M91c3. The postman hare.
.12.14.-.17. (.22.) .23.24.27. (.28.) .29.30.32.-.35.
A person releases an animal or a bird - supposedly with his wife instructing his wife to cook food, etc. Another does not understand deception and buys an animal.
Algerian Arabs, Spanish, Portuguese, Sicilians, Italians (Veneto), Walloons, Irish, Iraqi Arabs (Khmu), Punjabis, Assames, Santals, Bataks, Albanians, Serbs, Macedonians, Greeks, Gagauz people (Western Ukrainians), Crimean Tatars, Adygs, Ossetians, Balkarians and Karachays, Ingush, Terek Cossacks, Kumyks, Dargins, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Uzbeks, Turkmens, Persians, Tajiks, mountain Tajiks, Rushans, Pashtuns, Udmurts, Kazan Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Teleuts, Shors, Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans, Northern Selkups.
West Africa. Mungaka [returning from town, the tailor hid the coins in the horse's ears; 40 robbers met; the tailor was whipped by a horse, it ran, coins fell down; the robbers believe that the money is pouring in every time a horse runs; they buy it for a lot of money; the tailor teaches: everyone should ride a horse for a week and not tell others what happened to them; only when everyone rides, then they can; at the end Finally, the robbers realized that they had been deceived and went to the tailor; after agreeing with his wife, he hid behind the house; the wife sent the dog to tell her husband that he had guests; the tailor waited and came in; the robbers believed that the dog told him everything herself; the robbers bought it for a lot of money; again everyone should use it for a week and not tell others anything; now the robbers have planted the tailor in a bag and carried to drown; fell asleep with the bag on the ground; another thief came up, stealing a pig and a piece of cloth; a tailor from a bag: I don't want to marry a princess; the thief climbed into the bag instead of him; The tailor told the robbers that they threw him to where his dead father was, who gave him cloth and a pig; he would give it to the robbers too, but not before they were all at the bottom; the robbers drowned]: Meyer 1942 , NO. 3:144-149.
North Africa. The Arabs of Algeria [Si'Djeha rode a mule, which his father left him when he died; four robbers; said that S. could fall off the mule and crash, offered a cole in return and even C . will pay one hundred silver coins to save lives; at home, the mother said that they would soon go around the world this way; then S. put gold coins under the donkey's tail; when he met the robbers, thanked them for the successful deal ; they believed that the donkey was defecating with gold; returned the mule and gave 200 coins; S. advised to lay carpets under the donkey; each of the robbers was ashamed to admit to others that they had been deceived; when the donkey spoiled rooms for all four; S. cooked chicken with couscous, buried the cauldron on the ground floor; when four came, asked his wife's hoe for hospitality, dug, took out food; sold the hoe as a robber for a hundred coins; again all four were deceived; now S. told his wife to cook dinner, left one hare for her, and took the other with him to the field; when four came there, he sent a hare to give his wife a request cook dinner; the robbers came - lunch is ready, and there is a hare next to the woman; S. sold it for a hundred coins; the deceived came again; S. pretended to stab his wife, blood was flowing; allegedly his wife did not give him water; touched it again with a knife, she came to life; the robbers bought a knife for a hundred coins; each killed his wife and was convicted]: Bushnaq 1987:260-264.
Southern Europe. Spaniards (Murcia) [a deceiver sells a hat that supposedly pays itself; a donkey that weeds gold; a postman hare; in most versions, he hides a vessel of wine or bleeding under his shirt the animal's liver, stabs a knife, plays the flute, the wife "resurrects", the husband sells the flute, the buyers kill the wives; the deceiver is put in a bag, carried to drown, left for a while; he screams that he does not want to marry on the princess, the shepherd takes his place, drowned, the deceiver drives sheep - supposedly from the bottom; the deceiver's counterparties jump into the water and drown]: Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 1535+1539:228, 231; Portuguese: Cardigos 2006, No. 1535+1537 [a rich peasant imitates a poor man, loses; manure is sold under the guise of an ointment; a rich man kills a poor man's horse; burns his house, he deceives ash to gold, says he sold ash; enters the house where the hostess receives her lover, the skin with her; pretends that the skin indicates where the food is hidden, the lover {obviously the skin is sold for a lot of money}; a rich man cuts his cows (horse), kills his wife (mother) to sell fat as a healing ointment; the poor are carried in a bag to drown, he changes places with the shepherd, {he brings the herd - supposedly from the bottom}, the rich man drowns; other motives: an animal supposedly wears gold; a hat pays its debts; an imaginary magic object revives the victim; a postman hare; a dead body is passed off as a living one]: 316-318; Shustova 1994 [poor brother tells his wife fry a partridge; takes a rabbit with him to hunt; in the presence of a rich brother , sends a rabbit to tell his wife to cook a partridge; the rich buys a rabbit (another) for big money; the poor puts coins in the donkey's feed; the rich believes that it defecates with money, buys a donkey; the poor advises, after slaughtering a pig, to leave the meat in the yard, screaming in the morning that the pig has been stolen, then you won't have to share; steals himself, laughs at his brother]: 269-271; Sicilians: Crane 1885, No. 105 [Pitré, no. 157; Uncle Capriano became friends with three robbers; agreed with his wife and pretend as if they have a rabbit to whom they instruct to bring firewood or food; the robbers bought the rabbit for a lot of money; when they hit, he ran away; K. explains that the rabbit was hit with the wrong one parties; then K. agreed with his wife to cook food in an old cauldron, and before the robbers arrived, pour it into a new one without putting it on the fire - as if he was cooking himself; the robbers bought the boiler for a lot of money; they left the kid to cook in it without making a fire, returned in the evening - the meat was raw, they broke the pot; K. convinced them that they had put the pot on the wrong hearth, and now they broke the pot themselves; K. again agreed with his wife, told her to tie a blood bubble under her clothes; he would pretend to be