Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M91c6. The hat pays the bills, (ATU 1539).


A person sells a hat to others, convincing them that it pays the bill, you just have to lift it up (throw it on the floor, etc.). He actually paid the innkeeper in advance.

Spaniards, Portuguese, Ladins, Sinhales, Romanians, Russians (Karelia, Vologda, Moscow), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Adygs, Ingush, Georgians, Finns, Karelians, Veps, Latvians.

Southern Europe. Spaniards (Murcia) [a deceiver sells a hat that supposedly pays itself; a donkey that weeds gold; a postman hare; in most versions, he hides a vessel of wine or bleeding under his shirt the animal's liver, stabs a knife, plays the flute, the wife "resurrects", the husband sells the flute, the buyers kill the wives; the deceiver is put in a bag, carried to drown, left for a while; he screams that he does not want to marry on the princess, the shepherd takes his place, drowned, the deceiver drives sheep - supposedly from the bottom; the deceiver's counterparties jump into the water and drown]: Hernández Fernández 2013, No. 1535+1539:228, 231; Portuguese [a rich peasant imitates a poor man, loses; manure is sold under the guise of an ointment; a rich man kills a poor man's horse; burns his house, he deceives ash for gold, says he sold ash; enters the house where the hostess receives her lover, the skin with her; pretends that the skin indicates where the food is hidden, the lover {obviously the skin is sold for a lot of money}; the rich man slaughters his cows (horse) , kills his wife (mother) to sell fat as a healing ointment; the poor is carried in a bag to drown, he changes places with the shepherd, {brings the herd - supposedly from the bottom}, the rich man drowns; other motives: the animal supposedly litters with gold; hat pays bills; imaginary magic item revives a dead person; a postman hare; a dead body is passed off as a living]: Cardigos 2006, № 1535+1537:316-318; frets [widow sent her son to sell a cow; three neighbors agreed to deceive him; consistently go out and offer to buy a goat; the young man is confused, gave the cow for the price of a goat; his mother scolds him, and he promised pay off the crooks; agreed with the innkeeper, paying for four in advance; made himself a colorful hat; called the neighbors for lunch, because they paid him well for the goat; after eating, waved his hat and asked the owner, whether paid; he replies that, yes; the next day the same in another tavern; the crooks bought a hat for a lot of money; when they tried to pay, the owner furiously drove them away with a truncheon]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 122:320-323

South Asia. Sinhales [a man took a calf to sell; three guys began to convince him it was a goat and forced him to sell it for pennies; then the man suggested that he would not go home, but stay with liars; made a triangular hat and said that she pays the bills for it; pays the owner of the tavern in advance; the crooks bought a hat for a lot of money; when they refused to eat the tavern the next day pay, they were beaten; so three times; and the man took everything and left]: Parker 1914b, No. 226:200-205.

The Balkans. Romanians [the owner does not pay a farmhand named Petru; the old man advises to catch a greedy for gold bait; brought his daughter's ass: let him work for 10 golden years; why do you need money? the gray bear has a magic hat; she will give it back if you bring a pot of honey and a jug of spring water and put 5 gold in each; P. pretends to have received a hat; after eating in a tavern, he hits her gold rolls out of the hat; the pop, innkeeper, and forest owner bought it for three; realizing that they have been deceived, all three come to P.; his son is ready to take him to where his father works, but he has a pain in his leg; he will sail along the river on a raft, and they will run along the shore; they fall into the water, get wet; P. takes a hat, hits it, and gold rolls out of it; for the hat to work for the new owner, he must take it to the bear, snatch a piece of wool from her and put it in her hat; the bear tore all three to pieces]: Mirener 1958:62-73.

