Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M8D. Extend the hole in the body .

Birds break through the hard cover on the character's body to reach his entrails.

Plains. Crowe [man ends up in the Thunderbirds nest; their chicks are swallowed by two monsters crawling out of the lake; man kills monsters; all birds try to cut their bodies; Blue Heron succeeds; birds eat monsters]: Lowie 1918:144-148.

NW Amazon. Barasana [two woodpeckers take a baby out of a pregnant man's belly]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 2F: 270.

Central Amazon. Maue [The Harpy Eagle carries the son of monkeys; he cries and wants fish; the eagle suspects that his wife has a lover bringing fish; sends a fly to watch her, kills his lover, the Soko bird, drives his son away; tells his wife to put her hand in the hollow to catch the rat; the hand gets stuck, the wife turns into the creaking of trees; the eagle asks Aram to eat the corpse, take the twins out of the womb of the victim; Soko's son eat it too, and give his son (Eagle) to his mother; she washes the baby in the river, he slips away, becoming a fish; the brothers of the killed offer Eagle to pick up a log in the middle of the water; it breaks, the Eagle falls into the water, he is killed by the Big Turtle; the grandmother asks the sisters of the killed to catch his grandson; he asks his grandmother who killed his father; answer, Wind, then Hot Summer; he scratches his aunts, they say that their father killed his father; he finds feathers, later his father's leg on the ceremony site; trains to pick up logs and stones; pulls the Turtle out of the water; the Toucan, then the Dove, can't penetrate its shell, The woodpecker pierces; these birds are colored with her blood; the Jaguar and fish also color]: Ugge 1991, No. 2:130-146; the uniform [The harpy eagle grabs the Turtle, but it drags it under water; other eagles feed her son; he trains strength by lifting a log of the same weight as the Turtle; lifts the Turtle into the air, brings it to the nest; birds hammer its shell; Toucan fails, the Woodpecker pierces; all birds stained with blood, bile and fat]: Kruse 1949, No. 26:633-634; Murphy 1958, No. 54:128-129.

Montagna - Jurua. Chayahuita: García Tomas 1994 (3): 273-274 [Children disappear in the river one by one; Kumpanama becomes a boy himself, lets Crab grab himself, injures him; all long-billed birds try to pierce Crab's shell; only Catalan Chico pierces; its beak goes deep into Crab's body; K. says that now swallowed boys are dead; turns Crab into many little ones crabs living in ravines], 275 [Kumpanama climbs a peach palm and people chop it; it falls into the sea, the Crab devours its remains; its heart is washed ashore; old Paka finds it, puts it cook; K. comes to life, thanks her; tells the Herons to attack the Crab; only the youngest manages to break through its shell and eat fat; K. turns Crab into crabs].

Bolivia - Guaporé. Baure [reveal the belly of the character who swallowed the seeds]: Nordenskiöld 1923:132-133.

