Yu.E. Berezkin, E.N. Duvakin

Thematic classification and distribution of folklore and mythological motifs by area

Analytical catalogue translated by Jon F White

Ethnicities and habitats

N20. We have achieved our wishes .


fairy tale text ends with a formula that says that the characters have achieved their desires, goals and/or happiness, or that God has fulfilled their wishes.

Karaites, Crimean Tatars, Kumyks, Lurs, Rutulans, Tatas, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Turks, Kurds, Persians, Lurs, Bakhtiyars, Tajiks, Tajiks, Tajiks of Sistan, Mountain Tajiks, Yagnobs, Shugnans, Sarykol, Yazgulyam, Vakhans, Ishkashim, Baluchis, Parachi, Uzbeks, Bukhara Arabs, Turkmens, Paryas, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Karakalpaks, Uighurs.

Caucasus - Asia Minor. Karaites [two companion merchants: Haji Mustafa in Aleppo and Haji Osman Efendi in Damascus; taking his son and leaving his daughter Shamsha Khan (Sultan Khan from the middle of the story) at home, XM goes to meet with HO; the imam accidentally saw SHH, hired a witch to lure her into the bathhouse; SHH made a hole in her pocket and put millet in to find her way home in the evening; in the bathhouse, the imam tried to take possession of it, but she let him in soap in her eyes, broke the glass ceiling to make the fragments fall, and ran away; the imam had to pay for the pogrom; he wrote to SH's father about her debauchery; he sent his son to kill his sister; her brother left her in the woods and he brought his father a shirt soaked in rabbit blood; SHH climbed a tree, Sheikhzade hunted, saw her and married; when he returned home, HM repented; when he learned from his son that he did not kill the SHH, he built a caravanserai , where, instead of paying, guests were required to tell a story; the school gave birth to three children; her husband let her see her father; on the way, the vizier stabbed her children and tried to take possession of it; she asked for time off out of need, tied a rope and ran away; dressed as a shepherd and went to the caravanserai that her father had built; when all the participants in the story had gathered there, she spoke about what had happened; the imam and vizier were hanged; Sheikhzade and Sultan Khan's wishes have come true; let those who listen or read this story also achieve their goal]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 79; Crimean Tatars [they have achieved their goal - the hearts of lovers unite; may Allah help us all achieve our goals]: Zherdeva 2020, No. 72; Kumyks ["The boy and the girl climbed down from the trees, continued their journey and achieved their desires"]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 14:179; Lucky ["From that day on, having achieved their goal, they began to live [peacefully]. Leaving them happy there, I came home"]: Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 6:106; Rutultsy ["The wedding lasted forty days and forty nights. Young people have achieved their happiness. May Allah grant that you, who have listened to this fairy tale, also achieve your happiness!"] : Ganiyeva 2011b, No. 34:327; tatas: Kukullu 1974, No. 2 (Derbent, 1939) ["They have achieved all their desires, and we will rest for a while"]; No. 11 (Makhachkala, 1962) ["His beautiful bride is waiting for this in the palace. He embraced her and achieved all the joys of life"]; No. 32 (Khasavyurt, 1964) ["Thus, with his patience and ability to serve people kindly, Yakub achieved great success and left a good memory of himself. May our wishes and hopes come true!"] : 37, 102, 250; Armenians: Borovkov 1938 ["The young man finished his trade, took the girl and went with her to his home. Their wedding lasted seven days and seven nights. He has achieved his goal, so do you achieve your aspirations"]: 81; Ganalanyan 1965 ["They found their happiness and wish you the same"; "They have achieved your goal, may you also achieve your goal. Three apples fell from the sky: one to the one who told, the other to the one who listened, and the third to the one who heard it"; "He has achieved his cherished goal and you will achieve yours"; "They have achieved your goal, and you will achieve yours. Three apples fell from the sky: one to the narrator, the other to the one who listened, and the third to the one who listened"; "They have achieved their happiness, may you also achieve yours. Three apples fell from the sky: one for me, the other for the one who listened, and the third for the one who heard it"; "They have achieved their goal, may you also achieve yours. Three apples fell from the sky: one for the narrator, the other for the one who listened, and the third for the one who heard it"; "They have achieved happiness, may you also reach yours"; "As he found his happiness, let you find yours too!" ; "They have achieved their goal, and may you achieve yours. Three apples fell from the sky: one to the one who told, the other to the one who listened, and the third to the one who heard it"; "They have achieved their goal, may we achieve ours"; "They have achieved their most cherished, and you yours achieve it"; "They have achieved their goal, may you reach yours"; "They have achieved their happiness, may you achieve yours too"]: 48, 104, 120, 133, 153, 188, 311, 315, 326, 331, 338, 362, 