Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M93. Part of the body as a watchman.

(.12.) .19.39.-.42.44.-.46.


falling asleep or going to do something else, the character tells a certain part of his body to wake him up in case of danger. The organ did not give a signal or the character himself did not listen to it, as a result, the misfortune happened.

Eyes as a watchman.

(Mofu-gudur), coastal Koryaks, Kereks, (Asian Eskimos), St. Lawrence, central yupik, inhalic, upper kuskoquim, tanaina, upper tanana, inner tlingit, eyak, tsimshian.

Anus as a watchman.

Bellacula, Nascapi, Montagne, Winnebago, Menominee, Chippewa, Western Marsh Cree, Eastern Marsh Cree, Eastern Cree, Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake), Timagami Ojibwa, ojibwa, algonquins, fox, kickapoo, potauatomi, steppe ojibwa, steppe crees, blacklegs, assiniboine, grovantre, santi.

Something else.

The Trobrians.

(Wed. West Africa. Mofu-gudur [Squirrel (earth squirrel, Xerus erythropus) and his maternal uncle Crane went to the savannah to look for mice; the crane does not tell you to take hoe, water, and food; teeth (?) tore a hole, the mice jumped out, the Crane killed them with his gaze, so they picked up a bag of mice; pulled out a bump, under it the water was like pus; next time like blood; on the third, water for washing; on the fourth, clean; The crane left Squirrel to fry the mice, said that he could eat fatty ones, went to wash himself, leaving his eye on the stump as a watchman; when the Squirrel wanted to eat the mouse, the eye forbids; the crane came back, took the grain out of termite mound, they ate; the crane raised its leg, fruits fell from the yuyuba tree; the crane climbs the tree for honey; a panther appears, the Crane from the tree tells the Squirrel to curse her; the panther rushes, the Crane tells her The squirrel grabs his testicles, raises him to the tree; they return home; next time the Squirrel goes with the Turtle, tries to play the role of the elder, repeat the Crane's tricks; but cannot kill the mice with a glance, the Turtle caught three; it cannot reach water, the Turtle has water under its shell; the turtle eats fat mice, and the ants eat Squirrel's eye left by the watchman; the fruits of the jujube do not fall, the Squirrel broke its leg; The squirrel disappeared into the termite mound, the panther grabbed the Turtle, but grabbed its tongue and told her to take it to the pond; Belke Crane: Don't go alone]: Barreteau 1988a: 488-540).

Melanesia. Trobrians [Karawawa woman gives birth to a white cockatoo, he flies away; three times, while cooking in an earthen oven, leaves her clitoris to guard; the cockatoo bites the clitoris and eats everything; K. and her clitoris die from hunger]: Malinowski 1932:344-345.

