M99a. Bird bone house, ATU 984.
The character is going to build a house (tower, etc.) from the bones or feathers of birds.
Moroccan Berbers, Bosnians, Bulgarians, Russians (Vyatka), Ukrainians, Belarusians, Crimean Tatars, Kalmyks, Adygs, Abkhazians, Abazins, Ossetians, Nogais, Georgians, Isors, Talysh, Turkmens, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Oirats, Mansi.
North Africa. Berbers of Morocco (Western 1950) [Solomon's wife demanded a carpet of bird feathers from him; he objected - it was now cold and the birds would freeze; but his wife was adamant; all the birds appeared except the owl; and when she came, she explained that I tried to find out what and who is more: days or nights, men or women; if moonlit nights are counted as days, then there are more days {nights is a mistake}, and if men who obey women are women, then women more; S. thanked the owl and let the birds go]: Leguil 1988, No. 23:151-155.
The Balkans. The Bosnians [Solomon's wife demanded that a tower be built for her out of bird bones; Solomon called the birds; they all showed up, and the owl came very late; explained that she thought there were more mountains or valleys, men or women; it turned out that if the low hills are counted as valleys, then there are more valleys, and if men commanded by women are counted as women, then there are more women; Solomon decided not to build bird bone tower]: seb-hor.blogspot.ru; Serbs [the wife announced to her husband that she would recover if he built her a castle out of bird bones; the husband brought all the birds, but the owl was gone; he sent for her; she refused to appear; the man promised to kill her; then the owl came and said that she thought: more valleys or mountains; more valleys: if there is a mountain, then there are always two valleys; more men or women; if men, women living according to the word, count as women, then more women; man let the birds go; they asked the owl how she managed to avoid trouble; owl: I am more of you and my bones would go to the foundation]: Eschker 1992, No. 61:233-234; the Bulgarians [the king (prince) marries a Jewish woman (beautiful); she demands that he build a palace from the bones of birds (animals); the king demands that the king of birds (animals) call his subjects; the owl (owl) comes late and explains that she believed who was more men or women; that there were more women; that it is foolish to kill all birds (animals) for one woman; the king of birds rewards the owl with the right eat sparrows daily]: Daskalova-Perkovska et al. 1994, no.*983*: 367.
Central Europe. Russians {if the plot was found in the oral tradition of Russians, it is extremely rare}, Ukrainians [a palace made of bird bones: at the request of his wife, the tsar wants to build a palace from bird bones; one bird does not appears, and then, when she appears, reports that she considered who was more men or women, and there were more women, because those who obey women themselves are worse than women; the king cancels his order]: SUS 1979, â„– -983* (=AA 981.I): 252; Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians [bird king Cook (circle, eagle king): devours many birds, decides to build a palace (nest) out of their bones; birds agree to kill the king; at the signal of the cuckoo, the eagle kills him]: SUS 1979, No. 221B*: 89; Ukrainians [the king of birds (elder bird) Cook, at the request of his wife, called birds to make nests out of them bones; the raven was two days late; he counted valleys and mountains at that time; considering every place where water stood as a valley, counted more valleys; the birds were temporarily released by Cook for food; for the second time The raven was late, counting dry and green trees; if we count those with at least one dry branch as dry, then more dry; the third time he counted men and women; if women were considered obedient women have more men, more women; birds rebelled against K. for obeying his wife too much, Sokol killed him]: Sumtsova 1890:80-81.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Crimean Tatars (Akay {Karasubazar District?}) [when Suleiman took his hundredth wife, she is always ill; says that he will recover if he builds her a palace from the right wings or the left legs of birds; the birds turned to the old golden eagle, 380 years old; S. sent a messenger bird, the golden eagle promised to appear, but did not appear; S. sent a hawk, the golden eagle appeared; S.: why didn't he arrive for the first time? golden eagle: read a book to learn more: water or land; if you stand ankle-deep into the water, it becomes clear that there is more water; alive or dead: if sleepers are considered dead, then dead; smart or stupid: if to classify listening women as stupid, then stupid; S. appointed the golden eagle as a bird's padishah]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 57; Kalmyks [Khan Garudi, the king of birds, the queen of birds, owl; when it's time to breed the chicks, asked her husband to gather the birds, tie them by the beaks and noses, she will raise the chicks on their backs; the birds appeared, Khan Garudi tied them by the beaks, but not the owls; when she appeared, she began to explain: on her wings, with her eyes faster it is impossible; I spent the night where the day found her, watched; if you count sleepers as dead, then there are more dead; if rotten trees are considered fallen, then more fell than growing ones; if cloudy days Counting as nights, there are more nights than days; if a man who obeys a woman is considered a woman, then there are more women; Khan Garudi understood everything, freed the birds, and expelled the owl's wife; since then, the owl arranges nests in coastal thickets]: Basangova 2017, No. 27:75-77; Adygi [the husband understands the language of birds and animals; the wife demands that he build her a house from the