Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M90a5. Golden apples. .13.-.17.22.-.24.27.-.29.31.32.

The story mentions the golden fruits (rarely leaves) of a tree, usually golden apples.

Cordofan, Algerian Arabs, Latins, Spaniards, Portuguese, Basques, Catalans, Italians, Ladins, Maltese, French, Walloons, Irish, (Welsh), British, Germans (Pomerania, Grimms), Syrian Arabs, Shans, Punjabi, Makassars, Ancient Greece, Greeks, Macedonians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Albanians, Romanians, Moldovans, Gagauz people, Poles, Slovaks, Western, Northern and Eastern Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians (Olonets or Arkhangelsk, Vologda), Kalmyks, Ossetians, Ingush, Chechens, Nogais, Lucks, Georgians, Swans, Armenians, Hittites, Danes, Norwegians, Finns, Latvians, Lutsies, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs.

Sudan - East Africa. Kordofan (language not specified) [the king's apricot tree bears golden fruits; the bird steals them; the youngest of three sons {not mentioned about the elders} volunteered to guard; grabbed the bird, it escaped, but the feather remained in his hand; no one saw a bird with such feathers; the king wants to have it; the youngest son went to pick up the bird; the elders too, because everyone wanted to become king, and the father had not yet chosen I made; at the fork there is an inscription: whoever walks on the right road will die, on the middle road he will lose his horse, on the left road he will get to the giants buried under the mounds; the older brothers decided to stop and wait the youngest, and he drove along the middle road; met the gin, ate the horse, the young man walked; the gin apologized: he hadn't eaten for two years, horses were his food, otherwise he would die; now he will be an assistant; one king has a bird ; it's easy to take it, but you can't say a word; but the young man exclaimed, "This bird!" , she woke up and gave a voice, the young man was captured; the local king is ready to let him go with the bird, but let him get him a horse that can be summoned and sent away by rubbing his hair; he is from another king; gin: not touch the leash on which the horse is tied; take the hairs, sit on the horse, rub it, and you will be wherever you want; but the young man untied the leash, is caught; the horse owner promises to give it back if the young man gets the box , in which another king keeps all the servants, dancers, drummers and trumpeters; genie: when the king sleeps, he holds the box in his teeth; I will become a mouse, I will tickle him; but don't open the boxes; the young man took it away but opened the box, the musicians and dancers jumped out, began to play and dance around, but nothing back; a year later, the genie found it; came to the owner of the box under the guise of another king and found out what was needed three times say "showlim" for the musicians and others to return to the box; this happened; gin a copy of the box in exchange for which the young man received a horse; then the gin became a horse, the young man received the bird and kept it for himself as well horse; came to the brothers; when he fell asleep, they threw him into the well and took the box, the horse and the bird; the gin came, lowered the bucket to collect water, the young man clung to him and got out; came to his father, told him everything, offered to gather people in the morning; the older brothers are afraid of the box; when they saw the youngest, who was called dead, turned pale; the younger told the inhabitants of the box to go out, the dancers began to dance, the warriors killed the elders brothers; the younger said "showlim", those who came out fled; the king handed over power to the youngest son]: Frobenius, No. 13:134-147.

North Africa. The Arabs of Algeria (Souf) [the king keeps his seven sons in the palace, wanting to protect them from everything bad in the world; they are given boneless meat, almonds without shells, watermelons without skins; once the black maid forgot to take out the dice; the young men began to play, throwing the dice at each other, broke the window and saw the outside world; told the maid to tell everything about birth, love, death; sent to their father with asking him to let them go; the king married his sons; his daughters-in-law annoyed him, he decided to get rid of them; the Jew advised him to be sick, let his sons bring the blood of their wives; six wives were killed, and the youngest Ali brought gazelle blood, ran away with his wife; they came to the house of 40 blind gulas; they cooked 40 tortillas and 40 servings of meat; Ali quietly took one portion; the ghuli got into a fight, Ali killed them and threw them into the well; wife I heard a moan, pulled out and hid one gulya who had just been wounded; the ghoul advised me to send Ali for golden rejuvenating apples; the old woman teaches Ali: we must slip between the crushing mountains; be in time jump over the garden fence (as soon as the wall sees Ali's horse, it will begin to grow); picking apples, galloping away without turning around; Ali turned slightly to his voice, the horse's tail was cut off; the old woman tells the rejuvenating give the apples to her and bring the usual ones to his wife; the ghoul advised him to invite Ali to play chess for a living; Ali let his wife win, believing it was a joke, but she killed him, put the pieces of his body in a bag, attached him to the saddle of his horse and told the horse to ride to where he came from; the old woman put the pieces together, but the heart and liver were not enough; she sent the cat to the ghoul, she brought her heart and liver; with the juice of rejuvenating apples the old woman revived Ali; he came to Ghoul disguised as a dervish, killed him at night, stabbed his wife, returned to the old woman; she turned the cat into a beautiful woman, Ali married her, returned to his father, who handed him the throne]: Scelles-Millie 1963:313-316.

Southern Europe. Latins [There is a field, /the natives call it Tamazean, /The land of Cyprus is the best piece. Old people/They dedicated it to me and decided to give it to mine as a gift of piety. In the middle of his tree shines /Goldhead, branches rustling with gold are burning. /I tore off three golden apples from him and came, /I brought them in my hand; I can't see them by anyone, they are the only ones, /I approached the young man and what's with inspired them to do]: Ovid., IX (Atalanta), 644-665 (Latin text in Blažek 2016:167-168); Latins: Hyg. Astr. II. 3. 1 [Astronomy, attributed to Guy Yulius Gigin, who lived at the turn of the era: "He shows his huge body, stretching between two Bears. It is said that he guarded the golden apples of the Hesperides, and when Hercules killed him, Juno placed him among the constellations because she was the one who forced Hercules to go against him. It is believed that the dragon was the guardian in Juno's garden. Ferekid says that when Juno married Jupiter, Tellus came to the wedding, bringing golden apples on the branches. Admired Juno asked Tellus to plant similar trees in her gardens, which extended all the way to Atlanta Mountain. Since his daughters often tore apples from trees, Juno is said to have guarded the dragon there" (trans. A.I. Ruban)]; I Myth. Vat. I. 38-39, II.5 ["The First Vatican Mythograph" (compiled at the turn of the I-II millennium by an unknown medieval compiler): 1) "The nymphs of Hesperides, daughters of Atlanta, according to myth, had a garden in which gold grew apples dedicated to Venus. Hercules, sent by Euristheus, took them away, killing an ever-awake dragon. In fact, the Hesperids were noble girls whose herds were stolen by Hercules, killing their watchmen. Hence, they think that he took apples, that is, sheep, because mala is <по-гречески> called sheep, and melonomos are their shepherd" (from Serv. Aen. IV. 484); 2) "Schen is the city where the maiden Atalanta came from, so outstanding in running that she summoned grooms to compete and, having defeated them, killed them. Hippomenus then called Venus as his assistant; after receiving three golden apples from the Hesperides Garden, he summoned the girl to a contest and <на бегу> began throwing apples one at a time. Thus, Atalanta was defeated, delayed by the desire to pick apples. And Hippomenus, victorious and impatient with passion, lay down with the defeated Atalanta in the grove of the Mother of the Gods" (from Serv. Aen. III. 113); 3) "It is said that when Jupiter married Juno, Earth came and brought a branch with golden apples. Admired Juno asked her to plant them in her garden, which extended to Mount Atlanta. Since his daughters often picked apples from a tree, Juno is said to have guarded a vigilant dragon, who was later killed by Hercules" (from Hyg. Astr. II. 3. 1; per. V.N. Yarho)]; Spaniards (Salamanca; similar texts in other areas) [the shepherd's three sons grew up, went to look for work, left at a fork; the elders earned money, and the youngest worked for St. Virgo and she gave him three golden apples - for him, for his father and for his mother; when the brothers got back together, the elders asked for an apple each; the youngest refused; they killed and buried him, but apples They couldn't take it; they said they didn't know anything about him; my father herded sheep, saw a reed, carved a pipe, started playing; the pipe sings: play, play, father, my brothers killed me for golden apples, but they didn't rob me ; when the father gave the pipe to the eldest son, she sings the same thing, addressing her brother and calling him a murderer; the mother realized that the father did not want to believe at first; he dug up the son's remains and saw that the reeds grew out of his heart ]: Camarena, Chevalier 2003, No. 780:212-213; Portuguese: Cardigos 2006, No. 780 (many entries) [sons go for a miracle cure for their father; younger finds it; brothers out of envy they kill the youngest and take (or cannot take away) the product he found; or golden apples; reeds grow on the grave; a pipe made of him tells about the crime, each time turning to to whoever plays it (shepherd, coal burner, father, brothers); the father digs the victim out of the grave and he miraculously comes to life and gives his father wonderful fruits that bring him health]: 189-190; Pedroso 1882 , No. 30 [a poor young man burns coal in the forest; sees a doe with a golden apple hanging around her neck; a doe offers him whatever he wants, but his voice tells him to ask only for an apple; if you open it, 4 giants come out and fulfill every wish; the young man wished for a palace and a princess; one man stole an apple, the palace was gone; the young man sent the princess to her parents, began to wander along the seashore; an old woman (it was St. Virgo) ordered to find cats and take the skinniest and lousest one; the young man boarded the ship, there was an apple thief, he put the young man in the tower; the cat tyranted the rats; they wrote a note: they are ready to do anything if the cat would leave them alone; the cat told them to get a golden apple; the rats tickled the sleeping owner, he raised his head, they removed the apple from his neck, brought it to the cat; the young man took it, returned the palace and princess]: 121-124; Basques [Ezkabi (Fidel) is hired; the owner leaves for 7 years, telling them to take care of horses; the white mare explains that the owner is the devil, the horses are transformed people, tells run; tells you to moisten your hair, it turns golden; E. covers them; the owner chases; the mare hits his hoof three times: fog, hail, river; the pursuer drowns; E. is hired as a gardener for the king, the youngest the princess fell in love with him; his father settles them by the mountain; the unrecognized E. smashes enemies; his older sons-in-law make fun of him; the king is