Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M89A. Horned hyena .11.

Only horned animals are allowed to attend the festival. The hyena makes fake horns for itself, exposed.

Ila, Kaguru, Lamba, Nsenga, Swahili.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ila [only horned animals are allowed to attend the festival; the hare pasted their horns with wax, came with the rhinoceros bird, and rightfully sat by the fire; the wax began to melt; the rhino bird began to scream about it, Hare explained that he wanted the grounds of the beer; but the wax melted, the Hare was shamefully kicked out]: Smith, Dale 1920, No. 5:386-387 (retelling in Werner 1933:291-292); kaguru [The hare invites all horned animals to a feast ; The hyena finds old buffalo horns, glues it with resin, comes; The hare puts her on a chair in the sun, says that all the seats in the shade are occupied; the resin has melted, the horns have fallen, the Hyena has been shamefully expelled]: Beidelman 1975a, No. 13:570-572; lamba, nsenga [about like silt]: Werner 1933:291; Swahili [only horned animals gather for the festival; Hyena waxed its horns, came under morning; when the sun was full, the wax melted; Hyena started screaming that some of them would now lose their horns, but others realized that Hyena was a liar, drove her away]: Velten 1898:2 in Werner 1933:291.