bones of birds, covered with their feathers; deciding on this, he summons all the birds; the owl appears later than anyone else and reports that she was late because she counted how many men and women there were more women in the world, because men who listen to their wives, ranked among women; husband abandons his intention]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 983:193; Abkhazians [the wife of the lord of animals and birds Ajveipshaa asks him to make a house out of their bones; A. convened everyone, Owl she was late; said she counted the living and the dead, adding to the dead those who listened to her wife's stupid advice; there were one more dead; A. dissolves the meeting, saying that every day one bird Owl will go to heaven; when they see the Owl, the birds bite it, each demanding that the Owl eat it]: Khashba, Kukba 1935:101-102 (=Bgazhba 1983:24, =2002:28); Abaza [wife of the prince host birds want a palace of bird bones; the prince summons all the birds, the Owl appeared only for the fourth time; explained that the first time she counted whether there was more land or water (water), the second time she counted whether there was more plains or mountains (mountains), the third is alive or dead; there are more living, but if you count those who have stupid wives dead, then there are more dead; the prince let people go, drove his wife away]: Tugov 1985, No. 95:283-284; Ossetians [God He became friends with the earthly man George, gave him a weapon; said that there was a deer in the East, whose body was belled and could not be killed; George grew old; his son Geor also became a hunter; contrary to his father's warning, he kills a deer; the father orders him to take the skin to the king; the royal treasurer asks George where he is carrying the skin and offers to buy it for a lot of money; the king orders George a house from bird bones. "George gave his son 50 buckets of glue. Geor took them to the milk lake, fell asleep; three Sun chickens and birds from all over the world flew there and rushed to the glue." One of the chickens promises Georg to build a house out of bird bones and gives him a magic pen; he meets the royal treasurer again, who begs him for a pen for money; Geor builds a house for the king; the king sends for Beautiful Julata; Geor takes 7 girls and 7 boys with him; there is a snake in the tree, does not let the ship pass, Geor threw him a bull's carcass, missed the snake; then the wind from the eagle's wings prevents him from sailing, Geor throws the eagle a ram's carcass; Geor marries J.; the king sends an army, Geor asks God for help, he sends an eagle, then a snake, the wind blows the army from its wings, the serpent sinks ships; J. turns the treasurer and king into black wolf and goat; wolf eats goat, wolf killed by shepherds; Georgy and his son rule the state]: Sokayeva 2010, No. 14:73-74; Nogais: Aliyeva 2013, No. 57 [as in Ganiyeva 2011a; one of Suleiman's four wives fell ill and asks to build a palace from the bones of all birds; The owl comes only for the fourth time]: 256-257; Ganieva 2011a, No. 71 [the same in Kapaev 2012:288-289; the wife of the khan of birds gave birth to a son, ordered him to make a cradle of bird bones; the khan called the birds, the Owl was not there, ordered him to be brought by force; he replied that he heard loud screams and left; the khan ordered him to answer what was more; 1) days or nights; if misty days are equated to night, then nights; 2) living or dead; if slaves, slaves, blind people are equated to dead, then dead; 3) men or women; if whimsical wives are equated with women, then the women; the khan let the Owl go, put his son in a wooden cradle]: 191-192; Georgians (Guria) [the queen asks to build a palace out of bird bones; the king tells all birds to appear; forest curl (Prunella modularis) is only after a second order; explains that she thought who was more; there were twice as many women as men, if we count the men under the heel as old women; king refuses to build a palace]: Wardrobe 1894, No. 7:165; Isors [Solomon's pagan wife; asked her husband to make a cradle for her son out of bird bones; S. ordered all birds to bring them rib; the owl refused; S. sent a hoopoe; the owl told him a story; the husband and wife promised to be faithful to each other if one of them died; the husband died; an unfamiliar young man offered the widow to on the condition that she would take out her husband's corpse and cut off his head; the widow agreed; the young man said that she would cheat on him too, left; the hoopoe told a different story in response; Kings Mireille invited the merchant to play chess, if a cat with a candle in its paws sits with them until morning; the cat sat, M. threw the merchant in prison, took away his wealth; the merchant's wife came to play, bringing mice; the cat rushed after them; the wife released all prisoners; the owl came to S.; he asked questions; more ruins or houses (ruins - housing will also turn into ruins); more dead or alive (the living will also die); men or women (women themselves listening to their wives); S. awarded the owl three sparrows, which come to her every day to feed her; the hoopoe awarded the crown; returned the rest of the birds their ribs]: Eyvazov 1894, No. 6:68- 71; Talyshi [the girl agreed to marry Solomon if he built a house for her out of bird bones; S. called birds, but the owl did not come; S. sent a vulture to bring her; asks her questions; 1) in the world more destruction or creation (destruction if S. is ready to destroy many houses to build one); 2) dead or alive (dead, once for one S. sacrifices thousands); 3) women or men (women, for those who indulge in women's whims are like women); S. rewarded an owl: three chicks will fly to her every day to eat; she eats two and lets go of one as an offering to God]: Asatryan 2005:12-13 .
Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens [a tiny boy Yarty Gulak ("half an ear" (camel) hides under a camel's ear; people think it's a camel talking; Khan demands his doctor and stargazer to show He had a miracle; he brought a talking camel; both he and the camel were covered in mud, but the stargazer boldly passed the copper gate, then the silver gate, then the golden gate and came to the garden where the khan was; I hear how the vizier suggests that the khan block the river and divert all the water to the khan's fields, depriving the dehkan of water; Y. gives a voice on behalf of camel; tells the khan that he is a great sage who built a bridge from earth to sky, but quarreled with Peri and she turned him into a camel; advises not to build a dam on your lands, it should be built high in the mountains and then the khan will take possession of all the water in the world; vizier: who will go up to the mountains to the peaks? camel: I, who has already built a gazebo of fire tongues for devils and a birdbone palace for good genies; asks for rice and butter and wait to return in 33 years and 33 days ; he will be back on Friday after a heavy rain; Khan did not wait for the camel]: Alexandrova, Tuberovsky 1963:147-154.
Turkestan. Kazakhs: Kaskabasov et al. 1979, No. 12 [Suleiman Patsh's wife asked him to build a palace out of bird bones; Hawk collected them, only Baigyz (remez oatmeal) did not appear; S. sent for him again Hawk; Baigyz explained that he considered who was more alive or dead; classifying sleepers as dead, and those awake, but not showing obedience to God, turned out that there were more dead; women turned out to be one more than men if men who obey women were considered women; S. ordered birds to be scattered]: 42-43; Malyuga 1970 [Khan of the Suleimen universe dropped a ring in the stream that gives power over animals and plants, allowing them to understand their language; the fish swallowed the ring; S. went into the house, where Zhalmauyz-Kempir; her daughter Buluk liked him, they hid S. from her husband LCD; B. cleaned the fish, in one it turned out that S.'s ring, he returned it, married B.; she demanded a palace made of bird bones; all the birds flocked, the baigyz (nightjar) hid under a stone, the falcon pulled it out and brought it; baigyz explains that thought who was bigger; 1) mountains or plains (mountains, if you count wore piles), 2) living or dead (dead, if you count sleeping), 3) men or women (women, if you add whimsical women men); S. let the birds go]: 23-27; Potanin 1883 [the witch Zura cunningly forced Solomon to marry her; demanded a yurt, the lattice of which should be made of bird bones and felt from bird down; a bird Baigus (owl) advises S. to lock Z. in an iron house, to light firewood around; when the doors were opened, a snake crawled out from there, and saying that it would ascend to heaven, would become a star, would send troubles to people disappeared; Baigus taught S. how to recognize Z.'s position in heaven]: 784-785; Potanin 1916, No. 57 [Suleimen has 40 wives, Zapura loved the most; all the girls said how happy S.'s wives are, and the fisherman's daughter said that she would control not only these wives, but also S. himself; S. bathed, took off his ring, put it on his clothes, the wind threw everything into the water, found S.'s clothes, but not the ring; he himself ordered his wives to enter the palace only the one who showed the ring; S. put on rags, went on a journey, stayed with that shepherd; each time three fish, according to the number of family members, fell into the net, but when S. began to live with them, the number the fish caught doubled daily; once golden slaves got into the net, the shepherd's daughter gutted her, her face lit up with the light emanating from the ring; S. married the girl, returned to the palace; after learning from magpies that S. disappeared, dhow came to Kudus Shagher (Arab al-Quds, Jerusalem); 39 wives closed themselves in their chambers, and Z. took a dhow; when S. returned, dhow fled, 39 wives came out with exhausted faces, and cheerful Z. said that they were not slander; S. asked the parrot, he told everything; S. turned Zapura into an unhappy star, doomed to hang between earth and sky; made forty for idle