sick, almost blind, sends them for medicine; older sons-in-law disappear; E. meets an old woman, she gives bottles of medicine for blindness and old age; sells them to her older sons-in-law for golden apples given by their wives; at the celebration of their return, E. says everything shows apples, takes off the casing from his head, everyone sees his golden hair; the king gives him the crown; options: E.'s head is really covered with scab; when he goes for medicine, E. pays the debts of the poor man, whose the corpse is beaten in front of the church; buries it; there is no mention of a white mare; the old lady gives everything; the younger princess falls in love when she notices E.'s golden hair]: Webster 1879:111-120; the Catalans [the king promises give her daughter to someone who gets three hairs out of the devil's beard; on the way he hears people complaining about the devil: he has dried the lake of wine, ruined an apple tree with golden apples, put the princess to sleep and she does not wake up , etc.; the devil's wife helps the young man, he turns into an ant, pulls out hairs and hears the devil explain what to do to solve problems; the young man corrects everything that the devil has ruined, gets princess]: Oriol, Pujol 2008, No. 461:101-102; Italians (Veneto) [a pregnant woman steals parsley from a witch's garden; she catches her and promises to pick up half the child when she is 7 years old; when the deadline was over, the witch cut the boy lengthways; one half stayed with her, the other returned to his mother; the half grew up, began fishing, caught an eel; he asked him to let him go, for which he sent he had a net full of fish; half of him caught him again and let him go, the eel made all his wishes come true; the princess saw the Half and laughed; he wished her to conceive from him child; when she gave birth, the witch doctor advised to gather all noble men in a year - the boy would name his father himself; no one was found; then the poor were gathered and the boy gave the apple to Half; after the wedding the young and their son were placed in a barrel and thrown into the sea; Half wants the barrel to be washed ashore, to have plenty of food, it would be whole, a palace will appear - all named after an eel; the former Half called to the feast of kings, warning not to take silver and gold apples; two apples are not enough, they ended up in the pockets of the former Half's father-in-law; he explains: how do you not know why the apples ended up in you and your daughter still didn't know why she got pregnant; everyone forgave each other, everything's fine; they're still alive if they didn't die]: Calvino 1980, No. 34:99-102; ladins [while father is at war, son grew up and went on a journey; he answered the gentleman in the green outfit that he was going to learn something; he put him on his back, flew to a secluded house, told him to give barley to the bear and meat to the horse; the young man made on the contrary; the horse said that the sorcerer turned them into animals; you have to take an ointment, a broom, a brush, a scraper, run; the sorcerer in green pursues; a brush, then a scraper, turn into a dense forest; a broom into a rugged terrain with abysses and rocks, the sorcerer has stopped pursuing; the horse orders to smear his head with ointment, the young man becomes handsome with golden hair; the horse tells you to kill the bear and put on his skin, hire the palace to look after the chickens, then ask him to be a gardener; the youngest of the three princesses sees a young man when he took off his skin; the princesses asked his father to give them a golden apple - who they would throw him at They will marry him; the youngest is thrown into Bearskin, they are placed in a hut; the king tells his sons-in-law to go hunting; Bearskin takes her horse, puts on a luxurious outfit, and has caught a lot of game; the elders The sons-in-law did not get anything; Bearskin gave them the loot for apples they received from the princesses; the next time for his horse to kick them in the ass, leaving a mark; enemies attacked, unrecognized as a hero Bearskin smashes enemies twice; the second time the king scratches him with his sword (to see who the stranger is); at a feast, the young man shows golden apples and tells his older sons-in-law to show signs of the blow hoof; older princesses grieve for not going after Bearskin]: Uffer 1973, No. 8:19-25 (=Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 64:171-178); Maltese (many options; it's difficult to retell restore specific texts in detail) [someone steals golden apples; the elder, middle princes fall asleep (or for some other reason can't grab the thief), the younger one injures a many-headed monster, walks through the bloody the trail to the cave, the hole, etc.; the brothers lower it down on a rope; the brothers go away and carry the rope; or companions, not brothers, they throw the rope, but the hero tied a stone in his place just in case; the shepherd tells the hero to jump on the white ram, but he accidentally jumps on the black ram, falls even lower; he feeds the mighty eagle's hungry chicks, they explain how to open the heavy iron door; or their grateful mother explains everything; this eagle is the guardian of three girls; one of them tells you to choose the rusty sword to fight the monster; his body glitters as he eats gold; the eagle carries the hero and the girl to the ground, he feeds and water it, cuts off the last piece from his leg, the eagle puts it back; the elder prince wants to marry the youngest of the rescued girls; she demands a seamless dress from the groom, etc. . (the hero has it); the king asks the youngest son to punish the elders; they are boiled alive or skinned, used as a rug or napkins]: Mifsud-Chircop 1978, No. 301:33-41.

Western Europe. Walloons [golden apples from the royal apple tree disappear; the eldest, middle sons go to guard and fall asleep; the youngest sees the apples plucking off a huge hand leaning out of the ground, cutting off his hand; digs a well, enters an underground palace; there is a kidnapped princess; the prince cuts off seven heads of a sleeping dragon; brings the princess to earth, marries her, reigns after the death of his father]: Laport 1932, no.* 301D: 39-41; French: Lopyreva 1959, No. 29 (Lorraine) [=Cosquin 1886, No. 12:133-137; when leaving, the king gives his son the keys to the castle, forbiding him to enter the same room; the prince entered there, there is a pool, he dipped his finger in it, his finger was covered with indelible gilding; the king forgives his son; when he leaves again, the son washes in the pool, asks the horses which one is faster; Bayard makes only 15 leagues in a step , but smarter than Moreau; father chases Moreau on horseback; Bayard tells you to throw a sponge (forest), a scraper (river), a stone (a mountain covered with razors); Moreau hurts his legs, the king returns; the prince changes clothes with a farmhand, pulls a bubble over his head, is hired as a cook for the local king, his name is Sheludivy (Sh.); the king's three daughters must throw a golden apple at the chosen ones; the youngest saw that S. had gold hair, throws at him; the elders choose a humpback (G.) and quiver (K.); the king will be healed by three jugs of water of the Hungarian queen; S. rides a three-legged horse given to him to the place where Bayar left, takes it there these three jugs, sells to older sons-in-law for the right to stab everyone in the ass a hundred times with an awl; enemies attack, S. wins everyone in true form; buys golden apples thrown at G. and K. by their wives for two more a jug of water from the Queen of Hungary; defeats enemies once again; the king wounds him with an arrow to mark; Bayar says that after completing five services, he can regain his prince appearance, leaves; the king seeks wounded in the thigh with his arrow; this is S.; older sons-in-law are driven away]: 106-111; the French (Provence) [{very similar to the German version of the Grimms}; the king was driving through the village; he was told that the newborn son of a lumberjack is predicted to marry a royal daughter; the king asked for the baby to be given to him, gave him gold; he wrapped the child in a cloak, left it on the river bank; 16 years later, the king visited in those places, and realized that the peasant's adopted son was that boy; sent the young man to his wife, giving a letter asking him to kill the bearer; the young man spent the night with the robbers, they replaced the letter with an order marry a young man to the king's daughter; when he returns, the king tells his son-in-law to bring three golden ecus traits; on the way, the young man is asked to find out why the fountain of wine in the city square has dried up; why the apple tree no longer brings golden apples; on the river, the carrier asks when he will be replaced; the devil turns the young man into a cricket; the devil falls asleep, the devil takes his ecu three times, he wakes up every time, the devil says she I dreamed of this and that (about a fountain, an apple tree, a carrier), the devil answers; a toad under the fountain stone; a rat gnaws on the roots of the apple tree; let the carrier give oars to another; the young man gives the news to the carrier, only Once on the other side; the king went to get gold ecus himself, the carrier gave him his oars, he remained working as a carrier]: Delarue, Tenèze 1964, No. 461:147-149; Wildhaber, Uffer 1971, No. 26 (Switzerland) [the poor have 9 children; they sent the older 9-year-old to look for food himself; he was picked up by a rich lady in a carriage; allowed him to unlock all rooms except one; he unlocked him, the door is behind him slammed shut; corpses hang in the room; the lady forgave for the first time; he entered again, there was also a horse, a mule and a donkey in the room; the horse says they are bewitched people; tells me to take a log, a bucket and a brush with them; they jump away, throw a log (mountain), bucket (sea), brush (thicket); a young man {obviously he grew up} is hired as a gardener to the king, who tells him to put the garden in order for his eldest daughter's wedding; 10 minutes before the expiration of time, the young man does the work "after the hairs of my horse Bayard"; the same for the wedding of his middle daughter; the youngest married a young gardener; the king gives each a golden apple: the throne will leave to the son-in-law who makes better use of the gift; sons-in-law go to war, the younger one chooses the worst horse, then uses Bayar's hairs to smash enemies; older sons-in-law attribute victory to themselves; the king He is ill, the meat of the biggest snake will cure him; the youngest son-in-law gets everything again with Bayar's hairs; gives it to the elders for their golden apples; the king is sick again, he needs the meat of the biggest eagle; likewise, gives meat to older sons-in-law, but for this he stigmatizes them; the king orders them to bring golden apples; the youngest son-in-law brings all three, the elders bring fakes; they are forced to show stamps; the younger son-in-law inherits throne]: 73-79); Irish [(many sources, notably "Bran's Voyage")]: Blažek 2016:168-172; (cf. Welsh [{sources quoted by Blazek do not say apples are golden}]: Blažek 2016:172-178); the British [a sick king will cure only three golden apples from a distant land; three They went in search of their sons, chose different roads at the crossroads, Jack the one to the left; he stopped at the terrible old man; he warned that toads and snakes would climb from everywhere at night, they should not be pushed away otherwise you will become one of them yourself; in the morning you gave a horse faster than the wind and a ball to throw forward between the horse's ears; the horse brought the same thing to the second old