Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

N13. Girl with scissors .

A girl, a girl is associated with scissors (and a boy, a boy with a knife or an ax).

Taiwanese aborigines, Adygs, Ossetians, Kazakhs of Mongolia, Tuvans, Buryats, Khalkha Mongols, Mongols of Ordos, Western (Vilyuan) Yakuts.

Taiwan - Philippines. Taiwanese aborigines (the group is not specified, conditionally referred to as northern, where atayal, etc.) [two dragons pluck the sun and moon from the sky, play with them in the river; Da-jian and his wife Shui-ne go in search, find a woman kidnapped by dragons in the cave, she serves as their cook; reports that dragons you can kill by throwing a golden ax and scissors hidden under a mountain into the water; spouses dig, find objects, a husband throws an ax, a wife throws scissors, objects decapitate dragons; spouses have no strength to place shining into the sky; on the advice of an old woman, the husband pulls out and swallows the eyes of one dragon, the wife of the other, both become giants; the sun and moon roll into the sky with palm trunks; D. and S. turned into two mountains]: Tishkov 1957:34-40.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Adygi [the girl will marry the one of the two young men who gets three indistinguishable horses in one night; one goes to a friend for help; he goes to get horses on his wedding night, leaving instead of himself a friend; when going to bed, the young man puts a dagger between himself and the bride; hurt by this, the bride pierces the scissors between herself and her husband on the second night, which reveals the friend's loyalty; later the first gives his wife to the widowed second as a girl he likes, hiding that she is his wife; the truth turns out]: Tkhamokova 2014, No. 976*: 192; Ossetians [Khalin-Barag gives childless spouses three apples on the condition that they give one of the sons to him; when golden-haired sons were born, three apple trees grew near the house; the eldest went with HB; the skull in the cave teaches us to pretend to be misunderstanding, let HB himself will show how to fan the fire; the young man pushed HB into the fire and, taking a shovel, did not let him get out until it burned down; the skull points to HB's armor and horse; the shepherd laughs (Aldar marries three daughters to him they will give pork tails), then cries (he must kiss the pigs in the ass); they changed clothes; Aldara's youngest daughter noticed golden curls, offered food and a glass to an imaginary swineherd; Aldar pretended to be sick - which of the son-in-law will bring fallow deer milk; the young man called his horse, milked the doe, gave his sons-in-law sheep's milk, for which he cut off his right ears; get water to revive the dead; the young man took it out, gave his son-in-law ordinary water, cutting off his little fingers; get a dancing and playing fur coat; the young man slipped between the mountains, took out his fur coat, gave his sons-in-law an ordinary one, for which he cut his belts from the back; brought everything to Aldar, showed marks on his sons-in-law; Aldar all He took it away from his sons-in-law, gave it to a young man; one day he chased a fox at Black Rock, she hit him with his tail, he became petrified; the middle brother went in search, the elder's wife mistook him for her husband, he put his sword on the bed; he also chased the fox and became petrified; the youngest first came to the skull in the HB cave, who first ordered the fox's hole to be covered with stones; the fox became a girl, revived all the petrified with a whip; the elder brother killed the youngest for sleeping with his wife; but at night his wife put scissors in bed; the girl's face revived the dead with a whip; on her way home, the girl revived the skeletons in the HB cave, and the skull also became a woman; the middle brother married one of the lively ones, and the youngest married a fox girl; she rejuvenated the brothers' parents]: Dzagurov 1973, No. 46:177-193.

