Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

N1. Origins: when Altai was the size of a bump .

The fabulous and epic texts start from the beginning, which states that today's huge objects were tiny at the time.

Kalmyks, Kabardian people, Ossetians, Kumyks, Bashkirs, Shors, Tuvans, South Altai Tuvans, all Buryats, Khalkha Mongols, Oirats, Jaruts, Far Eastern Evenks.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Kalmyks [when the World Ocean was still a puddle and the Galbar Zandan tree was still a twig, there was a one-headed mangas; he could sleep for 10,000 years, his pillow was a light-colored snake with white with a mark on her head; 10,000 years later she started to move and woke up the mangas; he saw an owl in the Galbar Zandan tree; told her to fly around the world in three days to find out how people live; he wants to destroy them all; the owl is back: all people are lying motionless, barely alive; mangas was happy and laughed so much that his intestines broke and died; the owl flies at night and therefore saw people sleeping; she helped people and Kalmyks They Don't Kill Her]: Basangova 2017, No. 29:79-81; Kabardian People [Song of the Old Sledges episode: "When the world was still being created./The green land, oh duney, just hardened, /At that time, oh Duney, I was lying in a cradle. /When I was pulling the net, oh duney, the base of the earth, /When the ground was green, oh duney, the sheep were trampled, /At that time, oh duney, I was a shepherd boy with calves. /When the mountain Beshtau, oh dunya, was the size of a bump, /When the forest on Beshtau, oh dunya, was a bush, /At that time, oh dunya, I was a middle-aged man./When the mighty Indyl {Volga}, oh dunya, it was possible step over, /At that time, oh dunya, I was already gray - /The messenger of sorrow, oh dunya, made me turn gray"]: Aliyeva 1974, No. VII: 279-280; Aliyeva 1974, No. VIII [episode of "Songs of Old Sledges": "Oh Reda, sing along, strong spear, oh duney, we got /O-reda, yey, when the earth was just hardening. /Oh reda, sing along when it was just dazzling, oh duney, our sky, /O-reda, yey, when [only] they built our sky with the help of a net, /Oh red, sing along when [only] sheep trampled, oh duney, our land, /Oh reda, when [only] sheep trampled our land, /O-reda, sing along when old Beshtau, oh duney, was the size of a bump, /Oh reda, yey, when old Beshtau was the size of a bump, /Oh reda, sing along when the boy, oh duney, walked over Indyl, /Oh reda, yey, I was half gray then./O- reda, sing along, the bitter news, oh duney, made me turn gray"]: 281; Ossetians [Sosruko about my years: "When Beshtau was no more than a hummock and boys shagali through Idyl, I was an old man in full force "]: Miller 2013:916; Kumyks (Khasavyurt, 1968) [the beginning of the epic tale: "In ancient times, /During the great battles,/When [Mount] Askhartau was not yet high, /When Terek was not [so] deep, /There were wars, there were massacres, /Devas in There were feuds with sledges"]: Adzhiev 2015, No. 23:91.

Volga - Perm. The Bashkirs ["Once, in a very old time, /when the country was rich in peas, /when the mountains were bumps, /and the lakes were full of thimbles..." (the beginning of a boring fairy tale)]: Barag 1992, No. 77:129.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Shors [Present Before, /The Former After, /At a time when the earth was divided by a mixer, /When water was separated by a bucket, /At a time when the land was being created, piling up, /When The moisture that made its way through the ground merged; /At a time when the earth was torn, trees grew; /When the trees split, leaves grew. /When the leaves grew on the birch tree, /People live steel./When leaves grew on the poplar tree, /White cattle created. /There was a golden taiga with forty passes. /At the foot of the golden taiga/The White Sea flowed]: Dyrenkova 1940, No. 12:81-83; Dyrenkova 1940, № 10 (b. Condom) [the beginning of an epic tale: "It was a long time ago... /The previous generation later, /The current generation earlier. /This was when mountains were shared with a mixer, /When water was shared with a bucket,/ As the White Sea flowed/Piling up, the golden mountain grew up./People lived on the coast of the White Sea. /White cattle stood at the foot of the Golden Mountain"]; ["The present before, /The former later, /At that time, how water was shared by a ladle, /While the mountain shared the shovel, /As the earth split and grass appeared, /As trees split and leaves appeared, /At the time, when mountains grew, piling up, /At