368; Orbeli 1982, No. 51 (Mox) ["Seven cities were given to that servant. He went, sat down in his house, achieved what he wanted"]: 95; Azerbaijanis: Bagriy, Zeynally 1935 ["They lived, made their father and mother happy and achieved what they wanted"; "So Peri-khanum achieved what she wanted"; "They ate, drank and achieved their goal; let those who have not yet achieved it also find it; They lived satisfactorily, for their own pleasure, and descended into the ground when they wanted. All you have to do is step over the century and also achieve what you want. May God grant all of you to achieve what you want!" ; "They got married there again for forty days, forty nights, after which they achieved what they wanted. Three apples fell from the sky: one is yours, one is mine, and one is a fairy tale teller. He ate, went to the ground, but you eat and indulge in life"; "Forty days and forty nights were married. This is how Kurban's wish came true"]: 188, 269, 339, 407, 465, 625; Borovkov 1938 ["Then Shah Abbas became engaged to a girl, they took gold and jewelry from the dervish palace, returned to the capital and arranged such a lavish and rich wedding that it cannot be described in words. The feast lasted seven days and seven nights. The girl's wish came true. I also wish you to achieve all your desires"]: 26; Ioannisian 1968 [they have achieved their desires, and you will achieve yours]: 123; Turks: Dmitriev 1967, No. 1 ["They have achieved their desires, they would achieve and us"]; No. 6 ["They have achieved their goal, and we will lie on the bed! Three apples fell from the sky. One for me, another for Hyusney, and the third for the person who told the story. What am I going to do? Yes, one out of three is for you"; No. 9 ["They have achieved their goal - I hear, and we will climb to the roof"]; No. 14 ["After the wedding celebrations at forty days, forty nights, he reconnects with the girl, achieves his wishes and spends his time in pleasure until he dies. They have achieved their desires, so would we!"] ; No. 16 ["After a wedding celebration of forty days, forty nights, on Friday night the boy becomes a young husband, and both achieve their wishes. They have reached their utmost joy, and we should sit on the ship's mast!"] ; No. 18 ["They have achieved their goal - I hear, and we will climb to the roof"]; No. 20 ["Then they rearrange the wedding party at forty days, forty nights; well done, takes the girl for himself and achieves his wishes"]; No. 22 ["And they achieved their desires"]; No. 23 ["They have achieved their desires - we would too!"] ; No. 26 ["They have achieved their desires, so would we. Three apples fell from the sky; one to the one who told the fairy tale; the other to the one who wrote the fairy tale, and the third to the one who translated it"]; No. 27 ["They achieved their desires, and we would too!"] ; No. 29 ["After they have celebrated their wedding for forty days, forty nights, they connect with each other and achieve their wishes"]; No. 30 ["They have achieved their goal, and we will climb the walls!"] ; No. 34 ["And now, having a new wedding at forty days and forty nights, they achieve their desires"]; No. 35 ["They have achieved their desires, so would we!"] ; No. 37 ["They have also achieved their desires and, under the auspices of the Padishah, are spending their lives happily"]; No. 38 ["They have achieved their desires - we would also achieve it! Three apples fell from the sky. One to Aunt Rehima, the other to me, and the third to the one who told the fairy tale"]; No. 39 ["They have achieved their desires, so would we!"] ; No. 45 ["Bey buys a conak in that country, again after the wedding at forty days, takes the girl for the second time for forty nights, achieves their desire, and they live in that place until they die. They have achieved their desire, and we would too!"] ; No. 46 ["The wedding feast was going on for forty days, forty nights; on the forty-first night he entered Gerdek, and they achieved their wishes. This is the end of this fairy tale, and that's it!"] ; No. 48 ["For her patience, the girl gets rid of the hardships in life and achieves her desires"]; No. 49 ["And Bey ordered her to be tied to the tails of forty mules, ordered each mule to be whipped, and mules rushed to the mountains. The Arab woman was beating from stone to stone, and the girl and hit achieved her desires"]; No. 51 ["They have achieved their goal, I hear, and we will climb to the roof!"] ; No. 58 ["On this side, well done, together with a woman, comes to his homeland in a few days, settles in his konak, marries a woman; arrange a wedding, and they achieve their desires"]; No. 60 ["They've achieved their goal - know, at least you can climb the wall!"] ; No. 63 ["The girl is reengaged to him, and after celebrating the wedding at forty days, forty nights, they achieve their wishes"]; No. 64 ["After a wedding party of forty days, forty nights, one Friday night, they unite and achieve their desires"]; No. 74 ["Immediately he makes him his muejim bashi, favors him with konaks and other gifts, and his wife achieves her wish come true. They live in complete peace until their death"]; No. 75 ["They have achieved their goal - we would also achieve it!"] ; No. 77 ["After a wedding party at forty days, forty nights, the