; the little one offers to give meat to the one whose sleep is better; at night he got up quietly and ate everything; in the morning one tells , how I went to heaven in a dream and talked to the Lord; the second was how I went to Mecca and talked to Mohamed; little: I dreamed of a big black slave stepping on me so that I could not move , and ate all the meat; the other two: why didn't you wake us up; little: how, once one was in heaven and the other in Mecca]: Reuss-Nliba, Reuss-Nliba 2016:71-72; Somalis: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1626 : 881.

North Africa. Morocco, Egyptian Arabs: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1626:881; Malgashi (gelding) [at the wake Kotofetsy and Mahaka get chicken, decide to give it to whoever has the best dream; K.: I saw how you went up to heaven and you couldn't follow me; M.: I saw it too, decided you wouldn't come back and ate chicken]: Haring 1982, no. 1.3. 1626:153.

Southern Europe. Catalans [the priest received bread for his sermon; says to the servant: whoever has the best dream will eat bread; the priest falls asleep and the servant ate bread; when he wakes up, the priest says that dreamed that he went to heaven; servant: I saw that you went to heaven, so I ate bread]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 1626:259; the Portuguese [three comrades agreed to give bread to him who will have the best dream; the first two tell me how you were in heaven; third: When I saw you ascend, I decided that you would never want to go back and ate bread]: Cardigos 2006, no. 1626:334; Italians (Tuscany): Cirese, Serafini 1975, No. 1626:355; Spaniards, Sardinians: Uther 2004, No. 1626:336-337.

Western Europe. Irish, English, Flemish, Dutch, German (Bavaria, Switzerland): Uther 2004, No. 1626:336-337.

Western Asia. Yemen: El-Shamy 2004, No. 1626:881

South Asia. Himachali plowmen [three friends were returning from work; cooked rice with milk and sugar, arguing about who should eat; decided that most of all was the one whose sleep would be the best; two fell asleep , and the third ate all the food; in the morning one said that he was in paradise, where he was entertained by dancing; the second dreamed that he was king; the third said that the hell had come and made him eat all the food, otherwise he threatened to beat him ]: Seethalakshmi 1960, No. 35:103-104

The Balkans. Bulgarians [two or three people (master and servant, Sly Peter and Nastradin Khoja; brothers; companions agree to give roast pig (chicken, etc.) to whoever has the best dream; for now two slept, the third ate everything; when I woke up, one tells me how he went up to heaven, the other how he went underground; third: when I saw you leave, I decided that you would never come back and ate everything alone]: Daskalova- Perkovska et al. 1994, No. 1626:533-534; Slovenes, Serbs, Macedonians, Romanians, Hungarians, Albanians, Greeks: Uther 2004, No. 1626:336-337; Gagauz people [a man and a gypsy stabbed a pig, agreed to give it to whoever has the best dream; gypsy: in a dream I went up the stairs to God; he and his wife ate lunch, invited me, but I didn't want to; man: I saw that you were invited, so you got up and ate a pig]: Moshkov 1904, No. 73:134.

