Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M8A. Birds are hammering the rock: release from the trap. .

Animals, and more often birds, find it difficult to break through a rock from the outside or inside, make a hole in the tree, in the body of an absorber creature, tear fetters, etc., to help a character or get out of the confined space by yourself. The list includes groups whose texts deal with the exit of the first ancestors to earth from a confined space.

Owambo, nzakara, kiwai, bori, wa, palaung, mountain monks of Laos, khmu, lahu, helmet, tagish, tlingit, shuswap, thompson, lower chehalis, koulitz, clakamas, tillamook, alsea, koos, takelma, kalapuya, ojibwa, naskapi, blacklegs, wichita, kaddo, chiroki, natchez, yurok, karok, shasta, hoopa, Vintu, Maidu, Navajo, Mountain and Coastal Totonaki, Tepehua, Chinantec, Tsotzil, Tseltal, Guajiro, Napo, Canelo, Achuar, Aguaruna, Carijona, Tariana, Andoque, Surui, Cinta Larga , gaviano and zoro, makurap, munduruku, spike, juruna, pyro, takana, kamayura, nambikwara, rickbakza, iranshe, paresi, botokudo, matako.

Bantu-speaking Africa. Ovambo [when people were inside the tree, they didn't call Woodpecker, and when it took to open the hole to go outside, they called]: Ruusi 1969, No. 1:67, 73.

Sudan-East Africa. Nzakara [the Toúlé spider sees many girls blocking the stream to fish; follows them to their home in the rock; they close the entrance before T. gets inside; the old woman gives him a magic ointment and a rope to become attached to the younger girl; the next day the girls leave, T. follows the forbidden path, finds their mother's talking skull, T. dances; left in in the cave, the youngest girl shamefully tells others about it; when T. falls asleep, the girls take their mother's property and skull, stain everything around them with their excrement, leave, closing the cave; covered in crap, T. finds a crack; asks the birds to expand the hole; only the green woodpecker is hammering; T. goes out, pushes the Woodpecker into the fire, eats]: Retel-Laurentin 1986, No. 38:225-230.

Melanesia. Kiwai [híwai-abére are female creatures, fat, with a big head and belly, sharp claws that kill wild pigs; constantly let in the wind; can take the form of ordinary women and to replace wives and brides; one day five of them took the form of fruits; Koudábo climbed after them, they dragged him into their home inside the stone; K. called different animals to make a hole; cassowary He kicked a stone; híwai-abére turned into dugongs; people harpooned them, they dragged them into the sea, people also became dugongs]: Landtman 1927:312-313; Landtman 1977, No. 50:176-178.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Bori [Tani is the younger brother, Taki is the elder; Tani advises Taki to sacrifice a pig to the spirits by throwing it down the slope; picks it up, he and his children are fat; Tanya laughs at Taki; Taki tries repeat the deception, but Taki heated a stone on the mountain and let it go down the slope, Taki grabbed it, burned it; Taki made the boat, said it was warmer to sleep in it at night; Tanya believed, Taki closed the lid tightly, lowered it a boat on the river; Tanya asks the vines, then the reeds to stop the boat; the reeds stopped; asks the birds for help; two birds began to hammer but broke their beaks; the Randang bird freed Tanya, he returned home; tied the bows and arrows of monkeys to the tree, became a bird himself, began to shout that monkeys could not fish; they grabbed their bows but could not tear them off; they got into a fight, only three monkeys survived; after a fight they have flat noses and sunken eyes; Tanya brought monkey meat and onions, his wife and children are tired; told Tanya that they got fat when he put them in a trough and poured boiling water over them; Taki did so, wife and children became worms; Tanya began to swing on the vine; Taki wanted to too, saw sharp rocks under him; Tanya had a pair of eyes in front and back of her head; Taki promised to take him off the swing if he gave him one pair; he I looked at the back of his head, now Taki has two pairs of eyes; he became Wiyu; so spirits see people, but people can't see spirits; Taki made Tanya's wife and children fall ill and die; Tanya himself is also ill; dadi's perfume Doini Aiye is his wife, daughter Doini-Pollo (Sun-Month); after that he recovered and has many children]: Elwin 1958a, No. 2:144-147 (=Elwin 1958b, No. 2:157-160).

Burma - Indochina. Wa, palaung [brother and sister were in a pumpkin; the bird (sparrow) agreed to release them if it got other grains; the sister filled her mouth and other depressions with seeds, ordered cover your brother's ears with seeds so as not to become deaf at the sounds of the new world; the bird (or many birds) pecked a hole; helping, the brother rubbed the pumpkin from the inside, the peel became charred, so people are dark, dirty on coal); the birds began to fight for grains, made a fuss, brother and sister almost became deaf, brother ran away; they searched for each other for a long time, walking around the mountain; edible seeds sprouted from their lost seeds pumpkins; then brother and sister met, got married, their descendants settled down; var.: brother and sister forgot about their relationship while still in the pumpkin; the birds showed them how to connect]: Stratanovich 1983:67-68 ; mountain monks of Laos [like wa; the number of bird liberators is large]: Stratanovich 1983:68.

