Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M9. Trapped in a hollow. (.13.) .

The character puts his head or hand in a hollow or (rarely) another hole), gets stuck in it, or falls into a hollow. Usually, as a result, the character dies or undergoes a metamorphosis.

Wed. Sudan - East Africa. Zande: Arewa, Shreve 1975, No. 6 [Ture, spider) goes to visit his wife's relatives; his son is with him; along the way, his son's loincloth sings beautifully; Thura's bandage sings out of tune, promises that his disgraced; T. changes bandages with his son, but this does not help; T. is first put in a place of honor; when he hears the bandage of T.'s son singing melodiously, Thur is pushed into the dust, his son is put in his place; along the way home T. asks his son to get honey; the boy's hand gets stuck in a hollow; T. dances under a tree; brings a baked chicken from the boy's mother, eats it, climbs a tree, smears his son's mouth with bones; the mother frees son, tries to stab T.; he runs away to his maternal uncle for several months], 17 [wife T. (Orphan) comes to visit her; makes only one arrow, T. fires a lot; releases everything without killing a single quail (guinea-fowl), Orphan hits everyone with one arrow at once; T. says to his wife (her name is Nanzagbe) that he killed quails, she feeds him meat, gives his brother giblets; next time he sees whoever shoots gives her husband giblets; he calls Orphan for honey, offers to put his head in the hollow, jams it with a stone; goes down, dances; N. frees his brother, T. runs away at the sight of his wife]: 200-202, 217-218.

Australia. Goulburn Island [the young man returns to camp many times, plays in the water with his sister, says he is her husband; one day he pretends to be lame, returns to camp, copulates with his sister; the girl's husband tells him to get honey from the tree, cuts off his head; the boy's mother and sister do not eat honey, they hear his spirit say, I'm coming; the husband returns to the camp dancing and carrying the bones of the victim; mother curses his parents]: Waterman 1987, No. 4775 (2): 130; yualarai [with a pen stuck in the bee's ass, the Bat followed her, found a hollow of honey; told his wife to get honey, her hand was stuck in the hollow, he hers cut off, the woman died; the same with his second wife, the first sister; the young relatives of the victims arranged a box, invited her husband to dance, and pushed him into the fire]: Parker 1965:153-155.

Honduras vs Panama. Hikake [Chiri Tsutsus came out of the cave, collected white beans for men, shaking her hair, black for women from her skirt; her husband's brothers asked her son to get honey from the hollow; his hand got stuck; they tried to split the trunk but cut off his arm, the boy died; she returned to the cave in anger, closed the entrance, her husband was unable to enter her; the beans remained]: Chapman 1982, No. 10:72; 1992:121-122 .

The Northern Andes. Embera (chami) [the hero's wife puts her hand in the hollow (get honey?) , gets stuck and dies]: Chaves 1945, #9:158.

Southern Venezuela. Yanomami [Marten's son takes his father-in-law to the forest for honey; he always says that this honey is not good (wasps or the wrong bees); when he finds honey himself, he hides it from others in the tree hollow; falls inside, turns into a tree frog]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1990b, No. 298:534-535.