man, to the third; he teaches that the horse will take you to the castle on the lake; you must tell the swan to be transported through the water; three entrances are guarded by giants, lions, dragons, they will sleep; take apples in the castle, go back without turning to the noise; in the castle, the young man managed to kiss a sleeping girl, exchange garters, a handkerchief, a watch with her; on the way back, each of the old men tells him to cut off his head, they turn into princes charming; when they reach their country, The young man met his brothers; they changed his apples and hurried to his father; after tasting the youngest son's apples, the king thought they were poisonous, ordered the young man to be killed, but the servant left him in the forest; a lame bear came up. brought him, took off his skin, turned out to be handsome, his name is Jubal, the young man now calls him brother; at this time, the queen kissed by the young man in the castle came with the army; tells the imaginary apple earner to step on her handkerchief, both immediately fall; the king learns that the youngest son was not killed; the queen returns with him to her Melvales castle; Jubal promises to visit them]: Jacobs 1896:142-158; Germans (Pomerania) [ The forester has a daughter and a son; parents do not allow their children to find a mate; they sit on horses, jump away; telling his sister to wait, the young man makes a noise: three giants share his father's inheritance, ask for help; a young man wants to try, these are really valuables; puts a ring on his finger, tenfold; puts on an invisible cloak; takes an inexhaustible purse and an all-cutting sword; tells the giants that he goes to the sky to their father for advice, disappears himself; he did not say anything to his sister; they reached an endless stone wall; the young man hit her with his fist and made his way; behind the wall there is a country of giants; its king is smaller others (giants: so smart); he fell in love with a girl, and she does not mind, but his brother interferes; giant: let the girl pretend to be sick, ask her brother to bring 1) two golden fruits from an orange tree, which is guarded by giants; the young man cut off the heads of 48 giants (two asked them to spare them), brought oranges; 2) living water from a well guarded by lions; the young man killed a lion, and the lioness replaced him dogs; the young man found a tower in which the king of giants imprisoned the kidnapped English princess; the young man released her, on the shore gave a signal to the ship, gave the captain money to take the princess to her father; the captain and navigator forced the princess to call them her saviors; but she refused to marry and set up an almshouse; the sister tells the young man that she will recover if he says what his strength is; handed it over magic objects to the giant; he summoned the two remaining giants, ordered the young man to be taken away and his tongue and eyes cut out; the young man begged them to leave their tongue, so they brought the giant's tongue; the giant with The young man celebrated the wedding as a sister; the young man was given milk by a lioness, and wild animals brought him berries and roots; the sailors who sailed ashore agreed to take the young man to England, but let him send the lioness away; however, she swam caught up with the ship and showed that she was not dangerous; the sailors left the young man and the lioness in that almshouse and the princess recognized him; when he married the princess, the young man became a prince himself; one day his wife took him into the forest, he fell into a stream whose water healed blindness; began to see better than before; leaving his wife in the care of a lioness, he sailed on a ship to take revenge on his sister; when he went to the wall, he saw that the giants had repaired the break; because He wanted to stab himself to such a failure, but accidentally caught the king of mice; he promised to tell his subjects to dig under the wall; the mice performed, got the ring and brought it to the prince; he broke through the wall again, found his own sword, purse and cloak; forced those two giants to carve out their tongues for the sister and king of giants and gouge out their eyes; and the blinded were eaten by beasts; left the country to those two giants, promising them to behave OK, and went back to his wife]: Jahn 1891, No. 37:202-208; the Germans [a woman has three daughters; the one with one eye in her forehead and the one with three eyes did not like the two-eyed, because she does not look like them; the witch taught Two-Eye how to turn to a goat to give her a table with food every time; sisters and mother wonder why Two-Eyed is not hungry; sisters take turns peeping; One-Eyed Eye Two-Eyed Eye spoke and she fell asleep, but Three-Eyed's third eye did not speak, she saw everything; her mother stabbed the goat, but the witch ordered her insides to be buried; a tree with silver leaves and golden fruits grew; only A two-eyed man picks golden apples from him, his sisters are not given them; a knight was driving by; his mother hid the Two-Eye and the plucked apples under the barrel; the sisters could not give the knight apples, the Two-Eyed rolled them out from under the barrels; the knight forced her to lift the barrel, took Two-Eye and married her; the magic tree came to the palace for her; the sisters became impoverished and one day came to beg; the two-eye forgave them and they repented ]: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 130:424-429 (=Grimm, Grimm 1987:338-343)

Western Asia. The Arabs of Syria [the king has a tree with gold, silver and diamond leaves; a falcon comes to tear them up; the king tells his sons to guard; the eldest two fall asleep, the youngest Aladin, the son of a black concubine, sprinkles salt on the cut so as not to fall asleep, knocks down three falcon feathers; brothers go after the falcon, break up at the well; A. kills a male snake chasing a female; she turns into a girl, promises to help, flies with him to heaven, tells him to swallow pistachio seed (he will speak falcons), take the falcon but not take the cage; A. takes the cage, but the local owner lets him go to get the horse; A. again violated the ban (do not take the stirrups); bring a sword (do not sheath); bring King's daughter Fatima, who was carried away by a ghoul; F. explains that a ghoul can only be killed with his own sword; A. gets a sword, kills a ghoul, takes F., gets also a sword, a horse and a falcon; brothers throw him into the well; below a genie, who has a black and white woman, A. chooses a black one, for he himself is a black son; calls a snake girl, she takes him to her father; he gave he was throne, executed his eldest sons]: Kuhr 1993:134-143.

Burma - Indochina. Shana [the leader has an apple tree with golden apples; the golden goose eats them; the eldest, middle sons go to bed; the youngest shot the goose with a poisoned arrow; became the heir, and the eldest sons are the chief expelled]: Milne 1910:260-261.

South Asia. Punjabi [{only part of the text is available}... the younger brother receives three horses - bronze, silver, gold; the king promises a daughter to whoever pulls three golden apples from the top of the glass mountains; young man jumps on his horses...]: Sheikh-Dilthey 1976, №? : 87 (?) -90 (?).

The Balkans. Ancient Greece ["Catalog of Women" (circa 6th century BC), attributed in ancient times to Hesiod and preserved as a series of passages on papyri (in the case of Atalanta, in Oxirinha papyrus of the II-III centuries): "With my right hand... /I reached for her in my aspiration. When she saw it, she turned back. Not an equal competition, however, /It was for them: Atalanta, divine, fast in running, /She raced, not wanting to accept the gifts of golden Aphrodite, /She gave his soul to agony, in no way death, /Or salvation he searched, and said, plotting cunning:/"Scheney's daughter, who has a heart alien to pity! /This gift was accepted by the beautiful goddess of the golden Aphrodite..."/.../So he said and threw the shame that alienated the apple, /The fruit of the golden goddess Aphrodite... /Immediately to his feet swiftly... /The harpy seems with floating hands, the maiden immediately grabbed it from the ground. He threw the other apple on the ground./Atalanta has already taken two, divine, fast in running, /He threw the third apple at the target close to the ground, /He managed to avoid death and black death./ finished breathing deeply..." (per. O. Tsybenko)]: Hes. Cat. Fr. 14 (EW) = 75 (MW) = 36 (Gasparov). 27-48 (Greek original in Vitelli 1912, No. 130:49-50); [Ovid's Metamorphoses (End of Er): Atalanta demanded that the suitors be able to overtake her; many to no avail tried and were executed; Hippomenes challenged her; Aphrodite handed him three Tamasei golden apples; while running, he threw one of them on the lists; Atalanta was stunned, deviated from the path and bent down for a rolling apple; G. managed to overtake her, but after a while Atalanta left him behind again; then lingered behind the second apple and took the lead again; G. threw the third apple, Atalanta picked him up; G. ran first and married her]: Ovid. Met. X. 560-680; Ancient Greece: Hes. Theog. 211-216 [Theogony by Hesiod (8th-7th centuries BC): "The night gave birth to Mora the terrible with black Kera./Death also gave birth to Sleep and the crowd of Dreams./Moma then gave birth to Sadness, the source suffering, /And Hesperides, are groomed by golden, beautiful apples/Overseas they are on trees that bear fruit" (trans. V.V. Veresaeva)]; Palaept. XVIII ["About the Incredible" Palephate (probably 4th century BC): "It is said that the Hesperides were some kind of women and had golden fruits on an apple tree guarded by a dragon - for these apples he went to Hercules campaign. Here's the truth. Hesper, a native of Miletus, lived in Caria and had two daughters named the Hesperides. And he had beautiful prolific sheep (this breed is still found in Miletus), which is why they were called golden sheep. After all, gold is the most beautiful thing, and these sheep were beautiful. In addition, sheep produce good offspring. So, when Hercules saw these sheep grazing by the sea, he drove them aboard the ship, and their shepherd named Dragon home when Hesper was no longer alive, only his daughters were left. So people started saying, "We saw the golden fruits that Hercules brought from Hesperides by killing their Dragon watchman." This is where the myth came from" (trans. V.N. Yarkho)]; Apoll. Rhod. IV. 1388-1393, 1422-1427 ["Argonautics" by Apollonius of Rhodes (3rd century BC): "They {the Argonauts} came to the famous place, where the terrible Serpent/Ladon guarded gold/In the Atlanta field just yesterday. Under him, the Hesperids frolicked/With their wonderful song. And now this monstrous serpent/Serpent was defeated by Hercules and thrown near the apple tremble/Only the tip of his tail trembled"; one of the Hesperides, addressing the Argonauts: "Know that recently a lot of help you in your labour/ A scoundrel came here, who, /Having deprived his life of the snake guardian, took the gold/Apples of our goddesses and left away, leaving us/The grief is terrible" (trans. N.A. Chistyakova)]; Diod. Sic. IV. 26. 