Turkestan. Mongolian Kazakhs [Akkaishy ("white scissors"); there was Khan Alip, he has an ugly, stupid and weak-willed son; khan was afraid that after his death his property would fall to ashes; viziers advise marrying his son to an intelligent girl; the khan tells the artist to depict everything that is in our lands, animated and inanimate; the khan ordered the painting to be hung at the beginning of the gorge through which people descended from the mountains pastures; the khan ordered to see if anyone found a flaw in the picture; the daughter of a poor old man: the artist forgot about the leopard and the moon; the khan came to the old man when the girl was not at home; tells him to visit him tomorrow when she arrived, she fermented a roll of ox milk; when the khan arrived, the girl says that you can't go to the kibitka - her father has just given birth; the khan admits defeat; orders to make fetters from the ashes; the girl told her father make a lasso out of dry grass, burned it on an iron sheet; the khan tells the old man to arrive not on foot or on horseback, not to enter the house or stand in the yard; the daughter tells her father to come on a bachelor goat, to climb between with the upper felt cloth of the yurt and inner mats; the khan married his son to a girl and gave them Akkaisha, in the sense that she has a sharp mind; once tells his son to come on a two-headed horse; A. tells her ride the mare for birth; when the son arrived, the head of a foal appeared from the mare's belly; the khan orders three red horses to be prepared for the race, they must be sent directly to the pasture, tie and they cannot be confused; A. tells the horses to pull their tongues; the khan ordered to bring three immense four-year-olds, giving only one belt into a fathom long; A.: drill hooves, thread the belt through; attacked a large army of another khan seized land, the khan was captured; a foreign khan tells Alip to make all his people forced; A. promises to write a letter so that everyone migrates, let the khan send him with three reliable people; Khan Alip wrote to the vizier: "I live among this people in prosperity and pleasure. I put black silk under me, cover myself with blue silk. Ten people support me when walking behind me; the property allocated to me by the khan here does not count; so move all here; relocate all the people completely; three poplars that are planted in front of with a palace, cut down one and burn it as soon as these three messengers come to you; burn another poplar on the way, bring the third to me, I must see it with my own eyes; when migrating, all cattle let it go ahead; after reading the letter, the khan's wife, his son and viziers were happy; the Akkaishy were sad, secretly gathered the khan, viziers and the most worthy people as his wife, explained the meaning to them; lay under themselves black silk means that he has nothing to lay under him, he sleeps on bare ground, covered in blue silk, means that he has nothing to hide with, he sleeps in the open air. The fact that 10 people support him from behind when walking means that his hands are tied and he holds 10 fingers behind his back; three poplars in front of the palace; kill one right there, another on the road, and the third bringing Khan Alip alive; letting cattle in front means that heavily armed warriors must enter first; the army was led by Akkaishi herself; suddenly attacking, it took possession of a stranger Khanate; Alip freed himself from captivity, handed over the throne to Akkaisha]: Babalar Sozi 2011 (79): 71-75.

Southern Siberia - Mongolia. Tuvans (Toja; 9 options all over Tuva) [old Sÿmeldey tells his daughter that he will go to Ai-han for some milk; she teaches what to do and how to respond; A.: 1) "In the middle of the blue lake sandalwood without a top, 15 branches are raw, 15 are dry"); if S. does not guess, A. tells him to cut off his arm and head (the moon in the first and second half); 2) count the years of a polar bear with a black head (the daughter sewed three dried human skulls to her father's clothes on the right and left; the bear says he is 110 years old, but has never seen such a seven-headed creature); 3) weave a rope of ash (weave it from a sedge, pull between the poles, set fire, it will be covered with ash, but will remain stretched); A. tells S. to drive 6 oxen home, milk them, cook tarak; the daughter tells them to drive them into the pen, sits down to comb her hair in the morning; A. comes and asks how much hair she has; she: how many steps your horse has taken; forbids entering the yurt - her father gives birth there; if her father cannot give birth, then how to get milk from oxen; A. tells S. come with