China - Korea. Lahu (northern Thailand) [G'ui-sha planted a pumpkin, it brought fruit; the owl frightened the deer, the deer the bull kicked, the pumpkin fell and rolled; G. first looks for the culprit (hit the owl in the face, it has become flat), then asks many different plants if they have seen a pumpkin; depending on the answers, punishes or rewards them by determining characteristics; same with bees; black bees they say that a pumpkin fell into the sea; two goats, an eagle can't reach it, two crabs pull it out; people's voices can be heard from the inside; a sparrow with a long beak began to bite, spoiled its beak; a couple of rats gnawed for many days, after making two holes; boy Ca Ti and girl Na Ti came out of it; G. awarded sparrow and rats by allowing them to eat rice; children grew up; CT hunted; made musical instruments; G. offered young people get married, but they replied that they were brother and sister; G. explained how a mortar and pestle, a sieve and a hand winnower work, but the answer was the same; G. made a honey drink, sent one bee around the sun with him, and the other around the moon; the brother went to the sun, the sister went to the moon, but did not taste the drink; then G. put it in the lip organ and they tasted it; they began to eat it with a spoon; they came together; they were seen by a hawk; they asked not to tell G., for which he would be allowed to steal chickens; a tiger saw: you would be allowed to steal piglets; a wild cat would steal chickens]: Coyaud 2009, No. 3:18-27.

Subarctic. Helmet [the leader of the Swans kidnaps a man's wife; the husband leads the warriors to a high cold country; they reach a place where the sky beats on the ground; they slip through, one of them is touched by the sky; he is sent in a boat back; wife helps her husband by putting the Swan to sleep; all Swans are killed, one hunter escapes; on the way back it turns out that the sky has frozen to the water; shamans and animals try to break a hole; Lynx smashes himself nose, since then he's been dumb; Laska makes a small hole, others expand it; the expedition returns home]: Teit 1917a, No. 11:453-455; tagish [the boy brings spoiled caviar to others, which his grandmother gave him, everyone laughs at him; his grandmother tells him not to go to the rock, brings it down, the children (and obviously also the boy himself) remain walled up in the cave; people cannot make a hole, they migrate ; the girl evokes the spirit of her maternal uncle, it is a woodpecker, he breaks a hole, the children go out; that boy is not allowed to go out, they tell the rock to close, he turns into an echo; the children return to their parents]: McClelland 2007, No. 97:432-434.

NW Coast. The Tlingits [girls play under a rock; it collapses, walled them up with the birds; they rub the rock with bacon and dried salmon, the birds peck this place, peck a hole; they all crawl out outward; the last girl gets stuck; the rock closes; the girl's head turns into a fern root, her body into a marmot]: Swanton 1909, No. 39:180.

The coast is the Plateau. If not otherwise: the trickster is inside the tree trunk; woodpeckers and other birds punch a hole. Shuswap [Blue Jay pierces a spear into Telana, a swamp monster; T. drags it under the rock into his lair; woodpeckers and other birds punch back through the rock; see dead T. and Blue Jay, who smokes a pipe]: Teit 1909a, No. 6:661-662; Thompson [Coyote can't get out of a cave or hollow, a stone or tree is closed around him; he calls for help from all animals and birds; only Woodpeckers manage to break through and widen the hole, pull out the Coyote]: Teit 1917b, No. 18:8-9; lower chehalis (winuchi) [Shawene wants to be on top of a cliff; can't get off, licks his sweat, eats his eyes; takes his eyes away and Owl's wings, comes down; the old woman gives him edible roots; he promises that his slave will take her in a boat; there's not a boat, but a stump; she puts bees under the roots in the basket, tells her to eat food by climbing into hollow; bees eat W. eyes, hollow closes behind him; Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella), Woodpecker punches a hole; S. stumbles upon the Snail's house; says he measures it, makes his eyes out of flowers , invites the Snail to change; snails have been blind ever since]: Adamson 1934:343-344; Cowlitz: Adamson 1934:252-251 [Shwanee lies to the old woman as if he has four brothers, asks for food for them; eats all by himself; the old woman puts the hornets under the roots in the basket; S. climbs into the stump, tells him to close, starts eating; hornets bite him, the stump no longer opens; he eats up his flesh, eats his eyes; woodpeckers and all birds punch a hole; he makes eyes out of flowers, paints birds, they are happy; changes eyes with a boy (-bird?) ; at first he sees well, but then the flowers wither], 254-255 [Sh. climbs into the stump, tells the hollow to close, can no longer open; eats his flesh, eats his testicles; birds punch a hole, grateful S. paints them]; Wilson 1998 [when approaching stranger Xwani hides in a cedar hollow, wants it to close, starves, eats his flesh, eats his testicles; birds hear his screams, Woodpecker and four others are hammering cedar, making a hole; grateful S. paints his saviors in the colors they now have]: 60-61; clackamas [part of the Coyote's penis remains in the girl; when he copulates, he heals her; runs away, sleeps in a hollow; tells a hole close, can't open; promises bird girls to paint them if they break a hole; Sapsucker (Sphyrapicus varins), Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) can't, Woodpecker punches; Coyote tries it to rape, she flies away, the hole is small; he sticks out parts of his body; the Vulture takes his eyes away; he goes, bumps into the Snail's house, pretends to measure it; says to the hostess that she sees a louse crawling across the sky; she agrees to change eyes to see too; snails have been blind ever since]: Jacobs 1958, No. 9:92-94; tillamook [two girls live under water; South Wind copulates with with them, falls asleep; wakes up in a stone bag; Little Woodpecker is unable to cut a hole; YellowHammer girl breaks through a stone; South Wind begins to caress her, she flies away without finishing work; South Wind disassembles himself, sticks them through the hole, gathers himself again; finds no eyes, they were pecked by the Raven and the Seagull; inserts berries into his eye sockets; persuades the Eagle to change his eyes for a while, runs away; The eagle takes the Snail's eyes; she stays blind]: Jacobs, Jacobs 1959, No. 38:128-129; alsea [Coyote sleeps in the hollow, tells him to close, can't open; Little Woodpecker fails to prolong, Great punches a hole; Coyote grabs him (hers?) , The woodpecker flies away; the Coyote breaks himself apart, sticks them through the hole, reassembles himself; the Raven takes one of his eyes away; the Coyote convinces the old woman that only one-eyed can catch grasshoppers; she gives he has his own eye, he runs away]: Frachtenberg 1920, No. 17:191-195; cous [like tillamook; Trickster goes to bed in a hollow, it overgrows; Woodpecker girl; Raven carries insides, Vulture takes his eyes; Trickster lures the snail boy to come closer, takes his eyes away]: Jacobs 1940, No. 29:190-192; takelma [in winter, Coyote hides in a hollow pine tree, tells the hole to close; cannot open in spring; three species woodpeckers consistently hammer the trunk; every time the Coyote screams that he has a headache from a knock; woodpeckers get offended, fly away without finishing work; the Coyote breaks himself apart, sticks them into the hole, then collects; The crow carries his guts and eyes; the Coyote makes new eyes out of rose hips; eats grasshoppers, they fall out of his ass; he seals his ass with resin; the resin lights up, the Coyote burns]: Sapir 1909, No. 7: 91-95; Kalapuya: Jacobs 195, No. 4 [The Coyote finds a hornet's nest, tells the frog women that there is food inside, opens it; hornets bite them, they cause snowfall; the Coyote hides in the hollow of a large spruce tree, closes the hole, forgets how to open it; asks the Woodpecker to hammer; Little, Middle, finally the Great Woodpecker punches the hole; the Coyote tries to grab the Big, he flies away; the hole is still small; the Coyote he breaks himself apart, sticks them out; his eye is stolen, he makes a false one out of a berry; comes to people who play with his eye, takes it away; turns into a digging stick, dirt, a man who makes harpoon; pursuers don't recognize him, stop chasing]: 96-103; Gatschet et al. 1945, No. 4 [as in Jacobs; Blue Jay takes his eyes away; running away from his pursuers, Coyote turns into a blind old woman, not found out]: 231-236.