talk from white; much later S. promised his youngest wife (i.e. the fisherman's daughter) to fulfill her every wish; she wished a palace of bird bones; the birds gathered, there was no remez *bai-gush); the coccyx was sent for her; bai gush replies that busy counting; the same with the hawk; the falcon brought bai-gush; he explains that he believed who was more alive or dead (if those who wake up morning prayers are considered dead, there are more of them), men or women (women, if they include men, obeying wives); S. let birds go and refused to fulfill a woman's whim]: 176-179; 1972, No. 10 [Suleiman's youngest wife wants a palace made of bird bones; There was no bai-gush bird (remez oatmeal); it comes only from the third command, says that she counted the living and the dead (among the dead those who do not come to morning prayers), men and women ( listening to women are women themselves); S. abandons his intention; (same 1883:367)]: 161-162; Sidelnikov 1971 (3) [Suleiman dropped a ring into the stream that made it possible to understand the language of animals and birds, fish swallowed it; he came to Zhalmauyz Kempir's house, her daughter Bulun did not allow her mother to tear it to pieces; both hid S. from her husband Dk, who arrived at night; B. cleaned the fish, found a ring in it, S. put it on, married to B.; she asks to build a house out of bird bones; says that the Baigyz bird is not enough; the Raven, then the Falcon, was sent for her; Baigyz answers, from under the stone, what he thinks; he sticks out, the Falcon grabs him, brings; S. asks what Baigyz was thinking about; 1) there are more mountains than plains if we count wormpiles as mountains; 2) there are more dead than living people if we count sleeping for the dead; 3) there are more women than men if consider weak-hearted men as women; S. let the birds go, they chose Baigyz biem]: 199-202; Karakalpaks [the khan has no son, he gives his daughter Gulziba as a boy; hands over the throne, son, to his imaginary son The vizier becomes a vizier; finds out that the young khan is a girl; they agree to flee, but at night the vizier is replaced by the chieftain of the robbers; G. runs away offers the robbers to arrange races, she will marry winner; runs away; marries shepherd Meytin; sews skullcaps, M. sells them for dearly; the merchant finds out about this, the khan takes M. into service, gives difficult assignments to take possession of G.; 1) build a palace from tiger fangs (M. takes out a splinter from a lion, who tells the tigers to give a fang); 2) a palace made of the feathers of the king bird; Aydarkha's serpent devours its two chicks every year; M. kills a snake, a storm begins with rain; the rain is the tears of the birds, the wind comes from their wings; all the king birds give a pen; the khan wants to burn M. at the stake to say hello to his parents in the sky; M. burns the feather of the king bird, that brings it to himself, gives fruit for the khan; the khan and the viziers behave to burn themselves, M. becomes a khan]: Volkov, Mayorov 1959:3-13.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Oirats (durbuts) [Khan's wife Garide asks to make a cradle for the newborn out of bird bones; Khan gathered all the birds and pierced their noses to tie them together; the Bat appeared only after second order; said that she decided whether there were more days or nights, men or women; if twilight was counted as night, then nights; if men listening to women's unreasonable demands were classified as women, then women; Khan Garide ordered the birds to be released]: Potanin 1883:173-174.
Western Siberia. Mansi [the wife of the Upper Spirit says he must live in a house made of the bones of all animals and birds; he gathers animals and birds to kill them; the owl asks who is more men or women; she replies that women, for a man living in a woman's mind is a woman himself; the Upper Spirit spreads animals, throws his wife from heaven to earth; the sister of the Upper Spirit (Kaltas-ekva) finds her inside the mountain where she gave birth to Ekva-Pyris; his aunt takes him to her bank of the Ob River, he grows up; the boy's mother remains in the mountain, she is Sakvtalyah-ner-Ekva - Upper Lyapin Gornaya River Woman]: Lukina 1990, No. 133:342-346.