his daughter; writes the names of all living beings on a pole, and deliberately misses the falcon and the kite; S. did not notice this, the daughter noticed; A. marries his son to daughter S.; comes to Saryg Khan, who put gold and silver under his pillow, accused him of theft, crucified him on four stakes; sent four soldiers to his camp; crucified A. asks S. to send only four soldiers and tell him to the people that four servants serve him. In the middle of his camp, there is an iron poplar with four shoots - cut off three, leave one. Put my damask scissors at the beginning and the yellow knife at the end. Cattle at the beginning, hornless at the end. So, they say, the camp will be captured without a fight; daughter-in-law: damask scissors - me, the knife - his son, cattle - an army, hornless - ordinary people; tells me to kill three warriors, let one be a guide; they release A., Saryg Khan was captured]: Samdan 1994, No. 9:307-321; Tuvans [according to E.K. Yakovlev, Tuvans cut the newborn's umbilical cord with a knife and a girl's scissors]: Grebnev 1960:182; Buryats: Bardakhanova, Gympilova 2008, No. 27 [Khan tells the old man to bring an ash rope neither on foot, nor on horseback, nor on the road, nor without a road; the daughter tells him to ride a goat along the side of the road, set fire to a straw rope; khan orders to milk the bull, cook tarak; daughter to the khan who came: the father was born; the khan married the girl to his son; the khan has people Wolf, Sheep, Water, Wood, these words should not be the daughter-in-law pronounce; she says that the howling man who is growing up for the current one catches bleating; the khan tells his son to make a wooden cauldron; the wife: fry the meat on a spit; the khan was captured by another; he asks to send a letter with three messengers; "I am held in high esteem, lying on a black silk bed, under a blue silk blanket; take the gold scissors, throw the front roof back and the back roof forward, a lump nigella and a cleaver leave, drive the cattle in front, let the hornless go behind; cut down one of the three golden aspens on the spot, the second after leaving home, the third by crossing the Khan's possessions"; daughter-in-law: Khan lies bound under the cart, on sheep droppings under the blue sky; cattle - army, hornless cattle - unarmed people; cleaver - Khan's son, nigella - Khan's wife, gold scissors - daughter-in-law; kill one sent at once , the other - after leaving home, taking the third as a guide; the khan was released], 32 (Tunkinsky district) [the khan found a clever wife for his son; was captured, he was tied between four pillars; he sent a letter: " I have a green silk cape, a blue silk blanket, I have watchmen day and night, I am with a Western Khan; you are on these three bulls, with thirty escorts I sent, come, all your goods send, chase the cattle in front, lead the rest of the cattle behind, leave the bad ax there, take the gold scissors with you, you will come"; daughter-in-law: cattle are warriors, the rest of the cattle are other people the axe is my husband, the scissors are me; as they arrived, they killed three bars of another khan, hung 30 escorts, the khan was released; he handed over power to his daughter-in-law]: 132-134, 153-154; Eliasov 1959 [Khan tests wisdom the future wife of her son Altan-Haish, asks to bring a rope from the ashes; the girl makes straw, sets fire, remains a strip of ash in the shape of a rope; remove 13 chickens from boiled eggs; AH: to have chicken food , take porridge, sow, grow millet; khan is happy; went hunting with his son, tells him to do with wooden dishes; the son tries to hammer the block; seeing that the son is behind, he orders to pull the horse by the tail; the son understands literally; AH: you should have fried a barbecue and drive a horse; the khan came to another, he makes riddles, the khan cannot guess, he was shackled and tied to a pole; the khan promises a ransom, sends a letter to his daughter-in-law: Shajin Nomon Khan gave me jewelry for my arms and legs, a silver twisted chain around my neck; his people do not leave day or night; chase horned cows and bulls, followed by hornless cattle; out of three golden aspens, two cut down and burn it on the spot, take one to the borders of S.'s possessions; let my daughter-in-law cut the letter with gold scissors; when three messengers arrive, the son tries to gather cattle, and my daughter-in-law orders to kill two messengers of three and send an army; S. tied up like a ram and brought]: 7-19; the Mongols (probably Khalkha) [the khan had a stupid son; officials advised: "Choose a smart wife for him so that she could conduct public affairs. Tell me, Khan, to