angry, because the wife did not light the candle, would stab his wife with a knife, bleed, and then hang on the whistle and the wife would stand up alive; The robbers were amazed, bought a whistle, stabbed their wives; when they saw that they were deceived again, the robbers put K. in a bag, drove them to drown, stayed in the same house; K. screams that he did not want to marry the princess; the shepherd swapped places with him, drowned, K. brought the herd; tells the robbers that if he were thrown further into the sea, he would have brought more sheep and oxen; the robbers asked them to drown, K. took possession of everything cattle, got rich]: 303-308; Gonzenbach 2004a [1870], No. 41 [Sciauranciovi ("smelling of anchovies") put coins under the donkey's tail, sold it for a lot of money; he poured hot coals into a hole under the floor at home, put the pot in this place to cook soup; the signor who bought the donkey came, S. explained to him that the donkey had deteriorated due to a change of place of residence; sold the pot, which he cooked himself; told his wife when the signor came swear, send a rabbit for him, as if he understood the order; he also sold the rabbit; the signor ordered that S. be put in a bag, thrown into the sea; the servants left the bag, went to church; S. began to shout that he did not wants to marry a princess; the shepherd changed with him; the shepherd was drowned, S. brought the sheep, said he was from the bottom; the signor ordered him to be thrown into the sea, drowned]: 269-273; Italians (Veneto) [rich a peasant came to the godfather, saw melons for the first time in his life; he replied that they were donkey eggs; the peasant bought one; when he arrived at the house, he dropped it, the melon rolled, broke, and a hare jumped out of the bushes, the farmer thought it was a donkey; the next time the godfather sold a wolf to the peasant under the guise of a male who covered the sheep; when the sheep bleated, the peasant decided that the producer had started by his own business; in the morning all the sheep are dead; the third time the godfather sold a hare running on errands (called the Postman - Portalattere); sent a hare with a letter to his uncle; when he saw that he was running in the wrong place, that the explanation was too difficult, should have been sent along a more familiar path; expecting the peasant to come again, the godfather told his wife to tell him that he was talking to God in the garden; the peasant also wanted talk to God; the godfather taught him to stick his head in a swarm of bees; the next time a farmer took a gun and came to shoot his godfather; his wife replied that he had just died; the peasant went into the room , where the imaginary corpse lay on the bed, was going to relieve him; the corpse bit him; at home, the peasant complained that even his dead godson continued to torment him]: Widter et al. 1866, No. 18:279-282.
Western Europe. Walloons [in the 12th century. Vancent Lefebvre was a sacristy in Busu; in Mons he bought a mule, and on his way home he came across three crooks who claimed that he had bought a donkey; he ended up leaving a donkey for the last one; realizing that he had been deceived, VL bought identical white goats; left one at home, and the other went to meet the crooks, invited him to lunch: the goat would tell his wife to wait for guests and cook; when at home near the VL The crooks saw a goat (it seems to be the same one), they bought it for a lot of money; the crooks come to the VL's house; he pretends to cut off on the servant, stabs him, he falls; (in fact, VL in advance tied a blood bubble for him); VL plays the flute, the servant "comes to life"; crooks buy a flute; one stabbed his wife, the other stabbed his widow; they put the VL in a bag, carried it to drown (left for a while); hearing that the shepherd drives the herd, VL shouts that he does not want to marry the count's daughter; the shepherd climbed into the bag instead of him, drowned; VL brought the herd, said it was from the bottom; the crooks allowed them to be drowned]: Laport 1932, № * 1535B: 112-113; the Irish [Gilla Rua (GR, "Red") bought a mule at the bazaar; three crooks take turns meeting him and saying it's not a mule, but a donkey, then {missing pdf page}; GR (apparently having agreed with his wife and buying two goats), pretends that the goat is alone, but can serve on parcels; invites the crooks home; the wife says that the goat came and ordered to cook dinner for the guests ; crooks buy a goat for crazy money; the goat is sent to their wives and is gone; the crooks go to beat GR, hear a scream; GK chases his wife with a knife: she is to blame for the goat story; strikes, blood gushes, wife falls; (apparently, there is a blood bubble under his wife's clothes); GR plays the flute, the wife came to life; the crooks bought a flute, stabbed the pig, but it did not come to life; they caught GR, carried it in a bag to drown; hung it on a branch and went for a drink; two chase a herd of sheep; GR shouts that he was being forced to marry a princess; the shepherds released GR, replaced him with a sheep; all three drove the herd, met crooks; GR says the herd is from the bottom , they help him drive him home; {the page is not in pdf; apparently the crooks drowned}]: Kennedy 1875:99-103.
Western Asia. The Arabs of Iraq [the peasant sent his son to sell the buffalo, and 40 Egyptian crooks said it was a goat, they paid accordingly; the peasant trained the cat as if it were obeying orders; In the eyes of the crooks, he told her to bring a stick, then bring her clothes, the cat does everything; the crooks bought the cat for an expensive price, she ran away from them; they came to the peasant to demand the money back, and he put money down the horse's tail; the crooks believed that the horse was defecating with gold, bought it; when they discovered the deception, they came to the peasant; he tied his wife's blood-filled guts around his neck and agreed on how to proceed; pretended to be dissatisfied with the food, stabbed his wife, bleed, his wife fell; he put a cane in her ass, blew, his wife "came to life"; the crooks bought a cane, killed their wives, they did not come to life; they they sewed the peasant into a bag, left; he shouted that he did not want to marry his uncle's daughter; the shepherd agrees to change places with him, is thrown into the well; the peasant comes with the herd, says that got it in the well; the crooks asked them to be thrown there; the peasant to his son: all the wealth went to the buffalo]: Weissbach 1908, No. 19:120-126 (transferred to Lebedev 1990, No. 49:234-237).