The Midwest. Ojibwa: Blackwood 1929, No. 3 [the giant killed everyone, the grandmother hid Manabazoo in a hole from the teepee pole; M. made all the animals out of the ground, revived them, released them into the forest; greased the boat to swim across resin near the giant's house; bribed the guards - made the whale the greatest fish, gave poison to rattlesnakes, painted them; gave the bears (like the whale) tobacco; fed parrots, they did not raise the alarm; they said that the giant's vulnerable spot under a scythe at the back of his head; M. hit this place with an arrow, took out the paint, released the birds from captivity, painted it; the woodpecker made it beautiful for help, left the crow and crow black for ridicule; the squirrel showed where the bag with the hearts of the dead people was; on the way back, M. and the squirrel were swallowed by a whale; M. pierced his heart with an arrow, released black paint; the grandmother saw it on the water; M. told the birds to hammer a hole outside the whale, M. and the squirrel came out; M. painted the seagull white, gave claws in a crowd, made the leader of birds; on the feast, M. gave voices to the birds; the squirrel carried their hearts to the graves, M. revived people; gave the squirrel the right to all nuts; people named M. Hiawatha, "All Father"]: 329-332; Jones 1917, No. 61 [Nyanabushu (N.) asks his grandmother if there were other people besides them; she replies that they are all missing, including his older brother named Nyanapatam, from whose placenta N. himself arose; N. sharpens an ax to make arrows, the whetstone repeats, Your father, your mother; N. sails in a boat, asks the Great Sturgeon to swallow it; cuts him From the inside, the heart cannot belch it; the Sturgeon people bury it at the bottom of the sea; N. causes a storm, the Sturgeon nails to the shore; N. asks the Seagulls to open the hole; for this he makes them beautiful, white; makes them sturgeon from Sturgeon]: 467-483.

Northeast. Naskapesh [Tchakapesh stole a beaver from the giants, and when they came running, he became a boulder and killed everyone; but he couldn't get out of the boulder; the woodpecker cut the hole, T. came out]: Millman 1993:130.

Plains. Montenegrins [Napa ("The Old Man)" sees mice playing as they run under an unstable rock; contrary to warning, he tries to do the same, the rock falls on him, presses him down; the Coyote offers him release him, but N. only scolds him; Curlew hammers the rock, N. swears again, stretches his beak; finally frees himself]: Linderman 1995:14-15; wichita [Coyote leaves the Wild Cat in the hollow wood; it calls birds flying by; the Woodpecker has a good ax (= beak); it cuts a hole in the trunk]: Dorsey 1904a, No. 49:281-284.

Southeast USA. Caddo [The Coyote asks the Geese to transport him across the pond, intends to eat them; the old Goose lifts him into the air, throws him into the hollow; the Fly cannot release him, calls the Woodpeckers; those they peck a hole; the Coyote asks them to stick them inside their heads, bites them off, eats woodpeckers, goes out]: Dorsey 1905, No. 61:98-99; teals [The rabbit grabs the duck by the legs; she lifts it into the air, he falls into a hollow stump; tells the Turkeys passing by that he is a beautiful girl; they are hammering a hole, the Rabbit comes out]: Kilpatrick, Kilpatrick 1966, No. 8:410; natchez [The ogre dives, binds a rope at the ducks' feet to catch them; they take off, lift it into the air, it falls into the hollow of a tree; woodpeckers punch a hole; he gets out, eats woodpeckers]: Swanton 1929, No. 13:241-242.

