M99a1. Leaky beaks of birds. .21.29.34.
The character is going to pierce all the birds with their beaks (to string them on a rope) or cut them off altogether.
Tibetans, Kalmyks, Baikal and Trans-Baikal Buryats, Darkhats, Oirats, Mongols, Mongols of Ordos.
Tibet is the Northeast of India. Tibetans [the queen is angry at the singing of the bird; she asks her husband to call all the birds and cut off their beaks; the king sends messengers with orders to appear on the third day; the bat came on the fourth; became explain that other birds are idle and have important duties: to maintain a balance between the day and the new, between the number of men and women; and if a man begins to do everything his wife tells him to do, he writes him down as a woman so that his balance is maintained; the king understood the hint, was ashamed; said that he appointed the cuckoo king of birds, and the hoopoe as chief minister, then let the birds go; but the king is still the bat I was still offended, so I slapped him lightly]: Shelton 1925, No. 1:17-20.
Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [Owl, the wife of the Eagle, the king of birds, says that she will give birth on the backs of birds, for this purpose they must all be tied by the nose; the Eagle drills the nostrils of the birds; the owl came later than anyone else; said that she found out who was more alive or dead; if there were more sleepers as dead, there were more dead; if rotten trees were lying, there were more of them than standing ones; if men were in the power of women, for women, theirs more than men; the tsar understood, let the birds go; the Owl still has no nostrils]: Jimbinov 1959:72-73 (=1962:131-132; =Basayev 2004, No. 161:262-263; first published. Folk art of Kalmykia 1940:162-163); Popov, Basangov 1936:45-46.
Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Baikal smokers: Barannikova et al. 2000, No. 23 (Irkutsk Region) [Owl, the wife of the bird Khan Khurdug, asks her husband to gather his subjects, unite them by their beaks, let them fan her wings in the summer; the owl arrives last, says that she listened to arguing people; those discussed whether there were more trees standing or fallen (those who bent down counted as fallen, there were more of them); alive or dead (old ones were considered dead); nights or days (cloudy days were counted as nights); men or women (who fell under the influence of wives were considered women); decided: a man who obeyed a woman was a motley beetle, and a khan who obeyed hansha was a black beetle; they began to choose a new khan, decided Crane; Chekan asks whether to listen to the Crane's day or night cry; the Crane broke his back; they decided that the Crane could not be a khan, they left the same; the Crane will transport Chekan]: 89-91; Eliasov 1973, No. 104 [after the death of the bird king Garudi, the Eagle was chosen as king, he married the Owl; the wife asks to gather all the birds, thread a cord into her nostrils, put them in a circle, she will be in the middle to hatch eggs; Owl said he was ready to collect birds, but he was the last; explained that he counted how many standing and lying trees (more lying if you count dry ones); women or men (there are more women , if you add men with an Indian mind); the tsar drove his wife away]: 370-371; Trans-Baikal Buryats (Khorinsky) [after the creation of the world, the animals had a meeting at which they elected kings and decided which Whoever would have a lifestyle; there was no burbot at this meeting; the camel came last and finished; he needed to get a kibygyn (testicles); since everything was dismantled, the camel was offered that remained; the offer seemed small and inappropriate for his size, so he turned back and went back; the testicles threw after him, they stuck to his ass; the elk, walking from the meeting, met burbot on the river bank; said that he was told to live in the depths, eat mud and spend days in every bend of the river; burbot asked who got the horse, gun and dog; the elk replied that man; burbot said that now neither the moose nor he was happy - the man would kill them; the elk was upset and began to cry so much that two of his four eyes burst; now he has scars below two surviving eyes; at the same meeting, the birds chose the king; almost everyone was for the crane; dogolon khanchir (choysh) opposed it; he said that the crane was screaming incessantly, without disassembling day and night; the birds agreed and chose Garaudy as king; the crane was angry, trampled on the leg of the chase; the crowd told the crane to wear its shoulder when it needed to move from one country to another; therefore, in the spring after the cranes arrive, there are signs of burden on their backs, and the chases cannot immediately sit upright when they descend to the ground; Garaudy, the king of birds, married a fur coat (owl) bird; she became pregnant and before relieving herself of the burden, she told her husband that she wanted to give birth to his subjects on their backs; G. ordered all subjects to come to him immediately; told those who arrived to pierce holes in their beaks and, pulling a lace into those holes, tied everyone; almost everyone came to the call; all of them had their beaks pierced and, with their lace pulled through their holes, tied them to each other; later than the others, the goibanga appeared (night nightjar bird); G. began to interrogate him; with a nightjar replied that he compared the number of men and women in the world, days and nights, high and low forests; G. asked who in each case was more; nightjar: "If you classify men under the authority of the wife as women, there are more women; if you attribute cloudy days to night, there are more nights; if you classify the bent forests as low, There are more low forests"; G. realized that in this case he himself was one of the women, and was upset; not letting the nightjar's beak drill, ordered the dissolution of all the bound birds; then flew to another place, leaving his wife; therefore, all birds except the nightjar have beaks drilled across]: Gomboev 1890, No. 13:73-75; Oirats (durbuts) [Khan Garide's wife asks for a cradle for the newborn from bird bones; Khan gathered all the birds and pierced their noses to tie them together; The Bat did not appear until after the second order; said she decided whether there were more days or nights, men or women; if twilight is counted as night, then nights; if men listening to women's unreasonable demands are classified as women, then women; Khan Garida ordered birds to be released]: Potanin 1883:173-174; darhatas [(zap. Palkin); Khan Garidi married a shulmus; she proposes to make a tower out of bird noses; HG told the birds to get together, pierce their noses, and then cut off everything at once; Hottun shibo (pelican) appeared only after the third invitation; answered that on the first day she counted whether there were more days or nights (nights if cloudy days are counted as night), dry or damp trees (if at least one branch dried, considered dry), men or women (if a man listens to a woman, count as a woman); HG canceled the order; Shulmus told Hotun's neck to turn against the sun three times, but his neck turned only once]: Potanin 1883:175-176; the Mongols [Owl, wife of the king of birds Khan Garudi, asked all his subjects to hold her; HG pierced the birds' beaks, threaded a rope, and his wife sat on the birds ; the guibang bird was the last; replied that it had been flying for 70 years, saw three feasts; the first - fewer days than nights (if cloudy days are counted as night); the second - fewer men than women (men who do business on the advice of their wives are women); the king let the birds go; Owl said that he would meet her some time at night; since then Owl has been calling HG at night]: Potanin 1919a, No. 32:52; the Mongols (Ordos) [Khan Garidi, the wife of the bird khan, complains to her husband that she needs a soft bed; to do this, collect all the birds, take their fluff; the king gathered the birds and pierced their noses to keep them leashed; the bird Yabylyk (yabalak is the Turkic "owl"); is the last; (hereinafter the untranslated phrase); Y. replies that there are more nights than days, because if you add cloudy ones to the night days, and for wives - effeminate men, then there are more women and nights; (further it is not entirely clear, the Yabylyk bird has left)]: Potanin 1893, No. 3:343-344; Oirats (durbuts) [the king of birds Khan Garide had a son; khansha offered to make a cradle of birds; the khan gathered the birds, pierced their noses to tie them; Sarisyn-Bakbagh did not appear; when he was brought in, he replied that he thought more days or nights, men or women; if you count the time when it is light but there is no sun, there are more nights during the night; there are more men, because you can shout at an unreasonable wife; Khan let the birds go]: Potanin 1883:173-174.