Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M91E. The king orders to burn himself. (.12.17.21.-.24.34.)

The ruler, the leader, believes that a man who escaped death by cunning returned from the world where he received benefits. It tells you to burn, drown, etc. yourself or your close associates.

Soninke, Mehri, Tibetans, Lepcha, Inta, Palaung, Kashmiri, Sinhala, Loda, Minahasa, Toraja, Sumbawa, Savoe, Dusun, Mongols (25 Vetala Stories).

West Africa. Soninke [when he dies, a man named Fraudster leaves his son Gaara Koutaana ("liar") a horse and gold, teaches that a lie will always overcome the truth; GK feeds pieces of horse gold, pulls them out again from manure; the king orders to sell the horse, the GK pretends not to want to, receives a hundredth of everything the king has; orders to lock the horse for a month, feed it through the window; but a month later there is only manure in the stable; when he is summoned to the king, negotiates with his grandmother, hangs a bag of blood under her clothes, kills her in front of the king's eyes; says that he has a magic broom and a calebass of water, touches the imaginary with a wet broom corpse, grandmother comes to life; the king buys a broom with calebas for two-thirds of the kingdom, kills his eldest son, mother, beloved wife, cannot revive; sends servants to drown GK; he is carried in a bag, he shouts that he is past a boar is running, a wild cow is running, the servants do not react; that a beast with gold in their ears is running; it is true, the servants are running after the beast; GK shouts that it does not want to be king; the Fulbe passing by changes places with him; GK on the horse fulbe catches up with the beast, takes the gold; the servants drown the fulbe; the GK comes to the king in a luxurious outfit, sends greetings from the king's late father, who tells his son to visit him; the killed also live well there his mother, son, wife are king; the king orders to light a fire in the pit, throw it there; the GK becomes king]: Dantioko 1978:109-119.

Western Asia. Mehri [the governor told Abū Nuwās to bring sandals from (two) women; AN said that the ruler told them both to surrender to him; if they do not believe, he will call him; AN: one or both? ruler: yes, both (he thought it was about sandals); the NA met women; the ruler of the NA pretends that his words meant copulating; the ruler orders the NA to drown; he is carried to the sea, left in a basket to throw off a cliff at high tide; he explains to the shepherd that he was left to see his dead parents, has been traveling like this for the fifth time; the shepherd changed seats with him, the NA took him herd; a month later he came with a herd, a gun and a dagger; the ruler does not believe, orders to dig a well and burn an NA in it; the NA digs an underground passage from his house to the well; leaves a bottle in the well; it bursts on fire, everyone thinks that the NA's head has burst; a month later, the NA returns; the petitioner orders him to be burned in a well; the NA warns that he will not want to return from paradise; two months after the burning reminds about a warning to the ruler's sons; the sons order to burn them and the minister, and during their absence they are appointed ruler]: Stroomer 1999, No. 20:41-47.

Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans ["ghost stories"; the royal painter envies the royal carpenter; brings a forged letter as if the king's late father is asking for a carpenter to build a temple; the carpenter digs underground passage from the house to the place of burning; allegedly returning from the dead, he gives the king a letter asking him to send a painter; the burnt painter escapes from the fire]: MacDonald 1931:310-312 (=Cassis 1962 [ painter burns]: 36-39); Lepcha [King Pid-no has seven dangerous demons in his service; Tashey-thing arranges that the merchant lost his childless wife; after that, the woman gave birth to a son; forbade him go out of the house; he saw a wonderful flower in the fox's teeth, chased it, got it, returned it, took it to the king; the demons advised him to send the young man to bring many of these flowers; the beggar promises to help the young man; the young man passes through the land of pigeons, parrots, peacocks; each king promises him a daughter if he brings him a flower; a beggar whirlwinds the young man across the sea to the palace of five demons (they have one, two.. five heads); bushes with precious flowers in the garden; the young man hides, sees the demon take out parts of the girl's body with living and dead (white and black) water; when he leaves, he disassembles it again; the young man revives her, they take it water and the demon's knife, flowers, come back; demons swim across the sea, drown; the young man receives the king's daughters, pigeons, etc.; brings flowers to the king; he orders to create a palace, garden, forest, decorate the palace; pigeons, parrots and peacocks perform everything; the king orders to explain the source of the Tisla River (this requires going to heaven); the wife dismembers the young man, says that he will return from heaven in a week, tell him; when he revives A young man who says that his heavenly father does not recognize him, he will tell the secret to seven brothers; seven demons allow themselves to be dismembered and die; the young man becomes a royal adviser]: Stocks 1925, No. XXVII: 420-427.