boy becomes young, remains alone with his girlfriend, achieves his desire, and lives alone until his death. They have achieved their wishes - we would too!"] : 39, 68, 84, 104, 113, 126, 139, 155, 161, 179, 186, 196, 200, 215, 220, 229, 232, 235, 272, 275, 287, 290, 297, 323, 329, 344, 351, 390, 398, 416; Kúnos 1901 ["But the Padishah and his wife lived happily together, and the king's son who had been a stag abode with them; and they gave a great banquet, which last four days and four nights; and they attached their desires, and may ye, O my readers, attain your desires likewise"; "So they had the desire of their hearts, and may Allah satisfy your desires likewise"; "Thereupon they made them such a banquet that even after forty days they had not got to the end of it. So they had their hearts' desires, and ate and drink and rejoined with a great joy. May we too get the desires of our hearts, with good eating and drinking to comfort us!"] : 11, 29, 175; Kurds: Rudenko 1970, No. 5 (Yerevan) ["Their wish has come true, may yours also come true"]; No. 13 (recorded from a native of Kars Province) ["They have achieved their wish, and you will achieve yours"]; No. 22 (recorded from a native of the Kars region) ["Their wish has been fulfilled, and yours will also come true"]; No. 26 (Tbilisi) ["Their wish has come true, and our fairy tale is over"]; No. 31 (Mary) ["They have achieved their desire, and I hope you will achieve your goal"]; No. 42 ( recorded in Firuz from a native of Khorasan) ["They have achieved their wish, and I have fulfilled your request"]; No. 44 (Tbilisi) ["They have achieved their desire, and I hope you will achieve your goal"]; No. 45 (Tbilisi) ["So Ahmad achieved his wish. May God grant you to achieve your goal too!"] ; № 47 (Tbilisi) ["They have achieved their desire, and it would be nice for us to achieve our goal"]; № 50 (recorded from a native of Kars Province) ["This is how they all achieved their wish"]; No. 51 (Tbilisi) ["They have achieved their wish, and we have finished our story"]; No. 53 (Tbilisi) ["They have achieved their wish and you will hopefully achieve your goal"]; No. 54 (recorded from a native of the Kars region) ["They have achieved their wish, and you will achieve yours"]; No. 55 (Tbilisi) ["Their wish has come true and our fairy tale is over"]; No. 56 (recorded in Firuz from a native of Khorasan) ["They have achieved their desire"]; No. 57 (Tbilisi) ["This is how Mirza-Mamud and Golizar achieved our desire, and we finished our fairy tale"]; No. 60 (recorded in Firuz from a native of Khorasan) ["Their wish is fulfilled, let yours also come true"]: 24, 37, 50, 61, 77, 103, 115, 126, 136, 155, 174, 192, 197, 202, 204, 209, 227; Jalil et al. 1989 (Armenia), No. 1 ["They have found their happiness and you rejoice in your happiness and the happiness of your relatives"]; No. 2 ["They have found their happiness, and you are happy with your relatives"]; No. 2 ["They have found their happiness, have achieved your happiness, and you rejoice in your happiness"; No. 5 ["A brave young man has achieved his happiness, and you rejoice in yours"]; No. 6 ["Everyone has found their happiness, let your happiness not pass you by!"] ; No. 8 ["They have achieved their desires, so would you achieve yours!"] ; No. 10 ["As they have achieved their happiness, you will also be lucky"]; No. 12 ["They have achieved their desires, and you will also achieve yours. And let your mother be happy at your wedding!"] ; No. 13 ["They have achieved their wishes, and you will also achieve what you want"]; No. 15 ["They have achieved their happiness, and we will end there"]; No. 20 ["They have achieved their desires, and you will achieve yours"]; No. 27 ["They have achieved their happiness, and you will achieve yours"]; No. 65 ["They have achieved their happiness. And we'll finish our story here. So much for you and Hasan Basrai"]; No. 78 ["They have found their happiness, and we wish you the same"]; No. 84 ["They have achieved their happiness, so would you achieve yours!"] ; [{from the comments} "Usub and Gulizar have achieved their happiness, and I wish you to achieve your goal. God will please us with your happiness"; "Their wishes have been fulfilled, so may yours come true"]: 46, 59, 89, 97, 117, 134, 155, 167, 203, 229, 272, 328, 350, 374, 573, 578.

Iran - Central Asia. Persians: Rosenfeld 1956 ["As they have achieved their goal, so will you achieve yours"; "As they have achieved their goal, so will you"; "As they have achieved their desires, so will you reach your own. Our fairy tale has come to an end - the crow did not reach its nest"]: 83, 149, 213; Ottomans 1958 ["Just as their wishes were fulfilled, let yours be fulfilled"; "May our aspirations be fulfilled as well as The wishes of the hunter's son came true"; "Just as this girl and shahzade achieved their wishes, may the wishes of all lovers come true"; "Just as the wish of a bald shepherd came true, yes All the aspirations of the suffering will be fulfilled"; "Just as Najma's wish has been fulfilled, may yours also be fulfilled, in the name of Allah"; "Just as the wishes of a young man were fulfilled, let yours be fulfilled"; "Just as the wishes of a young man were fulfilled"; "Just as the wishes of a young man were fulfilled, let yours Shahzadeh's wish