Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M87. In a house where you can't see the owners .13.41.-.43.72.

The character comes to a place that is abandoned or seems to have been abandoned by the inhabitants. He tries to take or touch things, but invisible owners prevent him from doing so, or the things themselves hurt him.

Sudan - East Africa. Zande [Ture, spider) and his assistant Katikati go to collect termites; when T. scrapes the termite mite, many eyes appear on the surface, but T. thinks they are termite passages; in this in the place, the spirits bury the dead; when leaving, T. picks up a hoe lying nearby, puts it in his bag; the perfume brings a new body for burial, K. hears a sound, T. - no; the spirits are looking for their hoe, she answers them from bag; T. throws it away, she returns to the bag, screams again that T. took it; T. throws it away again, runs away]: Arewa, Shreve 1975, No. 18:218-219.

Subarctic. Atna [The raven married Lisa's daughter; the fox came to an empty house, there was food, but he took nothing; a voice can be heard: what an honest man! Meat, fish, berries fly up to him by themselves, deer furs and skins (moose) are collected in a bale; he thanks, brings good things home; the raven follows his footsteps, rushes to eat without asking, grabs, taking away his skins; the wind comes in, everything is carried away, the club hits the Raven; when the Fox came to the same house again, he got everything again]: Billum 1979:75-77; taltan [The raven comes to an empty house; takes the tip of his spear to do the same; an invisible spirit beats him, asks why he stole his spear; breaks his lower rib, gives it to be used as a spear, but only at night; since then, people's lower rib shorter than others]: Teit 1919, No. 1.34:225-226.

NW Coast. Eyak [after eating clams on the littoral, the Raven comes to an empty house where meat is smoked; the cauldron is put on the fire itself, the meat flops into it; when the meat is cooked, the Raven begins to eat it, eats the hanging one fat in the corner of the seals; two pull the Raven's hair; the Raven hangs the fat in place, runs away]: Johnson 1988:1; the Tlingits: Boas 1895, No. 5 [a young man died in a clash between Russians and Tlingits; his father and his people sail in search; they sail to a shore where only women live; they refuse to meet with sailors, say they have a husband; this is a log on the shore with teeth on the knots; in another village sailors do not see anyone; they take their skins, fish, fat; when they try to take goods to the ship, invisible hands stop them; in the land of the dead, the captain does not see his son, because one of the sailors violated the ban on taking women aboard; the guilty couple is killed; sailors return as old men]: 325-327 (=2002:630-633); Swanton 1909, No. 31 [The raven comes to an empty village, loads the boat with provisions, sails; an invisible rope drags the boat back; one of the spirits drops a stone on the Raven's leg, now the Raven is chrome]: 92; hyda (Skidgate) [The raven comes to an empty house; sees halibut, a seal; as soon as they try to get food, people- Shadows grab his hair; he loses strength, leaves]: Swanton 1905:134-135; Hyda (Masset): Swanton 1908a: 335 [along with the Butterfly, the Raven comes to the Shadow Village; there is no one in the house; takes a container with salmon caviar, someone pulls him back in the doorway; so five times, the Raven leaves], 340-341 [The raven comes into the house, sees no one, collects dried fish, tries to carry it out, pulls his hair back; so twice; he leaves]; Tsimshian [Raven comes to Echo's house, hears voices, is invited into the house, eats the shows, but sees no one; women's voices laugh whenever he thinks he should take meat and fat with him; he tries to take meat and fat with him but the hammer hits him in the leg]: Boas 1916, No. 26:85-86; bellacula: Boas 1898 [The raven marries a widow, he likes her daughter; he asks various trees how they burn; thuja replies that sparks from it fly off to women's genitals; the raven advises the girl to cure the burn by sowing on a plant in the forest; hiding, exposes his penis, she sits down; The raven is not invited to the party; pretends to be sick, comes up secretly, screams, tells his sons to sprinkle ash on it as if he hadn't left the house; says that those screams mean approaching enemies; people leave, the Raven eats holiday food; asks the Deer when it is fattest; leads to the meadow to the edge of the abyss; says that he, the Raven, was already there when the mountains began to grow; The deer replies what it was when the Sun was just beginning to give the world its current form; the Raven pushes the Deer off the cliff, eats; when he enters an empty house, sees