Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

N11. Like snow and blood, (ATU 709) .14.-.16.27.-.32.34.

The character wants to have a child or spouse who is as white and blush as snow (milk) and blood.

Kabiles, (Algerian Arabs), Spaniards, Portuguese, Aragonese, Italians (Abruzzo), Ladins, Irish, Friesians, Germans (Grimms, etc.; North, Albanians, Montenegrins, Slovaks, Poles, Adygs, mountain Tajiks, Norwegians, Estonians, Kazan Tatars, Turks, and Mongols of Inner Mongolia.

North Africa. Kabila [the young man wants to marry a girl with a face white as snow and red as blood; this is the daughter of the cannibal Ceriel; the girl hides him; when C. falls asleep, and the cattle she swallows begin to moo and bleat in her stomach, lovers run away; the girl tells the barbed fence and the river to part, calls both honey-sugar; C. pursues, scolds both, cannot cross the river, curses her daughter; young man the eagle takes away, he shouts to the girl to kill the black maid, put on her skin; in the form of a black woman, daughter C. tells the young man's father that he was taken away by an eagle; the father leaves a stabbed chick on the mountain, eagles flock, the father beats the one who took the son, brings the son, heals him; he convinces his father to marry him to a black woman, removes her skin, she is beautiful; the young man's younger brother tells him to marry a dog, demands that she took off her skin, the dog bit him to death]: Taos Amrush 1974:213-218; (cf. Algerian Arabs [after the merchant's death, his son squandered his wealth, went on a journey with his mother; leaving her with mules in a clearing , began to explore the forest; the beauty was hanged by her legs above the pool; when she fell into the water, three drops of blood from her slit throat turned into rubies; contrary to his mother's warning, the young man took one of the rubies; settled with his mother in the city and opened a shop; the Sultan has a daughter, Blood Gazelle in the snow; the vizier wants to marry her son; the princess sets the condition: to bring three rubies (and no one in their country had rubies); Having guessed, she found out that she would marry the son of a merchant who settled in their city; the Sultan promises a reward to whoever gets rubies; the young man brought, received an award; adviser to the Sultan: whoever brought one ruby will bring and the other two; a young man came to that pond in the forest; saw a Jew reviving the girl and beating her, demanding that she convert to him and marry him; the young man killed a Jew; the girl said that he is the daughter of the king of the genies, her name is Rubin; they came to the sea, R. dived but returned accompanied by a luxurious procession; her father gave it to a young man, they came to the city and got married; the Sultan called the young man: his executed if he does not bring two ruby within a month; the wife took a knife, cut herself slightly, two drops of blood became rubies; the princess now wants a pearl necklace; R. sent her husband with a note to the sea; he summoned a giant black man; the young man was married by the daughter of a genie vizier named Zhemchuzhina; at home R. deliberately scolded her, she cried, tears turned into pearls; the sultan hopes that now his daughter agrees to marry the vizier's son, but she demands to bring musk; the same: they send the girl Musk from the sea; R. scolds her: let her wash; in the bathhouse, something that turns out to be musk is collected from her skin; daughter Sultan to his father: I know that the valuables were not obtained by the son of the vizier, but by another young man; the sultan vainly demands that the young man refuse to marry the princess; he tells him to cut off his head; but anyone who tries to do so cuts off her own head; including the Sultan himself and all viziers; the princess becomes the fourth wife of the merchant's son]: Filleul de Pétigny 1951:113-137).