Chaco. Nivakle: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 164 [Stavuun - Royal Vulture (S.) took the hunters to be eaten by his wife; his children played with their bones; Ajti'ta began to train running, applying to the body is cut; the vulture's children's place of play is the Milky Way; it used to be below, but heaven and earth changed places because the sky at that time was very dirty; two bright spots in the night sky {Magellanic clouds?} - this is where two menstruating women relieved themselves; when the earth and sky changed places, the people of heaven fell into the underworld; with a stick with a fork in A. pressed the vulture's grandmother to the ground; she said that the royal vulture is very angry; but A. promised to kill him; killed his children; when the COP began to approach, it began to rain; the sound of rain was heard approaching; the COP asks the vulture grandmother where A.; that consistently points to 4 cardinal directions and at the zenith; S. rushes to these directions; from the zenith he sees that A. has gone underground; digs the ground; finding a snake, asks his grandmother - is it him? - No; then A. ran, followed by S.; A. took the form of trees; then asked the bottle tree to hide it, it opened, but said that only Palo Mataco would hide it; Palo Mataco opened, and when S. tried to enter it, it closed; therefore, when the wind blows, you can hear kuuunnn; A. killed S., who almost exterminated humans; all kinds of animals came and took a piece of flesh S.; this deer is good the flesh fit well; the birds did too; the birds also bathed in blood, took on color; some immediately shook off the blood, left only specks, others kept their red color], 165 [royal vulture ( S.; Sarcoramphus papa) hunts humans, his wife Kafók (K.), a black-headed vulture (Coragyps atratus); their daughters played with bones eaten; now these daughters are wasps; K.'s grandson, Axtitá, trained to kill S.; cut his body and ran through the fire; when the blood stopped flowing, he realized he was ready; K. lived on the ground and S. lived in the sky; K. replied that S. would come from the south, but she doesn't know exactly when; but there will be a signal: it's going to rain; S.'s children asked A. why he painted him so beautifully; A.: you have to cut off your tongue and paint yourself with your tongue; they allowed K. to cut off everyone's tongues (and theirs There were many children) and died; but A. shamanically made them look alive; asked K. to answer S. that the murderer of his children (and S. immediately realized that the children were dead) had disappeared to the north, south, east, west; A. himself dug into a hole; going up into the sky, S. realized that the murderer of children in the ground; began to dig; as he dug, different types of lizards appeared, then snakes, then grass in the dew, then butterflies; he all of them killed; now A. jumped out and ran, S. after him; palo flojo answered A. that his wood was too soft to cover A., let him hide at palo mataco; palo mataco opened to A., he went {through?} , and S. was clamped; when the wind blows, palo mataco was buzzing - it was S. moving inside him; A. attached an S pen to his head, which was like a knife, he killed people with it, came to his grandmother; told her not to eat anymore humans; all the birds raced to where S. was killed; the turtle too, but could not get over the fallen tree; the birds had long beaks, but became shorter, they broke them off on S., because they were their axes; the little woodpecker (Picumnus cirrhatus) managed to cut S.; blood gushed and the birds dyed with it; those that do not have red feathers did not spray to them; some shook off some of the blood; K. did not paint, remained black; the stork (Jabiru mycteria) only painted his neck; so all the birds took on their current appearance], 166 [the royal vulture Tabún (T.) ate people; the young Ahtitáh came, there are only T.'s children; children: the young man is so handsome, he must be eaten; they ask how he colored his cheeks; A.: cut off his tongue, painted it with blood; A. all five boys took turns cutting off their tongues, they died; flying up , T. does not hear the usual voices of children; T. Afók says her husband is angry; A.: I'm angry too; hid underground; T. saw him from the sky; Afok was blind; pointed her finger up; T. saw A. running, chasing after him; A. asks his grandmother the algarrobo tree (carob tree) cover it; she replies that its roots are weak; then another grandmother, quebracho (of the genus Schinopsis, hardwood, "quiebra-hacha"); she let A. in and T. roots; when Afok woke up tired A., he pulled out T.'s pen as proof that he was dead; Afok looked for insects from him and saw the pen; said that T. was angry; he pulled out her eyes and hung them out; he also pulled out the eyes of many others; A. began to look for her eyes, took the first one he came across; when he began to see, Afok found her own eyes and put them in for herself; A. told people (i.e. birds) that T. he had killed was far away ; the hummingbird went in search, came back; then the dove was the same; the hawk rose high into the sky, saw; pulled out T.'s pen, blew, everyone saw feathers in the distance; went there in the morning; all night everyone tried to cut T.'s body; when everyone fell asleep again, the little woodpecker managed to