a time when the waters were flowing, /Having a white and red horse with six diarrhea, /He had not lived for another six years/Altyn-Yergek lived. /Altyn-Yergek did not have souls that could be circumcised /There is no blood that could flow redder, /Altyn-Yergek lived"]: 25, 27, 378-379; Tuvans: Taube 1978, No. 35 [see motive K112; = Vatagin 1971, No. 14:130-139; "Earlier, older than ancient, when Lake Sut-Khol was a small puddle and Mount Sumber-Ula was a mound, when the horns of a mountain goat rested against the sky and the camel's tail dragged on the ground, there was a guy in the world named Oskus-ool"]: 175-186; Samdan 1994, No. 2 (Khemchik) [Earlier, before a long time ago, when (everywhere) the barrel, when the round one rolled, when St Lake was wormy There was a puddle, and Sber Mountain was a mound, a poor woman lived and lived], 9 (Toja) [Before a long time ago, when St Lake was a puddle and Mount Smbr was a hill, there lived a man named old man Smokemeldey], 12 ["Well... It was earlier, when St Lake was a puddle and Mount Smber was a hill" (the beginning of the novel "Lonely Tas with One Camel and Seven Tasas" with seven camels")], 24 ["Well... It was earlier than early, when St Lake was a puddle and Mount Smber was a hill, the mountain goat's horns rested on the sky, the camel's tail spread across the ground" ( the beginning of the cumulative fairy tale "The Hungry Wolf and the Goat")]: 227, 307, 333, 381; South Altai Tuvans [When the outer sea was still a swamp; when Mount Sümber was still a hill; when lush sandalwood the tree was still a leaf]: Taube 1994, No. 25:216; Baikal Buryats (Alar): Gomboev 1890, No. 1 [In the former glorious, prosperous, rich time, when land became earth, water became water when the great mountain Sumbyr was hummock, and the great sea of milk with a puddle, the biggest fish was fry, in the middle of the yellow steppe, near the sea, at the foot of the mountains stood like a felled rock, reaching heaven, the silver palace...]: 1; Potanin 1883 [Buryat tales begin with this preface: "At a time when the Zakhan-Zondyr tree was a rod, the great deer Zagali was a calf, a great fish Abyrga was a fry, the Great Sea of Iha was a stream..."]: 226; the Oirats [the epic "Egil-Mergen"; When the Boom Sea (One Hundred Thousand) was a puddle, /and the gray argali (arkhar, mountain sheep) was a calf, /when the yellow sun first fell, /when the faith of thousands of Kalpa Buddhas began to grow, /when the inhabitants of this sunflower world had just begun to grow and multiply/when Shakyamuni's faith began to spread.. /when Mount Sumeru was a small pass, /when the Great Milk Sea was a puddle, /when the seventy-seven kings on the lower side were small children/when Dara-eke (Mother Tara) was goddess, /and the Dalai Lama was a novice, /at a time when Hormusta, the king of thirty-three celestials, entered the age of three]: Vladimirtsov 1923:204 in Neklyudov 205:118-119; Baikal Buryats: Novikov 1936 (Ekhirit-Bulagatsky District, 1903) ["How he was born, they say:/The trees were barely born, /They bloomed in bushes, /And the first red deer - /She grazed like a kid;/And they also say:/The tree is thick from the trees -/Only that tree He fell; /And they chat: the great khan -/He lay in a shaky little. /And as he says, he was born: /The Angara River is great - /An murmured in a stream, /Abarga fish - /An dived humpback then,/ I dived gudgeon for a little one. /And after that:/"Oh shanay ondollo!"] : 4-5; Khomonov 1968 (Kukunut ulus, Ekhirit-Bulagatsky district, 1905) ["A long time ago it was -/at a time of great perfection,/when the high sky was immense/colorful and feathery, /when the broad Zambia Earth -/was covered in fat,/when the outer sky was gigantic the sea/was only a bay, /when the Earth and the Universe/swayed obesity, /was born and appeared, they say, /Erensei, a giant elder./After that/when the Hangara-Big Sea/was only a stream,/ when the beautiful golden earth/was overgrown with hearty herbs, /meanwhile, /when the sandalwood was extreme/only a bush, /when the red deer with dark stripes /was still a cub, /he was born, they say" (the beginning of the uliger)]: 6; Tugutov, Tugutov 1992, No. 34 (Khongodors, Okinsky district, 1973) ["In ancient, late times, /When the great Sumber was a tubercle,/When the giant fish was fry, /Altan Gurgulday-Mergen lived with his three wives" (the beginning of a heroic tale)]: 104; Burchina 2007 , No. I.3 (Nukut District) [the beginning of the Uliger: "A long time ago, in the distant good times, in peaceful and beautiful times, on the western