SV Asia. Coastal Koryaks [the Kutkinnaku raven creates a river, tries to crochet, but only catches himself; The fox tries it too, does not catch anything; K. catches a small seal on the shore; Fox chooses a larger seal, unable to lift it on its back; the seal calls to help it, pushes it into the sea; when she gets ashore, the Fox takes off her skin to dry, takes out her eyes, telling them to wake it up in case anxiety; when the tide begins, the Fox tickles, but she does not wake up; the tide takes her away; when she gets ashore again, the Fox punishes her eyes by breaking them with a stone; makes new ones from black berries, they are too dark; made of ice floes, they cry all the time]: Bogoras 1902, No. 18:652; kereks [mice roll down the hill; this is the yaranga where the Kala woman lives; she sews; something blocks the light; she thinks it's her cheek, eats it; then the second cheek is the same; when she sees the mice, she put them in a bag, hung them in yaranga on the upper crossbar; a fox lives next to her daughter Imyna; went to wander, hears crying; mice teach: to make a bag descended, we must promise to fill it with mouse oil; the fox released the mice, was left alone, who died; the fox filled the bag with shiksha branches; told the mice to go home; let everyone migrate away, leaving them on the carcass of the ram in the same place; at home she tells Ymynne to cook alder bark; the feces returned with firewood; got an answer from the stone who released the mice; the fox says that she is sick; gives tiny alder feces, says it's a disease, asks me to go to the mountain and throw it away; she came up from behind and pushed the feces off the cliff; eiders are floating on the ice floes; the fox asks me to take her for a boat ride; they say that the boat will disappear; seagulls take; the seagull has attached the fox's wings; tells not to sneeze when the sun rises; the fox sneezed, fell into the sea; swam on a log to the shore; went to bed with her eyes out and velv to guard her; the old Kala woman got out of the abyss, poured water on the sleeping one; the fox was angry at her eyes for not guarding them well, ate them; went to look for new ones; the eyes made of berries are not suitable, everything is red around; did new ice floes; shot at a sleeping bear; herself offers to cure him with hot stones; the bear is dead; the fox's daughters ate meat; the fox imposed the vertebrae on a rope, tied the sleeper to the tail wolf; shouted that toothy and fanged ones were chasing him; the wolf cut off his tail against the bushes; the grandmother sewed a new one, but it was no longer fluffy; and ordered the daughters to sew parts of the fluffy fox; now the tip of the fox's tail white and fox black; the sea used to be clear; after the fox fell into it, it became cloudy]: Menovshchikov 1974, No. 116:364-371.

The Arctic. The island of St. Lawrence [the girls roll down the Giantess's dugout like a hill; she shoves them into her park, hangs them on a pole, tells him to straighten up; the birds refuse to help, the Fox tells the pole to bend down tells the girls to put moss instead; the youngest fell asleep and stayed in the park; while ripping open the park, the Giantess cuts off the girl's finger; agrees to take her in her head; there are mice, beetles, squirrels; The giantess tells them to gnaw, the girl just pretends to throw them away; the fox pretends to have blood from her nose, as if all the buckets are full of blood, in fact they contain red clay; the Giantess agrees empty the buckets at the top of the mountain; the Fox is on her heels like a spirit, pushing the Giantess off the cliff; when she goes to bed, takes out her eyes, tells her to guard; the Giantess comes up, her eyes jump, she calls, the Fox is still sleeping; The giantess bites her eyes, ties animal vertebrae to the Fox's tail; The fox runs, then realizes what's going on; makes new eyes out of kaavlaks berries, they are good, but fall out of the eye sockets; then from berries aamaks; they fit, but mow a little, since then slightly cross-eyed; releasing the girl from the dugout, the Giantess puts her in a bag, ties a rope to it; the girl's two brothers release her, put her in a bag a walrus skull, run away; the Giantess pursues; the girl throws a whetstone, it turns into a mountain; runs a river on the ground with a stump of her finger; answers the Giantess that she crossed on a shell; the Giantess cannot; then she advises you to drink the river; the Giantess's belly is inflated, the girl offers to dance on the mountain; the Giantess bursts, she makes iron pans and boilers]: Slwooko 1979:14-20; central Yupik [ The crane takes out its eyes, tells them to warn of danger while it eats berries; its eyes raise the alarm, it does not believe; someone takes them away; it makes new ones with cranberries, blueberries, blueberries; blue eyes turn out to be the best, cranes still have them]: Barker 1995 [two Vs.]: 81-83; Frost 1971:23-26; Gillham 1943:76-85; Smelcer 1992:77-78; (cf. Asian Eskimos [fox asks rowers take her in a kayak; the rowers in the first and second kayak ask her to wait for the next one; the third fox picks up; she sings and hits the tambourine to make the road seem short; suddenly she feels cold and finds herself in water, and a flock of teals flies away; the fox swam to the shore, something pulls back - the tail; on the shore, the fox spread its skin, took out its eyes, began to dry; the raven pecked his eyes; the fox put on the skin, still the eyes looking for]: Menovshchikov 1969:20-22 (=1985, No. 16:51-52).