cut; all night the birds ate T.'s meat; the bird was cardinal; could not make its way to the meat, screamed, dawn did not come; when the bird also gave painted her head red, dawn had come; the same happened to the second bird - although dawn, the sky was gray and it was raining; when it was long, it stopped raining; the bird now has red spots]: 388-392, 393-398, 399-403; Chorote: Wilbert, Simoneau 1985, No. 100 [Sákiti's harpy eagle lived high in the sky near vultures and an eagle; it has four chicks; when he flew to them, it sounds like the wind; killing small game, began to kill people; his children played with their bones; Wiskilióte ("laughing falcon") lives with his grandmother, hears this knock; painted beautiful yellow paint, took the head of a rattlesnake with him; tells the chicks to let the snake bite the tongue, then you will turn yellow; the chicks die; S.'s wife shows V. where he holds his spears; S. is surprised why you can't hear the children making noise; makes his wife admit where V. is; pokes there with a spear, but V. has turned into many butterflies and S. does not know what kind of butterflies they are; V. turns into flowers, hummingbirds; is no longer able to turn, asks his grandmother the bottle tree hide it; she replies that it has only one root, let the grandson hide in the one with five roots; V. hid in a tree, S.'s head is stuck; he began to tear, four out of five roots cut short, then V. cut off his head; she told his wife S. that was happy, because S. wanted to kill her; V. came to his grandmother, asked him to look for lice, she saw S.'s red feathers on him; all people with S. went to slaughter with knives, woodpeckers in front; no one's ax can pierce a hole, a small piculet pierced; blood gushed; all bird people were smeared with red, yellow, blue, green, acquiring their current color; and The piculet was pushed back, he was offended and left], 101 (the informant is a woman) [the women are missing; Ahóusa explained that the Sákiti harpy eagle, the size of an ostrich, takes them to the sky; S. has four children on earth; A. came to them with striped cheeks; S.'s children also wanted this color; A. told them to stick out their tongues, cut them off, they died; A. hid among butterflies, S. did not know which one A.; A. ran, climbed in on a tree, S. crashed into it, got stuck, died; all the birds began to hammer his body, but only a small piculet pierced; he was pushed back, and the rest bathed in the stream of blood, acquired their current color; the sun did not rose; then piculet gave blood to color and dawned again]: 194-195, 197-198; poppy: Wilbert, Simoneau 1991a, No. 9 [at the boy's insistence, the grandmother says that his father was killed by Sinj (y) ena'x ( royal vulture); the boy trains on the run; paints himself red, comes to the children S., says that he has become handsome, pierces his tongue and smeared with blood; piercing his tongues to his uncles, kills; The eldest son doubts, but the man tells the insect to move one of the bodies: look, he is alive; after killing the others, the man keeps the youngest; tells him to point his father consistently to the four sides of the world, zenith and nadir, when he asks where the man ran; hides in the sky among red butterflies; runs away from S., hides in trees, one of them squeezes a hollow around the pursuer's neck, man S. finishes off; comes to his grandmother; all birds try to punch a hole in S.'s body; only Little Woodpecker succeeds; inside white, yellow, red colors; all the birds are colored, and pieces of S.'s flesh are attached to their own bodies], 10 [the grandmother does not want to tell the young man who killed his parents; the young man asks the yellow bird Quistawá who killed his parents; he says that two water snakes, male and female; the young man gives himself swallow the male, cuts off all the hearts that were in the snake's body from head to tail; then the same with the female; the snakes rushed ashore and died; the grandmother sees dead snakes: well, now all the water will dry up; The grandmother admits that the young man's father was killed by Sinjenaj (royal vulture); the young man painted himself red paint, learned to run faster than fire, came to S.'s children; they play with the bones eaten; agreed become beautiful like a young man, let him pierce his tongue; the eldest doubts, but the young man told the moths to move the bodies of the dead; the eldest agreed to pierce his tongue, also died; the youngest young man did not kill, ordered tell his father that the murderer of his children ran north, south, west, east; S. flies in these directions, each time he brings the killed man; only when he rose high, he saw a young man; he asked his grandmother for a tree quebracho hide it; she replies that she is too weak; the same is true for the rest of the trees; the carandá tree opens, and when S. rushes after it, he clamps it; the young man hit S. with a stick at the place where he has soul, S. died; all the men (they are different birds) ran there; the little hawk was the first to fly in, took the necklace and whistle, but the others took them away; began to hammer S.'s stomach to get paint; only a little woodpecker punched; everyone bathed in blood; took pieces of flesh for themselves; when k'oloj appeared, he didn't get it anymore, only skin was left]: 35-42, 43-45.