Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

N18. Selected gifts. 27.-.30.


fairy-tale text ends with a formula stating that the narrator received food, drinks, money or other real world items from the characters described, but lost them against their own free will because of meeting dogs or people (robbers, boys, children or a neighbor).

Bulgarians, Aramians, Ukrainians (Poltava Province), Belarusians, Rumei, Kabardian, Kumyks, Dargins, Lucks, Rutultsy, Turks, Turkmens.

The Balkans. Bulgarians ["And I was at the wedding - eating, drinking and giving me a pot of honey. Before I had time to lick myself, your dog came running, knocked me down, and the pot fell, and I couldn't even try honey - that's why I came to tell you to watch the dog"]: Roshiyan 1974:68; Aromanians [popular endings in which the storyteller receives countless gifts (flowers, clothes, food, wine) and then loses them along the way: near the pond, he is afraid of frogs croaking, thinking they are Turks, and throws gifts; rabid dogs pick up gifts received, etc.]: Roshiyan 1974:68.

Central Europe. Ukrainians (Borispol, Pereyaslavsky County, Poltava Province) ["Zvinchalis won and now live and chew. I'm bula there, the honey gorilka was hot, it flowed down my beard, but my mouth was not bulo. And damn it, and that blyn and ten years in pus wildebeest, duck panichi so garnesenki buli da smili, snatches and th zily"]: Chubinsky 1878, No. I.18:76; Belarusians (Pinsk district of Minsk Gubernia) ["When I was there, I had a beer with honey and pepper, I went past my lips, but my mouth did not float away in poverty. They cut the cow, gave me a piece, but I went to the Susedov hut, walking with its smoke, and the dogs under the floor DAC for the cow and laid it down."]: Shane 1893, No. 127:267.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Rumei (p. Sartan, Mariupol environs, 1950s) ["And I'm buv there, I'll drink the dop'yan, it flowed down my lips, I didn't get into my mouth. Nis you pies and kurubidaa ta fluta (mistseve pechnya) so fat and savory! Chabansky dogs attacked me with rapt on the roads - the trochs did not break. I fell and ruined my hotels myself, turned home with empty hands and torn sleeves"]: Chernishova 1960:99 (including the Rumean original); Kabardian people: Lopatinsky 1891a ["And I'm at the wedding I was drinking med-buzu, which did not prevent me from overhearing the newlyweds talking"; "Thus, the brave man defended his fiancée and saved her from danger forever. The next day they celebrated their wedding, and the young couple healed well. And I was at the wedding, drinking buzu and eating halva. At a time when the khan was giving the rest of the brothers rich gifts, I also got a good dagger; but on the way back they took it away from me"]: 86, 115 (=Aliyeva 1978, No. 7:89; No. 22:207); Kumyks : Barsov 1882, No. 1 (Tarki village) ["There they held a feast for the whole world and feasted for three months. I was also there; I got a good dagger; I wanted to bring it, evil boys took it away from me"]: 128; Dargin residents (Ayamakhi village) ["The king and queen were very happy that their beloved son was found, and his wedding to beautiful Wageg was celebrated with a celebration. I was also there, and I brought you a horse from the wedding ["Or: a scaffold, a needle, or whatever"], but my neighbor took it away from me - go to his stable, you'll find it there"]: Villière de Lisle-Adam 1875:24 (cf. Khalilov 1965 (village. Urakhi, 1936), No. 56 ["And so the young man had a feast, bringing many guests together. I was also invited and received a gold ring from a young hansha, which I wanted to take to my wife. Yes, on the way, I met the miller's wife, and she begged me to give her the ring. I couldn't say no to her!"] ; No. 62 ["Girls who were supposed to be the wives of robbers married peasant brothers. We had fun for three days and three nights. I also attended this wedding, received a silk shawl as a gift, wanted to bring it to my fiancée, but my neighbor Khanum met on the way, and I gave her a handkerchief"]; No. 67 ["They still live and bless a fate that united them for life. At their wedding, they danced continuously for three days and three nights, and