Subarctic. Inhalic [The raven takes out his eye, leaves him as a guard in the boat, goes into the forest; the eye calls him, the Raven comes running, but his eyes are gone]: Chapman 1914, No. 5i: 41; the upper pieces [lying on go to bed, the Raven hangs his eyes on the tree; his eyes signal, the Raven sees only a tree floating; next time the Raven does not hurry to get up, his eyes disappear; the Raven inserts blueberries into his eye sockets (all dark), cranberries (small, fall out), bearberry (visible, but in red light); swims in a boat upstream; relieving fir branches, turns them into beautiful clothes; marries a girl, who rejected suitors; wife says people play with Raven's eyes; The raven comes, waits for both eyes to fall next to him, takes them away; the girl's beautiful clothes turn into crow crap]: Deaphon et al. s.a.: 57-59 (=Ruppert, Bernet 2001:285-287); tanaina [The raven finds a lot of dead fish on the shore; in the guise of a man he comes to a village with only women, he replies that he does not eat from strangers; when he returns to the shore, eats fish, taking out his eye and putting it on the log to guard; the eye speaks twice, the Raven comes running, but there is no one; the third time the Raven does not go; when he hears people's voices, comes running, pretending to have sand in his eye; people see an eye on a log, the Raven quickly grabs it, throws it up three times, it hits his eye socket, but remains slightly crooked; the raven turns into crow, flies away]: Kalifornsky 1991:83-87 (=Ruppert, Bernet 2001:318-319); upper tanana: Brean 1975 [The raven marries Swans; flies with swans in the fall, his wife throws him off, he tells him to the sea under him is a fin, turning it into an island; leaves it on the shore of the eye to see if the boat comes; the eye raises the alarm when they see a fin; next time people take their eyes away; the raven catches up with them, takes the eye, puts it back crooked; therefore, crows have different eyes]: 63-67; McKennan 1959 [The raven takes his eye out of the eye socket, puts it on a stump, tells them to be a watchman; the eye raises a false one several times anxiety; the Raven stops paying attention to his cries; enemies take his eyes away; play by throwing it to each other; the raven comes unrecognized; when the eye hits him, he puts it back in, runs away]: 194; inner tlingits [the raven goes to peck for blueberries, leaves his eye as a watchman: if he sees a boat, let him call; the eye calls, but it is not a boat, but a floating log; the raven beats its eye; when it again called, the raven did not go to see; the people in the boat took their eyes away; the raven came to the village, asked the old woman if she had heard of the eye; she sent him to a teepee, the man showed the crow's eye (obviously not realizing who was in front of him), the raven put him in his eye socket, flew out the chimney; in the chimney he got entangled by the ropes and smoked, since then the crows have been black]: McClelland 2007 (3), No. 139:624-625.