Guiana. Varrau: García 1993, No. 90 [Mayacoto fisherman has two wives, each with a son; when he returns home, he always plays the flute; Chebu (forest demon) Jajuba swallowed him, disguised as he came to to his wives, but did not play the flute; fell asleep, snored, then the wives heard the voice of the swallowed flute; the sisters took the children and ran away; the eldest put her hair off her head on the path, the youngest turned it prickly thickets; Guauta did not want to open the door for them at first, they pinched the children, they cried; when she found out that they were boys, G. let him in; invited Khahuba, who ran up, put his head under the door, cut it off with a knife; sent cassava sisters, at that time turned their babies into adult boys, their common name is Jaburi; told them to bring her fat birds from hunting, skinny ones, urinating on them, give them to women; the arrow of one stuck in a tree, he climbed after her; young otters passed under the tree, saw Haburi's bowel movements, said it stinks of crap from those who give mothers bad birds and Guauta good ones; they told the brothers everything story; they described skinny birds, gave it to Guauta; recognized their mothers; one of H. made a boat out of clay, it melted in water; from wax, the same; from the bark, they sailed in it; the supports of the house, the leaves on the roof shouted to Guauta that the women and the boys had run away, she did not understand them; understood the parrot, threw herself into the water, grabbed the boat, H. cut off her fingers with an oar; the women asked to take G. so that she would not drown; H. began to row the end oars, the bird shouted to row with a blade; H. knocked down a tree with a hive in the hollow; G. began to suck honey, H. knocked another tree on this tree, G. stayed in the hollow, called "son Haburi", told the boat to stand a rock when it reaches the sea; this is a rock near Trinidad Island]: 281-287; Wilbert 1970 [the old woman eagerly sucks honey from the hollow, the hero covers it inside, she turns into a tree frog], No. 37, 139-141 , 144:104, 282-283, 288, 293, 305; trio [man tells an animal to swallow a voracious mother-in-law; her daughter pursues her husband; climbs into a hollow for honey, her head is stuck, severed; the body turns into agouti; a man wounds his leg with an arrow, his leg decays; he rises to heaven, turns into a constellation]: KR 1987, No. 3 [Yaravare's mother-in-law swallows an anaconda; wife puts her head in a hollow to suck honey ; I cut off my wife's head; his head predicts that he will hurt his leg by cutting wood, monkey meat, baker meat, etc.; he falls asleep, doesn't hear the name of the little fish; pierces his leg with an arrow, shooting this one fish; shoots into the sky, making a chain of arrows; rises, the chain falls]: 26-30; Magaña 1987, No. 99 [mother-in-law swallows a manatee; an old woman in the forest lures Yalavale's wife into a hollow, cuts her off head; Yalavale turns into Orion]: 153; oyampi [two wives; heads turn into tree frogs, bodies into red daguets]: Grenand 1982, No. 45:284.

Western Amazon. A man lures his companion into a hollow; he turns into a tree frog. Mayhuna [Maineno tells his two wives that he has found honey; leads their brother to the hollow, deliberately knocks honey into the hollow; the wives' brother climbs for honey, M. pushes it into a hollow, turns it into a hollow, turns it into a hollow tree frog]: Bellier 1991b, No. 4c: 184-185; cofan [Chiga turns a cone into a parrot, puts it in a hollow; sends another person to get a parrot; it falls into a hollow, turns into the toad, stays there forever]: Calífano, Gonzalo 1995, No. 25:79-80; napo [Tapir asks the Frog (both men) to get the toucan chicks out of the hollow; advises not to reach out, but to climb whole; that can't get out, turns into a gunawaru tree frog]: Mercier 1979:195; achuar [wife shames her loser husband; he follows a herd of monkeys, the monkey owner makes him a good hunter, tells him Kill no more than three monkeys at a time; his wife's brothers are jealous of his luck; ask him to get parrots out of the nest; his hand gets stuck in a hollow, he turns into a tree frog]: Mowitz 1975:41-49.

