Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M93A. The guard was punished. 39.42.44.-.46.

The character punishes a part of his body (burns his ass, breaks his eyes) for not sounding the alarm. See Motive M93; cf. Motive M142.

SV Asia. A fox. Coastal Koryaks; kereks.

NW Coast. Jay. Bellacula.

The Midwest. Winnebago [Wakjunkaga]; Menominee [Myanyabush]; Ojibwa [Nenebuk, Nenebojo]; Chippewa [Venebojo]; Western Marsh Cree [ Wesukechak; Eastern Marsh Crees [Weesahkwechahk]; Eastern Cree [Visagatsak]; Northern Ojibwa (Sandy Lake) [Visakaijak]; Algonquins [Visquejac] ; Meso]; fox [Visakya]; kickapoo [Visakya]; potauatomi [Visakya]; steppe ojibwa [Nanibozhu]; steppe crees [Vissakejak]; (cf. Western marsh crees (stone crees) [rose berries) answer Wīsahkīcahk that the person who eats them will suffer from itching; V. eats, screams that it itches; lichen says that the one who eats it will start blowing winds; V. eats, constantly blows the winds, scaring away the game; heats the stone, burns his ass, the eruption of gases stops]: Brightman 1989:33).

Northeast. Nascapi, Montagnier [Wolverine].

Plains. Blacklegs [Napi (Old Man)]; Assiniboine [Iktomi; Sitkonsky]; Grovantre [Nishant]; Santi [Ungtomi].