NW Coast. Eyak [The raven quarrels with his wife, throws her basket of strawberries into the water, the berries turn into sea urchins; the raven returns to his wife, both go to bed on a rock, the Raven leaves his eye guard; Seagulls come, take their eyes away; Raven puts blueberries in his eye; tells his wife how they (as crows) will move on]: Johnson 1978:81-84; Tsimshian: Barbeau, Beynon 1987, No. 10 [ Txamsen was wandering, saw a beautiful woman; she complained of abdominal pain; T.: I'm a great shaman, now I'm going to the woods, and you go out and call for "medicine, medicine"; you'll hear the answer when you see speaking from the earth is a plant; you have to sit on it to enter the vagina; it happened, but this woman was nettles and after copulation T. was in terrible pain; he came to another place where the house was empty; he got into it, then returned to the boat: there is a woman in her; says she is salmon; when T. fell asleep, went to the river and filled it with salmon; T. caught a lot; crows began to steal salmon from the boat; T. took it out his eye told him to guard the salmon, and he went to get firewood; his eye screams that the crows were stealing salmon and attacked him; when T. returned, his eye had already been eaten; his wife made him a new eye; together with his wife, they prepared a lot of dried salmon; everything was fine, but T. accused his wife of infidelity - otherwise why did he lose to Pnya; the woman could not stand it, called her people and disappeared into the river; all the dried salmon came to life and disappeared with her; T. got into the boat and sailed down the Ness River again]: 31-32; Boas 1916, No. 22 [Txämsem (Raven) sees a beautiful woman appear in his boat; she Salmon, tells you to treat it well; putting his fingers and feet into the water, creates salmon; T. caught salmon, left his eye to protect them from crows; they take away both salmon and eyes; his wife makes him a new one; makes him a new one; makes his hair is beautiful; soon all the pantries are full of dried salmon; T. unreasonably suspects his wife of being unfaithful; she sees him gambling with a stump all day; salmon seed twice T. gets entangled in his hair, swears, throws a bone, laughs at his wife; she tells dried salmon to come to life, disappears with them; T.'s hair and skin become as ugly as before]: 76-79 ; bellacula [Jay tells waterfowl that he has a bag of amulets, invites birds to dance; they fall asleep, he kills them; the old toadstool opens her eyes, raises the alarm; Jay bakes meat, falls asleep, telling the anus to guard; the anus wakes up Soyka, he sees no one, hits his anus; thieves replace meat with stones; Jay punishes the anus by holding it over the fire]: McIlwraith 1948 (2): 432-433.

