Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M94B1. The wolf under the mill wheel .

The character is lured to look under the mill wheel, he dies or is maimed.

Kumaoni, Kumyks [fox and wolf], Dargins [fox and wolf], Lezgins [fox and wolf], Tabasarans [fox and wolf], Georgians [fox and bear], Azerbaijanis [fox and wolf], mountain Tajiks [ fox and wolf], Kazan Tatars [fox and wolf], Bashkirs [fox and wolf].

South Asia. Kumaoni [the jackal asks the partridge to feed him pies; the partridge pretends to fly badly, the man leaves the basket, runs after it, the jackal has eaten pies; asks for sour cream and cream ; the partridge distracts the attention of the shepherd going to the bazaar, the jackal is full again; asks him to laugh; the partridge takes turns sitting on the head of each of the fakirs walking one after the other, each hitting the head walking in front, the jackal laughs; wants to be scratched; a partridge leads him towards the hunter with dogs; then distracts the dogs; the jackal is barely alive, he is hot; asks for water to pour on him; the partridge ties him to the mill wheel; the miller lets the water out; the partridge distracts him, but the next day he sees a dead jackal; cries with grief]: Minaev 1968, No. 25:67-70.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kumyks [Bear, Pig, Hare, Jackal, Wolf, Rooster distribute duties (Wolf is a hunter, Hare is a shepherd, Rooster is a mullah, etc., only a fox without a post); The fox says every time - why do we need the mullah (etc.), the Rooster (Hare, etc.) are eaten; she and the Wolf remain; the Fox saw the fat tail, called the Wolf, he fell into the trap, she ate the fat tail, left, fell out in the ash, the Wolf escaped, did not recognize the Fox, that says he licks the millstone, the Wolf sticks his tongue, the mill wheel tore it off; in winter, the Fox says he is fishing with his tail down the ice-hole; the Wolf's tail froze into the ice; women came and killed Lisa, and the Wolf]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 22:101-104; Dargins: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 79 [the Googlachai bird has made a nest, the Wolf tells to throw the chick; so three times; the Fox calls the Wolf to the mill, from Google swings to swings, they say they see rams, the Wolf also swings, but does not see the rams, he is told to spin, he falls, bursts, the chicks flew out of his stomach, returned to Google]: 208-209; Kapiyeva 1991 [= 1971:121-125; Khan the Wolf tells the Kukluhai bird to drop one of the three chicks, otherwise he will cut down a tree; the next day he calls woodcutters with axes, gets the second; on the third, the woodcutters begin to cut down tree, the last chick falls to the Wolf; the fox promises to help K., calls the Wolf to the mill to eat flour; ties it to the wheel, the Wolf runs away without a tail; the fox pretends to be another fox, a healer, tells the Wolf hide in a haystack, sets fire, the Wolf dies; the fox is chosen khan; K. breeds the chicks again, the Fox calls the woodcutters, the tree falls, the Fox eats the chicks]: 136-140; Lezgins [the fox pretends to reads a book, the wolf asks her to teach his cubs; the fox asks for lamb skins to sew fur coats for his children, the wolf brings sheep; the fox eats both sheep and cubs; runs away to the mill, pretends to be her another fox; the wolf asks to teach him the craft of a miller, the fox tells him to put his head under the wheel, the wolf loses his scalp; the fox weaves baskets, says she is another fox; the fox braids the wolf inside the basket, rolls down the mountain to shepherds]: Ganiyeva 2011a, No. 25:109-111; Tabasarans [the fox answers the wolf that he is reading the Koran; the wolf asks his children to be taught to read; the fox orders to bring 10 sheep to sew for children first fur coats, come for children in spring; eats sheep and cubs; runs away, pretends to be a miller like a different fox; the wolf asks to teach him how to work in the mill, the fox tells him to put his head under the millstones, the wolf almost killed; the fox weaves the basket, again says that it is a different fox; the wolf asks to teach it, the fox puts it in the basket, braids it, lowers it down the mountain to the shepherds, the dogs tore the wolf to pieces]: Khalilov, Osmanov 1989: 12-13; Georgians [the fox offers to distract the shepherds, the bear grabs the lamb; eats; the fox falls into a trap; pretends to be dead; the owner throws it away, it runs away; tells the bear where the fat tail is; the bear falls into a trap, the owner beats him; the fox is smeared with flour, pretends to work at the mill, the bear asks him to teach him, she tells him to put his tongue under the millstone; the bear is free, asks to teach him paint; the fox puts him in the cauldron, lowers him down the mountain; the fox knits the basket, the bear wants to learn, the fox lowers it in the basket down the mountain]: Kurdovanidze 1976, No. 17:52-54; Azerbaijanis [the fox pretends what the charykhs sews, the wolf asks him to teach him; the fox tells him to put his tongue on the stump, nails it with an awl; the wolf cut off his tongue; the fox at the mill allows the wolf to take on his charykhs the skin he dropped under wheel; the wolf climbs there, it all broke; the fox weaves the basket, the wolf asks him to teach him; the fox tells him to get inside the basket, remember; braided the basket, rolled the shepherd, the wolf was beaten to death]: Nabiev 1988 : 251-252.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks (Khovaling) [the wolf went to one village, the fox to another; the wolf was beaten, the fox dragged the bag with the roll, ate some, threw some on his head, told the wolf that she had been demolished skull, brains leaked out; the wolf offered to carry it; the fox says "healthy rides the sick"; the wolf chased the fox, which climbed into the mill gutter, the wolf climbed after her, got under the wheel, died]: Levin and dr. 1981, No. 11:114-115.