fish stocks; tells the sisters to load everything into the boat; invisible hands they beat him and his sisters; The raven goes to the guests, asks for return visits; the bird cuts his leg with a stone knife, caviar falls from there; the seal holds her hands over the fire, fat drips; another bird sings, a box fills with berries; the Raven only hurts himself, there is excrement in his box; he sails to the Salmon; tells his sisters to hole the boats; asks the chief's daughter to help carry food to his boat, takes the girl, Salmon in full of holes boats can't chase him; at home she tells his wife to make his hair as long as hers; she warns that salmon hanged to dry will get tangled in his hair; as it happens, the Raven screams that she does not want to catch them again; the offended wife jumps into the water, all the salmon come to life and swim for her]: 90-95; McIlwraith 1948 (2) [two texts; The raven comes to Echo; the next day brings his own four sisters take the property; invisible hands shove his face into each sister's genitals; he has to return what he has taken]: 405-408; quakiutl (? the ethnicity is probably not listed somewhere in Vancouver) [[Chi-che-ka (Norka) offers a person to help take a deer carcass by boat; they sail to a large village; food is prepared everywhere, but people are not visible; Mink loads the boat, tries to sail, but it's like being pulled back with a rope; it turns into a hole, sails away]: Webber 1936:9; Nootka: Clutesi 1967 [the old man says there's an island where There is plenty of everything, but the owners are not visible; you have to arrive there after dusk and leave before dawn; the Raven and his wife Belka arrive, load the boat with equipment and provisions; when he is going to leave, he cannot move neither the boat nor the wife; returns the property; the wife tells how invisible hands held her; the raven and his wife return home]: 53-53-60.

The coast is the Plateau. Shuswap [see M38A motif; Coyote goes to guests; comes to the Spirits, sees snowshoes dancing; grabs one, invisible Spirits hit him]: Teit 1909a, No. 1:627-628; Thompson: Hanna, Henry 1996 [a young man rises to the upper world ("to the moon") in a balloon basket; enters dwellings where there is a lot of goodness, people are not visible; whenever he tries to take something, a voice warns him not do this; sometimes objects fall on him, he has a bruise under his eye; he lives with an old man and an old woman, helps them; an old woman lowers him to the ground in a gift basket for people; he teaches people how to breed fire; food used to be eaten raw]: 37-41; Teit 1898, No. 2 [at the beginning of time, Coyote makes a son out of clay; he bathes, dissolves in water; from resin he melts in the sun; from white stone he lives, his name is Nlixentem; Loon and Duck give him daughters as wives, one dark skinned, the other light; Coyote turns his excrement into eagle chicks, asks his son to climb a tree for them, tells the tree to rise tall, dressed and dressed as a son, he comes to his wives, takes a bright one, drives away a dark-skinned woman; N. walks along the heavenly plain, pulls out large edible rhizomes, the wind blows out of the holes, these rhizomes are stars; goes into an empty dugout, takes the basket, the baskets attack him; he puts the basket back, tells the baskets to become people's servants; the same episode in the dugout of mats; awls; combs, birch bark vessels; N. comes to two blind old women; they eat rotten wood, pass food to each other, N. intercepts it, old women quarrel, accusing each other; they feel the man, say he smells bad; N. turns them into two types of hazel grouses; comes to the spider spouses, they call themselves his grandfather and grandmother, they lower them to the ground in a basket; N. finds a faithful wife and son; the Coyote people are starving, the Raven discovers N., who has returned, receives meat for his children; people force him to confess where the meat comes from; they return to N., celebrate, ask him to take his second wife back; N. sends the Coyote for the carcass of the killed deer, The coyote falls into the river, swims to the dam, followed by two sisters holding salmon; turns into a wooden plate; eats food, throws the plate into the fire, the Coyote turns into a baby, the sisters adopt him; into theirs absence he breaks the dam by releasing salmon into rivers; goes downstream; asks three or four girls if they want salmon, the youngest answers, Yes; he sends his own across the river penis, the end remains in the vagina, the girl falls ill; the Coyote carries salmon along the rivers; a group of girls replies that they want mountain sheep meat, not salmon; at this point, the Coyote creates rapids; under the guise The shaman comes