Central Europe. Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians [there are a lot of sources, but it is not clear whether they all contain this episode, since others are included in the definition]: SUS 1979, No. 1539:317-318; Russians (Olonetskaya) [the merchant gives his three sons 25 rubles each for fun; they agree in advance with the innkeeper what he will cook for this amount; the pop sees one of the merchant sons hitting the table with a hat, and the innkeeper is happy; bought a hat for a lot of money; the owner laughed and told the truth; the priest feels sorry for the money]: Azadovsky 1947, No. 22:129-130; Russians (Karelian Pomorie, Pongoma; a brief summary of the text from the archive of the Karelian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences) [the master pays for lunch with his hat ("paid"); the old woman asks the old man to buy this hat; the old man drowns his master in the ice-hole; the hat gets old man]: Razumova, Senkina 1974, No. 245:381; Russians (Vologodskaya): Gura 1965, No. 42 [the man took him to sell a cow; 10 Mazurs agreed to split into 5 pairs, sell a goose; the man believed it himself that he had a goose; when he realized, he decided to deceive the Mazurs himself; he left one hundred rubles in three taverns, agreed that how would he stab his hat and say "Quito?" , they would answer that it was quito; gave the Mazurs vodka three times, after the third time they believed, bought a hat for 5,000 rubles; so the man took revenge on them], 50 []: 266-267, 272-277; Russians (Gorkovskaya) [ the old man refused to sell the goat to the bandits, sold it to others; the bandits decided to take the money; the old man paid for lunch in advance and invited the bandits; each time he said: hat, quit! the bandits bought a hat; but the owner demands money; the bandits came to the old man, he lay down in the coffin, told the old woman to cry; bandits: we need an old man; old woman: then I'll come to life; hit him with a poker, the old man jumped up; bandits bought a poker; came to resurrect the king's deceased daughter; hit a glass coffin; the tsar put them in prison forever]: Borovik, Mirer 1939, No. 22:31; Poles [option in Shcherbakov 1980:270-272; The deceiver sells others a hat that allegedly pays at the tavern; (and other tricks)]: Krzyżanowski 1963, No. 1539:84-85.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygs [deceivers buy a goat (calf, cow) cheaply from a peasant (Khozha, etc.), assuring him that it is a goose; a peasant sells them a "wonderful horse", a fox (hare) a maid, a hat "everything paid", reviving the knife; deceivers kill their wives; they want to drown the peasant, etc., but they fail]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 1539:208; Ingush [three merchants plan to deceive Tsagen; when he brought a bull to sell, each claiming it was a goat; C. sewed a colorful hat, paid the owners of three taverns for tomorrow's lunch, agreed that tomorrow he would only wave his hat; three merchants bought a hat ; they began to wave it, but they had to pay; C. dug a hole in the yard, the merchants fell into it and died; C. pays the beggar to bury the dead man; says; on the way back he saw a mullah, decided it was again returning dead man and cut his skull]: Malsagov 1983, No. 114:262-265 (=Sadulaev 2004, No. 98:248-251); Georgians [the man led to sell bulls, the pop bought for pennies, the man's wife is dissatisfied; the man paid the perfume in advance, invited the priest and others; after feasting, raised his hat, said, "We are the doughman," he did not demand money; the pop bought a magic hat for an expensive price, invited guests tried to pay with a hat, disgraced; the man tied blood bubbles around his wife and children's neck; pop came, the man stabbed his wife and children in front of his eyes; everyone accuses the priest for not stopping; the man spent stupid with the side of the knife up to the necks, the dead were resurrected; that the dead man returned, ordered to dig a hole deeper; the same with the third, the pop bought a knife, stabbed his wife and father-in-law; grabbed the man, dragged him to drown; went after the boat, the man said to the shepherd who bought a sheep from him and it turned out to be a dog; the shepherd was untied by a man; the pop caught the shepherd thinking it was a man, drowned; the man brought the herd, said it was from the bottom; the pop asked him to drown]: Chikovani 1986:427-435.

Baltoscandia. Finns: Concca 1993 [a farmer took a cow to sell; two fraudsters convinced him it was a goat; realizing that he had been deceived, the peasant paid the innkeepers in advance: when he came with scammers and raise their hats, they will say that everything was paid; the fraudsters bought a hat; when they found out that they had been deceived, they came to beat the peasant; he pretended to be sick; when he was hit with a stick, he jumped up and said that he had recovered; they bought a stick and hit the sick maid for testing; she lost consciousness; the farmer took the fraudsters for a watch (they had no money left) for promising to commit murder; the maid recovered]: 153-158; Salmelainen 1947 [the father sent his son to sell the cow; the same crooks meet several times, each time asking how much the goat is; the young man sold the cow for the price of a goat; then I saw them sell it to the cow at a profit; paid in advance at three taverns, agreeing with the owner that when he planted his hat, I must say that it was full; invited the crooks and sold them a hat for a lot of money; then pretended to be dying; the crooks came up, beat him alone with a stick lying next to him; after the third blow, the young man jumped up, thanking him for the cure; sold the stick for a lot of money; offered to test on the old man; he died from the blow; the crooks were frightened; the young man promised to take the blame if the crooks paid him again; brought the body to the river, put it on a stone; the body fell into the water; found witnesses: the young man wanted to help the old man, it was not his fault that he drowned; the father was surprised that his son earned so much money for the cow]: 75-80; Karelians [the poor man has seven children, he went to sell a chick; pop tells the employee to deceive the man; the employee asks how much the goat is; the same is the second; then the pop himself; the man sold the chick for the price of a goat; the wife explains that the pop deceived him; the man agreed with the clerk: He paid for the millet in advance, and let him give the millet in the morning when he raises his hat - as if the hat is paying; the same is in a cotton shop; the pop bought a hat, giving the money and cattle; the next day he picked up goods tried to pay with a hat - failed]: Concca 1959:155-158; Veps [a man sells three clergy a hat "all paid" and a battery that revives the dead; they try to revive the princess, but they do not succeed; their tongues are cut off, put in a barrel and drowned; the man is put in his ass, but he refuses to preach]: Onegin, Zaitseva 1996, No. 27:203; Latvians [A man fools people, convincing They are that his horse makes money, his hat pays for everything, the pot cooks food without fire, the stick brings the dead to life. When a deceiver is forced to return his money, he pretends to be dead, allows himself to be buried, but stabs a deceived buyer from the grave]: Aris, Medne 1977, No. 1539:357.