is fulfilled, may the wishes of all lovers come true"; "May you achieve your desires, as he achieved his wishes come true"; "As their wishes come true, let everyone have come true"]: 24, 49, 61, 84, 114, 122, 136, 160, 197; Jaliashvili, Faras 1967 (Isfahan) ["May God fulfill our wishes as he fulfilled that girl's wish"; "How God fulfilled the wishes of a girl and a boy, let him make our wishes come true!"] : 64, 170; Persians [the older sister promises to dress the army if she is presented as a vizier, the middle sister promises to feed the army, the younger sister promises to give birth to the Shah a gold-haired son, who, if she laughs, falls out of his mouth roses, tears - pearls and precious stones; sisters put the puppy, the baby is put in the oven in the bath; the shah lodged his wife in the kennel like a dog; the bathhouse attendant picks up the baby, gets rich; the Shah's new wife pretends sick, asks to bring lion's milk in the skin torn off a lion on the back of another lion; the shah sends the adopted son of a bathhouse attendant; the mother of the divas teaches that the main lion has a splinter in his leg; the young man heals him, that's all suits; bring a mare with 40 foals; bring a self-swinging cradle; a diva tells her mother about two girls bathing, you have to hide their dress, they will give a cradle; the shah sees how a young man, a bathhouse worker who works as an assistant beats a wooden donkey to eat barley; when asked by the Shah, he answers: if the Shah's wife has given birth to a puppy, why does the wooden donkey not eat barley; the Shah asks the bathhouse attendant returns his wife and son, ties her sisters by their hair to the tails of horses; that woman and her son have achieved their goal, so let my friends also achieve their goals and desires]: Osmanov 1987:131-146; Lurs [ every year, the king's sea mare gives birth to a foal that hides in the sea; contrary to the king's prohibition, his son grabs a newborn foal; he does not advise doing so: you will make trouble; the king's wife suggests himself to the prince; he refuses; the foal warns twice that his stepmother is going to poison him; then, on the advice of the old woman, the queen pretended to be sick, asked for foal meat; the foal agreed with prince; when the tsar is going to slaughter the foal, the prince asks for a last ride; he sits on his foal and jumps to another city; the horse gives him hairs to summon him, and to the city Let the prince go without him; the prince took the form of a deserted bastard, began to live with an old woman; the tsar has 7 daughters, each with her own hawk; whoever he sits on, the princess will marry; the youngest hawk many times He sits on the young man's head; they were placed in a cane hut; the young man did not touch the princess with a knife between them; the king went blind in grief, he was advised to eat wild meat; the imaginary bastard too he drove an old mare, but then summoned his horse; after getting meat, the young man gave it to his older sons-in-law for permission to stigmatize their backs; the young man uttered a spell: let the carcasses become bitter, and only the heads and hooves (trotter) that he kept for himself were delicious; the meat did not help, and the decoction of heads and hooves healed the king; the neighboring king attacked, the young man defeated his army; as a reward he asked for the return of 6 slaves; the king saw the stigma; handed the crown to his younger son-in-law, but he refused; the wedding; they achieved their wishes come true, let all friends achieve their own]: Amanolahi, Thackston 1986, No. 10:47- 53; Bakhtiyars: Lorimer, Lorimer 1919, No. 34 ["Now just as this man attached his desire, so may you, my friends, and I attain ours!"] ; № 41 ["Thus every one who practices patience in the end attains his desire, just as did this youngest daughter of the King"]: 231, 287; Sistan's Tajiks: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1981, No. 1 [" May God, as he fulfilled their wishes, fulfill the wishes of all Muslims"]; No. 2 ["May the Lord fulfill the wishes of all Muslims as he fulfilled the wishes of Hanjarsho"]; No. 3 ["And as the Lord fulfilled Otam and Tai's wishes, may he fulfill the wishes of all Muslims"]; No. 4 ["And may the Lord fulfill the wishes of all Muslims as he fulfilled the wishes of Amir-Amza"]; No. 5 ["May the Lord fulfill the wishes of others Muslims as he fulfilled the wishes of Malik Muhammad"]; No. 6 ["And as God fulfilled his wishes, let him fulfill the wishes of all Muslims in the same way"]; No. 7 ["And as God has fulfilled their desires, may he fulfill their wishes the wishes of all Muslims!"] ; No. 8 ["May the Lord, just as he fulfilled Hassan's wishes, fulfill the wishes of all Muslims"]; No. 9 ["May the Lord, as he fulfilled the wishes of Malik-Muhammad, fulfill the wishes of all Muslims"]; No. 11 [" May the Lord, just as he satisfied their wishes, satisfy the wishes of all Muslims"]; No. 13 ["May the Lord, just as he fulfilled Pleshak's wish, fulfill the wishes of all Muslims"]; No. 15 ["Let the Lord fulfill the wishes of all Muslims" God, just as he fulfilled their wishes, will fulfill the wishes of all Muslims. They say so, but who saw it?"] ; № 17 ["And may the Lord fulfill the wishes of all Muslims as he fulfilled Khaidarbek's