Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

M96. Imaginary guests .

In order not to share with family members, the character pretends to have guests and eats everything himself.

West Africa. Kono [when hungry, Spider has the last measure of rice flour in his house; he eats half, tells his wife to give the other half to a crooked stranger who appears in his absence; takes it out her left eye, leaves it on a branch; the wife finds it, understands the deception, sprinkles pepper on her eye and dries it in the sun; gives flour to the one-eyed; he cannot put a peppery eye in the eye socket; returns in the dark, explains that a branch bounced into his eye when he set traps; his wife exposes the deceiver]: Holas 1975:249-250.

Sudan - East Africa. Shilluk [the rabbit made a clay figure, put it on his skin in the house, told his mother that a guest had come - let him give him food, but he did not look at the guest herself; he eats everything himself; like this every day; mother I was surprised that the guest stays in the same place, broke the doll]: Oiler 1919, No. 8:222-223.

The coast is the Plateau. Ne perse: Phinney 1934 [A raccoon kills a bear; his grandmother cuts a carcass, wounds his arm with a knife; a raccoon says she is menstruating and must retire to a special hut; changing her voice, makes her believe that many guests have come; she eats all the meat herself; later the grandmother turns into a Bear, kills him]: 265-267; Spinden 1917, No. 18 [a grizzly bear notices a raccoon on a tree, asks how he got in; backwards; she climbs backwards, asks him to look in her head; her lice are frogs; he pierces her ear with a needle, she dies; his grandmother scratched her thighs, the raccoon says She has her period, sends her home; pretends that a lot of people have come, eats all the meat herself, leaves her grandmother only her skin; she puts it on, turns into a grizzly, kills him]: 196-198.

The Midwest. Winnebago [The hare brings the meat of a wild cat; splashes blood on her grandmother's feet; she builds a separate hut for herself; whispers softly, pretending to be far away; she puts the hut next to her; The hare speaks different voices, pretending to have many guests; he eats all the meat himself; tells his grandmother that a man with one eye would like to marry her; leaves, takes out one eye, comes back under looking like the groom, spends the night with his grandmother; during this time, the mice chewed on his taken out eye (without further details)]: Radin 1956, No. 16:79-81.

Plains. Omaha, ponka: Dorsey 1890:22 [The rabbit kills the bear, asks the grandmother to help carry meat; she refuses to carry the hips, ribs, head (heavy, sharp bones, etc.); takes a penis, masturbates to them; at home The rabbit asks where she has been for so long; throws bear blood between her legs (the origin of menstruation); tells her to cook and eat separately outside the home], 579-580 [Rabbit tells Turkeys dance with your eyes closed; whoever opens it will turn red; puts turkeys in a bag, brings it to her grandmother; she opens the bag, all turkeys, except one, fly away; The rabbit throws turkey giblets at the grandmother, her the genitals are stained with blood (the origin of menstruation); while the grandmother moves to a separate hut, the Rabbit pretends to feast with the Pawnee Indians; in fact, eats all the meat alone]; Osage [ The grasshopper tells the Turkeys to dance with their eyes closed, kills one at a time; opens one, the rest have run away; The grasshopper told his grandmother that he invited the leaders to visit, told her to leave the tipi; pretends to talks to the guests, actually ate everything alone]: Dorsey 1904, No. 2:9-10; iowa [The hare rides down the mountain in animal skin; turkeys want too, he ties the skin, brings it to his grandmother; she opens her, only two turkeys are enough; the hare splashes their blood between her legs; says she is on her period; pretends to feast with tree guests (Oak, Chestnut, Elm, etc.); eats everything himself]: Skinner 1925, No. 40 : 498-499; throw off the pawnee [Turkeys dance, Coyote offers to teach them a good song; sings loudly, Turkeys stretch their necks, Coyote bites their necks for two of them; sends his wife and children out of tipi at home, does It looks like he has many guests; one of the children comes in, sees that the father eats everything himself; the Coyote runs away, the children are left with only bones]: Dorsey 1906, No. 134:457-458; wichita [Skunk asks Coyote not to kill him, promises better meat in return; pretends to be dead several times, Coyote brings Bob the shaman, Skunk kills him with a stream; Coyote brings meat home, tells his wife that his guests do not want them looked, sent his wife and children away; left alone, speaks different voices to make it seem like there are a lot of people in the house; eats almost all the meat; decides that from now on he and his family should become coyotes]: Dorsey 1904, No. 46:276-278.

California. Shore mivok [The Big Skunk pretends to be sick; tells the Little Skunk to call the Moose Healer; MS comes to the steam room, everyone sitting offers to go with him, but Moose does not want to, but at the end finally agrees; examines, massages BS's body; when it comes to his ass, he shoots, the Moose is killed; BS tells the MS to take the giblets away so as not to stink; during this time he eats all the meat; the MC comes explains that he had a lot of guests, they ate everything; helps MS finish eating giblets]: Kelly 1978, No. 21:37.