(Wed. Burma - Indochina. Khmu [a woman fell in love with a tree; a man came out of the trunk and became her husband; his name was Ñaar; he did not know about women's anatomy, thought he had made a hole in his wife, ran away in fear; he was told that nothing happened; the father-in-law threw a stone into the water, the circles went apart and died down; so did the woman, he explained; they have three sons; then he understands everything literally; the wife orders to set fire to the vegetation on the site depending on the direction of the wind, he sets fire to his hair; etc.; a bear died in the fire; the wife brought the carcass, went swimming; the husband decided that the carcass was his wife's corpse, buried it; the wife returned, dug it up bear, came to N.; he decided that she had returned from the spirit world, was afraid to open the door for her; suggests dividing their three children so that each takes one and divides another in half; wife breaks in, fearing that the husband would actually cut the child; his wife let him cook a bear's head, he saw a toothy mouth, pierced the pot with a spear, the brew spilled; (many episodes later); he sends a deer to his wife, believing that he will obey him and come running himself; at home, his wife cooks red bark, he thinks it's venison; once lost in the fog, fell and died]: Lindell et al. 1978:29-42).
South Asia. Santala [sému-rogue (SP) thinks in vain that he is more cunning than just a rogue (P.); he negotiates with his wife every time; tells his wife that rice is not salted, hits her with a mallet, throws it at a fenced off corner, pulls out a cute girl hidden in advance; the joint venture at home killed his wife with a mallet; P. ordered his wife to buy a hare, leads the joint venture to hunt, they see a hare, P. pretends to tell the dog itself drive the hare home; SP stole the dog, but it does not bring hares; the same when fishing: P. pretends that his fishing rod is sending fish home (his wife has already bought fish at home)]: Bodding in Zograf 1971, No. 72:263 -266; Punjabi [son of an intelligent wife is Ulphoo, stupid son is Shurphoo; a foolish woman always does the opposite of what she is asked to do; when she dies, the clever asks to send W. to work and S. to school, the stupid one does on the contrary; after studying, W. began to collect taxes; S. decides to take his place; a series of episodes follows: S. is beaten and humiliated; W. follows in his footsteps and punishes offenders; S. is hired by a moguls on the condition: who gets angry, the other will tear out his eye; S. is unable to complete the assigned work, loses his eye, returns home; W. goes to the robbers who deceived S.; sold a donkey for a lot of money, who, allegedly defecating with gold (W. put coins in manure); bought two birds with one stone, gave one to his wife; robbers came, W. let the hare go, allegedly ordering his wife to cook food; another hare is at home and the food is ready; while eating, he pretends to be dissatisfied with his wife, hits her, then "revives" her with a stick; robbers buy a hare and a stick; the chief robber sent a hare to his wife; the food is not ready, he killed his wife with a stick; W. hired the same mogul who cut off S.'s nose; he is mocking his errands: instead of a hare, he cooks and serves his wife's favorite dog to the moguls, feeds him frogs, burns a plow and yoke, etc.; continues to mock the owner, who went for his new wife after the first death; Mogul is outraged, W. pulled out his eye]: Swinnerton 1892, No. 37:92-128; Assamese [seven brothers gathered rob an old peasant; he found out in a dream; told his wife to cook a good meal for seven guests and went to the field; the brothers came up, said they intended to visit him; he pretended to send a hand-drawn bird with an errand to his wife; when they saw the food prepared, the brothers believed that everything happened on behalf given by the bird; the brothers wanted to buy a bird, then they simply took it; but it did not sends errands; each of the brothers pretends that the bird is fine until it comes to the last youngest; the brothers have come to the old man again; he has arranged with his neighbors to borrow his daughter; He told his wife to pretend to slip on a banana leaf; shouted at his wife, promising to turn her into a young woman; began to beat a banana trunk; then a girl appeared; the brothers believed that it was an ex old woman; took away the stick; each beat his wife to death, and then said that rejuvenation had worked; the old man told his wife to carefully take the hornet's nest and place it in a jug on the veranda; then as if drunk asks his wife where we have the money; she points to a jug in the presence of seven brothers; brothers go there for money, everyone is terribly bitten; now the old man pretends to be dead, lay down behind a wall in which a hole smeared with rotten fish with a razor in his hands; each brother comes in to see that the dead man smells dead, he cut off everyone's nose; then shouted for a wonderful ointment; but she hot pepper; brothers are barely alive in pain; have begun to lead an honest life]: Beck et al. 1987, No. 28:99-103.
Malaysia-Indonesia. Bataki [Jonáha borrowed money from three people; when the first lender came, J. pretended that his grindstone was making meat, gave the stone in exchange for debt; the second debt sold for a lute that supposedly makes rice grow well; he told both that magic items cannot be used 8 days after purchase, and they used it, so the stone and lute are no longer valid; third J. sold a parrot to the lender, who allegedly handed over instructions (J. agreed with his wife, who brought J.'s ordered lunch)]: Kahlo to Permyakov 1972:293-296.