wishes"]; No. 20 ["And let God fulfill Teymur's wish, he will fulfill the wishes of all Muslims"]; No. 21 ["And May the Lord, just as he fulfilled the wishes of King Kei-Kavus, fulfill the wishes of all Muslims"]: 24, 39, 52, 64, 76, 81, 103-104, 118, 131, 149, 155, 174, 215, 239, 249; Tajiks ["All their desires come true, and may yours come true"]: Osmanov 1989:483-484; mountain Tajiks: Rosenfeld, Rychkova 1990, No. 1 ["They have achieved their goal, you will also achieve your wishes"]; No. 3 ["They have achieved their goal, you will also achieve your wishes"]; No. 3 ["They you have achieved your goal, you will achieve yours"]; No. 6 ["He has achieved his goal, God willing, you will achieve yours"]; No. 13 ["She has achieved her goal, you will achieve yours"]; No. 15 ["They have achieved their goal, you have achieved yours" yours"]; No. 17 ["As they have achieved their goal, so will you achieve your desires"]; No. 24 ["They have achieved what they want. May you also achieve what you want"; No. 26 ["Shah Misra ruled with his wife and achieved what he wanted"]; No. 27 ["This is how they both achieved what they wanted. May we also be able to achieve the same"]; No. 28 ["He achieved his goals and desires"]; No. 31 ["This is how they achieved their desires, the prince became Shah, and the Shah remained a vezir with him. They have achieved their wishes, God willing, and you will achieve what you want"; No. 32 ["He has achieved his goal, you will also achieve yours"]; No. 43 ["They have achieved what you want, you and we will also achieve what you want"] ; № 58 ["They achieved their goal, even if you will achieve your wishes come true"]; [{from the text in the comments} "This is how they achieved their goals and desires. Maybe you will also achieve what you want"]: 37, 41, 47, 62, 74, 94, 107, 113-115, 128, 133, 146, 163, 217; Yagnobtsy: Andreev, Peschereva 1957, No. 1 ["Then they achieved their desires. They were there, I left them, they came (here)"; No. 2 ["They let go of all the birds, they achieved their desires"]; No. 3 ["Both of them were there, achieving their desire and purpose. They were there, we left them, they came (here)"; No. 4 ["They achieved their goals, desires, and I stayed, came (here)"; No. 5 ["They achieved their goals, desires, I left them, came (here)"]; No. 10 ["They went, they achieved desires and aspirations"]; No. 11 ["The king has achieved his goal and desire. The king said to the herd, "Go get me three horses." The herdsman brought three horses to the king. The king said, "Bring another wife out and tie her to the tails of three horses." He said to the herd: "Whip the horses." They grabbed their wife (horses) and ran away to the steppe. They lay her down (to death), the woman burst to pieces"]; No. 12 ["They achieved their goals and desires. They are there, and I have come here"]; No. 15 ["Everyone has achieved their goals and desires"]; No. 20 ["Then the king becomes merry, they achieve their goals and desires"]; No. 24 ["All four have put on, achieved their goals, desires"]; No. 26 ["The three of them they achieved their goals and desires there, began to live (there)"; No. 27 ["We achieved our goals and desires. They stayed there, and we left (them), came (here)"; No. 28 ["They achieved their goal, their desires, and I stayed, came (here)"; No. 29 ["They all achieved their goals, desires, had a feast and fun"]; No. 31 [" We achieved goals and desires"]; No. 39 ["The fox achieved her goal and desire, deceived the wolf. He stayed there, I'm here"]; No. 42 ["The young man took his wife, achieved his goals, desires"]; No. 45 ["Achieved goals, desires"]: 25, 30, 46, 51, 59, 87, 89-90, 96, 114, 123, 126, 138, 142, 149, 161, 184, 192, 210; Schugnans: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 2 ["He reached happiness and the throne, but my fairy tale was over"]; No. 3 ["This is how he received the throne and happiness, and I got a lame donkey, he waddled and waddled - that's it My fairy tale is over"]; No. 4 ["The king took his youngest daughter as his wife. He celebrated his wedding for seven days, reached the throne and happiness. And her sisters were brought into their house and made maids. This is how my fairy tale ended"]; No. 5 ["The king was happy, and I was given a lame donkey, which I could hardly get here"]; No. 6 ["And the younger prince returned to his wife, and they were happy. As soon as I was given a quiver donkey, he waddles and limps, waddles and limps... so my fairy tale is over"]; No. 20 ["The king had a feast. His daughter and son-in-law reached the throne and happiness, and they gave me a lame donkey, he waddled and waddled, and somehow drove me home"]; No. 24 ["They got married and he achieved happiness"]; No. 32 ["He had a feast for seven days and reached the throne and happiness"; No. 43 ["The king gave his daughter to a hashish smoker. He reached the throne and happiness, and my fairy tale was over"]: 73, 84, 91, 101, 108, 235, 258, 326, 378; Sarykol residents: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 9 ["This is how Malik-Hasan achieved happiness and prosperity "]; No. 27 ["This is how Joneyhair achieved happiness and prosperity"]; No. 55 ["This is how husband and wife achieved happiness and prosperity"]; No. 65 ["The prince became king of kings, achieved