2-4 [The Historical Library by Diodorus of Sicily (1st century BC): "Having been ordered to accomplish the last feat of bringing the golden apples to Hesperides, Hercules sailed again for Libya. There are different opinions among mythographers regarding these apples. Some believe that these were golden apples (μlaα) that grew in some Hesperides gardens in Libya under the vigilant protection of a terrible dragon, while others say that the Hesperides owned flocks of sheep of exceptional beauty, which, because of this beauty, are called "golden lambs" (μlaα) by poets, just as Aphrodite is called "golden" because of her beautiful appearance. Some say that these sheep had a special coat and were likened to gold by this name, and the Dragon was a strong and fortified sheep guardian who was assigned to guard flocks and killed Anyone who tried to kidnap them. However, everyone is free to hold an opinion that seems more convincing to them. By killing the apple guard and bringing apples to Eurystheus, Hercules completed his exploits and expected to be immortality, as Apollo's prophecy said" (trans. O.P. Tsybenko)]; Apollod. Bibl. II. 5. 11 [The Mythological Library of Pseudo-Apollodor (I-II centuries): "After all these feats were accomplished, in eight years and one month, Eurystheus refused to credit the cleansing of the Augean Stables and victory over Hydra and appointed Hercules the eleventh feat - to bring golden apples from the Hesperides. These apples were not in Libya, as some claim, but near Atlanta, where the Hyperboreans live. Gaia gave them to Zeus when he married Hera. These apples were guarded by an immortal dragon, the son of Typhon and Echidna, who had a hundred heads: he was able to produce a wide variety of voices. Together with him, the apples of the maiden of Hesperides - Aigla, Erithea, Hestia, Arethus - were guarded. <... > Passing through Illyria and heading to the Eridan River, Hercules came to the nymphs, daughters of Zeus and Themis. They sent him to Nereus. Hercules found him asleep and tied him up, although Nereus changed his appearance several times during the fight. He didn't let Nereus out before he told him where he would find Hesperides apples. After learning the way from Nereus, Hercules crossed Libya. <... > When Hercules came to the Hyperboreans, where Atlas was, remembering Prometheus's advice not to go pick apples himself, but, taking the vault of heaven on his shoulders, sent them for them Atlanta did it all. Atlas, after cutting three apples from Hesperides, came to Hercules and, not wanting to take back the vault of heaven on his shoulders, said that he wanted to take the apples to Eurystheus himself, and asked Hercules to hold the vault of heaven instead of him. Hercules agreed to this, but managed to put him back on Atlanta's shoulders with a clever trick. Prometheus advised him to invite Atlanta to take over the arch of heaven for a while while he made a pillow on his head. After hearing this, Atlas placed the apples on the ground and took the vault of heaven on his shoulders. So Hercules managed to pick up the apples and leave. Some report that Hercules did not receive these apples from Atlanta, but cut them off himself, killing the dragon guarding them. After bringing the apples to Mycenae, Hercules gave them to Eurystheus, who in turn gave them to Hercules. Taking these apples from Hercules, Athena took them back again: it would be wicked if these apples were elsewhere" (trans. V.G. Borukhovich)]; Ps. -Erat. Cataster. III-IV ["Catasterisms" by Pseudo-Eratosthenes (probably 1st-2nd centuries): The Dragon is "very large and stretches between both Bears. It is said to be the serpent that guarded the golden apples and was slaughtered by Hercules. For this, Hera, who placed him as the guardian of apples in the West, gave him a place among the constellations. Ferekid says that Hera, when married to Zeus, accepted gifts from all gods, and Gaia gave her golden apples. Looking at the apples, Hera was amazed and ordered them to be planted in the Garden of Gods owned by Atlanta; and since the Atlanta girls were constantly stealing apples, she placed guards of extraordinary size snake"; "It is said that Hercules, going for golden apples, killed a snake appointed to guard them. And this serpent was specifically identified as a Hero to confront Hercules. That is why, when this feat was completed with many dangers, Zeus considered the labors worthy of memory and placed the image of Hercules among the constellations" (trans. A.A. Rossius)]; Ath. Deipn. III. 27 (84 b, c) [Athenaeas's Feast of the Wise Men (II-III centuries): "Antifan {c. 407-343 BC} in Beotyanka: "But before the insatiable about delicates/And it's stupid to talk about delicacies. These apples/ Take it, sweethe./ - How good they are! /- Good gods, good of course! /Their seedlings were brought here to Athens./ - I thought you would say you brought them/From the Hesperides, three golden apples/I swear by the Light! /- Beauty/ It is rarely and highly valued everywhere." After inserting these poems by Antifan into Melibia as his own, Erif {4th century BC} continued: "I thought you would say you brought them/Three golden apples from Hesperides, /Swear by the Light!" (per. N.T. Golinkevich)]; Macedonians [a young man came to a blind old man at his house in the mountains; he promises to adopt him if the young man can withstand three blows with a baton; he puts a bag of straw in his place; the old man gives the keys to 10 rooms (which contain treasures), but does not give two; the young man came to three fairies who stole the old man's eyes; they will dance if the young man plays the flute; if he gets tired before, they will take them away his eyes; his fingers are trembling; he replies that he remembered looking for an old man in his head; they ask them to look for them; he ties them by the hair, hangs them on a tree; they say that the old man's eyes are in two gold apples; the young man frees the fairies, gives the old man one apple; the second gives after he has allowed the last two rooms to be unlocked; one has a winged horse and a gold spring, the other has a winged mule and silver spring; the young man becomes gold above the waist, silver becomes lower; runs away on horseback, the old man chases a mule; the young man throws a comb (thorny thickets), salt (mountain), oil (river); the old man cannot cross the river, he advises to hide his appearance from people; the young man dresses as poor, draws a bubble over his face as if he were a leper, is hired as a gardener; the youngest of the king's three daughters sees him in his true form; princesses must throw an apple at whoever they want to marry; the youngest throws at the imaginary leper three times; the father in anger drives them to live in the chicken coop; the king is blind, they need fairy milk; the imaginary leper pretends to be stuck in the swamp; in true form, he brings fairy milk and wild pig milk on a winged horse; gives pork under the guise of fairy milk to his older sons-in-law, stamps them on their hips; from pork milk the king is even worse; the youngest daughter gives fairy milk, the king sees the light; the imaginary leper in his true form smashes his enemies, the king bandages his wound with his handkerchief; then sees the leper's handkerchief; the young man opens, shows stamps on the body of his older sons-in-law; the tsar puts the youngest next to him, the elders under the table]: Martin 1955:18-31; Bulgarians: Daskalova-Perkovska 1994, No. 301 [lamia, snake steals golden apples (grapes, hay, etc.); two older brothers guard and fall asleep; on the third night, her younger brother (sitting on ash) manages to injure her, goes to a hole, a well, where she goes to the lower world; goes down, there's a girl or girls, the most beautiful gives him a ring; a young man kills a lamia; brothers take the girls upstairs, leave the boy downstairs; by mistake, the young man jumps on black {not white} a ram, finds himself in a world even lower; there is killed by a snake (lamia, hala), which annually devours the chicks of a large bird (usually eagles); the bird lifts the hero upstairs, and feeds her meat in flight , cuts off the last piece from his own leg, from his thigh; the young man shows who he is by presenting the princess's ring or getting magic items; marries the youngest saved princess]: 96-98; Shereshevskaya 1957a [the king has an apple tree that brings golden apples; who steals them; the elder, middle brother guards, falls asleep; the youngest cut his finger, smeared it with salt; sees a bird with golden feathers, shoots, the bird flew away, one feather fell; the king tells the sons to get the bird; the elders respond ruelly to the old man they meet, the youngest is kind to him; he tells them to take a different path than the brothers; tells them to take the bird in the palace without touching the cage; the young man took the cage, was captured; released for promising to get a flying horse; the old man indicates the city and the palace, tells him not to take bridles; the young man does not take it, returns on a flying horse, gets a bird with a cage and the king's daughter, a ring, the bride's clothes in a nutshell; finds brothers in the inn; they tied him in the forest, told his father that they had caught the bird themselves; the shepherd found and untied his younger brother; the bride promises to marry only the one who will bring her nutshell dress; the youngest gets a wife and half the kingdom, the older brothers have disappeared]: 79-89; Greeks [the poor woman has three daughters; she went to collect herbs, sighed, the Moor appeared, asked why she called him; ordered to give one daughter, for which he gave gold; gave the girl a human head to eat, the girl hid her under the roof; the Moor called her head, she responded from under the roof, the Moor sent the bride home, telling her second sister to be sent; she received a human leg for dinner, hid it behind a keg of butter; the same; the youngest received a hand, but hid it under skirt; the Moor decided that the hand was responding from the girl's belly; they live well, but in the evening the husband gives his wife sleeping pills and she immediately falls asleep; the sisters learned to hide a sponge under their clothes and pour sleeping pills on her, not in her mouth; at night she saw a handsome man next to him; when her husband fell asleep, she noticed a gold lock with a key on his chest; she opened, there was a river, a woman was washing clothes, a pig came up and wanted to carry the laundry; wife The Moor called out to the woman, the Moor woke up, said that he was now Filek-Zelebi, let the pregnant woman look for him; let him take three pairs of iron shoes and three golden apples; after wearing out the first pair, he would climb mountain and throw an apple, it will lead to the older sister of the Federal Law; she weaves gold cloth for her brother's wife's child FZ; then the second pair of shoes, the second apple, the second sister (the same, makes clothes for her son FZ); the third sister's wife gave birth to a boy with a lock on her chest; the Federal Law appeared, everything is fine]: Hahn 1864 (2), No. 73:80-84; Serbs [a childless woman asks for a child even with a pepperseed; gives birth to a boy-S- Pepper (MP); the princess cries because the dragon steals golden apples; at the bottom of Lake MP throws parts of the sheep's carcass to the dragon, grabs one of the apples each time; cuts off the last piece from her leg, brings apples princess; becomes a slender handsome man, kills the dragon to whom the princess is given to be eaten, hides her tongues from 9 severed heads; the deceiver brings heads, MA brings tongues, the false groom falls through land, MA marries princess]: Karadzic 1856 in Dmitriev, Volkonsky 1956:138-141; Albanians [a monster crawls out of a well, eats golden apples; the king promises his eldest, middle, youngest son marry him if he kills a monster; the arrows of the elders break against the monster's skin, the youngest kills him with a club, it falls into a well; the Queen asks to lower him on a rope, finds the Beauty of the Earth at the bottom, sends her upstairs, then a dead monster; when he gets up himself, the servants cut off the rope; the queen goes, sleeps under an oak tree, kills a snake that has come to eat eagles; a grateful eagle carries the queen to the ground, on the way