The Balkans. Albanians [three beardless people are waiting for travelers at three bridges; a peasant woman sells a draft ox; one beardless advises cutting off his tail first, the other his horns, and the third his ears; no one He does not buy this; the peasant slaughtered an ox; went with a donkey to the bridge; pretended to take a gold donkey out of a donkey; a beardless wants to buy a donkey for 200 lire, but the peasant demands 500; the second is ready to give 300, the third gives 500; the beardless fed the donkey barley (which supposedly makes money) and he is dead; they went to kill the peasant; he caught two birds with one stone in advance, agreed with his wife; promised beardless to return the money, but for now he invited him home for lunch, sending a hare to his wife with an errand; at home, the wife confirms everything, but now the hare rocks the baby (he was tied to the cradle); the beardless bought a hare for 800 lire (500 for a donkey); the peasant again agreed with his wife, tied her gut with blood to her neck: when the beardless come, the idea is supposedly a quarrel; for a knife that revives the dead, the beardless give more 500 lire; killed their own wives; put the peasant in a bag to drown him in the sea, left him for a while, he shouts that he does not want to marry the Beauty of the Earth, the shepherd changed places with him, drowned, the peasant took it his herd; tells the beardless that he brought him from the seabed, and if he had been drowned in a deeper place, there would be more sheep; the beardless ones rushed into the sea and drowned, the peasant would get everything]: Pedersen 1898, No. 10:70-81; Serbs [beardless ("chosso") met two merchant brothers; put ducats under the tail of a donkey; after the word "Chuksh", the donkey throws away ducats; the brothers bought a donkey for gold; in the morning they can't enter the room where he was left; something glitters in it; the door was broken: the donkey died, blocking the door, and the horseshoes glittered on his hooves; the brothers came to deal with the deceiver; he had prepared two in advance hares and agreed with his wife; the brothers say they will kill chosso; he replies that they did not feed their father correctly; releases the hare with orders for his wife to cook dinner and bring them; after a while, the wife all brings a donkey; the brothers bought a donkey for gold; the hare ran away from them into the forest; chosso tied blood bubbles under his wife and children's clothes; when the brothers arrived, chosso pretended to be angry and hit with a knife; then he played the flute, the dead came to life; the brothers bought a flute, killed their wives; put the chosso in a bag and carried it to drown; left the bag, went in for a drink; the shepherd chases a herd of sheep; chosso shouts that he did not wants to be the owner of a tavern; the shepherd climbs into the bag instead of him; the shepherd was drowned; the chosso brought the herd: if we left me not at the shore, but in the middle of the lake, he would have brought more rams; the brothers drowned , chosso brought the sheep home]: Eschker 1992, No. 104:299-305; the Macedonians [Petre went to the bazaar to sell a cow; one of the three envious people said that the price was tailless, the other said that they were hornless, the third was crazy; the mutilated cow had to be taken to slaughter; P. told the envious that he had sold the cow at a high price, invited them to his place; agreed with his wife that she would hide one hare and the other will let him call her husband; envious people bought a hare for a lot of money; put P. in a bag and carried him to drown it in the sea; left it for a while; P. shouts that he does not want to be king; a rich man drove sheep, swapped places with P., drowned; P. brought sheep, said they were from the bottom; the peasants jumped into the water and drowned]: Golenishchev-Kutuzov 1991:361-364; Greeks [Nasreddin Khoja sent his son to the bazaar with a mule; two crooks told the boy that if you cut off a mule's ear, it could be sold much more expensive; then another, a tail; no one bought a mule; NH put gold coins under the donkey's tail; the crooks believed that the donkey wasted gold, and bought it for a lot of money; then NH got two birds with one stone, left one at home and told his wife to cook dinner, and took the other with him; when he met the crooks, invited them to dinner and made pretending to send a hare to his wife to tell her to cook; at home he tied his wife's gut with blood, and when the crooks came, he pretended to be angry, stabbed his wife, and then pretended to revive her, after blowing through a straw; crooks bought a straw; killed wives, the judge sentenced them to death]: Dawkins 1916:519-521; Gagauz people [Beardless received money from merchants for cotton paper; says to his wife: they will come merchants for cotton, say I plant a thorn by the road; camels loaded with cotton will pass, the cotton will catch on the thorns, we will collect it; merchants have come; wife: husband in the vineyard; Beardless: cotton is ready; he has two a hare, left one at home, allegedly sent the other to his wife to order him to cook dinner; in the afternoon, the merchants took the hare, forgiving the debt for the cotton; they sent the hare to his wives, who ran away into the forest; they came to kill Beardless; he told his wife and daughter to tie blood bubbles to their necks; jump up when he played the pipe; Beardless pretended to be angry with his daughter and wife, stabbed, then "resurrected"; the merchants took a pipe, stabbed his wives; Beardless prepared the grave, climbed into it, burning the stigma; the merchants tried to desecrate the grave, the Beardless put a stamp on everyone's ass; told the foreman that he had four slave; merchants remained in slavery to the Bearded for life]: Moshkov 1904, No. 62:111-113.
(Wed. Central Europe. Grabbed Ukrainians (Hutsulshchina) a person catches a hare, sharpens a knife to slaughter it; the hare advises to sell it better at the bazaar as a postman; the one who bought it hangs a purse with money around the hare's neck, sends him home; his wife scolds her simple husband]: Berezovsky 1979, No. 75:130-131).
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars [Nasradin-Oja bought two identical birds with one stone and made an agreement with his wife; he went to a coffee shop with one, invited two or three visitors for lunch, released the hare, instructing him to wives, what should she cook; when the guests arrived, lunch was ready; the guests bought the second hare for a lot of money]: Kondaraki 1875:109; Adygi [Khoje's son went to sell a goat; two brothers became tell him that it was a goose and bought it for the price of a goose; H. agreed with the family: when the brothers come, pretend that the horse is littering gold with a bay, throw coins into the manure; they buy a horse for a lot of money; H. agreed with the family: to catch two chanterelles, X. would take one and hide in the hayloft, the other would be sent after him when the brothers came; H. would come, supposedly, it was one fox; the brothers bought a chanterelle; one sent after the second, the fox ran away; H. tied a gut full of blood to his wife's throat; in the presence of his brothers, he pretended to stab his wife, then revived him with the same knife; the brothers bought a knife, stabbed their wives; decided not to anymore harass H.]: Sokolov, Broydo 1936:476-480; Ossetians [wife orders to sell the cow; the crook tells her husband that it is a goat, the next is a kid, the husband sells a goat to the first for the price; the husband invites crooks eat, leaving money to the owner in advance; crooks believe that having a hat, a royal gift, you do not need to pay; they buy a hat for a lot of money; the husband agrees with his wife: crooks will come, let them out a hare, and then I will come with another; crooks believe that the same hare sends messages, buy a hare for expensive; the husband has taken the image of a boy, the wife cries over her husband's