his desire"]: 132, 285, 443, 490; Yazgulyam residents: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 19 ["This is how Bald and his wife achieved their goals and dreams. God willing, we will achieve our goals"]; No. 25 ["This is how they achieved both the throne and happiness. May we also get happiness and everything we want"; No. 29 ["And they achieved their goals and desires. God willing, and we will achieve"]; No. 41 ["And they achieved everything they wanted"]; No. 44 ["This is how they achieved their goals and desires"]; No. 46 ["This is how they achieved both the throne and happiness. They have achieved their wishes. God willing, we will also reach"]: 223, 266, 302, 361, 383, 400; Vakhans: Pakhalina 1975 (p. Ishmyrg, Afghanistan, 1969) ["They made this (former) king again. And Shoijon became a vizier in front of his father. And they achieved their desire, began to live in happiness and prosperity. And they don't need God's help"]: 172; Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 1 ["This is how they achieved happiness and the throne, achieved their desires and plans. God willing, and in a short time you will return to your parents, achieve your wishes come true, finish your teachings well, live a long life"]; No. 8 ["He has reached both happiness and the throne"]; No. 13 ["Bet and he also put the princess on the royal throne and reached happiness and the throne"]; No. 14 ["Thus he achieved both happiness and the throne"]; No. 16 ["His father became a sultan, and put his son on the royal throne, and he reached happiness and throne"]; No. 17 ["The Tsarevich and the daughter of the Vezir got rid of their worries, reached happiness and the throne"]; No. 18 ["So Kokulzarin and his wife became happy, and you too, one way or another, will become kings you will achieve the throne and find happiness"]; No. 21 ["And they reached happiness and the throne"]; No. 28 ["This is how they achieved happiness"]; No. 30 ["They have reached happiness and the throne, God willing, you too will become kings and will be happy"]; No. 49 ["This is how he reached happiness and the throne. God willing, and you will reach it"]; No. 63 ["Then he took this ring and went to his palace, and he and the princess reached happiness and the throne"]: 60, 125, 172, 180, 194, 199, 213, 240, 293, 308, 418, 471; Shaw 1876 [ "His wife appeared, and he attached to his desire"]: 37; Ishkashim: Grunberg, Steblin-Kamensky 1976, No. 15 ["They made Amad king, and they achieved their happiness and prosperity"]; No. 42 ["He became king of that country too, so they achieved happiness and prosperity"]: 186, 374; Baluchi: Zarubin 1932, No. 4 ["Now everyone has achieved their desire. I ran out of there, quit it, gained prosperity for myself, a bride for you"]; No. 6 ["Just as he achieved what he wanted, may God grant his humble desires first to you, then to me, and then to everyone in general"]: 60, 90; 1949, No. 4 ["All three got married and achieved their wishes come true"]: 52; Uzbeks: Baskakov 1951 (Khojeyli and Turtkul districts, Karakalpakstan) ["So he is again united with his wife and achieved his goal"; "Thus, the bald liar took the padishah's only daughter and achieved his goal and aspirations"]: 294, 303; Borovkov 1938 ["The Tsar had a feast with a mountain and passed off his daughter as a bald man. Bald achieved his wishes"]: 39; Sheverdin 1984 ["This is how honest Tugry achieved everything he wanted, and the dishonest Egra was punished as he deserved"; "This is how Husnobad achieved his wishes come true"; "So the old man and the old woman achieved her desires"; "This is how the poor man's son achieved his desires"; "This is how Mukbil the thrower and Mehri-Nigar achieved their desires"; "This is how they achieved their desires and goals"; "This is how they healed with Tulgana and achieved their desire"; "This is how the whole family of farmhand Hasan, having achieved their desires and goals, lived a happy life"; "Thus, the people were freed from the oppression of the Shah, and the prince achieved fulfillment your desires. I attended that wedding, ate pilaf, smeared bacon on my mustache and beard and returned home"; "This is how he achieved his wishes come true"; "Mamat sold some of the rams, then married his father and also married himself, got a job and reached everyone his desires"; "Bald began to rule the state and achieved what he wanted"; "After that, Bakhtiyar-Pleshivy married the daughter of bay and achieved all his desires"]: 18, 30, 74, 91, 97, 112, 121, 167, 211, 224, 233, 239, 242; Bukhara Arabs: Vinnikov 1969, No. 2 ["He achieved the object of his desires"]; No. 3 ["He achieved his object of desires and goals. All of you will achieve the goal and object of your desires!"] ; No. 4 ["He achieved his object of desires and goals"]; No. 5 ["He achieved his object of desires and goals"]; No. 6 ["The dervish has achieved his object of desires and goals"]; No. 7 ["He has achieved his object of desires and goals"]; No. 8 ["The stone] achieved his object of desires and goals"]; No. 9 ["He achieved his object of desires and goals"]; No. 10 ["The girl has achieved her object of desires and goals"]; No. 11 ["She has achieved her object of desires and goals" achieved"]; No. 12 ["The young man achieved his desires and goals. You will also reach