Burma - Indochina. Inta [the chief minister is jealous of the architect; persuades the shaman to say that the king's late father needs a palace; the architect digs an underground passage in the house, makes a fire in front of him, pretends who jumps into the fire; a year later he returns asking the late king to send the first minister; he jumps into the fire, burns]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 49:162-164; palaung [cunning Aki promises the king to argue to deceive him; offers to send him to the land of the dead to visit the king's father; the king orders to tie A., leave him on the platform above the hot spring; if he does not visit the country within 7 days the dead, he will be drowned in a spring; A. tells the passing merchant that he heals his eyes, the merchant changes places with him, he is drowned, A. takes his goods, leaves, buys gifts for the king, says he sent them his father to him; the king asks him to be sent to the world of the dead, he is drowned; A. makes a hollow in the banyan, broadcasts from there to the king's wives, the imaginary spirit of the banyan tells him to make King A.; at night A. persuades the servants to run around the palace, depicting spirituals threatening disasters if A. does not become king; the wives of the former king recognize him]: Kasevich, Osipov 1976, No. 143:326-330.

South Asia. Kashmiri [orphan Akhun meets the fairy Lalmal; she promises to help him if he does not seek her love; teaches him how to distinguish a fake pearl; the king appoints him treasurer, the former encourages you to give difficult assignments, L. teaches you what to do; 1) get a necklace of paradise; a heavenly peri will go down to the spring, you must hide your clothes, she will bring a necklace in return; 2) from the funeral the fire goes to heaven, give the news to the late king; L. tells the king to ask half of the treasury for expenses, sit on the carpet at the stake, he will quietly take L. to the hut; she orders him to take the letter to the king and golden and silver apples; in a letter, the king's late father asks for a former treasurer and chief adviser to be sent; both die in the fire; A. becomes chief adviser; after that L. agrees to marry A .]: Zograf 1964:262-267 (=197:94-97); Sinhales: Volkhonsky, Solntseva 1985, No. 77 [the two eldest sons answer the king that the moon is good because it illuminates the road; the youngest is that princesses are in her light flowers can ride their chariot; the king orders him to be taken to the forest and killed; he hides, buried in the sand, the hangman kills a chameleon; the prince found two princesses in flowers, they grew up, went with him, live from the widow; the king (obviously hoping to take possession of princesses) gives the prince difficult errands; princesses teach how to fulfill them; 1) bring blue flowers (they grow near the shore, the crocodile did not eat the prince; in one he found a third princess in a flower); 2) go into the world of nagas; princesses dig a way to the move that the king ordered to dig, give the prince magic sand; the king orders to close, compact his move; the prince returns to another, tells the king that his late father calls him; the king goes underground, the entrance is filled up, the king dies; ministers make the prince king when the elephant stays at his house; the prince summons his parents and brothers, makes father king, brothers ministers, leaves with the princesses himself], 89 [seeing a bird, the king and his wife argue whether it is male or female; the queen loses, leaves, gives birth to a son, he picks up the precious the stone; after receiving it, the king invites them to live in the palace; sends the young man for the second stone; the yakshini, the daughter of their master, runs away with the young man; spits precious stones; the minister advises the king to send the young man visit the king's late parents; he is walled up in an underground passage, Yakshini sends rats (their mistress is her sister) to dig another passage, dresses her husband in precious clothes; the king believes that the young man went to that world, himself descends into the dungeon, is walled up; the young man reigns]: 164-169, 211-216.

Malaysia-Indonesia. Loda, Minahasa, Toraja, Sumbawa, Savoe, Dusun [the king's servant sees three beauties in the hero's house - the hero's wife and her two sisters; to take possession of women, the king sends the hero to visit his royal ancestors in heaven; women make and revive a doll in the form of a hero, burn it; three days later, the hero returns, supposedly, from heaven with gifts for the king; the king and the courtiers ask Burn them too; the hero allows the people to dismantle the royal treasures]: Dixon 1916:199-201.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongolian version of Twenty-Five Tales of the Vetal [Ananda the Painter (Already) is jealous of Ananda the Carpenter (Ap); tells the king that he visited his late father in heaven, he demands that Ap build palace; you have to go up in the smoke of the fire; Ap digs an underground passage from the house to the place of burning, washes his face with milk to turn white; a month later he brings a letter from the king father, who supposedly demands Aj; Ae believes that Ap went to heaven burns]: Vladimirtsov 1958:62-65.