The Midwest. See the M53 motif; the trickster roasts dead ducks, goes to bed, leaves his anus guarded; the meat is stolen; he burns his ass as punishment. Winnebago [foxes steal meat; Wakjunkaga puts burning smut in his ass; finds pieces of fat on the trail; this is his giblets; he ties his anus (the origin of wrinkles on human sphincter)]: Radin 1956, No. 13-14:16-18; Menominee [Winnebago Indian carries meat; Myanyabush punishes his anus]: Hoffman 1896 [Myanyabush sits in the fire]: 162-164; Skinner, Satterlee 1915, No. 8 [Winnebago gives the anus a red bandage for silence]: 267-270; chippewa [Venebozho bakes prey, tells his anus to guard it, falls asleep; South Wind people stick it in the anus is red paint so that he can no longer warn the owner, eat meat, sail away in boats; V. burns his anus over the fire; goes, something red falls out of his ass, pieces of meat fall; from this tobacco and edible lichens grow]: Barnouw 1977:27-30; Western Marsh Cree (northern Manitoba) [Wesukechak says he collects moss in a bag, tells waterfowl he carries a dance song; builds a teepee, offers to dance with his eyes closed, strangles birds one at a time; Loon did not close his eyes, raised the alarm, the birds rushed out of the teepee, V. stepped on Loon, breaking her spine; bakes birds in in the sand, falls asleep, telling his ass to be on the lookout; the ass sees the boat, gives a signal, V. gets up, does not notice anything; next time he does not react, the Indians take the meat; V. punishes his ass by sitting on the hot stones; wanders through willow thickets, since then willow branches are red with blood]: Clay 1978:48-54; eastern swamp crees (Muses Cree) [Weesahkwechahk carries a bag of moss, tells the floating birds that in bag of song; offers to dance, closing his eyes and stretching his necks together, throws a noose over everyone at once; Loon peeked and managed to escape; V. kicked him, now the loons have a flat tail; V. bakes birds, lies down to sleep, told his ass to warn him if someone shows up; he wakes V. up twice, but he does not see anyone; tells him not to disturb him in vain; when he wakes up, the meat is eaten, only the bones stick out of the sand; V. punishes his ass by sitting on a hot rock; when he goes, pieces of burnt flesh fall off; now it's resin on trees and lichens (?) on willows and poplars]: Ellis 1995, No. 55:309-313; Eastern Cree [Visagachak fills the bag with moss, tells waterfowl what the singing teepee is carrying, tells them to dance with his eyes closed; strangles birds arcana; Loon opens his eyes; he kicks her (the origin of the shape of a loon tail); bakes meat, goes to bed, tells his ass to guard; some person steals meat; his ass beeps, but V. does not react ; seeing that the meat has been stolen, he sits on a hot stone; since then, people's buttocks have been dismembered; V. winds constantly blow, pieces of his gut fall out; he thinks it's dried meat, eats it; The squirrel laughs; he throws a piece of intestine into the birch tree (the origin of the growths on the birch tree); hits the birch tree with a stick ( birch bark stripes)]: Skinner 1911:84-86; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake): Ray, Stevens 1971:39-40 [Visakaijak asks berries what will happen to whoever eats them; Will itch; V. eats, he has a terrible itch; the same question for lichens; It will blow the wind for several days; with these sounds, V. scares off beavers, remains without prey; punishes his anus by sitting on hot stones; pieces of burnt flesh from his ass fall on the poplar trunk, since then his bark is stained], 44 [V. asks the Geese to dance with his eyes closed; one opens, V. only grabs one; bakes, falls asleep; the anus wakes him up , he tells him not to disturb him; two people in the boat steal meat, sail away; V. punishes his anus by sitting on hot stones; finds and eats pieces of meat; Chickady says he ate his burnt flesh]; timagami Ojibwa [a girl goes beyond the Sun, gives birth to five sons; the first winds in four directions; the fifth Nenebuk suppresses the westerly wind, which was too violent; kills geese; people take away meat ; the anus warns, but N. tells him not to disturb him; sits down in the fire; finds burnt pieces of his ass on the trail, eating them thinking it's someone's meat]: Speck 1915d, No. 1:28-31; Ojibwa: Coleman et al. 1971 (Minnesota, Font du Lac, 1958): 78-78 [Nanabozho fills the bag with leaves, tells ducks and geese that he carries songs, invites his teepee to dance with his eyes closed, whoever opens it, turn red; curls the birds' necks; the red-necked toadstool (hell-diver) at the door opens her eyes, N. chases her, kicks her, since then she has not been able to walk, her legs are turned back; N. began to bake prey, fell asleep; People pass by; one tickles N. with a feather, N.'s body does not warn him; people ate everything, put their legs back into the ground; N. pulled them out - there is no meat after learning that the meat has been eaten, N. punishes his body by sitting in fire; wiped their bloody ass on willows, they have been red ever since; they smoke the bark of this willow mixed with tobacco]; Hoffman 1896 [like menominee, without details]: 205; Josseling de Jong 1913, No. 13 [as in Radin; Nenabojo; Hell-Diver opens his eyes; some people steal meat, give his anus feathers for its silence]: 23-25; Radin 1914, No. 1 [Nenebojo tells waterfowl he has songs in his bag, asks the birds to dance with their eyes closed; the goose opens, M. kicks him with his foot; bakes dead birds; falls asleep, leaving his anus as a watchman; Winnebago steals meat, giving the anus a piece of flint for silence; N. punishes anus, sitting over a fire; wipes its burnt ass against the bushes; this shrub has been a cure ever since], 9 [see B3B motif; as in (1), less details]: 7-8, 21-22; Radin, Reagan 1928, No. 14 [Manabozo tells waterfowl that he has songs in his bag, asks the birds to dance with their eyes closed; Dipper opens, M. kicks her with his foot; bakes dead birds; falls asleep, leaving his anus as a watchman; enemies they steal meat, the anus wakes M., the enemies manage to hide; M; asks the anus not to disturb him in vain; the meat is stolen; M. punishes the anus by sitting over the fire; slides down the rock; pieces of his burnt flesh turn to moss]: 97-101; Algonquins: Davidson 1928b (Grand Victoria Lake) [Meso calls Ducks, grabs, plucks, bakes; goes to bed, tells his ass to signal if he sees someone; that serves at the sight of muskrat, ducks; M. says he meant people; for the third time he does not pay attention, the meat is stolen, only the leg bones of the ducks stick out of the ground; M. punished his ass by sitting on a hot stone; pieces flesh stuck to the rock, now they're edible mushrooms {lichen? an infusion is made from it, adding it to the ear}]: 279-280; Speck 1915d, No. 4 [Indians take meat away; the anus warns twice, but Wisquejac asks not to disturb him; sits down in the fire]: 10-15; fox [ Visakya tells the Ducks that he carries songs; tells him to dance with his eyes closed; whoever opens it will turn red; The dive opens, saves himself, his eyes are now red; V. bakes meat, goes to bed, tells his anus guard; Foxes carry meat; V.'s anus wakes up, but he doesn't hear; puts burning smut in his anus]: Jones 1907, No. 10:279-289; kickapoo [Visakya tells Utkam he has songs in his bag; tells dance with his eyes closed; kills and bakes ducks; goes to bed, telling his anus to guard; the anus makes a sound, but V. does not hear; wolves carry meat; V. puts burning smut into the anus; his entrails fall out, he shoves them back]: Jones 1915, No. 3:17-19; potauatomi [Visakya tells geese, ducks, cranes to dance with their eyes closed; kills them; bakes meat; asks his anus to guard him while he himself sleeps; winnebago eats meat; V. burns his anus, rubs to blood; blood turns willow red]: Skinner 1924:339; steppe ojibwa [Nanybozhu invites geese to dance while closing eyes; greasy calls closer; whoever opens his eyes will turn red; one opens, the survivors run away; N. bakes meat, tells the anus to guard, falls asleep; someone steals meat; N. burns his anus in punishment; goes, burnt meat remains hanging on the bushes; N. eats it; birds laugh: N. eats his meat]: Skinner 1919, No. 1:280-281; steppe crees [Vissakejak constantly blows the winds, cannot quietly approach the game; to punish his anus, he sits on a hot stone; scabs fall into the snow; later V. finds one of them and eats them; the bird shouts to him about it; he does not believes but then tastes disgusting]: Skinner 1916, No. 1. 11:351.