cape, on the land of Shana Bubey, in a sunny green land [hero] lived happily. He lived in the old, early serene times, when the gigantic Abarga fish was fry, when the great Angara River was just gathering at its source, when giant taiga trees only sprouted, when tall mountain pines were twigs when huge forest larches were vines, when a huge forest elk was a two-year-old calf, when a big mountain goat was a goat, when a huge bird Turag was a chick when the beautiful land of Altai was still deserted (?) , when the great mountain Huhei was a tubercle, when the eight-legged sun was a baby, when the nine-legged moon was a child, when they hadn't lit yet (?) numerous stars of the night sky"]; No. II.1 (Nukut District) ["In the old beautiful days, when water became water, when beautiful land became earth, when [the most] sandalwood the tree was a small vine, [a huge] white-spotted red deer was a little goat..."]; No. III.1 (Alarsky district) ["In the old beautiful rich times, in early abundant times, when the earth became earth when the [earthly] world was renewed, when the great outer sea was a stream, when the original sandalwood was a thin vine, when the spotted dark-maned red deer was the size of a calf when the mighty elk was the size of a goat, when the huge Abarga fish was a little girl, when the giant Abarga snake was a bug worm, when the articular white grass was a tender blade of grass, when there were no numerous Khan's roads, numerous roads did not appear, when there was no literacy and [everyone] was dark, when there were no belts, [all] were letters. Alar District) ["In the old blooming times [of creation], in the originally beautiful days of equality [and justice], when there were no tickets [and everything was] ready, when there were no belts [and everything was] letters. ungirded, when the original sandalwood was a thin sprout, when the spotted dark-maned red deer was a goat, when the yellow snake Abarga was a worm bug, when a huge fish Abarga was small when Mount Sagte Samber was a tubercle, when white articular grass was a tender blade of grass, when the Great Milk Sea was a stream, when Great Mount Sumer was a mound when not Numerous Khan's roads were still built..."]; No. III.4 (Nukut District) ["In former abundant beautiful times, in colorful rich times, in bright times when paper was thin, when paper was thin, when the original sandalwood was a [thin] bush, the spotted dark-maned red deer was a goat when the great outer sea was a stream, right on the west side was born and lived on a white golden field in power and happiness [Temei Ulan Khan]"]; No. III.5 (Nukut District) ["In beautiful old times, in quiet times, rich when the original Great Sea was a stream, when the great sandalwood it was a bush, Mor Mergen Khubun was born in the Moran Valley"]; No. IV.7 (Nukut District) ["In the old beautiful [times], when the water was warm, in precious fertile [times], in the early beautiful times, in pure white times, when paper was thin, people were ingenuous [open, kind], when the original sandalwood was a wicker, a spotted colorful tiger [a storyteller's reservation or a collector's mistake. It must be a buga 'raisin'. - D. B. ] was a goat, and the Great Outer Sea was a stream, [the hero, i.e. Khokhor Bogdo Khan] was born and settled on the Great Altai Hill"]; No. IV.9 (Alarsky District) ["In the old beautiful, rich and perfect the times when paper was thin, when the Great Milk Sea was a stream and Great Sumer Mountain was a tubercle, when the original sandalwood was a young sprout, when the letters were spotted. c The elk was a goat with gray hair..."]; No. IV.10 (Nukut district) ["When the high sky was a haze of steam [veil], when the spacious zambi land was a puddle slurry, the Great Milk Sea was a stream, the great mountain Sumer is a tubercle, the white articular grass is tender otava grass, the original sandalwood is a thin wicker, the white-spotted variegated red deer is a goat, the huge Abarga fish is a fry a shirt, a huge Abarga snake - a bug worm. Earlier, in blooming free times, this happened"]; No. IV.11 (Nukut District) ["In ancient early [times], in rich colorful times, when the original sandalwood was a thin vine, when the piebald spotted red deer was a goat, when the huge Mount Agy was a tubercle, when the great outer sea was a stream, [hero Altai Gasu] was born and settled on the great hill of Akha"]; No. V.1 (Nukut District) ["In the old beautiful and rich times, when the original sandalwood was a thin vine, when the spotted dark-maned red deer was a goat, when the