imaginary grave; the crooks are gone, the husband accepted his former appearance]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 97:409-412; Balkarians and Karachays [Khozha's son went to the bazaar to sell a goat; two brothers agreed to claim that the boy had a goat and bought a goat at at the price of a goose; Khozha invites deceivers to visit, shows a horse to which he threw coins into the manure, sells a horse for a lot of money; Khozha caught two foxes, tied one in the hayloft; the other was sent by him search for when those two brothers brought the horse back; Khozha took the fox from the hayloft, pretended to be the one they sent for him; sold it for a lot; the brothers left Khozha alone]: Aliyeva, Kholaev 1971:170- 172; Ingush [the hunter gave the poor man two live birds with one stone; he gave one to his wife and agreed with her how to deceive the mullah; goes to the mullah, invites him to lunch, sends the hare to say what to prepare for the reception guest; mullah buys a hare for a lot of money; sends it to his wife, the hare is gone; poor man: you didn't tell him where your home is]: Malsagov 1983, No. 105:255-257; Terek Cossacks [Demidka caught in a snare two crows, put one on the stove and told his wife not to let go; brought the other to church and pressed down a little; the crow croaked; explains to the ass that if he sends a crow to his wife now to tell her to cook rich lunch (agreed with his wife D. in advance), she will do everything; let the pop come and check; the pop came, sees a crow on the stove; bought it for a hundred rubles; sent him to the popadya with the order to cook dinner; the pop came to D. accuse him of deceiving him, but instead bought a self-propelled cart from him without noticing that D. was throwing it down the hill; for the third time D. sketched silver money into horse manure - pop bought an oath; pop with the clerk bought it for a thousand rubles; in the morning the horse died, starving to wheat; when the pop and the clerk came to D., he hid a bubble of bovine blood on his wife's chest and agreed with her that she would swear and he would pretend to stab her; and when he hit her with a whip, he would seem to come to life; said that a passerby from China to Jerusalem gave him two whips; the pop and the clerk bought them; both killed their wives; D . offers to drown him in a bag (if you just strangle him, he will come to life); the bag was thrown into the river, but D. ripped it apart with a knife, swam out quietly, came home; says that the water man rewarded him with money; pop with a clerk allowed themselves to be drowned, D. took their money and opened a shop]: Baranov 1899, No. 6:231-244; Kumyks [Kadyr takes two birds with one stone from the hunter, leaves one at home, telling his wife to cook pilaf, with the other goes to the mullah; releases a hare from the mullah, ordered him to give her wife to cook pilaf; in K.'s house, the mullah sees pilaf and the hare (another), buys it at a high price; sends instructions to his wife; they come to mullah, his wife does not know anything; K. says that the mullah did not tell the hare where his home was, so he did not run]: Kapiyeva 1991:247-251; Dargins [poor Kadir asks hunter Sabir to give him two birds with one stone ; leaves one to his wife, explaining to her what to do, comes to the mullah with the other; sends a hare to his wife in front of his eyes with a request to cook khinkal for the arrival of the mullah; shows khinkal and another hare in the house; the mullah buys a hare, sends it on an errand, the hare does not return; K. explains that the mullah did not explain to the hare where his house is, and he is now looking for it]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 100:445-446, 536 [same story in in the form of an anecdote about Khoja Nasreddin]; Georgians: Kurdovanidze 1988 (2), No. 137 [the younger brother separated from his elders and became impoverished; his wife tells her to obey; walk with a donkey past the doors of three merchants, each throw a gold coin once; merchants believe that a donkey litters gold, give enough gold to cover the donkey with its head; the man tells you to lock the donkey for 7 days, open it for the eighth; merchants do so, donkey starved; a man arranges with his wife to cook in advance, and when the merchants come, he will send a hare to her with orders to cook; at home he sells to merchants another hare he kept at home; After that, the man pretended to be dead, the merchants began to tear up the grave, he gouged out his eye with one ramrod, they carried the "corpse" to drown; on the way they fell asleep, the man told the shepherd that he was being forced to become king; the shepherd allows himself to be bound, thrown into the water, the man drives the herd, says that from the bottom; the merchants threw themselves into the water and drowned]: 170-173; Wardrobe 1894, No. 3 (Guria) [the peasant caught a pheasant and he asked let him go; for this, when the peasant dies, he will gather all the birds for the funeral - this will be a motorcade; the peasant and his wife agreed that he would pretend to be dead, and she would close the doors and windows when birds will gather; together they slaughtered many birds; the merchant who came in is surprised by the abundance of game; peasant: it is my cat who catches everything you order; the merchant bought a cat; he only steals food from the house; the merchant returned to to a peasant; he pretends to wash one grain of millet, then throws it into a pot in which porridge is cooked in advance; the merchant buys a pot; the farmer caught two birds with one stone, tied them to each of them the same ribbon; merchant found it in the field; peasant: the cat could not be fed fried meat, and you also did something wrong with the pot; pretends to send a hare to his wife asking him to bring them lunch; wife warned, brings dinner and another hare, whom the merchant mistook for the same thing; the merchant bought a hare; the peasant filled his gut with blood, tied it around his wife's neck; in front of the merchant he stabbed his wife and revived her, waving a knife; merchant: I forgive you for such a miracle; the merchant bought a knife, stabbed his wife; unable to revive him, he dragged the peasant into the forest, left him tied to a tree, and went to watch the king's funeral; The shepherd brought a herd to the tree; the peasant shouted that he did not want to be king; the shepherd agreed to exchange places and clothes with the peasant; the merchant came after dark and brought the shepherd to on the seashore; he shouts that he agrees to be king; the merchant thinks that the peasant is crazy and threw him into the sea; in the morning, a peasant with a herd met the merchant; the merchant asked him to drown him in order to also catch cattle; a peasant drowned him]: 153-159; Armenians (Turkish Armenia) [Yaro sends his son to sell a cow; three beardless people deceive him, everyone says that it is not a cow, but a heifer, they buy it for pennies; I. taking a donkey himself, puts gold under his tail, sells it to the battle-free for a lot of money; buys two birds with one stone, negotiates with his wife, leaving her one and taking the other into the field; the beardless come running, I. promises to return the money and feed the beardless in his house, lets the hare tell his wife to cook dinner; the beardless buy a hare; I hang a blood bubble around my wife's neck; tells her to get the money she does not react; I pierce a bubble with a knife, pretending to stab his wife; pretends to throw herself at the beardless ones now; they run away in horror and do not return]: Khachatryants 1933:101-109; Azerbaijanis : Nabiev 1988 [Ahmed's peers persuaded his father to marry the padishah's daughter; he orders to build a 40-storey house; A. goes to sell the bull; the crooks forced A. to sell the bull for a penny, saying that it was a kid; A.'s father made an agreement with his wife, caught two birds with one stone, met crooks, sent a hare to instruct his wife to cook dinner; then pretended