Southern Europe. The Spaniards (Extremadura) [the princess looks at the snow and the blood of an animal slaughtered by a shepherd; he utters a verse in which blood is opposed to snow: there is a king who is also "blood with milk", he wakes up once a year in the morning on Ivanov Day; if there is a girl nearby, the spell will be removed and he marries her; the princess goes in search wearing iron shoes; the Sun comes to his mother, that hides it from his son; he does not know where the king's castle is, sends her sisters Stars; they do not know, maybe Brother Wind knows; his mother hides the princess; the wind says that at the gate of the castle two lions, they have to throw away the food he chewed; burps food, his mother hides it in two bags, gives it to the princess in the morning; the princess throws food to the lions, enters the palace, everything is motionless; the princess she sits by the bed of a sleeper for months; a black woman offers to buy it, on the night of Ivanov Day she is at the bedside, the king marries her; the palace comes to life; the king leaves for gifts; the princess asks to buy she has a hard stone and a bitter stick (poems), she does not want to live; the king hears the princess in her room asking for a stone and he answers, telling her story; the king marries her, a black woman executes]: Camarena, Chevalier 1995, № 425G: 259-265 (translated into Malinovskaya 2002:110-116); Portuguese [(many records); childless woman dreams of a daughter with snow-white skin and red lips like blood; stepmother (mother herself, aunt) envies the beauty of a grown girl; her beauty is reported by a mirror; she orders to kill the girl with her tongue (heart, eyes, finger), but the servant brings parts instead the body of the animal; the girl is released or thrown in a chest into the sea; the girl ends up in the house of robbers (dwarfs); the old woman gives her poisoned shoes and throws the coffin into the sea; or the stepmother (mother, aunt) finds out about saving the girl from the mirror, puts poisoned objects on her; dwarfs (etc.) prevent the assassination attempt, but eventually the girl dies; the prince finds the coffin with the girl's body, she comes to life (usually thanks to her mother, sisters, maid)]: Cardigos 2006, No. 709:159-160; Aragonese [the heroine hides in the robbers' house or cave; at one time, her mother wished her daughter to be white as snow and red as blood]: González Sanz 1996, No. 709:92; Italians (Abruzzo) [cutting cheese, prince hurts his finger; goes looking for a wife who is white like the milk that cheese is made of, and blush is like blood; the old man gives him three grenades; the old man gives him three grenades, tells him to break it by the stream; each has a naked girl, the first two immediately die of thirst, he immediately sprinkles the third with water, she remains alive; he tells her to climb a tree, goes for clothes; a filthy sarazinka comes to get water, takes the girl's reflection for her own, breaks the jug, leaves; the hostess scolds her; so twice; on the third the girl laughed, the sarazinka asks her to go down, she will comb her hair; killed her, injected her with a hairpin in her ear; a drop of blood turned into a dove; sarazinka explains to the prince that while he was walking, the sun, the wind changed her appearance and voice; the prince marries her; the dove bites crumbs, leaves the cook with golden feathers; he wants to take it to the prince, the sarazinka kills her, and a pomegranate tree grows out of a drop of blood; the dying who ate pomegranates have recovered; the last sarazink grenade wants to keep for herself, the prince orders to give it to the woman whose husband is dying; the woman's husband has already died, she has kept the pomegranate for herself; returning, she sees that the house is cleaned; the confessor tells the old woman to see what will happen to the grenade; she finds the girl; the prince recognizes her; the sarazina herself says to be smeared with resin and burned in the square]: Kotrelev 1991:118-122; Ladina [the queen pricked her finger, a drop of blood fell on the snow; she wished to give birth to a daughter white as snow, rosy as blood, her eyebrows were chestnut like window covers; after giving birth to a daughter, the queen died, the king took another wife; at that mirror; she asks him who is the most beautiful in the world; the mirror says Snow White; the king went to war; the stepmother told the soldier to take Snow White into the forest and kill him, bring her eyes; a soldier shot a bird, brought bird eyes; they were eaten by a dog; Snow White came to the house; inside a table for 7 people, 7 beds; 7 brothers came, each asking who drank from his cup, who crushed his bed; they left the girl to look after the housework; the mirror again says that Snow White is more beautiful; stepmother dressed as a maid, Snow White unlocked the door; stepmother thought she strangled with her neckerchief, but Snow White survived; the next time she gave a poisoned apple; the brothers put it in a glass coffin; the mirror says the stepmother that she is the most beautiful; the prince saw the coffin, told move to her castle, a piece of apple fell out of her throat from the shaking, Snow White came to life; her stepmother fell ill with smallpox; the mirror answers her that there is no one uglier than her, and Snow White is the most beautiful; her stepmother was poisoned; the king thinks he has lost both his daughter and his wife; once his daughter and husband visited him, he is happy]: Brunold-Bigler, Widmer 2004, No. 54:290-297; ladins [the woman cut her finger, a drop of blood fell on the snow; she wanted her daughter to be white as snow, blush as blood, her hair was black like coal; her daughter was born, her mother died, her father took another wife; her stepmother tells the hunter to take the girl to the forest and kill her, bring her tongue; a fox came running: kill me; the hunter brought the fox's tongue; the girl came to the house on the edge of the forest; there were 7 cups of milk and 7 plates of bread; 12 beds; she crumpled everything and lay down on the last one; in the evening 12 brothers came; each asked who had crushed his bed; when they found the girl, the brothers asked her to run their household; dressed as an old woman, the stepmother came, persuaded him to let him in, gave a poisoned tape; the girl woke up; next time an apple; then 10 brothers left and 2 remained guarded; the girl woke up again; opened it to her stepmother again; the brothers killed her stepmother, the girl stayed with them]: Decurtins, Brunold-Bigler 2002, No. 84:225-228.