it!"] ; No. 14 ["They achieved their object of desires and goals"]; No. 15 ["He achieved his object of desires and goals. You will also reach it!"] ; No. 16 ["He achieved his object of desires and goals"]; No. 17 ["Both of them achieved their heart desires"]; No. 18 ["Najmon achieved his object of desires and goals"]; No. 19 ["They have achieved their object of desires and goals" achieved"]; No. 20 ["They achieved their object of desire and purpose"]; No. 24 ["They achieved their object of desire and purpose"]; No. 25 ["They achieved their object of desire and purpose"]; No. 28 ["Joseph saw his father, he achieved the object of his desires and goals"]; No. 29 ["Whatever he did, he achieved the subject of his desires and goals"]; No. 30 ["They have achieved their object of desires and goals"]; No. 31 ["He has achieved the object of his desires and goals achieved"]; No. 32 ["He achieved his object of desires and goals"]; No. 33 ["He achieved his object of desires and goals. May you and I also achieve our goals and desires!"] ; No. 36 ["He achieved his object of desires and goals"]; No. 48 ["She achieved her object of desires and goals. You will also achieve your desired and goal! May Allah grant you a long life!"] ; No. 49 ["She achieved her object of desire and goal. You will also achieve your desired and goal!"] ; No. 51 ["She achieved her wish and goal"]: 23, 32, 42, 52, 56, 62, 67, 71, 75, 79, 88, 98, 101, 104, 116, 124, 128, 139, 163, 166, 178, 190, 195, 202, 212, 221, 239, 302, 304, 309; parachi ["They attached the object of their wishes, and the tale is finished, too"]: Morgenstierne 1929, #11:171 (cf. ["There they gave a feast, and they also gave every one a scarf aud a dress. They married this girl to Mahmad Hanifa Sahib. Then the soldiers tool leave. So we have arrived at our goal, and you, too. The tale is finished"]: Morgenstierne 1929, #6:137); (cf. ormurs (Logar) ["May God fulfill their wish there, and ours here"]: Efimov 1986, No. 36:283); Turkmens: Baskakov 1951 (Khojeyli and Turtkul districts, Karakalpakstan) ["After that, buy killed with a thing and, having lost all his possessions, moved on. And the poor son thus became rich and achieved his goal"; "By uniting with her children, the woman achieved her goal"]: 286, 306Stebleva 1969, No. 20 ["So Karadzha-batyr killed his brothers, received his peri, had a feast for forty days and nights, and achieved the goal of his wish. I also attended this feast and left with a bone wrapped in the floor. Yes, my maternal grandfather's puppy rushed at me on the way. I wanted to throw a ball of earth at him, but I mistakenly threw a bone. Then the puppy ate it"]; No. 25 ["And Kelje took all the goods left of the khan and what belonged to the deva and brought it to his mother. This is how Kelce Batyr achieved his goal of desire, saying: "Cunning is also heroic if you can use it when necessary"]; No. 29 ["This is how the poor man achieved his goal. He took his tablecloth and donkey and healed happily"]; No. 44 ["Yartygulak, on the other hand, learned all human secrets, spoke to everyone about his vices in the face, did not hold malice in his heart, called the truth true, and the lie - untrue, did not approve of cunning and cunning, was truthful and honest, and eventually achieved all his desires fulfilled"]; No. 49 ["The padishah was amazed at this and has since forbidden leaving old people in the desert. And in honor of a young man who listened to his father's advice and did the right thing, he held a feast for forty days and nights, and the young man achieved all his desires"]; No. 50 ["The padishah took the heroic shepherd as his strongman, and his fame spread across seven belts of the earth and the hero shepherd achieved the goal of his desire"]: 65-66, 128, 154, 237, 272, 277; Korogly 1991 [dastan endings: "This is how the lovers achieved what they want"; "They achieved what you wanted. Friends were happy, but the enemies were sad"; "The lovers achieved their desires. Kerem found the throne and restored the people's lost peace"; "The lovers achieved their desires"; "This is how Kassym-jan received both the throne and wealth. He became a padishah and, having married Melika, achieved all his goals and desires"; "They achieved the goal of their desires"]: 111, 126, 157, 174, 224, 245; Parya: Orange 1977, No. 1 ["The people informed the padishah set a feast. He achieved his wish and (a) I'm back. The end"]; No. 5 ["The padishah returned and came to his home. I saw that he had two sons. The padishah returned, then had a feast, achieved his goal and desire"; No. 6 ["The Padishah gave Gunan (as his wife) his daughter. Gunan feasted for three days and three nights. This is how he achieved his goal and desire"; No. 8 ["Peri took a jug of water. The young man looked, (sees) it is his wife. Then the young man said: "tawb". This is how he achieved his goal and desire"]: 153, 160-161.

Volga - Perm. Bashkirs: Bessonov 1941, No. 3 ["They all lived in great joy and achieved all their desires fulfilled"]; No. 18 ["After that he reigned unanimously with the Unknown and achieved all his desires"]; No. 35 ["The old man brought his daughter-in-law to his house, had a great wedding feast, and they achieved all their desires"]; No. 75 ["They achieved all their wishes"]: 46, 118, 201, 329.