Volga - Perm. Tatars: Zamaletdinov 2008a, No. 5 [=1992:22-26; Fox, Badger, Camel, Wolf, Horse decide to eat the younger one; Camel: Allah created him with Adam; Fox: she taught Noah's boat children; Wolf: guarded this boat; Badger: treated people in it; The horse says that she has a receipt under her hoof, lies the Wolf, runs away; the Camel agrees to be eaten when the Badger promises it in the spring resurrect; the Fox persuades Badger to eat the heart, the Wolf chases the Badger, the Fox eats the best meat at the time; the Fox tells the Wolf that he teaches the children; the Wolf trusts her two cubs; she asks him return six months later, eats cubs; pretends to be a miller, offers the Wolf to lick the flour, lets water, the Wolf hit the wall; the Fox invites the Wolf to learn how to weave the basket, wraps it around, his people they take it], 26 [the ox wants to eat the horse, it asks to pull the golden hair out of its tail, kicks the wolf; wolf: where did you see the golden hair on its tail?! the bull asks to remove the gold watch from his neck, butts (the same thing); the goat says she is a muezzin, asks for permission to climb to the roof, calls the owner; the wolf wants to eat the lych; she says she is a teacher offers to teach cubs; ate them; said they would come soon; offers to eat flour from the millstone, lets water in; wolf: when was the fox a teacher? ; the fox promises sheep to the wolf, tells him to hide in ricks, sets fire, the wolf is burned; wants to eat a man; he promises to sew clothes for a naked wolf; beat him to death with an iron arshin]: 31-35, 74-78; Bashkirs [the camel and the donkey ran away from their owners; they were caught, the tired donkey was brought on a camel; the camel had to work even harder; he runs away, meets a fox, a wolf, a tiger; offers to be eaten, because he does not want to be eaten. he does not have the strength to spend the winter; the fox offers the tiger to eat its insides, and if the wolf protests, slaughter it; eats the brain, the tiger eats the heart; explains to the wolf that the camel did not have brains, otherwise would not let himself be slaughtered; the tiger is silent, the wolf chases him; the fox hides the meat; says that she is another fox, reads a book, offers to teach cubs; eats them; again says that she is another fox, weaves basket, promises to teach the wolf, let him get inside; hunters come, the fox ran away, the wolf forcibly escaped from the basket; the fox says that she is a miller, advises the wolf to climb into the grain building above the millstones; the wolf hardly jumped out; he has been afraid of the fox ever since]: Barag 1989, No. 89:398-401 (=Yukhma 1990:115-118).