Western Europe. The Irish [prince paid to be buried; in the morning he shot a crow that fell into the snow; the prince decided to marry only a woman whose hair is black as a raven's wing and her skin is white as snow and cheeks blush like blood in the snow; went to look for a woman like this; a red-haired man hired him for a year and a day with the condition to split everything they got in half; he asked him to wait until he went to to a relative; calling the giant an uncle, said that the king of the East was going to kill him; the giant asked to be locked in an iron house; the red-haired demanded that he tell him where the dark cloak was; to the giant I had to say it, but the red-haired man still did not let him out, he tried to get out and died; red-haired prince: there are trees around that woman's palace, each head, the last one is not yet; they came there; the princess gave the prince a comb: if she did not return it in the morning, she would be executed; the comb was gone; the red-haired man put on a dark cloak, followed the woman; she made a boat out of the shell, sailed to the giant on the island, gave him the comb, promised to give him the prince to eat in the morning; when the giant put the comb in the chest, the red-haired man immediately took it; the woman spent the night with the giant and returned; on the way, the invisible red-haired splashed water on her; in the morning the prince showed the comb; told the king that he had obtained a third of his daughter; the next day, scissors, not a comb; king to the prince: I hope you will get the last third; woman : get the last lips that I will kiss that night, otherwise I will execute; these are the lips of a giant; the red-haired man cut off the giant's head and brought it to the prince; ordered the woman to be tied up and that the king father and the prince beat her; demons They left her, she became an ordinary woman; married a prince and gave birth to a son; the red-haired man offered to share what he had begun; the prince was ready to share his son, but the red-haired did not; said that he was the one buried dead man]: Larminie 1893:155-167; Irish [king and queen have 12 sons; seeing a raven descend to a slaughtered calf in winter, the Queen wished to have a daughter with snow-white skin and cheeks red as blood, hair black as a raven, ready to give up all 12 sons for her; an old woman appeared and said that a daughter would be born, but at the same time her sons would be lost; when she gave birth, sons turned geese and flew away {skip pdf page}; the girl comes to the brothers' house; they swore to kill her, but they don't want to do it; an old woman appears: if you kill, I'll turn you into a cane; let the girl in five she will collect swamp fluff for years, hide threads from it, weave shirts and will remain silent all this time; the prince met the girl and married him; his mother hates his daughter-in-law; when the Queen gave birth, the Queen Mother put to sleep and gave her child to a wolf who appeared in the garden and took it away; the same for the second time; the Queen smeared blood on the mother's lips so that everyone would believe that she ate the child herself; they decided to burn her; at that moment when the hangman lit the fire, the Queen finished her work, put shirts on the geese that had arrived and they became young men; a woman appeared, leading one hand and holding the queen's baby in her arms; Queen Mother and her henchmen ripped apart by horses]: Kennedy 1875, No. 2:14-19; friezes [the queen has 12 sons; she sees a black calf being slaughtered in winter; wants a daughter with hair just as black, blush like blood, snow-white skin; for this she would give all her sons; an old woman enters: the wish will come true; the king, when his wife gave birth to a daughter, the king ordered the sons to be placed in a guarded room; they became wild geese, flew away through the window; when the girl is 12 years old, her mother told her everything; she secretly got out of the house, went to look for her brothers; came to the castle in the woods, got inside through the door; geese flew in, became young men; the elder tells the girl that they swore to kill the first woman who comes to them because of what happened to them; the sister says who she is, the brothers do not change their minds; the same old woman enters, shames the brothers: if their sister is killed, they become frogs; the sister must collect and spin the web for 6 years, sew 12 shirts out of it, all this time not talk, laugh, cry; then the brothers will become again people; one day a young king comes to the castle, takes a girl as his wife; she is silent and continues to weave and sew; gives birth to a child; the king's stepmother gives her sleeping pills, smears her lips with blood, throws the child out windows, picked up and carried away by a bird of prey; the king's stepmother spreads a rumor that the queen ate her baby; the same after the birth of her second child; the queen was brought to the fire; at the last moment she finished her last shirt, screamed that she was innocent; 12 geese arrived, the queen throws shirts on them, the geese became young men, snatched her sister out of the fire; that bird brings two in her claws The Queen's