Central Europe. Slovaks, Czechs: Uther 2004, No. 1626:336-337; Poles [three comrades agree to give bread to whoever has a better dream; one has been to paradise in a dream, the other in hell; the third: When I saw you go this far, I ate bread alone]: Krzyżanowski 1963, No. 1626:104; Russians (Karelia, Gorkovskaya, Pskov, Tver, Voronezh, Kursk, Smolensk, Tambov), Ukrainians (Eastern Slovakia, Transcarpathia, Ugric Russia, Podolia), Belarusians [Who will get the best food: companions (pop and his farmhand, priest and gypsy), staying overnight, decide give bread (loaf, roast pig) to someone who has the best dream; one says he saw himself in paradise, the other in hell, the third eats bread]: SUS 1979, No. 1626=AA *2100:336-337; Russians (Karelia, Sennogubsky Village Council, Kizhi) [A pop from Kizhi collected Christ, received a lot of oil and met a soldier from the royal service on the way. Pop was tired of carrying oil on a sledge, invited the soldier to put his bag on a sledge and drag him one by one. So they did, the soldier held out a little bit and handed his ass, but he did not have time to rest. Pop also picked up a capercaillie for dinner, but realized that he could not go, offered to sledge himself and measure the time with prayer. The soldier agreed, but said he did not know prayers, only marching songs. Pop sang the creed "I Believe in One God Father", and the soldier sang a song with repeated lines so that the priest was enough to get home. The soldier immediately ordered the capercaillie to fry, and the pop to leave it until tomorrow so that it should go to someone who would have a more interesting dream. While he was sleeping, the capercaillie soldier ate it. The next morning, the pop told him how he dreamed of paradise, and he ate the fruits of the good tree there, and the soldier to him: I was there, but I was not allowed to go to heaven, I saw what you were eating, but I thought you would be full and ate capercaillie]: Onegin 1986, NO. 12:72-74.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (Kiet, near Sivash) [people complain that a cadiy from the village of Bolpash is mocking them; a Nogai man came to him, started a conversation; served turkey soup and meat separately; decided leave meat to the person who saw the best dream; in the morning one said that he was a sheikh in Mecca, the other was a vizier in Istanbul, the third was a khan in Bukhara; Nogai: it's true, so I decided that you would not return to Crimea and ate meat]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 59; Adygs: Aliyeva 1978, No. 76 [Fox and Badger find a bag of meat; decide to give it to the elder; Badger says he was born when the earth began to freeze and the sky began to turn blue; Fox cries, remembers his son who died at that time; gets meat; finds a lamb, let someone who has an interesting dream eat it; Badger eats meat while Lisa sleeps; Lisa says that in her dream she was the daughter of a khan; The badger replies that he still knew that the khan's daughter would not eat dead lamb]: 347-348 (=Huth 1987:305-306); Kerashev 1957 [the fox is friends with the pig; steals chicken; suggests that it be eaten by someone who of them are older; the fox says that she was born when there was almost no sushi; went out with the foxes to the islands so that the children could play in the grass, half the mice, and so everyone ate fish; the pig cries: it swam with piglets in a continuous salty ocean; only later did scraps of land appear; the fox agrees: let the pig eat the chicken; the fox steals the chicken again: let the person who has seen the best dream eat it; the fox dreamed that it the queen and that when the fried pheasants were brought, the pig went somewhere; she replies that she decided to eat the chicken, because after the fried pheasants, the fox is unlikely to want it; after that, the fox and the pig became friends]: 294 -296; Ossetians: Byazirov 1972, No. 42 [fox and badger found honey, decided to give it to someone whose sleep would be better; badger: I went to a sleigh feast; fox: I was not invited and since you were feasting there, I decided to eat it honey]: 269; Dzagurov 1973, No. 5 [a fox, a wolf, a bear each have one bread and one more; they agree to give it to the person who saw the best dream; the wolf ate honey in his sleep, the bear ate lamb fat tails; the fox: I watched you feast, could not fall asleep, went to eat bread; bear: then we will not divide 3 breads equally, we will give it to someone who gets drunk faster; bear: when I smell fermented wort; wolf: when they put the wort to drive the araka; fox (pretends to faint): intoxicated from your conversations; she got 3 loaves]: 25-26; Ingush: Sadulaev 2004, No. 9 [wolf, fox and hedgehog found kaisarilg ( part of the stomach of ruminants); decided to give it to someone whose father was taller; wolf: the mountains were waist-deep for my father; fox: my head reached the clouds; hedgehog: did it rest on something soft? It was my father's pants; wolf: let's give kaisarilg to whoever wins the run; the wolf and the fox ran, and the hedgehog rolled down the mountain was the first; wolf: let's give it to the one whose sleep is better; wolf: I slaughtered a herd of sheep; fox: ate the guts of sheep that the wolf tore; hedgehog: that's what I knew, that's why I ate kaisarilg], 33 [as in (9), only the last episode]: 28-30, 79-78; Kumyks: Aliyeva 2013, No. 59 [greedy buy Hajikerim He was going to the bazaar; he felt sorry to slaughter his geese or chickens to stock up on the road, asked his neighbor to go with him; he offered to call his poor neighbor Bammat, who has a turkey, let him slaughter him will take it with him; G. suggested that the turkey be eaten by whoever has the best dream; both bai tell me how they were in paradise and ate; B.: you left me when you went to heaven, so I ate a turkey at night]: 262- 263; Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 14 [The fox, the Wolf, the Bear are hired by the khan to squeeze wheat, receive an urbech jug and a bag of bread; the fox pretends to be her name, eats half of the urbech and bread, says her name was give a name to the khan's child, called him "If They Find Out"; by the end of the work, Lisa pretends to be her name again, eats everything but one churek, the child allegedly gave the name "Over"; offers to sleep in the mill, whoever has the best dream will eat the remaining chorek; Wolf, Bear talk about how they feasted in their dreams; Lisa says she ate a chorek because they were already full during the night]: 83-84; Khalilov, Osmanov 1989 [y wolves and foxes are three chureks; the fox offers to lure the badger - there will be meat; calls the badger to the fair; suggests: who is the most truthful will eat all three chureks; wolf: I don't drink; badger goes aside, about drinking he can't even hear; he eats a chorek; who is older will eat the second chorek; the wolf does not know when Alibek-Haji appeared; the fox: I was a bride then, my fiancé went to war; the badger cries: my two adults my son died in that war; the second chorek eats; the third one who saw the most interesting dream will eat; the badger ate a chorek at night; the wolf and the fox say they were at a wedding in a dream; badger: I was not treated there, I came back and ate a chorek; the wolf and fox are hiding in the badger's hole; he sees traces, asks the "brother" why he does not greet him; the wolf answers; the badger ran to the shepherd, who laid the hole with a stone]: 13-15; Lucky [Fox and Jackal found a dead chicken; Lisa replies that she participated in the campaigns of the Prophet Noah at the age of 15; Jackal says that her son was killed on this campaign, she gets the chicken; they find a lamb's head, whoever has the best dream will eat it; Lisa sees a feast; Jackal replies that she also saw Lisa feast, so she ate her head]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 34:125; Avars [fox and badger found a fat tail; let he will be eaten by the person who has seen the best dream; the fox ate the fat tail at night; the badger in the morning: I was dreaming at the wedding of the khan's son; fox: I had the same dream, you were the most respected guest; decided why the badger needed a miserable fat tail?] : Atayev 1972, No. 13:21-22; Tabasarans [The fox suggests that the Wolf should eat the piece of fat tail found by someone older; the Wolf says he participated in the battle at Mount Karaul when he was young; the fox cries, she lost seven sons then; in the morning Wolf says that he was at a feast in his dream; Lisa says she is jealous because she only ate a fat tail]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 28:115; tatami [Bammat stabbed a turkey and went with two bayas to the bazaar; one of them offers to give the turkey to the one who has the best dream; one angel brought to a beautiful garden, the other went to heaven; B.: I knew you would not return quickly, so he ate a turkey at night]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 59:262-263; Armenians [two travelers agree that the boiled chicken he took with them should be eaten by the person who had the best dream; first: in a dream, angels took it to heaven; second: I saw you ascend, so I decided that you would no longer need food and ate the chicken myself]: Nazinyan 2014:206; Kurds [Armenian, Kurd and Jew came to town; they only have money for three for one serving of kebab; Armenian: every city should have at least one Armenian, if I starve, there will be no one left, I should eat kebab; Jew: we are a small people, if I die, it will decrease even more ; the Kurd offered to give the kebab to the one who has the best dream; the Armenian told how the prophet Isa came to him and took him to paradise, where there is a lot of food, a Jew - how Moses came, the same; Kurd: Mohammed came and said that I didn't bring anything with me, I allowed me to eat kebab, since Kurd's friends are feasting]: Rudenko 1970, No. 16:43-44.