then everyone received rich gifts. I was given a wide and long silk belt. I was bringing it as a gift to my fiancée, but my neighbor Khadizhat met on the way. I had to give her a belt!"] : 162, 185, 207; Nazarevich 1975 ["We got married, and the bride was not yet more beautiful in that land than the blue-bird girl. I also attended this wedding, received a handkerchief when gifts were being handed out, but on the way, my neighbor Khadizhat met and I gave her this handkerchief"]: 44; Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 9 (p. Harbuk, 1930) ["Tsatakhan, Chugurchi, Urkhukhup, Lippar and Khunkar stayed at Alikhan Batyr's wedding for a whole month and then returned to their native places. I was also present at Alikhan Batyr's wedding, and the river took away the gifts that I was bringing you"]: 134); varnishes ["Well done, he divided the herds between the village's youth, then they got married and had a feast: the pipes whistled, the tambourines thundered; the people gathered from all over, came blind on chrome, and feasted for three days and three nights. I got a lamb thigh, I went with it to you, and my neighbor's dogs took it away on the road"]: Omar-ogly 1868:50-51 (reprinted with a little processing in Khalilov 1965, No. 36:75; cf. ["Since then, the poor man and his wife have lived well. They had plenty to eat, drink, wear, and hide. They began to live in abundance. They also treated me, and gave me a churek, meat, cheese and a jug of buza on the way. I drank the buza jug myself to quench my thirst, ate the bread and left it for you, and I threw the meat bone to the dogs so that they would not attack me"]: Aliyeva 2013, No. 48:221); Rutultsy (p. Rutul, 1985) ["The wedding lasted forty days and forty nights. Everyone was happy, everyone got lots of gifts. And they gave me a bag of gold and silver, but on the way robbers attacked and took away my gifts"]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 56:506; the Turks ["The Padishah happily ordered me to illuminate and decorate the city for three days, ordered arrange a feast, and then gave his daughter to the lumberjack because he saved her. Forty days and forty nights celebrate a wedding and make him a young husband, and the woodcutter, having got rid of his wife, who fell into a well, lives in peace with the girls he took until his death. And when I heard about the wedding, I went; they gave me some saffron saw. As I was walking along the road, the barking dog, har-har, grabbed my leg; I threw my saws out of my hands and started running; a mouse jumped out in front of me. While she was jumping back and forth, an Arab came from somewhere. He yelled, "Grab it, hit her!" - and the mouse jumped into my nose in fear, I sneezed, and the Arab said: "May Allah send you trouble!" - and punched me in the back of the head: I thought my eyes came out on my forehead. If you hurry to the wedding, a mouse will get into your nose!"] : Dmitriev 1967, No. 55:311.

Iran - Central Asia. Turkmens: Stebleva 1969, No. 20 ["This is how Karadzha-batyr killed his brothers, received his peri, set a feast for forty days and nights, and achieved the goal of his desire. I also attended this feast and left with a bone wrapped in the floor. Yes, my maternal grandfather's puppy rushed at me on the way. I wanted to throw a ball of earth at him, but I mistakenly threw a bone. This is where the puppy ate it"]; No. 24 ["On this occasion, a feast was held for several days and nights, sheep were slaughtered, pilaf was cooked. I also carried a bowl of pilaf and a huge bone from that feast. But suddenly I stumbled on the road - the pilaf crumbled on the ground. And the dog Akbilek stole the bone. This is how I stayed hungry"]; No. 33 ["The young man wholeheartedly thanked the bird and let it go. Then he held a wedding feast for forty days and nights and married Peri. I was at that feast too. And I got a big bone at that feast. I would have brought it to you, but the dog Alabay snatched it out of my hand and ran away"]: 65-66, 124, 179.

(Wed. Turkestan. Uighurs (no place of recording) ["I was at that feast too. They gave me a pair of boots, but it turns out that I lost them on the way"]: Aliyeva 1971:21).