unharmed children, takes her angry stepmother not known where]: Mürk 2014:56-74; Germans: Grimm, Grimm 2002, No. 47 [a rich man's childless wife, standing in her yard under a juniper, cut off the peel from the apple, cut her finger, blood dripped on the snow; she wished the baby as white and rosy; she immediately felt a change; after 9 months she gave birth to a boy and died; her husband buried her under juniper; her husband's new wife has a daughter Marlene; stepmother hates her stepson; gives her daughter an apple, she asks for an apple to her brother; mother says he will receive it when he returns from school; when the boy came back, his stepmother told him to take the apple from the chest, slammed the lid, cutting off the boy's head; placed it back, tied her body with a handkerchief, put the victim in a chair in front of the door and held an apple in her hand ; tells her daughter to slap her brother in the face if he does not react to her words; M. hit her brother, her head falls; the stepmother tells her to remain silent, cooked her stepson's meat, fed her husband, said that his son went to relatives; M. collected the bones in a handkerchief, put it under the juniper; a bird flew out of the juniper, and the handkerchief disappeared; the bird sings on the roof of the jeweler's house: my stepmother killed me, my father ate me, my sister wrapped me the bones in a handkerchief, put what a cute bird I am under the juniper; the jeweler asked me to sing again, the bird sang after he gave it a gold chain; the same at the shoemaker's house, he gave a pair of shoes; the miller's house, he gave a millstone; when he arrived home, the bird sings the same song; threw a chain around her father's neck, shoes to his sister, killed his stepmother with a millstone; the bird became a boy again], 53 [=Grimm, Grimm 1987:146- 152; the queen sewed, pricked her finger, three drops fell on the snow; she wished a child white as snow, rosy as blood, black-haired as a tree on the window frame; gave birth to Snow White and died; magic mirror her stepmother replies that she is the most beautiful; once replied that Snow White is more beautiful; the Queen tells the servant to take B. to the forest, bring her lungs and liver; the servant brought the lungs and liver of the deer; B. came to a hut with 7 small cribs, cups, etc.; dwarf miners enter, everyone asks who was sitting in his chair, eating his vegetables, etc.; the youngest notices B. in his bed; dwarfs ask her to lead their household; the Queen asks the mirror again; dressed as a merchant, comes to the dwarfs, B. let her in, she laced her up on B.'s bodice, she suffocated, but the dwarfs brought her to life; next time the queen combed B. with a poisonous scallop - the same thing; gave a poisonous apple; then the mirror tells the Queen that she is the most beautiful; the dwarfs left B. in a glass coffin on the mountain; the Queen asked give the coffin to him; the concussion caused a poisonous piece to fall out of her throat, B. came to life; the queen was invited to a wedding, forced to dance in hot iron shoes until she died]: 158-166, 181-188; Philipp von Lohbauer, Mayer 1855 [roughly the same as the Grimms, No. 53, but Snow White's antagonist is his own mother]: 158-166 in Sutrop 2018:512-518.

The Balkans. Albanians [prince hunts accompanied by a vizier's son; killed a magpie, her blood dripped on the snow; a passing dervish: this blood is like the cheeks of a Chinese princess; prince falls ill from love, parents I had to let him go; the vizier's son was with him; in China they stayed at an inn on the condition that there would be no other guests; the vizier's son, disguised as a girl, came to a women's school; agreed to princess, she met the prince; but she is passed off as someone else; the vizier's son advised that the princess ask for permission to visit her mother's grave for the last time; changed clothes with her and took her place ; when she found out that she was a young man, the princess's younger sister fell in love with the vizier's son; they ran unnoticed; two weddings]: Dozon 1881, No. 24:179-188; Montenegrins [in winter, the prince bleed while hunting; he decided to marry a girl white as snow and red as blood; the old woman replies that such a girl lives in a house without doors; someone {it is further clear that this is the girl's mother} gets inside through the window; many they tried to free the girl, but no one returned alive; the old woman gave a piece of bread and ordered her to be protected like the apple of her eye; the second gave a nut (hazel); the third gave a walnut; bread should be thrown to predators, and nuts they will give advice; all the animals were fed up with this bread; the girl hung her golden hair from the window and the prince climbed over it; the girl says that her mother collects grass that turns young men into animals; this they rushed to bread; the prince and the girl are running; the hazel nut tells me to open it, the river flows out of it; but the old woman shared the water with her magic wand and crossed; now walnut, fire from it, but the old woman put it out and chased it again; the prince turned to God, who struck the old woman with lightning; wedding]: Eschker 1992, No. 34:167-170.