draw all the animals in the world, written signs, plants, the sun, the moon and stars, put these pictures on the main roadway, and make all your subjects worship them images. An intelligent person will immediately notice the shortcomings in the drawings"; the Khan approved this, and a decree was read out everywhere: "A prayer has been posted for the faithful at the pass. I command everyone, without exception, to come to that pass within three days and pray. Whoever does not pray will be severely punished"; all subjects prayed; when the old man and daughter passed through the pass, his daughter dissuaded him from praying: the drawings are inept, the artists forgot to depict a hare, the text of the prayer lacks the "huvm" sign; the khan found out, wanted to see the girl; when she was collecting argal, he came to the old man, ordered him to milk the bull by morning, and cook tarak from milk; in the morning, daughter she scattered manure on the west side of the yurt, put her father on a mattress, and at the entrance to the yurt she drove two stakes and held a hairrope between them (this is done when there is a sick or newborn in the yurt); when the khan came for a cockroach, the girl went out and said that it was impossible to enter the yurt - the father was giving birth; the khan asked where it had been seen for a man to give birth; the girl: "Didn't you, O Your Lordship, /You saw that eccentric, /What makes yogurt/From bovine milk? /If he has appeared like this now, /Why not give birth to a man?!" ; khan returned home; when the girl went to get the argal, came to the old man, ordered him to twist the horse fetters from the ashes by morning; in the morning the girl weaved fetters out of hay, set it on fire - it turned out to be fetters of ashes; showed them to Khan , he left; she went for the argal, the khan came back, told the old man that he would come again tomorrow, and ordered the old man not to let his daughter go outside or leave her in a yurt; he came in the morning and could not find her (she stood between the wall and the felt tire of the yurt); when she went out, she returned to the palace; the girl went for the argal, the khan came to the old man again: "Ride a double-headed horse and come to me at the turn of day and night, between today and tomorrow. But you can't go on the road. If you do otherwise, don't blow your head off"; the girl told the old man to catch a mare about to get necklaces and explained: "When you arrive, say: "The sun is setting there, it's night here , and it's dawning in the west." When asked which way you went, say, "On the grass between two roads." When they ask: "Did you come on a double-headed horse?" , say yes. When they look at your mare, she will already have two heads"; the old man came to the khan, answered as his daughter told her; the khan married his son to her; went hunting with him, said: "Go, son, in front of his father, so that the horse's tail moves"; he jumped off the horse, began to twist the horse's tail; the khan scolded him, beat him; killing and cutting the beast, ordered him to make a fire, prepare a wooden cauldron and fry the meat; the son made a fire, knocked down the tree, sawed off the lower part and began to hammer it; told the khan what he was making a wooden cauldron; the khan beat him again; killed another beast, the khan asked him to start a fire, fry the meat and spread the black litter; the son made a fire, roasted the meat on a spit, tore the felt off the saddle and spread it; the khan beat him; at home, the son complained to his wife, who explained what was going on; khan went hunting again, took his son with him, repeated his previous requests; when he heard the first, the son went in front of his father in a quiet trot; when he heard the second, he made a wooden spit and fried meat on it; when he heard the third, fried the meat, and when the ground from the fire turned black, he removed the ash from it so that he could sit down; the khan sent his son home, decided to continue hunting himself; went to a foreign state, was captured; three years old I was lying in a dirty yurt; when they decided to execute him, I asked permission to send a letter; wrote: "I show mercy to all relatives and friends, /I write to my homeland with a low bow /And I inform you that in a foreign country/ My life is nice and free./Will I ever come back? - I don't even like the thought of it! /It's so wonderful to sleep under a canopy blue/On an emerald silk bed! /I lie in scarlet pillows day and night, /I drink goat milk in large bowls, /And eight servants in an eight-story palace/They serve me so respectfully and important! /I live here as a master, not a guest, /I'll