to be angry with his wife, cut off her head, and then resurrected with a pipe; crooks bought a hare and a pipe; a house was built with this money, A. married the Shah's daughter]: 100-104; Tahmasib 1984 [Molla Nasreddin bought two birds with one stone and made an agreement with his wife; offers the ruler to buy a hare, in front of his eyes he sends a hare to his wife with an order to cook pilaf; the ruler bought a hare and sent it to his wife; brought MN; MN: did you tell the hare where to go? The ruler's wife to her husband: fool, missed such a hare]: 64-67; Turks [Beardless told his older sister to bring him food to the field, for a guest would come; caught a hare; in front of the guest he sent a hare to sister; soon his sister came, the guest believed that it was the hare who had given the order; the Beardless sold him a hare; the man sent the hare to his sister; the sister explained that he had been deceived; Beardless agreed with tie a gut of blood around her neck with her sister, pretend to be angry, "slaughter" her sister, and then play the flute to make her come to life; sold the flute to that man, he stabbed his sister, she didn't come to life; the man put Beardless in a bag, went to drown him, went to get a baton to beat him first; the Beardless man explained to the shepherd that the man was forcing him to marry his daughter; the shepherd sits in a bag, slaughtered and drowned; Beardless leads the herd, says from the bottom; that man threw himself into the sea and drowned]: Stebleva 1986, No. 61:259-261.
Iran - Central Asia. The Persians (Kerman) [the son of a bald man asks him to marry; the father promises to marry his uncle's daughter, sends him to sell a cow; at the Isfahan bazaar, 40 scanty-bearded people take turns convincing the young man that his cow is a goat; a young man sells a cow for the price of a goat; this was enough to eat and buy a handkerchief for the bride; his father borrows seven gold, brings the donkey to the beardless ones, quietly puts gold in his mouth he drops them; the beardless believe that the donkey produces gold, buy it for a thousand mists, having been instructed to feed it with barley for 40 days; the donkey is eaten and dead; the bald man caught two foxes, left one to his wife, ordering 40 people to cook dinner; with another he meets the beardless; the fox lets go, telling his wife that guests will come - let him cook dinner; when they come to the bald man's house, the beardless see a fox and ready-made lunch, they buy a fox for a hundred mists; they send it to their wives, the fox is gone; they wait three days - he probably does not know the way, then they go to the bald one; he ties his wife's stomach with blood under his clothes ; pretends to be angry that his wife brought an unripe melon, stabs her, she will fall as if dead, and when he puts a pipe in her mouth and his wife will stand up as if nothing had happened; the bald man sold the phone beardless; they killed their wives, they did not come to life; the beardless put the bald man in a bag, carried him to drown, left; hearing the shepherd chase the herd, the bald man begins to scream that he does not want to marry the king's daughter; the shepherd changes places with him, is drowned; the bald man brings sheep, says he was given a herd at the bottom; the beardless jump into the water and drown, the bald man marries his son]: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 29:180-190 (similar, but not identical text in the Ottomans 1987:464-468); Turkmens [when Aldarkose's son went to sell a cow, 40 merchants assured the boy that it was a goat; A. pushed gold donkeys down the drain; 40 merchants bought him for all the gold they had; A. told them to leave the donkey on the carpets in a dark room; A. cooked pilaf in advance; when 40 merchants came, he pretended to cook pilaf in an empty cauldron; merchants bought a cauldron, steel hit him with a ladle until he was broken; A. caught two birds with one stone, left one in the house, took the other with him; pretended to send a hare to his wife with an order to cook a shurpa; merchants bought a hare; the next time A. hid a blood bubble in his wife's bosom, pretended to be furious, stabbed his wife, and then began to play the pipe; the wife was resurrected; the merchants bought a pipe, killed their wives, and first pretended to resurrected them, but then admitted that they had been deceived again; A. hid in the grave, taking with him a red-hot iron rod with a tamga at the end; the merchants decided to spoil the grave, each A. imposed a brand; said Khan that his slaves did not obey him; seeing the brand, the khan gave the merchants A., who sold them]: Kekilov, Kosayev 1962:63-70; Uzbeks [Nasretdin agreed with his wife, bought two birds with one stone from the hunter, one he smashed at home, brought another to the casia, pretends to send a hare to his wife with an order to cook dinner; Kaziy buys a hare at a high price, sends it to his wife, calling guests, the wife does not know anything, went into it time to visit; N.: but you didn't show the hare the way!] : Konovalov, Stepanov 1986:321-324; mountain Tajiks (Khovaling) [Kusa sent his son to sell a cow; mullahs paid for it with a mulberry skullcap; K. went to sell a donkey with three gold in his mouth coins; mullahs bought a donkey, but found no gold; K. caught two birds with one stone, left one for his wife, took the other with him and went to plow; mullahs come up, he sends a hare to his wife with orders to cook pilaf; mullahs they prepare a feast, send a hare to call guests; no one came; K. tied the skin of a rooster with blood around his wife's neck; when the mullahs came, hit his wife, she pretended to be dead; then K. resurrects his wife with a stick; mullahs bought a stick, went to resurrect the deceased, they were beaten]: Amonov 1961:437-442 (=1972:284-289); Rushans [one man sent two sons to sell the bull at the bazaar; four brothers bought it in one village (very cheap); then the man went to sell the donkey himself; said that she gave birth to gold every morning, took 40 paintings from each of the brothers; when they came to the peasant, he explained that the brothers they did not prepare hay for the donkey; the man had two foxes, he left one in the hallway, took the other with him; sent him to tell his wife to cook food; each of the brothers gave 40 arshins for the fox; sent the fox to his wives, the fox ran away; the brothers came to kill the man; he tied his red intestine to his wife's lower back, pretended to be angry, hit his wife in the stomach - as if he had stabbed him; rubbed with a handkerchief - she got up healthy; the brothers again gave 40 arshins, stabbed their wives; the man went to the mill, the brothers sent the youngest to pick him up, he asked him to hold the millstone, dropped his fingers, crushed his fingers; rushed to meet him shepherd: man: I don't want to marry the king's daughter; the shepherd changed clothes with the man, the brothers drowned him; the man brought the herd, pointed to the reflection of the sheep in the water; the brothers jumped into the water one by one and drowned]: Sokolova 1959, No. 12:38-43; Pashtuns [Tagga Khan is smart, he has a rustic younger brother; he sent him to sell a goat; six brothers are liars; each consistently says it's not a goat, and a dog, bought it for a pittance; T. rode a donkey himself; answers his brothers that they are "buchaks": he lives for a hundred years and weeds gold; puts gold in the manure in advance; brothers buy a donkey for an expensive price; T. tells his wife that when they arrive, one of the two rabbits should be sent for him and he will take the other with him; the brothers bought a rabbit; T. negotiates with his wife: he will pretend to be angry with her at theirs presence, pretends to cut his throat; seeing blood, brothers are horrified; T. takes a stick, having painted it red and green in advance, revives his wife; brothers bought a stick; killed his mother, could not revive it, fled fearing punishment for murder]: Thorburn 1876:194-197.