California. Yurok: Kroeber 1976, No. E1 [Vohpekumeu steals salmon and acorns from two women in the sky, brings them to the ground; falls asleep between two trees; the trunks thicken, V. is inside; everything woodpeckers and other birds punch a hole; V. rewards the Woodpecker with a red tuft, the Crow paints black], J1 [as in E1; steals only acorns, hides in a hollow, the hole overgrows; the offended Raven throws several birds into the ash, they turn gray]: 266, 317; punk [birds free the Coyote from a trunk or stump]: Kroeber, Gifford 1980, No. D6 [Coyote takes possession of a girl who has her first period; her relatives are chasing him; he hides in the hollow, the hole overgrows], II24 [The coyote asks the stump in the way why he is standing here; the stump is silent, the Coyote hits him, his limbs get stuck; Woodpeckers and other birds release him; he paints them; when the Raven comes up, only black paint remains]: 46, 173-174; shasta [Coyote comes to treat the girl; asks to leave them alone, copulates with her; the snake looks into the room; people chase the Coyote, he hides in a hollow oak tree, tells the hole to overgrow; the little woodpecker arrives to hammer the oak; Coyote asks him to call all the birds to help; going out outside, pulls out his guts, paints all the birds with blood]: Dixon 1910a, No. 22:33-34; chupa [the hero falls asleep in the hollow; the hole overgrows; the little woodpecker arrives to hammer; flies away when he hears a voice inside and frightened; two larger woodpeckers make a hole; the hero paints birds, the crow paints with charcoal]: Goddard 1904, No. 1:131; screw [Coyote sees a stump, hits him with his hands, feet, and head ; all its members successively enter the stump, getting stuck in it; Woodpecker pounding the stump, frees the Coyote]: Demetracopoulou, Dubois 1932, No. 3-7:409-411; Dubois, Demetracopoulou 1931, No. 56:382; Maidu : Dixon 1902, No. 8 [The Sun and Month live in a stone house; the opossum and the caterpillar make a hole; the Sun and the Month come out], 10.4 [people exterminate all coyotes, place their leader in a split pine tree, left inside; the pine tree was empty inside; the woodpecker pierces the hole; the Coyote asks him to expand, the Woodpecker flies away in fear; the Coyote asks his excrement what to do; they first say that he he will die here; then he is advised to go out in the fog; the Coyote does so, materializes again; now people leave him on a rock in the middle of the lake; excrement is advised to go ashore through the fog, he does it], 10.8 [Coyote's grandmother sends him for firewood; he hears a woman singing, can't find a woman, falls asleep in a hollow; the hole overgrows; as recently as 10.4 (without the lake episode)]: 78, 86-88, 89-90; 1912, No. 2 [Coyote wants people to be mortal, the Creator of the Earth wants to last forever; puts the Coyote inside the tree as punishment; the Woodpecker makes a hole; the Coyote asks to expand it, the Woodpecker gets scared, flies away; Gopher advises the Coyote go out in the fog, he does so (tree episode: 27-39); rain, flood; NW agrees to give Coyote a woman if he doesn't move at night; puts two flutes on its sides; at night, the Coyote copulates with women, they disappear in the morning; NW wants a person to name a boy or girl and eat and walk in the morning; to make childbirth easy, women copulate only after marriage, put in water the dead to come to life again; Coyote wants childbirth to be difficult, for some children to die, so that the dead cannot be revived; tells his son to bring water, he was bitten by a rattlesnake, he died; Coyote asks change his mind, NW refuses (discussing people's fate: 51-55); NW wanders killing evil; Urine woman kills passers-by with her urine, NW is unharmed; Raven and his younger brother sharpen knives to kill NW; that asks them to see whose knife is better; killed them, came to their grandmother, put their bodies in the fire to bake, pulling out their penises, lay down by the stove with a log; she was on the log with a knife, but he was gone, only appearance; he caught her in trap, killed; killed a Grizzly woman; everything burns; he asks everyone if they will protect them from the heat; water will boil, stone is hot, wood burns, spurge when the fire goes away, I'll stay standing; he hid under milkweed; NW made sugar pine low, and Coyote wrote, became tall]: 27-69.

The Great Southwest. Navajo [water floods the lower world; Woodpecker pecks a hole; people rise to the upper world inside a reed that grows to the sky]: Goddard 1933 [hole in the lower world sky]: 131; O'Bryan 1956 [a hole in the reed wall for people to enter it]: 9-10.

Mesoamerica Outside. Mountain Totonaki [it was only the Month, the lover of all women; said he was the Sun; the boy was watching the Iguana, who was basking on a hot stone; all the birds were hammering a stone, the Hummingbird manages to split it; there is a yellow egg inside the rock; it is surrounded by girls; it burns their skirts, stays lying on the orphan's skirt; she is told to swallow an egg; she gives birth to a boy; he drinks broth, not milk, does not tell his mother to go to him approach; climbs a tree, branches light up (the origin of fire); says that his grandmother will be east at the edge of the sky, his grandfather in the west, his mother at the zenith; tells his dog to point out to the month-old pursuer the wrong road; when the month returns to the crossroads, the dog kicks; dogs have not talked since then; the month is still chasing the Sun; their quarrels cause eclipses]: Ichon 1969, No. II-1:55-57; coastal Totonaki [see motif A24; ancestors live in a dark cold world; only the sky's serpent, the Milky Way, shines; its mouth is open; a lizard finds a hot stone, cooks on it; four birds succeed break a stone, get a shining egg; animals bring it to the spring; an orphan girl finds an egg, brings it home; it returns to the spring three times; for the fourth, the girl grabs it with her teeth, it bursts, she swallows it; after nine days she gives birth to twin sons; one turns into the Sun, the other into the Month]: Munch 1993:37 -40; tepehua [the lizard finds a rock with the sun inside; woodpecker punches a hole; animal people lure the sun out by dancing]: Williams García 1972:93; chinantecs [people hear sounds from wood; comet, thunder can't penetrate; woodpecker breaks a hole, pulls out two eggs, from which the sun and the month appear]: Bartolomé 1984:13; tsotsil [Jews lock the sun in a hollow; woodpecker frees]: Gossen 1974, No. 166:337; tseltal [like tsotsil; the Sun's brothers lock it]: Ramirez Hernández, Melo 1988:17.