he feeds her, cuts off the last piece of meat from his own caviar, the eagle regurgitates a piece, puts it back; gives red (a winged horse will fly), white (a palace will appear), black ( servants will appear) hair; the king locked the Beauty of the Earth in the palace, will give it to whoever jumps over the ditch and the fence; the queen jumps on a winged horse; the king gives him a girlfriend, recognizes his son at the wedding, executes servants]: Serkova 1989:33-36; Romanians [golden apples disappear from the royal garden; two older brothers fall asleep, the youngest shoots birds, finds a golden pen on the ground; goes with a servant to looking for a bird; a wolf with a steel head asks him not to shoot; says that the king of birds always sends them to rob gardens; takes a cage with a bird, but is captured; the king of birds promises to give it back in exchange for the horse of the neighboring king; caught again - must bring the divine Craiessa; the wolf with him; took K. out of her garden; the wolf takes the form of K., gets a horse, runs away; then takes the form of a horse, gets a bird; The prince is now a girl, a horse and a bird; he returns to his father, wedding]: Kúnos 1901:244-259; Romanians [a forest hermit picked up a basket with a baby in the river; a vine has grown near his cave, whom the grapes immediately ripened; he fed the boy with it, called Demitri; he grew up; when he died, the hermit ordered him to take an excuse in the cave - a horse would appear, he must ride it; when they arrived in the kingdom of the three fairies, the horse tells us to wash his hair in the pool, whose water turns golden every hundred years; D.'s hair turned golden, he pulled a bubble over his head and was hired as a gardener by the city ruler; he has three daughters; The eldest Anika offered to send her father three melons of varying degrees of ripeness; the counselor explained that the daughters wanted to marry; the elders found a husband, and Didine was still with her father; she saw the gardener take a bubble from his head, summoned a horse and prances around the garden; so three times, each time D. wearing a new set of clothes received from three fairies; the last one with the sun, moon and stars - Morning and Evening on his sleeves; adviser to the ruler: let All the men will pass in front of D., and she will throw a golden apple at the chosen one; she threw it twice at D.; they were accommodated in a yard building, D. carried water; but in their room the horse arranged everything with unprecedented luxury; going to war, D. summoned his winged horse, smashes his enemies; injured his hand, the ruler gave his handkerchief to be bandaged; the ruler went blind; he would see the light, washing his eyes with the milk of a red wild goat; D. gave ordinary milk to his older sons-in-law, for which they allowed them to burn the stigma on their backs; what his older sons-in-law brought did not help, and the father saw the light from what Didina had brought; at the feast, D. declared his older son-in-law his branded slaves, showed the ruler his handkerchief and his golden hair; the horse rode back to the fairy land, taking their dresses, because D. no longer needs them; it is still believed that the Demitrians should have golden hair]: Mawr 1881:19-27; Moldovans [a poor man finds a bird with golden feathers in the forest; brings it home, it lays golden eggs, he sells them to a merchant; a merchant reads to the goiter that the bird who ate it the heart will become king, the one who eats the navel will find a purse of gold under the pillow, the liver will be lucky; the merchant persuades his wife to kill the poor man, marry him, fry a bird; three sons of a woman birds accidentally eat giblets; the merchant wants to kill the children, they run away; the eldest becomes king, the middle becomes rich; the younger is lazy; the sorcerer leads him into the forest, asks him to go underground, bring the key and an iron stick; the boy collects golden apples; refuses to give the wizard the key before he raises him to the ground; the sorcerer covers the ground; the boy rubs his wand, the iron man appears, promises raise him to the ground if the boy feeds him in flight; he cuts off the last piece from his thigh; on the ground, the iron man says he would eat the boy if he knew how he tastes; disappears; the boy returns to his mother, bringing golden apples and a key; this is the key to hell; if he is rubbed, the servants grant wishes; the boy sends the mother to marry the king's daughter; the king demands 1) create for night palace, road with birds and trees; 2) come on horses that eat coals and drink flame; servants perform everything; the princess's first fiancé and herself are taken to the courtyard and basement for the night; wedding; sorcerer asks the young man's servant to bring a rusty key in exchange for a gold one; the young man loses his magical helpers and everything they have created; goes to wander around the world; rubs his wand, the iron man teaches him to turn into a fly, to get the key from under the sorcerer's pillow; the young man returns everything; the wife is ill; the sorcerer turned into a holy virgin, told his wife that she would recover if she got a marble egg from the center of the earth; hellish servants say that he has all their strength, they teach him to kill a sorcerer instead; a young man kills; helps his brother-king defeat enemies; the Beauty of the World who swallows his navel solders, he belches him, loses everything; rides through the meadow, his horse eats grass , becomes a donkey; drinks water again as a horse; he lets a woman smell grass, she becomes a donkey; he rides it, meets brothers, forgives a woman, makes her the Beauty of the World again]: Moldovan tales 1968:172 -184); Gagauz people [a childless old woman sends her husband to find a child; he brings a pig; a pig tells him to marry a boyar's daughter; the boyar orders to create a golden bridge, a garden with golden apples; everything appears; tells the house to stand on the water - the house stands; the boyar gives his daughter; at the wedding, the pig sheds its pigskin, becomes handsome; at night the wife throws the skin into the fire; the husband puts it on her belt the hoop, only his hand will take it off, only then will his wife be born; she comes to Dumaa Báb (makes sure no one spins on Friday), who refers to her sister Pazar-bab (watches on Sunday); she collects birds; only a lame bird saw the woman's husband at Jada bába (witch); P. gives him a gold spinning wheel, an arshin, a reel to sell J. for the right to spend the night with a guy; for two nights J. puts him to sleep, his wife does not maybe wake up; on the third night, the maid told the guy not to drink potions; he takes off his wife's belt, she gives birth to a boy, all three return home]: Syrf 2013:149-153.

Central Europe. Poles [the king does not let Argelius's eldest son out of the castle - so as not to blow; an apple tree has grown in the garden, flowers on it in the morning, golden apples in the evening, someone steals them at night; magician: theirs only A. will protect; the king executed the wizard; the king's youngest son did not guard; A. father: if you do not allow me to be guarded, I would die; I had to let it; 7 swans flew in, A. grabbed one, she became royal, the rest were her ladies; they were bewitched; the swans promised to return; the servant saw everything, told the bride, she told the witch mother; she gave sleeping pills; the swans flew three times, Queen A. did not wake up; ordered the servant to tell A. to outweigh his sword and look for it in the Black City; the outweighed sword pointed to the traitor servant, A. hacked him down; went to look for the Black City; three are fighting over the table- magic and a horse with a saddle and a whip (will take you anywhere); A. invites the arguers to race to the mountain, picks up the table, flies on horseback to the Black City; the queen is preparing for the wedding with the king; her ladies, and then she also recognized A.; A.'s wedding with the royal]: Shcherbakov 1980:66-70; Slovaks [mother breastfeeds her son three times for seven years; when she is convinced that he is able to uproot a beech tree, says that it is enough - let him take care of her now and provide her with housing; the son found a dragon castle in the forest, broke into it, killed the dragons; in the tenth room another one is chained to the wall; asks release him, he was chained by other dragons; the young man refuses, brings his mother to live in this castle; forbids entering the tenth room; she comes in, agrees to release the chained; for this purpose it is necessary bring wine from a barrel in the basement; after each cup, one of the hoops falls down; to get rid of her son, the dragon advises the mother to pretend to be sick, bring an earthen pig; the young man came to St. . For a week; she tells her to sit on her horse named Tatoshik, gives the pig a pig to prick; he screams, the pig will chase him; the second time the pig will not scream for fear of the pig, it can be taken away ; next time, the mother, on the advice of the dragon, asks for living and dead water; The week teaches: the water of life is on the right mountain, it will rise at noon; death is on the left, will rise at midnight; the mountains are almost squeezed out the young man's hands; Week left alive and dead water for themselves, and gave the young man an ordinary one; the dragon offers to send a pelican for the bird; Week: the wind pulls trees from the flapping of the wings of the pelican; the young man brought a pelican, Nedelka kept it for herself, and gave the young man a simple eagle for his mother; bring a golden apple from the dragon garden; A week gives a ring: if you turn and think about it, you will have a hundredfold strength more; the horse carried over the garden wall; apples are guarded by a princess kidnapped by dragons; if stolen, she will be killed; she also gives a ring that multiplies strength by a hundred times; dragon under the apple tree; began to fight, dragon drove the young man into the ground up to his ankles; raven: who will I help? dragon: to me, promises gold; young man: to me, promises the carcasses of all horses grazing in the meadow; the raven jumped the young man with water so that he would not be burned by the heat of the dragon; when the young man turned the second ring, he drove the dragon into the ground up to his shoulders; cut his head; the princess picked an apple for the young man herself; the young man promises to come for her in a year; brought his mother a golden apple; she offered to tie him: is he strong like his father? the young man tore the rope; then tied it with a silk cord: he did not tear it; the dragon cut it to pieces, loaded them on T. and drove him away; T. came to the Week, she revived the young man with dead and living water; but There is no heart: his mother took it out and hung it from the ceiling; a week told me to dress up as a beggar, come to the castle to play the bagpipes and ask for a heart as a reward; the mother began to dance with the dragon; the bagpiper said that he was too old to take the money, but his heart would like; a week washed his heart with living and dead water and told the pelican bird to put his young man in its place; then let the pelican go; turned the young man into a dove: let him fly to find out what his mother is doing; to become human again, you have to think about her; the mother tells the dragon to shoot the pigeon, but he turned into a young man and cut off the dragon head; took the mother into the yard, threw up his sword; when he fell, he pierced her heart; the young man came to the king, whose daughter he saved, and married her; if they did not die, they are still alive]: Wenzig 1857:144-156; Western Ukrainians (Galicia, Brodsky