Iran - Central Asia. Tajiks [on Ramadan, on the way to the saint's grave, two sheikhs met a peasant and went together; the peasant wants to satisfy his hunger; he deliberately dropped the sheikhs's belongings; the watermelon crashed; the sheikhs decided eat without waiting for the sun to set; next time the peasant baked cakes, and the sheikhs decided to eat them themselves; let the tortillas be eaten by whoever sees a prophetic dream; one sheikh said that in a dream he ascended to horse to fourth heaven, the other like seventh heaven; peasant: and I stayed and ate cakes]: Amonov 196:553-555; Uzbeks: Rogov 1980 [Aldar Kusa shot a goose; bai: a goose fell on my land; mullah : the goose was flying over the mosque, the atheist killed him - I will sacrifice it to God; on the way to the casion in Bukhara, all three decided to cook a goose and give it to the one who has the best dream; at night AK ate a goose; in the morning mullah: I was in paradise; buy: I brought gold on 40 camels from a trade trip; AK: I thought so: while someone is in the sky, some on a shopping trip, the goose will go out, so I ate it]: 328-330; Sheverdin 1980 [two mullahs ask the hunter give them a goose; whoever has the best dream will eat meat; while the mullahs were sleeping, the hunter ate the goose; one mullah: I went up to heaven; the second: I sank to the bottom of the sea; hunter: seeing that you are not there, I ate goose]: 323-324.