The Northern Andes. Guajiro: Wilbert, Simoneau 1986 (1), No. 26 [the hero takes the form of a woman, comes to a jaguar; he causes rain; the hero enters the house, the house turns into a rock; ants make a hole] 32 [A big belly hurts a girl with an arrow; her father calls the offender and his brothers to his house; the house turns into a rock; birds peck a hole]: 75, 89.

Western Amazon. fetters; outside. Canelo [two sisters marry Squirrel; he is offended, leaves them in a bamboo cage; all birds come to hammer her]: Whitten 1985:9; napo or canelo [see motif A31; girl became pregnant by her brother; he went to heaven, became a month old; she became an ilucu bird (nightjar? ; but then the story continues; the same below with the mother of the jaguars, who became a toad but continues to act as before) has left home; the Cuillor (younger) and Docero twins from her womb show the way; ask her to pick a flower, then a leaf, a fruit; when she picked the fruit, she was bitten by a wasp; she clapped her stomach because of you; the twins fell silent; the parrot on her shoulder began to point the road, but he was carried away by a falcon; the woman came to the mother of the jaguars; she hid her under the roof, warned her not to spit; the jaguars came, she spat, the eldest climbed, did not find it, the youngest found the woman, they spit her they were torn to pieces, the twins were given to their mother (tender meat), but they asked them not to eat; the mother of the jaguars hid them, a month later they had already grown up; the old woman asked them to prepare firewood; they collected a huge pile, told pull from below, the old woman filled up the firewood; the next time she asked for water, they directed the river, when the old woman opened the door, the water carried her; the twins told the old woman to collect corn in the middle fields, made it endless; she can't find her way back; the voice of the toad "ooh" can be heard; since then, where corn grows, the toad unculu screams; the brothers brought the old woman home; the elder brother tells the younger not throw the leftovers wrapped in leaves into the water; he threw them away, they turned into a stingray, and when he started fishing, the stingray plunged his thorn into it; the mother of the jaguars asked them to make a bridge over the river for them; brothers turned into birds, made clubs, came back; the elder told the youngest to cut off the bridge at the signal, but he said there was no need for a signal; when all the jaguars stepped on the bridge, the elder cut off his end, and the younger he fiddled for a long time and a pregnant jaguariha ran away; her traces are still visible on the river rocks; the brothers told the Old Jaguar about their adventures; he asked them to set traps and the brothers caught almost all birds and animals; the Old Jaguar decided to eat them; his brothers killed him, took out his spine, filled him with ash, put insects in his eyes; shouted that the jaguar wanted to eat them; the old mother of jaguars ran, hit the scarecrow with a stick, the ash blinded her, the brothers washed her eyes; the ancient Jaguar devoured everyone; the brothers made a room inside Mount Galera, put a lot of food and musical instruments there, they lured Jaguar with a game; he started playing himself, did not notice how the brothers came out; they told the hole to close; the Jaguar started rushing, one leg was left outside; there was still a roar; other jaguars brought him food; a huge harpy eagle devoured everyone; Cuillor hid in a rubber bag; the eagle could not tear it, threw it on the clouds; C. does not know how to go down; the old man Uchitican says he is also from the ground; ordered sit on his back, close his eyes, open him after the second whistle, flew; but C. opened after the first one, fell into the forest; Docero went to look for him; began to pick edible mushrooms from the trunk; scream from the trunk {apparently mushrooms are C.'s ears, but it's not directly said}; the woodpecker cut the hole; for this D. gave him a red handkerchief over his head; C. made glue, the eagle stuck, D. broke his wing with a blow of the club; the brothers turned him into stone; it is visible now - it looks like an eagle with a broken wing; a huge anaconda devoured people; the brothers made a trap, persuaded them to climb into it, turned the anaconda into stone; the thunder killed many; the brothers found him sleeping on a tree branch; they cut his neck with an ax, told him to petrify; there are thunderstones in this place now; the evil frog spirit ("devil") took the form of a mother, told the children to dance; the brothers hid, told him to become a stone; the brothers asked the caiman to transport them across the sea; when the first one sailed, he answered the caiman every time that it smelled like fragrant flowers; when he jumped ashore, he said that he was like a caiman; But when the Cayman took the second one, but he had time to bite off the young man's leg; the bees pasted his leg with wax; the brothers made a fire, the smoke rose to the sky, became a staircase, and the brothers climbed into heaven; C. became as a morning star and D. as an evening star]: Orr, Hudelson 1971, No. 2-15:7-49; achuar [like Canelo]: Mowitz 1978:75-77; Aguaruna [cannibal release]: Ortiz Rescaniere 1985:75-76.