Volga - Perm. Udmurts [rich Zio asks Aldar Ivan to deceive him; he says that he left his purse with deceptions at home; tells Z. to prop up a birch tree instead of him so as not to fall, he leaves on his goat himself; stabbed goat, threw his skin into the lake; Z. undressed, climbed into the water for his skin; AI took his boots, threw one on the road first, then the second; Z. does not take the boot, but when he sees the second, he returns for the first; the second meanwhile, he disappears; AI teaches his wife to say that he cuts wood in the forest and, if necessary, send a hare for him; Z. buys a hare, tells his wife to send a hare for him, the hare ran away and disappeared; AI shoved the coins under the horse's tail; Z. buys it; AI put a bubble of blood under his wife's clothes in advance, stabbed her in the presence of Z. to force her to work; blood gushed, AI whips his wife, the wife jumped up alive; Z. buys a whip; kills his wife; carries AI in a bag to drown; while he went to look for a pole to push the bag away into the water, AI got out, put stones in the bag; AI left, returned three years later with the herd, said that at the bottom they give three cows by the needle; Z. asked to throw him in a bag into the water, drowned]: Kralina 1960, No. 83:236-245; Kazan Tatars [Aldar tells the mullah that his horse weeds gold three times a day, puts a coin under her tail, the mullah buys it at a high price; comes to A.; he cooked the meat in advance, pretends to cook the cauldron himself; the mullah buys a cauldron; A. pretends to have a postman rabbit; his wife answers the mullah that her husband went to buy firewood, releases one rabbit, A. returns with the rabbit, the mullah thinks it's the same; the mullah bought a rabbit; the mullah came to beat A.; he pretended to die; from there is smoke in the ground; the mullah decided that it was A. who was burning in hell and left]: Zamaletdinov 2009, No. 86:338-344; Bashkirs [the man decided to deceive 40 thieves; orders to maintain a crooked birch tree in the forest, otherwise will fall; says he will go to cut down the support; tied a mallet to a tree, she knocks in the wind; told their wives that their husbands were caught stealing, they needed 100 rubles each; piled up brushwood in an unharnessed sleigh, 40 thieves believed that the sleigh carried firewood themselves, bought it; taught his wife to let the hare out to send her husband, a thousand miles away; a man came with a hare, the thieves bought it; a man tied a bubble of blood to his wife's armpit; when the thieves came, he hit her and then revived her with a knife; the thieves bought a knife, stabbed his wives; the man pretended to be dead; when the thieves defecated on his grave, he stabbed with their red-hot iron bar, they all died]: Bessonov 1941, No. 64:305-307.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Zhanuzakova 1977 [Aldar-kose took cattle from Bay Utezhan, promised to give back what he liked; caught two birds with one stone; bai came to visit, his wife said that her husband was herding cattle; buy him; he let the hare go, told him to run to his wife, let him cook dinner; bai asked and received the hare as a gift; now A. comes to bay, he also sends a hare; they come to bay's house, the wife does not know anything; A. said that buy did not feed the hare correctly, immediately brought what he had in store in advance, said that it was the one, got the cattle again; told his wife to pretend to be sick, tied lamb to her stomach; came buy, A. tells his wife to serve a samovar, cook, but she does not get up; A. pretends to stab her in the stomach, the demand falls out; bai asks to spare his wife; A. pretends to calm down, takes a pipe ( sybyzgy), blows into his wife's mouth, she gets up as if nothing had happened; bai takes a pipe, stabbed his wife, but could not revive it; A. says that Bai lost a small tongue from the Black Maiden's vein, he had all his power; sends for deva; buy went, dev killed him, A. took his cattle]: 274-276; Sidelnikov 1958 []: 249-259; Kyrgyz [Aldarkose's friend Otezhan; before he came to visit him, A. caught two birds with one stone, left one at home and took the other with him to the pasture; his wife says O. that A. is with the sheep; when O. came there, A. tells the hare to ask the hostess to cook dinner and lets him go; at A. O. sees a hare and believes that it is the same; asked A. for a hare; when O. came to O., there is no hare; says that the hare should have been fed with "zhaprak" grass - he probably eats it in the field; caught another hare and brought; grateful O. gave A. horses, cows and camels; before O. came to him again, A. tied a bag of demand to his wife's stomach and agreed what to do; A. tells his wife to put on a samovar, she does not move; then A. portrayed anger and stabbed his wife into his wife's stomach; blood splashed; O. asks not to kill the woman; A. played sabyzgi (flute) and his wife got up healthy; O. begged for a flute; stabbed his wife; A.: you've lost your damn tongue attached to your flute! O. went to look for the devil, but he killed him; all O. A. took it for himself]: Muchnik 1944:39-41.