to the sick person, asks everyone to sing loudly, leave him with the girl in the steam room, copulates, removes the end of the penis, the girl recovers; the Coyote creates fake berries on the bushes, Negotiates with the Grizzly to eat her supplies first, then him; runs away, the berries dry up]: 21-29; 1917b, No. 8 [the Coyote is attacked by a comb and an awl (this is the title of the text, my copy does not have this page]: 4; quinalt [see M38A motif; Blue Jay and his wife Juey go to visit; at Soyke's Spirit House, it seems like objects are moving by themselves; he takes clothes, jewelry, and the perfume screams so he doesn't pulled; Jay leaves with nothing]: Farrand 1902, No. 2:85-91; Upper Chehalis [Blue Jay goes to visit; when Jay comes to the Spirits, there is no one in the house; Jay pulls the low beads, someone screams: Oh, it hurts! Jay invites the Spirit to his place, but does not see him and the guest leaves]: Adamson 1934:3-10; lower chinook [Blue Jay and her sister Joey come to the spirit house; sees the scattered dentium and blankets, begins to pick them up; the perfume screams that he is dragging their jewelry and clothes; as punishment, they change his sex and his sister's gender to the opposite]: Boas 1916:703; tillamook: Boas 1916 [six travelers sail to the Shadow House; a basket of fish falls, they first shove it back, then eat fish; when they start dragging provisions to the boat, someone grabs their hair, hits them, takes away the baskets]: 703; Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 1 [Ice lives with its people in the village of Nehalem; they sail to hunt sea otters; they can't catch up with a sea otter with a white face; they come to the village, where there is a woman, she was a sea otter, there are their arrows in her house; she agrees to get on their boat, takes her purse with her; Ice thinks it's food, but there are living creatures; he throws her overboard; the woman says if she brought her to Nehalem, people would not die; jumps into the sea; they sail to the village of Salmon, eat one; to people with tails; to naked people who cover their ears like blankets at night (their ears are normal during the day quantities); to invisible spirits, they throw baskets; into a house whose door opens and closes as fast as the woman in the house speaks; Ice runs in, grabs meat, has time jump out; the door only cut off a little flesh from his buttocks; to mouthless people who eat the smell of food; Ice cuts through the boy's mouth, he can talk; watches Ice copulate with a mouthless girl; Ice cuts through everyone's mouths, tells them not to copulate in public; formerly, the mouthless conceived children differently than we do (it is not said how); they come to cannibals, Ice turns the boat into a feather, escapes the chase; people with tiny mouths, they feed on dental mollusks; return home]: 3-9; takelma [Daldal (dragonfly) lived near the mouth, chopped bodies float along the river; goes upstream; lets in the sky is an arrow, it falls to the top of his head, a second man, his younger brother, separates from him; they successfully fight oaks and fir trees; they come to Blue Jay, she is the mother of the forest man K'uk'u; reluctantly agrees to give them her son's big shell in exchange for bundles of money; the son comes, kills her for it; catches up with the brothers, demands that the shell be returned; D. breaks his leg with a stone; he weakens and dies, repeats everything they say in front of him (he is probably an echo); the old man always turns into blood, travelers try it, die; his younger brother almost died choking, D. drew blood from his throat with a flint squeezer; a woman offers to warm her back by the fire, D. tries, burns, turns a woman into a burning plant in the swamp; another woman lies with her legs spread, offers to copulate; brother D. tries, is wounded; D. puts a squeezer in her vagina, turns her into a freshwater shell, throws it into the water, it will become people's food; two blind women push seeds; brother D. quietly picks them up, binds them women's hair; they accuse each other of stealing, fighting; D. touches their eyes with the burning end of the stick, they see the light; D. looks into the house, there are tendons, this is the character, trying to burn the incoming ones; D. turns attach feathers to arrows in reindeer tendons; in another house, D. sees baked salmon, eats, Ostrog attacks him; he turns it into a prison to beat salmon; brothers look into two empty houses , in the fourth, an old woman and a girl; the girl is afraid to go for water; D. sends her, she is grabbed by Cancer, D. turns him into cancer, crayfish are cooked; brothers meet two bad people, older and younger brothers; defeat them; D. turns the elder into