Turkestan. Kazakhs: Baskakov 1951 (Takhtakupyr, Muynak, Kungrad districts, Karakalpakstan) ["The boy went to the girl's house and achieved his goal"; "So, a lame boy killed that padishah, married him wives and achieved her goal"; "After that, she was happy, brought her brother home, married the brother of those two girls, became rich and achieved all [her] goals"]: 79, 125, 265; Sidelnikov 1958 (the place of recording is not specified) ["So Bekzhan achieved his goal"]: 407; Sidelnikov 1962 [(from materials by Ch. Valikhanova; the place of recording is not specified) "Thus, they began to live together with a friend and achieved all their hopes"; (Kazaly district of Kucherbayevskaya volost, Syr-Darya region) "Thanks to her intelligence, she she achieved happiness, and the people were saved from death by Kyzyl-Batyr"]: 78, 80; Sidelnikov 1964 (no place of recording) ["This is how the slave achieved happiness by his honesty"]: 115; Bosingen 1985 (no place of recording indicated) ["This is how they achieved prosperity"; "Thus, the mouse achieved its goal and began to live in its burrow. You should never offend a weak person too much, if only because the weak can find completely unexpected support from the outside - even stronger"]: 29, 32; Karakalpaks (Takhtakupyr, Karauzyak, Chimboy, Kegeyli, Beruni, Turtkul districts) ["The fox came and also ate its meat. Her goal was achieved, and at the same time the fairy tale was over"; "When he came to the girl's village, he took the girl [as his wife] and returned home. Then he had a feast and thus achieved his goal"; "So he took that wife of his, dressed [her in beautiful clothes] and, having achieved his goal, began to live"; "Having achieved his goal, he arranged a solemn feast"; "Thus, he achieved his goal"; "Thus, he got his wife himself and achieved his deli"; "Their eyes met, both siblings united and achieved their goal and wishes"; "Thus [everyone] achieved their goals"; "When he came to his parents and saw them, his father had a feast for a few days, and [dzhigit] achieved his goal and desires"; "So, the divas came home, and Avez-Murat thus achieved his goal (that is, he drove the divas away)"; "When they returned to their country, the padishah's men followed them, but did not catch up with the boy, and he returned safely to his country and achieved [all] his goals"]: Baskakov 1951:39, 52, 54, 56, 114, 117, 148, 161, 172, 189, 290, 299; Karakalpaks [bay has three wives, each wife has a daughter; once was about to go somewhere, but a serpent wrapped around the stirrup; bai hit the snake with a kamcha, but he only wrapped around the knee of the bay; then around the neck; bai consistently offers the snake to each of the three wives, starting with the eldest, then each of the daughters; the serpent let the bay go after promising to give him his youngest daughter; will return in a month; the youngest daughter listened to her father; asked her aunt to sew her hedgehog fur coat; put on and waited for a snake; snakes to the girl: Hedgehog hedgehog, hedgehog! Throw off your hedgehog coat! Girl: Serpent-Snake-Snake, Snake! Throw off your snake coat! The serpent threw off his snakeskin and turned out to be a beautiful horseman; the girl threw off her hedgehog coat and turned out to be beautiful; bai gave young people six species of cattle and a festive white yurt; her husband tells him to hide his snake skin: if someone throws it into the fire, they will have to part; one day one of Bai's wives was visiting, noticed skin under the bed and threw it into the fire; the husband came back, turned into a bird and flew away; the girl followed, came to some yard; there was a woman: if you don't leave, my husband and brother-in-law will eat you; the girl told me everything, the woman hid her in the chest; the devas came: it smells like human; woman convinced them that this was not the case; when the devas left, the girl moved on; an old woman met; said that there was a bird at the top of the tree, she sleeps during the day, and cries at night: "Oh, my cattle, six species! Oh, my white holiday yurt! Oh, my beautiful wife!" The girl followed the tree and grabbed the bird by the tail. The couple reunited, achieved their goals and desires]: Aimbetov 2014a: 22-23; Karakalpaks [childless ruler: if I have children, I will fill one pool with water and the other with honey; his wife gave birth, the ruler fulfilled her promise, named her son Adisher; one day, by the pool set up by the ruler, an old woman was collecting water, and the ruler's son began to throw stones at her; old woman to the boy: it would be better if you brought Anargul ("pomegranate flower"); when the young man was 17 years old, he asked that old woman where to look for A.; she told him to go years without fear of wild animals and go to another old woman; another sent her to the top of the mountain; there you have to take tulpara, he will travel three months in three days; at A.'s door, aydarhi dragons; the young man walked past them to the garden where the dev slept under a pomegranate tree; tore off five grenades, sat on a tulpara and drove away; He cut four grenades on the way, four of them girls appeared, asked for water and bread, he gave them as they asked, but they died; he brought the fifth grenade to the old woman; she ordered it to be cut by the water; if he asked for water, give it bread, if she asks for bread, give her water; the young man brought the girl, had a feast for 40 days; achieved his goals and desires]: Aimbetov 2014a: 112; Uighurs: Kabirov 1963 (Almaty region) ["Adil-Asker healed peacefully with his father and mother, reaching the limit of his desires"; "And Kutluk and Aiguli began to live together again and lived happily ever after reaching the limit of their desires"; "Mulukdar distributed it to the residents the wealth kept in the black mazar and at the bottom of a rotten spring; he took the girls to their parents, and he began to live with his wife, working honestly, and reached the limit of his desires"; "And Coruk returned home and achieved his desires"; "Guliar, of course, forgave her husband for his recklessness, and they began to live together, achieving all their bright desires! That's it, as they say, to vassals! - all worries are over!" ; "And Hajjar and Adil reached their limits"]: 170, 200, 256, 297, 320, 331; Jarring 1948, No. 14 (recorded from a merchant who lived in Kashgar and was born in Namangan) ["They reached their wishes and desires"]: 75.