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Teleuts [seeing four merchants, the ploughman Chut cooked food, put the pot on the stove, extinguished the fire, covered it with turf, said that he was cooking the pot himself; the merchants bought the pot; they returned to kill C.; he mixed manure with money, says that his mare is littering gold; merchants bought a mare; C. promises to return the money if the merchants return the pot and mare, invites him to his place, sends him as if to his wife on an errand a crow caught in advance; a crow's house and ordered dishes; merchants bought a crow, C. ran away]: Potanin 1983, No. 5:247-249; Shors [Argynak is poor, not even a dog; made a snare, took an ax, went hunting; began to hit the ground with an ax; answers the bear that he was healing the earth; he asked him to be treated; A. killed him; a fox was in one of the snakes; at home he tied it near the house; brothers-in-law came; A. says that bears are caught by cogigezhim; sells a fox to his brothers-in-law for a lot of money; his brothers-in-law sent the fox to pick the bears, which disappeared into the forest; at home A. tied a bear intestine with blood to his wife's neck, taught that to do; when his brothers-in-law came, he began to accuse his wife that she was still sleeping, stabbed him, and then "resurrected" them; sold a knife, his brothers-in-law stabbed his wives; put A. in a bag to burn; he speaks to a passer-by a one-eyed merchant who heals his eye in a bag; the merchant swapped places with A., burned, A. rides his horse to his brothers-in-law; says that he met their wives, they drink vodka and call them to their place, they must jump from tree tops across the lake; brothers-in-law drowned]: Chudoyakov 2002:104-107; Tuvans [poor Mergeldey from the upper reaches of Chinge-Khem is a skillful builder; answers Karati Khan that his ax works by itself; he buys, is disappointed, comes back, sees that M. is making tea, putting the cauldron on a stump (M. extinguished the fire before that); Khan buys a cauldron; the same; M. caught two crows ahead of time, took one to his mother's yurt, the other kept it for himself; when K. appears, he sends the crow, ordering his mother to be protected; K. comes to the yurt of mother M., there is a crow; he buys it; sends her to protect the hansha, the crow flies into the forest; M. hides a bubble in his bosom With bovine blood, K. strikes himself, saying that Khan Hereti threw the knife from the sky to him; blood is pouring, M. is alive; K. buys a knife, kills himself; M. tells people that the khan appeared before Kurbustu Khan ]: Kalzan 1964:5-10; South Altai Tuvans [Mergeldey pretends that the crow is obeying his order to protect his mother; Haraldai Khaan buys a crow for 50 langs of silver, she flies away; M. puts cauldron on a stump to make tea; H. believes that the cauldron cooks without fire, buys; M. hangs a gut with blood around his neck, stabs himself with a knife, then "comes to life"; H. buys a knife, stabbed three servants to death; H. orders to drown M.; the servants leave the bag on the ice, go to make an ice-hole for the ax; the khan's blind son goes, M. shouts that he saw the light while sitting in a bag; the khan's son changes places with him; the khan's son is drowning, M. comes and says that There are a lot of cattle at the bottom; H. orders his four officials and himself to be thrown into the water; M. began to rule the valley]: Taube 1978, No. 41:259-260.
Western Siberia. Northern Selkups: Tuchkova, Wagner-Nagy 2015, No. 56 (E.D. Prokofiev, Yanov Stan, 1926) [Icha lived with his grandmother, old Prince Corse across the river; Icha tied sable skins around the dog's neck, let him go; The prince's servants came; a dog came running; they believed that she was getting sables herself, K. bought a dog for a horse; Icha killed the horse, filled his intestines with blood, tied her grandmother under her sundress; the servants returned; Icha: you they spoiled my dog; grandmother: you told me to sell it, stabbed it, the blood poured out, my grandmother fell like dead; Icha knife: sorry for my grandmother, you killed, you and revive it; grandmother "came to life"; Icha pretends not to want sell a knife, only gave it a try; and don't spoil it - they can only kill the rich; K. cut all the rich, no one came to life; Icha: they ruined the knife, they probably killed the poor; K. tells Icha to kill; Icha: first leave in a bag for the night to suffer; rich merchants go past the ice-hole; Icha: goods will come out of the ice-hole; reluctantly allows merchants to get into the bag with a promise to leave him some of the wealth; merchants drowned, Icha took the wealth; princely servants: he found everything in the ice-hole; K. and all the bosses ordered them to be sewn into leather bags, drowned; Icha lives well], 57 (A.I. Kuzmina, recorded in Russian) [Ichekichika lived with his grandmother, next to the city, Tsar's Koltsak ira ("ira" means "old man"); I. stole a cow, stabbed him; tied his grandmother with guts and blood; a servant came with a rifle; I. tells his grandmother to receive a guest, she hesitates, he pretends to cut her, blood is shed; then the grandmother came to life; the governor told the servants to buy a knife to teach lazy women a lesson; I.: clean people must be cut, you can't keep a knife on the floor; the governor and his wives' servants stabbed; I. want to arrest, here comes a dog, a hundred sable skins around his neck; they bought the dog - nothing; I. sewed it into rawhide to drown; I. sends servants to look for a large stone to drown it, put sable skins with him; a caravan is coming, the merchant believes that there is gold and sable skins at the bottom; drowned; I. took three carts of goods; the governor and all the rich were drowned], 58 (A.I. Kuzmina, Turukhansk, 1977) [roughly like (57); Kol'Sako-old man]: 243-246, 250-252, 259-261.