Northeast. Scrape, montagnier [the moss on the rock tells Wolverine that the one who eats it will start to blow the wind; Wolverine eats, the sound of the gases emitted scares away all the game; to force his anus to be silent, Wolverine shoves a hot stone into it; kills a bear, luring him into the steam room and putting hot berries in his eyes; bakes meat, tells his anus to guard him, climbs a tree to sleep himself; people eat meat, tell the anus to wake Wolverine when they're gone]: Desbarats 1969:81-83; Montagnier [Mesh finds antlers, brings them to the river; people think there's a deer there, they come to by boat; M. asks to be sent a woman; they send a widow, he copulates with her; everyone understands that it is M., they sail to the widow to help; M. runs away; asks the Crane, then Orlan, what's new; Nothing, only M. copulated with the widow; M. asks the partridge chicks what will happen to those who eat them; Nothing, but adult partridges will scare him; M. eats the chicks, goes, partridges take off, he shies away; asks mushrooms what will happen to whoever eats them; He will release gases uncontrollably; M. eats mushrooms, even puts them in his ass; M. scares away all the game with his sounds; then punishes his anus by sitting on a hot stone, the eruption of gases stops; M. shouts to flying birds that mothers who lost them in childhood are looking for them, and we will be happy to dance with our eyes closed; kills them one at a time, finally Orlan opens his eyes, raises the alarm; M. invites the Bear to look for lingonberries, leads further; the Bear asks how he sees so far; M. suggests improving him vision, pouring lingonberry juice into his eyes; the bear closed his eyes, M. killed him with a stone; fell asleep by the river, telling his anus to guard the meat; the people on the boat asked the anus to remain silent, took the meat away; see motif M49, the hero in someone else's skin] : Savard 1979, No. 7:26-28