University, p. Berlin) [The king has three sons: two smart, the third stupid. He owns a garden, a wild boar got into the garden and started digging. The king says that whoever protects the garden will sit on his throne. The eldest son calls in, goes, but doesn't kill. The youngest goes and doesn't kill. The average decides to go. They laugh at him like he's a fool. A foolish man goes to the garden, makes his own bed, goes to bed and sleeps. He finds a thorny thistle, sticks it in his heads, and it prevents him from falling asleep. A boar comes, starts digging and picking apples, a fool kills him with a gun. He goes to his father very happy, reports. The brothers laugh at him, call him a fool, He swears. Father and brothers go to see it and make sure it's true. His father admires him and tells his brothers that he is smarter than both of them. They advise him what to do, decide to go for a walk and kill him there. Mikhasia's name is to go out with them. They find a fish pond in which the water has dried up, but there is silt. Little brother doesn't agree to kill. The older brother punches the stupid man in the nose, then on the back of the head, he loses consciousness and falls. The elder grabs a stick for the tanning tank and beats the youngest to death. They unfold the fabric, bury it in the mud and stick a stick in that place. The stick is accepted, a golden stalk grows, golden apples on it, a golden violin and a bow hang on it. The shepherd drives the herd, drives him to the pond. He has a son, and he sends his son to wrap his herd from the pond so that someone doesn't get stuck. The shepherdess goes to wrap, sees a golden apple tree, a violin and a bow, gets out, picks apples, takes off his violin and bow. He wraps the cattle, starts playing, the violin says: "Little by little, little by little, my shepherdess, play, only mine, just don't cut my heart! For in the meadow by the branches, my brother killed me for the veprik that dug in the garden." The shepherdess comes running to his father, says he plays. The violin speaks to him. He brings the cattle to the king, comes to the rooms, brings the violin, kisses his hand and tells him where he got it. The king plays, the violin calls him father. The king is crying, the queen is playing, the violin calls her mother. My little brother comes and asks me to play, the violin says: "Little by little, little by little, my brother, play, just mine, just don't cut my heart! For in the meadow by the branches you said: "Don't hit!" , for the veprik who dug in the garden." My older brother comes and asks for a violin, she says: "Little by little, little by little, my brother, play, just mine, just don't cut my heart! For you killed me in the meadow by the branches, because of the veprik that dug in the garden." They go with the shepherd, the shepherd shows the place where the apples were picked, they begin to dig a hole, find the victim in the mud. The king orders that the stallion from Staney be brought and the eldest son tied to the tail. He is allowed into an open field: where he hits his head, there is a valley, and where there is a mound with the rear]: Franko 1895:221-222; northern Ukrainians (Romanovka Novograd-Volynsky y. Volyn Gubernia) [Three brothers, two clever, and the third is a fool, they have golden apples in their garden that a boar is used to. A father sends his sons to guard. The elder goes, does not wait, falls asleep. A boar comes, digs, eats an apple, leaves. Dad gets up, counts apples, there's no one. He sends the middle man, he waits, he falls asleep. A boar comes, digs, eats an apple, leaves. Dad gets up, counts apples, but there's no one again. The fool says he'll go. My father doubts him. The fool asks for a gun. The father does not want to, the fool takes it himself, goes to watch. He breaks the thorns, stumbles them around them, sits. When he sleeps, he stabs him. He hears a boar coming. Only he wants to dig, a fool shoots at him. Brothers hear and come. They see that the boar is lying and they say that they will get it. The elder suggests killing a fool, burying it in a hole and saying that they killed a boar. They kill, bury them in a hole, take a wild boar themselves, go, wake their father up, say they sit on the doorstep, when suddenly a boar comes and they kill him. One master is driving, seeing that a beautiful viburnum has grown on the mound. He gets out, walks, cuts, makes a pipe and plays. She plays and sings herself: "Play, master, play, just don't hurt my heart! My brother killed me, my brother buried me, but because of the wild boar he dug in the kindergarten." I went to the tavern, where the father of the victim was. Pan says he was driving, cutting a pipe, and she was playing herself. Dad takes him, plays, she calls him dad. She brings her home, lets her mother play. Dudka calls her mom. Dad lets his brothers play, they don't want to. He orders. The youngest takes it, the pipe calls him brother. The father lets the eldest who killed him play, he doesn't want to, the father yells at him. He takes it and plays: "Play, brother, play, just don't hurt my heart! You killed me, you buried me because of the wild boar you dug in the kindergarten." Dad wants us to take you to where he killed him. My brother is driving. They dig up, bury the dead in the cemetery, tie the older brother to the stallion, who even breaks his bones]: Rudchenko 1869, No. 56:159-161; Eastern Ukrainians (Kharkiv, Kupyansky u.) [Marco the Rich's devils serve as workers; he called the Lord and St. Peter; they came in the guise of beggars; MB ordered them to be locked from the barns, then into the pigsty, the Lord blows the doors every time; MB tells them to go to the poor widow; she gave birth to a son at dawn; an angel asks the Lord what to give the baby; he replies that the baby will get all the MB property; MB bought the baby, put it in a stump and covered it with snow; the merchants saw that the child was sitting on a stump and green around him grass; merchants picked it up, one person raised it; MB found out, sent a letter to his wife, ordering him to kill the applicant; the old man changed the letter with an order to marry the young man to his daughter; MB sent his son-in-law to inspect the farm - let him come to one place at dawn, and then the devils will strangle him; his wife did not let him in in the morning; MB went by himself, the devils strangled him; var.: after buying a baby, MB threw him into the sea; he swims and plays with golden apples; fishermen sell the baby to merchants; MB buys it again, throws it in a barrel into the sea; the boy was picked up and raised by monks; devils do not strangle MB, but workers throw him into a pot of boiling water]: Ivanov 1890:80-83; Belarusians (according to Romanov) [after the death of his wife, the father wants to marry his daughter; the mother from the grave advises to ask the father to dress like stars and a month; the same goes to the cart and horses; the father performs; mother advises him to marry a widow with three daughters; the cow performs the stepmother's tasks; she sends her daughter to spy; the stepdaughter looks in her head, puts her to sleep; the stepmother inserts her daughter's third eye; after learning the secret, tells the cow to be slaughtered; the stepdaughter finds grain in her guts, an apple tree with golden and silver apple trees grows, they are not given to anyone; the stepmother and three daughters go to church, leaving her stepdaughter to peel the poppy from ash; she wears a dress with stars, rides in a wagon trained by her father, sees her by the royal son; spills resin, one shoe is tied; the prince finds his stepdaughter, marries; stepmother comes to visit, in the bathhouse turns it into a fox (trot?) , replaces her daughter; the midwife carries the baby, calls the fox, she throws off the fox skin, feeds it; the prince spies, burns the skin; the stepmother and her daughter are tied to the horse's tail; to this Khudyakov's record (Velikor. sk., II: 71-75) is close to the option; in it, yarn is not placed in the cow's ear, and the cow eats it and releases the finished fabric; it is not the grains that are buried, but the tripe and legs are buried, and a garden with golden ones grows apples; in the bath, the stepmother turns the stepdaughter into a lynx; the nanny calls the lynx to feed the baby, the woman takes off her skin, feeds; the husband burns the skin, grabs the wife; she turns into a snake, a toad, a spindle; he breaks the spindle, throws it in front of her, the wife regains its former appearance]: Potanin 1891:155-157; Russians (Olonetskaya or Arkhangelskaya) [someone steals golden apples from the garden of the formidable Tsar Vasily; Tsarevichi Fedor , Peter falls asleep, the younger Ivan pulls the feather from the firebird; V. sends him for the bird; at the fork there is an inscription: whoever is straight will die with the horse, to the right will die himself, but the horse will remain, whoever to the left will lose the horse; I. turns to the left, the wolf eats the horse, I. is lucky, tells him to take the bird without a cage; I. takes it with a cage, he is grabbed, told to get a golden-maned horse; the wolf tells him to take it without a bridle, I. grabs the bridle, he is told to take it without a bridle, I. get Elena the Beautiful; the wolf takes her away, takes her form to exchange the princess for a horse, then takes the form of a horse - to get a firebird; returns, I. gets everything; his brothers kill him; the wolf grabs voronenka, makes the crow bring alive and dead water; I. marries the EP, the elder princes are expelled]: Karnaukhova 1948:253-261; Russians (Vologodskaya, Velikoustyuzhsky y.) [someone is stealing golden apples; he was caught, this is Divy's husband, put him in prison; Ivan Tsarevich shot a bird, an arrow hit D.; he asks him to release - it will come in handy; the tsar gathered the boyars, those were ordered to expel I.; he went and thought about D. immediately appeared, led him; his wife poured an apple out of his horn twice and let him eat; after the second time I. was able to raise the damask club; D. sent him to hire a groom to another king, where he will kill a snake; one groom named Devkin's son did not like I.; D. once again brought I. a drink and an apple; tomorrow the princess will be given to be eaten by a snake; I. killed a snake, princess bandaged the wound with her handkerchief; Devkin's son attributed everything to himself; D. gave I. a magic wheel (it built a golden palace) and a harp to play magic songs; the princess recognized him, the wedding; Devkin's son was cut off head]: Burtsev 1895, No. 8:44-50.