NW Amazon. Tatuyo [Dyeba jaguar is the son of the Sun, more human than an animal; rejects animal women, a poppy woman because she is wild; climbs a tree above the river, his testicles hang like Pouteria fruits ucuqui; fish come off (they are women); it falls in the form of a fruit and, with the help of various vines he has created, catches Dyawira (D.), the daughter of the Wai Pino anaconda (wai - "fish", pinō - "anaconda", i.e. Anaconda- Fish); other fish warned D. that it was not just a fruit, but she did not listen; Dieba's penis is like a jaguar, he cannot get along with D.; she solders him drunk, corrects his penis; the monkey helps D. collect wild fruits; D. takes them to the river to his father, receives cassava, tobacco and other cultivated plants in return; D. forbids watching her and her sisters plant plants; Dieba watches, sisters D. turn into weeds; the name Dyawira also means a genus of fern that grows like a weed; Dieba mistakenly does not smoke, but eats tobacco thinking it is fish; suffers from his stomach; visits his father-in-law with his wife; he is angry first, then arranges a party; every time he returns from the field, D. cheats on Diebe with the son of an anaconda; the bird reports this to Diebe, who kills his lover, makes his wife eat his cock; people and fish fight for a long time; Diavira is seduced by vultures, taken to heaven; Dieba covers himself with ulcers, enters the country of vultures, returns his wife, vultures and little eagles chase him; Dieba finds honey, D. rushes to suck it, suffocates, turns into a tree frog - the "mother of feathers"]: Bidou 1972:82-95; Barasana [see G17 motif; Yawira, Yeba's wife, ran away from him to heaven with Vulture; After a series of adventures, J. killed the vultures, their leader remained; J. climbed for honey, Y. asked for permission and her to climb to the hollow; began to suck honey greedily, J. shoved her head into the hollow, turned it into the tree frog Phyllomedusa bicolor; she is the mother of ritual horns and flutes he, the mother of feather jewelry]: S.Hugh-Jones 1979, No. 7L: 300-301; Torres Laborde 1969 [Yebá's wife ran away from him with A vulture; he took her back; on the way she was thirsty, he wouldn't let her; she climbed into a hollow to get water, got stuck there, became a tree frog]: 48-49; makuna: Århem et al. 2004 [between Yiba (whose relatives are land animals and birds) and Yawira (Anaconda's daughter, her relatives are aquatic creatures) arise in conflict (Yiba never exactly follows the instructions of his wife and father-in-law, so the agriculture they teach is not so effective); from the very beginning he did not want Yawira, but her more beautiful younger sister; when he goes to get water, Yavira sees the Royal Vulture (Sarcohamphus papa), asks take her away because Yiba does not want her; Yeba goes to Test Anaconda to ask for another daughter, he refuses, gives money to get to the Vulture Country; passing through the villages of Arrow People - Weeds, -Yazv, Yiba He puts on clothes made of arrows, weeds, ulcers; covered with ulcers, Yiba comes to Yavira, who does not recognize him, takes him for his father's servant, who has come to heal; Yavira is surprised that the patient is strong collecting firewood; Yiba takes off her clothes from her ulcers, Yavira hugs him; Vulture and his men went to get fish (actually worms; Yeba killed many animals for vultures on the way); Yavira regurgitated the red aciote juice, pretending to be ill, she did not go with them; Yiba returned halfway; before fleeing, he told all creatures and objects to remain silent, but one bird managed to say "Yiba"; the Vulture sent the warriors in pursuit; Yiba hit almost everyone with arrows received from his father-in-law; together with Yavira he climbed a tree for honey, leaving the arrows on the ground; losing his weapon against the last group of enemies, Yiba shoved Yavira into the hollow, she became a frog; her soul returned to her father, he placed her in a calebass; the enemies left, Yiba came to her father-in-law, who refused to give her youngest daughter, gave a calebass with Yavira's soul, telling her not to open it on the way; he opened it, Yavira She flew back with a bee; Yiba returned to her father-in-law, who drove him away; he pretended to be dead, covering himself with rotten leaves and placing his bench on his chest; Vulture plunged his arrow, it hit the bench; Yiba grabbed it, plucked it, bought it in peppery water, threw it into the trash; while his feathers were growing, birds and animals dismantled his jewelry and tools, the howler monkey took the whistle]: 503-509; Palma, Feuillet 1980 {without pagination} [Yiba has Yawira's wife; during the festival, the Vulture Chief took her away (with her consent); Yiba found her asleep, took her home; she saw a hollow, started drinking honey, died; Yiba shot the anteaters, hid under a pile of meat; Vulture came down, Yiba began to rip out his feathers, tear off his jewelry; all birds and animals took possession of some color, some shape; Monkey- the howler took Vulture's calebass]; poppy [Idu Kamni (associated with toadstool or cormorant) drank a vine infusion, vomited into the river, a woman appeared, but he didn't want her; drank another infusion vines - an Aguti woman appeared with a kitchen pot; he is happy with her; the wife gives the birds crumbs, they bring them to the Vultures, they decide to steal the woman; after the holiday, the wife cleaned her IR hair, fell asleep, Vultures she was taken away; one bird told IC that his wife was with the Vultures, the other (swallow-tailed kite) that she was making beer from them; IR flew to the Vultures in the guise of an old sick swallow (kite?) with diseased skin (at the same time running on the ground in the form of a deer); one bird recognized him, but IR twisted its tongue; IR dropped (as if from old age) calebass; the leader recognized him, but immediately forgot, because IC turned tongue to the leader's spirit; in the form of a deer, IK lay down in the forest as if dead, began to rot; The Vultures flocked, but noticed that he opened his eye, flew away; then IK killed the tapir; he came to his wife, who was making beer for on the holiday, told the hornet to bite her, she lost consciousness; the leader of the Vultures tells him to stay to take care of his wife; IK revived his wife, took on her true form, and burned everything in the house together with the little birds Vultures; they rushed to save their property, IC and his wife sailed away in the boat; the water rose, washed away the Vultures; IC's wife sees a hollow with honey and larvae, sticks her head into the hollow; IC threw his honeycombs down, his wife fell, Toads jumped out of her womb, galloping into the forest]: Silverwood-Cope 1972, No. 6:234-241; witoto [wife eats bats greedily, husband covers her in a hollow with mice, cuts off her head and head turns into a parrot, body into a wild pig]: Rojas 1986:110-112; andoque: Jara 1994 [father eagerly sucks honey, falls into a hollow; son turns it into a tapir]: 67; Landaburu, Pineda 1984 [brothers night monkeys, ate her husband, hid his wind gun (Serbakan) in the house, the woman hid his dart and cotton wool between her breasts; the victim's son made a little Serbakan, shot flies, hit his grandfather in the testicles, who said that the boy had his father's habits; so the boy found out that he had a father; began to ask his mother how he died; she replies that he was eaten by the owner of the forest (boy walks through the forest at night, untouched); 2) fell off the roof (the boy jumps off the roof, alive); 3) was bitten by a snake; 4) ran into a branch; the boy wants to kill a rat, she says that his father was killed by his mother's brothers, showed where the sarbakan was; the boy found him, asked his mother to give him a breast; she admitted that his father had been killed by mail that he killed monkeys himself; the son put his hand in the hollow, then his head, got stuck; his head was cut off]: 133-136.