Central Europe. Slovaks [the queen pricked, remembered her stepdaughter white as snow and rosy as blood; asks the mirror, it replies that the queen is beautiful and the stepdaughter is better; the queen tells the servants to take the servants away the girl goes to the forest; they let her go; she comes to the dwarf house, eats, lies down; they find her in bed; they leave her at home, tell no one to open it; the mirror replies that the girl is more beautiful than the queen ; she executes servants; comes, gives an apple, the girl dies; the mirror is silent; the dwarfs shake the girl, a piece of apple pops out of her throat, the girl comes to life; the mirror again says that the girl is more beautiful; the same - the queen gives a lace, laces the girl; the third time she sticks a pin into her hair; the dwarfs do not notice her; leave the girl in a glass coffin on the mountain; the king finds her, notices her, takes out her pin; raised a girl]: Gorbova 1949:78-81; Poles [after a long infertility, a woman sees an apple hung on a birch tree in winter; plucks, wants to peel, cut herself, a drop of blood fell on the snow; she asks the child is like snow white, like an apple mature, like rosy blood; a birch tree says that her wish will come true; she gives birth to a son and dies; the husband marries again, the second wife has a daughter; the stepmother offers the boy to take apples from the chest, slams the lid, cutting off the boy's head; puts him on the sofa, tied his head with a handkerchief; the daughter says that the brother does not answer her; the woman tells him to pull, his head falls off; the woman tells her daughter to take the body to the garden so that wolves can take it to the forest in the morning; the girl leaves it under the birch tree, the grave opens, accepting the body, and closes again; a bird flies out of the grave flowers, singing that his stepmother killed him, his sister buried him; several people like it, they ask him to sing more, the bird demands a small piece of jewelry with Catholic symbols every time; the monk takes a lit wick for candles; throws these gifts to his father, sets fire to his stepmother's hair with a wick, she dies]: Dombrovsky 1992:127-135.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [Pshi's son shot a hare; when he saw blood in the snow, he wished a woman who would be white as snow and blush as blood; the shepherd says that she is the wife of a gypsy living between the two seas; son Pshi came there, venerated the chest of an old woman's grazing geese; a gypsy blacksmith lives in a house behind seven iron fences; the old woman begs for alms, the gypsy chases her, she is ready to curse him; the gypsy is ready for her to give, but the old woman demands that his wife give alms; negotiates with the gypsy's wife, who orders the son of Pshi to dig an underground passage to her room and another to the stable where there are three gypsy horses; says to the gypsy that her brother will come on a horse that is indistinguishable from his horse; the gypsy thinks it is his horse, rushes into the stable, but the son of Pshi has already put the horse in its place; so three times; the wife says that her sister, neolithic from her, will come; the gypsy finally believes he was given a drink; Pshi's son took his wife and treasures; the gypsy stabbed himself]: Sokolov, Broydo 1936:493-498; Turks [the dervish gave an apple, ordered the Sultan and his wife to eat half each; a daughter was born; the Sultan lodged her in a closed palace, ordered her to feed her with bone marrow, honey and milk; once a bone fell with her brain, the girl threw her out the window , it broke; it's snowing outside; passers-by: the son of an Indian maharaja is white like this snow, his cheeks are red, the mole on his cheek is like black pepper; the girl fell in love, the nanny found out, a messenger was sent to the Maharaja's son; he He sent a yellow rope and a dagger in response: if the bride turns yellow like this rope and wants to stab her, I will not marry her anyway; the sultan cursed her daughter for falling in love with a mean man; the girl went to travel, I came to the elder sister of that son of the Maharaja; let her be sold three times at the bazaar, then she would marry them; 1) bought bey, his daughter is a fat freak; the girl fed her with her food, daughter Bey recovered - she was fed enchanted food; Bey gave her a golden bowl and let her go; 2) bought another bey, an arapka maid from his son, began to run the house; Bey's son refused to marry her, she imprisoned him, whipped him at night, Bey does not know where her son had gone; the girl found out about this, told Bey, the arapka was killed, the girl was released with a copper jug; 3) bought a third beat, his crazy daughter on chains in prison, devours the girls they send her; the Sultan's daughter hid in the attic and dragged other girls into her place; went down and came to the diva woman; she cooks the mind of daughter Bey and her the ring from which she will be healed; the Sultan's daughter pushed the diva woman into the cauldron, took the ring, healed Bey's daughter, Bey let the Sultan's daughter go with a carpet; when the Maharaja's son arrived, his sister pretends that she beats and punishes the new maid; she puts dry cakes under the mattress - this is her broken bones bursting; brother falls in love with the imaginary maid; sister: she is dead; brother sees those placed on the body of the deceased rope, dagger and letter he wrote; faints; everything turned out, wedding, they achieved their wishes]: Aganin et al. 1960:86-92; Turks []: Stebleva 1986, No. 53:223-231.

Iran - Central Asia. Mountain Tajiks (Darvaz, upper reaches of Vanja) [the king climbed a tree, hurt himself against branches, blood dripped on the snow; he ordered him to find a bride as white and red; the old woman said it was his daughter ; he is preparing the wedding; the girl's brother hides her in a chest, lowers her down the river; the son of another king finds him, takes the girl as his wife]: Semenov 1900 (2): 9.

