Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M88. Involved in a dance .43.46.48.

The character follows the dancing girls and dies.

The coast is the Plateau. Comox [Mink marries 1) Mist; wife and her sisters dance, he joins them, falls to the ground; 2) Eagle; gets clothes made from feathers; warned to dive carefully when fishing salmon; dives sharply, breaks on the ground; 3) Resin; it melts in the sun, it sticks to the bed, some old man peels it off; 4) Algae; it sinks; 5) The shell; hits her in the face, but only hurts himself hand; (other episodes follow)]: Boas 1895, No. VIII.4:71 (=2002:189); skagit [Shell girls come out of the lake to dance; passionately eaten Coyote tries to join them, but they every time disappear; his ass advises him to approach them dancing; they involve him in a dance, drag him under water, he drowns; the wolf revives him]: Hilbert 1985:153-154; flethead [Coyote and Fox traveled; tribal leader Kalispel (aka Pend d'Oreille) refused to marry the girl Coyote; in revenge, he created Spokane rapids above which salmon do not rise; Coyote quietly enters the womb of the giant creatures; feeds swallowed people with monster fat; cuts off his heart with a knife (it turns into a mountain range); swallowed creatures pop out through his mouth; clenched jaws flatten the Tick; Coyote sees two women, sits between them, they jump up, dance into the river; Coyote asks to wait, follows them, they drown him; Coyote's companion Fox finds the body, jumps over it, the Coyote comes to life; the Fox says that the Coyote should not have been with these women, they are from the Shell tribe; the Coyote set fire to the grass, the women are burned; now some of the oysters above are black because they are burned in the fire]: Edmonds, Clark 1989:29-31; upper coquil [Coyote comes to the river Coos; the old woman replies that her sons are at sea; Coyote says she will go to sleep in the steam room; when the sons arrive, let the old woman go in pinch him in the steam room, he will not hear a shout; when she enters, the Coyote rapes her; her sons see it; they send the Coyote who has fallen asleep in a boat to the open sea; he calls the Seal, corrects his head shape; Whale makes teeth out of the basket (whalebone?) ; lets Keith swallow himself; cuts Keith's heart with a knife, goes outside when he feels that the carcass has been washed ashore; hides in the sand; those who are going to slaughter the whale say that it smells like a living person; they themselves are dead, they abandon the whale, leave; the Coyote climbs into the whale again, sews the hole, the whale nails to the other side; the Coyote is bald and blind; a girl with her period has come; holding her by the hand, the Coyote touches all parts of her body with the other hand, each time asking what it is; she calls it; after she calls her vagina, he pulls her skin off it, puts it on himself; now he is again sees; before that he asked the girl what she would have to do when she returned home; he walks along a rope, holding a tree in each hand, losing his balance a little; the girl's mother is surprised at this; the little brother asks what it is between his sister's legs, they don't pay attention to him; everyone has gone to cut the whale carcass, and Coyote lies down with another sister, who is also a period, rapes her; when the victim is found, The coyote has already run away; he hid in the hollow, telling the hole to overgrow, so he spent the winter; in the spring he screams, consistently sends birds and animals that have come, but the Woodpecker asks to open the hole; he cut, Coyote pulled out his feathers, the woodpecker flew away; the Coyote cuts himself to pieces, pushes them out; The Raven (?) takes his guts away; he eats strawberries, berries fall out of his ass; he seals his anus with resin; jumps over burning grass, his ass lights up, he rushes into the river, it dries up; into the sea; burns; She takes the remains ashore; they are bitten by a beetle, the Coyote comes to life, scolds the beetle for not letting him sleep; comes to his grandmother; gets deer; hears singing, this is the dance of girls who are menstruating; grandmother warns of danger, but he goes from mountain to mountain, singing moves away; eventually tells his excrement to dress him as a leader, joins the dance; dances day and two nights; dancers tear him off hands, even in spite of him; Puma is indignant, goes dancing, but breaks out of the circle; only he managed to survive; the dancers were dead]: Jacobs 2007:159-172.

California. Yurok [Pleiades dance at night; Coyote wants too, dies from a quick dance, gets thrown away; he comes to life, jumps down from the sky; only his bones reach the ground; he comes back to life]: Kroeber 1976, No. P7:368-369; Karok: Bancroft 1875 [The Coyote wants to dance across the sky, asks the Star (specific but unidentified) to take it; she reluctantly agrees; they dance across the sky, it's cold there ; his hand slips out of her hand, he falls, breaks]: 138-139; Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. A9 [Pleiades are seven dancing girls; Coyote wants to join them; they warn that he will be tired; he doesn't listen, he dances; wants to go away to urinate; they don't let him in; he urinates, defecates, all parts of his body fall off; only his dancing ass stays in the sky]: 16.

Plains. The Comanche [Coyote believes he has no equal in dance on earth, asks the stars of the Milky Way (Coyote's Way) to dance with him; each takes turns dragging him into dancing, then lets go of his hand, he falls to the ground, crashes, comes to life; like this until dawn; hasn't danced with the stars since]: Krieger 1998:30.