NW Amazon. Karihona [mother tells Tukučimobi (Sun) and his younger month-old brother that she will die, tell her to cut off her hand, put it in the basket with cassava, hang it over the hearth; when her sons are to return from hunting, the food will be cooked; said that the garden was ruining the agouti, went to set a trap, turned into an agouti, died deliberately trapped; on her paw there was a trace of a place where the day before, T. took a sand flea out of his mother's leg; the brothers did as his mother told him, but T. did not believe that Aguti's paw was cooking; tells the kuckuck bird to cry out to warn if women appear; but brothers were far away, did not have time to run; the same with the woodpecker (the brothers noticed the traces of two women); the third time the cacambra bird warned in time, the brothers grabbed two women, both wanted a lighter and younger one; T. managed to grab the eldest before she put on her vulture outfit, and the youngest put it on and flew away; because the eldest's clothes were torn, she remained human; in order to take possession of her brother's wife, Month asks T. to get it parrot chicks; puts his penis instead of a pole; erection stops, T. stays in the tree, falls into the hollow; all animals searched for T., found the mouse; rodent animals gnaw through a hole; T. creates a pond, grew a Hura crepitans tree, carved two large fish ("whales"; originally catfish) out of the tree, fish of all kinds appeared from chips; T. created a dry season for Hura crepitans fruits they burst and ate their fish; turned himself into fruit, let the fish swallow themselves, went out through the gills, so he caught the fish, brought it to his wife and children; the Month is ashamed; he went to catch the same way, the fish swallowed it; T. He cut many fish before he found a brother in one of them; the month began to beat the fish with a harpoon; tied the tench to an ordinary tree rather than a particularly strong tree, two fish, a male and a female, dragged him away to form the Caquetá River; so it has a wide channel, many islands; T. tried to stop them by creating rapids; T. caught a piece of the Month's leg with a net; the rest of the Month crumbled, so there are so many stars in the sky; separately on the sky can see the jaw, head, leg bones of the Month; people are children like Sun-T. (lighter skin) and Months (darker; while T.'s wife was owned by his brother, she also gave birth)]: Schindler 1979:44-54; tarian [stone; inside]: Biocca 1965 [Deroptyus accipitrinus parrot] in Brüzzi 1994:108 and in S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 8:305-306; Brüzzi 1994 [Ibycter americanus?] : 241; andoque [The Sun Brother asks Brother the Month to get the parrot's chicks; throws the pole; the Month falls into the hollow; woodpeckers punch the hole]: Landaburu, Pineda 1984:47.

Central Amazon. Munduruku [see motif M6; Akainoatpyo is his nephew, Karujuribo is his uncle; K. turns into deer and other animals, A. cannot kill them; Grandma A. advises him to kill tapir, with his hand in his ass; tapir - K.; he jumps up, drags A. through Tapazhos, frees him, emptying his stomach; A. gets the name Perisvat; P. returns home after many adventures; falls into the hunter's trap with his hands and feet; he leaves the old woman to guard the prey; the old woman falls asleep; the ant, the bee, the wasp, unsuccessfully trying to gnaw through the fetters; the monkey succeeds, P. runs away]: Murphy 1958, No. 29:101.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking: Nimuendaju 1920 [during the storm, the sky fell to the ground; people gathered under a large tree that did not break; the battleship and paka made a hole through the sky; people went out; The tree that held the sky (= the current earth) collapsed; in the future, the catastrophe will happen again]: 1008; 1922 [the men went camping; the latter put his hand in a hole in the ground, his hand was pinched; bearded and hairy in the morning the demon (one of the informants identified him with the Sun) threw his rod kar, he finds prey himself; the man pretended to be dead; the demon carried him in a basket of ants; the man twitched, his demon stabbed, he pretended to be dead again; the demon put the basket outside the house, his son found it empty; the man hid in the hollow, Kari found it; the demon blocked the entrance with a stone; the man saw quatipurú, which chewed nuts, asked for help; rodent animals (paka, guinea pig, capybara) gnawed, breaking their teeth; when the last tooth was broken, the hole was made, the man went out, climbed the tree; the demon sent a snake the man threw it off; the demon went for the ax, the man ran away, jumping on trees; saw two caimans in the river with bushes and an imbauba tree on their backs; one drove to the other side; the demon ordered her to return, but the caiman swam on; released gases, told him to be called a fart, then a freak; the man replied that the caiman was beautiful, etc.; the man called him a disgusting fat fart when he found himself on another on the shore; came to the Inumba, which has three hammocks for her two wings and legs; contrary to the ban, he lay down in a hammock, he broke off, the inambu flew away; spent the night in the old house, heard singing at night, saw a skull in the morning, took him to a place where the rain would wet him; the tapiriha, married to a jaguar, did not let her husband eat a man; he heard melodies in the forest; came to two other tapir spouses; then home; his young son had grown up; Man taught people the melodies he heard]: Nimuendaju 1922:390-393; zhuruna [The Kuadê Sun had a trap hole in the rock; the man got caught, pretended to be dead; K. carried him in a basket of ants; he jerked when the ants began to eat their eyes; K.'s stick wanted to hit him, but K. did not tell him, said that the prey was dead; he hung the basket on a branch outside the house; the next day his son found nothing in it; K. chased a stick, but she mistakenly chased the deer, killed him; K. found a man in the hollow of a tree, wounded him with a stick, missed it, covered the hole with a stone; at night tapirs, wild pigs, deer, monkeys, Paki, agouti gnawed stones, breaking his teeth, freed the man; the next time the young man cut his hair, painted his face so that K. would not recognize him; climbed onto a palm tree for nuts; threw off K. a small bunch; killed a big one; K.'s stick became a boa constrictor; blood became spiders, ants, snakes, centipedes; they covered the whole ground, the young man had to jump on trees to go out into a clean place; darkness came; K.'s three sons, by decree of his mother, began to try to wear his father's feather crown; only the youngest could withstand the fever; his mother told him to walk slower so that people could do their business; told him to rest at noon and before sunset]: Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973:94-97.