Baltoscandia. Finns, Estonians, Lithuanians, Icelanders: Uther 2004, No. 1626:336-337; Latvians [Best dream. Three travelers decide that whoever has the best dream can eat the rest of the travelers. One of them eats bread because he allegedly dreamed that the others had died and therefore did not need bread]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 1626:363.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [a poor man and two bai decided to give the goose to the one who would have the best dream; the first bai saw that he became a mullah and went to a mosque; the second flew away in a dream, turning into a swan; poor man: When I saw one of you go to the mosque and the other fly away, I ate a goose so that it would not deteriorate]: Bashirov, Yarmukhametov 1956:124-125 (=Yarmukhametov 1957:145-146); Chuvash [rich and rich pop they are going to the bazaar, but everyone feels sorry to slaughter a goose or chicken on the way; they take the peasant Metri with them to slaughter his goose; for the night they agree: let the goose be eaten by the one who has the best dream; in the morning, the pop says that his horse turned gold, took him to heaven, gave him a thousand rubles; rich man: it happened to me, but the horse gave me three thousand rubles; M.: I couldn't keep up with you and decided that with such You won't starve with money; so you came back and ate a goose]: Eisin 1993:336-337; Mordovians [pop and old man spent the night in the field; ass has a good horse, the old man has a bad and white suit; old man: I won't watch, see the white horse anyway; the pop agrees to swap horses; the old man refuses to watch again: the thief will see your bright horse, but he won't see mine; they have chicken for two; pop: let him eat who will have the best dream; the old man ate the chicken; in the morning the pop says he has been to paradise; old man: I saw you go there and decided you wouldn't come back, so I ate everything myself]: Evseviev 1961, No. 62:385.

Turkestan. Kazakhs (Turgay) [three hunters killed a goose, began to cook; decided to give it to the one whose sleep is better; in the morning one tells how he went far on horseback and a big bird sat on his saddle; the second had wings flew in a dream; third: you were both far away, so I ate the goose you gave up on]: Ethnographic materials 1898 (Turgay); Kyrgyz: Brudny, Eshmambetov 1977 []: 223-224; Sabyr uulu 2008 [two Uzbeks and a Kyrgyz began to cook pilaf; Uzbeks offered to give it to whoever had the best dream; while the Uzbeks were sleeping, the Kyrgyz ate pilaf and lay down; the Uzbeks woke up; the first said he took it in a dream the hand of the staff of Sufi dervishes, flew on its wings into the sky; the second took the staff and went to Mecca; Kyrgyz: when I saw that you were successful, I ate the pilaf you left]: 238-239.