Baltoscandia. Norwegians [the Queen has a drop of blood from her nose falling on the snow; she wants to have a daughter white as snow, red as blood, ready to give her 12 sons for it; the trollich promises to fulfill her wish will pick up her sons as soon as her daughter is around; the queen orders a silver spoon for her sons and daughter; sons turn into wild ducks, fly away; daughters are sad that she has no brothers; mother tells her the truth, she goes looking for her brothers; finds a home in the woods, secretly cooks and cleans; 12 ducks arrive, become princes; take their silver spoons, see another one, realize that her sister nearby; the elder offers to kill her because she is to blame for their transformation, the youngest says she is not to blame; the brothers find her under the bed; the eldest promises to save her life if she helps them; sister must hide the thistle fluff, sew 12 shirts, 12 capes, 12 scarves, then the brothers will find human forever; before that she cannot talk, laugh or cry; when she collects fluff, she is taken away prince, marries; prince's stepmother hates her; throws her child into a hole with snakes, cuts her finger, smears blood on her mouth, says she ate the baby; so three times; prince agrees to have his wife burned; clothes for The brothers are ready, only the younger brother's shirt does not have one sleeve; the youngest is reborn without an arm; the sister can talk, explains everything; the stepmother was torn apart by 12 horses; three children were found alive in the hole and healthy]: Dasent 1970:51-59 (=Asbjíørsen, Moe 1960:187-189); Estonians (Karksi) [queen dropped a drop of blood on snow; gave birth to a beautiful daughter; died; stepmother asks a mirror - who more beautiful; the mirror replies that the stepdaughter; the stepmother tells her stepdaughter to be taken to the forest and killed; the servants let her go; she came to the house of seven dwarfs; (the end is crumpled; they try to poison the girl with a pin, belts finally an apple; the dwarfs put the girl in a glass coffin for a period until she wakes up]: Sutrop 2018, No. 12:957.

Volga - Perm. Kazan Tatars (1 entry) [the queen pricked her finger; wished her daughter beautiful as blood; gave birth; when her daughter is 16, died; the tsar remarried; the stepmother envies the beauty of her stepdaughter; aims to kill her; the servant left her in the forest; she came to the dwarfs and became their sister; the stepmother asks the old woman if she is more beautiful than anyone else; she replies that there is a girl a thousand times more beautiful; the old woman came to the princess and gave an apple , she tried and fainted; woke up; stepmother saw in the mirror that there was a girl more beautiful than her; the old woman brought the princess a poisoned dress; she dressed and lost consciousness; the dwarfs left her in glass closet; soldiers were walking, began to rip off her dress, the princess came to life, the Tsarevich Colonel saw her, married her; invited his stepmother to the wedding, gave poisoned gold shoes; she put it on and died]: Zamaletdinov 2009, NO. 53:187-189.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. The Mongols of Inner Mongolia: Gomboev 1858 [an anonymous chronicle of Altan Tobchi (The Golden Tale), probably dating back to the first half of the 17th century. (translated from Beijing): "After him {Dzoriktu Khan}, Elback Khan sat on the throne, the year of the dog. This Elback Khan once on a raid, when he saw the blood of a dead hare in the snow, asked: "Is there a woman who is white as snow and cheeks like this blood?" Oirat Tafu-Huthai replied: "Well, there is one!" - "Who is she, can't we see her?" - "If you really want to see her, I will say: this is your daughter-in-law, Ulzetu-Gua, the wife of your son Hagurtzak Dugureng Huntaizi." Seduced by the beauty of his daughter-in-law, Elbaek Khan said to Huthei-Tafu: "Oh, showing what you have never seen, combining what is far away, satisfying your thirst for desire, you, my Tafu, go!" He conveyed Bageji Khan's words as follows: "He sent me to see your beauty." Bageji was angry and replied: "Can the earth connect with heaven, can Khan take her daughter-in-law? Let his son, Duguren-Temur, see that Khan, his father, has become like a black dog." Ignoring his daughter-in-law's words, the khan killed his son and took her for himself. After that, Tafu came to ask the khan to be awarded the title of darugi; but as Khan was not (at home), he sat in front of the house. At this time, Hung-Bageji sent an ambassador to him and asked him to visit her and wait for her khan along with the gifts. Tafu showed up. Bageji brought him a bowl (of wine) with the following words: "You made my unimportant person important, made my small body great, and Bageji made Taihu (Empress) the name." Then she took a voluminous leather dish, divided into two halves: she poured water into one and strong arzan (wine) into the other; she drank water herself, and gave Tafu a strong arzan until she dropped. Then she put carpets in her sleeping yurt, put pillows, curtains, and put Tafu on this bed. Having disheveled her hair