the Evening Star, the youngest into the Morning Star; tells the Coyote to catch not salmon, but gopher; turns into a low mountain, his younger brother into a tall one]: Sapir 1909, No. 2:34-42; upper coquil [Noise-under-ground and Big Fat talk about the ocean overflowing; people get into boats, but boats and oars turn into snakes; to prevent this from happening, they need to it was smeared with crap; at the top of the mountain, a young man, a girl, an old man, his wife, daughter and son, sails in the boat; the Red Squirrel brings fire to the back of her head, so she has a red head; after a while the waters have come down, the survivors have married, repopulated the land; the Coyote comes to the woman, tells her daughter to bring water; she is afraid that those who come for water are dragged away by Cancer (crawfish); Coyote insists, the girl is coming, Cancer grabs it, the Coyote turns Cancer into cancer, it has been cooked and eaten; two blind women are pushing acorns; the Coyote slowly takes a handful; the blind can feel it; he cuts through their eyes, turns them into partridges, tells not to grind acorns, but to give a voice while sitting on a branch; a person says that they do not go across the river, there Ostrog kills people; the Coyote turns it into a salmon prison; the River woman The oyster lies on its back, offers to copulate, bites off men's penises; the Coyote turns it into a river oyster; the deer tries to hook the Coyote, the Coyote tells him to be a deer, deer are hunted]: Jacobs 2007:132-135.

Chaco. Maka [The fox comes to an empty village; asks a sandal lying on the floor where the people are; she replies that she does not know; he threatens to kill her, she replies that she does not care; he throws his sandal, she falls on his nose, he dies; comes to life after the rain; the same episode with a mortar (the fox threatens to rape her, the mortar hole pinches his genitals) and a pestle (thrown on the floor, the pestle splits, flies off Fox in the nose)]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 41:113-114; toba (pilaga) [like a poppy; mortar and sandal episodes]: Metraux 1946:121 in Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 127-128:247-248; matako: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 78 [Sipilah owned a bottle tree full of fish; did not tell Tokhuah to shoot the fish; he shot at the dorado, the tree split; S. told T. to take the water away; stick a stick in the night the ground, the water would stop, he would be able to sleep; told him not to look back; T. looked around, saw a water monster, drowned; before that, he offered Iguana anal sex; he said that T.'s penis was too big, but not said he had two penises himself; T. began to eat mystol fruits, they fell out of his ass; he plugged him with grass; T. eats baby nanda, they drive him into a hole, leave their feathers at the entrance, he thinks they are still here; escapes as a hummingbird; in an empty village, asks a mortar where its owners are; she is silent, he throws her against a tree, she bounces into his head; asks a needle, she says, pin -pin-pin, he steps on her, she pierces his leg; the excrement answers, Thlapapapa, he kicks him in crap; thinks frogs are croaking in the water, diving, and there are cacti; the white bird advises to dig into hot ash to turn white; T. is burned; asks the chakha (Chauna torquata) birds to give him feathers, they wax them, he takes off, the wax melts in the sun, T. falls, screams, I'm a mortar, falls with a mortar, becomes human; The hawk stands on a branch on one leg, helps T. cut off his leg, shows that he has two; The Spider puts his leg back, that calls her redmouth and fat dog, her leg falls off again; another Spider heals him again; the red-eyed Pigeon advises rubbing red pepper into his eyes, T. temporarily goes blind; a white-faced bird and with a long beak, he advises him to smear clay and put sticks in his nose; he does it], 84-89 [(episodes in various combinations); Takwah comes to an abandoned home; asks a mortar, a bunch of crap, a needle, a pestle, where the owners are silent; T. hits them or steps on them; as a result, a mortar pinches his testicles, splashes of crap into his face, a needle digs into his leg, a piece of pesta splits his leg; (Metraux 1939 and Palavecino 1940)], 91 [Taqwah comes to the tropero bird; she says it will turn white if he gets under a pile of fuel and sets it on fire; T. escapes after being badly burned; comes to A hare; he invites wild pigs to sit in the shade under a tree; when they fall asleep, it gnaws through the roots; the tree falls, crushing the pigs; T. tries to repeat the trick, but hits the roots with a stone; the pigs wake up run away; (Palavecino 1940:249)]: 165-168, 177-184, 185