Central Amazon. Rio Branco [husband asks his wife's lover to get a parrot out of the hollow; it gets stuck in a hollow, turns into a tree frog]: Barbosa Rodrigues 1890:198; maue [see J4A motif; The Harpy Eagle carries the son of monkeys; he cries, wants fish; the eagle suspects that his wife has a lover who brings fish; sends a fly to watch her, kills his lover, the Soko bird, drives his son away; tells wife put her hand in the hollow to catch a rat; hand gets stuck, wife turns into creaking trees]: Ugge 1991, No. 2:130-146.

Eastern Amazon. Spiking [a woman made a pot of beer intended for Kumaφari (that is, she is considered the wife of K., the patron saint of shamans); the man persuaded her to copulate; for this K. deprived her of speech, she grunted like a pig; the shaman blew at her, she told her what had happened; the shaman made swallows out of straws, blew, they came to life, took the guilty man to heaven; blew at the woman, she flew to her lover, both found themselves on the "wild pig trail" - the Milky Way; they had nothing to eat, the lover saw a nest of bees {in a hollow?} , broke off a part to eat honey; the shaman noticed this, blew, the man and the woman stuck to this nest]: Nimuendaju 1920:1011-1012.

Montagna - Jurua. Kashinahua [rivals decided to take the man's wife; asked him to get japó chicks from the tree (=spider: corpse family, genus oropendola), cut off the ladder from the vine; spiders flew in, bringing prey (monkey, turtle, battleship; lowered a man to the ground, gave him food; gave them a good uruku to paint themselves and poisonous for those who left him on the tree; spider chief told his son to take the man home, gave chicks with him; at home, the man told his wife to take care of the chicks; painted his wife and himself a good uruku, gave others a poisonous one, they died; the rest wanted to take away again the man has a wife, they took him to collect bee honey; they offered to put his hand in the hollow, his hand was stuck, the companions left; wild Indians came, the man shouted that he would kill them, they were frightened, left; the man succeeded free his hand, he returned to his wife; others offered to get the battleship out of the hole, failed the exit; the battleship brought the man to the ground, also gave two types of uruku; the man painted himself and his wife as a good man, poisonous gave rivals, they all died]: Shenipabu Miyui 2000:99-103.

Bolivia - Guaporé. Yabuti [the woman became pregnant, the husband is dissatisfied because the other child is still small; the woman's hand is stuck in a hollow with honey; the husband left and took the baby away; the woman gave birth; the baby the next day was already brings her water, but she died; vultures flew; her husband returned, threw pupunya (peach palm fruit) at them; urubu asked not to kill them; they put the woman's body parts in a basket, the boy sat on top; when He opened his eyes, found himself in the country of Urubu; there are fields of corn and beans; he trapped the uruba in a trap, ripped off his scalp, now they are bald; they want to kill him; he hid corn and beans in his body, ran home to his grandmother; hurt his finger, grains poured instead of blood]: Maldi 1991:257-259; takana (cavinha) [a woman puts her hand into the hollow to get honey for her son; her hand gets stuck, the woman dies; vultures flock to peck at her; boy flies away with vultures]: Nordenskiöld 1924 in Wassen 1934b:32.