Great Outer Sea was in a thin stream, they were born and lived in the Bahanta Valley, which was their pasture, and the Bahana Well was their watering hole, seven famous savras mares"]: 67, 99, 115, 143, 172, 185, 324, 356, 370, 390, 405; Trans-Baikal Buryats: Tugutov, Tugutov 1992, No. 35 (Bichursky District, 1964) ["When times were beautiful, /When the iris turned green, /When the land was melted,/When the wild boar was well-fed, /When the Milk Sea was a puddle,/When Sumber Mountain was a hillock,/When the Lonely Tree was a teenager/When the sika deer was a calf, /When a two-year-old black was a foal, /When the Dalai Lama walked as novices, /From the miserable Dari-Khatan/He was born hunched up/Rodless Zagar Bogdo Khan"]; № 38 (Dzhidi District, 1972) ["In beautiful early ancient times, /In the old, tender times, /At the very beginning of better times./When ancient laws were soft/When paper was thin/ When the Milk Sea was by a stream, /When Mount Sumber was a hillock, /When the Lonely Tree was a sprout, /When the mighty red deer was a calf, /the beautiful Dari-Khatan was born an orphan Zagar Bogdo Khan"]: 119, 134-135; khalha- The Mongols [When the Sun Sea was a puddle, /When Mount Sumeru was a rock (?) was, /The last tree was a bush, /When the spotted deer was a deer... (Narantula 1991, No. 3); When the sun and moon were just rising, /When the leaves and flowers were just blooming../When Mount Sumeru It was a mound, /When the Sun Sea was a puddle, /When Mount Hentei Khan was a cliff, /When the [rivers] Kerulen and Tola were puddles, /When [the] edge of the fire had just arisen, /When the hill of the earth was just beginning turn yellow/When the Hangai tree was just an escape/ When [the horse] Hatan-Hara was still a foal.. (Narantula 1991, No. 8)]: Neklyudov 2005:117-118 (this is partly from Amsterdam 1940, No. 4:41); (cf. Khamnigans: Damdinov 1982, No. 4 (b. Onon, 1911) [uliger ending: "We're all here together/At the beginning of the coming year/At this little bet/ Gathering like this, /Let's celebrate and/ Let the meeting be a gift to us! /Meeting/In the early days, /When every tree/It was just a bush/When an adult red deer /Was still a maralenka, /When the blue sea/It was still a puddle, /When Mount Sumbur/It was still a hummock"; translator's comment: "This formula is the beginning of an epic work, and here it was the ending. The rhapsod probably expressed his hope for a new meeting when he could tell the sequel to the uliger. Or maybe he wanted to meet his listeners again who returned from cloud hunting with good prey"]: 17, 222); Eastern Mongols are Jaruts (close to the Mongols of Inner Mongolia) [When peace Our Kalpa was barely beginning, /When the blissful Mount Sumeru was a hill/When Kalpavriksha sandalwood was a shrub/When the Ganga River was a creek/When Shakyamuni, [our] Buddha Kalpa, was a novice gang/When the fiery red sun was a star/From the heavenly Hormusta-Tengria/The great, mighty ten countries [of light] Heser Bogdo/Descended to the golden land, /V his mother's womb moved, /He became the Lord of the World]: Neklyudov, Temurtseren 1982:77, 129 (quoted in Neklyudov 2005:117-118).

Eastern Siberia. Far Eastern Evenks (Aldan-Uchursky): Varlamova et al. 2015 [When the top of the earth, like a plague, erupted the size of the ear of a wild deer's head skin, the tree, being a tree, it was just beginning to grow stiff; the middle land of Doolin Dongne only began to turn black with its chernozem land, the mountain, like a standing squirrel tail, began to rush up, growing; the Yane River was like an ermine shiny white wool began to gleam; on the surface of the middle land, Dulin Buga, Nyungurmok appeared and grew in the middle of the sea]: 12; Vasilevich 1966, No. 1 (Urmia) [When the land was just becoming, when the sky with a triple rainbow was when the water of rivers first flowed from the ground like streams, in the very middle of the middle earth, on the bank of one river, on a hill with steep slopes there was one plague], 2 (Urmia) [] When the river first flowed when the grass was just growing, two boys lived on the middle ground], 3 (Urmia) [When the middle ground, like the skin from the head of a wash deer, spread out, when the upper sky seemed to a six-row rainbow was just becoming, on the bank of the ninth big river, on the top of a mountain with steep slopes]: 178, 185, 197 {hereinafter the same, similar beginnings for all texts}; Myreeva 2013 ["When the middle mother earth spread like a fur rug, /The Upper Father World could be seen as the bottom of the birch bark box"]: 30.