die, let my bones decay here./If you want to share my happiness, /Well, pick up the cattle and come./And the first person to go to my country/ Let him drive him cattle in front, /And lead hornless cattle back./Take your belongings, - it will do on the road, -/ Carry everything... Yes, I almost forgot: /The foal was scabies /And the mare in our herd./You can part with them/Leave them, scabies, in place: /A contagious horse will not bring us honor./Two my sandalwood trees/They shine with a hat of gold leaves. /You need to leave one in place, /Try to transport the other. /Go deep into my large rooms. /Gold scissors hang there/At the head in bedroom, for a nightmare, /You must definitely take them with you..."; the messengers handed a letter to the khan's son, who believed and was happy; my wife deciphered: "A great trouble has happened to me./I ask my relatives; to me show mercy. /Find out: I'm captured in a foreign country, /And I'm in danger of dying here every hour./My fate is incredible, /Will I ever come back? /I sleep and eat in the open air, /Bed is earth, and I'm completely waste./Eight guards out of an eight-walled yurt /They don't even let me into the steppe; /I won't die today or tomorrow/And bones here in someone else's the country will decay. /But if you want to save me/Then come with the army as soon as possible: /Armed in the lead squad, /And let the unarmed man walk behind. /The messenger who rode with my letter, /Make him walk behind. be a guide on the way/And if there are two of them/And kill one on the way./So that your son and khansha mother do not interfere with you/You hardly need to take them with you on a camp./There is no smarter than my daughter-in-law in the khanate./ Ask her for advice on everything, /She will always find a solution./So let her boss go camping!" ; daughter-in-law gathered an army; one of the messengers was killed, the other was forced to be a guide; they seized the lands of the neighboring khanate, freed the captive khan]: Mikhailov 1962:78-86; the Mongols of Ordos [ Shurguljin Khan wants to marry a stupid red-faced son to an intelligent girl; gathers people, asks questions; a tree with 12 branches, 360 flowers looking up, 360 down; the old man's daughter explains to her father that this is a year; five myriads of yellow hares led by a hare with a white spot on its forehead (stars and moon); ten myriads of bushes and a red stump (mountains and Mount Sumeru); bring three measures of meat wrapped in bone, two measures of bones wrapped in meat (egg and yuyuba); when he learns that the old man has a daughter, S. promises to come, tells me to cook koumiss from the milk of a castrated bull; girl: father gives birth, I am going to get a midwife; S. married his son on this girl; tells her son to greet him on a horse about two heads (wife: pregnant mare); greet him neither in the yurt nor outside (between the bars and the nightmare); prepare ashes fetters (weave fetters from dry couch grass, set fire, an ash trail will remain); S. decides to seize the neighboring kingdom, the son chatted everything; the enemies seized Sh., put him in a well, he eats his own lice; the neighboring king sends a nobleman bring the people Sh.; Sh.: they will go if they find out that I live well; asks me to tell me: I live happily in a house dark as a coffin; I eat only goat meat and lamb; the carpet on which he is sitting is made of colorful brocade and striped yellow silk; I spend my days contemplating five jewels - turquoise, corals, mother-of-pearl, ruby and lapis lazuli; lying on a piece of blue silk that has no boundaries; when you come, let it go in front of you your cattle, and let the horned ones go ahead, followed by hornless; there is one red ram with curved horns that is always behind everyone - kill him; at the head lies a black rough file - take it with you; at your feet there is a pair of sharp scissors - take it with you; there is no need to go in large numbers, it will be enough if three go; the daughter-in-law understood everything: the file is Sh., the scissors are herself; the ram is the son of Sh., kill him; horned - an army; the enemy was defeated, S. was released; he married his daughter-in-law to the son of his younger brother, handed over the kingdom to him]: Mostaert 1937, No. 9 in Solovyov 2014.

Eastern Siberia. Western (Vilyui) Yakuts [it was widely believed to "open the sky" when it suddenly became dazzling light in the middle of the night; at this phenomenon, they prayed and asked heaven or God for everything what they wanted, including children: "Put us on a golden knife, put on us with gold scissors"; a knife means a boy and scissors a girl]: Popov 1949:261 (=Ergis 1974:136).