Montagna - Jurua. Pyro [Shishiya kills men, kidnaps women; lives in a hakanhonru tree; people avenge the death of a young man, set fire to a tree; a woodpecker hammers a trunk, from there they go out and spread through all commercial animals on the ground; S. burns, witch doctors and medicinal herbs grow from the ashes]: Baer (in print): 1-2.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Takana: Hissink, Hahn 1961, No. 46 [Caquiahuaca has a son, stolen by the Sierre (mountain range) Bacua snake, walled up in a cave; K. told the rat to gnaw through the way out, turned his son into a mosquito, he flew out through the hole; to prevent his son from being stolen again, K. sent him to the end of the world, made him the ruler of the lower world], 48 [Beni (South Wind) Udutzi (ancestor) found several species in the abandoned area cultivated pepper; turned one into a person, easily won; the same with the second; made a comrade out of wild pepper, he is equal to him, this is Bidutzi (wild pepper) Edutzi; both came to the sorcerer Macanaua (name in the language Eseeha); he gave his two daughters, ordered 1) to clear the plot, 2) to harvest corn by evening, 3) to build a strong house by evening; they do everything instantly; M. locked them in a stone house; all birds and animals are hammering a stone; squirrels gnawed, brothers went out; wives during this time married one vampire bat, the other for a melero marten; Beni killed M. with a club; brothers each killed their wife, her husband, children in her womb, two escaped, from them are the current vampires, martens; the brothers came to the water that separates our world from the other; the Dzuducu bird carried them, told them not to look down, Bidutzi looked, fell, swallowed it Tsrabuna Bacua snake; Beni called the animals, they drank all the water, small snakes at the bottom ask them not to kill; Beni ripped open the big snake, took out his brother; all the midges came out of the snake's womb; the brothers walked along the dry bottom to the end of the world, where the rocks slipped into their own world; var.: After leaving the stone house, the brothers in the form of pigeons flew to M., sat on a tree above the pond; M.'s daughters saw their reflection, the brothers became again people; the girls married two melero during this time; the brothers killed the girls' new husbands and the girls' father, returned their wives; asked the Woodpecker to move them to the country of edutzi; he carried them, and when he carried his wives, they looked down fell, became fish], 50 [when the ground was still soft, one edutzi was locked in a stone house; all the animals began to punch a hole, but only the squirrel gnawed; he married, was away, his wife married melero ( marten); when he returned, the husband climbed the tree, the wife saw his reflection; he became a woodpecker and flew away; his wife gave birth to his son - a stone; the Jaguar swallowed him, died, the Stone came out, took the form of a man]: 98, 104-107 , 109; surui [Palop comes to people in the guise of a dirty old man, the girl rejects him; then he is handsome, explains that he is a creator; people ask for forgiveness; he stains the whole house with his vomit, turns it into a rock; people locked inside call for help; Parrot, Mako hammering the rock outside, breaking axes; Woodpecker comes from afar, cuts a hole; people go out, pregnant the woman gets stuck, turns into a honey bee; the woodpecker is unable to cut a new hole, the rest inside die]: Mindlin 1995, No. 7:62-65; Makurap (Kanoä) [two hunters sat down rest by the cliff, it opened and clamped them; all the birds were going to hammer the rock, but only Toucan managed to cut and free the prisoners]: Becker-Donner 1963, No. 2:449; synth larga [first the Brazilian nut is low, Ngurá made it tall to make it harder to get nuts; he was angry that the boy was shooting everything with a bow, turned it into a maloka stone, where all people lived; various parrots arrive hammering the rock outside, the arara broke through, people started to go out, but the pregnant woman was stuck, half of the people were left in the rock; (this is pp. 73-74; more about the quarrel between Arar and the Turtle over the Turtle's wife]: Leonel Queiroz et al 1988:73-76; gaviano, zoro [Gora arranges a party, appoints an organizer; turns into a little boy, asks the organizer's wife to take him away from need; becomes an adult again, copulates with her; people discuss the incident; G. invites everyone into the house, turns it into stone; everyone lives inside for a long time; Parrots, Mako break their beaks trying to get out; a little bird breaks a hole; various nations and tribal groups are coming out; the pregnant woman is stuck, turned into honey; those behind her are left inside the rock]: Løvold 1987:421-425.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura: Münzel 1973 [when Kwam (the Sun) came to Kamukwaká (a band related to the Arawaks Wara), he wanted to shoot arrows in the boys' ears, but K. did not allow it, then For this purpose, the sun gave a sharp jaguar bone; the leader of the village of Morená (where the first ancestors of Kamayura) created a howler monkey, and the Sun created a large Amazon parrot to attack K., but they did not attack; sister K. the first period, despite the ban, she went to the river, where she lost her lace from her leg; the Sun turned K.'s house into a rock; a giant snake appeared (apparently arising from a lost lace), began to demand the boys to be eaten; K. gave a few, then began to throw the pillars of the house into her mouth; these stobes screamed like boys, the snake believed that it swallowed people; K. decided to make a hole in the stone coating of the house; The Black Macaw broke his teeth, so people's teeth deteriorate; the big Amazon pierced; first the hole was narrow, Amazon widened it, people began to climb to the roof; the first two shooters did not reach the arrows the sky, then plunged into the sky and one into the other, forming a chain; K.'s people took to heaven in the village of Jaguars; the two leaders were the last to climb, their sister was frightened, climbed, but immediately returned; so only men rose the sky (perhaps due to the predominance of male shamans among Kamayura and the idea that shamans visited the sky); the brothers left their sister a knife out of the sink; the sister later turned into cicada, her song causes rain; the snake wrapped around the house, crawled inside, looked for people, her sister cut her to pieces; the Month (Yaú) cut her sister in a mortar, sculpted a bird from the remains, singing in the evenings; The Sun threw pieces of snake into the water, they became various fish; the Sun and the Month rose to heaven; the Month painted the Sun's face with beautiful patterns, and the Sun of the Month ugly; the Jaguars were fishing, their wives took men as husbands; the chief's two wives went beyond the Sun and the Month; ordered not to touch the bird, the men plucked it, the feathers flew to the Jaguars, who ran, killed old men who did not have wives; the Sun and The Jaguars were killed for a month - first one at a time in the men's house, then they were driven everywhere; they were forbidden to eat jaguar meat, allowed them to make necklaces from fangs; the Sun and the Month went down for a while to Morená, K . stayed in the sky]: 150-161; Villas Boas, Villas Boas 1973 [Kuamucacá is preparing a festival of piercing boys' ears in the village; the Sun and the Month live in a neighboring village, come to visit, they are given honor to perform the ritual (they were first going to shoot boys' ears with bows, but K. showed how to pierce holes with a jaguar bone); the Sun creates howler monkeys, then parrots, tells them to attack to the village, but K. calms them down; K. told his sister, who has her period, not to go to the river, but she went, forgot the lace that was tied to her ankle, the Sun found it, turned it into a huge snake, covered it With a layer of stone, K.'s house with everyone inside it; the snake demanded that K. give her men; K. gave her five boys, she swallowed them; then three more; K. threw her logs, she swallowed them, calmed down for a while; K. told Mako to punch a hole in the rock, he broke his tooth (beak?) ; so people have toothache; parots (parakeets) managed to pierce; widened the hole so that everyone could squeeze; two men started shooting at the sky, made a chain of arrows; all climbed up, first howler monkeys; the Sun was furious because it created monkeys to kill people rather than act with them; the last to climb were the two brothers K.; their sister stayed, afraid to climb; a snake climbed towards her , she cut it to pieces; the Sun turned it into a neck; the Sun and the Month threw pieces of snake into the water, they turned into all kinds of snakes; the Sun and the Month rose after people to heaven; there everyone went to Jaguar village; the Jaguars were fishing, their women married people, the chief's two wives went beyond the Sun and the Month; warned them not to touch the pigeons, but one person caught a pigeon, the feathers reached the fishermen- The Jaguars; they sent the Puma to scout; ran; five men left without wives were on the street, were immediately killed; the rest locked themselves in their homes; the Sun, the Moon, and people killed the Jaguars with arrows; therefore There are not as many jaguars as they could be; the Sun and the Moon made necklaces out of jaguar fangs, but they banned eating jaguar meat; they returned to earth in their village Morená]: 98-104; nambiquara: Oberg 1953 [the nambiquara were inside the stone mountain (it is shown now); the monkeys heard voices coming from it, Okliháitlisu said; he became a black and white woodpecker, made a hole, some people were killed at the same time, some were maimed; the dead remained around the mountain, and those who are dying now are coming there; O. sent the crippled to the forest, gave others bows and arrows, flutes, taught farming, dancing and singing]: 96; Pereira 1983, No. 1 [the evil battleship Ualuru and another evil spirit are digging in the earth, it is washed away by water, the sun and moon go out, the sky falls, people are dying; new people are living inside rocks, they're immortal there; The monkey (Callicebus personatus) hears their laughter; Aguchi, Paka, Hummingbird, Turtle and others can't break the rock; Chelidoptera tenebrosa Vulture smashes, people go out, part stays in the rock; the storm begins, the sun (again?) disappears, children turn into anteaters, baskets into jaguars, arrows into snakes, calebas into turtles, men, women and other objects in other animals; a man, his sister, his little son are saved; they keep the fire on; the boy says that the sun will soon rise; it is rising; the woman's body spots like a jaguar, an anteater; the man washes them so that she does not become an animal too; marries his sister; their daughter marries a man's son; people come from these couples]: 7-13; Rickbacza [cannibal captive in a tree hollow; agouti gnaws from outside]: Pereira 1994, No. 30:189; Iranian: Pereira 1985, no. 1 [people live inside a rock; one turns into Chelidoptera tenebrosa, flies out, brings a flower; everyone likes him, people decide to live on earth; the old man warns that there will be disease and death; animals they hammer a rock from the outside; Paka, Aguchi break their teeth; The dragonfly softens the stone with its saliva; the woodpecker makes a hole; the tribes come out, carry out the fire; the old man stays in the rock; people clear the areas under vegetable gardens; hunters kill various animals for the first time; the old man says what they are called, who and when to eat them]: 15-24; Moura 1960:44-45; paresis [Wasaré and his siblings were inside a rock; outside the stone lived Enoharé with his wife Zorotiro and two children, a boy and a girl; the children heard the sound of sacred flutes inside the stone; their father made a hole in the stone with a wooden sword, saw inside people; Urubu turned into a mueu, flew out, found out about the world, came back; W. told Aguti to widen the hole, but he broke his tooth; tells different woodpeckers, each receives their own peculiarities as a reward plumage; people came out, Sister W. was stuck because she had thick hips and stomach; a man with a toothache came out although W. told him not to go out; so did people with other illnesses; then with sacred flutes and Nare's men came out in rattles; in stone they played with a stone ball, giving it their heads; now they rolled it, went where he would lead; the marten ate honey in the hollow, he was walled up there; his cuñado Ahoray saved him; everyone set fire, Marten violated the ban on looking back, everything burned down - there was a savannah; where the cuñado was going - there was a forest-steppe; W.'s people hid from the fire in the battleship's hole; a piece of bark grew to Tapir behind the fire (fold skin); no water, Agouti found the source, hid it; Tapir came in, the spring turned into a big lake; people settled; W. sent Kaxie to become the sun, giving a crown of feathers; when the sun rose, people cut off their tails, shaved off their body hair, cut off the membranes on their legs and arms; the sun first shone round the clock; Dictyra sp.: stars are needed to make it night; W. attached eagle feathers to the bodies of seven sons, turned them into Pleiades; other sons into Mars, the Evening Star, Aries, the Morning Star]: Pereira 1986, No. 2:34-69 (the episode with coming out of the stone on p. 34-39).

SE Brazil. Botokudi [tapir covers animal people in the house (made of wood, stone?) ; the hummingbird escapes; a lizard animal destroys the outside of the house with most of those in it]: Sebestyen 1981, No. 8:154.

Chaco. Matako [there were few people, no women, humans did not breed; man heard a sound from under the ground; all the animals began to hammer, no one punched a hole; the battleship dug a hole, from there they became pairs men and women go out; the pregnant woman is stuck blocking the passage; half of the matakos remained underground, so there are few of them; other peoples all came out]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982a, No. 15:59-60.