and scratching her face, she sent for the khan. Before Khan arrived, Tafu managed to escape. Khan chased him and in this fight his little finger was shot off. After killing Tafu, Khan ordered Suni Jamin-Taif to cut the belt out of the victim's back and sent him to his wife. Mixing Khan's blood with Tafu's fat, she licked, saying: "The blood of the khan who killed his son, the fat of Tafu, who caused the death of my master (husband, lord), which I received as a gift - that's success a woman's revenge! I don't care about dying." Although Khan recognized Bageji's indignation, he, realizing his guilt, did not say anything to her about it"]: 156-158; Lubsan Danzan 1973 [Altan Tobchi chronicle compiled by Ordos Lama Lubsan Danzan in literary middle-aged language and dating back to the middle of the 17th century (translation from a list purchased in 1926 in eastern Mongolia from Taiji, whose ancestors migrated to Khalkha from Chakhar in the 17th century): "After that, in the same year, dogs {in 1394} sat on the great throne Elbag-hagan. Elbag-Hagan, while hunting in a raid, saw the blood of a dead hare falling drops on the snow and said, "Is there a beauty with white skin like snow with her cheeks as rosy as blood?" Elbag-Hagan said so. Oirat Huhai Taiu said: "There is a woman of similar beauty. Yes!" - "Who is she? Hagan asked. "Can I see her?" I would like to see it!" - [Hagan said]. "If so, I'll say it. Your son's [wife] Khargutsug Dhreng Temr-Huntaiji Ldzate goa-hunbegichi, your daughter-in-law, is just so beautiful," he said. Elbag Niglesgchi-hagan, burning with a passion for the beauty of his daughter-in-law, commanded Oirat Huhai Tai: "You, allowing you to see [not yet] seen, allowing you to connect with what is far away, wish-satisfying, my Taiu, go!" On this order, the Hagan went and handed what he said to the Bagichi. "He sent me wanting to see your color and brilliance!" Bagichi, angry, told me to say: "Can Heaven be connected to Earth? Can high khans look at their daughter-in-law? Did your son Dgrang Temr-Huntaiji die? Did the hagan become a bad thing?" That's what she said. But Hagan did not take those words, killed his son, [and] married his daughter-in-law. After that, Huhai Taiu came to ask for tarak. "There is no Hagan," said [Taiu], and while he was sitting in front of the yurt, the Hunbegichi sent a servant to him. "I'm waiting for a hagan for my feast. Come to the yurt before he does." Tahiu came, and when he came in, the bagichi, holding the bowl, said: "You made my bad person good, /You made my insignificant person great, /I made my bagichi the title of daihu." She filled a leather vessel of two bags with one hole - one bag of strong vodka and water into the other. She drank water herself, and Tyu let him drink strong vodka and gave him a drink, [so] he fell down. Wanting to avenge him for her taiji, she ordered Taya to be placed on her carpets and pillows and the canopy pulled. After scratching her face and releasing her hair, she sent a messenger to the hagan. While Hagan hurried [to her] when he heard this, Tyu ran away. When the Hagan chased him and they fought, Taiu shot his little finger across the hagan. Hagan killed Taya and, with the help of his servant named Zhashin Daibu from the Sunite, took the skin off his back, took it and, when he came to the bagichi, gave it to her. After mixing Taiu's fat with hagan's blood, she licked it and said: "The blood of Hagan, her son's murderer, was a gift for me; I am pleased with Taiu's fat, who sought to harm his lord's soul. Although I'm a woman, didn't I take revenge with this? Wouldn't it matter if I die?" Having learned about the Bagichi deception, the Hagan, realizing his mistake, did not say anything to her"]: 257-258; Zheleznyakov, Tsendina 2005 [1) the anonymous chronicle "Altan Tobchi", probably dating back to the middle of the 17th century. (translated from a list found in a private library in Beijing as part of the Genghis Hagan-u Chadig collection and published in Tokyo in 1941): "In the Year of the Dog [1394], Elbag- Nigulesegchi Khan. One day, during a cloud hunt, Elbag Khan saw a dead hare shed in the snow. He said, "Is there a beautiful woman with the same white face and scarlet cheeks like that?" Oirat Huhai-Tayu replied: "There is such a beautiful woman." "Who is she?" , - the khan asked him. [Huhai] replied: "Although you can't talk, I will. This is your son's wife, Hagurtsag-deguren-Temur-Huntaiji Ould-zeytu-Goa-Bigichi. Elbag-Nigulesegchi Khan wanted a beautiful daughter-in-law. He gave Oirat Huhai-Tai the following order: "Showing the invisible, bringing the distant closer, fulfilling wishes, my Taya, bring her to me!" After receiving the order, Tayu went and said to Bigichi like this: "I was sent to you by a khan who wants to see your beauty!" As soon as he said this, the Bigichi became angry and replied: "How can Earth and Sky connect? Do great khans see their daughters-in-law? Has his son Deguren-Temur-Huntaiji already passed away? Does Khan want to be like a black dog?" Khan ignored these words, poisoned his son and married his daughter-in-law. After that, he returned