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [{the text is inconsistent, confused}; the orphan found, brought the khan a golden egg; the khan had something else; the orphan identified his own; the khan sent him to bring the chicken; he brought it and received the youngest daughter Khan Othan; they have sons Gunukh and Donyak ("three-year-old" and "four-year-old"); Khan fell ill, sent an orphan to buy golden apples, he died; shulmus, disguised as a doctor, began to live in the palace, became a friend of the khanshi; said that Khan would heal the heart and liver of G. and D.; the servants first brought the dog's giblets, then sent G. and D. to travel; D. fell into the possession where the khan died and became khan; G. became handsome because ate the head of a golden chicken, and the khan's daughter admired it; the maid advised him to shut his mouth with wormwood, he belched his head, the khan's daughter swallowed it herself; G. judged those who shared the flying carpet, a stick for control him and an invisible hat, ordered them to race, took possession of the objects himself; kidnapped the khan's daughter; she, at the instigation of the old Shulmuska, found out his secret, stole objects; G. overheard the conversation raven - after eating black apples, you will become a donkey, red apples - you will take your form; comes to brother khan, turns 40 daughters of another khan into donkeys; brother khan says that you need to return three magic items; he returns, G. returns the girls to their former appearance; the eldest daughter regurgitates the head of a golden chicken; kills D.'s wife, who tried to poison him]: Basangova 2002:117-122; Ossetians [on a sledge apple tree in the day ripened one golden apple at a time; it healed people from diseases and healed wounds, although it did not save them from death; at night someone stole an apple; sledges took turns guarding, but to no avail; came Warhag's turn; he sent Ahsar and Ahsartag's sons to guard; if the apple is stolen, one of them will be beheaded by sledges, the other's hand will be put on stakes; Ahsartag guarded until midnight, but then told Akhsar that he could continue to sleep; at dawn a dove flew in; Akhsartag cut off half of her wing with an arrow, the apple fell to the ground; the brothers followed the bloody trail to the sea; Akhsartag goes down to sea; if the bloody foam immediately rises, he dies; if white, let Ahsar wait for him for a year; in the house at the bottom of 7 brothers they say that they have 3 sisters; one of them Zerassa got used to in the appearance of a dove, steal sledge apples; if you put on a severed wing and let her eat an apple, she will recover; whoever cures her, she will marry; Ahsartag healed Dz.; a year later he remembered that we must go back to my brother; J. turned herself and her husband into fish and they surfaced; they came to Ahsar's tent, but he was just hunting; Ahsarsag went looking for him, they missed each other; J. mistook Akhsara for husband, they were so similar; Ahsar put his sword in bed for the night; Z. got up, was offended; Ahsarsag returned, thought that his wife had changed; Ahsar fired an arrow into the sky: let him hit me in the place with which touched Dz.; the arrow hit Ahsarsag in the little finger and he died; Ahsartag stabbed with a sword; Uastyrzhi descended from the sky with a three-legged horse, promised to bury his brothers if Z. went for him; when he did, Dz. said that she must wash herself first, went to the sea, went to her father; Uastyrji promised to find Dz. in the world of the dead; her mother sent Z. to give birth to sledges on earth, otherwise they would not recognize their children as their own; Dz. gave birth in the lower tier of the Warhaga ancestral tower; the twins Uryzmag and Khamyts were born; they grew up quickly; H. smashed the girl's jug out of mischief; she advised him to better find his grandfather Warhag, who herds sledges cattle; W. recognized them, brought them upstairs to the ancestral tower; married Dz.; died a year later, Dz died a year later; before her death she ordered her sons to guard her crypt for three nights; H. went to guard, but heard music and went to the wedding; at this time Uastyrji came in, revived Dz., got together with her, she gave birth to a girl, died again; Uryzmag heard crying, took out the girl, she was named Shatana; the same in Kaloev 1980:375; addition: On the third night, Uastyrji came to D.'s crypt, then let his horse and dog go. A year later, dead D. gave birth to Satan, the foal of Arfan, "the eldest of horses," and the puppy Silam, "the oldest of dogs." D. left offspring that formed the powerful Nart family Akhsartagkat)]: Libedinsky 1978:50-64; Ingush [the prince has a copper tree with golden leaves; someone kidnaps them at night; the eldest son goes to guard, is frightened by the clouds and the wind, says that he did not see anything; the same middle one; the youngest began to cut the cloud with a sword, cut off his black finger, followed the bloody trail in the morning; met, took him as companions pulling trees, drinking the sea, an arrow that catches a bullet he fired; the prince's son descends into a hole in the ground; a girl at the spring says that she and her two sisters were carried away by a three-headed eagle; so that they do not get bored, brings them golden leaves; yesterday he returned without one head and without a finger; the prince's son teaches them to ask the eagle what his death is; beyond 7 mountains there is a huge ram, a hare in it, a duck in a hare, a duck in a duck 3 chicks with his soul; the prince's son caught the chicks, the eagle died; the prince's son sent the girls upstairs; the youngest gave a ring; 3 horses will appear at noon; if you touch the white one, you will find yourself in the upper world, the red world If you stay here, to black, you will go to the lower world; at the top, the brothers decided to take the girls to their place, threw the rope down; the young man touched the black one; in the lower world, the Sarmak blocked the river, provides water for the girls, it's the stepfather's daughter's turn; the young man took water several times, then killed Sarmak, nailing him with a sword: no one can pull it out except the one who stuck it; everyone tries, but only the young man pulled it out, gives padchah half the kingdom and daughter; the young man refused: he must go upstairs; stepfathers: the eagle chicks are eaten by a snake; the young man cut the snake, the chick hid it under its wing so that the eagle, without understanding, would not kill him; the eagle commands cook bull carcasses and barrels of water; supplies ran out, the young man cut off the meat from his left game, right game; left hand; hands; right hand; no more meat; the eagle threw off the young man, caught it, carried it the ground, put her muscles, they grew; dressed as a shepherd, the young man came to his companies' wedding with the rescued girls; the youngest recognized her ring; the prince killed his insidious friends, the young man married his youngest to a girl, married her sisters to his brothers]: Tankieva 2003:153-159 (=Malsagov 1983, No. 1:23-29); Nogai: Nogai 1979, No. 10 [father sends sons to guard a thief stealing golden apples; elder, the middle brother falls asleep, the younger one snatches out the feather of a golden bird; the older brother, the middle brother goes to look for it, disappear; the younger one comes to the fork, "you will die on the right road, the horse on the left"; walks on the left; The wolf eats the horse; the young man is lucky; tells him to take the bird without a cage; he takes the cage, raises the alarm; the king promises to give the bird for a horse with a golden mane; the wolf tells not to take the bridle; the young man takes, the king promises to give a horse for a gold-haired girl; a young man kills Azdaa with one, two, etc. (up to seven) heads; the wolf pretends to be a girl, a horse, a young man returns with a girl, a horse, a bird; meets brothers; they throw him into a hole; a seven-headed serpent gives water in exchange for a girl; a young man kills a snake; the king puts the young man on an eagle, food and water for seven days; he is not enough; the young man cuts off the meat from hips, gives his eyes instead of water; on the ground, the eagle returns everything; in the guise of a beggar, a young man comes to the wedding of his gold-haired and older brother; shows the firebird's feather; the brothers were torn by horses], 17 [ every year someone takes away a newborn foal of a Bai mare; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep, the younger Kara-Batyr does not allow the black cloud to carry the foal, he becomes his heroic horse; helps werewolves share the bull's carcass, they ask him to kill the serpent padishah to get the khan's daughter; KB consistently cuts off the heads of all werewolves, and then the serpent padishah; kind to the werewolf old woman; she teaches let the young man's horse fight with another who comes out of the lake; when he is tired, he can swim across the sea, there is a tree, a casket on it, a sparrow in the casket, breathing in it the Azdah that carried the foals; killing Azdaa, brings foals, shows the head of the padishah of snakes and the ears of werewolves, gets the khan's daughter]: 34-45, 83-86; Chechens [the prince has a tree with golden leaves, someone steals them; three sons in turn they guard; only the youngest does not fall asleep, cuts off someone's finger and head; follows a bloody trail; takes a sharp shooter pulling trees, drinking the sea, as companions; they lower the prince's son into the hole; the girl says that they are three daughters of a three-headed eagle, someone cut off one head and finger for their father; she asks her father what he can kill him; he answers that there is a ram around the corner, a hare in it, a duck in a hare, there are three chicks in the duck; the prince's son kills them all, the companions raise the girls upstairs, the youngest leaves the prince's son a ring; tells him to touch the white horse, he will take them to the upper world; red - you will stay here black - you will find yourself lower; companions cut off the rope; the prince's son touches the black one; the old woman says that the Sarmak (dragon) has closed the water; the Sarmak gives water three times, then the prince's son kills him; the padishah sends him to an eagle on a black mountain; a young man kills a snake that eats chicks every year; the eagle takes him to the ground; there is not enough meat, he cuts off his flesh from his leg, from both hands; the eagle regurgitates the meat, puts it back; under the guise of a shepherd, the young man comes to the wedding of the rescued princesses; the youngest recognizes him by the ring; the young man kills traitors, marries, and marries two princesses to his brothers]: Malsagov 1983, No. 1:23-29; Lucky [women disappear in the state, pathah hides his wife, the youngest son steals the key, opens the room where the mother is sitting, the cloud takes her away; the two eldest sons go looking for them younger; meets seven devas, they admire his strength, point to a mountain on which three-, four-, five- and seven-headed ajdaha; the young man orders a retractable staircase from the blacksmith, climbs the mountain, kills all Azhdaha, frees the three kidnapped princesses and mother, lowers them and treasures down, the princesses give the young man a golden apple each; the brothers remove the stairs, bring princesses and mother to his father, they say, that they got them themselves; the young man finds a box with a dwarf in it, following orders; he takes the young man to his hometown; he is hired by a blacksmith, a dwarf does any job; princesses order gold apples, an imaginary assistant to the blacksmith gives them the ones they gave him; gathers people, tells his story, kills his archery brothers, marries the best princess, gets the throne]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 10:142 -149; Georgians (Imereti) [Solomon asks the employee if he wants money or good advice; he chooses advice; 1) don't trust anyone with secrets; 2) don't offer anything yourself if not asked; 3) here is a road; wrap it in snakeskin that you will find on the way, and stick it in the ground in your yard; a tree with golden fruits grew out of the staff; the man hid it in a chest, became rich, got married; once, when my husband was away, three Armenians came and asked him to spend the night; when they saw a golden tree, they decided to steal it; they promised his wife money if he found out where he got this tree from; that long did not reveal the secret, but in the end he told it and his wife told the Armenians; they demanded a tree from him, he agreed to give it back if they told me where it came from (otherwise they would pay him themselves), lost the bet ; went to Solomon again; he ordered a new bet with the Armenians: from which side the sun would rise; they replied that it was from the east, but this time the sun came from the west (if they said that from the west, S. would picked it up from the east); the man returned his tree; continued to visit S.; the king called S. to his place twice through the vizier, had to go, the servant was with him; at lunch the king needed a knife, S.'s servant offered his own; the king said that his knife, the man was imprisoned, S. was forbidden to see him; S. hit the cat, he meowed, S. began to bake it in a loud voice so that the servant behind the wall could hear; let him say that he took the knife out of the bodies of the murdered father, and since the knife is king, then the king is the murderer; the king did not know what to answer and let the man go]: Dirr 1920, No. 67:254-256; Svans [Satana's three sons agree to guard Bagatvira is his golden apple tree; the elders fall asleep, the youngest injures the three daughters of the heavenly lord Chirkhaili, moistens their scarves with their blood; comes to him, heals the girls by mixing their own blood in milk; receives average, although C. warns that she is the bride of St. George; at night, the elder brother kills the younger, the middle elder, commits suicide; the bride of St. Giorgi asks to let her go to the water, turns into foam, returns to a woman at the mill, gives birth to three sons; they offend the other boys; the old woman says that their grandmother is poor Satana; they ask an adoptive mother bake khachapuri, presses hot khachapuri to her chest, who admits that their fathers killed each other; Kintiz cuts off all three heads, but one (Badrild) lost a tooth and became a woman , a woman with a stone; K. hit the stone with a sword, Soslan fell out of it, K. considers him a son; S. killed K. with his own sword, came to his grandmother; she orders to tie a bell to each fur of the horse; their ringing frightened Yerechhava's horse, S. killed J.; S. descends to the lower world to the devas; does not burn in the fire, is not crushed by a rock, does not cook in boiling water; S. killed the devas by colliding them with their foreheads]: Jidziguri 1973, No. 11:86-92; Armenians [there is a golden dome on the roof of our monastery, a golden apple on top of the dome, a cross on the apple]: Russel 1995:84 in Blažek 2016:161; Hittites (cuneiform translation) ["16 apples, including 4 gold, 4 silver, 4 iron and 4 bronze]: Blažek 2016:162

Baltoscandia. Danes [the king of Spain's wife is dead, he took a new one; stepmother seduces his stepson, but he refuses her; then she accuses him of trying to rape her; before his execution, he can walk three days in garden; every 7 years a white horse appears; this time it is here again, the prince rode away; they go to Constantinople; the horse shows a hollow, it wears ordinary clothes and a vessel; when the prince has moistened his hair with liquid from it, his hair has turned golden; he hides it under his hat; he is hired by a gardener for three years and must answer all questions "I don't know"; the youngest of the three princesses sees the young man's golden hair; tells the sisters that it is time to marry; princesses must throw golden apples at selected suitors; the youngest threw it at the gardener; unrecognized, in his true form on a magic horse, the young man three times smashes enemies; the king deliberately wounds him in the leg to bandage the wound with a handkerchief and then identify him; the young man appears in all his splendor, takes his wife and returns to his father; the stepmother is burned]: Holbek 1987:564 -565; Norwegians [three tailors go looking for happiness; two are satisfied after finding an apple tree with silver flowers and another with golden apples; the third goes ahead and gets from the old woman also returns the tablecloth; exchanges it for a cartridge belt with ten thousand soldiers in it, and with their help returns the tablecloth; the king takes it, but the soldiers force her back]: Hodne 1984, No. 569: 137; Finns [someone steals golden apples from the king's garden; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest sees a glowing bird, which grabs an apple, the young man shot, only shot one feather; the king promises a reward to the one who gets the bird; the eldest, middle son leaves, does not return; the youngest takes the horse, goes to the fork; on one road there is an inscription that the horse will be full, the rider is hungry, the other has a rider full, the horse is hungry, the third says that it will lead to misfortune; the names of those who chose this or that path are written, the elder and middle brothers went first and second; the young man took the third; sat down to rest, a wolf appeared, he fed him; the wolf put him on his back, brought him to the castle; tells him to take the bird without a cage; the young man takes the cage, the bird screams, he is grabbed; the king agrees to give him the bird if he he will get a horse who understands everything as a person; the wolf brings to the castle, tells you to take a horse without a bridle; he takes a bridle, is captured, released for promising to get a princess; the wolf turned into a merchant, spread goods; the princess came along with the others, liked the young man, she agreed to run with him, the wolf carried them both; the wolf took the form of a princess, the young man exchanged her for a horse, then the princess became a wolf again; the same with the horse; the young man returns with the princess, the horse and the bird; when parting, the wolf tells him to ride an old horse, and give the princess what he has received smart; tells him not to sleep on the way; but he fell asleep, his brothers killed him and his horse, they took the princess, horse and bird; the king wants to marry the princess of the king's son; the princess is sad, the horse does not speak, the bird does not sing; the wolf found the body of a young man, caught a crow, the crow had to bring live water; the wolf first killed the crow and revived it, then revived the young man and his horse; the young man came to his older brother's wedding, the princess laughed, the horse spoke, the bird sang; the young man persuaded the king not to execute older brothers, but only to expel, married a princess and inherited the throne]: Salmelainen 1947:87-95; Latvians [Mermaid. The son is promised to a mermaid. The old man gives him a ring that protects him from the mermaid. The son settles a dispute between animals, and they give him the ability to transform into an eagle, a lion, a dog and an ant. He flies to the royal palace, marries the king's daughter. While hunting, the son chases a female deer, jumps after her into the water, but cannot get out of the water - the ring remains at home. The wife goes looking for her husband. A female deer, a mermaid, allows her wife to speak to her husband, and he tells her to bring a ring. The next day, after receiving golden apples, the mermaid allows her wife to kiss her husband. Along with the kiss, the husband receives a ring. As a punishment, the wife must burn for seven years. The husband and the mermaid are trying to overcome each other through various transformations. Finally, the mermaid turns into stone. The husband throws a stone into the flame and it turns into a wife]: Aris, Medne 1978, No. 316:275; Lutsie (Western 1893) [the king kept his son behind 10 castles; but he is strong, escaped; in the forest an old man in a house; teaches him and feeds, forbids entry into a room with a bast door; a young man enters, there is a horse, meat in front of him, and a lion, hay in front of him; the young man has shifted places; the old man is angry; after a while the young man enters that room again; horse: hold me in the face; shakes his face, the young man falls; horse: take a sip of water from the bottle; same; more; this time there is so much strength that he can hold on; take a brush and a whetstone ; the horse is flying, the old man is chasing, his mouth is open; the young man throws his brush (forest and mountain), the whetstone (mountain); the old man makes his way; the horse tells you to wave the right rein - the bridge over the river of fire; they galloped along it; left: the old man was on the bridge at that time, the bridge collapsed, the old man burned down; the horse went to graze, the young man arranged a house and a garden near the royal palace, with silver and gold apples; the younger princess I noticed him; the grooms arrived; the king: whoever is brought a cup will be a husband; the elders brought it to the visitors, the youngest to the gardener; the elder grooms do not want such a son-in-law, they came with an army; the young man called the horse, everyone defeated, disappeared again into his house; a new fiancé came to the youngest, the young man defeated his army; then he led the terrible horse out of a high mountain, and an old man was on it; a difficult battle; the young man was wounded in the arm, asks the king of blessing (the king does not understand that this is his younger son-in-law), then killed the old man and the groom was walled up; the young man falls asleep for 12 days, the king recognizes his bandage; 12 days later the young man wakes up healthy; at a feast, the horse tells you not to drink the first cup; the young man sipped, the horse burst, the bowl fell, broke; the horse tells you to take the queen's handkerchief and wipe the lips of the young man and himself; turns into a young man's brother, which has long been disappeared; I drank and ate there, it flowed down my lips, didn't get into my mouth]: Annom et al. 2018:135-139.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars [someone steals padishah's golden apples; the eldest, middle sons fall asleep; the youngest throws a 15-pound weight at the bird that has arrived; the bird has become human, runs away, disappears in failure; older brothers remain, younger ones go down; at the crossroads there are inscriptions: "road of death", "satiety", "road of hunger"; the young man is on the road of death; there is a girl padishah of a copper treasure; the young man finishes off A diva, the girl gives him her seal, sends a silver treasure to the padishah girl, so to the padishah girl of gold treasure, who also give seals; the older brothers pulled out the girls, left the youngest one below; he came to blind old men; they do not tell the diva to herd cattle on earth; the young man goes there, brings living water, restores sight to the elderly; revives the warriors turned into trees of the old man who himself was padishah; he gives the young man a mare that takes him to the ground; only he gave the clothes the girls demanded; came to the wedding naked or naked, wrapped in a net; showed the seals; took it for himself a girl of a golden treasure; he gave the other two to his brothers, whom he forgave]: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 46:190-199; Bashkirs [someone steals golden apples from the royal garden; the elder, middle prince is guarding they return with nothing, the youngest sees how the golden bird has taken the apple, leaves in search; at the crossroads a pole with the inscription, to the right you will die, to the left you will lose the horse; the prince turns to the left; the wolf eats the horse, carries the prince himself, orders to take a bird without a cage; the prince takes it with a cage, the guards tell him to get a golden-tailed silver mane horse for the bird; the same is to take a horse without a bridle, the prince takes the bridle, he is told to get princess; the wolf turned into a horse, the princess sat down, he took her away; the wolf turned into a princess, then a horse, runs away from the new owners, the prince gets everything; the brothers cut off his head, took everything for themselves; the wolf caught the crow, ordered to bring alive and dead water, revived the prince; he married the princess, the brothers repented]: Barag 1989, No. 41:192-194.