Southern Amazon. Kamayura [girl puts her hand into the hollow to get honey; her hand gets stuck, the other girls are witching, freeing her]: Münzel 1973:24; Mehinaka [Pahikyavala woman ( Smeared with Crap) dresses up as a man, makes a penis out of a stick, comes to the mansion at night to play the sacred flute; men bury her in a hole; ten days later, her lover digs her up, she covered in crap; he washes her in the river; she goes to another village, becomes beautiful; her former husband comes back to her, wants to make love in the woods; she asks him to get honey first; shoves it into the hollow, he chokes in honey; now when it rains, yay, yay, yay (obviously turns into a tree frog)]: Gregor, Tuzin 2001:324-325.

Eastern Brazil. Apinaye [a huge eagle settled on a reaper palm tree, people fled, a couple of old people and their grandchildren Kenkutá and Akréti were left, their parents were eaten by the eagle; grandfather is surprised how easily A. catches up and kills other birds; the brothers stay in a hut by the river, the grandfather brings food there, makes them clubs; the brothers call the tapir a rat; the grandfather builds a hut at the foot of the harvester, A. lures an eagle, hides in the hut; K. does the same less quickly; the eagle is exhausted, the brothers finish him off with clubs; the grandfather plucks him, blows his feathers down the wind, they turn into different birds; another huge Kukád bird lives on a rock, cuts off people's heads with his beak; grandfather builds a hut there, A. lures the bird, hides; K. does not have time, the bird cuts off his head; A. leaves K.'s head on a branch, can no longer lure him out poultry, goes to look for people, meets people with a series, black arar people, monkey people, each group tells what it does; A. finds fellow tribesmen, marries, brings meat to her father-in-law and mother-in-law ( nandu ostriches); calls his wife for honey, offers to put his hand in the hollow, his hand gets stuck, A. kills his wife, roasts her meat, brings her to the village; the victim's brother realizes what he was given, finds her head and bones sisters; people push A. into hot coals; his ashes turn into a nest of earth termites]: Wilbert 1978, No. 172:451-454; crash [wife refuses to wait for her husband to get honey from the hollow of the fallen wood, eats honey greedily; an angry husband kills her with an ax, roasts meat, brings her mother-in-law under the guise of anteater meat; others also eat, only the older brother recognizes the sister's meat; the brothers ask the murdered husband to get from honey trees, kill with arrows, burn a corpse]: Wilbert 1978, No. 148:353-354.

Chaco. If not otherwise: a little boy or girl puts their hand in the hollow to get honey; the hand gets stuck (the local motive is embedded in a mostly European story). Nivacle [The woodpecker pulls out honey, feeds other birds; when she flies away, the old anteater climbs a tree, sucks honey greedily, gets stuck with her head in a hollow, dies; her mother or sister is looking for her, answers Jaguaru, who is looking for ants; he laughs at her, knows that another ant died in a tree]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1987b, No. 218:526-527; toba [boy Joaquin and his sister are lost; sister she put her hand in the hollow for honey, her hand was stuck; the anteater widened the hole, the girl took out her hand; at night the children climbed the tree; the jaguar came, the boy relieved him, he ran away; the children came to the house two cannibals; a dove told them to ask the women to light the fire themselves, push them into the fire; each had one breast cut off, from there a male and a female appeared, went up to heaven, became stars]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1982b, No. 6:37-38; mokowi [parents went to collect honey, took the children; the boy put his hand in the hollow to get honey, his hand was stuck; the parents decided that the children were eaten by jaguars, went home; the boy pulled out his hand ; wants to shoot a pigeon, he tells her not to shoot; warns that they will come to the house of nesogoy (witches); you will have to ask her to fan the fire herself, push it there; cut off her right chest, and they will jump out of there two dogs; dogs kill jaguars approaching children, catch game for children; children grew up and began to live with the king; dogs killed an underground lightning snake, the young man cut off its tongue; the black man said that he killed the snake , demanded the king's daughter; the young man showed his snake tongue belt; after the wedding, he was put on a bed with needles, he died; dogs dug him up from the grave, revived him; killed the cannibal nanda; nanda and dogs can now be seen in the sky; the dove is also in the sky and brother and sister are left behind]: Wilbert, Simoneau 1988, No. 11:27-29.