to his home. After a while, Huhai-Tai went to Khan to ask for darkhanism, but the khan was gone, and he waited for him. Bigichi sent a servant to pick him up and told him to say: "While waiting for Khan, come to me for a treat." After Tayu entered the yurt, the Bigichi handed him a bowl and said: "You made my low lady noble. You made my little lady tall. You raised the name Bigichi to Taihu." She filled the vessel, which consisted of two separate halves but had one neck, with vodka and water. From one half where there was water, she drank herself, and Taya was offered vodka. She gave him a drink that he fell. She tousled Taya's hair, unlocked the curtain and laid it on the felt spread out. She combed her face on her own, pulled out her hair and sent for Khan. Before Khan heard about this, Tayu woke up and fled. Khan ran in pursuit. [Tayu] fired an arrow and wounded Khan in the little finger. Khan killed Taya and ordered Sundi Janshin Taiba to cut a piece of skin from his back and hand it over to the bigichi. Bigichi, mixing Khan's blood with Tayu's fat and licking them, said: "The blood of Khan, who, seduced by beauty, killed his son, was a gift to me. Tayu's fat, who harmed his master, became a pleasure for me. This is my woman's revenge. Now if I'm going to die, there's nothing to regret." Khan, although he learned about the Bigichi's deception, did not punish her, realizing that he was guilty"; 2) the chronicle "Bolor Toli" ("Crystal Mirror"), compiled by Da-Lama Jambadorji from the middle Urat Khoshun in 1830-1840s: "After that, Elbag-Niguleshu became Khan. After seven years of Elbag-Niguleshu's reign, one day, when he was hunting and saw drops of blood in the snow, he asked Huhai-Taihu in Oirat: "Is there a woman on earth with a white face like this snow? and scarlet cheeks like this blood?" When he said so, Huhai-Taihu in Oirat replied: "The beauty of Ulzeitu, the wife of Khagurtsag-Duguren-Huntaiji, exceeds your description." Elbag Khan, very happy, said: "Oh, Huhai-Taihu, if I see her with my own eyes, I will make you a chinsan and appoint you to rule the Four Oirats." Then Huhai-Taihu immediately went and arrived at the Khagurtsag-Duguren-Huntaiji yurt, who was hunting at that time. When Huhai-Taihu saw Hanshu Ulzeita and told her the purpose of his visit, Hansha Ulzeitu became very angry and said to him, "Why did your khan need to see me? If he, a great man, has no shame and is like cattle, then you should not intervene between the two sides like a donkey." With these words, she spat Huhai-Taihu right in the face. Very ashamed and embittered, Huhai-Taihu left. When he reported everything to his khan, Elbag Khan was filled with passion and anger. Elbag Khan ambushed Khagurtsag-Duguren Khuntaiji and killed him, and took his wife, who was three months pregnant, for himself. Elbag Khan then asked Hanshi Ulzeita: "Did you get pregnant with my younger brother Huntaiji, or by someone else?" Hansha, out of revenge, deceiving him, replied: "This is from Huhai Taihu. I've been living with him for a long time. That's why, even though I've wanted to see you for a long time, he wouldn't let me in, and he didn't lie to you like I was so angry." When she said so, Khan fully believed her and ordered Huhai Taihu to be killed without any interrogation"]: 41-42, 95-96; (cf. South Altai Tuvans [old Ends Dandz sends his son shopping, each time he gives a purse of gold; the son buys 1) dried fish, 2) a cat, 3) a cat; his parents drive him away; he threw the fish into the sea, it came to life, became a goldfish; an old man comes out of the sea, says that the young man Luzut Haan calls; tells you to ask for a red box as a reward and open it in the steppe on the seashore; a city has appeared, next to the daughter of LH; two hunters wounded a gazelle; the old man replies that a woman with a red face blood is the wife of Sun Khan overseas; you can swim across the sea on the Boom tree; sparrows hear the crows sitting on this tree talking, telling the khan; they made a raft, the old man swam across the sea, turned into an old woman, stole the key and took away the casket; the young man remained in the open air with his dog and cat; they swam across the sea, the cat caught the mouse khan, the mice dug an underground passage, the cat grabbed the old man's eyes, carried away the casket, the young man became Sun Khan again], 25 [the elderly couple had a son, grew up; he was sent shopping, he bought dried fish, a cat, a dog; his father kicked him out; he threw the fish into the sea; the old man tells him to go down to the bottom to the White Khan, ordered to ask for a red box, open it in the middle of the steppe; a palace and a girl, the khan's daughter, appeared; further as in (24); the sea burns everything that was lowered into it; the old woman tells make a raft out of Donduud Bohm wood, swam across, carried away the casket; the sea does not burn the cat and dog; the cat first brought food to the young man from his kidnapped wife, then caught the mouse khan; the khan burned down, the young man with they live in the palace as a cat, dog, wife]: Taube 1994, No. 24:210-216).