Plains. Except for arpahoes: the trickster leaves the food to fry and goes to bed; tells his anus to make sure that food is not stolen; the thief takes it away; the Trickster punishes the anus by burning it with fire. Blacklegs: Grinnell 1962 [as in Josselin de Jong; nose instead of anus (nose snores when it sees Raven, Coyote); The old man replies it's wrong; doesn't wake up when Lynx comes; cuts the trunk birch trees are not as punishment, but to make it beautiful]: 171-173; Josselin de Jong 1914 (piegan) [gophers bury each other in hot ash and dig up; The old man joins the game; lets the pregnant woman go female, buries the rest and does not dig up; eats baked meat; falls asleep, telling the anus to make a sound if anyone comes; anus obeys orders, but the Old Man does not react; Lynx takes meat; Old Man burns his anus smut, finds the Lynx, stretches his tail, disfigures his face; asks the wind to cool his anus; blown away by the wind; clings only to the birch tree; scolds her for ruining his pleasure, cuts her with a knife; since then pores on birch bark]: 10-12; Wissler, Duvall 1908, No. 10 [Napi roasts squirrels; thief - Lynx; anus makes a sound, but N. does not hear; puts a burning willow smut in his anus; puts it in the wind, to cool; the wind carries away N.], 23:25-27, 39; (cf. sarsi [The old man jumps off the cliff onto the rock ledge, comes back, invites the deer to jump too; they fall into the abyss, crash; the old man lets the pregnant female go so that the deer reproduce again ; meets the Coyote, offers to race, whoever wins gets meat; the Coyote pretends to be lame, the Old Man ties a stone to his leg; the Coyote is actually healthy, comes first, eats meat, goes away, falls asleep; The old man comes up unnoticed, burns his face]: Dzana-gu 1921, No. 7:9); assiniboine [I n ktom n and finds many eggs, roasts, goes to bed, telling Guard the anus; the person tells the anus to raise the alarm when it eats eggs and leaves; I. roasts it over the fire; finds and eats pieces of fat; these are his own fallen insides]: Lowie 1909a, No. 18: 115-116; grovanter [Nishant asks ducks, partridges, rabbits to dance with their eyes closed; kills until one partridge opens its eyes; bakes meat; tells the anus to guard, goes to bed; Wolves and Coyotes eat meat; N. punishes his anus by sticking burning smut into it]: Kroeber 1907b, No. 14:71; arpahoes [Nikansan and Rabbit agree to sit at night looking at each other; N. falls asleep, the Rabbit rapes him; rabbits fall out of N.'s anus; trying to catch the latter, N. smears his excrement on the cape; gives it to the Rock; the clothes become clean and fragrant, N. takes it back; The Rock rolls after him; animals can't help; the Hawk crashes when hitting the Rock; The Bat splits it to pieces; N. asks the savior to come, but does not reward, but stretches the Bat Mice mouth]: Dorsey, Kroeber 1903, No. 33:68-69; santi: Riggs 1893 [Ungtomi tells ducks, geese, swans what he carries songs in the bag; tells them to dance with his eyes closed and chokes one at a time; one Duck opens his eyes, they are now red; W. bakes meat, falls asleep, leaves the anus as a watchman; Mink steals meat; W. makes a fire, burns his anus as punishment]: 113-114; Wallis 1923, No. 24 [The spider tells everyone waterfowl to dance with their eyes closed; whoever opens, their eyes will turn red; kills birds one at a time; The swan screams in pain, the Dive opens its eyes; The spider leaves the meat to cook, tells its own Guard his ass, falls asleep; the man tells the Spider's ass to be silent, takes away the meat; the Spider punishes his ass, sits into the fire; his insides fall out; he eats them thinking it's moose giblets]: 93-94.